#astrid: absynthia
eremington · 5 months
After his encounter with Divya at Absynthia a few weeks ago, Elijah had a suspicion that something was up with the younger witch, but he didn't want to confront her - gently or otherwise - until he knew for sure. It had brought him to Astrid's office in Absynthia. She had to know what was happening in her club, or at the very least she would have seen Divya more. The sound of voices inside made him pause, and he waited for a moment of quiet before knocking. "Astrid? I wanted to talk with you."
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caia-sjofrid · 4 months
meeting again | astrid & caia
for: @astrid-lundquist location: absynthia
Caia was still trying to figure out how they felt about being back in Vievecor City. For one, there were those elvish ruins that she so desperately wanted to visit, on the other there was that annoying Council to deal with, but on another flip side there were people here that they had not seen in many years and it was always good to catch up.
The last message Caia had sent to Astrid had been a few years ago and it had been written on a small piece of paper, attached to the leg of a pigeon and sent to the demon. It did not contain much apart from telling Astrid that they believed she would enjoy the town of Tofo, after which Caia had ventured on to their next destination and disappeared off the radar.
She decided to surprise her demon friend that evening and turned up at her club in Hedon. Clubs were not Caia's particular brand of entertainment, but there were many things they would willingly subject themself to for a good friend and Astrid was one of them.
When pushing their way through the crowd became too tedious, Caia pulled one of the servers close and asked them to send a message to Astrid Lundquist, telling her that there was an elf looking for her. Now all Caia had to do was wait.
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vievecorcityrp · 9 months
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GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Demon (Underworld Demon)
AGE: ~1200
OCCUPATION: Owner of Absynthia
When she was a young lass, her homeland was wracked with turmoil. She spent every day helping her mother take care of her younger siblings as her father and elder brother fought for their home and their values. As the fight dragged on, Astrid soon found herself called to the battlefield. She brought her focus and motivation as her finest assets, dedicated to protecting her family. One morning as she prepared for the battle ahead, a man approached and the two of them spoke for a long while. He seemed to have a warmer energy to him than the atmosphere around them. He left her with a blessing and she carried that with her into battle. She managed to survive and return, meeting with him again. This pattern continued with them meeting and conversing in the brief time between battles with him blessing her each time. She survived many battles, thanks to his blessings in her mind, but she eventually was slain, an honorable death on the battlefield.
When she opened her eyes, she wasn't in the hall of the fallen. Instead, she was gazing up into the face of the man she spoke to all those times. Her mind was still recovering, but she managed to understand what he was saying, offering her a second chance to watch over her people. Opening her eyes again, she could feel the changes in her body but it was brief before it was stripped from her and she was sent somewhere, her soul unrestful. After some time, the man appeared again, convincing her to come with him. She agreed, but her soul was different now. No longer was she the pure heart that she was as a young woman. Now she had felt pain and suffering in all forms and it had changed her.
As she moved through the world as a demon, she saw and interacted with the world differently. She wasn't shy or scared, she was strong, or perhaps stubborn, and determined to make the most of this second chance that she received. She stayed by the man's side, being his ever-present companion. Their relationship evolved and changed over the years, from the adoration and admiration she had as a human to a variety of positive and negative emotions. They spent long enough together, after all. Still, she remains by his side, seeing him as a mentor and a friend, as well as owing her life as a demon to him.
PERSONALITY: Playful, determined, driven, stubborn, chaotic, selfish
BLOG: @astrid-lundquist
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ABSYNTHIA is the biggest demon-run nightclub in the district of Hedon. Taking up an entire abandoned warehouse that was built in the 1800s, this club is popular amongst all the inhabitants of Vievecor City because it often boasts the best line-up of techno DJs in the world. 
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The main room of this club is focused on techno with state of the art sound systems and almost floor to ceiling subwoofers set to bring the house down every night. There are smaller rooms on the second level featuring house music.
The club’s opening hours are from 8pm to 8am every day.
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What some unwitting humans and supernatural patrons do not know is that Absynthia is also a club where they can enter with their soul, but their body might leave with another. (See the spirit ability ‘body-hopping’ HERE.) 
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Demons, spirits and dark witches prowl this club to tempt and trick these patrons into surrendering their bodies by making deals or going into demon contracts with them known as exchanges. This is especially tempting to humans who believe that they are being promised the ‘most transcendental experience of their lives’. Supernaturals are less likely to be tricked, but this is not always the case. 
These exchanges commonly involve a person with a host body, a foreign spirit and a demon or dark witch who brokers the deal. In these exchanges, the foreign spirit is able to take hold of a host body and exist in it for the length of time stipulated in the deal. During this time the soul of the host body will exist as a spirit and be able to experience everything about being a spirit before a demon or dark witch can help to remove the foreign spirit from the host body. This does not often pan out as demons and dark witches have been known to revoke the deal/contract without reason.
This makes Absynthia a dangerous place to enter, but given the lawlessness of Hedon and the technical lack of loss of life and deals being struck, there is little that the other species can do about these exchanges.
Some roles/jobs in Absynthia include: (only demons can apply for these roles)
Owner of Absynthia (1/1) - The owner of Absynthia must be an Underworld demon.
@astrid-lundquist​ (1/1 Club Owner)
Bouncer of Absynthia (0/1) - The bouncer of Absynthia is responsible for curating the clientele of the club by granting or denying access to people at the door. They also act as club security even though not much is needed.
(0/1 Bouncer)
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