#at least if i found a master's programme to do i wouldn't be starting all over again you know?
placeofwonder · 2 years
currently seriously considering going back to my original plan of translation and/or doing a master's degree because teaching feels overwhelming and exhausting and I'm very tired
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nadziejastar · 5 years
Introducing Skuld into the castle experiments story didn't even have to come at the expense of Kairi, Isa, and Lea. There were supposed to many victims, adding one more wouldn't be too much of a stretch. But I guess they wanted to make Subject X unique, so the stories of others were harmed so she would stand out more.
Yes, I have thought the exact same thing. It would have made 100 times more sense if they were ALL test subjects. Then it would actually feel believable that they’d feel a close bond with this girl. There was no need to make them apprentices of all things. 
But I’ve also wondered if there was a different reason Lea and Isa’s story was altered. Was it because the original experiments into the “darkness of the heart" were deemed too dark and had to be censored? Unfortunately, I find this very possible.
Were The Experiments Into The “Darkness of the Heart” Censored By Disney?
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Alter- Our usage is trying to follow the programmers usage of this word. A dissociated part of the mind which has a separate identity and is given cue codes by the mind-control programmers, to trigger that dissociated part of the mind to come to the front of the mind. The alter’s identity may be a gem, rock, a tape recorder, a poodle, a white kitten, a dove, a horse, or even think of itself as a person or a demon. It all depends on its programming.
Alter Fragment- An alter is different from an alter fragment in that the alter fragment is a dissociated part of the mind which serves only a single purpose. The programmers will give an alter a history, and insure that shadow alters will provide a full range of accessible emotions. Sometimes the distinctions between alters and alter fragments is vague, but examples from the two ends of the spectrum are easy to tell apart.
Switching–This is when one part (fragment) of the mind takes over from another, or in simple terms, this is when one alter personality (or alter fragment) takes the body from the alter which is holding the body. Switching can occur via the Programmers’ codes for calling up alters, or by external or internal stimuli that trigger an alter to come out. Switching will usually cause at least a flicker of the eyes, and for outside observers, who know the different personalities, they will observe another personality take the body.
It’s possible this MK Ultra-inspired subplot would have been seen as inappropriate for a franchise that needed to reach as wide of an audience as possible. Maybe it was fine in the past when the series was more obscure and flew under Disney’s radar. But once the series got so big, Disney took notice and put the brakes on it? The cancelled game was called A Fragmentary Passage. And maybe the memory experiments with Skuld were created to take the attention away from the previously mentioned experiments on darkness.
There’s a lot of rumors about Disney being linked to various mind control programs. I think most people have seen stuff like that on Youtube. Many celebrities, including former Disney channel actors and actresses are believed to be victims of mind control. When Britney Spears had her famous mental breakdown, the subject was talked about a lot. And some say that Disney movies were also used for mind control programming. Like Alice in Wonderland or Peter Pan. Here’s an example:
TINKERBELLE PROGRAMMING (never grow up/alien)
Capt’n or Cap’n (captain) represents the programmer in Peter Pan programming. Tinkerbelle is a young alter created under Peter Pan programming. ‘TRANCE DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL RIGHT FROM YOUR OWN BACKYARD. THE DIMENSIONS OF YOUR PYRAMID ARE TO BE 9 BYE 9 BYE 9 BYE.”
Alien programming (also involves Peter Pan programming)
“RIDE THE LIGHT” - Peter Pan programming meaning to go into hypnotic induction attached to a light that is seen when given a high voltage shock. This is given to make experiences seem like they occur in another dimension.
Creeeepy. Maybe Disney didn’t want that type of content associated with a game under their brand, thinking it would fuel more Illuminati conspiracies?
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Wizard of Oz Programming
Over the rainbow in Oz is for the Monarch slave to be in a trance, and into a certain area of the programming. To be fluctuating at both ends as an observer and not a participant or to go to the other extreme and become a participant. The theme song of the movie goes, “Somewhere over the Rainbow…there’s a land where the dreams that you dare to dream really come true.” These lyrics are a method to hypnotically confuse the brain to perceive that the “over the Rainbow experience” (which is usually horrible abuse) is a “dream”.
The dissociative mind is only too happy to call the trauma a dream, which is lived as a reality for a moment, but is nevertheless recorded by the mind as a fantasy. The term for this is cryptoamnesia, which means the process where the proper functioning of memory is hypnotically messed up. The slave’s internal world becomes “reality” and the external real world becomes the Land of Oz which is perceived as make-believe.
I have always found the subject of government mind control very interesting, and have read many books about it over the years. It’s a big reason I found Lea and Isa’s story so utterly fascinating and overflowing with potential. And it’s why I am so mad at how terribly it was handled.
Tin Man Programming
The Tin Man programming is all purpose versatile program for what ever the master needs done, it means that the slave is a well oiled machine. Sometimes the slave is reluctant to do a job but he is being told that he is a well oiled machine. The exact words may vary with the mission, but the following are exact words, “LEAVE YOUR SHELL. ACTIVATE: MACHINE. COUNT DOWN ONE TO TIN….” “SOON WE’LL HAVE YOU PURRING LIKE A WELL OILED MACHINE. ALL OF YOUR MOVING PARTS ARE PIVOTAL AND GLIDING WITH EASE. MELT INTO MY HANDS. TAKE MY COMMANDS. I’LL HOLD YOUR JAW TO KEEP IT FROM SLIPPING WHILE YOU SLIP THROUGH A WINDOW IN TIME.”
There’s something called the Tin Man programming.
The programming that is related to the Tin Man produces a monarch slave which is described as “A WELL OILED MACHINE” by the handlers. U.S. Sen. Allen Simpson, one of the perpetrators of the Monarch Program, referred to the Tin Man programming when he told a slave “THESE ARE BUT EMPTY SHELLS OF THE LIFE THEY WERE ONCE POSSESSED. LIKE YOU ARE–EMPTY AND VOID OF LIFE.”
Book 3 Ozma of Oz: “I am only a ma-chine, and can-not feel sor-row or joy, no mat-ter what hap-pens.” This is teaching mechanical dissociation, and coincides with Tin Man programming.
I think THIS is the true reason why Saïx hated Xion so much.
Day 150: Dealing with Xion
As expected, the Duplicate is starting to show its limits. The Program showed promise, but a puppet is just a puppet: something to be toyed with until it breaks. I am utterly at a loss as to what Roxas and Axel see in that thing. How best to dispose of it merits my consideration going forward.
She’s a machine. He can’t see her as anything else. And he went through Tin Man programming, so he subconsciously remembers being called a “well-oiled machine”. And to make matters worse, she has a HEART. It’s only natural he’d despise her. I can’t even blame him, honestly.Stuff like this is why I found him so utterly fascinating. And why I thought his characterization in KH3 was a total JOKE. 
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“SILENCE!” is both in the movie and a command of the Oz Programming. This word SILENCE stands for a code of “no talk” which runs deep in the mind of the slave. As in the movie, certain slave alters will talk to their masters as Dorothy did, “If you please, Sir…” The keys (and triggers) to control the switching of personalities and to give orders are frequently based on Wizard of Oz material.
There’s also silence programming. Having one’s mouth covered is thought to be a sign of someone who has been mind-controlled.
“Very well.” Finally, Xemnas stifled his laughter, though he still sounded intensely amused. “You’re reinstated into the organization.”
“But—!” Saïx jumped to his feet again. At that, Xemnas’s smile disappeared.
“Silence,” he growled, returning his attention to Axel. “Where are Naminé and the boy?”
Look how he growled at Saïx when he said “silence”. Sheesh.
In the Round Room, Saïx looked up at Xemnas high above. “Are you sure we’re dealing with Xion and Roxas the right way?”
His tone was markedly different from usual, as if he spoke to an old friend rather than a superior.
Saïx grows more and more obedient as Days goes on. He becomes more and more one with Xehanort, his mind control handler/programmer.
“Is the device functioning properly?” Xemnas inquired. He and Saïx were the only ones in the Round Room.
“Yes, sir. Luxord and Demyx have been placing them in various worlds before Roxas visits.” Saïx couldn’t fathom what Xemnas’s true objective might be.
“Sora or Xion—it matters not. But we need one of them under our control. Bear that in mind.”
Saïx nodded, and a serene smile came to Xemnas’s face. If that smile meant anything, it was beyond him.
When Saïx nods at Xemnas obediently, he smiles serenely. Veeery creepy. 
The codes for slaves follow patterns. There are standard and unique codes. The internal programming alters have the power to change codes if they need to protect the programming.
They will have to hypnotically work with alters when they trance out at night. In other words, most of their programming of front alters will be done when a System lies down for “sleep”–more accurately described as “for trance.”
Fits the “sleep” theme KHBBS and KH3D had.
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Scarecrow Programming
Monarch slaves are threatened with fire, like the Scarecrow. They also see people dismembered like the Scarecrow was dismembered. For them it is not an idle threat. The front alters also have hearts full of pain like Scarecrow. Certain alters are not given courage and most have their hearts taken from them.
The alters who are programmed not to have hearts are hypnotically told the same thing the Tin Man says, “I could be human if I only had a heart.” Some alters are taught they are stupid and have no brain. Scarecrow is asked the question, “How can you talk without a brain?” Scarecrow answers, “Some people without a brain can do a lot of talking.”
There’s also programming involving fire, and brainwashing the person by telling them they have no heart. Sounds kinda familiar.
Vexen: Unnngh… Axel, wh…why…?
Axel: You sure love to talk. It’s about time you shut up — forever.
Vexen: No… Don’t do it…!
Axel: We’re nobodies, Vexen. We’ve got no one to be — but we still “are.” So look on the bright side. You’re off the hook. Now you can be nothing instead of just being nobody.
Vexen: M-Mercy, Axel! I don’t want to…go yet…
Axel: NOW you can tell me I don’t respect my elders.
Can’t blame Axel for killing him.
Delta–This is a Greek letter shaped like a triangle which symbolizes change in calculus. It has become a favorite word to use in naming things for the occult elite. Delta teams are 4 person assassination teams which usually are secret teams. Delta Forces is an elite unit that operates under the Joint chiefs of staff that is made up of highly trained total mind-controlled slaves. Delta models are slaves whose sole purpose is assassination. Delta alters are alters within an Illuminati alter system which are programmed to be assassins. These alters are often some of the deepest in a system and in a Genie bottle or with Umbrella programming.
Delta is shaped like a triangle, which is also the alchemical symbol for Fire.
Porcelain Face Programming
Fire/burning torture is used in the porcelain face programming. The charismatic branch of the satanic Network (such as the Assembly of God churches) uses porcelain face programming. This is done by using wax masks upon the victim, and giving them fire torture. The person actually thinks that their face has melted. At that point, the programmer pretends to be a god & a hero, and tells the person he will give them a new face, a porcelain mask.
These new faces by the way, look like the ones sold in so many stores. The memories of abuse are then hypnotically hid behind the masks. To take off the masks is to abreact & burn again. If anyone touches the faces of alters with porcelain face programming, the alters will feel a burning sensation because their masks are not to be tampered with. This means that these alters have via torture & hypnosis lost their own faces! As long as these alters stay in denial of what has happened to them, they do not have to face the burn torture memories.
Is this the true backstory of Axel? It would make a lot of sense. Um. Yikes.No wonder Axel never wanted to leave the Organization, regardless of how fucked up Saïx was. He could never abandon Isa and leave him in a group like this. Never.
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Keys to the Kingdom Programming
The Catholic Church has long said, “Give me a child by the age of 5 and they will be Catholic”. The Catholic Church is one of the largest parts of the network that carries out Monarch Mind Control. It is a fact, that if the Jesuits can place in their programming–what they call the “Keys to the Kingdom” Monarch Mind Control within a child, they will control his destiny. 
One Jesuit priest is on record as stating that there is nothing he can’t make anyone do with torture. The Jesuits developed torture to a fine art in the Inquisition. Imagine the expertise they have brought to the Monarch Program which begins torturing children at 18 months onward with every sophisticated torture device invented. If the Jesuits brag that they can convince adults to do anything via torture, what about baby children?
Is this what Ventus was?
It was true that Ventus’s heart had been damaged. Master Xehanort had originally raised Ventus to become his vessel, but Ventus had proven to be too kind. Thus, Master Xehanort had split his heart into light and darkness so that he could make use of him in another way.
While he had succeeded in birthing Vanitas, Ventus had remained unconscious, broken after the removal of his heart. Though Master Xehanort had initially tried to discard Ventus after he failed to awaken, for some reason the boy had come to his senses.
In the novel, it was stated that Master Xehanort raised Ventus. Maybe he was originally just an orphan Xehanort found. Or maybe he kidnapped Ven?
Xion: But I thought we were friends.
Axel: Hey, I’m not about to tell you ALL my dark secrets. Got it memorized? I bet you keep a thing or two from me.
Roxas: I don’t have any dark secrets.
Axel: Ha ha, relax, would ya? I’m kidding.
This is another reason why I would have preferred Ventus and Roxas to be the same character. Roxas and Axel become very close. But Roxas has no memories of his past. Axel keeps his past a secret. But if Ven regained his memories, they would find out they had a very similar past. Roxas does have dark secrets. And so does Xion, which would be Kairi’s past as a test subject.
If the Programmers want, they can shatter a front alter and create a new alter to replace the original front. The abuse can be done by the victim themselves to themselves, because programming alters are given the ability to pull up horrific memories via codes. Those traumatic memories, which shattered the mind the first time, are still capable of doing it again when they are abreacted (that is relived by the body & mind).
When Ven meets Master Xehanort at the Keyblade Graveyard before he tells him about Eraqus, is this what happened? Yikes.
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In review, the elements that make up a single whole personality–family history, personal history and memories of abilities, talents and one’s self image have all been stripped from the child when the mind divides itself up into sections walled off by amnesia walls. When the programmers work with each memory part, they have the option to give it all the elements of whatever personality they want it to have. They can even make it into an animal or an inanimate object, because that little fragment has has no chance to contradict what it is being programmed to believe.  Although the memory part of the brain (which provides a person’s personality) is divided, other parts of the brain function intact.
Is this what inspired Isa’s story? MK Ultra is intimately connected to Satanic Ritual Abuse, according to the testimony of many survivors. Mind control experiments were alleged to be performed on children in connection with Satanism (and other churches). For example Michael Aquino, the founder of the Temple of Set, has a very dark history filled with ritual child sex abuse allegations, going back to the 1970′s.
The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones, but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages. It is believed many of them were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals.
Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a Satanist who was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. He also was a leader in a number of other Masonic rites as well as an OTO leader, a chief in Stella Matutina, and a MI-6 (Br. overseas intelligence) agent. His writings have been important within 20th century Satanism and with black magicians. He wrote Moonchild, first published in 1917.
If Isa was Subject X, what does that say about him? He was kidnapped as a young teen. He has an X symbolizing death on his forehead. He gets a heart fragment of a cult leader implanted inside of him. He develops amnesia afterwards. Isa is the fictional equivalent of a kidnapped and demonically-possessed child victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
The goal was to produce the “Moonchild” – a being who embodies physically a spirit deity, but not inhabited by a human soul. This being is also referred to as a “Magical Child” (essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon). The process draws heavily from rituals and magick that Crowley derived from The Babylonian Ishtar and the “Great Whore” from the biblical “Book of Revelation.”
The idea of the Moonchild is that by use of black magic, a perfect soul can be captured. The belief in reincarnation, which is prevalent among the Illuminati and Satanic groups, lends itself to the belief that souls compete for a particular embryo. On page 107- 108 of Moonchild, the idea is expressed, “To produce a man who should not be bound up in his heredity, and should have the environment which they desired for him.”
And Isa was seen as special. He was dubbed “X” for a reason.
This perfect soul in a proper person is called Homunculus. The actual rituals carried out to create a Moonchild are described in detail in three of Crowley’s writings. A vague description of the rituals can be seen by reading the book Moonchild. The ritual took place at a villa nicknamed The Butterfly Net. The villa was really an occult temple laid out in sacred geometrics. It had figures of satyrs, fauns, and nymphs. It had statues of Artemis. Lots of silver objects and crescents and 9-pointed stars were at the villa, because these objects all relate to the Moon in magic. The moon’s influence was repeatedly invoked. A small triangular silver altar to Artemis was used. Prayers were made to Artemis, and there was the reenactment of the capture of Diana by Pan.
And he does have a weapon named “Artemis”. Yikes.
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Another better way of looking at what happens is to understand that the part of the brain that records personal memory–that is the personal history memory section, is divided up into little pieces by amnesia walls built to protect itself from the repeated traumas. Each section is walled off from another section by amnesia. Each trauma has an amnesia wall built around it. Each trauma memory is sectioned off. That walled off section is a piece of memory that will be identified, and a hypnotic cue attached by the programmers that will pull it up to the conscious mind. And further, if the programmers so desire, it can be given a history, a name, a job, and developed into a full-blown personality.
The programming is not designed to damage these areas, only to control what emotions they contain are linked in memory to the various memory fragments that will be made into personalities. The reticular formation is the location of the brain’s mechanism which determines the state of consciousness all the way from alert, to hypnotic trance, to sleep, to coma. It interacts with the frontal lobes and the rest of the brain. Each memory is a function of several parts of the brain working together.
This all fits into the “bits and pieces of something whole” theme of A Fragmentary Passage was supposed to revolve around.
“Well, it’s a break, in a sense… Xemnas also went out, you see.”
“Hmm… it’s rare for him to go out,” Luxord said, quietly, tidying the cards.
“No, he goes here and there fairly often. Because now is a very important time for the organisation.”
“What’s very important?” Axel asked, peering into Xigbar’s face.
“The world is moving. We’ve gotta be worried about own fragment’s movement, right?”
“Fragment?” Luxord leaned his head to one side.
“The rest is a secret,” said Xigbar, teasingly, getting off the table and starting to walk. “Be really careful not to let them use you.”
At Xigbar’s words, Axel and Luxord looked at each other.
This is a really interesting part of the Short Stories novel. Xigbar is privy to something going on, while Axel and Luxord are not. And it involves a “fragment”. This was no doubt supposed to foreshadow A Fragmentary Passage. They had ideas for that story planned all the way back when the KH2 Novels were written. It sucks that we’ll never know what it’s all about.
When a Monarch slave sees an hour glass they may switch, but basically it is a reminder that the slave masters have the power to run a person’s time out. One slave was told, “The sand that sifts through the hourglass is a measure of your worthiness to live or die.” The hour glass shape is basically two triangles which touch at their peaks, or an X configuration with the tops of the X having lines.
Young Xehanort’s Keyblade has an hourglass keychain. Master Xehanort switched to Isa to attack Lea at the end of KH3D.
We can practice unconditional love, peace and Harmlessness. This helps to integrate and heal our Fragments to unify, as well as neutralize any Negative Emotional Energy in the environment. When we stop feeding the energy reversals, they are gradually taken offline. When we can hold compassionate witnessing and refuse to be triggered into negative emotional states, we are refusing to be manipulated and siphoned by the negative entities. Additionally, truly empathic and unconditionally loving humans may also gain the spiritual power to recollect and transit the consciousness Fragments of sacrificed children and traumatized people that are trapped in the earth realms, and this is an important service we can do to help heal the earth.
Furthermore, the concept of soul fragmentation and soul retrieval is big in various esoteric and New Age circles. They believe they can help child victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and mind control, who are trapped in the earth’s astral realms. Isa’s character seems largely inspired by this concept. Which I must say, is incredibly unique. I’ve never seen another character with a story like that. It’s very cool and extremely fascinating and I have to give Nomura and the writers credit.
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Beltaine with hunts of slaves, fire festivals, and blood rituals
Bride of Satan Ceremony
Demon revels
Drawing down the moon
Druid Feast Day on Jan. 1
Duels to the death like gladiators where the heart is cut out and eaten
Grail Mass, the Grand Climax human sacrifice & sex rituals
Invocation of Hecate as Crone
Lammas sabbat where a female is sacrificed
Pathworking (done before 16 with Cabalistic Tree of Life pathways.)
Rite of Deification Rod of Light ceremony (consists of text from Cabala, black candles, ram’s horn blown, and victim’s mother’s name sounded)
Sealing ceremony at 19 yrs. for Mothers of Darkness level
Secret ceremony where people paint their faces half black and half white.
Sister of Light rebirthing water ceremony (victim is bound and then pulled from water and wrapped up in linen, and a green branch is place on the chest)
St. Agnes Eve St. Bartholomew’s Day
St. Walpurgis
Summer Soltstice Orgy
A list of occult ceremonies.
Note the ceremony called “drawing down the moon”.
For those who are not familiar with occult terms the following are ritual items: Paten (the holy dish), Athame or Glaive (the knife used to sacrifice with), the wand or sceptre (an ornamental staff which represents authority & usually has an electric shock), and the censer (to distribute burning fragrance)
Xemnas’ Ethereal Blades fit the bill here. The Recusant’s Sigil is also a symbol of authority.
In upper level Illuminati slaves, Dorothy in the Oz story will represent the Mother of Darkness alters, Ozma will represent the Ruler of the Castle, and Glinda will have the Great Book of Records. The ring of Glinda gives protection.
Xemnas is the master of the castle.
‘‘I’ve come a long long way to see you” -Words to say by System to John or to person to be met. There is an endless variety of contact phrases to indicate that the right person has met the right person.
“I’ve been to see him. He looks a lot like you.”
End-time Activation Codes
Most slaves have end-time programming. When a slave is called in with end-time programming they have pages upon pages of coded messages. A number of Monarch slaves have been de-programmed enough that they began accessing and spewing out pages and pages of these activation codes. Part of a sample of one of these is as follows:
A team leader will have a down line of around 4 people–which are coded red ray, yellow ray, green ray, blue ray. When the activation code hits a slave team leader during the end times, they will in turn activate their people, who in turn will have people who are team leaders and have a down line. At least two false callback alarms will be sounded (tested) before the real one.
There’s something called end-times programming. Now look at these passages from the Short Stories novel. It’s from the same story that mentioned the “fragment”.
“Won’t you keep it in moderation? It’s loud, I can’t sleep.”
“Not being able to sleep cause of the noise is kinda, well, human-like, isn’t it?” Demyx said, smiling. His hand kept moving over the strings.
“Fool. Nobodies need rest too. A terrible force is moving this world. We gotta rest to store up power.”
“The world? I dunno nothing about that. I dunno anything you members from the old days are thinking,” Demyx spat in a loud voice, continuing to play the sitar. Xaldin frowned in displeasure, and disappeared.
Demyx’s sitar continued to play.
Xaldin was privy to the same thing Xigbar was. Demyx was clearly not. Yeah, I always thought Xaldin was important in some way.
Who the hell made the neon lights in this city?
Axel looked up at the pitch dark sky.The sky of this world is completely black, with no moon or stars, like it’s pressing down.
“Where do you intend on going?”The person who calls out like they’ve been watching me all along, in a place like this. It never fails to be him.Saïx.
“Anywhere’s good, right?” Axel said, without turning around, pulling his hood over his face.
“Don’t leave this world without a mission.”
“This place is suffocating,” Axel said, as he started walking.
“…Can’t you hear the world’s screams?”
Axel finally turned around, and looked up at Saïx standing on a stairway.
“The time when we should move will come soon.”
“I dunno, whatever.” Axel turned his back on Saïx, and opened a dark portal in front of him.
Saïx was privy, too. But he might just be reciting programmed code. Axel was definitely creeped out, though. Weeeeird. I can’t imagine how he felt after watching his friend get turned into a mind-controlled zombie robot. Poor Axel.
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CHI (return to cult)
Chi programming uses a lot of idiosyncratic phrases, and little ditties. Some of the nursery rhymes listed in the song section will be Chi programming. Some of the Chi programming has been listed in the Alpha programming section.
This is why Xehanort is always able to find them with the X. It’s why he retrieved Isa. He had to return to the cult.
OMEGA (Internal Computers)
The Omega programming works along with an Executive Control Board (or Grand Druid Council) and Internal programmers. The Executive Control Board is associated with both numbers of the clock, and precious gems and metals such as “9 O’CLOCK GOLD”. The Beast computer can be accessed with Scripture triggers associated with the Vision of Daniel of the Beast, and its ten toes. The Ten Toes are important part of the code in some models. Program numbers on some slaves are put in by touching the third eye with the index finger and speaking the number.
Saïx was given the scar on his third eye, a new name with an X in it, and a number in the Organization. “As you flesh bears the sigil, so shall your name be known as that of a Recusant”.
The Traumatization and Torture of The Victim
The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas, form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their System of alters is being used.
This is no doubt what Xehanort wanted to do to Isa. Leave him completely blank for programming purposes. But Ansem intervened and restored his memories.
As a child begins its programming, it is monitored in a fashion similar to hospitals where charts are filled and then these charts are filed. Tests and evaluations are done regularly. Goals are set which are six month programming goals. These will say in effect, we need to accomplish this by doing a, b, c, d in the next six months.
This was probably Kairi, Lea, and Isa’s situation. Think about the notes on Subject X.
A male Monarch victim remembers a large hanger building at China Lake with a concrete floor and row after row of cages suspended from the ceiling filling the large building. One of the Programmers was dressed similar to a Catholic Priest. The electric current that ran to the cages made a hum, like an electric fence. There was a marble slab that served as an altar where black-hooded robed people would take a bone handled knife and sacrifice little children in front of the other children in the cages.
Would explain the cages. Organization XIII is actually really disturbing and horrifying if you think about it. It’s basically a Satanic Cult.
Along with the suicide programs that can be triggered are programs that jerk the victim’s mind every which way, which include: Bee Stinging Program (put in by placing the drugged victim being near large swarms of bees humming & then letting a bee(s) sting the victim). Cutting programs are often hidden behind the Bee Swarming program.
One of Xigbar’s weapons is named “Killer Bee”. Did he give Isa the scar? Would NOT surprise me one bit.
The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind-control is the ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from generation to generation.
A sense of time & a sense of self are attached to autobiographical memories–these things are stripped of an alter as it functions within the programming. Memory storage is also linked to the brain’s state of mind at the time. Hormones released at the time of an experience will modulate the strength of the memory of that experience. The limbichypothalamic system of the brain (which consists of the amygdala, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, fornix, septum, certain nuclei of the thalamus, and the Papez circuit) has a central modulating part which interacts with peripheral hormones. Peripheral epinephrine will be released if the amygdala is electrically stimulated. The adrenal medulla releases epinephrine that is vital for memory storage. In other words, there are hormones which help the brain remember or not.
The experiments were all about getting a subject to renounce their sense of self.
The mind of the victim is not only divided from itself, but the very process of torture, makes the victim distrustful of humans in general. On top of this distrust, the programmers will layer in programming to isolate the person from healthy relationships, which in turn increases the victim’s feeling of helplessness. They are divided from their own parts (their own self) and the world in general.
Yeah, Isa needed the power of waking. Badly. This is why the story left such a bad taste in my mouth, and why I complain so much about it. Isa was kidnapped and forcefully inducted into a Satanic cult as child, through use of mind control techniques. It just infuriates me that poor Isa was not rescued from this disgusting shit! I could never consider that a good ending. Fuck no.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: They reckon they know who that bitch is so they gonna go see her, see if Edie is there or where she is if she ain't Buster: Well that's something Buster: Jesus Rio: Yeah, I don't hold much hope of her being useful personally but there we go Buster: Yeah me either Buster: Christ, I reckoned it was bad but Rio: I know Buster: Fuck my ego for a sec, I could barely hold her back Rio: Yeah it's scary shit Rio: really scary Rio: where's she even getting it Buster: Indie's been asking around, using her 'connections' as she calls 'em but I don't have a fucking clue Rio: I'll kill them Rio: I'll kill him Buster: You know I can't let you, babe Rio: I know you can't stop me Buster: I can Buster: I will Rio: Why Rio: he deserves it Buster: Yeah he does Buster: But you don't Buster: You know what'd happen and I ain't letting it Rio: Well what the fuck can I do then Rio: I'm sick of feeling helpless Rio: being useless Buster: Come home Buster: Indie's here and you ain't useless to her Buster: Or me Rio: I can't Rio: I've got to keep an eye on the rest and wait to hear Buster: Alright Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Rio: For fuck sake Rio: she looked bad Rio: she looked skinny, didn't she Buster: Yeah Buster: And older Buster: Not in a dressed for the club kinda way Rio: This is just Rio: what do we actually do Buster: If we can find her we can force her to get clean since she's actually a fucking kid Buster: But that first part is easier said than done, like Rio: It all is Rio: if she don't want it Buster: She's 15 she don't get a choice Buster: Not in this Rio: Yeah Rio: make her the hospital's problem and she still won't be with us Rio: clean but no better either Buster: Clean's a fucking start Buster: If you want her to get to 16 Rio: What they gonna do, keep her indefinitely, I don't think so Rio: don't be ignorant Buster: Keep her until she's slightly less unreachable than she is now Buster: At least Rio: Yeah 'cos she'll be buzzin' about being sectioned Buster: She ain't gonna be happy regardless Buster: What's the alternative? Buster: None of your fam is equipped to deal Rio: Fuck you Buster: Fuck me 'cause that's a fact? Yeah sure Buster: She's on hard shit that she can't just come off and what, you want her to do that in a house full of kids? Buster: But I'm ignorant Rio: Fuck you for talking like it's easy and you have any clue Buster: Show me where I've said that Rio: You're doing it right now Rio: Judging like we ain't doing enough Buster: Are they? Buster: 'Cause I ain't seeing it Buster: You said yourself it's all on you the other day so don't act like they're sainted now Rio: Well not all problems can be solved by sending your kids away Buster: No problems can be solved by letting your kids do whatever the fuck they want Buster: I don't know how any of our parents ain't realized that yet Rio: Have you ever tried to stop any of us Rio: it ain't that simple, I don't think it's their fucking master plan of parenting Buster: It ain't my job Buster: They haven't got a plan, I don't see why I'm getting it in the neck from you for telling it like it is Rio: Exactly Rio: so you don't know and that's why Rio: you're talking shit Rio: just stop yeah Buster: Fuck that Buster: This fam got lucky up to this point, that's all Buster: They don't know what to do about Edie 'cause they ain't ever known what to do with any of us Rio: How is this helpful for me to hear right now Buster: You don't want helpful you want someone to have a go at and it can't be them so its me Rio: No, I really want helpful Rio: but you ain't it Rio: just go away, I haven't got time for this Buster: Standard Buster: And actually fuck you 'cause everything I do is to help you Rio: I don't need help Rio: this is about Edie Buster: Well I've said my piece on that already Buster: So whatever Rio: Yeah Rio: thanks so much for your illuminating perspective Rio: Christ Buster: What do you want? Buster: I'm as lost as you are Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Just admit it and deal with it Buster: I'm still wearing the marks from where I had to drag her halfway across a club Buster: Excuse me if I'm reeling Buster: I didn't realise there was such a small time limit on dealing with last night, like Rio: Roll with the punches, babe Rio: Standard Buster: Fuck off Rio: Gladly Rio: Got enough here to deal with Buster: I swear to god Buster: If you keep treating me like a problem to deal with you're actually gonna have one Buster: I care about her too Buster: I have feelings too Rio: We all do Buster: Act like it then Buster: You started this convo, if you don't wanna talk to me right now, don't Rio: There isn't time Rio: fuck your feelings, fuck mine too Rio: it's an emergency and I'm keeping you in the loop my God Buster: Don't do me any favours Buster: Someone else will get round to it eventually Rio: Don't be childish Rio: it's for Indie more than it is you Buster: You ain't told me anything I can tell her Buster: Don't act like you have Buster: There's no answers Rio: They're out right now finding her Rio: And you didn't want me to go with so what the fuck else can I do Rio: just 'cos you feel useless don't act like they are Buster: We both know they ain't gonna find shit Buster: It ain't about what they are doing or not doing it's about what Edie is Buster: She doesn't want to be found so she won't Rio: Well she don't wanna go to rehab either but you apparently think that's the answer all of a sudden Buster: It's a better one than doing nothing Buster: So sue me, babe Rio: Go make it happen then Rio: oh wait, you can't Rio: you're being really fucking irritating Buster: So leave Buster: Go follow along after them and see how much better it makes things Rio: I told you I'm looking after the others Rio: are you actually on this planet right now like hello Rio: get with the programme even if you can't get behind it Buster: And you've told me repeatedly that ain't where you wanna be and its all my fault supposedly so Buster: Stop feeling useless if you've got so much to apparently do Rio: You gonna come here and stop them crying? Rio: I don't fucking think so Rio: Yeah, it ain't ideal but what else is new Buster: Nah, I'm gonna stay here and make sure Indie ain't alone Buster: But that's probably wrong of me too, like Rio: Don't be stupid Buster: I ain't Buster: Don't talk to me like I am Rio: Then stop giving me needless stress Buster: Behave Rio: Just Rio: this is going to get so much worse Rio: and I already can't hack it Buster: You think I don't know that? Buster: I was there, I saw her Rio: We haven't seen the half of it Buster: Exactly Buster: We need to stick together Rio: How Buster: Stop fighting me and I'll stop fighting you Buster: And we'll just fucking do better than this Buster: Somehow Buster: I love you and I'm sorry Rio: Don't be sorry Rio: What can you do more than any of us can Buster: Not be a cunt to you right now for one thing Buster: That'd help Buster: Look, I'm gonna stay for a while, okay. Fuck school, that's easily sorted compared to all this Rio: No, you can't Buster: I can Buster: I will Rio: You need to focus on you right now Buster: I'll get my work sent like I did before Buster: Don't worry about me Rio: No, don't you worry about this Buster: It's too late, I already am Rio: Like you said, she's staying gone Rio: No matter how many heads are on the case Buster: I might not be able to help her but I can help you Buster: Indie too Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Buster: I told you to stop fighting me, yeah? Rio: Yeah but Buster: But nothing, I can resit any exam if it comes to that Buster: You're more important Buster: This whole fam of fuck ups is, even if I wish I didn't care Rio: This is your future you're talking about, like Rio: not to sound like a teacher Buster: Shut up Buster: You're my future Buster: Not to sound like that cunt Rio: Babe Buster: Let me stay Rio: You know you'll have to talk to your parents Rio: and they're not gonna be happy Buster: I'll handle it Rio: If you're sure Rio: I'm not gonna stop you, am I Buster: Good Rio: Are you sure? Buster: 'Course Buster: I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't Rio: You might've, it's been Rio: well, a wild few hours, say the least Buster: Well, I'm sure Buster: And not only 'cause I'm very much needed over here with this kid Rio: I mean, terms of running away from your problems, not exactly doing it right Rio: so Buster: God, I wish Buster: A holiday's never sounded better Rio: Yeah Rio: Can't blame her Rio: holiday from reality, like Buster: Fucking tempting Rio: Exactly Rio: though her pal was enough to put anyone off Buster: Seriously Rio: That's how she wants to be Rio: it's Rio: I don't get it Rio: she's so smart Rio: like my mum Rio: she could do anything, if she wanted Buster: Yeah Buster: She has to want to though Buster: That's the fucked thing Rio: Yeah Rio: you can't make someone give a shit about life Rio: not saying you give up on them but if it ain't enough then it ain't Buster: There you go being right again, even if we don't want you to be this time Buster: When did she stop? Remember when she was little, she was as happy as any of us Buster: Happier than me, Christ Rio: Yeah Rio: I don't know, when we came back here for good Rio: when people were talking and she listened Rio: pointing out she ain't the same Rio: it's like she didn't know or notice before that Buster: Maybe she didn't Buster: Why would she? Buster: Before people made her, like Rio: Then she had to be around him Rio: and Indie Rio: no offense but that's how it is Buster: Yeah Buster: I wonder how she'd have been if you'd lived somewhere else Rio: Probably alright Rio: I mean Rio: who fucking knows Rio: it's too late to speculate Rio: it felt like the right thing at the time, they already had enough guilt leaving Indie that long Rio: then Drew went to prison for the first time and the hope was he'd sort it for them both but well Buster: That fucking cunt Buster: It wouldn't be half as bad if he felt any guilt himself Rio: Yeah Rio: he's hardly lived or living a happy life himself but doesn't make up for fucking up theirs really Buster: Especially now he's doing it again with another daughter Buster: No lessons learnt Rio: I can't believe Ro let it happen Rio: has she not been here Buster: Me either Buster: What the fuck Rio: Does she really think it's different with her Rio: not now, illusion properly shattered Rio: at least my ma didn't know Buster: I refuse to buy into that bullshit Buster: She has to know the truth Buster: They haven't been stupid kids for a long time and he was doing that shit to her back then, like Buster: How could anyone see how he treated Indie's mum and be like yeah, I wanna have a kid with that Rio: Yeah well she almost hated her as much as she hates herself, like Rio: she weren't shedding any tears Buster: So fucked Buster: Like she was the mess and he's the savior, stepping up for the kid she died and left behind, fuck that Buster: We all saw how it really played out Rio: Yeah, never mind he got her in that state Rio: and she knew he was a dealer back then, it's never not been obvious Rio: No one better tell her about Edie, I don't want her fake care Buster: Or her obvious judgement Buster: She knew he was Edie's dad too, that's never been a secret, how does that fit the narrative, Auntie? Buster: Not pulling any heroics for that one, was he? Rio: Now I'm just angry Rio: I wouldn't wanna come back either Buster: Do you wanna go to the gym later, get it out? Buster: I'd go now but Indie won't stop throwing up and the dog won't stop getting in the way Rio: Fun Rio: I guess Rio: I don't know what I want to do that I can so Rio: better suggestion than I've got rn Buster: I'll let you fight me Buster: Not saying I'll let you win but Buster: It'll help, I swear Rio: Got it, your ego's battered enough for one day Buster: Nah, just anger doesn't make you grow, last I checked Buster: Your sister might be able to take me, but you can't Rio: 😒 Rio: Shut up Buster: Come on, babe Buster: Aren't you motivated to punch me now? Buster: You're welcome Rio: Hmm Rio: that's how the trainer's do it, is it? Buster: I never said I was qualified Buster: Just enthusiastic Rio: Now you're making me laugh Rio: such mixed messages Buster: I'm not mad about it Rio: I love you Buster: I love you more Rio: Nah Rio: wanna fight about it? Buster: Yeah Buster: I do Rio: Hot Buster: Don't Buster: I already miss you Rio: Well it is Rio: you know I weren't just bringing Janis to watch you fight for entirely selfless reasons Buster: Yeah? Buster: Well, you know I always looked out for you, hoping you'd show up Rio: Yeah right Buster: Seriously Buster: I'm not saying I fought better when you were watching but you can go check my results any time, like Rio: Baby Rio: now you got me feeling some type of way Buster: I just wanted to impress you Buster: Don't you know that? Rio: Well, mission accomplished, like Buster: Good 'cause you're so impressive Buster: All the time Buster: Even now with everything else that's going on I can't stop thinking about you Rio: I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there Rio: or still here now Rio: I'm so glad you're staying Buster: Me too Rio: Yeah? Rio: I know you're staying because shit's a mess but I promise Rio: it won't be all bad Buster: I know Buster: But I hope you know that if it was, I'd still want to stay Rio: I know you would Rio: but who am I Rio: not giving you any incentive? Please Buster: I want to be with you no matter what Buster: I want you Buster: So much Rio: I have no idea why right now but I'll make a special effort to remind you and myself Rio: swear Buster: I'm not gonna say no to that Buster: Or else who am I Buster: But I haven't forgotten, promise Rio: Good Rio: We've got to remember Buster: I can't forget Buster: Like I said, you're too important Rio: But I don't want that to be a negative Rio: ever Buster: It won't be Rio: I won't always be such a moody cow, like Buster: I can't promise that Buster: You know I'm the moodiest cunt going Rio: Not when you're with me Rio: I'm gonna make you so happy Buster: You do Buster: One of many reasons I'm wishing you were here right now Rio: I know Rio: This isn't fun Buster: I'll make sure you have fun later Rio: Promises, promises Buster: [sends a selfie with like a cross my heart kinda gesture thing] Rio: Nerd Rio: good thing you're so cute with it too Buster: You love it Rio: Yeah Rio: I do Buster: Good Rio: How is Indie now? Buster: I've managed to get some water down her Buster: She isn't unconscious or choking on said sick so I'll take it Rio: Oh God Rio: I will be back soon to takeover Rio: Junior picked a day to be sociable for once Buster: It's alright, even if she's poisoned herself with the booze they wouldn't do any more hardcore monitoring than I'm doing right now Buster: And any night that it's acceptable to wanna get black out drunk, like Buster: Can't blame her after all that Buster: I've done it for less Rio: Yeah Rio: Haven't we all Buster: If nothing else, it'll put her off for a while Buster: Not that she really drinks but you know Rio: Gonna have her rooting harder for team weed, like Buster: Shit yeah Buster: Good point Rio: Oh well Rio: least it can't hurt her, I mean Rio: not to dangerous levels, like Rio: lesser of the evils forreal considering what Edie's up to Buster: Agreed Buster: We've gotta pick our battles right now anyway Rio: And you're coming here to not have a kid Rio: 🙄 Buster: At least if this Chlo's is mine it'll be easy compared to this shit Rio: least 'til the kid hits puberty Buster: Don't Buster: That's so far off I'll probably have a dad bod to go with the dad stress Rio: Be alright if I'd actually signed up for this shit, you know, birthed 'em myself Buster: That'd be too easy Rio: How'd'ya mean? Buster: If this was your job you'd be doing it better Buster: We wouldn't be here Buster: You know you're the best mum ever and you ain't even one yet Rio: You're so lovely Rio: but nah Buster: You don't reckon? Rio: I don't think so Rio: I'm a mess myself, god help any kid that came from this, you know 😂 Buster: Oh my god have we found the one thing I'm right about and you ain't Buster: The day's looking up Rio: Um no Rio: hold off on the smug celebrations just yet, like Buster: Nah Buster: 'Cause you ain't a mess, you're perfect and I know it so Rio: You're funny, babe Buster: And you're perfect Buster: I'm gonna keep saying it until you believe me Rio: Well it doesn't matter anyway, 'cos you'll be pleased to know I'm not with child Buster: Pleased doesn't come close to my level of relief Buster: No offense Rio: 😏 Rio: It's alright, it's mutual Buster: One day maybe, like Buster: But that's not today Rio: Nah Rio: definitely not Buster: Thank fuck neither of us got that drunk last night Buster: I'm so fucking tired as is Rio: Can't even call you out for lack of stamina Rio: rude Buster: You could try but if you're gonna lie to me there's more worthwhile ones to tell I'm sure Rio: 😂 Buster: That's when you're meant to tell me that you'd never lie to me ever Buster: Just so you know Rio: Soz, distracted by all the potential lies I could come at you with Rio: gotta make it the most worthwhile, like Buster: 😒 Rio: Was kinda hoping Chloe was going with a fake pregnancy but now it's real it's taken the shine off that idea so Buster: She's very committed to the lie if it is Rio: Well yeah, can't half-arse it Rio: gotta get those payments or what's the point Buster: She's half arsed everything else in her like up until this point Buster: Life* Buster: Including seducing me so Rio: s'why having kids for the funds is such a good career move Buster: That is all James is good for, to be fair Rio: You know Rio: warm bed but, take a travelodge Buster: The fact that'd you'd rather stay there says it all Buster: Now you've got me laughing Rio: I'll allow the snobbery Buster: It aon Buster: It ain't even, if a night with you ain't better than 5 star, who the fuck are you Rio: 😏 Rio: Why you tryna make me miss you more though Buster: 'Cause you've already done me like that Rio: You're seriously hot, you know that Buster: Yeah but I want you to tell me Rio: Happily Rio: Not much of a hardship is it Buster: It feels like one now though Buster: Making me want you Rio: Poor baby Buster: How do you do this Buster: It's impressive and annoying Rio: I can always stop Rio: go be impressive elsewhere and to someone else, like Buster: Don't Rio: Are you sure Rio: Hate to being annoying Buster: Don't you dare Buster: You know I need you Rio: Mm Rio: Say it again Buster: I really fucking need you, Rio Rio: Fuck Rio: Buster Buster: I know Rio: Am I selfish? Buster: You're the most unselfish person I've ever met, babe Buster: There's literally nobody who cares more about other people than you Rio: But, how do I still have time to think about this Buster: 'Cause everything's fucked and it hurts and there's so little we can do Buster: Who would want to think about nothing but that? Buster: It's not selfishness its self preservation Buster: Distracting each other when things are shit is what we do Buster: You keep me sane and I keep you sane Rio: Yeah Rio: I know you're right Rio: it's hard to remember Buster: I'm here for you, whatever you need Buster: Including going away right now if you want me to Rio: I don't Buster: Tell me what you want, babe Rio: You Rio: I just want you to make me feel good Buster: You've got me, baby Buster: And I want you to feel good too Buster: I love you Rio: I know Rio: when I get back and Indie is alright can we just forget about this for a while Buster: Yeah Buster: I promise Rio: I don't care how long just as long as we can okay Rio: not even a stamina dig Buster: I'll give you as much time as I can Buster: We can at least have the night Rio: That's enough, as long as I have you Rio: do you think you'll have to go back to talk to your parents or what? Buster: You'll always have me Buster: And I'll always want you Buster: I'll call mum, but if she kicks off, maybe Rio: You've got me Rio: for fucking ever and I mean it Rio: Yeah, well, you know they won't be happy but Buster: They can't make me do anything Buster: I want to stay Rio: Might drag you back by your ear, like Buster: Good fucking luck Buster: We aren't kids and they only treat us like we are when it suits 'em Buster: We're adults when we have to handle shit they ain't Rio: Literally Rio: though I literally can't remember the last time mine tried to school me in anything Buster: Nobody else is here holding Indie's hair back, it's just me Buster: So sorry mum, deal with it Rio: You're so good Buster: I'm not Buster: I don't have a clue what I'm doing Rio: Yeah but you're trying and who else would Rio: is Buster: I don't know what to say to her Rio: Don't mix your drinks next time? Buster: It's a start, like Buster: She won't let me call Meena and she can't come to you lot the state she's in Buster: Should I just call her anyway? Rio: Well, how bad is it, like? Buster: Bad, but also I don't know what she'd do that I ain't Buster: It's a waiting game basically Rio: Leave it, June says he'll be back in 20 so I'll be back Rio: Meena wouldn't know what do any more than you, like Buster: Yeah, that's what I figured Rio: I highly doubt she's ever been in this state so Rio: let Inds sober up, if we think she needs to go talk to someone as close to Drew as she is then we'll make her but Rio: not getting sense out of her yet, like Buster: Alright Buster: Where the fuck is Junior anyway? Rio: I don't know Rio: Doing something for Uni probably? Idk Buster: Picks the worst possible time to be on a date or some shit Rio: Please Rio: He's not on a date Buster: You don't know Rio: I'd know if he was on a date Buster: How? Rio: Because I know things Rio: he's never been on a date Rio: just awkward ones with girls Buster: There's a first time for everything, babe Buster: Look at my sister, kissing half of Dublin's gay population all of a sudden Rio: 🙄 Buster: I'm just saying Rio: No, trust me, I would know Buster: Okay, babe Buster: If you say so Rio: 😒 Don't be a dick Buster: Calm down Rio: Look, I've got a handle on the rest of them, alright Rio: just 'cos I don't on Edie now Buster: I know Rio: I do Buster: Like I said, I know Rio: Sound convinced then Buster: You don't have shit to prove to me Rio: I'm not trying to Rio: just don't say I don't Buster: I wasn't saying that Rio: That's alright then Buster: Yeah Rio: Sorry Rio: I'm not trying to fight again Buster: It's alright Buster: You can fight me if you wanna, I told you Rio: I really don't want to Rio: Only in the fun ways I have imagined, like Buster: Well, I promised you fun so you can have those at least Rio: Yeah? Rio: You haven't even heard about that fantasy, you don't know what you're agreeing to Buster: I'm not saying no Buster: I only wanna say yes Rio: Keen Rio: haven't even started yet, babe Buster: Enthusiastic, remember Rio: I can tell Buster: You haven't seen nothing yet Rio: I know Rio: makes me sad Buster: [sends pics] Buster: There, now you don't need to be sad Rio: Just turned on instead, okay Rio: 😩 Buster: That's as easily fixable Rio: Cocky Buster: Confident Rio: Keeping me waiting Buster: Wouldn't wanna be too keen now, would I? Rio: 😑 Rio: Boy you better stop playing Buster: You like it when I play with you Buster: Don't pretend you don't Rio: but Buster: What? Buster: Use your words, baby Rio: You're playing too much, daddy Rio: I need you to give it to me properly Buster: [Calls 'cause sometimes you just wanna hear someone's voice, good day] Rio: I'd missed you more than I thought Buster: I'm taking that as a compliment Rio: If you want pillowtalk, gimme a sec to just Rio: fuck Rio: i'm still shaking Buster: Nah, that's all I really wanted to hear Rio: Idiot Rio: I love you Buster: I know Rio: I can't remember what I was saying when you made me cum that last time all I know is I didn't want you to stop Buster: You're so fucking beautiful Buster: I mean that in all the ways I could mean it Buster: I love you too Rio: How do you make me feel this much better Rio: it's ridiculous Buster: You know how hard I work with school and I don't even like it Buster: 'Course I'm committed to things I actually wanna do Rio: 😏 Rio: Well, I'm glad I'm one of those things, like Buster: You're the top of the list and you know it Rio: Can't act like I haven't earnt the title Buster: You keep on earning it, babe Buster: I love that about you Rio: You know, haven't got you down the aisle yet Buster: I'm ready whenever you are Rio: You know it's happening Buster: Good Buster: I want it to Rio: I know Rio: it'll be so weird to call you my husband Buster: You don't have to Buster: My name is fine, like Rio: Shh Rio: You know what I'm saying Buster: Yeah Buster: You're cute Rio: 😣 Buster: Adorable Rio: Hmpf Rio: Well you'll have to get over how lowkey turned on it makes you to call me your wife, won't you 😋 Buster: Everything you do or say makes me turned on at this point, I don't think I need to worry Buster: If I can handle that, I can handle anything Rio: 😂 Rio: If you can handle how good I looked last night Rio: waste Buster: Don't remind me Buster: Jesus Rio: I'm not sorry Buster: Stop trying to turn me on again Rio: Fine Rio: Whatever daddy wants daddy gets 🤷 Buster: It's too late now, I'm thinking about it Rio: Whoops Buster: You're so distracting Rio: You need distracting Buster: Oh do I? Rio: Yep Rio: You need it bad Buster: You sound sure Buster: Tell me what else I need Rio: I'm certain Rio: I don't need to be on your lap to know Rio: but that's what you need Rio: for a start Buster: Yeah? Rio: Trust me daddy Rio: I know how to look after you Buster: Fuck, I miss you Buster: I literally just talked to you Rio: I know but you were so focused on making me feel better Rio: it's your turn Buster: Did it work, baby? Rio: Of course it did, you made me feel so good Rio: didn't I tell you enough times Buster: It's never enough, you know that Rio: I feel that Rio: that's why I'm still missing you Rio: thinking about you Buster: We both need more Buster: What are you thinking about? Rio: About how I want so much of you in my mouth I can barely breathe, mainly Buster: Babe Rio: Yeah? Buster: Come home Rio: it feels good to say that Rio: doesn't it Buster: The best Rio: And it's an actual place, that's all ours Buster: I told you I'd find us somewhere Buster: We have it, whatever else happens Rio: and nothing bad has ever happened there Rio: there were too many bad memories in the old place Buster: And it won't Buster: You're safe Rio: I feel it Rio: I've never felt this before Buster: You're allowed to get used to it Buster: I promise the feeling isn't gonna go away Rio: I try Rio: even though it feels too good to be true Buster: You feel too good to be true Buster: But you are Rio: I really do right now, you're saying all the right things Buster: I'm thinking all the right things too, believe me Buster: You really started something Rio: I do Rio: but tell me Buster: It's that fucking outfit Buster: You know what you did Rio: It was a little bit for you too Rio: Sorry birthday girl Buster: You've got me wishing it was my birthday now Rio: Don't waste a wish or a year when I'll do whatever you want the other 364 too Buster: Christ Buster: I can't believe you exist sometimes Rio: Why? Rio: Isn't this how all girls treated you Buster: No Buster: You're better than any of them and any fantasy I've ever had Rio: Good, I want to be Rio: though most of your fantasies were about me, let's be honest Buster: Yeah and you've outperformed them Buster: I'm very proud Buster: Making me doubt the quality of my imagination Rio: 😩 Don't say that again by which I mean do, fuck me Rio: nah, I know you've got a dirty mind too, s'why I love you Buster: The reality's better though Buster: I mean it, everything you do and say turns me on so much Rio: Not gonna disagree Rio: I never thought it would be as good as it is Buster: I never thought it would happen Buster: Like even when it almost did Buster: It didn't feel real Buster: That I could feel like that Rio: I know what you mean Rio: I felt literally feral with how bad I wanted you Rio: just from a look Buster: Exactly Rio: Never mind when I snorted that line off you Rio: Jesus Buster: Fuck Buster: I was trying to tell myself that the coke was just that good but Rio: Nah Rio: it was all us Rio: does it make me sound like a bunny boiler if I say I feel like I knew we'd end up here from that moment Buster: I don't care Buster: It was what I wanted Rio: I've wanted you for so long, Buster Buster: I know Buster: Jesus, I'm aching from the memory of that night never mind anything else Rio: Yeah, that was really bad, when we got stopped Rio: it was like I didn't think I'd ever get to have you and then finally it was happening and then it wasn't and I had to go Rio: I've never thought about anyone as much as I did you until I saw you again after that Buster: I don't know how I didn't kill someone that night Buster: I don't reckon I've ever been as angry as I was when you left Rio: Seriously Rio: it was scary how Rio: intense it was Buster: I'd do it all again Buster: For this Rio: Me too Rio: I had no choice in the matter Rio: I decided after that, either I was doing this or I wasn't and it had to stop Buster: Thank fuck you didn't put a stop to it, like Rio: As if I could Rio: we both tried that bullshit Buster: I wish I had better words for how much I love you and want you and just fucking need you, you know Rio: but I know Rio: I feel it and you show me literally all the time Rio: even when you're not here with me I still know Buster: Good Rio: I know you reckon lads have treated me like crap Rio: and you're mostly right Rio: but even the alright ones Rio: I never knew if what they were saying was true, or if they were as into it Rio: it was always a guessing game, you aren't like that Buster: You've always seen right through me, babe Buster: But I'm not mad about that anymore Buster: I've got nothing to hide now, not from you Rio: Good Rio: I just Rio: get you Rio: I don't even know why Rio: Always have Buster: Yeah Buster: Even when we were kids it was like that Rio: And when you were peak dickhead and I was.. let's not even go there, like Buster: Nance used to get so mad when we met up with you in summers and everything Buster: Even if I hadn't seen you for ages you still knew me the same and it went back to how it was Rio: I was never trying to come for her spot Buster: In fairness to her I did talk about you all the time, it must've been annoying Buster: Not saying you should buy her a fruit basket but like Buster: My crush was so obvious, I don't wanna think about it Rio: Awh but I do Rio: so cute Buster: Shh Rio: Come on, you always took the piss about how bad I fancied you Buster: Yeah, why do you think that was? Rio: Of course it was obvious projection Rio: but I did fancy you, even if I was better at hiding it Buster: You were no better than me at hiding it babe Buster: Sorry to have to tell you Rio: How dare you Rio: Smooth operator here Buster: What the actual fuck did like our parents and everyone else think at the time? Buster: 'Cause seriously Rio: That we'd grow out of it Rio: Whoops Buster: Sorry mum Buster: But not Rio: Why didn't you do it again Rio: Kiss me, I mean Buster: You were there Buster: You know how it went Buster: And how everyone else was Rio: I would've helped you Rio: in private too Rio: I did think you didn't like me for a long while after that Buster: I just Buster: People hadn't ever really took the piss out of me before that Rio: Yeah Rio: I get it now Rio: I wanted to kiss you again though Buster: Me too Buster: I thought about it all the time Buster: But I thought you didn't like it Rio: I liked it, I liked you Rio: even if were a dick about it afterwards Rio: it made me feel things I'd never felt before Buster: I'm sorry I was such a prick Rio: Like you said, no one had ever taken the piss out of you before Rio: what were you meant to do really Buster: I should've done what I wanted to do Buster: Kissed you again anyway Rio: It's weird but I remember thinking I was so jealous of your mum and dad, that it was so cool that they got to be together all the time and I only got to see you in holidays Rio: it didn't really occur to me it wasn't a normal setup I was just mad about it Buster: A lot of shit is weird to look back on Rio: Seriously Rio: I don't know why you were different from the others Rio: you just always were Buster: I don't understand it either Buster: Like I could justify it to myself that it was me, you and Nance 'cause we were the oldest but Rio: Don't get me wrong, it's not just 'cos she's a girl that I don't look at her like that Rio: I just wouldn't ever, I don't know Buster: I hope not Rio: Seriously Buster: Like if that twat had dared me to kiss any of the others I wouldn't Buster: Not just 'cause they're younger or whatever Rio: I dunno Rio: clearly we are fucked up but it's too late to do anything now Buster: I get if the fam doesn't get it 'cause like we don't either Buster: You're just different, you've always been unlike anyone else Buster: And every time I think about that kiss I wanna kiss you again Rio: You too Rio: Let's not say it's because we're special though, might be a bit unbearable of us Buster: You can say it to me Buster: I won't tell on you Rio: You were always good for that, to be fair Rio: Nance and June would crack under the teeniest bit of questioning Buster: We ain't fucking amateurs, babe Buster: Not us Rio: I seriously love you Buster: Marry me Rio: All I can ever say to that is yes Buster: We don't have to wait until exams are over Buster: We can go now Rio: Where Buster: Brazil, like you want Rio: You know it's 11 1/2 hours away Buster: So? Rio: We can't just nip off now and be back before anyone notices Buster: We can stay there like I was gonna stay here Rio: I wish we could Buster: Say yes and we can Rio: I wanna so bad Buster: I know what's stopping you Buster: Don't let it Rio: What's stopping me Buster: You're worrying about everyone else left behind Rio: Well, yeah Buster: I'll take Indie to Meena's if we're doing this Rio: and say what, babysit the kid, we're eloping Buster: Yeah Buster: Not in those exact words, like Rio: This is madness Rio: You know your Ma will actually kill you, right Buster: I don't care Buster: I'll die happy won't I Rio: You're such a fool Buster: For you, yeah Buster: You know I'm weak for you, baby Rio: Fuck Rio: You're serious, aren't you? Buster: I am Rio: Then okay Rio: let's make it happen Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Marry me, Buster Buster: Oh fuck Buster: That's all I want Rio: Me too Rio: I don't want to wait anymore, I've done enough waiting when it comes to you Buster: Promise me if it takes a few days to sort this you aren't gonna change your mind Rio: I promise Rio: I do need to tell Indie though, at least Rio: I can't have her thinking I'm just going on holiday without her for no good reason Rio: especially now Buster: Do whatever you need to do, babe Rio: I love you Buster: I really fucking love you Rio: I never wanna be without you again Buster: You won't Buster: But you will have to find something else to say when you're about to cum 'cause you can't tell me to marry you when I already have Rio: Damn Rio: Maybe I take that promise back Buster: Don't you dare Buster: You're a smart girl you know all the right things to say Buster: You'll figure it out Rio: Jesus Rio: I'm already having to think on my feet here because fuck Buster: Practice makes perfect, baby Buster: I know you can do this Rio: Daddy Buster: You're an angel Buster: I've got so much faith in you, okay Rio: Just think about how good the honeymoon sex will be Rio: I am Buster: Christ Buster: The sound I just made at the idea of that Buster: And the fact that you even said honeymoon Rio: That's what it'll be Rio: finallly let you do all the things I ain't, such an angel, of course Buster: You're killing me Rio: Maybe we can get tattoos when we're there too, like you said Buster: Seriously? Rio: If you want Buster: I do Rio: You can pick mine Rio: I trust you Buster: We should pick each other's then Buster: It's only right that you get to decide the first thing that goes on me Buster: I'm all yours anyway Rio: I literally just stopped breathing Buster: I trust you Buster: Mark me however you want Rio: Are you trying to kill me right now Buster: If I have to be this close to it then you have to come with me Rio: Are you touching yourself too Buster: I was trying not to 'cause I want it to be you but Rio: It's okay, we've got so much time Rio: I'm giving it all to you Buster: Fuck Buster: You're unreal Rio: I'm so real Rio: this is real Rio: we're actually gonna do this Buster: I can't believe it Rio: I'm gonna have your name, baby Buster: You're making me moan yours Rio: Good Rio: I'm gonna be on the tip of your tongue in another way so soon Buster: Damn Buster: It sounds like I'm praying in here Buster: I can't stop Rio: Don't stop Rio: I never want you to stop, even when I'm begging you to, I wanna be ignored because daddy know what's best for me and how to make me feel so fucking angelic Buster: You're so fucking hot Buster: So perfect Rio: It's for you Buster: All of it Rio: If I'm not making you happy, proud, hard or cum then I'm not doing it Rio: Simple as Buster: You're doing all of those things right now, angel Buster: So well Rio: That makes me so happy Rio: I feel so good right now, daddy Buster: Me too Buster: I feel like I'm high but it's just you Rio: I know you're gonna keep me this happy for the rest of our lives and it's killing me Buster: At least this happy Buster: If not more Rio: I don't think it's possible for me to be any happier Buster: I'll rise to that challenge, babe Buster: We'll see Rio: I know you will Rio: that's why I wanna be your wife Buster: Tell me how happy you are after we're married Buster: Tell me every day, okay Buster: I need to make sure Rio: Of course Rio: You're going to know, I'll make sure Buster: Yeah you will Buster: I know Rio: No one else has ever made me happy like you, Buster Rio: I mean that Buster: Nobody has ever made me happy until you Buster: I mean that Rio: Baby Rio: I'm gonna make you feel better than you ever imagined possible, okay Buster: You already have Buster: You do Buster: You are right now Rio: Well this is just the beginning Rio: there's so much we're gonna do together Buster: I wanna do everything with you Rio: You will Rio: What do you wanna do next baby? Buster: I wanna make all your dreams come true Buster: Make all those ideas you had for the future a reality Rio: I'm so glad you believe in me Rio: it feels good having you on my team Buster: I've never believed in anyone more Buster: Except myself Buster: We're both gonna have the career we want, babe Buster: And love everything about our lives not just each other Rio: I believe that too Buster: We can live anywhere, travel anywhere, do anything Rio: There'll be nothing or no one that can stop us Buster: I'm gonna give you things you didn't even know you wanted Rio: Yeah? Buster: Things you didn't know you could want or were allowed to want Buster: Everything Rio: You're gonna make me scream Buster: Do it Buster: You know nothing gets to me more Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Buster: Be loud for me Rio: Tell me what to say Buster: Tell me to marry you while you still can Rio: I can't believe none of them heard that Buster: You'll have to be louder next time, baby Rio: Oh hush Rio: I thought of something that made me cum really hard Rio: I didn't mean to but it kinda popped into my head and now I'm scared to say it in case it fucked everything up Buster: Tell me Rio: I don't wanna make you angry or Buster: You can tell me anything Buster: What is it? Rio: It's just Rio: Oh God Rio: Well, did you mean it when you said we could have a baby one day maybe Buster: Yeah Buster: I want all my kids to be yours Rio: Really? Buster: Of course Buster: You're a great mum already, I told you Buster: And you're beautiful Buster: Why wouldn't I want that? Rio: Well, I didn't know if you wanted kids, fullstop Rio: then you know, if we even could Buster: I just don't want Chlo's to be mine Buster: But I wanna have them, with you, one day Rio: Yeah Rio: Okay Rio: I'm glad you aren't mad them, or it's weird Buster: How many do you want? Rio: Not as many as my Ma, don't worry Buster: Gotta have at least as many as mine though so we don't end up with a weird only child Buster: Not having that Rio: Oh God, they'd be such a spoilt little shit on top of that too, nah Rio: 2 and over then, okay Buster: 3 would be alright like they did Buster: or 4 Rio: I think so too Buster: More than 5 is going a bit far, like Rio: Noted Rio: Know your limits, babe Buster: We'll see Buster: Twins could easily happen Rio: We all know y'all don't count as 2 seperate kids though Rio: twofer, you Buster: Yeah but we cost as much as Buster: So behave Rio: Don't be tight, babe Buster: I'm prioritising Buster: We gotta get a dog of our own, Indie's is so fucking cute Rio: Awh you love him Rio: yeah sod the kid's, like Buster: Don't tell her, she'll only take the piss Buster: But yeah, I like him Rio: My lips are sealed, trust me Rio: she takes the piss out of me enough already without bringing this whole convo up Buster: Fair enough Buster: Babe? Rio: Mm? Buster: I won't be a shit dad, will I? Buster: You won't let me Rio: Of course you won't be Rio: you'll be amazing, seriously, the best Buster: I mean, I love my parents and they love me, I know it and I owe them literally everything but Buster: I don't wanna be like them Buster: Distant or whatever you wanna call it Rio: Yeah Rio: You'd be weird if you wanted to be like your parents, not just you and yours, like Rio: you're meant to try and do better, different Buster: Yeah Buster: I know they'd say the same too Buster: But whenever I'm around Astrid, it's like Buster: I don't know Rio: It's alright to be unsure around babies, they're terrifying, really, when you think about it Buster: We're not gonna let our kids get fucked up, are we? Buster: As much as we can control that Rio: That's the whole point Rio: we'll give them all the good we had, and all the good we didn't, too Buster: Okay Buster: Then let's have 11 Rio: 😂 I knew your competitive streak would catch up Buster: You know me so well Buster: I love you so much Rio: I'm down to make as many babies with you as my body will allow, like, so not complaining Rio: I love you too baby Buster: When are you coming home? Buster: I want you back Rio: Like you're psychic, hear him coming up the drive now so gimme the 30 for the drive plus 5 for pleasantries now and finding out wtf he was up to Buster: Ask him how his date went Rio: 😑 Rio: I shall and he shall be suitably horrified at the suggestion Rio: poor baby Buster: 😂 Buster: Don't be horrified if I walk out the door as you walk in 'cause I didn't wanna take the dog out while Indie was chucking up her organs, like Rio: 💔 Rio: Love that dog a little too much tbh Buster: What can I say? He's angelic too Rio: I will not compete with a literal dog Buster: Poor baby Buster: I'm only playing, you know you're my angel, nobody else Rio: 😊 That's more like it Buster: Hurry home and I'll show you how much I mean it Rio: Tempting Rio: but I really wanna hear about this museum, like Buster: I guess I'll have to find another girl to kiss on the stairs then Buster: Wish me luck Rio: Don't even fucking play Buster: I've been thinking about it for such a long time, someone's getting one if you don't want it Rio: [Car selfie] Buster: You look good, babe Buster: Good enough for a long, slow, welcome home kiss Rio: 😻🤤 Rio: I'll actually focus on driving for once so I can be there as soon as possible Buster: Good girl Rio: Though if you plan to be that distracting Rio: I make no promises, like Buster: Me? Never Buster: I'll just be here thinking about pressing you up against those railings Buster: I won't say a word, like Rio: Shh, not listening Rio: gonna make you regret teasing me when I get home Buster: It's just an innocent hello kiss Rio: Not the way I'm planning on doing it Buster: Focus on your driving Rio: 😑 Buster: I'm allowed to think of you breathless Buster: You have to be good Rio: You're mean Buster: I just want you here so I can be really nice Rio: I know Rio: cruel to be kind Buster: Exactly Buster: I knew you'd understand
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