#at least its not too cold yet but oh buddy oh boy. this lil fella does not like snow!!
the-kipsabian · 10 months
i do not recall the last time we had this much snow in november and tbh its kinda freaking me out
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cryptidsncurios · 1 year
@shiroi---kumo continued from [ X ]
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Well that certainly made this whole ordeal a lot simpler.
Though Xigbar had seen plenty of crazy sights in his time, he must admit, this one certainly had to top a good majority of all the others. Well, maybe not an anthropomorphic mouse king swinging around a giant key, but nonetheless, it had been an impressive scene to behold.
Thus, with that nuisance efficiently obliterated, Xigbar shifts his companion once more in his arms and picks back up the pace---but it isn’t too far along that his sharp ear yet again captures that telltale hiss and skitter of otherworldly critters, unfazed by the destruction of one of their brethren, and intent on closing the distance---
At last, with one final push, Xigbar breaches that doorway between the endlessness of the Void, and the sweet taste of fresh air---and abruptly, the threatening noises that had been swirling behind him closed off, in exchange for the silent breeze flittering through one of Radiant Garden’s many flower patches. The pastel hues and floral fragrance serve as a brief assault upon Xigbar’s senses after being so cooped up in the pitch, soundless Darkness, but after a few moments of adjusting, he allows relief to settle in.
Yet he knows that he can’t fully relax yet---he still has a delicate package in the crook of his arms, in need of delivery to… somewhere. His first instinct is some sort of medical facility, as Radiant Garden is top of the line when it comes to its curative equipment---but he’s quick to douse that thought. No doubt, from all of the unique attributes the kid had that Xigbar himself had observed, the poor thing would likely be poked and prodded to no end, all in the name of “science” or whatever. And there is definitely no way he’d let Even get his hands on him.
No, for now, glancing up to the right---up towards the brilliant yet imposing spires of the Radiant Garden Palace---Xigbar would have the little fella bunk with him. At least until he comes around to give him some information on who---maybe even what---he is exactly.
And he knows just the route to take to circumvent prying eyes---years of living here, both in the dreadful slums and amongst the posh upper echelons, had taught him all of the ins and outs of the land’s many secret tunnels and waterways---and soon enough, despite some extra effort given his extra baggage, he has successfully resurfaced within the very Palace’s walls. His private quarters aren’t too far from here, and orienting himself---
“What are you doing here, Braig? And who is that?”
Oh great. Just the guy he had been looking to avoid.
“Look, Frosty, I ain’t exactly in the mood t’deal with ya right now, ‘kay?” Xigbar turns on his heel and addresses Even with his typical nonchalant drawl. “And like, don’tcha remember I have a room here now? Can I not take my passed-out buddies there to help ‘em recuperate?”
Despite his explanation, Even still regards Xigbar with that icy stare of his. Certainly Xigbar had proven that he is at least somewhat trustworthy enough to allow within the confines of Radiant Garden---but an inkling of suspicion still plagues the scientist. Braig---Xigbar, by extension, or whatever he wishes to currently identify as these days---had always been a sneaky snake and a slippery fish, and simply because he had aided in the dismantling of the True Organization, it did not mean he was to be fully trusted.
The upward tilt of his chin indicated this lack of trust, Xigbar could easily read, and his response is cold, “See to it that you behave whilst within these walls, Braig. I would not wish to---”
“Yeah yeah, blah blah blah,” and, unwilling to stand around any longer, Xigbar brushes past---causing Even to stumble aside, “look, I can be a good lil boy, just you watch.”
He doesn’t bother offering a single further retort---merely strolls down the remainder of the corridor, accesses his chamber, and, after gently depositing his newest guest on his bed, locks the door behind him. Then, hands on his hips, an exhale through his nose---
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“I’m just too damn nice for my own good.”
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