#at least we got risotto in all star battle r babey!!! big rice man makes me happy
azul-marie · 2 years
mmh I don't know if this is really an American term, it's just something I found on google after seeing a movie that I really liked, headcannons related to a "pollyanna" mc that apparently means someone who has the ability to focus only on him positive side and just like in the movie, mc teaches the boys the "happy game" The game is to find something to be happy about in every situation, no matter how bleak it is, I feel that many of the pararai boy lack some uvur optimism for my fav group TWC<3
hello! thank you for your request. i have not heard of this movie before, but what a sweet concept! these moody boys definitely need some cheering up once in a while, haha. please take good care. ❤️
note: fem. reader
genre: romance/fluff.
characters: naoakira saimon. yohei kanbayashi. ryu natsume. shiki ando.
there’ve been plenty of times he’s felt bleak and alone. whether it’s memories of his last love emerging, or feeling helpless seeing his young wards distraught over little things in life, saimon is indeed a sensitive, caring man who tends to place more on his shoulders if it meant relieving someone of it. with this comes a heavier sense of duty on the mind, one he’s not always able to address properly. however, you help him do just so.
in times of distress, you and your sweet words bring a soothing cloud to his jumbled mind. your innocuous game is easy enough, and simple so he’s able to play even if you’re not around. saimon is willing to learn from your positive outlook, finds it useful for when he’s caught up in his own ordeals. he appreciates the way you see the world and hopes to feel as you do someday.
the worst things in life are what yohei’s prepared himself for, seeing how often they come to fruition; losing family, fighting for survival, a lost love unrequited. yohei is never quite the optimist you yourself have come to be, but finds himself drawn to the sweet simple way you look at life. there is an envy, almost, his over how happily you go through days, never dragged down by weight of sin’s past. you are never without a hope or a wish.
it’s silly, yohei thinks, this cutesy, wishy-washy game of yours. you want him of all people to play along? it’s only at your insistence (and perhaps kisses) that he begrudgingly agrees to play. he’ll struggle at first, needing your insight to help him decide just why little moments spark joy. it’s a game he’s yet to master on his own. but slowly, slowly, does he learn to play even without your gentle guidance.
there isn’t much that brings ryu down. he is utterly carefree and impassive of the things around him, his world being far better to spend time in. he is perhaps a great match for you in this sense, in sharing this ever positive outlook. but even he has secrets of his own, unlike the chaos and play of his usual self. there are times he becomes inexplicably downtrodden, always over memories blurring into millions of fragments. surely your game brightens his day, helps him to realize you’re always there besides him.
games! games! games! if there’s anything ryu likes, it’s a good game. he’s made up plenty on his own, but he’s happy to try yours out. he’s already very good at picking out good and great things that happen in his day — he likes to imagine plucking them like flowers to bring to you later, to prove he’s a master of your fun, happy game. ryu often visits you just to tell of his day and his findings, in every and all detail, and it’s all thanks to you.
pessimism is perhaps too familiar a foe for shiki. it is a mindset ingrained in him for so long, he’s hardly known any other way to live. it is with the support of his family that he’s improving as he grows, and knowing you care for him despite all his flaws, too. you two are likely the most unusual pairing, opposites attracting and all. you are every bit as happy as he is gloomy, but somehow you’re able to bring out the best in him regardless.
he takes your game very seriously, wholeheartedly taking account of your thoughtfulness in teaching him. shiki tries his hardest to play even when you’re not around to encourage him, with varying results. but he’s grateful for the second instinct you’ve instilled in him, to look for positives with his negative eyes. he knows he has a lot of work to do to get over his moody disposition, but as long as he has you, your happy game, maybe it won’t be so bad to get through.
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