#at least. AT LEAST. maybe they could have made michael and heldalf and the celestial record and camlaan be 100+ years ago.
igneouswyvern · 3 months
the zestiria timeline baffles me to no end because i know all the camlaan stuff takes place 17 years before the events of the game and i know it has to be that way because that's the only way for sorey and mikleo to have originated in camlaan. and yet. what do you mean heldalf has only been living with his curse for 17 years. what do you mean the celestial record is 21 years old. what do you mean camlaan has only been around for less than 30 years. in my head all this stuff takes place on a waaaaaay larger scale like heldalf should have been wandering the earth in solitude for at least a century right? you're telling me it only took him 17 years to give into the malevolence? what a loser. and the celestial record felt like an ancient book from a time long past when they were nerding about it in the beginning of the game. you're telling me it's barely older than sorey and mikleo themselves? and you can't just go around calling a village that existed 22 years ago and was lived in for only 5 "the origin village." like nah that thing has to have been around for at least 50 before you go calling it something as dramatic as that. idk. in the two-and-a-half-years in between playing zestiria i forgot all the lore and i had it in my head that shepherds were like a once-every-one-hundred-years deal and michael was from like ages ago and all this stuff was ancient as hell. and it feels so silly to me that it was all so recent
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