#at my funeral people will wipe their cheeks and tearfully say 'they always had So Much Shit To Say about those semifictional soldiers'
hoosierbi · 9 months
winteroe and the infinity symbol (∞) literally have the same energy. if u know what i mean
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mrylin · 2 years
Not Here Anymore (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader)
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Summary: Wanda was bliped, you stayed. Five years away for you, five minutes for her. Maybe, nothing will be the same when she comes back. Maybe you don't exist anymore.
"Now I run to you like I always do, when I close my eyes I think of you, such a lonely girl, such a lonely world, when I close my eyes I dream."
Being away for so long, even if it was five minutes for her, was weird. She remembers feeling a tingling sensation all over her body, saw when brown dust flew a little in front of her eyes, and then she wasn't there anymore. She no longer saw Vision's lifeless body on the ground, she no longer saw the golden glove shine with the sun, she no longer felt the warm sensation in her chest that she felt when your magic was around her.
It was just a big nothing.
But then she came back and everything looked very different. Natasha explained what had happened, how long she had been gone. Five years. Five long years for everyone who stayed, five small minutes for those who went. Digesting all this was giving her a massive headache. What comforted her was knowing that they had managed to defeat Thanos. The world wouldn't go back to how it was before, some people were lost forever, but they made it. Everyone was there.
When relief shimmered in her chest for a second, faster than she could handle it, her heart dropped and her stomach tightened into a knot. She felt her hands start to shake and she clutched her chest, her hands glowing red, trying to feel something. Why couldn't she feel you? Why she wasn't feeling the comfort of your magic, telling her that you were okay and that nothing and no one could hurt her because you were there?
She felt her heart explode as she looked at Steve.
She knew. She knew you weren't there, that you wouldn't come back. You were fine, you were fine and alive and fighting against Thanos, knocking him out with your magic, one that in his ambition he tried to steal. It didn't seem real, but the more she looked at them, the more she stared at Steve, Tony, Natasha and Clint, the more she knew it wasn't a bad joke. It was a nightmare, one she could never wake up from. In that second when it hit her, she wished she'd never come back.
Her tears became more furious, her chest rising and falling heavily. She felt sobs rising in her throat but there was no sound, it felt like her voice had been stolen from her. Just like you. Just like everyone else. "Wanda..." She lifted her head and sniffled. Clint was looking at her with those fatherly eyes. He took her gently by the arms and pulled her against his chest. It only made her cry more.
Things flashed through her mind quickly, flashes and more flashes. Moments with you. Moments when she thought she was going to lose you. And the last moment she saw you. People were right when they said that when we face death, a movie of our life plays in front of our eyes. The difference was that she is dead inside.
"We buried her." Her eyes widened slightly and she lifted her head. "We had a funeral for her before you arrived. Maybe you can say goodbye." Tony crossed his arms and shrugged slightly. Wanda knew it wouldn't be the same but she needed it. She needed to see you one last time and say everything she wanted.
Now she completely pulled away from Clint and rubbed her cheeks, wiping away the tears. "I wanna go there." Steve wanted to protest, probably to say that everything was recent and that she would need to rest, but a glance in his direction made him change his mind.
Everyone wanted to go there with her, to help, to support, she couldn't care less. But Clint, ever her protector, said it was best to let her do it alone, something she was eternally grateful for. So she left, walked over to where Tony said where your headstone was and took a deep breath as she saw it from afar. Standing there for a few minutes, she finally plucked up the courage and came closer, kneeling down and seeing your name engraved in stone.
Wanda laughed tearfully. "Do you remember when you said that we were going to get old together? You promised me that all this, avengers, battles, powers, would end. And I think it will end, but you won't be here." She bit the inside of her cheek and smiled. "You won't be here."
Tears began to flow again as she blinked but she still smiled. Crying would drive out the pain she felt but in that moment she wanted to smile, wanted to remember the happy times. She would handle the rest later. "We had plans for a house in the suburbs. I know you hate small towns with nosy, gossipy housewives, but this was our home. Far from everything."
Running her fingers over the engraving on the headstone, she leaned over and pressed her forehead against it. Her finger began to caress the cold stone as she did with your face. "I love you, krasivaya. We will be together again. I promise."
She left a kiss, stood up and cast one last look, leaving when everything was too much for her chest. She knew where she would have to go now.
"It's smaller than I imagined."
Wanda rolled her eyes and laced her hand with yours and pulled you closer to the empty lot - but not for long. It was just a place with some dead grass and some bricks on the floor. She hoped that soon her dreamed home would be there.
From the plans she had made about decoration, her house was going to be something that reminded her of the 90's. At first you didn't like the idea but then you softened. Small town, small house. Maybe you could find some kind of passion in creating a garden, growing a tomato plant or becoming one of those gossiping women who already looked at the two of you with raised eyebrows. Idiots.
Wanda didn't seem to notice the crooked looks, just looking at the empty place and at the leaflet with the plans for the house in her hand."I think we could make the kitchen and living room a little bigger. Our children will need space."
"For what? Make cars fly, draw rockets on walls or release energy with their eyes?" She laughs when you make little laser beam noises. "Or so that you can teach them how to cook and, since they will be a perfect match for us, will you teach them how to lift rocks and open portals!?"
With a dreamy look, she hummed. "Yeah, I could teach them to cook. But no opening portals."
You twisted your mouth and muttered sullenly. "They will miss all the fun."
Unbuckling her seat belt, Wanda got out of the car and walked slowly to the ground. She still had the drawings you made about how you imagined it, and a sentence written at the end of the sheet. I'd like to say to grow old in, but I refuse to have wrinkles. So, to you grow old in. She remembers that she fell even more in love with you the night you gave her this.
She looked around again. The city is still the same as before, but now it seems even more dead. Maybe it was a consequence of the blip, or maybe it was connected with the feelings in her chest.
She was surprised when she felt her eyelashes wet, she thought she wouldn't have any more tears in her body, but one ran down her cheek and fell to the floor To grow old in. Pain. Shortness of breathe. Ringing in the ear. Knees bending. Magic. She couldn't see anything but red. It felt like whatever was happening was pouring the pain out of her body. So she got carried away.
Maybe at the end of it all she would see you again.
"The turkey just flew away."
"Oh, this is a disaster."
hey! i'm happy to be back but i don't know if i liked it :( idk why. well, hope you enjoy anyway. i proofread as much as i could but it still can have mistakes since it's google and most of my dubious english but i tried.
the song is by taylor swift "7 years and 50 days". see you soon!!
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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first time with bf!yunho
word count: 3k
fluff, smut
you experienced many firsts with yunho. whether they were innocent or devastating or just plain horrific, he had been by your side for every one. 
like on your first day of school when you both stood side by side during line-up, holding back tears as your moms waved goodbye to you. he had towered over you even then, wiping the wetness from his eyes and waving shyly at you. 
his quiet, shaky “hi,” made your body cave in on itself, nervous and uncomfortable in the new environment but waving at him nonetheless. because even at five-years-old, you found his presence comforting.
and by the time lunch came around, the two of you were inseparable, sharing crackers and blocks before running out to your moms at three o’clock hand-in-hand.
or your first broken bone that was just two years later, when there was a boy in your class known to bully all of the girls. it’s like he got some sick sort of pleasure from pulling their hair and hearing their cries, hurting almost every female student that was his age.
and on that particular day at recess, you were his target. during a fun game of tag when, with you hot on his tail and about to whack his back, he stuck out his foot and caused you to flop right onto the concrete. the skin had been ripped and oozing blood, your arm hanging in a way that still haunts yunho to this day.
but he signed his name the biggest on your cast, circling the sloppy writing with a heart and designating himself your personal bodyguard during lunch and recess. (and then he confessed to you years later that he gave his first bloody nose to the idiotic boy who tripped you).
your first period was probably the most embarrassing first with yunho, just given the fact that you both were awkward preteens sitting next to a puddle of menstrual blood. because one second you guys were playing video games on his bed and the next, a weird, wet feeling creeped down your leg causing you to  jump up and scream.
yunho had laughed at first, celebrating the fact that he had won before his face quickly paled when he looked down at his bed and then your horrified expression.
“y/n, it’s okay,” he had said immediately, comforting you in a way you don’t think any other 12-year-old boy would’ve. but at the time, you could only stand there with your face flaming in embarrassment, tears brimming your eyes. 
and when he was about to tell you that he was gonna get his mom and that everything was gonna be okay, you ran out of his house before he could say anything. you cried into your pillow that night and convinced yourself he was gonna hate you, think that you were a gross and disgusting weirdo for the rest of his life.  
but then the next day, he had showed up at your house with a chocolate bar and a heated blanket (the same heated blanket you still have to this day). “i heard girls like chocolate when they’re on there...well, yeah you know,” he had laughed out awkwardly, “and this heated blanket is supposed to help, like with the pain or something.” 
he had showcased it proudly, his excited smile causing the humiliation inside you to lessen. and then after he demanded a rematch of the game so casually, insisting he didn’t feel right about winning in unfair circumstances, you knew you were gonna have nothing to worry about when it came to him.
your first kiss with yunho was merely practice for both of you. or at least that was the story you had went with. because as the two of you sat in your basement, a slew of comedy movies and snacks taking up your friday night, you’d begun to talk about all the new budding romances in your friend groups.
“she said he french kissed her,” you told yunho, his face pinching into one of disgust.
“is that when you stick your tongue down someone’s throat?” 
“i think so, yeah,” you sighed out, shrugging your shoulders as you look back at the television. “they’re french kissing and i haven’t even done normal kissing.”
and after he had confessed he hadn’t done normal kissing either, you both looked at one another before deciding that...
“what if we were each others first kiss?” he said with a smile. “that way we get it over with and if it’s bad, it doesn’t matter because we’re friends.”
you thought about it for a moment, looking at the boy with floppy brown hair and pink cheeks and deciding there were far worse people to have a first kiss with. 
it was as awkward and clumsy as most first kisses were, your noses bumping the first time and causing you both to giggle. “i’ll go this way,” you told him, turning your neck way further than necessary and closing your eyes. but it brought success, you suppose, because then your dry lips brushed for a few seconds. 
the placement was a bit miscalculated and you were both fairly stiff but the feeling and excitement of it all still made you pull back innocently, wide eyes staring at one another.
your hand then slapped over your mouth as his face morphed into one of utter shock. “was that...did we do it right?” 
and even though you were unsure at the time, your racing hearts and clammy hands were an indication that, while you’d done it poorly, you had done it right.
“i think so,” he said, completely baffled by the fact that someone would be able to somehow stick their tongue up in there. 
your first heartbreak was when you realized just how much you’ve come to need yunho. because the second he walked through the doors of the funeral parlor, you were hit with an immediate sense of comfort and relief.
he took you outside when you told him you hadn’t been able to look up from your feet, the presence of the casket in front of the room far too much for you to handle. he sat with you on the stoop in the cold air, his arm around you as you cried into him and felt incredibly grateful that he didn’t try to speak to you.
he didn’t ask if you were okay or tell you your grandma was in a better place or beg for you to stop crying. he just held you and stayed beside you the whole time, his lips pressing against your forehead when you finally had the strength to get up.
and then he guided you inside by the small of your back, rubbing the black material of your dress gently before letting you say your goodbyes. and after you did, you sat back down with him and didn’t leave his shoulder for the rest of the night. 
“i don’t know what i’d do without you sometimes,” you whispered tearfully. he took your face in his large hands, dabbing at the tears on your cheeks.
“me either,” he mumbles lowly, soft eyes looking right at you before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. he had thought you’d only said that because you were vulnerable, leaning on him as a friend and finding solace in the way he comforted you in your time of need.
but then a few short weeks later, he became your first boyfriend. everything had stemmed from a silly question of truth or dare that night, the inevitable “did you ever have a crush on anyone in this room?” being uttered. 
and in the same way it was discovered your friend and yunho’s friend had liked each other for a few years, the tall boy shyly admitted he had once liked you. your eyebrows shot up in surprise, secretly harboring feelings for the boy for half your life but being too scared to ruin the friendship. 
but all your friends had just rolled their eyes and clapped mockingly, grumbles of “shocker” and “everyone knew that” before moving on to the next question. so you didn’t get to talk with him until after everyone went home, always being the last to stay at yunho’s and hang out for a little bit of extra time.
“so when did you like me?” you asked teasingly, leaning in to raise your eyebrows playfully. 
a strangled chuckle leaves his mouth as he lightly pushes you to the side, the pink flush on his cheeks causing you to smile softly. 
“i liked you, too, you know.”
his eyes widen at your confession, the smile lighting up his face causing something warm and fluttery to shoot through your chest. “really? when?”
“hmm,” you mumble, trying to pinpoint the exact time you even realized your feelings for him; it always just felt like they were there from the second you met him, realizing how special and sweet he was. but you suppose you really started to realize “maybe during the time my grandma passed away. like i always knew i needed you but that kind of made it really obvious.”
yunho nods his head, remembering that time incredibly well. he had always felt like he was taking advantage of your emotional state, allowing himself to be there for you in the way he always knew he wanted to because you needed him.
“same,” he says honestly, “maybe even before that though, honestly. it feels like it’s been forever.”
a small giggle leaves your mouth as you nod, laying down to rest your head on his lap. he doesn’t even bat an eye as he looks down at you, smiling up at him and feeling his hands in your hair.
a few moments of silence pass, his eyes looking into yours like he wants so badly to tell you something but hesitance and anxiety and the fear of vulnerability are holding him back. “can i tell you something?” he eventually mumbled lowly.
you nod against his lap, looking up at him with wide eyes that are inevitably what made him crack.
“i...still might like you,” he says lowly, the pink spreading on his cheek only further heightening how pure and juvenile the confession is. “but if you don’t feel the same, we can act like this never happened. i just might be-”
“i like you too,” you tell him, straight-forward and confident because you’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. 
you laugh when he acts completely shocked, his eyes wide and repetitive “really?” throughout the rest of the night and your constant assurance that yes, you really really like him making him smile proudly.
you spent the night the way you always did with him, giggling and teasing with your head on his shoulder or his hand in yours. and then at the end of the night, he asked you to be his girlfriend with that cute pinkness on his cheeks.
the same pinkness on his cheeks there now, five months later, as you two fumble on his bed together. all open mouthed kisses as you straddle him, the familiar feeling of his hardness underneath you, your moans swallowed by him as his large hands kneads at your ass.
bringing in the sexual component of your relationship had been surprisingly easy, hugs and hand-holding exchanged for kissing and lapping tongues. but that’s as far as it got, making out and grinding, because you guys were almost always interrupted whether it be by ringing phones or nosy adults.
but tonight, yunho’s parents were out of town and the air was growing thicker in his room, your hips grinding down on him as you rub against him and let out a tiny moan.
“y/n,” he groaned out, “please be careful, love.” because between the feel of you on him and the sound your moans, he felt himself losing it.  
“why?” you hum quietly, disconnecting your lips to trail them down his neck. “don’t you wanna?”
his large, strong hands pull you off of him and onto your back. his figure looms above you, his arms holding himself up as his heated gaze looks down at you. 
“of course i do,” he says, his finger tracing your red, puffy lips. “but are you ready? i don’t want you to feel like we have to just because the house is-”
“i want to, yunho,” you whine, arching your back as you feel that wet, needy feeling growing within you. “i want you. i’ve wanted you for months.”
he swallows the lump in his throat, overwhelmed by the sight of you flushed and withering underneath him. because he wants you too, has wanted you so for long and can’t even believe it’s actually about to happen. 
but he also needs making sure you really want too, that you’re not just seeing this as an opportunity to not be interrupted and-
“stop thinking,” you whine to him, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him down. “i’m ready, i promise.” and it’s with those words that he looks at you, squinting his eyes to triple check before smiling when you poke his cheek.
and that’s how your first time with yunho starts, gentle kisses and soft touches as he slides down your leggings and underwear. the cold air hits your skin and you let out a shaky breath, tugging at the bottom of his shirt and biting your lip when he exposes his broad shoulders.
“what?” he asks shyly, like he has anything to be insecure or embarrassed about. 
but you only answer by discarding your own shirt and pulling his pants down, pushing him on his back and taking his cock in your hand. it’s just as big as you expected from feeling it underneath you and grinding your core against it. 
you hum in excitement, looking up at him as your tongue swirls around the tip. “baby,” he croaks out, your mouth pulling into a smirk before taking him in fully. you listen to the sounds of his loud groans and pants, his hand fisting your hair and hips just barely bucking into your mouth.
you gag when his large length hits the back of your throat, a strangled apology leaving his mouth that only makes you bob your head faster. you lick and suck and twirl your tongue skillfully, thinking about all the times you wanted his cock in your mouth before you got interrupted. 
and the eagerness seems to be too much for him, because you feel his legs tense and hips buck again before pulling your head back slightly by your hair. 
“y/n, that feels so fucking good,” he grunts out, “but i wanna come in you, baby, please.” 
and you want that too so you nod your head sweetly, wiping at your wet mouth and then squealing when your pushed onto back. 
“but first, let me play,” he mumbled lowly in your ear, your eyes widening when his large hands and long fingers snake down your stomach and over your slit. the wetness makes him smirk, placing a kiss on your neck as he places his finger on your clit.
the next few moments are bliss, your legs shaking and spread as you begin to pant and whine under him. your breathy moans of “oh my god” only seem to spur him on, toying at your clit and making even more wetness gather at your thighs. 
“you’re being so good, baby,” he grunts out, “such a good, wet girl for me.”
and like it’s a reward, his finger slides into you and you a loud moan escapes your mouth. they only grow louder and longer as you become consumed by pleasure, his fingers pumping in and out of you as his thumb frantically rubs over your clit.
“yunho, please, oh, my fucking go- i’m gonna-”
he feels you clench around his fingers and thinks twice about allowing you to come until he sees your head arch back, fingers grabbing at the sheets as your loud moans and screeches fill the room.
he watches your chest heave up and down, his cock hardening to the point of pain at the sight of you boneless under him. but then your head pops up, face flushed and hair messy, and you lazily smile at him.
“you’re good at that.”
the statement makes him chuckle and kiss you sweetly, his hand running through your hair to pat the sweaty strands down slightly. “are you ready or do you wanna-”
and even in your daze, you roll your eyes and pull him down to deep your kiss. the feel of his cock brushing against your thigh causes excitement to stir between your legs, your hips bucking up as a smirk crosses his lips.
“didn’t know you’d be so eager,” he says, reaching down to trail the tip of his cock across your clit.
“didn’t know you’d be so good,” you counter back. and he only smirks down at you again before taking your cheek in his hand, moving your head so you can look right at him.
“i don’t wanna hurt you,” he says softly, his finger brushing against your warm skin. 
“and you won’t,” you say, putting all your trust in him. because you think even if he tried, he wouldn’t hurt you. he would never allow himself too.
but it doesn’t lessen his fears, licking at his lips anxiously before he nods his head. “i’ll be slow. try not to tense, okay?” and slow he was, inching himself in further and further as you do your best to remain relaxed on his bed.
because while the feeling isn’t awful, there is a slight sting that makes you bite the inside of your cheek. but then you feel full and stretched and let out a sigh of relief as yunho rubs at your hip soothingly. 
“you okay?” you nod your head at him, all wide-eyed and glossy, and he didn’t think he’d have to stop himself from slamming into you. 
“move,” you encourage softly, “i’m okay. i promise.” 
the first few stinging thrusts are quickly replaced by something pleasurable, if your whines of “more” and his deep grunts weren’t an indication. and then once he finds his steady thrusts, it’s like everything both has just started and ends.
your legs spread wider as you claw at the back of his hair, watching his broad shoulders above you as he pushes himself in and out of you. he grunts out “i love you” just as he hits a spot deep within you that causes you to see stars, your own whiney, breathy love confession filling the room.
you come when his finger goes back to your clit and rubs along it, the sound you yelping his name causing him to release inside you. and if you weren’t so dazed by two orgasms, the sound of his heavy breathing would absolutely have you prepared to go for another round.
but you can only lay there with your eyes closed, wincing when his large length pulls out of you and he drops a kiss on your hip. he cleans between your legs with the shirt on his floor, dapping at the wetness gently as his eyes roam over your body.
“are you okay?” he asks, voice gentle and sweet as he lays back down next to you. your eyes pop open to see him looking at you softly, a smile spreading on your face as you nod your head.
“good,” he says, placing a kiss on your cheek that causes you to giggle. you move over and bury your face in his broad chest, smiling when you feel him drop another kiss on the top of your head. 
you spend the rest of the night wrapped in one another, alternating between snacks and movies and more sex. he laughs as you clumsily climb on top of him and try to ride him, lasting for all about ten seconds before the burn of the unfamiliar position has you accepting defeat.
“you know, it’d be a lot easier if your cock wasn’t ginormous,” you grumble, a loud laugh leaving the boy and it was the first time you’ve seen yunho’s face turn that bright a shade of red.
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Chapter 16 -- Perfect Harmony | Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Emily Fox is a talented 17-year-old with a passion for all things music. Her dream is to become a successful singer-songwriter one day. But to achieve that dream, she needs to get into one of the most prestigious music schools in her district – it’s all been part of her plan since she was six. Sadly enough, those schools cost a ton of money that her parents don’t want to invest. They don’t even want her to pursue her dream. So, now Emily’s hustling, working at the music store to save up to get into college. That’s until she meets Charlie, an annoying seventeen-year-old boy with the same dream as her. The only difference is, he’s just doing it. He doesn’t need a fancy college to pursue his dream to become famous with his band. He just writes his songs and books small gigs here, there and everywhere. Will meeting Charlie defer her from her dream college, or will he actually help her achieve the dream?
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x OC (Emily Fox)
Warnings: mentions of death, sexual assault
Important note: the characters of Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Madison are based on the characters they play on the show and i do not own their names, only OC are mine. The songs aren’t mine either, they’re all from the show except for one.
The song used in this chapter is Sirens by Cher Lloyd
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~|Charlie Gillespie|~
A few days go by and none of them are spend without Emily. We help around at the Music Store, write songs, rehearse, and then I drop Emily off at her house where we say goodbye for a good fifteen minutes. “You’re going home today?” she asks me on Thursday evening. We’re in front of the red door, my arms wrapped around her waist and hers around my neck, her fingers tangled up in my hair. “I don’t know yet. I’m okay in Jeremy’s garage.” She raises an eyebrow at me. “I’m sure your parents are worried about you, Charlie.” I avoid her gaze by looking somewhere behind her to try and figure out what to tell her. “Hey,” her voice makes me refocus on her. “Take it from me, running away from your parents isn’t the right option.” “Then why did you?” She releases her grip around my neck and places her hands on my chest, pushing me away a little. “I didn’t run away, Charles. This is different. I would go back to my parents’ if they’d let me.” “Right, sorry.” I tuck a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. “I’ll go back tomorrow, okay? I can’t face them yet.” “You promise?” “I promise.” A smile breaks through on her face just before she leans in to kiss me one more time. “Good night, Emily Fox.” I plant a kiss on her forehead and step away from her. “Good night, Charlie Gillespie.” She stays put, watching me as I walk away. I turn around once more to throw her a kiss, which she cutely plucks out of the air. I’m so in love with this girl, I’d do anything for her. Even going back to my parents’ house. Anything to make her happy.
I don’t hear from or see Emily the next day. She doesn’t respond to my texts about the new melody I came up with last night or any of my hilarious memes I’d send her during class. She’s not even at the Music Store when I arrive after school. I figure something’s held her up again and decide to just play around with the Black Fender since Ash is too busy with the customers to ask her. Fridays seem busy. The boys arrive around 7 when the buzz in the store has finally died down. “Hey, what are you guys doing here?” Ash finally notices us, a confused look on her face. “Waiting for Emily for band practice,” I reply, placing the guitar back in its place. Ash’s eyes widen and her lips part to let out a huff. “She didn’t tell you what day it is today?” The boys and I exchange glances to check if either of them knows. “Her uncle passed away exactly one year ago. She asked for a day off, and I’m pretty sure she didn’t go to school either.” I swallow a lump in my throat. I can’t believe she didn’t tell either of us. “Why didn’t she say anything?” Owen whispers, that worried look on his face. The same look he had when things didn’t go too well with his sister. A look he seemed to have reserved for the girls he considers his sisters or are his sisters. “She spent this day last year with Mitch, closed off from the world,” Ash replies as she starts sorting through the invoices, which is normally my job when Emily has to close the store. “Do you think she’d appreciate some visitors?” Jeremy asks Ash. “I’m not sure. You could always try? Just don’t push it,” she replies. The boys glance at each other again, all three of us knowing what to do. “And if you do see her, wish her my best.” “We will,” says Owen, “Thanks, Ash.” “No problem.” We leave the store, and suddenly, everything around me seems glum and dark. “We’ll just go check up on her, see if she’ll appreciate some company,” Jeremy suggests. “If she’d rather be alone, we’ll leave straight away,” I agree and then lead the boys to Emily’s house. The road I’ve taken many a times with her before. The road that seems so endless all of a sudden. The road with the red door at the end of it. Even that door seems looming now. We ring the doorbell and wait until Mitch opens the door. His eyes look red and puffy, and he’s in his joggers with a blanket wrapped around him. “Oh, hey, boys,” he greets solemnly and sniffles. “We heard from Ash what today is,” Owen starts, “We wanted to come and see if there’s anything we can do?” Mitch opens the door a little further and steps aside, letting us in. We find Emily in the living room, wrapped up in a blanket with tears running down her face and tissues all around her. My heart breaks at the sight of a broken down Emily. “Ems…” I whisper, catching her attention. She turns her head, her teary eyes wide at the sight of us before she breaks down into sobs again. Her frail body rises from the couch and walks up to us, straight into my arms. As if on automatic, I wrap her up in my arms and start rubbing her back comfortingly. The boys even wrap their arms around us into a group hug. “Is there anything we can do?” Owen asks both Emily and Mitch when we pull away from the hug. “Get you some food or—” he gets cut off by the doorbell ringing. While Mitch goes to open up, Emily looks up at me with sadness looming all around her.   “Can you guys just stay?” she asks with a sniffle. “Yeah, of course,” I reply, tucking a strand of hair that’s stuck to her cheek from the tears, behind her ear. “Anything for you, Emily.” She grabs my hand and leads me towards the couch, the boys following suit. “Madison brought us food,” Mitch announces when he walks back in with Madison behind him. “Mom made some lasagna when I told her what today was,” she explains, placing the tray onto the kitchen table before joining us in the living room. “Hey, boys,” she gives us a wave, which all of us return. “How are you feeling?” She walks up to Emily and presses a kiss to her hair. “Better now,” she manages a thankful smile through all the tears. “You guys want anything to drink?” Mitch asks. “I’ll get it,” Madison chimes in, “You sit down.” Mitch obeys like a lost puppy and takes a seat on Emily’s other side. “What do you guys want? Emily, some lemonade?” The sad girl beside me nods her head before placing it onto my shoulder. “Boys?” “Same,” I reply simply, and Jeremy and Owen tell her the same. “Why didn’t you tell me last night what today was?” I carefully ask, placing my arm around her shoulder, so her head lands on my chest instead. “I kind of forgot,” she chuckles tearfully, “I only remembered when I was writing a song upstairs and it reminded me of him a little and then, you know, I was reminded of what day it was. I’m sorry.” “That’s okay, I just got worried when I didn’t hear from you or see you in the store,” I tell her. Madison hands out the lemonades and takes a seat on the couch. “We asked Ash if she knew if you were up for some company,” Jeremy adds after sipping from his drink. “She wasn’t sure, but we wanted to check up on you anyway and see if we could do anything.” She lifts her head from my chest and eyes the three of us with a small smile cracking through her pale complexion. That’s when I notice she’s not wearing any makeup and her hair is scraped up messily. Still, she appears breathtaking. “I’m glad you guys came over,” she admits, and it makes me smile. “Last year, we spend this day at the hospital and then several weeks home,” Mitch chimes in. “We just sat on the couch, ate tubs of ice cream, watched movies and cried. My sister was the only one we saw when she came to check up on us and brought some food.” “Remember what Bobby said just before he died?” Emily asks her uncle, fresh tears pooling her eyes while a smile tugs at her lips at the memory. “You got to keep on dreaming, Emmy. Catch that feeling,” They quote in unison. I realize that’s why she got so mad when I called her ‘Emmy’. It’s what her uncle used to call her. It’s reserved for just him. “How did your uncle die?” Owen asks cautiously, “If you don’t mind me asking.” “Uhm… He got into an accident,” Emily replies, wiping an escaped tear away, “He was on his way home from this musical conference thing, I don’t remember what it was, and the bus he was on crashed and flipped upside down. Several people died that day.” “He had a collapsed lung and several broken bones. He stayed alive for an hour or so more, until Ems and I got to the hospital, and then he slowly went,” Mitch adds. “He waited for us, wanting to see us one more time before he left,” Emily sobs, and I press her closer to me. “I can’t believe his sister didn’t even come to say goodbye.” “Your mother was in New York, Muffin. She wouldn’t have made it in time.” “She came home a week after he died for the funeral, Mitch. She didn’t even try to come and see him.” I flinch at the volume and anger in her voice. Her parents don’t only not care about their own daughter, they didn’t care about her uncle. Probably because he’s the one that put that dream of hers in her head. He’s the one that introduced her to music. Mitch turns to us now, the sad smile still on his face, and says, “The funeral really was beautiful though. Just like Robert would’ve wanted it. Emily wrote a beautiful song and we had a professional singer come in since she couldn’t do it without breaking down. We almost made it into a whole musical, didn’t we, Muffin?” Emily cracks a smile, nodding. “He would’ve loved that so much,” she sniffles. “Can you sing it for me, Muffin?” Her breath hitches in her throat. She’s thinking about it. I can tell by the way she freezes, then rubs her nose once. “Please?” Emily gets up and grabs my hand, beckoning everyone to follow her. She leads me down a hallway and into a large room at the very back of the house. The lights flicker on, revealing an entire studio. Instruments everywhere, pretty much every instrument that exists, and even a recording booth in the corner. My eyes scan the room before landing on Emily. She’s staring into the room too, as if taking it all in. “I haven’t been in here in so long,” she whispers before taking a step. “Can you guys help me?” she turns to us. The three of us spring into action and set everything up; microphones, instruments – she instructs which ones she wants to use – and plug them into the amps. Mitch and Madi sit down on the couch in front of our set up. “You start,” she whispers to me, and I begin strumming the electric guitar. She then nods to Owen, who begins thumping the bass drum, while she starts singing and Jeremy joins in with bass. “I carry the weight of you in my heavy heart And the wind is so icy, I am numb I carry the weight of you heading back to start With a thousand eyes on me, I stumble on” She shuts her eyes when her voice waivers, and I witness a single tear rolling down her cheek. “I am tired, I'm growing older I'm getting weaker everyday, yeah I carry the weight of you I carry the weight of you” Jeremy and I quit playing for a moment, leaving Owen with the beat that carries Emily into the pre-chorus. “Lay down here Beside me in the shallow water Beside me where the sun is shining on us still” Jeremy and I then chime in again, and Emily’s voice grows with our instruments. “Lay down here Beside me in the hallowed water Beside me where the silver lining stays until The sirens' calling” She takes the microphone from the stand and walks up to Jeremy, a small smile tugging at her lips. The room suddenly feels less dark, less sad. As if something’s lifted. “We follow the sun down low 'til we hit the night And you hold me so tightly It's hard to breathe Oh” She turns to Owen as if speaking to him now. He gives her an encouraging smile, which boosts her singing a little. “And I'm tired, I'm growing older I'm getting weaker everyday, yeah We follow the sun down low We follow the sun down low” She turns around to face Mitch and Madison again, really getting into the song. Her voice grows stronger and stronger with the second. “Lay down here Beside me in the shallow water Beside me where the sun is shining on us still Lay down here Beside me in the hallowed water Beside me where the silver lining stays until The sirens' calling The sirens' calling” She now walks up to me as we slow the music down a little, letting her voice carry us instead. She rests her head on my shoulder for a moment, as if needing to lean on me for strength. “Yeah, I'm tired, I'm growing older I'm getting weaker everyday, yeah” She lifts her head, and takes a step away from me, needing some space. “I am drowning, and you're stealing every breath Take me away and just Lay down here Beside me in the shallow water Beside me where the sun is shining on us still Lay down here Beside me in the hallowed water Beside me where the silver lining stays until The sirens' calling The sirens' calling” Owen and Jeremy stop playing, leaving me with the same solo I did at the start. Emily looks at me with hope and happiness in her teary eyes. Then it’s completely silent for a second. “Thanks, guys,” she whispers, her voice shaky as she breaks down again. The boys and I leave our instruments for what they are and rush up to her to embrace her, forming a shield around her against all the sadness in the world. Mitch and Madison join us, making it the biggest group hug ever. I can tell Emily and Mitch are both glad we’d come ringing at their door. I can tell they appreciate us for it, without having to tell us they do. This group hug and the smiles we receive from them, even on a sad day like this one, is enough for me to know.
Taglist: @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @hannahhistorian92​ @gingerxarmy​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @lovesanimals​  @ashleyleblancx​ @calamitykaty​ @bookdealer5​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ Lemme know if you want to be on my taglist for this story/any of my other works!
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takeiteasypeasybaby · 4 years
Save Me: Chapter 77 - See You Again
~Hey guys! This is the final chapter of Save Me, I just wanted to thank you all for sticking by me and my story for so long. It has been our journey and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed creating it. I love you all...thank you~
After Molly's passing, all of Alexandria grieves and a wave of guilt passes through the Chambler family. Negan makes a shocking revelation as the fate of Alexandria is revealed as was Molly's final wish. We rejoin Negan, Lydia and Zoe five years after their return to Alexandria as people are reunited in an emotional final chapter.
Lydia's POV//
The frustrating peaceful solitude encircled all of us as we walked to Alexandria.
No walkers, no birdsong, no breeze, nothing, like Molly took all of the life out of the world when she died.
I was exhausted of tears, my face was dry and taught from the salt crusting under my eyes.
I couldn't speak, none of could.
I tried to numb the pain so I didn't look at my dad.
I knew if I saw how much pain he was in, it would destroy me so I kept my eyes on the concrete as we walked in silence.
Daryl carried Zoe and she didn't make a sound.
She had cried when our mom was taken from us, but now she was silent and I worried she would be silent forever.
We didn't stop, no water or food, none of us felt hungry or thirsty.
The only thing that kept our legs moving was the thought of getting Zoe to Alexandria safely.
I think it took walking through those gates and seeing everyone standing there with wide eyes and shocked expressions to realise how truly gone my mom was.
Michonne ran to me and Daryl and as much as she tried to hold it together for us, she broke down in tears as did everyone else.
I stood there as everyone crowded around me, checking to see how I was, asking what had happened, people screaming and crying.
I looked up amongst the commotion and saw my dad walk away slowly towards our house.
He didn't look at anyone, he just walked with an emotionless expression on his face.
Maggie stood with Rosita and cried softly into her shoulder.
Judith and Gracie came running over with smiles on their faces to see us but when Michonne spoke to her, her face dropped and tears ran down her cheek.
They must have thought it strange that I didn't cry or scream.
I just felt numb now, like after everything i'd lost, I had no more emotions to give.
I took Zoe out of Daryl's arms and held my sister close to me as I told everyone to give us space.
I followed after my dad to the house and when I walked inside, he was rushing around, pulling out drawers and opening cupboards as if he was searching for something.
I just stood in the doorway worriedly as I watched him.
He sighed when he found it, it was his baseball bat with barbed wire, the one people called Lucille.
He barely looked at me and moved past out into the garden.
I turned around and saw him grabbing a pile of wood and a bottle of bourbon.
He chucked the bat onto the wood and lit the whole thing with a lighter.
I gasped at the roaring flames as I watched my dad just standing there with his hands in his pockets as he intensely watched the bat burn.
People started to look over, so I walked slowly and took his arm.
'Dad please' I said as I rocked Zoe in my arms.
'This won't bring her back' I continued choking on my words.
At this, he started to gasp and cry as he wrapped his arms around Zoe and I.
I found my tears again and cried into his shoulder.
'This is all my fault' he said angrily.
I looked up in confusion.
'I shouldn't have let her go out there, it should have been me. I put her through so much pain, she suffered because of me. The people I killed, people she loved. It should've been me, it should've been me' he said crying.
In that moment I wanted to tell him that if anyone was to blame, it was me, but admitting that out loud was too much to bear.
'I don't want it anymore, I don't wanna look at it' my dad continued as he glared at the blackening bat.
Michonne came rushing over, people tried to follow her when they saw the flames close to our house but Daryl held them back.
'I know what you're gonna say Michonne' Negan started as he let go of us.
She shook her head.
'I don't know what to say...I can't. I'm so sorry, but you have two beautiful daughters that need you to be strong right now and if I know anything, you are the most stubborn, strong, son of a bitch I know. Don't do this...' she warned.
My dad looked at her in confusion as he exhaled and asked 'do what?'.
'Burn everything to the ground' she said pointing to the flames near our house.
He shook his head.
'I would never. This is our home...this i-is Molly's home. I'm destroying Lucille, I don't want to reminded of all the ways I failed Molly' he said drained of all energy.
Michonne nodded slowly but ushered some guys over to put the fire out.
'I used to think that you were a monster, someone who couldn't change. But, here you are, standing strong with your daughters in Alexandria. Someone who fought for us and helped save our people. Because of you, you all, the hoard that was heading straight for us, changed its course' she said sadly but proudly.
'What?' I asked in confusion.
'The hoard would have killed us all' Michonne said sadly, knowing the price we all paid for our safety.
'Of course Molly saved us all. She knew the moment she saw it' my dad said to himself as the realisation hit.
'We get through this, all of us' I said as I spoke my mom's words while I connected the dots as Michonne looked at me and smiled sadly.
'That sounds like Molly' Michonne said tearfully.
I gasped in relief and broke down on the grass.
My dad immediately hugged me and Zoe.
'I thought it was all my fault, that mom went out there after me, but she knew about the hoard' I said in tears.
Michonne nodded as my dad said 'you were never to blame Lydia'.
Michonne smiled sadly at us and stood silently while we held each other until I said softly to my dad, 'can we have a funeral for mom?'.
He smiled sadly and said 'of course sweetheart' as he looked up at Michonne who nodded in agreement.
The next day...
The church service Gabriel was doing for us was at noon.
I stood in my room, facing the mirror and admired the locket my mom gave me.
My eyes started to tear up when I placed it to my lips and kissed it with my eyes closed.
'I love you mom' I whispered as I held it tightly in my hands.
She was right, somehow this locket made me feel close to her, like she was still with me.
I smiled when that memory flashed in my mind. How much she loved me, how she had given me a family, a home.
My dad knocked on my door and asked 'are you ready?' even though I knew he wasn't.
I nodded silently as we walked as a family to the church.
The whole compound was quiet and people looked at the three of us, checking if we were okay, some scowled at my dad for his past but we just ignored it.
People said wonderful things about my mom.
They said how much she'd told everyone about how she loved us and how brave and wise she was in believing in my dad.
Then it was dad's turn.
He stood up slowly and walked to the podium.
He looked down as he steadied himself and said 'my whole life had been filled with darkness until I met Molly. She made me stronger, a much better person than I was'.
'She loved me for who I was, even after everything that I did. When I lost her...I-I thought that I couldn't carry on' dad added.
'But then looking at my two wonderful daughters, I see Molly in them every single day and I know that she is with me, she is with all of us. Molly was the type of person who inspired people to be the best version of themselves. She believed in people and she was the strongest person' he started to say as he tested up.
'So now, now that I have to live without her, the love of my life, I will strive to do my wife proud and be the person she always saw in me. I love you darlin, we will be together again' he said with tears flowing down his face.
People cried and smiled in my mom's remembrance, even those who scowled, now had tears in their eyes.
My dad held my hand as I walked up to the podium shakily.
I didn't know whether I could do this, but I had to for my mom.
She always said I was brave so I wanted to prove it to her.
I took a deep breath and said 'Molly found me when I was a whisperer, she didn't know me. But, she took me in and looked after me, despite who I was. She showed me love and care, more than I'd ever known before. She gave me a chance because she believed in me. She didn't see an enemy, she saw a human being when others didn't'.
I took a deep breath and continued.
'Over time, she became my mom and then I had a dad and suddenly my whole life was falling into place, I had everything I'd ever wanted. But, even though my mom can't be with me, she's here, in every single part of Alexandria. Her inspiration and love will live on and I will dedicate my life to being as great as she was. Thank you' I said as I wiped away my tears and walked back to sit down.
'She would be so proud of you' my dad said as he held Zoe and we walked through the compound.
Five years later...
A few years had passed since my mom died and every day the pain stays the same.
They had made a headstone for my mom which was in the graveyard but I could never bring myself to visit.
Even though dad would bring her flowers every single day and talked with her.
He encouraged me to do the same but until now, I couldn't.
People tell me it will get easier but I don't think I will ever get over her being gone forever.
The only comfort I have is feeling like I can go and see her now i'm older.
I go and see her while I write in my journal and talk out loud about what has been happening.
'I'm sorry I haven't visited until now mom. The truth is, I felt as though not seeing your grave, somehow kept your memory alive. It was easier to lie to myself about the fact that you were really gone rather than face the truth. It just hurt too much. But now, I feel as though there's hope in the air and I'm finally opening myself up to heal. Dad says he's proud of me so you know what he's like. I can't let him down. So, here we go...' I said quietly.
'Zoe is getting so big, she looks just like you mom. I miss you. Dad said it helps talking aloud to you like this, so I thought you'd wanna know what has been happening' I started to say.
'After Alpha died, Carol and Ezekiel went to Oceanside where they would live permanently on their boat so that Carol could heal away from it all. Also, your friends Yumiko and Magna built a cottage outside Hilltop where Luke is their leader with his girlfriend Jules' I said hesitantly.
'Mary lives at Hilltop with Earl and her nephew Adam. Daryl currently lives outside Alexandria with Connie and Dog but he comes back to see us all the time. Rosita and Gabriel broke up because of Eugene, but he still visits Coco and is part of her life. Aaron and Gracie come to see us every week. Gracie is my best friend and I think Aaron secretly likes talking to dad now' I added, feeling happier as I continued.
I paused, smiling as I looked over at my dad sitting with Zoe out on our front porch.
'Dad's doing okay, I don't want you to worry about him. He has us and sometimes he smiles now like he used to' I said happily.
'Judith's dad, Rick came home. He was working for this place called the Commonwealth and he was so happy when he saw Michonne and Judith and he met his son RJ. I don't fully understand it, all we'd heard was that he died but he came back so it makes me wonder if I will ever see you again mom. I asked Rick when he came to talk to us about you. He said how devastated he was and how much he loved you, you were family' I continued as I watched dad and Zoe play.
'But, he promised us that now we would be family too and when I told him about dad, he promised to give him a chance too. Dad was working on agricultural developments when Rick came by with Judith. Judith and I played with Zoe as we did a puzzle on the living room floor with Rick when Dad came in' I said reminiscing.
'I thought Rick knew that my dad was alive and part of the community but he still looked shocked. They went into the kitchen to talk and were there for hours. When they came out, both of them shook hands and almost smiled. You would have loved to see that mom' I said smiling sadly.
I stopped when I saw my dad and Zoe walking over.
He smiled and said 'c'mon sweetheart, family meeting'.
I closed my journal and smiled as we walked past mom's memorial bench.
'Where are we going?' I asked as my dad just smiled.
'I've been working with Michonne on a project and it's finally ready' he said excitedly.
We turned down the road and saw a large white building with writing that read:
The Molly Chambler Academy
I gasped and Zoe said excitedly 'momma!' when I pointed to the sign.
'I think it was high time we had a damn school in this place, so it's dedicated to mom. It will change lives, just like she did' dad said happily.
He opened the doors and we walked through to see a large schoolroom with a blackboard and desks, paintings of all those we'd lost including mom with a painted wall that wrote 'The Future is Ours'.
'Do you like it?' dad asked as we wandered around.
'It's perfect, oh look! It's our favourite book dad!' I said excitedly.
He chuckled and said 'I know, I put it right at the front for ya, you can take it whenever you want. That goes for all the books, so long as you bring them back before my lessons'.
I turned around in shock.
'You're gonna teach here?!' I asked excitedly.
He nodded smiling and said 'mhm'.
Zoe and I ran over and hugged him, 'that's so amazing dad!' I said happily.
'I know, I'm pretty fantastic' he said sarcastically before he got serious and asked us to sit on the bench as he pulled out something from his pocket.
It was mom's locket.
I teared up.
'I thought it was lost when...she-' I started to say as I choked on my words.
'I found it in my pocket, I hadn't worn this jacket since' he said smiling at the silver necklace.
'Zoe sweetheart' dad said as he opened the clasp and placed it around her neck.
Zoe giggled and looked at it.
'Shiny' she said happily as dad and I smiled.
'Look at my girls' dad said happily as he hugged us both.
'I love you both so damn much' he said blissfully as Zoe and I wrapped our arms around him tightly.
Looking down at the locket, I smiled as I felt mom here with us.
'We love you too' I said with a bitter sweetness.
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fakeyellow · 5 years
Kamilah faces the consequences of her actions. The Ending(s) of Forget Me Not.
I wrote three different endings. If you don’t want to read all of them, just read the third one.
Kamilah watches from afar as Isla puts her life back together, piece by piece. There’s a bit of confusion, adjustment needed as Isla comes to terms with the missing gaps of her memory but she’s always been strong and she picks herself up.
Kamilah follows Isla’s career as she becomes Grant Emerson’s campaign manager and successfully gets him elected as Mayor of New York. And although she knows it’s old fashioned to cut out newspaper clippings, she does exactly so, collecting all the snippets in articles and photos that include even the slightest mention of her.
When Isla seems to decide that she doesn’t want a future in politics, she looks into jobs with financial corporations, and at one point, her resume crosses Kamilah’s desk via the mistake of an intern.
Her hand pauses over the small, professional headshot included in the resume and Kamilah can’t help but stroke it tenderly, as if she were stroking the woman’s actual face.
She’s changed her hair since the campaign and it suits her. Although the picture is still Isla, there is a remarked maturity in her face that reminds Kamilah bitterly of just how much time has passed.
She can only imagine how much Isla must have grown, how much she must have changed, how much she must have gone through. The new connections she must have made, the new interests she must have discovered, the new relationships she must have formed...
There is only so much her guards can tell Kamilah, from their positions in Isla’s neighbouring apartments, and besides, she had placed them there to guard Isla, not to spy on her.
She forces herself to be content with what she does know of Isla and she continues to scour the newspapers for new mentions of her.
A few years later, when Isla’s become established in her own career, Isla falls in love.
Kamilah discovers this all by chance one day when she’s meeting with the lawyer representing a business Ahmanet Financial is in the middle of acquiring.
The lawyer’s phone lights up with a call and although the woman quickly apologises and puts it into her pocket, Kamilah catches a glimpse of the lock screen.
It is a photo of Isla and the woman, dressed in a beautiful white dress and a white suit respectively. They’re kissing and Kamilah suddenly notices the shiny, new wedding band on the lawyer’s finger.
The meeting finishes without any other complications and Kamilah is left alone in her office.
There is an unspeakable pain in her heart, a sudden pang of loss even though she had always known this was likely to happen, and she closes her eyes, the photo branded onto her mind.
It’s in the middle of her grief that Kamilah then hears the voice.
It’s small, even with Kamilah’s heightened senses, and she realises it must be coming from the lawyer’s cellphone as she makes her way to the elevator.
Words of affection are exchanged between the two women and Kamilah listens to Isla, hearing the happiness, the warmth, the love that flows in her voice.
Although it still hurts, Kamilah smiles.
“I’m happy for you Isla,” she whispers into her empty office.
And that is the last time Kamilah hears Isla’s voice.
For all intents and purposes, Isla lives a long, fulfilling life.
She thrives in her career, leading numerous initiatives that help the lives of thousands of people. She flourishes in her marriage to the lawyer, and they spend a happy 50 years together.
Isla passes peacefully in her sleep at the old age of 84 and her funeral is filled with all the people who’s lives she touched.
Speeches are made of her great deeds, her loving nature, her unrelenting determination to do what is right.
And when the last funeral-goers finally trickle out and Isla’s body is laid to rest in the ground, a single figure dressed in black appears.
The figure walks slowly towards the newly engraved tombstone and bows her head, tears trickling down her cheeks.
Kamilah kneels and places a single stem of forget me not flowers on the grave of the woman who will always hold her heart
2. Short ending if Serafine’s memory erasure hadn’t held.
Some background information: When Isla awakes without any memories or clues of the past year, she becomes determined to never again be left with nothing. She gets into photography, a way to forever capture moments of time. Even if her memories disappear once again, she will at least have her photographs.
One day when she’s developing her photographs, she notices a woman appearing over and over in her photos. She’s always in the background, with her face partially obscured, but Isla finally finds a picture where the woman’s full face can be seen.
After doing some research, Isla figures out that it is Kamilah Sayeed, the elusive CEO of Ahmanet Financial, and she goes over to the corporation building.
In the place where so many things had happened, Isla’s memories suddenly return and she goes to confront Kamilah in her office.
“How could you?” Isla burst out.
The shock on Kamilah’s face disappeared, giving way to a deep weariness and shame.
Kamilah sighed heavily, “I know. I did terrible things and I have been paying the price every day since.”
“No,” Isla shook her head as her eyes began to water, “How could you do that to me?”
“You were tearing yourself apart, Isla,” Kamilah said desperately, needing Isla to understand why she’d done what she had, “I wasn’t going to just stand still and watch as a small part of you died each day.”
“Still,” Isla’s voice broke on the word.
“It should have been my choice,” she continued fiercely, “And I would have told you that no matter what happened, I would always love you. I would always choose you.”
“We could have gotten through it together,” Isla cried out before turning silent.
It was after a long silence that Isla eventually asked, in a small voice that conveyed the weight of all of the hurt she carried, “Didn’t you trust me?”
She gazed probingly into Kamilah’s eyes, as if searching for something in its depths. But finding them lacking, Isla finally sighed and whispered.
“Goodbye Kamilah.”
3. If Serafine’s memory erasure hadn’t held: Version 2
“How could you do that to me?” Isla asked, her face crumpling as she grappled with the full realisation of what had happened.
And although Kamilah wanted nothing more than to sweep her up in her arms and never let go, there was also a part of her that wasn’t sorry for what she’d done.
“You were tearing yourself apart Isla!” Kamilah burst out almost in frustration, desperately needing Isla to understand why she’d done what she had done, “I wasn’t going to just stand still and watch as more and more of you died with each day.”
“So what,” Isla scoffed, her watery eyes burning furiously at Kamilah, “You thought you’d erase my memories? You thought that if I didn’t remember you or anything else from the past year, I’d just return to my normal life, as if nothing had ever happened?
Kamilah remained silent, unable to say anything as Isla’s voice grew in intensity.
“Well you were wrong,” Isla bitterly said, “When I woke up, I was alone. Do you know how it feels to have woken up only to realize that you’ve lost an entire year of your life?”
“You even took Lily away from me,” Isla cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks, “You took Adrian and Jax and…”
“You all were my family and you took it all away” She continued, “I couldn’t even remember you. I just knew that there was something essential missing.”
Isla paused now, her voice growing quiet as she stared directly at Kamilah, “I cried myself to sleep every night. Did your guards tell you that?”
Kamilah flinched but Isla continued.
“Did they tell you that every day I woke up wishing I hadn’t? Did they tell you that I felt like a shell of a person, that sometimes, it felt as if I would drown in my loneliness?”
“Isla, I-” Kamilah began hoarsely.
“Did you even miss me?” Isla cut her off, searching probingly into the depths of Kamilah’s eyes.
A thousand words swelled up in her chest, begging to be released, but in the end, Kamilah could only breathe out, “Every day. Each and every second, I never stopped missing you.”
A fresh wave of tears spilled over and flowed down her face even as Isla forced herself to harden.
“I don’t forgive you,” Isla softly stated and Kamilah closed her eyes in response. There was pain written in the lines of her face but she nodded, as if she had expected this.
And then, suddenly, warm arms wrapped around Kamilah, Isla’s head nestling into her chest.
“But you’ve punished yourself for long enough,” Isla finished tearfully, “You have to forgive yourself. You deserve happiness too Kamilah.”
And Isla’s words finally caused Kamilah to break down in long, overdue tears. She’d repressed her emotions for so long in an attempt to atone for the weight of her countless sins, a weight that she’d constantly carried with her.
The redemption in Isla’s words were more than she’d ever hoped for.
Isla leaned back in their embrace, tenderly wiping away Kamilah’s tears. Kamilah grabbed onto Isla’s hand, leaning into her touch.
“Everyone is allowed to make mistakes. To mourn over something they wish they could undo. The important thing is that you come out of it a better person. You face up to what you did and you make amends. That is how you make up for your actions. Not by punishing yourself out of misplaced guilt,” Isla said.
Kamilah nodded and stared wondrously at Isla, almost unable to believe that this remarkable woman had come back to her, that Isla still believed so strongly in her.
“I still don’t forgive you for what you did to me,” Isla interjected sternly before softening, “But I will. And I will never stop loving you.”
Kamilah’s heart swelled with affection and it seemed impossible that one person could love someone so much.
“I love you too.”
A/N: The first ending was what I originally had in mind for the story and is why I titled it “Forget Me Not.” I thought it’d be sad to imagine Kamilah watching over Isla from a distance, seeing her have a happy life even if it broke her heart to not be with her.
Then I wrote the second ending where Isla isn’t able to forgive Kamilah for what she’s done to her. I really just wanted to end it on “Goodbye Kamilah.”
Then I thought about the second ending again and I thought the MC should be angrier at Kamilah at first, so that transformed into the third ending, which I think I like the best. I had a hard time coming up with what Isla’d say at the end so I used the long, italicised quotes from BB Book 2 Chapter 12 and 15. 
Which ending was your favourite?
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wantisamlindyla · 7 years
Your Ghost - Chapter 3
Fandom/Pairing: Mike/Eleven Rating: Will be M in later chapters. Summary:
New York, 1999.
He wanted her to live again, even if she could only come back to him through the pages of a book.
Read previous chapters on AO3 here:
15 December 1984 - Day 399
 Mike was playing with his Super Comm in the fort when Nancy found him.
 He was flipping from channel to channel aimlessly when Nancy knelt down and ducked her head under the blanket. “Hey,” she said gently.
“Hey.” Mike looked up at his sister. Her hair was still curly and pinned back in an updo, but she’d scrubbed her face clean of makeup and switched her dress for pyjamas.
 “I think your friends missed you tonight at the dance.”
 Mike just shrugged. “I didn’t really see the point in going. We didn’t go any of the previous years.”
 Nancy refrained from reciting a list of reasons why he should have gone to the Snow Ball as his parents had during dinner last night. She just watched her brother closely.
 “Are you ok?”
 Mike frowns in confusion. “Me? I’m fine, what about you? Barb’s funeral was yesterday.”
 Nancy shook her head. “I’m fine. It’s really her parents that are grieving. It happened a year ago for me you know? But for them...I guess when she disappeared they still had hope, but now...it’s like they’ve lost her all over again.”
 Mike listened to her intently, taken aback by the fact that Nancy was telling him all this.
 “You know,” Nancy continued, “I was just…sad for so long after it happened. Then all I felt was angry, angry at myself, angry at Steve, angry at Mom and Dad. I felt like I needed someone to blame. But yesterday at her funeral…all I felt was…peace. Like wherever she is…she’s ok, you know what I mean?”
 Mike nodded. He could definitely relate to the feelings of anger and the powerlessness Nancy had just described.
 “Yeah, I mean, sure. What you and Jonathan did, getting the lab shut down.” He smiled at his sister, “It was ballsy, and brave. What you guys did for Barb…and Will, it was good.”
 Nancy looked at him seriously, “We did it for El too,” she said.
 Mike stared at her.
 “I’m really sorry I haven’t been around much for you this year Mike. I know it’s been hard on you, I should have made more of an effort to be here for you. It didn’t really hit me until tonight. I was watching Dustin, Lucas, and, Will, dancing and goofing off and I realised that it wasn’t just me who lost Barb, you lost someone last year too.”
 Mike didn’t say anything, he couldn’t. He looked down at the Super Comm in his hands, desperately trying to stop the dam that was building in his chest.
 Nancy didn’t say anything. She sat there on the basement floor next to him and waited patiently.
 Finally, Mike raised his head and said tearfully, “I used to get this feeling…she was with me. All year, at random moments, I’d get this prickling feeling on my neck or this funny feeling in my stomach, like she was right there in front of me. Sometimes I thought I could see her. I thought I was going crazy. But now I can’t feel her anymore. Ever since that night the thing came out of Will and Hopper said that somehow forced the Gate shut. I’ve…I’ve lost her. She’s really gone.”
 As soon as the words came out of his mouth he burst into tears. Huge, gulping, painful sobs tore out of his chest. Mike realised he hadn’t cried at all since that night when his mom had arrived at the school in a panic and pulled him into her arms.
 All this time, he’d been holding onto hope that El wasn’t truly gone, that she would find her way back to him somehow.
 A long time later, he realised that he’d crawled into Nancy arms. She clung onto him tightly, tears slipping silently down her cheeks.
 “She’s really gone isn’t she?” Mike asked Nancy fearfully. “I don’t know if she’s at peace or not, how do I know?”
 Nancy sniffled and brushed her brother’s messy hair away from his forehead like she had done when he was much younger.
 “Maybe...El really was with you, this whole time. Maybe she was too scared to move on….but… now the Gate’s closed, and she knows we’ll all be safe from the monsters. And she doesn’t want you to feel sad for her anymore so she decided to move on.”
 Mike rested his head on her shoulder, listening to his sister’s steady heartbeat and her words. He wanted it to be true but at the same time he was also frightened she was right, that El had left and walked by herself into the dark, some place he couldn’t follow.
 He asked Nancy something he’d been turning around in his mind for over a month, but too afraid to voice in case it sounded insane.
 “Nancy…do…do you think it was her that stopped those demodogs outside Will’s house that night?”
 Nancy didn’t say anything for a while. She considered it. “You mean…like her ghost?”
 Mike sniffed and wiped at his face, “Yeah.”
 “Maybe. It could have been. I mean…with all the crazy shit we’ve seen…who knows right?”
 Mike laughed, “Yeah, right.” He felt a bit better, cleansed somewhat by his tears. “Thanks Nance.”
 Nancy smiled at him, “You’re welcome. I just want you to know I’m here for you ok?”
 “Ok.” She squeezed him in a tight hug and then she left.
 Mike stayed in the fort by himself a while longer. Then, he stood up slowly, and he started taking apart the blanket fort bit-by-bit.
 He folded up the bed sheets carefully and laid them on the chair. He, rolled up his sleeping bag, placed the cushions back on the couch and took the heavy books he had used as weights and stacked them neatly back on the desk.
 “Goodbye El.”
 Mike was just stepping out of the shower when he heard his phone ringing. He dashed out of the bathroom clad only in a towel to grab his phone. “Hello?”
 It was Lola.
 “Hey, did I wake you?”
 Mike checked his watch. It was 3 am in the morning in San Francisco.
 “No, not at all.”
 “How’s the tour? Where’d they put you up?”
 Mike looked out the window of his hotel room onto 58th street which was already teaming with people at six in the morning. “The Plaza.”
 Lola gave a low whistle. “Jesus. What I wouldn’t give for four walls and a private bathroom.”
 Mike had started dating Lola about a year ago. She was the lead singer of a rock band that was on tour 8 months of every year so she spent most of her time on the road in a tour bus with five of her bandmates.
 They’d met at a mutual friend’s party where Mike had been intrigued by her tattoos and she had made fun of the way Mike wore his shirts; buttoned up and tucked neatly into his jeans.
 “Did you just finish up? How was tonight’s show?” Mike inquired.
 They spent a minute catching up.
 His dinner with Will had been postponed until tonight, they were going to a sushi bar in the West Village.
 Lola was frustrated with the gigs their manager was booking for them.
 Mike was probably going to head to Indiana for a few days after New York.
 There was a lull in their conversation and Mike stared out his window at the city feeling strangely unmoored.
 He could have blamed it on exhaustion and the long tour, he hadn’t slept a wink last night. But it wasn’t that, ever since his candid interview on the radio, he’d felt like he was slowly unravelling.
 “Mike, are you ok? You sound...distracted.”
 Mike tore his eyes from the window. “No, no, I’m fine. Sorry, just got distracted.”
 Lola paused for a moment. “Is...is there someone there with you?”
 Her strange tone didn’t register with Mike immediately. “What?”
 “Am I...calling at a bad time?”
 “What?” Mike was startled. “No, no, of course not, I’m just...I’m tired that’s all.” Then the full meaning of Lola’s question hit home. His confusion morphed to anger.
 “Why would you think that I was with someone?”
 “Are you mad? It’d be cool with me you know. It’s not like I own you.  We’re both adults. We haven’t even been in the same state as the other these last three months.”
 “What? I...have you slept with someone else in the last three months?”
 “Jesus, no. I’d tell you if I had, why are you so angry?”
 “Because you just accused me of cheating on you-”
 “You can’t cheat on me Mike, we’re in an open relationship.”
 Mike blinked. He plopped down on the edge of his bed trying to process the bombshell his girlfriend had just dropped on him.
 “What? We’re what?” He was getting tired of saying that. “We’re in an open relationship?”
 “Of course we are honey.”
 “But I didn’t know...we never talked about it.” Mike was bewildered. “Is this a new dating rule I haven’t been told about? You’re presumed to be non-exclusive until proven otherwise?”
 Lola laughed, “No, no it’s just the way it is. If I tried to slap a label on our relationship then we probably wouldn’t have made it past two months.”
 Mike was stunned. “I...I always thought of myself as a conventional guy Lola. Too old fashioned for something like an open relationship. I barely even understand how that works. What are the rules?”
 “There are no rules Mike. We see each other when we’re both in town. We have a good time together, then you’re off working and I’m back on the road.”
 “Have most of your relationships been...open?”
 Lola paused. “No, you’re the first one.”
 Mike processed this for a minute. “So the problem is me. Am I….do I come off as a commitment-phobe, or am I too much of a nerd to be full time boyfriend material?”
 Lola sighed, “No sweetie. You know exactly what the whole intense broody author thing does to us ladies. You being really good in the sack helps too.
 You’re just obsessed with your work. You don’t leave much room for anything else. And you like your space. Be honest, what is the longest relationship you’ve had with a woman?”
 Mike didn’t want to admit to her that theirs was the longest running relationship he’d had at that moment.
 “It’s not that easy to build a relationship when we’re separated all the time. Maybe when we’re back home we could try making more of an effort? Maybe I’ll even go on tour with you in July. I’ll help JJ out at the merch stand.”
 Lola laughed lightly, “Well that I gotta see.”
Mike had a book signing and an appearance at a small event at the Brooklyn Art Museum that day before he caught a taxi to the West Village around seven that evening to meet Will for dinner.
 Will kept apologising profusely for having to postpone dinner so many times.
 Mike had to assure him it was fine. Usually he would have stayed at Jonathan and Nancy’s apartment, but his sister and Jonathan were currently away on assignment and Mike would have felt strange sharing the small space with Mrs Byers.
 “She’s invited Hopper to spend Christmas day with us this year. How weird is that gonna be? Not weird-bad but weird blast from the past you know? Anyways I’m flying the next day to Hawkins the next day but it’s kinda a big deal. Next thing you know they’ll be moving in together...”
 Mike couldn’t really reconcile the fact that Will’s mom was dating Hawkin’s former police chief. He had mixed feelings about the man.
 Hopper had moved away so suddenly in ‘85, after everything that had happened, Mike couldn’t help but feel a bit abandoned by the guy. But Mike couldn’t ever blame him, he had saved his and his friends’ lives countless times.
 And really, who could blame the man for not wanting to live in a town where kids got possessed by shadow monsters and there were creatures going around eating the townspeople?
 Will must have noticed Mike was unusually silent during dinner. He nudged his elbow against Mike’s. “Hey. What’s up with you?”
 Mike looked over at his best friend. Nobody in Hawkins would have recognised the handsome man sitting beside him as the Zombie Boy who had been picked on by bullies his entire adolescent life. He was tall and broad shouldered, the California sunshine had left him with a healthy golden tan. His light brown hair was well-cut and styled so that it didn’t hide his startling blue eyes or his sharp cheekbones.
 Mike felt like a lanky, pasty vampire sitting next to him.
“Nothing.” He picked at his seaweed salad listlessly. “Apparently I’m in an open relationship with Lola because I’m afraid of relationships.”
Mike explained the morning’s telephone call with Lola to Will. When he finished, Will didn’t respond immediately, he just took a long drink of his beer. Mike felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.
“You agree with her don’t you.”
Will sighed and gave Mike a wary look.
“I just don’t think you’ve met the right person yet that’s all.”
“You think I have problems with being in a committed relationship?”
“You have control issues.” Will stated plainly. “But so does Nancy, it’s fine.”
Mike didn’t feel like arguing the point with Will. Maybe he realised, deep down, that they were right.
He’d always known something was a bit broken inside him, a little bit skewed, but he’d always thought he was in good company amongst the party.
But he hadn’t realised how everyone had really moved on and how desperately he was still clinging on to the past.
Mike decided to take the subway instead of sharing a cab with Will after dinner.
He wanted to walk.
He wandered aimlessly through the city for a while. He got a drink at a tiny hole in the wall jazz bar and listened to the band playing for a while. Then he bought an overpriced coffee from a tiny diner across the road.
It was almost midnight when he decided to catch the last train back to his hotel.
There were only a few people waiting for a train on the platform. There were a few tired looking shift workers on their way home and a group of noisy teenagers and a young woman sitting on a nearby bench.
The woman’s glossy brown hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and she had a large pair of thick black glasses slipping down a cute button nose which was buried inside a worn and well-loved book.
Mike realised with a start that she was reading his first novel. It was a rare first edition. His publisher had only printed a conservative 500 copies. There had been a printing issue and fthe raincoat on the small figure on the cover had turned out green instead of yellow.
The sounds of a train approaching caused the woman to look up from her book.
Mike’s breath caught in his throat.
He couldn’t take his eyes of her as she closed the book and placed it carefully away in the handbag she was carrying, her movements precise and careful.
She stood up, she slipped the straps of her handbag onto her shoulder and caught Mike’s gaze and froze.
They both stood there on the platform unable to move or do anything else but stare at one another.
Mike wondered if he was dreaming.
He had been thinking about El so much these past few days that perhaps his mind had somehow conjured her to appear before him.
But...she was El, but she wasn’t.
The frightened little girl with a shaved head was gone. In her place was a beautiful woman with long brown hair, but those eyes, those eyes that were staring at him behind those black wire frames.
El’s eyes.
Mike felt his mouth stretch into a smile, and then he was beaming at her.
She’s alive.
She’s ok.
She’s back.
He needed to touch her. He needed to hold her.
He took a step towards her.
The spell broke. El started like a frightened doe and bolted towards the train.
“El! El!”
Mike started after her, but the train door slammed shut in his face with more force than was usual.
“Shit!! Shit!” Mike slammed his fists against the train doors, barely noticing when the other passengers turned their heads to stare at the madman pounding on the side of the train and screaming.
He tried to make a break for the next train carriage, but all the automatic doors were closing.
Mike pressed his frantically hands to the glass window where El was staring at him. “El! El! It’s Mike! Mike!”
The train started to move. He moved with it, staring at her, desperately trying to take in every detail and commit it to memory, her sweet face, her wide eyes, the tears slipping silently down her pale cheeks, her pink sweater and the name-tag clipped to the front which read, ‘Jane.’
“I’ll find you El! El! I’ll find you!”
She shook her head, he watched her mouth form the words, Mike. No.
Then there were two pairs of hands on his arms, pulling his hands away from the glass and heaving him off the side of the train.
The train sped past him and disappeared into darkness.
And she was gone.
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Better in Stereo
Better in Stereo Liv x Maddie (Twincest; don't like don't read it.) Maddie was so happy to have her twin sister Liv back home, but there was one slight problem, she started getting feelings for her sister. “This is not good. If I had strong feeling for her when she was still in Hollywood then my feelings for her will be stronger now that she’s home. Gosh I am so screwed.” Maddie thought. Little did she know Liv was thinking the same thing? Liv then decided that she needed to tell her sister how she felt about her and stop pushing her feelings aside when she knew that Maddie was always there for her no matter what happened. She took a deep breath and said to herself. “I’m going to tell Maddie how I feel about her today and hopefully dance with her at prom tonight.” Just as Liv was walking towards Maddie, Ocean her ex best friend kissed Maddie and said. “If you don’t go to the prom with me tonight I will kill your sister.” Maddie got super mad and punched Ocean in the face and said. “No one threatens me to do anything nor threatens to kill my sister. I can’t believe I was really good friends with you. What happened to the Ocean I knew in freshman year?” Liv heard the punch and what her sister said. “You don’t honestly think you would be able to do anything to my sister right? Because you’d have to go through me to get to her and I’m not one to be pushed around. Understood?” Ocean nodded and ran off hoping Maddie wouldn’t hurt her. Liv walked to Maddie and took her hand walking to the bathroom. Liv kissed Maddie and pulled away before Maddie could do anything. “Maddie I can’t believe you did that for me. I honestly would’ve listened to Ocean and go to prom with her.” Maddie smiled softly and said. “Liv, I love you too much to let Ocean get in the way of our lives. She’s changed and I’m sad to see her go down this path, but it’s her choice. I’d do anything for you Liv.” Liv smiled and said. “I’d do anything for you too Mads.” Liv kissed Maddie again letting her sister explore the new things about her that she only imagined. “Bam what!” Maddie said really giddily after the kiss was broken. Liv smiled and said. “I love it when you say your catch phrase it’s really cute.” Maddie smiled and said. “Will you be my prom date?” Liv then said. “How will that be possible, I mean I’d love to be your prom date, but how will we go together since people know us so well.” Maddie kissed Liv and said. “Don’t worry too much about this beautiful, I have a plan that will make this night perfect.” Liv smiled and said. “Well I will be prepared with excitement babe.” Maddie giggled and said. “I love that you called me babe. I feel more special with you than when I was with Diggie.” Liv then frowned slightly. “Did Diggie treat you horribly while I was in Hollywood? Ugh I should so punch him in the face.” Maddie shook her head and said. “Liv he’s not worth it.” Liv then said. “Maddie he took your virginity and then just left after you told him you were pregnant with his son! No guy should treat you or any girl like that.” Maddie flinched a little when Liv yelled. “I know Liv, but it’s okay now because I got the most precious thing that he will never get to know. Liv before you came back I was going to listen to mom and give Micah up for adoption, but when you Skyped me the day he was born and you quietly told just the two of us that you’re his mommy I couldn’t give him up. You also came just after we skyped and I was so happy. I loved him too much at that moment and I knew my love for you was infinite. You are his mom and I’m his mama and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better than you to raise Micah with me.” Liv noticed a tear streaming down her sister and girlfriends face and frowned. She wiped the tear and said. “I’m sorry I yelled at you for the fact Diggie hurt you. I was just so mad when I found out he left you just because of Micah I couldn’t handle how horrible you were being treated. I love you and Micah so much baby. I’m glad I helped you decide to keep him, he’s the pride and joy of your life besides basketball and he’s the pride and joy of my life too.” Maddie smiled and kissed Liv with a passion she had never known before. Liv smiled and said in between the kiss. “I love you Madison Shaylee Rooney.” Maddie smiled and said. “I love you too Olivia Marie Rooney.” That night Liv was super nervous and worried about Maddie so she decided to check up on her. “Maddie is everything okay?” She asked. Maddie then said. “Yeah totally come on in.” Liv opened their bedroom door and saw Maddie in a purple tuxedo with her hair up in a bun and said. “Hey, you look beautiful Mads.” Liv was in a purple lace sleeved dress that came down to her knees. Maddie smiled and said. “You look beautiful too Liv.” Liv looked around to see where Micah was and said. “Maddie where’s Micah?” Maddie turned around quickly to look for her son. “Micah? Micah buddy where are you?” She said.” Micah came running in and said. “Mama look what I did!” Maddie smiled and said. “What did you do buddy?” Micah looked at both Liv and Maddie and said. “I wrote a song without anyone’s help and I want mommy to sing it.” Micah handed Liv the paper and as she read it with Maddie they started to tear up. “Mommies why are you sad?” Maddie picked Micah up and said. “Oh buddy we aren’t sad, we are so happy you wrote this and we are proud of you little man.” Micah smiled and said. “So will you sing my song mommy?” Liv kissed his cheek and said. “Of course I will buddy. I’ll sing it at prom tonight with the song your mom wrote.” Micah then said. “How am I going to see you perform it mommy? I can’t go to prom with you.” He frowned slightly. “Well since grandma and grandpa are going to be there you’ll be with them.” Liv said. Maddie nodded. Micah smiled and said. “Yay! I get to hear mommy sing!” Maddie smiled and nodded. “You do buddy, but you need to be dressed like you were at great aunt Fran’s funeral.” Micah nodded. “Okay, but do I have to wear the black one?” Maddie shook her head and Liv said. “No you don’t little man. In fact it would be horrible if you did because you wouldn’t match mama and I since we are in purple.” Micah smiled and nodded. At Ridgewood the girls went into the gymnasium and saw their parents holding Micah’s hand. Maddie smiled and said to Liv. “I’m glad our parents are really helpful with Micah. I’m not sure what I’d do if they weren’t supportive.” Liv smiled and said. “You know I would still be here for you if our parents weren’t supportive. I love you Maddie.” Maddie smiled and hugged her sister. “I love you too Liv.” Maddie then told Liv. “You should get ready for your performance, Micah is really excited.” Liv nodded and kissed Maddie’s cheek going up to the stage. Liv started singing “True Love” and Maddie felt the love Liv had for her. Micah was in his mama’s arms and smiled. “Mommy’s voice is beautiful, mama, will you sing with her the song you wrote?” Maddie smiled softly and said. “Would you love to hear me sing with mommy? Even if my voice isn't that great?” Micah nodded and said. “Mama your voice is amazing, don't think differently about yourself.” Maddie smiled and nodded. “I'll sing with your mom buddy.” Micah smiled and hugged his mama. “I love you, mama.” He said softly. Maddie smiled and said. “I love you too Micah, so much.” Maddie walked over to her parents and had them keep an eye on him while she sang with Liv. Liv smiled and whispered. “What are you doing?” Maddie smiled and said. “I'm going to sing with you Liv.” Liv smiled and nodded. When Liv started singing “Count Me In” Maddie felt the rhythm and smiled. Maddie then sang the next part and Liv was able to feel the love Maddie had for her. They sang the chorus they were able to help the school see the world in new and wonderful colors. Maddie sang the harmony and Liv sang the melody, which was the most beautiful thing to both of them. After prom Liv, Maddie, and Micah went home and just played a few games in their bedroom. Maddie smiled and said. “Hey buddy do you want to play I Smack your world with mommy?” Micah smiled and shook his head. “I don't want mommy to have to wear a helmet.” He giggled. Liv laughed and said. “I promise I won't wear a helmet, besides I really don't like helmets.” Maddie smiled and said to their son. “Buddy that was when your uncle Parker and I were playing the game.” Micah then said. “Okay let's play!” As they were playing I smack your world Maddie noticed that Micah was getting sleepy. Liv also noticed and smiled. She whispered in Maddie’s ear. “Do you think we should put Micah in his room?” Maddie smiled and shook her head. “No he’s been starting to get separation anxiety, and he’s been asking for you and me to be together in the same room with him. It really sucked when you were in Hollywood when he was just born, I didn’t think I could handle him without you.” Liv solemnly nodded and hugged her two favorite people. “I know, I really wanted to just pack my bags and come back home after he was born. I knew he needed us both, but I didn’t know how to tell my manager that Micah is actually my son as well as my nephew, because we weren’t really a couple then, so I just stayed there even though I got barely any sleep worrying about the two of you.” Maddie smiled and said. “I still have the picture of us the day he was born when you jetted yourself to see him.” Maddie stood up and got the picture out of her wallet and smiled tearfully. “I was so happy when you came I just wanted to kiss you right then. Mom and Dad didn’t even noticed you which was surprising to me.” Liv looked at the picture with Maddie and said. “It was perfect, he was so perfect when he was born I cried the entire night when you were sleeping and I held him close to me and said. ‘Hey Micah I’m your mommy, your mama and I love you so much baby boy, I just know you are going to be a heart breaker when you get older.’ One of my friends is actually a wizard, but you can’t tell anyone not even mom or dad that. I was able to get permission from her to tell you how I really got here today when I was going to tell you how I really feel about you. Please don’t hate me, I really wanted to tell you.” Maddie smiled and said. “Is your friend Alex Russo? Because she’s my friend too. I honestly didn’t know she was your friend, but I will be forever grateful to her.” Liv smiled and nodded. Micah was sleeping while they stopped playing their game to talk. Maddie smiled and watched as her little boy slept peacefully. “Liv I’m in love with you and I tried so hard to push my feelings aside, but I just couldn’t it was too hard for me to hide them. I need you as my sister, my lover, my best friend, and my light.” Liv smiled and said. “I’m never leaving you Maddie, I love you too much to let you go. I can’t be without you.” Maddie kissed Liv softly on the lips and said earnestly. “Let me really show you my love for you Liv.” Liv was shocked to hear what Maddie said next. “Are you sure about this Maddie? I don’t want you to be fearing what happens when we do make love, because I really hate what Diggie did even though he did give you Micah.” Maddie smiled softly and nodded. “I’m sure, Liv. I love you and I need you to be my first.” Liv smiled and nodded. Liv kissed Maddie softly on the lips and gently laid her down on Maddie’s bed and said. “Maddie you are so beautiful.” Maddie smiled and said. “You are beautiful as well Liv.” As the girls made love Liv realized how much this relationship would affect her life and Maddie’s life, but she knew that they were meant to be together because of how understanding she is to her. When they were cuddling Maddie listened to the heart beat of her sister and lover and asked. “How are we going to be a true couple when we are sisters?” Liv smiled and said. “I’m not completely sure Maddie, but what I do know is that we are going to be together forever no matter what. Because we are better in stereo than we are separate.”
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