#at some point Eddie gave Steve a key and obviously Steve got another cut to give to Robin
fairy-princette · 2 years
Eddie rolls over in the morning and goes to pull Steve closer to him, except Steve suddenly has a lot more boob than he did the night before. He opens his eyes and is confronted with the back of Robin's head, who had definitely not been in the bed when they fell asleep.
Robin: Not that I don't appreciate a morning grope but you're really not my type Munson Steve: Yeah, get your own platonic soulmate Eddie: This is my bed?
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Part two to some kind of AU that still doesn't have a title or clear plot...
Steve giddily laughs his entire short drive home, turning up his music a little louder than usual and rolling his windows down. As he pulls into the driveway to his and Robin’s townhouse, he’s fully head banging and belting out incorrect lyrics.  
As he cuts the engine, he waves at his neighbor, Murray, who is watering his garden in his robe.  
Steve gets out of the car and presses the ice pack into his wrist, finding that it’s only slightly sore. 
“Someone got laid,” Murray sings teasingly.  
Steve rolls his eyes replying, “For once, you’re wrong.” 
Murray immediately turns off the hose and grabs a flask out of his robe pocket. He takes a swig and explains, “Clears the mind.” He gives Steve a look up and down and guesses, “You have a new romantic interest in your life.” 
“Something like that,” Steve says without suppressing his wide smile while making his way to his front door. 
“Make sure to bring them to me and Alexei so we can determine how long it will last!” Murray yells as Steve makes his way inside.  
Steve continues to smile, resisting the urge to do a little happy dance. 
“That good, huh?” Robin asks, glancing up from the papers she’s grading. “I’m surprised. The guy didn’t look like he would be good in the sack.” 
Steve hangs his keys up and nonchalantly says, “He wasn’t, and I didn’t sleep with him. He kind of had a boyfriend.” 
Robin immediately is abandoning her work and moving to sit on one of their wooden bar stools – her signal that she’s all ears. Steve laughs and moves to the other side of the kitchen island, putting the ice pack in the freezer.  
“Why do you have an ice pack? Did the boyfriend do this to you? Steve, did you get into a fight?!” Robin yells. 
Steve grabs a banana from the counter and peels it saying, “Careful, Robin. You know Murray is listening through the walls right now translating for Alexei.” 
Robin groans, “I’ve been grading these kids' worksheets ever since you left the bar and I came back home. Give me the break and drama I deserve.” 
“I haven’t been gone for that long.” 
“It’s sixth grade band, Steve. They can’t read music, and no matter how many times I preach ‘Every Good Boy Does Fine’ and ‘FACE’ they still can’t get it! Spare me,” Robin begs leaning over the counter. 
Steve takes another bite out the banana just to torture his best friend for a few more moments, but he can hardly stand not telling her. “Okay! So, me and... I don’t remember his name... let’s go with dumbass. He and I were in bed, and it was awful, Robin. Awful. I get there are slim pickings in Hawkins but... That’s not the point!”  
Steve runs a hand through his hair and takes the final bite of his banana talking around the mouthful. “I was wondering how I could leave without offending him, and all the sudden he handcuffs me, even though I thought it was clear that I was uncomfortable with him joking about it. And just when I’m about to start panicking, someone busts into the room. Turns out, dumbass has a boyfriend, and a really really gorgeous one honestly.” 
Robin gasps, “No way!” 
Steve continues, “And I’m sitting there watching them fight because there was no way that Eddie was cool with his boyfriend with another dude, obviously.” 
“Obviously,” Robin parrots, hand reaching into their M&M jar and throwing a handful in her mouth. 
Steve takes an M&M as well and goes on, “And then I realize as dumbass is leaving that I’m stuck. And those handcuffs were not coming off and, get this, dumbass still has the key in his pocket.” 
Steve throws away the banana and hops on the kitchen island. “So, Eddie tries to pick the lock, and he tells me that he doesn’t know how but he knows how to hotwire a car? Anyways, we got to talking and he’s so sweet, Robin. He gave me that ice pack, and he’s drawing a custom design for Dustin’s dice! So, I gave him my number, and he said he would call me.” 
Steve’s legs swing as he thinks about Eddie. 
“Let me get this straight,” Robin says and takes in a deep breath – an indicator of an imminent spiraling breakdown. “You gave a complete stranger whose boyfriend you almost slept with our home number which he could call and track and get our address and get revenge on you! And by you, I mean us because he can’t have any witnesses. And then we’re both dead and die a horrible gruesome death because you think this man who you met briefly and owns handcuffs is cute?” 
Steve nods for a few moments, taking in Robin’s rant. “....Yeah.” 
Robin thuds her head on the counter and sighs, “You’re going to be the death of me.” 
“I think Ms. Nancy Wheeler will be the actual death of you,” Steve teases, jumping back before Robin moves to smack him on the arm. He’s glad to know one of Robin’s weaknesses – the eighth grade English teacher – is a great distraction. Robin goes into her usual rant about how Nancy is probably straight like almost everyone else in Hawkins, but then she trails off to go over every time they’ve made eye contact or spoken.  
Steve half listens to her, having heard the story of how Nancy once sat next to Robin during a staff meeting even though there were three other seats available about a million times before. Sometimes Steve thinks the middle school hormones rub off on them, too. Especially since he cannot stop thinking about Eddie and staring at the home phone, willing it to ring.  
But no matter how hard he stares – or how many times Robin makes fun of him for it – the phone doesn’t ring that night.  
This is heading in a different direction than I expected... do we like?
(Trying to tag people who asked me to tag them
@gaysonthefloor @tinydragonhuman @micheledawn1975 @kerlypride @counting-dollars-counting-stars @yourebuckingkiddingme )
Part three
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