#at the child-hood birthday party of a future major leagues baseball star
thirteenemeraldcats Β· 2 months
Care to share with us what your no-longer-shortish wip is about???? πŸ‘€
So I mentioned in this post that I had a short-ish WIP in my 'active development' pile that's angsty, Jamie-centric, and involves a cat. It's set in the nebulous time between Jamie rejoining the team at the end of 2x02 'Lavender' and the Dubai Air protest in 2x03 'Do the Right-est Thing', so Jamie's very much on the outside looking in.
Originally, it was only focused on Jamie having crushing feelings of social isolation, itchy feelings of touch starvation, and a cat. Now it's merged with another WIP from the 'extended mountainous pile' and given Jamie crushing feelings of social isolation, itchy feelings of touch starvation, a poor sense of self worth, terrible self-preservation instincts. And appendicitis. And a cat. (And Dani!)
(Even more characters just keep showing up too. I didn't invite them. They're just. Here.)
So now I'm smashing two different outlines together with all the single-minded enthusiasm of child convinced they've got the right jigsaw pieces. (They do not.) And while this isn't going to be long, it is no longer the short-ish length that I LITERALLY BEGGED IT TO STAY AT.
I LOVE the angst potential of the early-season-2-time-period and I would be remiss to not shout out our beloved @jamietarttsnorthernattitude who already covered it beautifully in 'i'm lost, but i'm hopeful, baby' and is DOING IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW!! (I'm very very excited πŸ₯³)
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