#at the moment it goes P.iers P.iers P.iers p.iers p.iers!!
On the contrary to one of the recent asks. Could we get Rose gorging down some of Galar’s hunks? I’d imagine they’d gurgle down into some good belches and leave him needing a new suit
Hell yeah! I'll throw a few guys his way. Honestly don't remember what the recent ask in question is for this one.
It was time for some change. Chairman R.ose needed to do some revamping for the gym challenge and get rid of a few...problem characters. Luckily, he knew exactly how he wanted to handle that! His stomach growls out in agreement and he gives it a gentle rub to settle it down. They should start arriving soon.
The first one to come by is M.ilo, the big hunk of a man smiling politely as he walks into R.ose's office. The farmer clearly had no idea what he was in for. The chairman did his best to seem cordial and friendly, waiting for that perfect moment to strike. It came when he got M.ilo to reach over his desk for a handshake. R.ose takes his hand, then pulls hard, dragging the gym l.eader over his desk as he shovels that hand right into his jaws.
M.ilo screamed and tried to pull away, naturally, but R.ose's gullet proved stronger as that first thick gulp sucked M.ilo in up to his elbow. The farmer tried to get up again and pull away from the desk, but R.ose kept gulping, getting up to the shoulder and forcing M.ilo's head into his drooling jaws. The meal was easy from there as he gulps and slurps the hunk of beef down with greed. His already round stomach swells out, buttons popping off his suit as it quickly fails to hold onto his expanding gut. M.ilo makes quite a mess, knocking things off his desk and kicking a chair over, but those kicking legs are soon slurped up and he's forced down fully into R.ose's stomach.
R.ose leans back in his chair with a content sigh, his stuffed gut resting nicely in his lap while M.ilo thrashes around inside, begging to be let out. The chairman basks in the feeling of being so full of such lively prey for a good few minutes, but eventually, he has to do something about all of this. His appointments are all half an hour apart and he has some cleaning to do before the next man arrives. Some rubbing and kneading make M.ilo scream even louder, and it works out a few thick belches from R.ose. Eventually, all that thrashing settles down, and M.ilo goes silent with a few stray gurgles all to show for it. R.ose has an easier time moving around and cleaning up after that, though the size of his gut does get in the way a bit. By the time he's settled down again, M.ilo has gotten much softer and is well on his way to padding out the chairman's figure. Just in time for the next appointment.
K.abu is clearly more suspicious as he walks in. Seeing the chairman with an unusually engorged stomach, completely exposed given the lack of most buttons of his suit, seems to be setting off alarm bells for the fire-type gym l.eader. But he doesn't leave, either, instead sitting down. R.ose doesn't wait as long this time, meandering to the other side of his desk and carefully undoing his tight belt buckle. K.abu doesn't notice until the chairman's ass is coming down over his head, and by then, it's too late. With some moans and wet squelched, he's disappearing right up R.ose's bowels. The chairman slides down his torso with some wiggling and relaxes as he finds himself sitting comfortably. K.abu's legs kick around between his own, but a few flexes of his ass slurp those up and pack him away. He'll be left to squirm around in the chairman's bowels for a little while, but he'd be long dead by the time P.iers came by.
At this point, R.ose's gut is too large to really ignore, same for the fact that his suit is looking rather disheveled, now with his belt unable to close over his waist. R.ose tries to deflect and act like nothing is amiss, but his guts bubble wetly and he belches up M.ilo's hat. The facade drops rather fast and the rock star gets pinned to the wall by that stomach after trying to leave. P.iers got to scream for help just once before his head is engulfed and he's being greedily slurped down. Being so skinny, he makes for an easy meal, and he didn't survive too long in the caustic mixture of his fellow gym leaders. A bassy belch not five minutes later and he goes slack in the chairman's guts.
At that point, it's basically impossible to try and hide what he's done. When Gordie comes by, he immediately tries to leave, but R.ose pulls him back and begins to scarf him down just like the rest. He's another big meal like M.ilo, and R.ose knows he's going to be a real calorie bomb just like the farmer, but at this point he doesn't care at all. He just wants the man down the hatch and churning away. It takes some effort to hoist him off the ground, but once he does, R.ose is able to throw his head back and send his latest course down the hatch. His gut bounces and sloshes as G.ordie is dropped in and a nasty belch shakes the door in its frame as a pair of sunglasses fly out of the chairman's jaws.
This meal proved harder to melt, though, and R.ose was still trying to knead G.ordie into place when R.aihan walks in. Unlike the others who tried to run, the dragon-type gym l.eader opts to trying to fight R.ose. But with so much new weight to simply throw around, it doesn't take R.ose very long to knock R.aihan onto his back and smother him under his fattening ass. A bit of wiggling and a pop later, and R.aihan is left to thrash around like a madman as he's pulled into R.ose's ass. The chairman moans shamelessly, not caring anymore how he looks as he indulges in his greed. By the time he's standing up again, he's got a pair of kicking shins hanging from behind his cheeks. They get slurped up with ease while he discards his suit--at this point, he has no need for it. His gut is hanging heavily before him, bubbling up a storm with all that meat packed inside. G.rodie finally quit moving after getting thrown around and there's no chance R.aihan will last long in the chairman's grueling bowels. So there was only one man left to wait on.
L.eon barely makes it through the door before he's being manhandled. He's pulled in by the collar of his shirt and slammed into the wall, R.ose's gut pressing in on him to keep him down. He gets greeted with a wet belch in the face--he's the last meal on the list and R.ose can't wait any longer for it. He licks his lips, drooling as he watches realization hit L.eon. Then he engulfs the champion's head into his jaws and begins to guzzle him down like the rest. L.eon puts up a fight but it means little as the chairman waddles back to his seat, slurping up L.eon with ease. By the time he sits down, he's slurping up the champion's kicking legs, sending the last of him down the hatch and into his boiling tankard of a gut.
R.ose lets out a noxious belch, a dazed smile on his face as he relishes in his own absurd gluttony. L.eon squirms around for a bit but five gym l.eader's worth of gut sludge snuffs him out in no time. R.os drapes the champion's cape over his gut like a blanket, which he had managed to unclip while guzzling the champ down. No more meetings for today--he has a lot of processing to do, and that calls for a power nap.
The next day, he had to give a speech to the entire region about how sad it is that so many of the gym l.eaders and even their undefeated champion went missing. But of course, as the chairman, he was well on his way to finding suitable replacements in the meantime. No one even thought to question why R.ose seems to have grown so much heavier, his new suit still barely containing his gut on such short notice. No one would know that the missing gym leaders were still so close. And R.ose can't help but wonder if he can get away with this a second time.
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