#ateez demon
justaaveragereader · 2 years
The 8 Evil Thoughts || Masterlist
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Summary😈: When everyone dies they assume heaven is automatically where they will go…well this situation was not quite ideal…
Genre😈: Angst, Psychological Thriller, Possible Yandere
Pair😈: ????? x Reader
Status😈: Completed
Warnings😈: Manipulation, Gaslighting, Violence, Mind Games
Intro: Before It Begins
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” -William Shakespeare, The Tempest.
One: Sadness
“Deep inside where nothing is fine I've lost my mind.”
Two: Greed
“Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.” -Erich Fromm
Three: Envy
“Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that.” -Oliver Stone
Four: Sloth
“You must avoid sloth, that wicked siren.” -Horace
Five: Wrath
“You must have anger, as rightful wrath is what makes you create your own ethical standards.” -Kamal Haasan
Six: Lust
“You knew who I was when I offered the apple. Yet you still took a bite. Admit it. Sin is delicious.”
Seven: Gluttony
“The gluttons dig their own graves with their teeth.” -James Howell
Eight: Pride
“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. -Saint Augustine
Nine: Realization
"The wolf has eyes for prey, the cow has eyes for hay. One of them's a killer, the other his buffet" - Itona Horribe.
Ten: The Fool
"Some people will pretend to care just so they can get a better seat to watch your struggle. Every helping hand isn't always there to help."
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written-in-flowers · 5 months
Their Pretty Pet: Sanhwajoong x Fem!reader
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Pairing: Incubus!Hongjoong, Incubus!Seonghwa, Incubus!San x Fem!Human!Reader | side pairings: SanHwaJoong
Genre: smut, loads of it MINORS DNI
Word Count: 7k
Summary: Being brought before Lords of Inferno, you expected to be killed on the spot, except the three incubi take an extreme liking to you instead. You are the pet they've been looking for, and you should could yourself lucky.
Tags: Master/Slave relationship, polyamory, mmmxf, foursome sex, triple penetration, oral sex (m. and f. giving/receiving), rough oral sex, vaginal fingering, handjobs, pet names ("pretty" "pet" "whore" "slut" "bitch" "kitten" "darling" and variations/ "master" "my lord") monster fucking, demon fucking, belly bulging, bigdick!ateez, creampies, massive creampies, degradation, slight humiliation, slight dumbification, multiple orgasms, multiple positions, rough sex, bisexual sex, breeding kink, vibrating demon dick, spanking, nipple play, breast play, cum swallowing, deep throating, anal sex.
Pretty Lady Masterlist
The nerves rattled your bones, and weakened your knees. Your mind told your feet to keep up with Rufus, but your body did not cooperate. Only by the tug of a chain did you finally move. Even with cool nighttime breeze blowing through the courtyard, a cold sweat came over you. You had no business coming up the Black Keep. Sinners like you are meant to be an amusement for the lower demons; you committed sins in your life that earned you a spot in the third level of Hell, Lust. You spent eternity in the brothels of the city of Inferno, being a pleasure slave to anyone with enough coin. 
You’d learned high-class demons only pay for well bred slaves or lesser demon forms. The ones trained in the finer arts, who speak multiple languages, can do magic and are skilled in instruments of culture and torture. You only learned the sexual practices your clients and owners taught you. 
They won't want you, and the moment they realize what you are, you're dead. 
“Stop dawdling, wretch,” Rufus, a large, muscular demon with bright red skin and tall black horns, tugged on your chain harshly. He then growled when you did not move. “Lords do not wait on bottom dwellers like you.”
You said nothing as you forced yourself to move. In your flimsy shift, you could feel every brush of cool air blow past you. It normally did not bother you, but you struggled to breathe through your tight chest. He guided you to the tall wooden doors with their snake shaped knockers. In three loud slams, the door creaked open. On the other side stood a very tall man with black hair parted to the side. He wore a black and white suit and gloves. Round eyes carried a certain haughtiness that you'd grown used to seeing. 
“Can I help you?” He asked. 
“Evening, I have come to see The Masters Hongjoong, Seonghwa and San. I have brought a prospective pet for them,” Rufus responded, tugging your chain to bring you closer. 
The butler took one look at you, then stood aside. “Very well. Follow me. They are just finishing with another proprietor.”
Rufus didn't like the idea of another slave owner being in the castle. It meant competition, and he hated that. He, as always, took it out on you by roughly pulling on your leash. The butler led you through a hall of black and white marble, surrounded by landscape paintings and other ancient possessions. A candlelit chandelier hung from the high ceiling, bathing the room in a bright golden glow. The carpet liners on the floor felt soft beneath your feet, and the castle was quiet and still. He took you around the staircase into an adjacent hallway, where you saw her. 
A succubus and her handler left the room; the handler seething and the succubus in silent tears. From her expensive satin halter dress to her leather sandals to the golden ornaments in her hair, you knew a succubus when you saw one. She had real horns and a real tail. Rufus paid a stylist to braid and glue ram horns into your head; then, he paid a leatherworker to create a realistic tail to seal on your tailbone. The braiding pained your scalp, the glue made you nauseous, and the tail swished uncomfortably. How long did Rufus think this charade would last? Long enough for him to run off with the money, no doubt. You hated thinking of what would happen when your “owners” find out you’re not a demon at all. They’ll tear you apart and send you to the deepest pits where the worst of the worst suffer an eternity of torment. 
The thought terrified you. 
“Masters,” the butler said when he entered a sitting room, “Another slave owner has arrived with a prospect for you.”
The voices inside the room turned quiet. “Who?” asked a particularly high voice. 
The butler turned to Rufus, “Name?”
“Rufus, from the House of Kisses.”
The butler repeated this to his masters. “Bring him in,” the voice finally said. 
Rufus brought you into the room. Full of warm light, pricy decorations, and extravagant furniture, you'd never been amongst such opulence before. Three loveseats sat in the middle of the room around a square coffee table. A different man sat on each one. You knew they were incubi by the small curved horns on the crown of their heads. Demons of lust carried this trait, as well as long black tails to match. The petite man with hair the color of fresh cherries spotted you first. He casually drank from a brandy glass as he observed you. His satin black shirt and slacks gave him a trendy look that would kill in the living world. 
Beside him in the center on the white couch sat a long-limbed man with black hair reaching his shoulders. Angular features gave him a deadly appearance that matched the glint in his dark eyes. The cream colored shirt he wore was kept together by a matching corset and pants. He didn’t look up at first, since he focused mainly on the book in his lap instead. 
The third sat on a couch of dark blue cotton with gold pillows. His big shoulders stretched the blazer he wore, which you noticed covered nothing but his bare chest. Sculpted and tan, he was to die for. 
And you just might when they learn the truth. 
“Slaver,” the butler addressed Rufus, “May I present Lords Hongjoong,” he gestured to the red haired man, “Seonghwa,” he motioned to the man holding the book, “And San.”
“Well met, my lords.”
“Well, well, well,” Hongjoong said in a bored voice, knocking back the rest of his drink, “Look, Brothers, another slaver coming to waste our time.” 
“Oh, no, my lord,” Rufus said, “I promise your time will not be wasted on this one.”
“Why is that?” asked Seonghwa, putting his book aside. 
“This one here's a true blood succubus,” he said, already putting on his salesman voice. “Born and bred in the valley, she is a true born demon. She's nothing like the half-breeds and soulless human shells those other charlatans bring before you. See here, my lords?” He roughly pulled you to them by your horn, “These are real succubus horns! And this tail!” He yanked on your long, thin tail, “Is entirely her own. I know some slavers have been sticking on fake parts, but I assure you, my lords, this one's the real thing!”
The three men looked at one another, then back to him. “Bring her closer.”
Rufus pulled you over to them, letting you stand in the warm firelight. Three pairs of eyes stripped off your dress, and peeled back the layers of your skin to your soul. San's thin eyes fell heavy when he saw you fully. Seonghwa held you with intrigue, while Hongjoong looked ready to devour you. You gulped thickly and did not look at any of them directly.
“What can you do?” Hongjoong asked. 
“Do, my lord?”
“Yes, do. Can you speak any languages besides the common tongue?”
“Can you read and write?”
“Can you sing?”
“Do you specialize in any form of magic?”
The more he asked, the dumber you felt. You wanted to tell them to look at you. You are not a demon, let alone a succubus. 
“Then what can you do?” He asked, laughing softly. 
“Hongjoong,” Seonghwa said, “Stop being so mean. It's not her fault.” He stood up and walked towards you. Lifting your head by the chin, he said, “The only thing these low born succubi are taught is how to suck cock…isn't that right, pet?”
“Yes,” you squeaked. 
“And can you do that?”
“She certainly can, my lord!” Rufus said from behind, “YN is one of my best! She's made men cum in less than two minutes!”
“I was asking her,” the man snapped. “I personally have no interest in slaves who do quick, sloppy work. I like to take my time.” He touched a strand of your hair, feeling the texture and taking in the length. “You'll need good grooming,” he noted flatly. “Luckily, Wooyoung is an expert in his field. He'll make you shine, little pet.”
It happened then, or at least you think it did. A flicker of realization hit Seonghwa as he looked over your face. He gave an audible sniff, his demon senses beginning to tingle. Yet, he said nothing about it, and turned your head to examine you in the light. 
“Can she fight?” San asked Rufus. 
“Psh, can she fight?” He scoffed comically at the question, “Of course she can! She used to be a pit fighter in-”
“-Can you fight?” He turned to you. 
“Why would she need to learn how to fight, San?” Hongjoong asked, annoyed. The butler came around to refill his drink. “She won't be doing any of that. She could get badly damaged, and then where would we be, hm?”
“Do you like going to the arena?” San asked, ignoring Hongjoong. 
“I've never been there.”
San nodded, then leaned back on his couch and held out his glass. The butler poured more brown liquid for him, and you watched him take a drink. 
“Yunho,” Seonghwa left you by the fireplace and went to his couch, “What do you think of her?”
“Master?” Yunho asked, confused. 
“Yes, what do you think of her? You'll be around her too. Is she pleasing to look at in your opinion?”
Yunho turned to you, and seemed to be really looking at you now. He scanned over your horns the most. They’re meant to look like his, curled and rolled back from his face. If anyone could spot fake ones, it should be him. You expected him to out you, but he instead said, “Yes. She is lovely.”
The three men appear to take this into account. “Take off your dress,” Hongjoong orders. 
“Well, hold on now, my lord,” Rufus begins to say, “We haven't discussed-”
“-I am not paying for something without inspecting it myself,” Hongjoong glared at Rufus. The ghoulish demon falters at this, and you see him back away. Hongjoong turned back to you, “Your dress. Take it off.”
You immediately unclip the back of your dress and let the top half fall over your belt. The sight of your breasts stunned the three men. Their eyes focused on them before you loosened your belt and let the rest of your clothes fall. Seonghwa bit the corner of his lip, trying to control his breathing as his eyes fell between your thighs. This is not the first time customers examine you. You’d grown used to it over the years of being in Hell. You are a toy to be played with. You are not your own anymore. You lost that when you began your life of lust, greed and overindulgence. When presented with the option to continue punishment or serve demons instead, you took servitude over the painful torture. In a way, enslavement was its own breed of torture.
Hongjoong turned in his seat, leaning against the arm rest as he continued gazing at you. San coughed and covered his own interest with a drink, but he still kept his eyes on you. 
“Beautiful,” Seonghwa breathed. “Absolutely stunning.” 
“You keep her groomed between her thighs but not the rest?” Hongjoong asked Rufus, though he kept his eyes on you. 
“That's what they care about the most. My patrons do not have your refined tastes, my lord.”
“Clearly. Come here.” 
You walk to him, which brings a smile to Hongjoong's face. “You obey instructions well,” he said, looking back down to your sex. “I like that.”
He gently touched the outside of your thigh, feeling the smooth skin and groping the supple flesh. You took in how his fingers felt on your thigh, the sensation sending shivers throughout your body. Hongjoong ran his hand up and down your thigh before reaching around to your backside. He gave one cheek a tender squeeze, humming his approval. 
“Very nice,” he commented, moving his hand between your thighs. You gasped when his fingers brushed your exposed center. “Very, very nice,” he said, rubbing his knuckle lightly along your slit. He chuckled when he heard your whimper. “Do you like that?” 
He licked his thumb while maintaining eye contact, then he dragged it across your lips. A soft whimper escaped your throat as he traced the outer folds one by one; right when you thought he'd finally touch more, he dipped away. Finally, Hongjoong rolled his thumb around your clit, running over it languidly. Once a bit of wetness covered his thumb, Hongjoong tasted it while he gazed up at you. 
“Delicious,” he said, going back to rubbing your sex torturously slow. “I could get used to this.”
“Stop hogging,” griped Seonghwa. He took your hand to lead you from Hongjoong's black leather sofa to his pure white one. He took over, and you gasped when two thumbs pushed your lips apart. “The best way to know is to taste it right from the source,” he said, leaning forward. 
A single swipe of his tongue made you quiver. You weren’t sure if they enjoyed reactions, so you kept silent and stiff. Seonghwa took both sides and dove right to your center. You felt his tongue gingerly swiping at your damp lips, sliding between to tease your clit as much as possible. Your teeth dug into your bottom in an attempt to restrain your whimpering. However, your shaking knees started giving you away. 
“Moan for us, pretty,” Seonghwa ordered, pecking kisses across your thighs. “We want to hear how sweet you sound.” 
“Don’t be shy,” San said, palming himself through his pants. “Let it out.”
So you did. The sounds you tried stifling came out as Seonghwa’s tongue rapidly flicked at your clit. You’d been shaking by the time San came up behind you, and pressed your back to his chest. Without a word, he lifted one of your legs to rest it on the edge of the couch, and became a support to keep you upright. With more access to you, Seonghwa angled himself to have your sex completely on his mouth. San’s warm hands cupped both your breasts, and grazed your hard nipples with his thumbs. The light brushes added to the tightening sensation going on in your gut. 
“I’ve never seen a shy succubus before,” San said, voice low and deep in your ear. “I thought you all liked being fucked from sun up to sun down. Unless…you’re not really a demon at all?” 
“Wha-what?” Rufus exclaimed. “I told you she was, didn’t I?! I assure you, my lord-”
Rufus stopped when San reached to the “tail” you wore and tore it from you in a hard snap. The glue Rufus used ripped at your skin, the pain only distracting you from your pleasure for a brief moment. Seonghwa ceased when San tossed the fake tail onto the couch. Seeing the rubber extension beside him, he looked up to the horns braided into your scalp. It’d taken the stylist hours to fix them on your head, using loads of glue and tight lacing to keep them upright. Seonghwa stood up and tugged on one. You let out a cry, killing any arousal inside you as he lifted it enough to see your hair braided into the holes. 
“How dare you,” San scowled from behind you, “Try and fool us, you pathetic little worm.” 
“I-I-I…” Rufus struggled for a defense, and went for the only one he could think of, “She’s a human? I-I can’t believe it! The slaver I bought her from said she was a pureblood! I had no idea! I promise you, my lord, if I’d known that she was a human, I would never have dared bring her here!”
“How stupid do you think we are?” San asked, leaving you to face Rufus. “You really thought you could bring a human up here and try passing her off as a trueborn demon? Did you forget that the three of us are demons too?”
“I swear, my lord, I did not know! I am just as surprised as you are!”
A quick slash of silver and a spray of black blood went through the air. Rufus’s large hands clutched at his neck as blood started pouring from the open wound. He collapsed to the ground, gasping and gurgling pathetically as he clung to life. You didn’t know where demons went if they died, and you never asked. When Rufus finally laid dead on the floor, San held out his hand and Yunho produced a white handkerchief. San used it to wipe off the blade before handing both to Yunho. 
“Get rid of this filth,” San commanded, “Feed him to Dennis.”
“At once, Master.”
San turned around to you, and all the blood drained from your body. Alone with three incubi who were nearly swindled by your idiot slaver, you knew where they’d turn their anger next. You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting a harsh blow any second. The second a pair of hands touched your hips, you jolted and gave a small squeal of fear. Yet, instead of harsh bruises or angry words, you felt warm lips dotting kisses on your thighs. San unbuttoned and removed his jacket, his tanned torso glowing in the fire light, and his dark eyes gleaming with lust. Hongjoong did the same, untucking and unbuttoning his shirt. 
“Pl-Plea-se,” you begged, eyes starting to sting, “I-I had nothing to do with it. I was only doing what I was told. I swear, I didn’t want to do it. He made me. I can only do what my owners tell me to do. I promise I’d never-”
“-Relax, pet,” Seonghwa soothed you with more kisses, doing so as he unclipped his corset and tossed it aside. “We’re not angry with you at all.”
“You’re not?”
“Why would we be?” Hongjoong asked, taking San’s place behind you. His warm naked chest slowly rekindled the arousal inside you. Hands sailing up your body to your tits, he grabbed them gently as he spoke in your ear. “We just got a new pet for free. I don’t see that as a reason to be angry, do you?”
“But…But, I’m useless. I’m not a succubus or any other kind of demon. I’m…”
“Fresh,” he said, kissing your neck, “Brand new. You’re like fresh clay, ready to be molded however we want. Why would I want a regular demon who already knows everything over a human that I can shape to my tastes instead?”
“Succubi are boring, in my opinion,” said San, unbuckling his pants as he watched the other two kiss and fondle you. “They all like the same things, cast the same spells, and bore me to tears with their seductive talk. I told my brothers I wanted something new; something I’ve never tried before. We’re incubi, so banging other succubi or incubi can get boring. It’s fine if we’re feeding, but for pleasure…I prefer something a little more interesting.” 
“And you’re such a pretty thing too,” Seonghwa added, kissing up your stomach as he stood up. “So soft and warm,” he slashed one of your nipples with his tongue, “And you taste so good.”
“Your pussy tastes like strawberries,” said Hongjoong, who held your breasts for Seonghwa to suck on. “I fear I might grow addicted to it after tonight.”
“I haven’t gotten a taste yet,” San protested, who walked over to the three of you fully nude. 
“She is yummy,” he smirked, going back for a second taste with wet fingers. “But, I’d love to see what she can do with these pretty lips.” 
He turned you to face him, the other two falling to your sides instead, as he slipped his hand against your wet center. Two fingers teased around the edges of your clit, occasionally brushing up on it before pulling away. The repeated motions made you dizzy, and you knew you’d cum sooner or later. The three of them created this intense arousal that burned like fire. They’d made a knot in your pussy, and only with their fingers and tongue could it be undone. San licked your essence off his fingers, approving of your supposed sweet taste. Hongjoong and Seonghwa continued teasing your nipples; each man took one side to grab and lick while San touched your pussy. 
He coated both his fingers in you again before lifting them to your mouth. Instinctively, you opened for him to slide them over your tongue. The three of them groaned when you sucked your juices off his fingers; the act alone made you throb. 
“Let’s take our pet somewhere more comfortable,” Seonghwa suggested, reaching between your thighs to rub you. “It’s our first time. We should enjoy her properly.”
“I agree,” said Hongjoong, licking up your neck while his hand joined Seonghwa on your pussy. Each demon took turns rubbing circles around your sensitive clit while San slid his thumb into your mouth next, “Besides, it’s too dark in here. I want to see all of her while I fuck her senselessly.”
They spoke about you as if you weren’t standing there, and you liked it. You’d learned long ago that you’re meant for pleasure. It was so rare a demon gave it back to you that you’d do nothing to ruin your chances. With a click of their fingers, you found yourself standing in a dimly lit room. Not bothered by your surroundings at the moment, you let the three men take you over to a large canopy bed in a corner of the bedroom. It was wide enough to comfortably fit all four of you, with white and pale blue sheets matching the drapes tied to the bedposts. They sat you on the edge of the bed, circling you with their cocks in their hands. They were perfect. Longer and thicker than you’re used to, you knew they’d split you open in the best possible way. You swallowed the saliva building in your mouth seeing them up close now. 
“Stick out your tongue for me.”
Hongjoong held himself by the shaft as he rubbed his tip on your tongue. The high moans he let out only fueled the flames. You licked up and down his length, tracing the veins pumping blood through it before taking him in your mouth. Humming around the sensitive head, you tasted the thin, salty precum already. Hongjoong let out soft sighs as he watched you work him into your mouth inch by inch. Dark eyes full of lust, you suddenly became his entire world. While you gingerly sucked his cock, you started slowly stroking Seonghwa and San’s in time with it. You enjoyed the feeling of them pulsating in your hands; the muscles twitched whenever your thumb touched the underside, tracing the wrinkles just underneath the head. It reminded you of home for a moment: the big New Year’s office party where you fucked those three interns in the mailroom. They’d been so hot and you’d been so horny, the consequences at the time didn’t bother you. They never did, quite frankly. You were a big shot CEO. You had expensive tastes and an insatiable appetite. You still had that even in Hell where you’re nobody. 
“Take it all the way,” Hongjoong groaned, holding your head to push further into your mouth. “I know you can. Sluts like you are experts at taking dicks in your throat. You can do it.” 
You coughed and sputtered around him as he sunk towards your throat. His tip brushing against your uvula created a gagging sound that made all three men moan. Your pussy throbbed as you took him in your throat, loving how it blocked your airway entirely and nearly suffocated you. Hongjoong enjoyed this for a few strokes before pulling you off him, strings of spit connecting you both until he fully moved away. Seonghwa turned your head to face him, and laughed when you opened your mouth for him. 
“She certainly understands her place already,” he said, holding your hair as he started fucking your mouth. “We don’t need to go through the trouble of breaking her.”
“She’s been broken for quite a while,” groaned San, who guided your hand to spread his precum over his thick cock. “I can tell. She gives into it so easily.”
“She knows what she’s made for,” Hongjoong grinned, keeping your hand still as he pushed into it instead. “Don’t you, slut?” They laughed when you nodded in agreement. “You see, you don’t have to be a demon to be well bred.”
“She’ll certainly be bred after tonight.”
“If only,” San mused somewhat sadly. 
So rarely did you get to enjoy good looking demons. The ones who came to the “House of Kisses” were foul-smelling, long-clawed, black-eyed creatures who squealed and grunted through it. They acted more like animals humping their favorite stuffed toy. You hardly ever enjoyed a lover who took their time with you, who tasted delightful and gave you pleasure in return. It was something you'd do anything to keep. 
When Seonghwa pulled out, San turned your head to keep your mouth full. You’d initially sucked him firmly, moaning around his cock while sinking down to the base every time. Drool dropped onto your chest as you did so, not daring to break away unless he said so. But then, San held you by the hair as his brothers had done and made his own pace. 
“Suck a little softer, pet. I like it more-Oh, yes,” he sighed dreamily, melting in your mouth as you followed his instructions exactly. “Someone really is trying to avoid going back down there, hm?” he joked, head tilting back once you started slowly deep-throating him. “Don't worry, pet,” he soothed you with gentle head pats, “You're not going anywhere.”
This went on for a while: they all took various turns in your mouth, and you sucked according to how they enjoyed it. Hongjoong went rougher, shoving himself in your mouth and guiding you by the neck. Seonghwa kept it steady and breathily gave orders as if you’d never given a blowjob before. San, as you expected, liked it light and soft. You’d learned how to play to a client’s appetites in order to avoid upsetting your owners. If a customer complained enough or you’d disobeyed them somehow, you’d end up back in the winds of lust. You didn’t want to be flung around the air in dizzying circles; the harsh, cold winds freezing your skin while bits of debris or other prisoners crashed into you. It had been madness. They tortured you by making you feel relentless sensations of all kinds. You'd taken part so much in life, your death only made sense. 
You shouldn't have snorted all that blow. 
“On the bed,” Hongjoong ordered, “It’s our turn now.”
You slid further up the bed until your lower half hung off the edge. San and Seonghwa each propped a leg onto their shoulder, and kept you fully exposed to the three of them. The hunger in their eyes created a whole new arousal for you; your breath hitched when Hongjoong laid a flat, wide lick up your wet lips, ending with a hard suck to your clit. Your needy whine pleased them, and brought on more attention. San laid soft kisses and gentle nips of his teeth down your inner thighs. Your pussy throbbed in Hongjoong’s expert mouth, which caused him to chuckle against it. Seonghwa did the same, licking from knee to the apex of your thighs where he flicked your pussy tenderly. 
The pleasure boiled inside you when two fingers slipped between your folds. San rolled his thumb around your clit while Hongjoong and Seonghwa joined together to finger you. Their groans joined yours as you lost yourself in the feeling building in every stroke. 
“She has such a pretty pussy,” Seonghwa moaned, pushing his finger into the last knuckle. He and Hongjoong fingered you at different speeds, so neither one left your pussy empty and wanting. “It’s so wet and squeezing my finger nicely. I can’t imagine what it’ll feel when I’m fucking her.”
“I’ll have to be careful,” Hongjoong said, “Otherwise I’m afraid I’ll finish too quickly. It’s been way too long since I had anything good in my bed.”
“I want to feel it too,” pouted San, who took a few licks to your clit before sucking up the juices flooding it. When one of them removed his finger, San replaced it immediately. He hummed his delight at the walls squeezing both his and his brother’s fingers. “How can human pussy be better than demon pussy?” he giggled, “I don’t get it.”
“Have no idea,” Hongjoong shrugged, content watching his brothers finger you together. “I don’t really care either. We have a dumb little toy that we can build however we like.” His brothers broke away as he began kissing from the middle up to your breasts. Cupping them, he gave hard squeezes that made you wriggle in his grasp. “I can make her into whatever I want her to be.” He kissed up your neck to your ear, biting it tenderly. “You’re going to be the obedient, compliant submissive I’ve always wanted.” You moaned when his cock slid up between your folds, rubbing directly on your clit. He giggled at your hips bucking against him, and held them down. You tried moving into him, but his firm grip kept you against the bed. “The pretty bitch that fucks like she’s in constant heat,” he traced your jaw with his fingers, letting his dick settle right over your pussy but not moving. “The perfect slave. My slave.” 
“How crass,” scoffed Seonghwa, who shoved his brother off you and took his place. Unlike Hongjoong, Seonghwa gradually grinded into you. Pushing stray hairs from your face, he said, “I prefer a pretty toy over a slave,” he said, cupping your jaw and kissing you deeply. The mixture of your fluids filled your mouth when his tongue rolled around yours. His full lips worked yours open slowly, his tongue sliding over yours before beginning to roll around. “When I’m done with you, you’ll be a lovely doll that sings and plays music and reads to me. You’ll be the picture of innocence in front of others,” he pecked your lips as he kept grinding, “But a filthy slut getting fucked by me every night.” 
When he lifted you further up on the bed, as expected, San slid right between you and Seonghwa. “That’s dumb,” he said, feeling up your body to your chest. Sucking on one nipple, he allowed you to grind into him. “Everyone knows what you are,” he changed sides, and rolled his tongue around it. “I can’t marry you, but I can certainly enjoy the benefits of pretending.” He sealed his lips over yours, and you easily opened your mouth to let him explore. “A lovely wife who cooks and cleans for me…Who does whatever she can to please me…make sure I’m content and comfortable. Isn’t that what every man wants? Why can’t I want it?”
“Because you have servants who do all that already,” snorted Seonghwa from beside you. 
You turned over to see him and Hongjoong locked in a passionate embrace. Seonghwa watched both you and San through heavy lidded eyes. Hongjoong turned his head from you to kiss him passionately, both of them moaning in each other’s mouths. Something about the sight aroused you more. You gazed down to where they met to see their hands wrapped around one another. Clear droplets fell from the slits to their shafts, where each brother used it to slicken their movements. You kept watching them kiss and touch before something thick pushed inside you slowly. 
“Oh fuck…” San breathed, eyes falling shut and head going forward as he carefully filled you. 
Being stretched around him distracted you from anything else in the room. You grabbed San’s biceps, nails digging into the hard muscles as the pressure intensified. Once he became fully sheathed inside you, you swore you felt his tip bulge your belly slightly. It was a feeling you could never get enough of. Even with other customers, if they could reach that far into you, you became absolutely weak. Holding you close, he kissed you as he gently fucked into you. 
“Perfect,” he moaned against your lips, “Perfect. My little wife is taking my dick so well, and loving it so much. Here,” he took your hand to place on your belly, “Feel that? That’s me, pet. That’s me fucking you so deep you feel it here.” He kept your hand there as he took several long strokes. He grinned when he saw your eyes rolling back. “You’re loving this, huh?” he started going a bit faster, moaning as you tightened around him, “Loving my fat cock ripping you open, hm?”
“Ye-y-yes,” you whimpered, clutching his shoulders and trying to keep still for him. 
“It must be the best thing about being a demon slave,” he groaned, “Getting to have demon dick every moment of the day. Let’s see exactly how well you can take this one.”
Kneeling up, he pinned you by the waist, pulling your legs over his thighs as he quickened his pace. Balls slapping against your ass joined your combined moans. He made stars form in front of your eyes; every stroke pushed against your g-spot over and over again, turning you into a moaning mess on the bed. At some point, San began pulling you onto him and he laughed when you began doing it for him. 
“You really love it,” he teased, “Look at her.”
“She’s beautiful like this,” said Seonghwa, lazily starting to rub your clit. You noticed his open mouth letting out soft panting, and spotted Hongjoong’s head between his thighs. The red head teasingly swatted his tongue over the slit and underside of the tip, giving it a suck every few licks. “I have a suspicion our pet is a lot naughtier than we first thought. She must have been.”
“Only the filthiest humans are made sex slaves,” San noted, propping himself on his fists and curling you upwards in the process. “You must’ve…must’ve been a whore…a filthy, naughty, slutty whore…”
The degradation. The lack of acknowledgement as they fucked you added to your need for release. You’d always loved being used by your lovers; you loved giving yourself over and letting them do what they wanted. Having these three demons using you and each other was a dream come true. San’s thrusts knocked the headboard into the wall, his groans turning into feral grunts and his strokes becoming feverish. His orgasm came hard, and the hot sensation of his cum painting your walls made you join him. Your body became sensitive to Seonghwa’s hand teasing your clit even as you came; each brush and swirl had you bucking against the sensitivity. When you usually come down from the high quickly, your body starts wearing down, yet that didn’t happen this time. Not with real incubi, and not an average demon. Your orgasm ending, you only wanted more of them. 
“My turn,” said Seonghwa. 
Hongjoong left his thighs to join San’s side of the bed, the pair sharing soft kisses. He rested himself against the broad man, legs spread for you to see him completely. His cock fully erect, throbbing against his stomach, Hongjoong whimpered when San began stroking him. Both of them looked at you and Seonghwa now, an audience for what you were about to do. 
“Get on top, pretty,” Seonghwa said, bringing you on top of him. He didn’t hesitate to impale you on his dick, having the same burning effect as San. “Oh yes,” he panted, head tilting into the soft pillow. “San wasn’t lying.” 
You didn’t care when they laughed at you pathetically bouncing on him. Hands on his chest, you raised and lowered your ass onto him in an inconsistent flow. He felt just as good as San, his cock reaching up to your core far too easily. You whined when a hand sharply swatted your ass. You didn’t care whose hand it was; you only cared that the sting added to your pleasure. When he heard you squeal particularly loud, Seonghwa smacked your ass again.
“Desperate cock-whore,” Seonghwa moaned, bringing you forward to keep spanking you. “We’re going to fuck you dumb,” he growled in your ear, “You won’t even remember your own name when we’re done with you.”
The idea of that alone had you rutting against him pathetically. Seonghwa eventually let you kneel back up, and slightly away from him. Hands holding you up behind your back, this position gave all three demons a view of him inside you. Their eyes locked right on where you and Seonghwa met, and when he began pushing up into you, the other two jeered.
“Ride him, slut. Ride him the right way.”
“Don’t be shy. Take him all the way.”
“You’re really a cock-loving whore, aren’t you?” Hongjoong asked in a breath, being teased by San in gradual strokes. “Answer me, slut. Are you a cock-loving whore?”
“Ye-Ye-Yess,” you cried, feeling a second orgasm building in your lower belly.
“Say it. Say ‘Yes, Master. I’m a cock-loving whore’.”
“Yes, Ma-M-Master,” you sobbed, “I’m a cock-cock-lov-loving whore!”
“Keep saying it,” Seonghwa said, pushing his hips upwards, “Say it.”
You did as told, saying the humiliating words as Seonghwa brought you to your second orgasm. It hit you much harder, stiffening your muscles and arching your spine backwards. His deep strokes emphasized each pathetic cry; your tits and ass bounced from the force of his thrusts which delighted the three demons. Having them sitting there, laughing and calling you names sunk you deeper into your arousal. You came even harder when you felt Seonghwa’s hot cum filling you soon enough. Seonghwa’s jaw clenched and he kept his pace steady as he pumped his seed deep inside you. You wanted more. You needed more. Whatever devious pheromone the incubi released sunk into your nostrils and filled your lungs. It smelled like hard candy, roses and cinnamon, turning from scents into a cocktail drug that fueled your body. You swore you ran on their energy and various scents alone. 
“Take it all,” he grunted, grabbing your wrists and holding them in front of you, “Take all my cum.”
You would have stopped for a small break at the brothel. By a second orgasm, your body usually gives up. Yet, the brothers did not let you have a break. The power of an incubus must be stronger than you first assumed. Hongjoong grabbed you by the waist, and bent you over in front of him. Pushing your head down into the bed, he wasted no time in forcing himself inside you. Fingers scratching the smooth covers, face buried in their softness, you nearly screamed at the newest cock. Hongjoong did not reach as far as San, but he made sure you felt every hit each time. The only time he slowed down was when San came up behind him. Buried deep in you, you heard Hongjoong let out a long moan that ended in soft panting. Soon, you realized Hongjoong was sandwiched between your pussy and San’s cock. You matched San’s speed so Hongjoong felt pleasure from both ends. The strong pheromones drove you nearly wild now. You wanted him to cum in you too. Even if they couldn’t breed you, you wished they could. 
Seonghwa moved around the bed to the front of you, lifted your head and filled your mouth. You greedily sucked up the leftover cum from his dick. His soft rose  scent drew you closer to him. You loved the mix of salty and sweetness on your tongue, the remnants flowing from his tip to your throat as you swallowed. Hongjoong twitched inside you, almost creating a vibrating feeling that you’d heard incubi and succubi could do. It had you crying around Seonghwa’s dick; tears streamed from the corners of your eyes as he choked you on it. The combination of fingers rapidly rubbing your pussy, a demon cock shuddering inside you like a vibrator, and knowing San was pounding his demon brother had you trembling in their grasp. When Seonghwa gave you a moment to breathe, drool and cum fell from your lips onto the bed and your eyes remained shut in each euphoric feeling. You focused on nothing but them.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, yes,” Hongjoong whined, “Fuck me like that. Both of you. Fuck me just like that.”
He hunched over on top of you as he came hard. You and San did as he wished, milking his orgasm from him so he spilled inside you. You soon joined him with a body-shattering third orgasm. Your arms shook, becoming numb and weak from the weakness it brought on. All three of them having had their turn, you assumed it’d be over.
You assumed wrong.
San withdrew from Hongjoong and the latter nearly threw you on top of him. Weakly, you slipped him into your dripping hole and rode him. Hongjoong stood over San’s head, and pushed his cock in your mouth. He hadn’t even gotten soft. You heard from other slaves that incubi could go for hours if they wished. In all realness, that should concern you. Even if you’re technically dead, you could never handle such a lengthy session. Yet, surrounded by these horny incubi, you felt compelled to serve them as they wished. Your jaw burned, and your cheeks felt stiff from the abuse. You knew your throat will be hoarse and painful after tonight. This did not seem to concern any of the demons.
“Stay still for a moment,” Seonghwa said from behind you. “This will only hurt for a little bit.”
San arched your back and spread your ass cheeks apart. A cold, slippery substance fell between them to your hole, which clenched and unclenched to the thick head spreading the lube around. 
“Oh-ho,” Hongjoong laughed, “She’s going to love that.”
“What’s the point in three holes if we don’t fill each one?” he asked, pushing the tip inside you.
Your high-pitched moan remained muffled by Hongjoong, though the reaction pleased all three of them. You felt entirely full. Plugged up by each of them, having them move in near unison to keep you still in their grasp, you surrendered over to them completely. Your masters would take you however they wished, and you would not complain. Their cocks felt far too good to refuse. The best ones you’ve ever had in your previous life and in this new hellish one, you drowned yourself in it. Seonghwa grabbed both your tits to keep you in place; San rubbed your clit with his thumb while holding you by your hip; Hongjoong held you by the hair as he pumped in and out of your mouth. You stayed frozen in place as your new owners used you for their pleasure, giving you a bit of it in return.
They all laughed and jeered when you came again. Seonghwa tweaked your nipples when he heard you crying on Hongjoong’s dick; Hongjoong kept himself fully planted in your throat so your moans vibrated around his head. This orgasm made your toes curl, your nails from crescent shapes in your palms, and your muscles shake and burn from constant movement. They didn’t stop. Not for a single second. You became putty by the time they laid you back down. Seonghwa pushed himself inside your ass once more, legs on his chest as he ruthlessly pounded you. San brought your head to the edge of the bed, instantly filling your mouth while Hongjoong lapped and fingered your gushing pussy. You didn’t have much time to enjoy it before San began shuddering, and his cum filled your throat. You struggled to swallow at first, though caught onto it easily until you sucked every thick drop from him.
By the time you laid on your side between Hongjoong and Seonghwa, you lost all sense of time and place. You felt nothing but the constant flow of bliss coursing through your veins.
“What’s your name, pretty?” Seonghwa asked, the taunt in his tone.
You gave an incoherent mumble, eyes shut and body made of jelly by now.
“What was that?” Hongjoong joined in, “We can’t hear you.”
You mumbled again, head lolling as you felt San hover over you. “Come on now,” he said, teasing your clit in slow circles, “You must have a name.”
“If you don’t tell us, we’ll give you one instead,” Seonghwa panted, moving away enough to let San’s hand tease you. “Use your words, kitten.”
“'Pet’ is a nice name in my opinion,” Hongjoong said, gripping your hip as he bottomed up into you.
“Darling is prettiest,” San said, “Much more endearing.”
“Kitten,” Seonghwa proclaimed, “Kitten is much sweeter. It suits her.”
There they named you. You are their property now, and you had no say. Eventually, the three of them finished and collapsed onto the bed together with you in the middle. The softness of the bed became particularly noticeable once you melted into it. The scent of sweat and sex filled your nose, and a distinct chill fell over your naked body. Your eyes falling shut, you relished in the gentle hands and lips on various parts of you. Their comforting touches lulled you to sleep, you barely listening to their sweet whispers. Whether they spoke to one another or to you, you weren't sure. 
You only enjoyed the sweet peace sleep gave you.
A/N: just a short horny fic for all of you! I might make it a series, I might not. I have a habit of making these things lol please like and reblog <3
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hongtyong · 1 month
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holy cracker on a barrel
@crimsonbubble felt the need to show you this🫡
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analogboii · 14 days
the duality of seonghwa is absolutely bonkers like??? tf you mean this man
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is the same as this man
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falcie5 · 6 months
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🔞MDNI AnyReader OptionalMale
He groans as your walls clench around his length, causing ragged breaths to disperse from his mouth.
“Yes baby just like that”
The metal frame of your bed squeaks, as you bounce on top of him. This was your first night in your new apartment together. The thought of finally having your own place to do whatever you want, wherever you want to do it took over, as the unpacking of boxes became a distant memory.
Your new bedroom, though small was already your cozy little den and the ready set up bed frame was enough to lure you both in to a sweaty session.
“Don’t stop” he growled, fingers pressing into your hips as you push into him further.
The wetness of your hole made him frenzied. The warmth was so inviting that he felt like he could loose himself at any minute.
You continued to rock against his shaft, the pleasure almost too much for you to handle. You could barely withstand the sheer size of him, let alone the ardent whimpers and hungered look on his face.
The feeling was building in the pit of your stomach at the closeness you felt to climaxing. You clenched your gummy walls around his penis, legs shaking as you continued to keep up the pace.
His hands were still attached to your hips, fingers pressing into the skin as though he was scared of you disappearing. This felt beyond amazing, it was the feeling of pure euphoria.
You lean forward, holding on to his shoulders as leverage to slam yourself onto him, your eyes now glued to where you both connected. Fuck this felt so good.
You both continued to chase your climax as the room filled with your feverish moans and the boxes still sat full of your belongings, would still be there in the morning, as neither of you had any intent of leaving the bed tonight.
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[fic rec mlist] ot8 x reader | multi x reader
main mlist | next (member-specific)
only general themes and tags are listed - please read through the author's specific tags and warnings
both sfw and nsfw fics are included. minors please dni with nsfw fics and respect the age restrictions put into place by the writers (suggestive, smut, and trigger warnings are highlighted in red)
🩶 favourites
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into the aurora | @honeyhotteoks 🩶
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: idol!ateez x non-idol!reader, fluff, angst, smut, trigger warnings
length: 35/35 chapters [completed] - 208.6k
you didn’t expect to run into choi san outside of the venue, especially when your phone was dead and you were stranded in a random city. a kind offer for a phone charger turns into so much more, and you end up falling into a relationship with all eight members of ateez.
murphy's law | @atzfilm
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: alien!ateez, soulmate au, angst, fluff, smut, trigger warnings
length: 5/5 chapters [completed] - 98k
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dewdrops at dawn | @sunmoonjune 🩶
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: demon!au, fluff, angst, heavy suggestive content, trigger warnings
length: oneshot - 17.2k
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oh my *** | @ohmyamor
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: guardian angel!au, fluff, angst, comfort, near death experiences
length: oneshot - 10.2k
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like the moon | @sunmoonjune 🩶🩶
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, heavy themes, trigger warnings
length: 17/? chapters [ongoing] - 160k
it’s finally the day of your trial. you’ve been waiting for this day for years. will you succeed and become a warrior your clan can finally be proud of? or will you fail, and be banished from the village forever? 
the rainbow thief | @bluehwale
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: demigods!ateez, fluff, crack, angst
length: 2/3 chapters [indefinite hiatus] - 5.1k
camp half blood introduces you to a new life — new routines, a goddess as a mom, siblings you've only recently knew about, and of course, the eight friends (or lovers?) you made along the way.
first flight to hongkong | @byuntrash101
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: flight attendant!reader, smut
length: oneshot - 18.3k
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front row angel au | @bobateastay
pairing: ot8 x reader, some parts ot8-focused
genre: emo rock band!ateez x fangirl!reader, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut, trigger warnings
length: 6/? parts [status unknown] - 17.9k
nil author synopsis
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pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: college!au, fluff, angst, smut
length: 13/? chapters [ongoing] - 113.3k
when your world comes crashing down, the only people who are able to comfort you are the notorious group, ateez. you’ve heard rumours after rumours about the eight males who are as cold as ice, yet for some reason, they are the warmest people you know. when they offer you a place to live after your housing is destroyed by a fire, you end up finding out dark secrets that have been hidden for years.
without a trace | @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l 🩶
pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: vigilante!au, action, angst, slight crack, heavy themes
length: 11/11 chapters + 10/10 podcast transcripts [completed] - 98.6k
vigilante work has been outlawed, thus sending nine prominent vigilantes either into retirement or into lower ground and, while some abide by the law, a few continue on. then, one day, a greater threat forces these vigilantes to come together once again, regardless of the law.
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pirate king | @chaseatinydream 🩶
pairing: hongjoong x reader, wooyoung x reader
genre: pirate!au, fantasy, romance
length: 90/90 chapters [completed] - 251.8k
life as an amnesiac on board a pirate ship ruled by the one and only pirate king doesn’t seem very promising, but hey, anything’s better than becoming shark food.
this night together | @honeyhotteoks 🩶
pairing: yunho x mingi x reader, ft. seonghwa x san x wooyoung x reader
genre: a/b/o/omegaverse, fluff, angst, smut, trigger warnings
length: 14/? chapters [ongoing] - 126.5k
you’re finally getting your dream job, working with some of the best dancers in the business, but a job change means a break in your healthcare coverage and suppressants these days are expensive. going into heat at the studio pretty much seems like the worst case scenario, but you find yourself in the care of two alphas who won’t let you go through it alone.
not all that glitters is gold | @the7thcrow
pairing: seonghwa x san x wooyoung x reader
genre: action, adventure, fantasy, romance, angst, fluff, suggestive
length: 11/? chapters [ongoing] - 146.4k
as a princess fleeing a royal assassination attempt, you have no choice but to put your trust in a band of three thieves in order to reach the kingdom of kuroku alive. however, amongst magic, deceit, and the bounty hunters that are hot on your trail, you realize that you might have stumbled upon a relationship far more complicated than what meets the eye.
making wishes | @hwaightme
pairing: seonghwa x wooyoung x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship to poly, smut
length: oneshot - 7.0k
making wishes on shooting stars, on burning candles, you wanted one thing to come true. seonghwa and wooyoung are more than willing to celebrate the birthday girl.
outlaw miniseries | @hongism
pairing: yunho x jongho x reader (part iii), san x wooyoung x reader (part vi - coming soon)
genre: outlaw!ateez, dystopian futurism, lore, angst, fluff, smut
length: 3/6 standalone parts [ongoing] - 14.8k
(part iii) ‘two for the price of one!’ the sign outside the shop had read, and well, you’ve never been one to pass up on a good deal.
(part vi) author synopsis coming soon
we ransacked the city | @tenelkadjowrites
pairing: hongjoong x seonghwa x reader
genre: richsnobs!hongjoong and seonghwa, badgirl!reader, angst, smut
length: 5/5 chapters [completed] - 31.4k
five years ago, torn between losing your wealth or remaining friends with hongjoong and seonghwa, you chose money. working on leaving your life of bad behaviour behind you, your days are now spent obeying your parents and playing the good girl in order to keep your inheritance. but when hongjoong and seonghwa suddenly return, everything is thrown upside down…and old habits die hard.
letters to a ruined king | @setsugekka (nb: links to ao3 as fic is no longer available on tumblr. author permission to share received)
pairing: hongjoong x reader, seonghwa x reader, yunho x reader, san x reader
genre: pirate!au, royalty!au, fantasy, romance, action, angst, smut
length: 20/20 chapters [completed] - 150.8k
if there’s one thing you remember as a mantra from growing up in a street thief guild, it’s ‘trust no one but your own, don’t get wrapped up with the wrong crowd.’ unfortunately, these seven pirates and their irate captain have left you with little choice.
as the world caves in (to eden) | @atzfilm (nb: links to ao3 as fic is no longer available on tumblr. author permission to share received)
pairing: hongjoong x reader, san x reader, wooyoung x reader, ? x reader
genre: apocalypse!au, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, trigger warnings
length: 11/? chapters [hiatus] - 55.2k
a mysterious virus has taken over the world, resulting in the undead and the new ‘eden race’ of humans. desperately trying to find your brother jongho with your friends, you stumble across another group in an abandoned hospital tent. strangely, they’re looking for him as well.
better than me? | @beahae
pairing: san x reader, ft. seonghwa x yunho x wooyoung x reader
genre: bf!san x reader x bf's best friends!seonghwa yunho wooyoung, smut
length: twoshot - 10.4k
it’s always been just a harmless game, flirting with your boyfriend, san’s, good friends. he’s even in on it. but one night, he starts pushing things further than ever before. 
last updated: 01 april 2024
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ohmyamor · 1 year
he’s kinda hot | K.HJ
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Pairing: Demon!Hongjoong x reader
Summary: After a decent run with your boyfriend, you finally decide to end it when his paranoia becomes too much. Except, maybe he wasn’t crazy. And now you have a demon who refuses to leave you alone. 
w.c. 4.6k
Warnings: fluff, slight angst if you squint, minor character death he’s a dick don’t worry, mentions of blood and icky sounds but nothing is seen directly, suggestive content, cursing, desire hongjoong lives in my mind rent free
There’s something wrong with your boyfriend. 
You first began to notice his odd behavior a little over a month ago, but for the past week, it’s gotten progressively worse. 
What started off as slight jumpiness and anxiety has now turned into full fledged paranoia, to the point where he refuses to ever leave the house, having breakdowns over this ‘person’ who’s after him.
“What do mean you can’t go with me?” You sighed exasperatedly, crossing your arms and staring at the sad excuse of a man standing in front of you. 
A few months ago, you might’ve cared about how tired and worn-down he looked, but now? At this point in your relationship?
You really couldn’t care less. 
“Are you crazy?” Your boyfriend all but shouts at you. 
You feel your jaw clench at his tone.
“Do you know what’ll happen if I go out there?” he continues shouting like a madman. “He’s going to get me! They’re all going to get me! It’s not safe for me out there!” 
There’s a crazed look in his eyes and you feel a slight chill run up your spine. 
You don’t think you want to stick around any longer to find out what his tipping point is going to be. 
“Okay, then stay,” you spit, marching over to the couch to grab your wallet and keys. “Stay here and rot for all I care because you have been nothing but a paranoid piece of shit lately and you refuse to get help.” 
“I’m not going to sit around and wait for this episode or whatever you want to call it,” you wave your hands around, “to end, because I have a life and I am not going to sit around waiting for you to get it together.” 
“So this relationship ends here,” you glare at him. 
“Good luck getting by without anybody who cares about you,” you let the words hang in the air as you walk to the front door and exit the apartment, slamming the door shut behind you. 
Huffing, you shove your wallet and keys into your pocket and begin the trek to the grocery store. 
After spending a few hours running errands and killing time, you’ve calmed down significantly. 
You had called your close friend Seonghwa on the way to the market, telling him what had happened between you and your now ex-boyfriend. 
“He sounds crazy,” Seonghwa had said over the phone. 
“I know Hwa, which is why I decided to end it because I refuse to stay in another relationship where the other person expects me to solve all of their problems,” you groaned. 
He hummed over the line. 
“Plus,” you continue. “There was this look, in his eyes and on his face, like he genuinely believed there was something out to get him.” 
Seonghwa is quiet. 
“I don’t know,” you sigh. “It just gave me a really bad feeling and you know how I feel about gut instincts. I’d rather trust myself and be safe than sorry.” 
“Yeah of course. Honestly honey, I think you did the right thing. I never liked him from the beginning, but you were happy and that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, but I agree, if you have a bad feeling about something, you should always trust your intuition,” Seonghwa reassures you. 
You let out a small laugh. 
“And don’t worry,” he continues, “You’re an amazing person and a great catch, so it’ll be no time before you have someone else falling at your feet.” 
You roll your eyes. 
Even if he can’t see you, Seonghwa’s known you for long enough to anticipate your habits. 
“Thank you Hwa,” you smile into the phone. 
The two of you chatted on for a little bit more after that, with Seonghwa letting you know he always had an extra room in case you needed to crash at his place for a while. 
You thanked him once again but refused his offer. After all, the lease on the apartment was under your name, and you paid most of the bills, so if anyone was going to be leaving, it’s going to be your ex. 
The conversation was definitely much-needed, and after the reassurance that you weren’t crazy for ending your relationship, you felt much more confident to head back to your apartment and kick out the man living there. 
Once you finally made it back to your building, you exited the elevator and walked down the corridor to your apartment door. Taking deep breaths, you began to steel your nerves in order to prepare for whatever breakdown the male might have. 
As you approached your door, you noticed that it looked slightly open. 
You pause in your footsteps, narrowing your eyes to see if the door was truly open or if it’s just a trick of your eyes. 
Dread begins to build in your stomach when you realize that your door is, in fact, open. 
It’s fine, you attempt to reassure yourself in your mind. Maybe he finally got the hint and left. 
Cautiously, you approach the door and push it open with your foot. 
Stepping inside, you notice how eerily quiet it is. 
Normally when you come back from work or running errands, your boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, you remind yourself, is doing something to keep himself busy in his self-appointed quarantine. Whether it’s playing a video game or watching T.V., there’s always some kind of noise echoing throughout your small apartment. 
But now, there’s nothing. 
It’s also incredibly dark. 
Dropping the grocery bags onto the floor softly, you reach into your pocket to pull out your keys. You move to the turn on the light switch that’s on the wall, but freeze when you hear whimpering coming from somewhere in the room. 
You opt to not turn on the light, unsure of where the noise is coming from and also slightly terrified of what’s going on. 
You keep one hand on your phone, ready in case you need to call the police.
Quietly and ever so slowly, you make your way to the bedroom where the whimpering noise is coming from. 
The door to your room is slightly ajar, allowing a few rays of light to peek through. On the carpet in the hallway is a dark trail of something. 
You swallow thickly, hoping it’s not what you think it is. 
You stop in front of the bedroom door and strain your ears to listen to the noises coming from the room. With your heart pounding loudly in your chest, you come to the realization that the whimpers are coming from your ex-boyfriend. 
“Now, now, now,” a voice that is certainly not your boyfriend’s rings out. 
“Crying isn’t going to get you anything,” the voice chuckles. “You knew what the price of the deal was, and yet, you still tried to double-cross me.” 
There’s more muffled crying. 
“Silly human,” the voice says sinisterly. 
“Didn’t anybody ever warn you to not make deals with the devil?” 
The sound of flesh being torn reaches your ears along with pained crying, and you feel sick to your stomach when a metallic smell reaches your nose. 
You bring your hands up to cover your mouth to prevent yourself from gagging. You have no clue what you should even do at this point. Whatever’s in there with your ex is either an incredibly deranged human being, or something not even human. 
You don’t want to find out which one it is.
After what feels like forever, the muffled crying stops, and your stomach sinks when you come to realization that your ex might now be dead. 
The person inside the room sighs. 
“Open the door sweetheart.” 
Your blood runs cold. 
Raising a trembling hand, you move to push the door open, bracing yourself for whatever gruesome sight awaits you and whatever monster you’ll see standing in your room. 
Except, you see neither. 
There is no body in your room, nor is there any blood or gruesome mess. 
There’s also certainly no monster. 
Instead, a man sits on a single chair in the middle of the room. 
He has bright red hair and a slightly pointed nose. Jewelry adorns his ears and hands, and he wears a pair of dark dress pants with a white shirt that’s tucked in. His sleeves are rolled up on his arms.
If it weren’t for the small splatters of a red substance on his otherwise pristine shirt, you might’ve thought that what you heard before never happened. 
Your eyes drag over his figure before coming to rest on his face. The two of you make eye contact and a shiver runs down your spine at the wicked smile he sends you. 
“Did you enjoy our little show?”
You say nothing. 
The man sighs and places his hands on his thighs, pushing himself up off the chair. He takes a few steps forward until he stands less than a foot away from you. 
I’m going to die, you think.
I’m going to die a horrible and gruesome death and no one will ever know and i’ll never see my friends again and i’ll never say goodbye to my parents and-
The man chuckles.
“You’re not going to die.” 
“Allow me to introduce myself,” the man reaches his hand out to gently grab yours. He bows slightly, bringing your hand up to his lips and placing a gentle kiss on the back of your hand while maintaining eye contact.
“My name is Hongjoong and I’m the demon who just took care of your pesky little boyfriend problem.” 
Was laughing out loud to the man’s, demon’s?, introduction the best choice?
Probably not. 
But you cannot be blamed for your habit of laughing in awkward situations. 
After all, here is this man, who just admitted to killing your ex-boyfriend, introducing himself to you as a demon and also kissing the back of your hand like the two of you were in the 1700′s. 
What sane person would have a normal reaction to that?
As soon as the sound made its way out of your body, your free hand immediately slapped itself over your mouth and your eyes widened in horror. 
If the demon didn’t have any plans on killing you at first, he’s definitely going to now. 
The man doesn’t say anything, simply raising a brow as a small smile takes over his face. 
“I’m glad you found my introduction so amusing sweetheart, but I can assure you, this is certainly real.”
As he said that, you watched in slight horror as his eyes faded from a soft brown color to dark pools of black. Swallowing, you attempt to tug your hand out of the demon’s grasp to try and back away, but his grip only tightens. 
He clicks his tongue and within a fraction of a second, his eyes have returned to brown. 
“Why are you here?” You finally muster up the courage to speak. Despite your attempts to sound even the slightest bit brave, the waver to your voice was obvious. 
Hongjoong sighs, annoyed. 
“That sorry excuse of a man you called your boyfriend was in my debt. I made it clear to him when he made a deal with me what the price would be, and he still attempted to evade me.” He rolled his eyes and for a split second, the demon reminded you of a parent whose child wouldn’t listen. 
“What deal did he make?” You question, your curiosity getting the better of you. 
The demon looks back at you. 
“Nothing that concerns your pretty little self,” he winks. 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at his actions. 
“Considering you just killed him, I think it’s safe to assume it was a pretty important deal,” you challenge. 
A grin creeps onto Hongjoong’s face. 
“So you have the looks and the brains to accompany it,” his smile widens. 
You try to fight back the heat that was rising to your cheeks. 
Yeah, maybe he’s a demon who killed your ex-boyfriend, but he’s also an incredibly attractive demon who just called you smart and beautiful. Who are you to deny his compliments?
“But,” Hongjoong continues. “If you must know, he wanted to become wealthy and successful.” He takes a glance at your reaction. “And he wanted lots of women.” 
You can’t hide the disgusted look that makes its way onto your face. 
“That piece of shit,” you mutter under your breath. 
After everything you did for him, he still had the audacity to go behind your back, make a deal with a demon, and wish for wealth and women?
I really know how to pick ‘em, you think bitterly. 
Hongjoong continues, noticing the look on your face. 
“But no need to worry, sweetheart. I’ve taken care of your little problem, and I do think you come out of this fiasco the winner.” 
Your eyebrows furrow and you stare at him in confusion. 
Hongjoong leans in close, close enough where you can feel his breath on your face and his lips are mere inches from yours. His eyes have slowly begun to bleed black and another wicked smile makes its way onto his face.
“Now, you have me.” 
It seems as though demons share the unfortunate similarity to human males where they seem to be extra sensitive in between their legs. 
Unfortunately for Hongjoong, you had taken advantage of his proximity to knee him where the sun doesn’t shine. While he doubled over in pain, you take the opportunity to run out of your bedroom and head straight for the front door. 
I just need to get out, I need to call someone, I need to call Seonghwa-
Right as your fingers brush against the door handle, a hand grabbed at your wrist and yanked you back. 
Grunting, you land harshly on the floor, the breath being knocked out of you. A weight over your body makes you wince. Opening your eyes, you watch as Hongjoong straddles your waist, his hands coming down to rest near your head. 
He clicked his tongue. 
“Nice try cutie, but you can’t get away from me that easily.” 
Struggling, you attempt to shove him off of you, but despite his slightly smaller stature, the stupid demon won’t budge. 
“I didn’t make a deal with you!” You cry out, punching his chest. “You got what you wanted, so leave me alone!” 
Hongjoong lets out a chuckle. 
“I don’t think you get it sweetheart. I want you.” 
“Why?” You pant, your adrenaline slowly fading and confusion taking over. 
Hongjoong shrugs. 
“You intrigue me.” 
You can’t help but roll your eyes. 
“How romantic,” you say sarcastically. 
“See, this is what I mean,” he gestures down at your body that is still laying on the floor. “When I was dealing with your boyfriend, you heard what was going on and instead of leaving, you stayed behind the door.” 
He knew I was there the entire time?
“When I introduced myself, you laughed, and even after our entire conversation, you still had the gall to hurt me to try and run away.” He stares into your eyes so deeply that you can’t help but squirm slightly. 
“It’s called a fight or flight response.” 
Hongjoong giggles, and if it weren’t for the fact that you are currently pinned down beneath the demon, you honestly might find it kind of cute. 
Sighing, you let your hands fall to the floor next to you. Hongjoong looks at you slightly amused. 
“So what, you’re gonna stick around and when you eventually get bored, you’re gonna kill me and take me soul?”
He tilts his head to the side. 
“I can if you want me to.” 
With wide eyes, you shake your head no. 
“That’s what I figured,” Hongjoong chuckles. “No, you haven’t made a deal with me, so I won’t take your soul. You’re just stuck with me now.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal. 
“Great,” you sigh. 
In Hongjoong’s defense, having him around isn’t that bad. 
For the most part, he sticks to himself, observing you as you go about your day. 
“That’s really creepy,” you mentioned offhandedly one day. 
“What is?” Hongjoong questioned. 
“This whole, standing and staring thing you have going on,” you waved your hand around. 
“Would you prefer me to be up close and personal with you?” In the blink of an eye, Hongjoong is standing directly against you. 
Taking a step back, you raise your hands in front of you. 
“No, I’m fine, you can continue with your staring.” 
On occasion, he can be pretty helpful, too. 
You slam the door to your apartment open, stomping inside and throwing your bag on the floor. You throw yourself face-first onto the couch and let out a muffled scream. 
From where he sits at the dining table watching Netflix on your computer, Hongjoong stares at you, amused. 
“Is everything okay sweetheart?”
“No,” comes your muffled reply. 
If Hongjoong didn’t have incredibly sharp hearing, he would have a hard time understanding you. 
“Stupid Eric from work thinks he can just treat all the women like pieces of meat and get away with it because he’s the boss’s son,” you spit. 
You miss the way Hongjoong’s face darkens. 
“Did he do something to you?” He questions. 
You’re silent for a moment, debating if you want to say it out loud.
“It’s just,” you trail off, unsure how to say it.
Hongjoong hums, letting you know that he’s listening.
“He’s always made comments to all the women in my department, and those are easy to ignore, but today he got really close to me when we were in the break room.”
You can feel your body tense up as you relive the moment.
“Honestly, I thought he was going to try and do something, but luckily, one of our coworkers walked in before he could do anything,” you admit.
It’s silent for a few seconds.
“I’ll be back,” are the only words that come out of Hongjoong’s mouth.
You sit up abruptly from the couch.
Before you can even finish speaking, Hongjoong is gone.
“So much for moral support,” you grumble, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back against the couch.
It’s not until late that the demon returns.
You’re sitting on your bed with a face mask on, scrolling through work emails when Hongjoong appears suddenly at the foot of your bed.
You jump slightly, only calming down when you realize who it is.
“Fuck dude, you can’t keep doing that,” you chastise him, trying to calm your racing heart.
Hongjoong says nothing, staring at you.
It’s only then you notice the way his eyes are completely black and he’s breathing abnormally hard.
A shiver crawls up your spine.
“Are you okay?” You ask hesitantly.
Still, Hongjoong remains quiet for a moment before rolling his shoulders back, a deep exhale escaping him.
“You don’t need to worry about that Eric anymore,” is all he says before walking out of your room.
Although you’re slightly horrified at the implications of his words, you also can’t deny the fuzzy feeling in your chest over his actions.
The most annoying part about having him around, though, is the teasing.
Hongjoong seems to have made it his mission to fluster you. 
You had just stepping out of the bath, a satisfied sigh escaping you as you wrapped a fuzzy towel around your body.
After a long week, the long, warm bath was incredibly needed.
Softly combing through your hair, you hum slightly as you go through your nighttime skincare routine, being extra thorough and gentle.
Once you finish, you open the door to your bathroom and step out into your room, only to gasp when you see Hongjoong laying on your bed.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You exclaim as one of your hands reaches up to tightly grab the towel that’s wrapped around your body.
Hongjoong glances over at you, drinking in the sight of your damp body.
“Enjoying the view,” he winks.
You roll your eyes, walking over to the bedroom door and opening it.
“Get out.”
The demon pouts as he sits up on your bed.
“C’mon, don’t you think I’ve been good lately?” He stands up slowly and begins making his way over to you.
Hongjoong gets closer, a small smirk making its way onto his face.
“Don’t you think I deserve a reward?”
You stand completely still against the wall, gulping harshly. There’s a heat that builds in your lower stomach as you stare into his hooded eyes.
One of Hongjoong’s hands creeps up to gently toy with the edge of the towel that lays against your chest.
“If you ever feel so kind,” Hongjoong leans in to whisper against your ear. “You know where to find me.”
He leans away from you, tongue darting out to lick his lips.
Wordlessly, he walks out of your bedroom and shuts the door.
You quickly place the lock on it before sitting down on your bed. Placing a hand over your chest, you feel it beat harshly against your chest.
What the fuck was that?
Today is a particularly bad day.
From running late in the morning, missing your normal bus to work, and being reprimanded for a mistake you didn’t even do, you think your last straw is when it starts pouring on your way home.
Of course, the weatherman certainly did not predict this today, so you were left umbrella-less and with only a thin blazer to shield yourself from the elements.
And, with your incredible luck, a call from your mother nagging about why you haven’t visited in a few months and how you need to start thinking about a more serious career really seemed to tip you over the edge.
You don’t even make it all the way home, instead opting to go to the nearby park to sit and be alone for a little while.
The rain hasn’t stopped, but it no longer bothers you. In fact, you welcome the harsh sting of water against your skin. It’s the only feeling you seem to be able to comprehend at this moment.
You sit on the swing and stare numbly at your feet. There are tears making their way down your cheeks, but you cannot distinguish them from the rain.
You’re not sure how long you sit there alone.
Only the sudden lack of water pelting down on you causes you to look up.
Standing next to you in casual clothes is Hongjoong. He holds an umbrella over you, the rain beginning to soak his left side.
You hadn’t even notice him approach.
“You know, if you wanted to get killed or die from a hypothermia, this is a for sure way to do it,” he jokes.
You don’t respond.
Hongjoong notices your lack of response and furrows his eyebrows.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?”
His tone is gentle, probably the softest you’ve ever heard him speak.
You can’t stop the sobs that leave your mouth at his words.
Without hesitation, Hongjoong drops the umbrella and falls to his knees in front of you. He brings his arms up as you fall into the chest, your face burrowing itself into his neck.
He says nothing as you cry, rubbing his hands softly against your back and stroking your hair.
It takes a few minutes for your sobs to die down and when you do, Hongjoong gently pulls your body away from his to look at you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He questions, eyes searching your own.
The look of despair on your face breaks Hongjoong’s heart. His chest physically hurts at the way you seem to be in so much pain, and him, unable to do anything about it.
He can’t remember the last time he felt so distraught over a human.
“I’m so tired,” you breathe out, closing your eyes. 
A few stray tears make their way down your cheeks and Hongjoong cups your face with his hands, gently brushing them away.
“Then use me,” He says.
“Rest on me, take your anger out on me, hurt me, laugh at me, I don’t care.”
The raw honesty in his voice causes you to open your eyes and stare at him.
“It hurts me to see you in pain,” he frowns.
You let out a weak chuckle.
“I didn’t know demons could feel pain,” you attempt to joke.
Hongjoong doesn’t reply, only continuing to stare at you as if he’s trying to commit every inch of your face to memory.
“I feel so strongly for you it hurts,” he whispers.
Your eyes widen and you stare into his, trying to search for any inkling of deceit that will let you know he’s lying.
You can’t find any.
Your mouth parts, but no words come out. Hongjoong runs one of his fingers over your bottom lip.
“If you let me,” he glances from your lips up to your eyes. “I want to be your everything, the same way you are mine.”
The only thing that leaves your lips is a breathy sigh of his name. He leans in closer.
“May I?” He asks lowly.
You barely have a chance to nod before Hongjoong is crashing his lips onto yours.
The kiss is passionate, slightly desperate in the way he clutches onto your face and pulls you closer, as if you’ll disappear from his hands if he leaves even an inch of space between your bodies.
Hongjoong lightly nibbles on your lower lip and you let out a soft sigh. One of his hands has moved to your hip, where it rubs soft circles.
Eventually pulling away from each other, you lean your forehead against his.
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone,” Hongjoong admits to you.
You let out a small laugh and shake your head.
“You’re like a million years old, I find that slightly hard to believe.”
He shakes his head no, grabbing your hand and bringing it up to rest against his chest where his heart is. Underneath your palm, you feel the way his heart pounds.
“This is all for you,” Hongjoong smiles.
“Only for you.”
You and Hongjoong were enjoying a night in, laying down on your bed as a movie played on the T.V. Hongjoong had draped himself over your lap, resting his head on your stomach as you gently combed your hands through his hair. 
“You know, for a demon, I thought you would have horns or something,” you mumble, eyes focused on the screen. Hongjoong’s body shakes with slight laughter. 
“Just because I’m a demon doesn’t mean I have horns. That’s kind of stereotypical of you to assume,” he teases. 
You roll your eyes, lightly smacking him on the back of his head. 
“I do have fangs though,” he mentions after a couple of seconds. 
Your eyes widen. 
Hongjoong hums, leaning up slightly to face you. He opens his mouth and you watch as his teeth slowly become pointed. Gaping, you bring your hand up to softly run your fingers over the sharp edges. Your breath hitches slightly when you press the pad of your finger on the point of his tooth and it leaves a small wound. 
Grinning, Hongjoong crawls on top of you. 
“Do you like them?” he asks. 
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond before he’s leaning down and leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses on your neck. You let out a breathy sigh, moving your head to side to give him more access. You can’t stop the whimper that escapes when he drags the tips of his sharpened teeth against your skin. 
Pulling back to look at your flushed face, Hongjoong smirks, black seeping into his eyes. 
“Oh sweetheart,” he purrs. “We’re going to have so much fun.” 
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{15} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour, Smut
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Hongjoong)
Words: 23,108
Warnings: OC get her makeup done (I based it on my own routine, please don't @ me). Smut: Biting, Marking, Blood and semi-bloodletting, Knife Kink, Oral (m. and f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), slight orgasm control (if you squint), minor dom/sub dynamics and switch tendencies, one mention of Mistress, Begging (m. and f.), Overstimulation, Desperation, Squirting, Multiple Orgasms, Cockwarming (at the end), intense emotional intimacy. I think that's everything. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Finally! The moment you've all been waiting for! I really hope it lives up to everyone's expectations. This smut has been months in the making honestly, and he even surprised ME at times. I'm really happy with how it turned out, so I hope you all enjoy! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Part Twelve - Part Thirteen - Part Fourteen
A soft tune drifts through the silence of your room curtesy of you. Lowly, you hum to yourself, eyes focussing in on the task at hand. Meticulously, you turn the small products over on the table, making sure that everything is in its place, perfectly set up and ready to be used. All that’s left, is to begin.
Smiling down at your handy work, you give one final glance over the various brushes, containers, and bottles of various sizes and shapes. There is not a product you’ve missed laying out, save for one. However, if all goes according to plan, you’re saving that one for the very end.
Letting out a content sigh, you straighten back to your full height. The small table you’ve set up for this occasion rests before you. The black fold out chair, reminiscent of a director’s seat, stands proudly beside it.
Without wasting another moment, you sit down.
Joongie, The call of his name is nothing short of sweet as you drop your void for the moment, but only for him.
His red string hums with movement. Yes, My Love?
Are you busy? You make sure to keep your voice even, not letting on even the slightest bit as to what you have in mind.
Never too busy for you. Comes his earnest reply, and you can hear the pleasant hum in his tone as he says this.
You cannot help the way your lips pull upwards tenderly. 
Well, when you’re free, come and see me. You say, making yourself more comfortable in your chair. I have a- 
In the blink of an eye, he’s appeared in front of you. Lightly, he wipes his hands on his jeans, as if they’re still wet after having just washed them. 
You chuckle lowly, finishing your thought out loud, “…Surprise for you.”
The first thing he notes as soon as he appears in your room is you sitting in that chair. Your one leg is crossed over the other as you lean back comfortably in your seat. That small table rests beside you, and he cannot help the small quirk of his brow as he takes note of the various makeup products placed meticulously on top of it. 
The door to your room seems closed to give the both of you some privacy. One of the doors to the balcony rests open, letting in a gentle breeze as the curtains sway. Sunlight streams in, casting a warm glow on the surrounding area, and bathing you in golden hues as you smile at him.
There you sit, in a plain shirt and loose pants, looking as beautiful as ever.
“A surprise?” He grins, stepping in closer.
“A while back, Seonghwa told me that you’re a very skilled makeup artist.” You begin, meeting his gaze. “I was hoping to spend some time with you today.”
His heart warms, and he steps in closer. Gently, he places his hands onto the arms of the chair, leaning into you slightly. Not enough to crowd you. No, never. Yet, enough so that he can stare deeply into your eyes with a loving look of his own.
“Would you like for me to do your makeup, My Love?” There’s a slight teasing quirk to the corner of his lips, but you can hear how tender his inquiry actually is.
Gently, you bring your hands up to cup his face. “I would love nothing more.”
Leaning forward, you place a brief, loving kiss to his lips. 
The smile that tugs at his features as he pulls away to look at you is nothing short of radiant. Almost immediately, he turns to the table, observing the products placed out before him carefully. Meticulously, he begins to roll up the sleeves of his button up shirt to his elbows, noting how your eyes briefly trail over his now exposed forearms. A subtle smirk tugs at his lips, and after nodding to himself, he grabs your moisturizer off of the top of the table. Opening the lid, he turns to face you once more.
“Is it okay if I touch-“
“Please.” You cut him off with a kind smile, sitting a little straighter in your chair.
Hongjoong cannot prevent the way his heart skips a beat, nothing but love swelling in his chest as he looks down at you. Carefully, he steps in closer, gathering a bit of the product on the tips of his fingers before he’s applying it smoothly to your skin.
“You don’t wear makeup often, My Love,” he hums, the caress of his touch nothing short of gentle. “What’s the occasion?”
You quirk a brow at him, your lips tugging upwards lovingly. “Can I not wish to spend time with a man I love?”
The way his touch physically trembles against you for a moment as his expression softens has your heart warming inside of your chest.
“You can spend as much, or as little, time with me as you desire, whenever you wish, My Love.” He meets your gaze, briefly shifting his hand to cup the side of your face. Softly, his thumb traces over your cheekbone. “As long as I get to call you mine.”
Turning your head, you place a tender kiss onto the palm of his hand. Your gaze is nothing but adoring as you glance at him through your lashes.
“Always, My Love.” Your reply is low, so as not to disturb the moment between the both of you. “Just as you will forever be mine.”
A content rumble escapes his chest then and there as he reluctantly pulls his hand away from you. Though, despite his best efforts, he cannot hide the way his fingers still tremble, even the slightest bit. Sharing this moment with you is like a dream come true, and the fact that you trust him enough to indulge in such an intimacy like this with him warms his heart more than you’ll ever know.
His soul has come alight, and it’s all because of you.
Capping the moisturizer, Hongjoong turns his attention back to the table of products beside you. His eyes scan over the contents carefully, eyebrows twitching slightly in recognition once he finds what he’s looking for. The liquid foundation is then plucked from the table top, and it takes no time at all for him to start applying it to your skin.
“There was also another reason I wished for you to do my makeup today,” your eyes glance to his own, noting how he seems quite focussed on the current task at hand.
He hums in response, wordlessly asking for you to continue.
“Seonghwa told me about the coronation we’ll eventually have for me when the time is right,” you admit. “I would love for you to do my makeup for when the celebration takes place.”
The slight hitch in his breath is audible as he pauses his movements for the time being. His eyes dart to your own before flitting all over your face, as if he’s memorizing every feature and committing this moment to memory for years to come. He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing as his eyes begin to shine with that all to familiar adoration and awe you’re so used to from him.
“You do?”
You smile gently, bringing your own hand up to cup the side of his face. “Of course, My Love. I wasn’t lying to you when I said I was ready to become Your Queen.”
Leaning forward, he nearly presses his forehead to yours before stopping himself. Instead, he opts to take your hand in his, bringing the back up to his lips to place a loving kiss onto your skin.
“My Queen,” he breathes, tongue darting out to wet his lips. “When the time comes, I would be honoured.”
The smile that stretches across your features is nothing short of brilliant, and Hongjoong swears the room gets even brighter in the light of the afternoon sun. His whole being floods with nothing but love for you, awe and wonder clear in his gaze as he returns to making sure to apply the foundation evenly over your skin.
The giggle that you let out is music to his ears.
“I know I’ve said it before,” You begin as he turns back to the table beside you in order to grab your stick of toner, “but I truly am lucky to have you, Hongjoong.”
The popping of the seal on your toner is synonymous with the way his breath catches in his throat.
“My Love, it is I who is lucky to have you.” He replies earnestly, managing to pull himself back to reality and lightly begin applying the toner to certain areas over your face.
You reach up to grasp his hand, causing him to pause in his movements for the moment. Your gaze is unfaltering as you meet his own, making sure he knows how serious the next words that fall from your lips are. 
“You are the greatest blessing I have ever received in my entire life, Hongjoong.” You breathe. “I hope you never forget that.”
His expression softens, and you can see the beginnings of tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. “My Queen.”
“We’ve already been through so much together, Hongjoong,” you squeeze his hand held in yours. “Things weren’t easy at the start, but looking back on it now…” This time, it’s your turn to swallow lightly, “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
His lips part in a silent gasp, and he swears that you can hear his heart beating within the stillness of your room.
“You have taught me what true happiness feels like.” You cup his hand in both of your own now, holding onto him tenderly as you continue staring deeply into his eyes. “I know what it’s like to be loved, and what it feels like to be in love. Hongjoong, you have saved me in more ways than I can count, and I can never thank you enough for that.”
He blinks back his tears, feeling his heart thundering away inside of his chest as he looks at you. Nothing could take this moment away from him right now. Absolutely nothing.
“You don’t have to thank me, My Love.” His voice is a little rough; strained from the sudden onslaught of emotions you’ve just given him.
“I know that’s what you think.” The soft upturn of your lips has his eyes instantly tracking the movement. “I just thought you should know what you mean to me.” You squeeze his hand once more. “What you’ve done for me.”
“Anything.” He breathes. “I would do anything for you.”
Your heart swells inside of your chest at his response.
“I know, Joongie.” Slowly, you drop your hands back to rest in your lap. “And I will always do the same for you.”
There is no hesitance in your tone, nor falter in your voice as you speak these words. A fact of which that has his head spinning. Truly, this moment, and your admission, means the world to him, and he wouldn’t trade this feeling inside of his soul for anything.
Silence, brief and tender, surrounds the both of you as you stare deeply into each other’s eyes. That is, until Hongjoong is finally clearing his throat, seemingly snapping back to the task at hand. Not before sparing a glance at your lips first, of course.
“Is there a specific style of makeup you’d like to have for your coronation?” His voice nearly catches as he says those words, the full weight of what they imply settling over his entire being.
You said yes. You really are ready and willing to become their Queen. It’s no longer simply just a fantasy of theirs, but will soon become a reality. A reality they have all been longing for since the decision was made to crown you alongside them all those long months ago. Back before you had even truly known of their existence.
You tilt your head slightly, humming lightly, “Nothing too overtly dramatic.”
He huffs out a laugh at this, finishing off with your toner only to grab a blending sponge and start lightly dabbing at your face. His touch is nothing short of gentle as he ensures the toner is blended into your skin evenly before moving on from one area to the next.
“Are you sure, My Love?” His gaze flicks to your own, a teasing quirk to the corner of his lips. “Why not simply decimate everyone who attends with your ethereal beauty?”
This time, it’s your turn to huff out a laugh.
“As tempting as that sounds, I think a softer look might be more fitting for the outfit I have in mind.” Your eyes flutter shut as you say this, simply revelling in his touch as he finishes blending your toner into your skin.
“Outfit?” The quirk of his brow goes unnoticed by you momentarily as he reaches for a new brush and your container of blush.
Blinking your eyes open, you nod, a knowing gleam to your gaze that screams nothing but devious intent.
“It’s a surprise.” You wink, grin tugging onto your lips as you finally see that look of inquiry pulling at his features.
“Then, I look forward to whatever you have in mind.” He sighs, almost wistfully as he begins to apply the lightest dusting of blush to your cheeks.
“Well, I suppose I can give you a little hint,” You hum, noticing how he attempts to not look too eager. “Light tones would work best. Specifically, a blend of white and gold.”
His brow quirks, “White and gold?”
“Let’s just say I have something else in mind that even Seonghwa doesn’t know about yet.” You grin. “Well, if everything works out how I hope it will.”
“You are always full of pleasant surprises, My Love.” Hongjoong hums, closing the container of blush and swapping it for your mineralizer in the next second.
“I’ve got to keep you all on your toes somehow,” you giggle, wiggling your brows playfully at him. “You guys can’t always be the ones surprising me, you know.”
“Try as we might, I suppose you’re right.” He chuckles along with you. “That won’t stop us from trying, though.”
You smile, allowing your eyes to flutter shut once more as he begins to apply the product to your face. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
What you fail to see, though, is the fond look that settles onto Hongjoong’s features in that moment. However, you do feel the way his hand trembles once more against your cheek, the brush tickling over your skin as he finishes off with your mineralizer.
Feeling him pull away from you, you blink your eyes back open.
“I’ve been doing a little research myself these past few days,” You admit lowly, suddenly avoiding his gaze as a light heat rises to your cheeks.
“Oh?” His inquiry is soft, his full attention on you for the moment.
Neither him, nor his brothers, knew you had been looking into anything. It’s not unusual for you to spend your time in the library, browsing their own collections. The fact that Jongho didn’t mention anything means he either had no idea himself, or you swore him to secrecy.
Hongjoong meets your gaze, and he notices how your own eyes flash.
“Soul merging.”
The hitch in his breath is audible, synonymous with the way his whole body stiffens lightly.
“Have you-“ he swallows thickly.
“I’ve been giving it a lot of thought, lately.” You begin, thumbs suddenly brushing over one another nervously as you hold your hands in your lap. “I remembered what you all told me about it that one day and I got curious.” A moment’s pause where you swallow the building dryness in your throat. “I wanted to learn more.”
“My Love-“
“I know I could have just asked you all about it, but I didn’t want anyone to think I was broaching the subject with them to imply I was going to merge with them over another first.” You explain. “I also don’t want any of us to feel pressured into a decision like this. I understand you’ve all talked about such a…” you search for the right word, “delicacy before with one another, but I wanted to come to a better understanding about the subject myself.”
Hongjoong hums, “We do have a tendency to take certain liberties regarding certain excitements when it comes to you.”
You share a small chuckle with him. “You could say that again.”
“May I assume you were looking into it as more than just a meek curiosity, My Love?” His voice is soft; tender, as he gently grabs your hands into his own.
“Perhaps.” The slight upturn of your lips is nothing short of sweet. “Of all the accounts I found, none were of concern to me. I had to be sure there weren’t any negative side effects, or risks for me involved in such a process. I know none of you would ever lie to me about such a thing, but I wanted to come to this specific conclusion by myself. It’s a-“ your voice catches, and you know he can feel the way your hands are currently trembling within his own grasp right now, “It’s a big decision for me, not to mention a big change.” You blink, finally lifting your gaze to his own. “For me to become like you. I want to make sure you’re all ready, as well.”
“Whatever you decide, know that we will support you.” Nothing but sincerity shines behind Hongjoong’s eyes as he says this. Gently, he squeezes your hands. “Of course, we all have our own hopes and desires, but we would never force such a decision on you. It’s like we’ve always said,” he smiles softly, “we want you to want us in the same ways we want you. This sentiment has always, and will always, apply to every aspect of our lives together.”
You squeeze his hands back. “I will let you know when I’m ready to take that step with you. With all of you.”
“Oh?” There’s a light teasing quirk to his brow as he smiles. “So, the orgy isn’t off the table.”
A snort of laughter escapes you, and you extend your leg out to tap his shin with the tip of your slipper, as if you’re pretending to kick him. “Keep dreaming, Joong Bug.”
“Hey,” he shrugs, pulling away from you slightly as the tips of his ears begin to turn red, “Never say never. Look how much fun we all had together that day in the cinema room.”
Now, it’s your turn to splutter as he winks at you. A teasing grin pulls at his lips, and you’re glad he’s diverted his attention back to the table beside you for the moment. You don’t think you’d be able to sit still if he brought that up again. Especially not today, not with what you still have planned.
Shifting slightly, you notice him looking over all of your products with a slight frown on his face. Every which way, his eyes dart, seemingly scanning over the table in search of something.
“What’s wrong?” You tilt your head in inquiry, glad for the momentary distraction.
“You didn’t put any lip products out.” He observes. “I normally do lips next.”
“Ah, I only have the one colour.” You’re quick to explain, and from the way his whole body stiffens, you can tell he’s thinking back to that first dinner all those months ago.
Looks like you’re not the only one consumed by memories right now.
“Oh,” he swallows, somewhat thickly. “Should we plan a trip to get you more, then?”
Briefly, his gaze flicks over to your face, his hands hovering over the table as he begins to pull an eyeshadow palette off of the surface, along with another brush. Not even a moment later, he flicks the palette open, scanning over the various shades found within.
“No, that’s quite alright.” You smile, though with the way his attention is off of you for the moment, he fails to see the flash of excitement that lights up your eyes. “I figured it would be better to leave it out for now. I typically only wear red for two reasons, anyways.”
He turns back to you, gathering some eyeshadow onto the tip of the brush, “Oh?”
“One, and probably the most common,” you begin, eyelids fluttering closed as he steps into you once more, “I want to feel beautiful.”
It’s almost frightening how you can feel his hand pause right before your face, that brush mere millimetres from your eyelid.
“You are beautiful, My Love.” There is no room for argument in his tone, voice firm, and always, always so sincere.
A bashful smile pulls onto your features as a slight heat rises to your cheeks, “Thank you, Joongie.”
Gently, he continues. The soft press of the brush against your eyelid is almost synonymous with the light exhale you breathe out.
Hongjoong clears his throat, retracting that brush to gather more product onto it so he can dress your opposite eye. “And the other?”
“Oh, the second reason?” Your brow quirks, despite your eyes remaining closed.
“Yes.” He repeats the process, touch just as careful as the first time.
Only, you wait to respond. You can just tell that Hongjoong is holding his breath in anticipation. Except, it isn’t until he pulls away that you finally speak. 
A sultry smirk tugs at the corner of your lips, your eyes flashing open and seemingly holding him captivated, “I want to seduce someone.”
The way his breath hitches is quite prominent, and you notice his hands begin to shake lightly once more. Then, a moment later, he seemingly composes himself, swallowing thickly as his gaze darts to your lips, “I see.”
All Hongjoong’s mind can supply him with now is that dinner all those months ago. He knows he shouldn’t, but he cannot help but to hold onto a hope that maybe, just maybe, you had worn that shade of lipstick that night for the second reason you have just divulged with him here.
It’s a long shot, but that will never stop him from dreaming. Besides, you’ve both come such a long way since then, so he’s holding on to an even bigger hope that the next time you do wear red, it will be for him.
“This applies to any time I wear something red, not just lipstick, by the way.” You mention casually.
Hongjoong nearly loses his balance, tripping over thin air as he steadies himself using the one arm of the chair you’re in.
“Joongie?” Your voice, amused and playful, reaches his ears. “You okay?”
Blinking, he refocusses his gaze on you, noticing how you’re leaning slightly forward in that chair to get a better look at his face.
Your lips rest mere millimetres from his own. He clears his throat. 
“Yeah.” Shaking his head, he focusses back in on the task at hand. “I’m good.”
You giggle, and he swears you’re doing this on purpose, just to torture him. “You sure about that?”
The way your brow quirks, somewhat deviously, has him chuckling lowly.
“It’s like I always say, My Love,” he rights himself, moving back in to start blending another shade of eyeshadow in with the first. “You hold more power over me than you’ll ever know.”
Despite your eyelids being closed, you still manage a small, knowing smile. “I think I’m beginning to have some idea.”
Gently, you feel Hongjoong cup your chin, lightly tilting your head from side to side to see if the eyeshadow he’s applied is even.
“Should I be worried?” There’s a teasing lilt to his voice, and you can practically hear the smile he wears clear in his tone.
“Depends.” You hum. “I think you may just like what I have to offer you.”
“And just what is it that you’re offering me, My Love?” He leans in, noticing how your eyes blink open to stare deeply into his own.
“You’ll see, Joongie.” You grin softly. “Like I said, I want it to be a surprise.”
A hum is all you receive in response as Hongjoong releases the gentle hold he has on your chin. Carefully, he blends one final light colour in with the other two on your eyes, allowing the silence as he works to settle over the both of you. It’s comfortable, and warm, both of you basking in the other’s presence for the time being. The calmness of the moment does not go unnoticed by either of you, and neither of you would want it any other way.
“So, multiple sources I was reading up on depicted the recipient, or recipients, receiving some traits from the other when their souls had finally merged.” You comment, and you blink your eyes open just in time to watch Hongjoong fumble that eyeshadow brush in his one hand. Luckily, it seems he catches it before it can hit the ground. “Do you think this means I’ll receive a sort of portion of your powers, or that I’ll just be able to use the same powers as you?”
The way you’re looking up at him, with wide eyes full of curiosity, sets his heart racing inside of his chest.
“I’m honestly not entirely sure how it works, My Love, but I think it’s correct to assume both.” He breathes out, tucking the palette away, along with the brush. “It’s also entirely plausible that you may gain powers entirely different than ours. When the time comes, of course.”
“Yes, yes,” you nod along with his words, almost absentmindedly. “When the time comes.”
“Given that our blood seems to have such a profound effect on you, I’m honestly very curious what the merger of our souls will do.” He adds, plucking your liquid liner from the table. “I do know that the more souls you merge with, the more powerful you will become.”
“That makes sense.” You agree with a hum. “I’m assuming there’s different levels to the types of entities you all are. I’m aware you all have different forms you can take on. Jongho explained them to me, briefly.”
It’s slight, but you do not fail to miss the way he stiffens before you. 
“He did, did he?”
Again, you hum. That same spark of curiosity shines brightly within your gaze as you meet his own, “When you were born, were you as you are now, or in your true form?”
Hongjoong pauses briefly once more before noticing your eyes flutter shut. Luckily, you miss the way he swallows thickly, blinking a few times before beginning to work on your eyeliner.
“When we are born, we appear as human infants do. As we grow, our true forms emerge, our more demonic appendages and appearances making themselves known.” He explains, his voice low and a bit strained. “Each… clan has specific markers they tend to pass on to their young. The more,” he pauses, as if searching for the correct term, “extremities that appear, the more powerful the entity. Or so it is said.”
The gentle brush of the liner over your one lid lifts, signalling his completion for the moment. Yet, before he can move on to the next, you blink your eyes open.
“Do you believe that?”
You can tell he’s a little stunned by your question, for he freezes before you. Your liquid liner rests in his hands, one holding the cap while the other holds the bottle, both held in the air.
“I believe there’s a certain truth to it.” He replies, seeming to choose his words carefully. “The more physical features one’s true form has: horns, antlers, tails, wings, scales, spikes, you name it, the more magic the entity seems to have in reserve.”
Your gaze narrows slightly, mind reeling at this information. “You all seem pretty powerful to me.”
“Some demons are born with a natural reserve of magic, others have to meticulously train themselves to store such an abundance of power if they want to make a statement.” The words almost sound bitter as they fall from his lips.
Carefully, you sit forward and on the edge of your seat. Your hands reach out to grasp his own, lowering them so you can have a better view of his face.
“My Joongie,” your voice is soft as you call his name, “You don’t need to prove yourself to me. It’s clear how hard you’ve worked to get here, and there is nothing you can do or say to chase me away at this stage. I don’t care about your lineage, or about who has the most power out of all of you. That’s never mattered to me before, and it sure as hell isn’t going to start mattering to me now. All I care about, is you.”
Tenderly, you squeeze his hands in your own.
“I love you. I am only asking to get to know more about one of the men I plan to spend the rest of my life with.” Your voice is firm, not wavering in the slightest. “I don’t know the personal struggles you’ve been through to get this far, but if it means anything in this moment, know that I am so proud of you. I am happy you chose me, of all people, to share this life with you, and I promise to stay by your side through it all. No matter what happens, you will always be My King, My Love,” you swallow lightly, a smile tugging at your lips, “My Joong Bug.”
The way his breath hitches, tears threatening to escape the corners of his eyes once more this afternoon, does not go unnoticed by you.
Your smile widens. You’re starting to understand yet another reason as to why Miyeon’s whole plight affected him so much. Seeing you hurt like that must have reminded him of his blood status, and how he had been supposedly ‘born weak’. A fact which is completely and utterly false, especially to you, and you make sure to tell him as much.
“You have come so far. We have come so far.” You say, settling back into your seat properly. “And I wouldn’t want you any other way.”
A single tear escapes his one eye, the traitorous drop spilling onto his cheek as he stares down at you with nothing but tender love and affection in his gaze. You can feel a deeper understanding of each other settle over you, too, and it warms you right to your very core.
“My Queen,” he stutters out a breath, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows his emotions. “How you always know what to say to make me feel better sets my very soul alight.”
The words you had spoken to him that one day in the garden all those months ago come back to you now, and a loving smile pulls at your lips.
“I have come to realize that we’re all more alike that we realize, Hongjoong.” You voice gently. “I’m happy to know we all have each other.”
He mirrors your expression, smiling lightly as he wipes at his lingering tears with the back of his hand.
“You say how lucky you are to have me, but it is truly I who is lucky to have found you.” He says, barely above a whisper. “You mean everything to me, My Love. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Please, I know I always say it, but never forget that.”
“I believe you, Joongie.” The sincerity alone in your gaze says it all. Only, in the next moment, you begin shifting slightly in your seat. “Now, as much as I’m enjoying this lovely moment, may we quickly finish my eyes. I have to pee.”
“I can wait, My Love,” he chuckles, wiping his final tears away as he goes to take a step back.
“No!” A pout tugs at your lips as you whine. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise before you’ve completed your masterpiece.”
“My Love, you’ve always been a masterpiece, even without my influence.” He grins, shaking his head lovingly at you as you bounce slightly in your seat. “But alas, whatever My Queen desires, she shall have.”
You giggle, smiling wide as you look up at him. “Love you, Joongie.”
“And I love you, My Queen.” Comes his immediate reply.
Stepping back into you, Hongjoong is quick to finish lining the opposite eye. He takes a moment to observe his work again, making sure the product is applied evenly over your lids before switching your liquid liner out for your mascara. Softly, he instructs you to either look up or down as he applies the product to your upper and lower lashes. Not even two minutes later, and after inspecting your entire look once more, he smiles to himself, motioning to indicate that he’s finally finished doing your makeup.
“Yay!” You hop up from your seat, placing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, My Love!”
Hongjoong chuckles at your enthusiasm. “I simply hope you like it.”
“I know I’ll love it.” You smile, eyes crinkling slightly as you scurry passed him and to your bathroom. “Don’t go anywhere. I want to praise you when I get back.”
The playfully stern look you send him before you enter the bathroom has him grinning to himself. Lightly, he shakes his head, turning back around to at least attempt to start cleaning up that little table of products before you get back. It’s the least he can do, and besides, he should probably clean the brushes anyways. Clean tools are always preferable when starting fresh the next time they’re used.
Hongjoong pays no mind to the slight shuffling he can hear coming from behind him as he wipes off his hands. He knows that it’s just you in the bathroom, moving around. Your little gasp of awe he can hear only causes his grin to widen, knowing you must have finally taken a look at your reflection in the mirror. He just can’t wait to hear what you think.
Holding that eyeshadow brush in his one hand once more, Hongjoong hears the bathroom door finally swing open behind him.
A moment of silence.
“Oh, Captain,” your voice, sultry and sweet, drawls out from the open doorway.
The sight that greets Hongjoong as soon as he turns to face you sends him tumbling to his knees. He cannot contain the darkness that swirls deep within his eyes as that brush clatters to the floor, his heart skipping a pleasant beat inside of his chest.
There you stand, leaning against the edge of the doorframe, looking like his own personal divine sin. Your opposite arm rests lazily against your side, and Hongjoong finally notes your nails, which have been painted a bright red to match the outfit you currently wear.
A short, red silk robe hangs over your figure, barely covering your mid-thighs. The string is tied loosely around your waist, the fabric artfully caressing your form. White peonies are littered across the fabric, hues of blue and yellow dotting the petals in what appear to be smaller floral designs. Your left shoulder is exposed, red lace peeking out from beneath the silk. It’s as if the material is meticulously draped over your skin to provide but a taste of the delicacy you seem to be hiding for him beneath such a thin piece of fabric. Though, that’s not what draws in Hongjoong’s attention the most.
On your lips, the most sinful shade of red is painted over the most seductive of smiles the male has ever seen in his entire life.
There you stand, sin incarnate, and all for him.
“My Love…” He breathes out, voice barely above a whisper.
His eyes never leave your figure as you slowly begin stalking towards him. The look in your eyes is dark enough to mirror his own, and he cannot help the way his tongue darts out to wet his lips as he continues to stare up at you.
“I told you I had a surprise for you,” you chuckle, leaning slightly forward as you come to rest before him. Gently, you bring a finger beneath his chin, tilting his head up to meet your seductive gaze. “Do you like what you see, Captain?”
Hongjoong’s chest heaves, and he can barely suppress the growl that rumbles out from deep within. “My Love, you are the most captivating beauty that I have ever had the pleasure to behold.”
The upturn of your lips shifts from sinful to soft, your eyes shining with nothing but love as you continue to stare down at him.
“I am yours, Hongjoong,” You say, cupping his face gently in the palms of your hands. “There’s a reason I planned so meticulously for this moment with you, and you alone.”
“There is no honour greater to me than spending time with you, My Queen.” He exhales, eyes flitting around every inch of your face and committing this all to memory for years to come. “No feeling greater than your love for me.”
“Truly, the honour is all mine.” Your thumbs trace tenderly over his cheeks. “I am prepared to offer myself to you in every way this evening, My King.”
His breath hitches, and his lips part. His hands, which he has been resting on his knees this whole time, continue to tremble desperately as he attempts to ground himself. This is everything he’s ever wanted, and so much more. Finally, he is going to get the chance to show you what you mean to him. What you have always and truly meant to him.
“However,” this catches his attention, and he waits patiently for you to continue, “there is one thing I want to request of you first.”
“Anything,” he breathes, searching your gaze for any hint of what it is you could want from him. 
Always, he is ready and willing to provide at a moment’s notice.
You inhale deeply, as if to steady your own racing heart as you stare deeply into his eyes.
“I want to see you. All of you.” Gently, you kneel before him, lowering yourself to his level. “Please, Hongjoong,” you swallow softly, “I wish to see your true form.”
You physically feel him freeze beneath your touch, but your stare is unwavering. 
Within your eyes, Hongjoong cannot see even a hint of hesitation, or fear. There is no uncertainty he can decipher, or regret you seem to hold from those words. Simply, there is that same spark of curiosity, and now, love. An undeniable fact that only serves to solidify his decision.
Your painted lips can only part in awe as you see Hongjoong slowly begin to shift before your very eyes. His ears sharpen into fine points, eyes hallowing and swirling with that all too familiar black hue you’ve become so use to from him. Thick, canine-like fangs protrude from his mouth, lips stretching wide over the sharp points almost naturally as his skin grows taunt and pale. Claws extend from the tips of his fingers, and you notice how he seems to be digging them harshly into his knees, the faintest bit of blood seeping into the material of his jeans. Even his limbs appear slightly elongated as he sits there before you, averting his gaze to the side.
Softly, you guide his head back upwards, eyes searching his own.
Hongjoong holds his breath.
“You are so unbelievably beautiful, Hongjoong.” You lean forward, resting your forehead on his own. “Thank you, for sharing this part of yourself with me.”
Slowly, he begins to shift back into his human form, his lips parting slightly as he attempts to control himself for the moment. Of course, Hongjoong did not fail to miss the sudden spike of arousal that permeated your scent just now as he revealed his true form to you. Really, it is you who makes all of his dreams come true.
“I love you, Hongjoong,” your voice manages to pull him back to the beautiful reality before him. “I’m ready now.”
He blinks, a little caught off guard by your words. Though, as his eyes trail over your form once more, watching as you shift to loosen that tie holding such a flimsy material together, he cannot help the way his brow quirks.
A low groan escapes him as the intricate lace ensemble you wear is now fully revealed to him. It wraps delicately around your figure, showcasing every dip and curve he admires so much. In his favourite colour, too.
“Do you understand what I’m telling you, My King?” Your voice is soft as you kneel before him, your one hand coming to rest on the side of your own thigh.
Hongjoong’s eyes nearly bulge right out of his head as he sees you pull out that jewelled dagger from beneath the red laced garter around your upper thigh. The blade had been artfully hidden beneath the robe, but now that you’ve fully opened the silk, he can see that it’s been held there carefully this whole time.
“Not only do I fully offer myself to you in every way tonight,” you begin, meeting his gaze once more as your one hand still gingerly cups the side of his face, “but I have every intention for us to become whole.”
His lips part, and a soft gasp escapes him, “you mean…?”
“Yes, My Love,” you smile. “Tonight, I wish for our souls to finally merge as one.”
The hitch in his breath is audible, and you cannot help but fixate on the way his one hand trembles as he brings it up to cover your own. Nothing but the deepest, most sincere form of love you have ever experienced in your life can be seen in his gaze, and you swear that you can feel his heartbeat pounding right alongside your own.
“Are you-“ he swallows thickly. “Are you sure?”
“More sure of anything I’ve ever been in my entire life.” You tell him earnestly. “I want it to be you, Hongjoong. I need it to be you.”
In the blink of an eye, he has you laying on your bed. Carefully, he hovers above you, his chest still heaving with every breath he takes as he stares deeply into your eyes.
“My Queen,” his voice is full of emotion, threatening to choke him out at any second as he leans into you. Gently, he kisses you, pouring every single emotion he’s currently feeling into the movement of his lips on your own. Pulling away, he rests his forehead tenderly against your own. “I would be honoured.”
The smile that stretches onto your features is nothing short of brilliant, and you can feel him shiver beneath your touch as you trail your one hand up the back of his shirt. Softly, teasingly, you allow your nails to trace over his spine, pulling him in closer.
“Everything I have to offer is yours tonight, Hongjoong.” You say, shifting slightly so you can nuzzle his nose with your own affectionately. “My blood, my body, my mind, my soul.” You meet his gaze. “I want you to have it all.”
Leaning in, Hongjoong wastes no time in kissing you passionately, successfully stealing your breath away as he presses closer into you. A pleasant hum escapes him as he feels you pull him in closer, the hand you have resting beneath his shirt digging into his back desperately.
“You have all of me, My Love.” He whispers against your lips. “You always have, and you always will.”
Gently, you nip at his bottom lip, eliciting a low growl from deep within his throat.
You smirk.
“Now, do you want to cut me out of this,” you lift that dagger held in your one hand, holding it with the pommel towards him in offering, “or shall I?”
The way his eyes flash black, an animalistic snarl tearing from his throat, has you clenching pleasantly around nothing. Your whole body thrums with excitement as he takes that dagger from your hand, gaze trailing shamelessly over every inch of you that he can see.
“A shame to remove such delicate lace from such a perfect body,” he hums, twirling that blade in his one hand as he sits back onto his knees. His eyes are dark as he stares down at you beneath him, a smirk pulling at his features. “I have half the mind to make you ruin these panties of yours before I tear them off of you.”
Once more, you clench pleasantly around nothing. “Why don’t you?”
“Believe me, My Love, I plan on taking my time with you tonight.” That familiar darkness swirls within his gaze as he takes in your figure beneath him on the bed. “Let me admire you just a bit longer like this. Then, I swear to you I will fulfill every promise I’ve ever made of ravishing you until the sun comes up the next day.”
This time, it’s your turn for your breath to hitch. Not even a moment later, and without giving it much though, your hands reach up to fist his shirt, pulling him back down into you for another kiss.
The movement of your lips on his is desperate, fingers fumbling over the buttons on his shirt as you shift your hips up against him. The way he groans into your mouth has you smiling into the kiss, and before you know it, he’s slipped that dagger back into your one hand.
Without wasting anymore time, you tear through the rest of his buttons using that blade. Once the last one has been cut from the material, he pulls away to tear the remaining fabric off of his torso, tossing it somewhere in your room.
Shamelessly, your eyes rake over his body, licking your lips as you do so. There is nothing but pure love and lust in your gaze as your free hand comes up to trace over his chest, eyes catching on two very specific details.
Your expression softens, “You’re still wearing it.”
Briefly, his own gaze darts downwards, as if to glance the golden ring hanging from a thick, silver chain around his neck. He smiles, eyes flitting back to meet your own, a tender look swimming within.
“I haven’t taken it off.” He admits lowly, his one hand coming up to clutch the One Ring lovingly. “It’s… precious to me.”
Your eyebrow quirks, amusement tugging at your features.
“My Love gave it to me.” He says, matter of factly, a knowing twitch of his lips upwards.
Lifting you free hand, you cup his cheek tenderly once more. 
Almost instantly, Hongjoong brings a hand up to rest over your own, turning his face to place a gentle kiss onto your open palm. He purposefully allows his lips to linger, revelling in the feeling of your skin beneath his own. For too long has he dreamt about this moment, and now that it is here - you laying beneath him and pressing against him in every way he’s only ever wished for - he finds that words escape him. One thing he does know, is that he will savour this moment here with you for all eternity.
Again, your gaze darts to his chest, but instead of catching on the ring gleaming from his neck, you focus in on another monumental detail. 
There, a thin, white line sits a few inches below his left collarbone.
The scar you gave him from that knife rests proudly on his upper chest. In fact, it appears to be the only part of his skin that is marred by any sort of blemish for the moment, other than a few moles you can see dotted here and there.
Carefully, you shift your hand, sliding your fingers down the side of his neck in order to rest your touch on his shoulder. Your thumb traces over the faint scar, nothing but adoration shining within your gaze.
“I told you I still had the scar,” he chuckles lowly, that same fond look reflected in his own eyes.
Darting your gaze to his own, your thumb finally freezes over his skin. Nothing but pure love blooms in your heart as you think of how far the both of you have come since you gave him this scar. To think that you’d be here right now, in such a position, is almost unreal. Yet, looking back on it now, and knowing what he means to you - what they all mean to you - you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Softly, your lips pull upwards in a smile. Leaning froward, you press them against his chest, directly over that scar. The fact that there is now a faint stain of red marring his skin has you chuckling fondly, revelling in the way his chest rumbles in content as he sees you looking at the mark you’ve just given him.
“You know I’ll always wear this proudly, My Love,” he keeps his voice low, gazing down at you as if you’ve hung all of the stars in the night sky.
To him, you have.
“I would say to give me a matching one, but I don’t think you’d ever agree to stabbing me.” You say, and you notice how his one eyebrow twitches. “Remind me to discuss the idea of tattoos with you all sometime.”
The grin that stretches across his face is radiant, if not devious. “You wish to have matching tattoos with us, My Love?”
“It’s something else I’ve been thinking about lately,” you admit, your one hand back to trailing over his chest. Lightly, your nails scratch at his skin and he hums in content.
“You know, My Love,” his grin turns teasing, “Tattoos are quite permanent. They can last forever.”
“Oh?” The playful pull of your lips upwards matches his grin in every way. “It’s a good thing, then, that I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon.”
He laughs, his eyes crinkling in joy, “We’d chase you to the ends of the earth.”
“I’m aware,” you hum, letting that blade settle beside you onto the mattress as you fully pull him back into you. “Let’s start with this first. Okay, Joongie?”
A content rumble escapes him once more. “As you wish, My Queen.”
His lips are back on your own without another moment’s hesitation. Gently, he grinds his hips into you, letting you feel just how hard you’ve already made him. The way you gasp lightly into his mouth as you feel all of him pressing against your core makes his smirk.
“You don’t know how long I’ve fantasized about this.” He moans, nipping at your bottom lip. “About you.”
“Oh?”You quirk a brow, heart fluttering inside of your chest. “Just what have you fantasized about, Captain?”
His eyes flash, gaze briefly roaming over your entire body once more as he licks his lips.
“I can’t count the amount of times I’ve fantasized about you sucking me off.” 
The admission knocks the wind right out of you. 
“I’ve thought about you worshipping my cock: the way your lips would feel wrapped around me, and fuck- the feeling of your tongue licking over every inch like I’m the best damn thing you’ve ever tasted in your entire life.” He pants out, voice but a low drawl. His chest heaves, rising and falling dramatically as he watches your tongue dart out to wet your lips. 
“And of course, once you were finally sated with pleasing me, I would absolutely fucking devour you. Fuck- ever since that day you allowed us to indulge in you, the way your scent fucking hypnotized me, I’ve been dying for a taste.” His tongue darts out to wet his lips this time, as if to emphasize his point. His eyes darken significantly. “That little gift of yours could only satisfy me for so long; I’m afraid that your scent has long since worn off of them, given the amount of times I’ve tried to suckle whatever last drops of your sweet nectar that I could that clung to the material.”
Your breath hitches at his confession. The mental image alone of Hongjoong desperate and aching for you, your panties caught between his teeth as he strokes his throbbing cock to completion to the mere thought of you has you immediately clenching around nothing. You can practically feel yourself soaking through the material of the panties you currently wear, and the fact that he’s already mentioned wanting to make you ruin them only adds to the immense pleasure that currently floods your veins from his words alone.
You let out a low moan, eyes nearly rolling as he presses himself firmer against you.
“Fuck- I’ve always thought about you.” He leans in, nipping at the shell of your ear. His lips trace down the side of your neck, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine as his voice deepens, “The way you would taste; how your thighs would tremble around my head as your juices dripped down my chin. I’ve always fantasized about how sweet my name would sound falling from your lips, pulling me in closer as I brought you to ecstasy over, and over, and over again just from my tongue alone.” 
He’s panting at this point, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is letting you know exactly what you do to him, just as he’s always so desperately craved.
“I want to feel you falling apart because of me. I want you to flood my every sense with you as you continuously drip down my face because you cannot help how wet I make you. I want to make you tremble. I want for you to experience a bliss unlike anything you’ve ever felt in your entire life, and then I want to drown you in my love, in pleasure, so that the only thing you can think of, the only thing that you can feel is me.” His eyes flash as he stares deeply into your own, beginning to grind himself into you in time with his words. 
“I want to have you shaking as I make you come over,” he presses deeper into you, “and over,” another shift of his hips over your own, “and over again for me and me alone. I want to hear you sigh my name, and then I want to make you scream it until your voice is so raw from the pleasure I am providing you that all you can do is whimper and moan.”
Desperately, your hands claw at his back, nails biting into his shoulders as a small whine escapes your throat. Already, you can feel yourself trembling beneath him, close to tipping over the edge from the sheer want coursing through your veins. The same want - need - that you know he feels in this very moment, too.
“Selfishly, I want to please you until I am satisfied. Until you’re either begging me to stop, or you pass out from the feeling of it all.” He breathes out, the slightest of smirks pulling at the corner of his lips. “I want to feel your nails digging into my back as I make the sweetest love to you, letting you feel my devotion to you in every movement that I offer you. I want to feel you pressing against me in every possible way, and even then I fear that it will never be enough to satiate my need, my desire for you.” 
A gasp escapes you, your eyes fluttering shut as you absolutely revel in his confession. Your heart feels as if it is about to burst from your chest, whole body heating until you cannot tell where his desire ends and your own begins.
“I want to love you, until the stars fall from the sky, and the entire world goes up in flames.” A moment’s pause so he can stare deeply into your eyes as you blink them open to meet his gaze. “I will love you. Until the end of time.”
“Hongjoong,” his name is no more than a whisper on your lips, eyes staring deeply into his own.
You hold him tighter, your one hand coming up to cup the side of his face.
“Please, My Love,” he reaches up and grasps your hand in his, placing your palm directly over his racing heart. “Feel how my heart beats for you. How it pulses and aches for you and only you. With everything I am, I am yours. My every breath, my every thought,” his hand tightens over your own, and you can feel the way his heart skips a beat inside of his chest, “my very soul, belongs to you.”
Subconsciously, your thighs tighten around him, your fingers digging into his chest as you stare up at him with nothing but tender love and affection in your gaze. The need to be closer to him rushes through your mind, and you hardly register how your vision blurs through the appearance of happy tears. 
Blinking them away quickly, you smile up at him, lips parting slightly as you attempt to catch your breath.
“You are the greatest love I have even known, Hongjoong.” You say softly, your other hand coming to cup his face as he still holds the one tenderly against his racing heart. “Everything and anything you want from me, I will give. All of your desires, I will fulfill. I am yours as much as you are mine, and nothing will ever change that.”
His own breath hitches as he looks down at you so fondly, “My Love-“
Quickly, you shift your hand on his chest so that you now press his own to yours. Even you can feel your heart thundering away beneath your skin against the tips of your fingers, and you make sure to squeeze his hand just as tenderly as he did your own.
“Know that my heart beats just as fiercely for you as yours does for me.” You keep your voice low, feeling as he begins to tremble above you. “There is no power in this world that could tear me away from you, nor change what you mean to me. You have made me believe in love again, and nothing will ever change that. Just as you give your all to me, I give everything I am and more to you. You are My Everything, Hongjoong. My Soul lives on for you.”
The small sob that escapes him surprises you, and not even a moment later, you feel something wet land on your chest. However, before he gives you time to think, his lips are on your own, kissing you breathless as he clings to your very form.
“I am so deeply in love with you, My Queen,” he mutters against your lips through kisses. “I love you more than life itself.”
“I am in love with you, My King,” you breathe out, clinging to him desperately as your arms hold him flush against you. “And I always will be.”
Hongjoong buries his face into the side of your neck, his hands caressing your sides tenderly. His fingers dance along your skin, toying with the intricate straps wrapping around your body that he can reach. His heart positively sings for you inside of his chest, whole body overwhelmed by his emotions. This feeling that consumes him currently is unlike any other he’s felt in his entire life, and he knows it’s only just the beginning.
After all, the two of you are only getting started.
“You drive me crazy, you know that?” He nips at the skin of your neck, soothing over the bite with his lips shortly after. “I can never get enough of you.” His tongue darts out to lave over your pulse, and he loves how your whole body arches into his touch. “Of your love.”
“It’s endless, Joongie,” you reply, words but a whimper on your lips as you tilt your head to the side so he has better access. “I will never stop loving you.”
You can feel the way he smiles against the skin of your neck, “Took the words right out of my mouth, My Queen.”
Gently, the fingers of your one hand begin to thread through the hair on the back of his neck.
“I want you to act on your desires tonight, Joongie,” you breathe out, nipping at the shell of his ear. “And I will finally act on mine.”
The way his whole body shudders in your hold does not go unnoticed by you. You smirk.
He bites down on the side of your neck a little harsher this time, eliciting the sweetest of whines from you.
“As you wish, My Queen.”
Slowly, meticulously, Hongjoong grinds himself into you once more. His lips swallow the gasp you let out as he presses his own to yours, hands holding you tightly as he moves above you. He wants you to feel every inch of his love tonight, and he doesn’t plan on making any exceptions.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, did you know that?” Again, he nips at your bottom lip, a pleased rumble escaping him along with his words.
“All for you,” you hum, cupping his face in your hands tenderly. “My Handsome King.”
A low, pleased growl echoes around the room, his one hand coming up to cup your breast over the lace material of your bra. Slowly, he begins to squeeze your flesh, moaning as he feels the warmth of your skin against his palm. Teasingly, he traces his thumb over your nipple through the fabric, loving how you arch desperately into his touch.
“Joongie, please,” A small whimper escapes your lips as your hips shift beneath his. “Touch me.”
The corner of his lips quirk, “I am touching you, My Queen.”
As if to emphasize his point, he gives your breast another appreciative squeeze, his teeth scraping against your pulse in tandem.
A whine slips passed your lips, chest stuttering as you attempt to catch your breath. Then, something within your eyes flash, a sort of devious intent shining within.
“If you don’t want to feel how wet you’ve made me,” your voice is low, rumbling out as you slip a hand between your two bodies, “I will.”
There is no mistaking the animalistic snarl that tears from his throat as his one hand comes down to halt all movements of your own. His touch is nothing short of gentle, contrasting the darkness swirling within his eyes at this very moment as he stares deeply into your gaze.
“Still wish to tease me, My Love?” You grin devilishly, licking your lips as your gaze darts down to where he pins your wrist to your stomach.
“Who’s teasing who now, My Love?” His voice is low, nothing more than guttural in tone as his eyes flash black. “I thought I told you I wish to take my time with you tonight.”
“You did.” Your expression softens the slightest bit, a warmth lighting up behind your eyes. “And I said I wanted us to fulfill our deepest desires, as well.”
You feel his cock twitch against your clothed core as he grins above you. “Fuck- I love you.”
The words have barely finished escaping him when his lips are pressed against your own. The hand holding your wrist finally lets go. Only, before you can so much as react, you find your breath hitching, a pleasant thrum travelling throughout your body. The feeling radiates out from your very core, spreading down towards the very tips of your toes.
The dagger, which you had left resting beside you on the mattress, is suddenly at your throat. A wild, desperate look shines within Hongjoong’s eyes as he holds the blade mere millimetres from your skin.
“Beg for me, My Queen.”
The soft gasp has barely finished falling from your parted lips when your hands tighten around him again for the nth time this evening. A fact of which has his own hips involuntarily shifting forward, cock twitching against you once more.
“Please, Joongie,” your voice portrays every bit of desperation you feel for him in this moment. “Touch me.” You swallow lightly. “I need you to touch me.”
Slowly, the corner of his lips quirk upwards, and that hand he still has tenderly cupping your breast begins to sneak down your body.
“Feel how wet you make me, My Love.” You breathe out. “Please, I’m tired of only fantasizing about what your fingers feel like on me.”
Hongjoong’s own breath hitches, those very fingers of his halting all movement as the tips teasingly trail along the top of your panties. He can feel his heartbeat ringing in his ear, threatening to burst right out of his very chest at any second.
For too long has he fantasized about such words falling from your lips, and now that they have, his head spins. Hongjoong has to hold himself there, desperately telling himself to calm down, lest he want to come before you can even touch him, or even better, he can even touch you. Such a simple phrase means everything to him, and the way you begin squirming beneath his hold says it all.
“You’ve thought about me.” Not a question, but a statement of fact.
“How can I not think about you?” Your response is airy, hips lifting off the bed as you seek the warmth of his hand that he holds just above your panty line. “You’re not the only one with desires, Captain.”
“Tell me.” Hongjoong growls lowly, his fingers slowly dipping beneath the band of your panties.
A small whimper escapes you, and you attempt to raise your hips to meet his touch. Only, this time, he’s expecting you to do so, pinning your hips in place with his own as he presses that dagger firmer into your neck.
You swallow, excitement thrumming through your veins.
“You have such pretty hands, My Love,” you whisper, gaze briefly darting downwards as if to glance them. “I can’t count the amount of nights I’ve spent in your arms, thinking about your hands all over me. I’ve always dreamt of your fingers digging into my flesh, pulling me in closer to you as we lose ourselves in each other. I want to feel your nails piercing my skin because you can no longer control yourself, sinking your fangs into my neck and drinking your fill of me as we come together.”
A low snarl tears passed his lips as Hongjoong finally shifts his hand down to cup you over your bare pussy. He can already feel the dampness on the back of his skin from where you’ve soaked through your panties, and as he finally dips a finger through your folds, he nearly loses himself right then and there.
“Fuck- My Queen,” his whole body shakes as he moans lowly. “You’re dripping.”
“All for you, My King,” your eyes flutter as you feel him repeat his movements from only a moment before. “All because of you. Do you see how wet you make me? What your words alone can do? How much I’ve been craving your touch?”
Again, he growls, the tips of his fingers coming up to lightly begin circling over your clit. The way he can feel your pussy practically pulsating beneath his touch has him smirking into the skin of your neck.
Another low moan escapes you, your whole body shuddering as he increases the pressure slightly over your clit. Already, your legs begin to tremble, high pitched whimpers falling from your lips as you toss your head back onto the pillows.
Only, he immediately halts all movement over you, drawing a desperate whine from your throat. Yet, he never lifts his fingers from your dripping cunt, making sure to keep the tips pressed firmly against that sensitive little clit of yours.
“I didn’t tell you to stop.” His voice is low, nothing more than an animalistic drawl in your ear. He circles your clit once. Slowly. “Keep going. I want to hear it all.”
Your lips part in a breathless moan, and you are more than happy to oblige.
“I’ve-“ you inhale sharply, feeling him adding the slightest bit more pressure as he resumes circling that sensitive little nub of yours, “I’ve always enjoyed the idea of being marked.” Your chest heaves as you feel him nip at your neck. “Of being claimed.”
He hums, his lips placing wet, open mouthed kisses along your racing pulse. All the while, his fingers never halt their movements over your clit for even a second.
“The mere thought of you-“ your eyes squeeze shut as you attempt to hold back that impending wave of your orgasm, toes curling prematurely. “Oh god-“
He smirks against your neck, adding even more pressure over your clit as his fingers circle that swollen bundle of nerves skillfully.
“Go on, My Queen,” he nips once more at the shell of your ear. “Tell me.”
“Hongjoong-“ The gasp of his name is a mere warning on your lips.
“Tell me, and then let me feel you drench my fingers in your love,” his voice is but a mere growl on his lips, hips slowly grinding against your side in time with the movements of his fingers.
A loud moan escapes you, your brow furrowing as your whole body tenses beneath his touch.
“I don’t think I’ve ever come harder by myself than to the thought of you claiming me as yours.” Your words are rushed, voiced hushed as your hands come up to desperately cling onto the sides of his arms.
The second that admission escapes your lips, your eyes are rolling into the back of your head. Your back arches off of the bed, his name falling in desperate whines from your lips as your orgasm crashes into you. You can feel your release dripping out of you and onto his fingers, your whole body trembling beneath his touch.
A pleased snarl escapes him, both from hearing your admission and watching you fall apart immediately afterwards. The fact that he can feel you soaking his fingers as he teasingly drags them through your folds, circling over your entrance lethargically has pleased growls building continuously in his throat with every exhale he makes.
Only now, Hongjoong wants more.
That dagger at your throat gets tossed beside you once more on the bed in favour of his hand cupping your face. Instantly, his lips are back on yours, swallowing all of your sounds as he gives you no time to recover from your first orgasm of the evening. Dipping two fingers through your folds, he pushes them inside you, moaning lowly as he feels your whole body shudder beneath him.
“Another,” the feral command is growled against the skin of your lips as his teeth sink lightly into the tender flesh. “Give me another.”
His pace is ruthless, fingers massaging your inner walls as his thumb finds your clit once more. His movements are precise, albeit desperate as he continues to grind his hips against your side, his cock twitching in tandem with the way your warmth squeezes his digits so delicately.
You can no longer form words. The intensity of your first orgasm has barely subsided as he begins to coax another from you. All you can do is moan, lips moving against his own as he swallows all of your sounds greedily, fingers curling within you as he begs for you to fall apart for him again.
“So fucking beautiful, My Queen,” he whispers against your mouth. “Such an ethereal sight, watching you fall apart for me.” He hums pleasantly, his chest rumbling in content. “Because of me.”
Again, your whole body begins trembling in his hold, and all you can manage are loud moans as his name falls from your lips in desperate whimpers.
“Give it to me, My Love.” Lightly, he nips at your neck, sucking gently on your skin. The softness of his lips completely contrasts the eager movements of his fingers, his thumb pressing firmly against your clit as he adds more pressure to each of his digits within your cunt. “I want to hear you scream.”
As if your body is set to obey his every command, your second orgasm crashes into you, much more intensely than the first. Your whole body shakes, a loud cry of his name escaping your lips as you arch into him. Your chest presses against his, legs twitching as you feel your walls spasming around his fingers still buried deep inside of you.
“Yes,” his voice is but a low, pleased snarl as he helps you through your release. “That’s it, My Love. Just like that.”
A breathless whine of his name escapes you, attempting to catch your breath as your chest heaves. Luckily, his fingers have finally stilled within you, and the next kiss he places upon your lips is tender. Even if he still growls with every exhale.
Softly, he begins trailing kisses down your jaw and to your neck, sucking lightly over certain areas that have your breath stuttering. Slowly, he removes his fingers, feeling as you shudder beneath him once more.
“You’re doing so well for me, My Love,” his voice is nothing short of tender as he cups your face with his opposite hand. Gently, his thumb strokes over your cheek. “My Beautiful Queen.”
Your eyes flutter shut, basking in the gentle caress of his touch as he kisses you. The movement of his tongue over your own is languid, and he hums lowly into your mouth as you finally release your hold on his arms.
The fact that he can still feel the dull press of your nails against his skin, even after you pull your hands away, makes him smile.
Pulling away, he rests his forehead against your own.
“I just-“ You lick your lips, chest still heaving as you rest beneath him. “I just need a moment.”
A pleased rumble shakes his chest, “Of course, My Love.”
“You truly are insatiable, aren’t you?” Your voice holds nothing but amusement as your eyes blink open, the faintest of smirks tugging at the corner of your lips.
“When it comes to you,” he pecks your lips softly. “Always.”
You hum contently, your one hand gently stroking over his spine as he rests above you. Nothing but love can be seen in your gaze as you stare deeply into his eyes, smiling tenderly up at him as he looks upon you in the exact same way that you’re gazing at him.
In fact, he’s so enraptured by your gaze that he fails to see your other hand sneaking up the mattress beside you.
Finally, you seem to catch your breath.
In the blink of an eye, that dagger is now at Hongjoong’s throat. The tip rests mere millimetres beneath his chin, and you can feel the pleased growl that reverberates through his chest against your own as his gaze darkens.
“My turn.” You smirk, wrapping your one leg around his hips and flipping your position instantly.
The way he gazes up at you, his eyes flashing black as his hands settle lovingly onto your waist, says it all.
Still, you press that blade to his throat.
“You certainly know how to please a woman.” You grin, licking your lips. A movement of which, you notice, he follows.
Subtly, his grip tightens on your hips. “I live to please you.”
Your expression softens, a tender smile pulling at your features as you gaze down upon him.
“Well, now I wish to please you.” That knife gets trailed gently down his torso, the tip of the blade caressing his skin and causing goosebumps to raise in its wake. The shudder that wracks his body as you trace the tip over his scar does not go unnoticed by you. “How about it, My King? Shall I reward you for always taking such good care of me?”
Hongjoong’s breathing deepens, eyes trailing over every inch of your figure as you move to slip that silk robe from your shoulders. His lips part, a choked moan escaping him as he feels you beginning to grind yourself down into him.
Your brow quirks, amusement tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Did making me come for you please you that much, My King?” Your voice is but a sultry drawl as you begin to shift down his body.
Once more, his eyes flash black. “You have no idea what you do to me, My Queen, nor how long I’ve desired only to please you.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you can feel your heart skip a beat in your chest. Warmth blooms beneath your skin, for you know he only speaks the truth, especially given the way his dark eyes drink you in.
Sitting back on your knees, you settle between Hongjoong’s legs. A small pride blooms in your chest as you see the prominent wet patch on his jeans, his semi-hard cock already straining once more against the material.
Hongjoong observes your every movement carefully. Every twitch of your brow, every subtle upturn of your lips, he sees. The way you hungrily trail your own gaze over his body has his shivering in contentment, anticipation clawing at his chest as you hand that dagger back to him.
Gently, he takes the blade from your hand, silently asking you with his eyes what you wish to do with such an item.
“Stick it in my headboard for all I care,” you grin, hands finding purchase on his thighs and rubbing over the clothed flesh tenderly. “I’m about to have my hands full.”
The way his hips buck upwards, a low groan escaping him is completely involuntary. His mind runs wild with the implications behind your words, and he hardly registers slamming that dagger into the wood above his head.
You giggle, and the sound is pure music to Hongjoong’s ears. “Someone’s eager.”
“My Love-“
“I know, Joongie,” you grin, glancing up at him through your lashes. “You’re not the only one who’s fantasized about feeling my tongue on you.”
This time, it’s his turn for his eyes to roll to the back of his head. His back arches, cock twitching beneath his jeans as your words settle over him. Knowing you’ve desired the same things as he has only makes his head spin, his need for you growing tenfold as he feels your fingers trailing up his thighs.
A blink, and you’re leaning over him, hands splayed over his chest as you kiss him deeply. His hands slip down to your ass, and you giggle into his mouth as you feel him squeeze you appreciatively.
Slowly, you begin to trail your own lips down his neck, biting and sucking marks into his skin along the way. His hands never once leave you, holding onto you for as long as he can as you shift over him, kissing and nipping your way down his bare torso. Not before laving your mouth over that scar once more, though. A fact which has his whole body shuddering, hips bucking upwards to seek any sort of friction that he can.
“So handsome, Joongie,” You hum, teeth grazing the skin just above waistline of his jeans. “You are everything I could have ever asked for, and so much more.”
A shameless moan escapes him, his fingers reaching for you desperately. Only, you chuckle, moving just out of his reach.
“Patience, My Love,” your own hands grasp his waist, squeezing gently. “It’s like you said before,” you grin, “we’ve only just begun.”
The moment your fingers start to undo his belt, Hongjoong’s lips part. His eyes never once leave your figure, drinking in the sight of you, still in that sinful red ensemble, ready and willing to please him. Truly, this is everything he could have ever wanted, and so much more. The fact that you’ve already given so much to him today, and that you plan to give him more, makes his whole body come alight, his soul singing beneath his skin.
The slow, meticulous movement of your hand undoing his zipper only serves to tease him further. Your touch is like electricity, making his skin come alight in the best ways wherever you choose to caress his body. The way you lick your lips eagerly as you hook your fingers beneath both the waistline of his pants and his underwear has his cock twitching in tandem, straining against the material until such a time where you remove them from him.
A low, pleased moan slips passed your lips as you watch his cock spring free of its confines. The tip is already an angry red, and you swear that you can practically see it throbbing from where it sits, pressing firmly against the skin of his stomach.
You toss his remaining clothes somewhere in your room, mouth practically salivating as your eyes stare down at his cock. The way you lick your lips makes him twitch, and you cannot help the grin that tugs onto your features as you realize this.
“Such a pretty cock, Joongie,” you slowly lower yourself to him, letting him feel the warmth of your breath on the skin of his thigh as you place a tender kiss to his flesh. “I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already this hard.”
“All for you, My Queen,” he replies breathlessly. “You should see how hard I get just from you merely looking at me.”
Your heart positively flutters inside of your chest, a warmth blooming within.
Softly, your hands trail up his thighs once more, nails scratching lightly over his skin.
He shudders.
A smile rests on your face as you begin placing tender kisses along the inside of his one thigh. Your hand comes up to settle over his hip, thumb gently stroking over his skin as you hear him moan.
“My Queen,” his voice is desperate; airy.
Using your opposite hand, you push his thighs further apart, settling between them comfortably. Your head rests just above his aching cock, and with every exhale, he seems to twitch against his stomach. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice how his hands fist the sheets at his sides. A fact which makes you smirk.
“I had also planned to worship you tonight, My King.” You tell him lowly, hearing how he whimpers your name so beautifully in response. “Let me make all of your fantasies come to life.”
A loud moan escapes Hongjoong’s lips as he feels you drag your tongue along the underside of his cock, slowly. You repeat the action a few times, drawing different patterns against him as you trace your tongue over a prominent vein. The fact that his breathing picks up, his head getting tossed back against the pillows only makes you smirk, loving the effect you’re already having on him.
Slowly, you bring that hand you had resting on his hip to his cock, holding him firmly in your grip. You pump him a few times, thumb swiping over his leaking slit as you spare a glance up at him through your lashes.
The sight that greets you has your stomach twisting in pleasure.
Never have you seen Hongjoong look so dishevelled. His hair is a mess, sticking out in odd ends as some damp strands cling to his forehead. His chest continues to heave, lips parted as low growls slip through with every breath he takes. Already, his eyes have bled black, his gaze fixated on you.
No matter what, he refuses to tear his attention away from the glorious sight that is you. Too many nights have been spent fantasizing about what you’d look like between his legs, and now that he finally gets to observe such a breathtaking scene, he swears to engrave it into his memories for all eternity. 
The feeling of your hand holding onto him so delicately, occasionally gifting him a tender stroke has low groans escaping him. The wet heat of your tongue dances across his skin, his cock throbbing with every desperate beat of his heart as you continuously lick him from base to tip, just like he’s always dreamed.
The second you shift to lave your mouth over the underside of his cock, Hongjoong’s whole body twitches. He can feel himself internally battling with the feeling of both loving and hating the slow, languid pace you’re taking with him right now. Yet, it’s embarrassing to him how quickly he feels like he’s going to come.
He wants you to make him scream. He wants you to make him beg for you, to make him so desperate for your touch that he falls apart just from a single glance. Yet, he also wants you to be rough with him, to please him until he has nothing left, his come dripping over his spent cock as you force another orgasm from him. For you, and only you.
He wants you to make him cry from the pleasure of it all, but he has a feeling that, somehow, deep down, you most certainly will.
The tender brush he feels of your mind against his own has another shudder caressing his spine. The fact that you immediately open your void to him to let your thoughts shamelessly pour over him as another low, desperate moan of your name falling passed his lips.
So hard for me, Joongie, Your voice echoes shamelessly through his head. Fuck- I love the feeling of you against my tongue.
As if to emphasize your point, another long lick is given to him from base to tip. Only this time, the moment you reach the head, you wrap your lips around him, suckling him gently into your mouth.
The moan that escapes Hongjoong is nothing short of needy, his hips bucking upwards in pursuit of the warmth of your mouth. Except, you’re faster, releasing him with a slight chuckle as you pull away from him.
He whines, the loss of contact making his thighs twitch.
“I control the pace, My Love,” you tell him, voice firm as your dark eyes meet his own. “Touch me all you want, but I determine when you come.”
“Yes, Mistress,” 
The whine he lets out goes straight to your core, lips parting in a silent moan. Only, you feel his whole body stiffen beneath you.
Glancing up reveals him staring down at you worriedly, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. You’ve never discussed the use of certain names within the confines of the bedroom, and he’s not sure how you may react. However, at the way you’re staring at him, eyes dark with nothing but love and lust for him, he has a feeling you’re rather enjoying yourself right now.
You quirk a brow, the corner of your lips twitching upwards, “Good Boy.”
The moan that tumbles from his mouth is shameless, and his cock twitches once more. He can feel your hand tighten slightly around him, pumping him a few times as you begin placing open mouthed kisses along the underside of his cock.
“Oh, fuck- My Queen,” he hisses, hips shifting involuntarily beneath your hold. “Your mouth-“ he pants, eyes squeezing shut as a high-pitched whine escapes him. “Your tongue.”
A pleasant hum is all the response he gets as you suckle one of his balls into your mouth. The second Hongjoong feels your tongue caressing his skin, his hips jerk, more precome leaking from his tip.
“Feels so-“ a choked moan escapes him as you hum around him, “Fuck- you feel amazing.”
A soft giggle slips passed your lips as you release him, wasting no time to take his hard cock into the warmth of your mouth. Gently, you suckle at his tip, swirling your tongue around him as you lower yourself further onto him. The pleased hums you continuously let out only serve to reverberate sinfully against his shaft, making his thighs shake as his one hand comes up to cup the back of your head.
“Don’t stop,” he whimpers, gaze desperate and pleading as he meets your own. “My Queen-“ he gasps, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head. “Don’t fucking stop.”
The whole time you move over him, you make sure to watch his every expression. You can feel yourself practically beginning to drip down your thigh through your ruined panties, the sounds he’s providing for you going straight to your core.
A pride builds in your chest as you work your tongue over his hard cock. You’ve never seen Hongjoong look this disheveled, his normally composed appearance giving way to a man absolutely lost within the pleasure you’re providing for him now. It makes you wonder if this is how he always looks when he thinks of you, if you’ve always been able to make him lose his composure just from a single touch.
From the way he’s moaning for you now, your name falling like a sinful mantra meant only for your ears, you know it to be true.
Simply knowing that you have this profound effect on him makes your whole body come alight in awe. The fact that he can allow himself to be this vulnerable with you, and you with him, means the world to you. To have him, an all powerful King at your complete mercy with his cock down your throat, has you smiling against him. To know that he trusts you, that he has always trusted you is a feeling unlike any other. A feeling which you gladly share, for there is no one else you could ever want - no one else you could ever need - when he is right here, ready and willing to provide you with everything and anything you could ever possibly desire.
Such a pretty cock, My King, you repeat your words from earlier, your mouth full of him as your tongue continues to swirl around his shaft. I could worship it all night long.
A choked moan slipped passed his lips, his hips bucking upwards slightly. The hand he has holding onto the back of your head tightens its grip, and his chest heaves with every breath he takes.
“Please, My Queen,” he whines lowly, thighs tensing as he attempts to hold himself back.
Coming so soon, My King? Your voice feigns concern, and it only causes him to twitch within your mouth again. More intense than just a mere fantasy, isn’t it?
“Better.” He moans, head being tossed back upon your pillows. “Better than any fantasy.”
You hum around him once more, your free hand coming up to start caressing his balls.
A loud curse and cry of your name are the only warnings you get before you feel him twitch, coming down your throat. His hand on the back of your head holds you there, and you feel the faintest of pricks digging into your skin, but not enough to draw blood.
You smile around his cock, helping him through his orgasm and letting him lightly thrust into your mouth as he comes down. Your tongue works to gather any of his release that might have escaped you, finally moving off of him with a small pop as you giggle lowly.
You lick your lips, absolutely revelling in the low growls that rumble out of his chest with every exhale that he makes. His hand finally loosens its hold on your head, bringing it around to cup the side of your face. Gently, his thumb begins stroking over your cheek as he attempts to catch his breath.
“Could you get anymore perfect?” His voice rumbles out, lips parting as he watches you smile up at him from between his legs.
Again, you giggle, wiping at the corner of your mouth with your thumb almost teasingly.
In the blink of an eye, Hongjoong has you pinned beneath him again. His kiss is desperate, tongue stroking over your own as he moans deeply into your mouth. His hands trace down your sides, and you faintly register the feeling of something sharp trailing in their wake.
A shiver caresses your spine as you realize he’s teasing you with his claws. The moment his hands settle on your hips, you feel those familiar little pricks digging into your skin and you moan shamelessly into his mouth.
The briefest of flashes of a thought within your mind has him smirking against your lips.
“I promise that I’ll ravish you in my true form another night, My Love.” His words are but a whisper against your lips, but you still cannot prevent the way you shudder for a second time in his arms. “Right now, I wish to take my time loving you.”
You smile up at him, meeting his tender gaze for the nth time this night, “I’m yours, Hongjoong.”
“As I am yours, My Love.” He returns your soft expression. “Now, as tempted as I am to tear this stunning ensemble from your body, I’d rather not ruin such a precious memory. Would you?”
“I couldn’t agree more, My King.” You reply gently.
Carefully, Hongjoong helps you sit up. His hands slip around your back, skillfully undoing the clasp of your bra and watching as you slide the material from your shoulders. His gaze is nothing but loving as he trails it all over your now exposed torso, hands reaching out to caress your breasts as he helps you lay back down on the mattress.
“Like I said before,” he breathes out, eyes darting from your figure to your own as nothing but awe shines within his. “Perfect.”
He emphasizes his words with a tender squeeze of his hands, massaging your breasts as his thumbs flick over your pert nipples. Slowly, he kisses back down your neck, nipping along the swells of your breasts once he reaches your chest. He continues to cup them so eagerly in his hands, humming lowly against you as he takes his time pressing his lips to your skin.
The second his mouth encases one of your nipples, sucking gently, you moan. The sound is but a sweet melody, one which Hongjoong wishes to continue to elicit from you for as long as he can this evening.
Flicking his tongue over your nipple, he’s quick to release it and move to the other. Giving the opposite the same attention, his low, pleased moans only serve to echo your own, his cock twitching excitedly against you once more.
Slowly, he kisses his way down your stomach, his hands taking their time to caress your sides. His movements are precise, making sure you can feel how much he admires you in his every touch. He hums, laving his tongue over your skin and smiling into each press of his lips against you every time your chest stutters. Wet, open mouthed kisses are placed, almost like a halo, around your stomach, his hands squeezing and massaging your flesh appreciatively.
“There is not a single part of you that I am not in love with,” the admission is but a low drawl against your skin, his dark eyes peeking up at you as he settles himself further between your legs.
“Joongie,” the sigh of his name is nothing short of tender.
“Every part of you is absolutely sinful, My Love. You have enraptured me with your very being, and I will kill anyone who says otherwise.” A low growl reverberates in his chest.
Your breath hitches, heart fluttering inside of your chest as you stare down at him.
Again, Hongjoong meets your gaze.
“You got to taste me this evening,” his voice is but a mere rumble as he hooks his fingers beneath the waistline of your ruined panties. “Now, it’s my turn to taste you.”
In one swift movement, he’s helping you strip yourself of your panties, pushing your thighs open as he settles between them once more. A guttural groan escapes him as his eyes zero in on your pussy, seeing you clench around nothing from his gaze alone. The fact that he can see your essence glinting in the light of the setting sun has a pleased growl rumbling in his chest, your scent completely surrounding him and making his head spin.
You are absolutely intoxicating. The sight of your bare pussy, which he has desperately longed to worship himself, dripping and practically begging for him to touch, has his cock absolutely throbbing against your sheets. For too long has he simply fantasized about this moment, and now that it’s here, he’s going to savour it for all eternity.
“Fuck- look at you,” he pants, licking his lips as his eyes flash black. “Already a mess; just begging for my tongue to have a taste.”
A low moan escapes you, and from the smirk that pulls at his features, you can tell he can physically see you clench around nothing.
He looks up at you, meeting your gaze as his eyes shine. His fingers sink firmly into the skin of your thighs, holding your legs apart as he watches you carefully. Every breath that escapes him boarders on a low growl, his lips parting as he breathes you in.
Softly, your one hand comes up to comb through his hair. Your fingers gently brush the strands away from his eyes, and you smile as you feel him lean into your touch.
His eyes flutter shut.
“You are my greatest desire,” he breathes out, fingers tightening ever so slightly over your thighs. “I will never stop wanting you, My Love. My heart beats for you, and you alone.”
Your heart swells with warmth, spreading outward from your chest and to the very tips of your fingers. A feeling you are becoming all too used to this evening, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Briefly, his eyes flit back to your weeping entrance, moaning lowly. “How I’ve been longing for a taste…”
Hongjoong goes to lean into you, except, he doesn’t get very far.
The hand you have resting in his hair halts his every movement, holding him mere inches away from your pussy as his chest rumbles in discontent. Only, before he can protest, his eyes catch on the way your free hand comes down to part your folds using two of your fingers, putting yourself on full display for him.
You meet his gaze.
“Beg for me, My King.”
Hongjoong’s lips part, his heart stuttering pleasantly in his chest. His nails dig into the skin of your thighs, eyes flashing black as he stares, transfixed, at the way your cunt weeps for him, and him alone.
“My Queen,” the words are hardly audible over the sound of his own racing heart, “Please- I need to taste you. You don’t know how long I’ve been dying for a taste.”
The corner of your lips twitch upwards, “How long, Joongie?”
“I have been craving you for what feels like an eternity, My Love,” his eyes glance up to meet your own. “Please, won’t you let me devour you? Won’t you let me make you come on my tongue? All I want to do is worship this gorgeous cunt of yours. So, please, let me make you feel good.”
Your breath catches, stomach twisting pleasantly from his words.
His gaze lowers back to your quivering pussy, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“Let me feel you dripping down my chin,” he’s panting again, but he doesn’t care. “Let me bring you to the highest of pleasures as you drown me in your cunt. I need you, My Love. You know I won’t ever be able to get enough of you…”
He trails off, and the small whimper he hears you let out sends a pleasant tingle shooting down his spine. Before he can say another word, though, you’re pulling him into you, pressing his face right into your weeping cunt.
The snarl that reverberates against you is nothing short of feral, the vibrations sending pleasant shivers up your spine as Hongjoong wastes no time at all. There’s no need to. Not when the greatest temptation of his entire life is spread out before him, whining desperately for him.
Who is he to deny His Queen?
The first taste of you on his tongue has him moaning shamelessly into you, his hands parting your thighs even further as his nails bite into your skin. Slowly, languidly, he suckles at your sweet nectar, the sloppy, wet sounds of his actions filling the space around you and making your head spin.
Hongjoong is shameless as he laves his entire mouth over your dripping cunt, humming contently as he feels you squirming beneath him. His lips have never felt a finer warmth pressing against him, his tongue delving between your folds in chase of the high you offer him with every drop. There isn’t a chance in all of the realms that he will ever get enough of this: your sounds, your taste, your cunt. The way you cling to him, thighs threatening to close around his head were he not holding them spread for himself is simply icing on the cake.
He’s desperate, and he’s not afraid to let it show.
Finest cunt I’ve ever had the honour to devour, My Love, his voice echoes lowly through your head, making you moan. Knowing you’re this wet because of me only makes me want to make you wetter.
“Hongjoong,” Tossing your head back onto the pillows, you begin to shift your hips against his mouth. 
Again, the wave of your impending orgasm approaches fast, the past events of the evening having worked you up so beautifully and kept you on the brink of pleasure this whole time. That, and the added fact that it’s him that’s currently devouring you like you’re the best damn thing he’s ever had the pleasure to taste in his entire life is making your head spin. You know it’s only a matter of seconds before you’re falling apart for him once more.
Your whole body twitches as his nose brushes against that sensitive little nub of yours.
Should I finally touch that aching clit of yours, My Love? Suckle it between my lips and make you come for me? He hums, and you don’t even have to look at him to know that he’s watching your every movement carefully.
“Yes, yes! Fuck- please!” You whimper, both hands now finding purchase in his hair as you tug him in closer to you.
The pleased rumble he lets out only adds to the immense amount of pleasure you’re currently feeling. Another whine tumbles shamelessly from your mouth as you feel him dip his tongue between your folds, soon dragging it upwards.
Your whole body twitches, a loud moan falling from your lips the moment he flicks his tongue over your clit. His movements are quick, yet precise, watching you carefully as he suckles that little bundle of nerves between his lips. The eager way his tongue swirls over that swollen bud immediately afterwards has your head spinning, voice close to breaking as your moans rise in pitch.
I know you’re close, My Love. The smile he wears can be felt against your cunt, and it makes your heart flutter. I don’t want you to hold back.
“Never,” you shake your head, too lost in the moment to realize what you’re saying as the word spills from you like a mantra.
Give it to me, His voice is but a growl inside of your mind, his grip tightening on your thighs. Let me feel you drowning me in your love. Let me get lost in this gorgeous pussy that could only belong to My Queen.
A pleasant feeling begins building within your abdomen, intense and tight. You’ve only recalled ever feeling it once before, but you’re too far gone to care. The way he’s making you feel is like having your whole body floating in ecstasy, head spinning as you attempt to ground yourself.
“It’s yours. I’m yours,” you mutter, eyes fluttering shut as you succumb to the pleasure he’s providing you.
You fail to see the way his brow quirks slightly, nothing but a feral devotion and love shining within his eyes as he snarls against you.
“Mine.” The word is muffled into your folds, the touch of his one hand leaving your thigh only to immediately slide two fingers into your dripping cunt. “All mine.”
The moment he curls those two fingers within you, pressing right up against the most sensitive part of your walls, you scream.
His name is no more than a high pitched wail, your entire body trembling as your back arches off of the bed. Your orgasm crashes into you, vision going white as you feel yourself let go, your release flooding out of you and onto his hand.
Snarls, deep and feral, greet your ears. Still, your vision is fuzzy, and you attempt to blink your eyes back into focus as your chest continues to heave with every breath you make. You can feel a certain wetness coating your thighs, dripping down your skin only to be caught by something warm tracing the trails back upwards along your flesh.
Finding enough strength within, you tilt your head to peer down at Hongjoong still resting between your legs. He’s taken the liberty to remove his fingers from you, his hand back on your thigh and spreading you open for him. Your feet are no longer pressed against the mattress as he holds your thighs, pushing your legs towards your chest so he has unrestricted access to your dripping cunt.
Though his eyes remain fixated on your entrance, walls still spasming from the aftereffects of your orgasm, he takes his time to trace his tongue along your inner thighs. Every last drop of your release, he cleans, tracing over the paths of your sweet nectar that shine enticingly against your skin. Pleased rumbles continue to shake his chest, of which gleams with that same essence, that silver chain with the One Ring dangling almost hypnotically over his heart.
Sensually, he begins laving his mouth over your thighs, creeping closer and closer to your weeping cunt with every kiss.
“I didn’t-“ his chest heaves, “know-” a kiss to the innermost part of your one thigh, “you could do that.”
Lightly, you swallow, your throat already feeling raw and overused.
“It’s still a shock for me, too.” Your voice is a bit rough, managing to speak through your own heavy breaths.
A pleasant hum greets your ears, and your whole body shudders as you feel him lave his mouth sensually over your entrance once more. Gently, he begins tracing his tongue over your swollen lips, licking every last drop of release from your pussy that you have to offer him.
I’m tempted to see if I can make you squirt again, My Love. He moans against you, the thought alone driving him insane.
Your one leg twitches in response, feeling just how wet you’ve made your sheets as they press into your ass.
As much as I want to please you until you pass out from pleasure tonight, he begins, languidly licking from your entrance all the way up to your clit. Gently, he circles that sensitive little nub with the tip of his tongue, hearing your breath stutter pleasantly as another choked moan escapes you. I want to slow things down for a bit. Let you feel every aspect of my devotion to you with every flick of my tongue.
“Joongie,” A soft gasp is all you can offer him as he completely slows his pace, sensually moving his lips over your cunt as if he were kissing your mouth, just like he did earlier.
That’s it, My Love, his own eyes flutter closed as he wraps his lips around your clit. Carefully, he suckles on that little bundle of nerves, shaking his head lightly from side to side. I want to hear how good I’m making you feel.
“So good, My Love,” you breathe out, lips parting as your chest rises and falls in uneven pants. You hum, your nails scratching at his scalp faintly as you continue to hold him in your grip. “Incredible.”
Hongjoong’s pleased rumble reverberates against your core. Using his tongue, he parts your folds once more, letting the warm muscle explore every inch of you that he can reach. The way you feel around him, let alone the way you continue to positively drip down his face, makes his whole body come alive. Not to mention the way you taste.
Such a pretty pussy, My Love, his voice continues to echo shamelessly through your head as he flicks at your clit. And all mine to devour.
A moan tumbles from your lips as you clench around his tongue, “Yours.”
Hongjoong shifts impossibly closer, pressing himself deeper into you.
Is this really my pretty pussy to devour? His already dark gaze flashes black, emphasizing his words with a pointed suck to your clit. Are you this wet because of me?
“Yes,” the admission falls like a chant from your lips, nothing but pure pleasure coursing through your veins. “All yours.” You pant. “All for you.”
A pleased chuckle reverberates against your core, making you moan.
Mine. One of his hands shift, pulling one of your own free in order to intertwine your fingers with his. Carefully, he rests your joined hands on your stomach, gazing upon you with nothing but love in his gaze. You’re mine, My Queen. And I am yours.
“My King.” A soft gasp causes your breath to hitch in your throat. “My Joongie.”
That’s right, My Queen, Slowly, Hongjoong begins to grind himself down onto your mattress in time with the movements of his tongue over your dripping cunt. I am yours. I will forever only be yours.
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you moan lowly.
He squeezes your hand.
Now, let me claim this pretty pussy just like My Queen has always desired me to. A pleased rumble shakes his chest as he focusses his attention back on your clit for the moment.
Your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head from his words alone, clinging onto his hand for dear life as the fingers of your opposite hand tighten once more in his hair. All you can offer him are whimpers and whines of his name, accompanied by low moans as you completely succumb to the pleasure that he is providing to you.
Every movement of his tongue over your clit is precise. His eyes never leave your face for a single second as he traces specific patterns over you. Not just any patterns, special ones he has long since desired to draw over this precious cunt of yours. Each stroke begins directly over your clit before he’s dragging his tongue outwards, as if tracing a very specific design over you.
He is.
In the ancient tongue, Hongjoong delicately traces his name over your clit. The movements are precise, and with each stroke, his eyes darken.
Each flick of his tongue brings you closer and closer to the edge once more, and you absolutely revel in the slow, languid pace he’s set this time around. The gradual increase of pleasure from such a slow build up seems to only intensify every feeling, your chest heaving as your eyes flutter shut. Pleasure threatens to drown you at any moment, and you find yourself eagerly jumping into it without a second of hesitation.
You know that Hongjoong will be there each and every time you fall to catch you. So, you let yourself go.
His name falls like a mantra from your lips in desperate whines, combined with breathless whimpers of your nickname for him. The fact that you call him your Joongie has his cock twitching once more against the mattress as he watches you fall apart for him. All because of him.
That’s it, My Love, he hums, suckling your clit between his lips and helping to ride you through your high. Such beauty. He moans against you. I can never get enough of you falling apart on my tongue.
Your lips part in a silent gasp, gazing down upon him with such a fond look in your eyes, that Hongjoong is sure to drown in it. Not even a moment later, he feels you attempting to pull him back up to you, and he is more than happy to oblige.
Without wasting another second, Hongjoong is hovering over you once more, pressing himself flush against your body. A moan escapes him as he kisses you just as eagerly as you kiss him, holding you to him in every way that he’s only ever dreamed about. The fact that you wrap a leg around his side to pull him in even closer makes his head spin.
Slowly, your one hand creeps up his chest, and he pulls the slightest bit away out of curiosity. His throat bobs as he swallows, noticing how you hook that necklace he wears through your hand, your one finger seemingly slipping into the golden band hanging from the silver chain.
Gently, you caress the side of his face, the cool of the metal contrasting the heat from his skin.
“I love you, Joongie,” you meet his gaze, your own flitting between his dark eyes as you stare lovingly into them. “So much.”
“You are everything I could have ever asked for, and so much more, My Queen.” He breathes, holding himself above you as nothing but love for you pours into his every movement.
“The feeling is very much mutual, Joongie.” You smile, thumb caressing his cheek tenderly. A breath, and your gaze darkens. “Now, become one with me, My King.”
Leaning forward, Hongjoong rests his forehead against your own, a content rumble building within his chest. “It would be my honour, My Queen.”
The next time Hongjoong presses his lips to yours is slightly different than all of the rest. This time, it’s slower, and much more tender than anything you’ve ever felt from him before. His lips move against yours as if telling a story - the story of your love, and how it will forever be interwoven in your lives for years to come. It tells of the hardships you’ve faced, the struggles and fights, but more than all of that, the unyielding strength and resolve you’ve both had to come this far.
He loves you. Desperately. Unwaveringly. Unconditionally.
Nothing, absolutely nothing will ever take this moment - you, him, your love, your very souls - away from each other.
Gently, Hongjoong shifts his hips, bringing a hand down to align himself with your entrance. Teasingly, he drags the tip of his cock through your folds, bumping against your clit a few times and making you moan. Only, he pauses, the head of his cock just pressing against your entrance as he looks up to meet your gaze once more.
“Are you-“ he swallows thickly, “Are you sure?”
You take this time to study his features, eyes flitting everywhere over his face. You note the slight furrow of his brows, the clenching of his jaw as he holds himself above you. His jaw ticks as his chest heaves, nothing but tender love and affection shining within his gaze as he looks upon you like you are his entire world.
To him, you are.
The fact that, despite his own raging desires - his very need for you - as he is mere seconds away from pressing into you, he still holds your comfort and wellbeing so highly, lets you know exactly how to feel in this moment here with him. You have no hesitance, nor regret for your decision right now, and time and time again, Hongjoong has proved just how worthy he is. How worthy he’s always been, especially to you.
“More sure of anything than I’ve ever been in my entire life, Hongjoong.” You reply, reaching up to cup his face tenderly in both of your hands. “I want this.” You lean up to peck his lips. “I want you.”
Nothing but love shines within his gaze as he fully presses himself against you, slowly beginning to push into you as he claims your lips with his own. The languid movement of his tongue on yours is synonymous with the gentle push of his hips, moaning into your mouth as he sinks into you inch by slow inch.
Involuntarily, you clench around him, walls fluttering against his cock as you feel him fully sheath himself within you. The way he fits, almost perfectly, inside of you makes you moan, your hands shifting to his back to pull him into you closer.
Parting from your lips, Hongjoong groans. There’s a slightly deeper furrow to his brow as he focusses on remaining still inside of you until you give him the okay to move. For too long has he dreamt of this moment, and now that it’s finally here, nothing could have prepared him for the absolute euphoria that is your tight, wet heat surrounding all of him.
“Fuck- Joongie,” your breathless voice reaches his ears, and he focusses on placing small, tender kisses against the skin of your neck to ground himself. “You feel so good inside me.”
His cock twitches, feeling your walls clench around him almost rhythmically.
“My Love-” he manages to get out through pants. “Fuck- My Love-”
Gently, your one hand comes up to begin threading your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. You hold him to you, purposely clenching around him as the nails of your opposite hand dig into his back.
“I was made for you, My Queen,” his nose trails gently up along your racing pulse, his lips finding purchase on the skin right below your ear. “Made to hold you, to cherish you, to worship you.” He nips at the shell of your ear, voice rumbling out in a low growl. “Made to love you.”
He can hear the hitch in your breath, and it only makes him smile.
“Please, Joongie,” Your grip tightens around him, a small whimper falling from you lips.
The slight shift of your hips against his own is everything he craves, his heart racing alongside your own. It’s all he needs to know that you’re ready, simply waiting for him to fulfill his every promise, and become one together like you both so strongly desire.
Pulling away to stare deeply into your eyes, Hongjoong slowly begins grinding his hips into yours. The gasp you let out as he pulls almost all the way out of you, only to roll his hips back into your own has another small smile pulling at his features.
Gently, he reaches up to take your hand in his. Ever so carefully, he turns his head, never once faltering in the slow, sensual grind of his hips against your own with every soft thrust into you. With the utmost of grace, he places a kiss onto the back of your palm, his eyes fluttering shut as he absolutely revels in this moment, right here, right now, with you.
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, My Love,” he breathes, intertwining your fingers together as he rests your hands on the mattress beside your head. “You are mine, and you always will be. Just as I will always be yours.”
A tender moan slips passed your lips, feeling as if your heart is close to bursting from your chest with how much it swells with nothing but love for him inside of you.
“You are worth every second I spent without you in my life, just to be able to get the chance to love you now.” The admission is but a whisper on his lips, but still, he never once stops the movement of his hips.
“I-“ A low moan escapes you, your hand on his back pulling him in closer as you nearly lose yourself to the feeling of him sensually grinding himself into your. You wet your lips. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long.”
Immediately, he’s shaking his head as he stills inside of you.
“I would wait forever if it meant getting to be with you like this, even just once.” There is only the deepest form of both love and sincerity shining within Hongjoong’s eyes as he meets your gaze. “Forever, and a day.”
Your breath hitches, heart swelling once more inside of your chest. Your expression softens and you bring the hand you have resting on his back around to tenderly cup the side of his face.
“How lucky we are, then, to have finally found each other.”
He smiles softly, resting his forehead against your own. “I couldn’t have said it better myself, My Queen.”
You mirror his expression, the tips of your fingers beginning to tingle where you cling to him.
“Now, make love to me, My King,” Your voice is but a whisper as you stare into his loving eyes. “Let us finally become one.”
His heart flutters, gaze darkening as he shifts himself above you, “With pleasure.” 
Rolling his hips sensually into yours, Hongjoong absolutely adores how you immediately sigh so blissfully in response. Your eyes flutter shut as his free hand comes down to grasp your thigh, pulling your leg up and around his waist as he slowly thrusts into you. Every grind of his hips into yours has you sighing, lips parting as soft breaths escape you.
Each movement of his is slow. Precise. He needs you to feel his love, needs you to understand that his every breath, his every thought, all of him, is for you. Always and forever, he is yours. He lives for you, and only you. Right now, he intends to make you drown in him, just as he’s always been consumed by you.
“You’re taking me so well, My Love,” He moans lowly, teeth grazing the side of your neck.
A pleased hum escapes you, “Made for you.”
Softly, he growls, his hips snapping the slightest bit harder into your own from your words.
“Filling me so well, My King,” You clench around him in time with your words, and his hips falter only slightly. “I can never get enough of you.”
His lips are on your own without another thought, increasing his pace as he thrusts into you. Still, his movements are sensual, but there’s a slight urgency to the way he buries his cock within your warm walls now, loving how he can hear every whimper and whine you give him.
“Fuck- I love you, My Queen,” he emphasizes his words with a sharp thrust into you, his fingers harshly digging into the skin of your thigh as if to pull you even closer. “I love everything about you,” his voice is strained, low and guttural. 
“I love your body,” another sharp thrust is given, his voice but a growl on his lips. 
“I love your mind,” his forehead presses against your own as he snaps his hips into yours. 
“Your very soul is perfect.” A pleased rumble reverberates in his chest as his eyes flash black. “Perfect for me.”
“Hongjoong,” you pull him flush against you, your head getting tossed back onto the pillows as your eyes flutter shut. You clench around him.  “Hongjoong, please-“
At another particularly sharp thrust, your breath catches in your throat. Your eyes roll.
“Again,” his voice growls out. “Say it again.”
Immediately, you comply, moaning out his name as your one hand desperately begins to claw at his back.
The shiver you feel caress his spine makes you smile.
A deep, guttural groan escapes him, burying his face into the side of your neck as he increases the pace of his thrusts. What truly makes him snarl is the feeling of you wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him ever closer into you.
You can do nothing but whimper beneath him now, the nails of your one hand raking down his back as you squeeze his with your other. Each thrust he offers you is angled precisely, the tip of his cock rubbing against that special spot inside of you as you can do nothing but lose yourself to the pleasure he is providing you.
“My Beautiful Queen,” he snarls, teeth nipping at your tender flesh before he’s soothing over the bites with his tongue. “Fuck- your pussy is mine. Mine to please. Mine to love. Mine to fill until you’re satisfied.”
A moan escapes you, and your legs tighten around his waist. Lightly, you nip at his ear, your walls squeezing him so sinfully. “Your cock is mine, My King.”
A feral snarl, deeper than any you’ve ever heard him make before, tears from his throat.
“All for you, My Queen.” His hips snap desperately into your own, the wet sounds of skin on skin only serving to fuel his every movement further. “I was made to serve you, to please you in every way. My cock is yours, let me use it to fill you with my endless love.”
An endless stream of ‘yes’ falls from your lips, eyes nearly rolling as you feel the familiar prick of his claws against your ass as he angles you to meet his every thrust.
“Do you feel how wet I am for you, My Love?” You manage to choke out, voice low and gravelly. “Feel how my love drips endlessly for you.”
Hongjoong’s hips stutter, his cock throbbing deep within you as his brow furrows. Your words nearly have his own eyes rolling, but he forces himself to hold off for now. He needs to see you come again for him. He needs to be the sole reason you’re screaming his name once more.
Slowly, the gentlest of touches begins to caress your mind. It’s warm, and soft, not unlike the feeling of sunlight on a beautiful summer’s day. It originates from the very tip of his red string at the edge of your void, beginning to seep outwards through your mind as you feel a gentle tug pulling at your whole being. The feeling is like being opened and surrounded at the same time, but it’s pleasant none the less, and you begin to feel an intense pressure building within your very core.
He has to time it perfectly.
“I need you-“
“You have me, Joongie,” you whisper, tilting your head slightly to the side to give him better access to your neck. “You will always have me, My Hongjoong.”
A earth-shattering roar tears from his throat.
Reaching his hand up, Hongjoong doesn’t even realize he’s grabbed onto the handle of your dagger. Harshly, he drags the blade through the wood of your headboard, eyes the deepest black they’ve ever been as a complete and utter feeling of euphoria floods his veins. His face buries itself in the side of your neck, fangs piecing your flesh right at the juncture where it meets your shoulder.
Instantly, your blood is flooding his senses, but that’s not all.
Memories begin appearing in his mind as he feels his soul and yours finally becoming one, dancing within the very depths of your beings and finally merging as he has always intended. 
Memories that are not his own.
Through your eyes, he sees you turning around to face that makeshift front desk they set up all those long months ago. He feels the genuine surprise you felt when you first laid your eyes upon him, but also the spark of attraction that announced itself upon your first meeting.
He sees flashes of memories here and there of the very first days you had known each other. He feels the uncertainty, the caution, but soon, those originally negative emotions give rise to more gentle, pleasant ones. A fact of which that makes his heart swell inside of his chest.
The garden appears before his very eyes, and he sees himself gazing upon you with such fondness in his eyes as you thank him for creating such a space for you. He hears you telling him that maybe, just maybe, loving him won’t be such a bad thing after all. The way he can feel your heart warming in that moment says it all.
The time at the mall spent with all of them is the next memory to flood his senses, and he is privy to how good you felt after you condemned that bastard all those months ago. He observes the various subtle glances you gave him that day, all of which he thought were too good to be true. Yet, there he sits, directly across from you at that table, and sure enough, you keep glancing towards him. That fact that your curiosity is now running unfiltered through his mind, combined with the fact that you’ve always wanted to know more about him makes his head spin.
So many of these scenes, and more, play out in his mind as he feels you completely consuming him in the best of ways. All he knows in this moment is you, and he wouldn’t want it any other way.
The garden makes a reappearance, and he sees himself holding your hand tenderly in his own. His arm is wrapped around you as you both sit on that bench together, gazing upon the fountain. His breath hitches as both your thoughts and feeling wash over him, whole body stilling as he hears your voice echo throughout his head.
“Yeah,” you sigh to yourself, settling further against his side. “I think I might be falling in love with him.”
Hongjoong doesn’t exactly know the precise moment you fell in love with him, but if he thinks about it, he can’t exactly pinpoint the moment he knew he was in love with you, either. All he does know, is that every single emotion you’ve ever felt towards him, both the good and the bad, flood his very being right now. Emotions which overwhelm him in the best of ways.
Then, a more recent, unfamiliar memory makes itself apparent. It’s of you, alone in the shower, your back pressed firmly against the wall. It’s as if he’s an outside party, getting the first glance at the beautiful sight that is you, naked and wet, pleasing yourself to the thought of him.
His breath catches.
You’ve thought of him. You weren’t just telling him what he wanted to hear earlier. You’ve actually made yourself come to the thought of him.
Carefully, his eyes trail over your figure, noting the hand you have over your mouth in attempts to keep quiet as you press the shower head to your aching clit. Slowly, your hips begin to grind against the spray of water, small whimpers escaping you. Though, that’s not truly what makes his head spin.
Your thoughts from this exact moment in time shamelessly wash over him now, and he gets a front row seat to such fantasies you’ve seemingly always had about him. A fact which makes him smirk, a pleased rumble building within his chest as he fully submerges himself to the feeling of you and your thoughts flooding his mind.
He wouldn’t want it any other way.
You, on the other hand, are fairing no better.
Just as you speak those final words to him, you feel Hongjoong twitch deep within you. His claws only sink into your skin for a brief moment before you feel him burying his fangs deep within your neck. The sensations, combined with everything that has built up to this moment makes you scream his name, back arching as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Suddenly, you see yourself walking through the front doors to the house. Though, you suppose it was considered a hotel back then. Still, the thoughts that flood your senses now are not your own, and it only takes you another minute to realize that you’re living his own memories of you right now.
You can feel his excitement at finally getting to see you in person, and the way he shudders at the first whiff of your scent that graces his senses. You hear his thoughts, shamelessly praising you and your beauty as you talk to him, and your heart feels as if it’s going to burst from his lingering emotions the very first time you smile at him.
A blink, and you’re watching yourself flee the dining room that night where it all went down. You can feel the pleasant growl that reverberates within him as he pulls the knife out of his chest, staring down at that blade fondly as thoughts of your bravery and skill fill his mind. You even feel just how affected he is by your actions, pure pleasure coursing through his veins as he chases after you without a second thought.
An array of moments you don’t recall flit through your mind next. Some are from before you came to them, while others are longing glances he’s given to you while you’ve been in the same room together. You feel his every need, his every desire for you - the desire to prove himself to you and make you his in every meaning of the word.
You feel his jealousy, especially when he barges into Seonghwa’s tailor shop to see you inches away from kissing his brother. 
You feel his hope in the garden, bright and vibrant, as your words echo like a siren’s song through his mind after that very special moment you shared. The first of many more to come.
You see him, in the shower, cracking the tiles on the wall beneath his grip as he strokes himself to the thought of you. Shamelessly, his thoughts wash over you. Every fantasy he ever had that night is yours to behold, watching him beg and moan to the mere thought of you. You hear his desperation in the way he moans your name, spilling all over his hand as his heart beats for you, and only you.
Slowly, you drift through all of his memories of you until you finally feel yourself coming back to settle within your own mind. It’s heavy, and a bit cloudy, but you’re finally able to pinpoint the tingling feeling of your limbs, fingers twitching as you continue to hold Hongjoong so delicately to you.
Carefully, you blink, eyes focussing in on the ceiling above you to further ground yourself. You can feel his lips placing tender kisses against your neck, tongue already soothing over the bite you’re sure now sits proudly against your skin. His cock still rests buried deep within you, and you can feel your combined fluids leaking out of you onto your thighs. 
Except, you don’t care.
You pull him closer.
A low chuckle greets your ears, “Welcome back, My Love.”
All you can mange in response is a hum, nuzzling your face into the side of his own neck. You inhale deeply, humming pleasantly at the intoxicating scents that begin filling your every sense.
“Come on,” he goes to pull away. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
A loud whine escapes you, and all you manage to do is tighten your hold over him, ensuring that he cannot go anywhere.
“My Love, you need to at least drink some water,” his own voice is rough, albeit amused, and slightly gravelly in tone as he strokes a tender hand down your side.
Your body suddenly feels as if it’s made of lead, eyelids threatening to fall shut as sleep tugs at the edges of your subconscious. Already, your vision begins to blur at the corners.
“Alright, My Love,” he chuckles lowly once more. “At least drink this.”
Your brow furrows in slight confusion until you feel him lean into you. His neck is presented to you, and you notice his one hand coming up to attempt to create a small slit in his skin for you.
Only, you’re quicker.
It’s as if your body immediately knows exactly what to do, recalling the moment you bit into Jongho’s wrist. Your one hand comes up to grasp Hongjoong’s hair, tugging his head to the side as you lean in to begin suckling softly at his neck.
A low moan greets your ears, and you feel his cock twitch deep inside of you.
You smirk.
A choked moan of your name escapes passed Hongjoong’s lips as he feels you bite down on his neck. He feels your teeth, suddenly sharper than he ever recalls them being, sinking into his flesh, soon followed by the gentle laving of your tongue over the bite.
His eyes flutter closed in bliss.
A soft, albeit pleased hum escapes you as you feel his blood flooding your senses. The subtle taste of strawberry cheesecake greets your tongue, and you suckle all too eagerly at the wound.
Lowly, a growl rumbles from deep within your chest.
You freeze, pulling away to blink up at him owlishly, his blood now painting your lips that sinful shade of red, “I- uh-“
Before you can get another word out, his lips are on yours, calming your mouth with a slow, yet sensual kiss. His own chest rumbles in satisfaction as his hands settle lightly onto your waist. Then, ever so carefully, he flips your positions, letting you rest on his chest while his cock still remains buried deep inside of you.
“Get some rest, My Love,” he places gentle kisses over your face, arms wrapping securely around your waist. “I’ve got you.”
The sound of gentle chimes seem to echo in the distance, and it makes you smile.
“I love you, Joongie,” you mumble, eyes already fluttering shut as you settle your head onto his chest, resting softly above his beating heart. “I always will.”
Hongjoong smiles, a low, pleased hum escaping him at your words.
“And I love you, My Queen.” He places a tender kiss onto your forehead, relaxing fully into this moment with you as his eyes fall shut. “Until the end of time.”
Again, the soft sound of chimes echoes in the distance, and it’s that thought - that warmth - that you feel surrounding you as you rest in his arms which lulls you to sleep, basking in the embrace of the one who loves you most.
The one who will always love you. 
More than life itself.
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same dude believe it or not.
300 notes · View notes
hwatermelon · 1 year
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all hail the demon!hwa ❤️‍🔥
credit: @/centerhwa on twt
774 notes · View notes
justaaveragereader · 2 years
The Eight Evil Thoughts // OT8
Part 5: Wrath
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You were a firm believer that when you died you were bound to go to heaven…but what happens when you get casted straight down to hell. Before kneeling before the most famous evil thought/leader you run into the other evil thoughts along the way.
“You must have anger, as rightful wrath is what makes you create your own ethical standards.” -Kamal Haasan
🌹Pair: Reader x ????
🌹Genre: Angst, Thriller, Possible Yandere, Suggestive, Religion Talk, Cursing
🌹Word Count: 4.3k
“I'm not taking them in. Give them to someone else.”
“You know that’s not how this works. They must go to you next.”
“Wooyoung I do not care. They are getting water on my floor, dirting up the place, and the aroma from your scent on them is making me wanna vomit.”
Dropping your body on the floor with a thud you stir.
“Are you trying to say my scent is gross?”
Wooyoung places his hand on his chest, offended. He lets out a clicking noise. Stirring you fully awake. The clicking noise reminding you of the high pitched sound that you felt and heard when you were in the room with Mingi.
Clutching his fist hard, he turns slightly red in the face.
“Wooyoung get the fuck out!”
Letting a smile grace his face. Wooyoung does the opposite. Walking up to the man while making a kissy face. With his arms extended out for a hug.
“Wooyoung I don’t want to hug you, get out now!”
You are soaking wet, cold and quite hungry. Your back aching, tired still, lungs burning. It was a double edged sword. You start to realize the more and more things go on the more you aren’t going to succeed in any of this. What could you have possibly done to be deemed so bad that this is how you ended up?
Sitting up, clutching the sides of your body, you try to keep in any warmth you can. Wooyoung whips his head over to you. Pausing his love train to the gorgeous man standing in front of him. The man looks over in your direction. It feels like all the air in the room has been sucked out. He’s beautiful, solid red eyes. A birthmark by one, he looks like he was handcrafted by God himself.
You are so confused. In so many books you read that demons or devils or whatever the hell they were. Anything in hell usually is ugly, scary looking, disgusting but every person you’ve come across was shockingly beautiful but the man before he was a different type of visual. His existence alone made you insecure.
“You are awake! I was starting to wonder when you’d wake up!”
The solid red eye man lets out a huff, fingers coming up to rub his temples.
“Please stop your yelling, we are all in the same room Wooyoung.”
“Say hello to your new guest!”
Wooyoung points in your direction with a huge smile on his face. The handsome man in front of you was not amused. He looked like he was over the black eyed man’s antics. Like he just wanted to be left alone. You assume he’s eyeing you up. It's always hard to tell what exactly they are doing and what they are looking at when they look in your direction. The solid eye with no pupil always threw you for a loop. You could only make assumptions when they looked in your direction. You stiffen up slightly. Now processing Wooyoungs words. This man is the same thing as Wooyoung, although the eye color is different you can guarantee they run in the same group of species.
“You smell like garbage.”
Your jaw drops slightly taken back by the man in front of you. When he finally spoke to you, those are the words he chose? You slightly close in on yourself bringing your knees up to your chest. You had been through hell and were still currently going through it. Did he expect you to smell like daisies?
“I will give you clothes to change into. Please bathe yourself. I don’t want this scent taking over the place.”
He spoke with such an empty look on his face. His emotion was hard to clock, yet you couldn’t help but nod your head. Standing up, dripping murky water you stood still in your spot not sure where he wanted you to move to or if he wanted you to remain in your spot.
“Wooyoung you can leave now.”
Turning his back towards both of you making his way to whatever area he had chosen, assuming he went to grab your change of clothes. Wooyoung lets out a high pitched whine. Stomping his foot in the process.
“I never get to see you anymore, Yeosang! Let me stay a while longer please!”
So that’s his name…Yeosang? Yeosang. Yeosang. Yeosang. You keep repeating his name in your head. You do not want to even scratch the surface of trying to forget his name. While they all address each other by their names you come to realize they don’t quite address themselves as the things associated with them. Remembering when Jongho preferred to be called his name instead of Greed. Curious as to what this one was associated with.
“Do you know what curiosity did to the cat?”
Wooyoung had suddenly spoken up looking at you. Solid black eyes boring into it. Even though he was looking at you…It felt like he was looking right through you. Cheshire Cat smile written across his face. He slowly made his way towards you..stopping right on the side of you..shoulder brushing against yours.
“It killed it.”
He whispered into your ear. Goosebumps shoot down your spine.
Not daring to move a inch. You have been too carefree with everyone of them you have came across. You know he could read your mind so you try your best to silence your thoughts. Straightening your back trying to give off the impression that you do not fear him when in reality that’s all you did. His solid black eyes sent anxiety all down your body. He moves closer to you, nose brushing against your neck.
“I can smell it weeping off of you…my my my you smell delicious.”
His eyes flutter in satisfaction. Gulping rather loudly you don’t let your posture waver. You are everyone’s prey, surrounded by constant predators.
“Wooyoung didn’t I dismiss you?”
Wooyoung steps back, throwing a glance towards Yeosang. Foot doing a small stomp, pout on his face.
“I don’t want to leave though! I never see you. This is so unfair.”
He says through a whine. Walking towards what you are assuming is how you got in here, a water pocket in the ground.
“Get out. Now.”
“A kiss before I go?”
Yeosang suddenly yells out, his deep voice bouncing off the walls of the room. Startling you completely, Wooyoung looked unfazed by the yell but still with a deep pout. He continues his journey towards the water pocket, jumping into the water. Before he submerged himself to go back to god knows where he sends a flying kiss to Yeosang.
Looking over in your direction a big tooth grin covers his face.
“I’ll see you later Yeosang!”
Water making a slosh noise as he submerged himself and left. Leaving you with the ungodly handsome man. Still stiff in your position you are curious if he can read your mind too. He’s staring straight at you, muscular body on display. Intimidating you to the fullest. Still keeping your back arched slightly, chest puffed out, head high. Trying to give off the image that you are not as small/scared as you feel.
He holds his hand out with a pile of clothes in it. Bathroom is behind the white door. Please go bathe.”
He says in such a monotone. His voice is so deep the goosebumps that shoot down your spine are evidence of that. Not moving a bit you let out a breath you hadn't even known you were holding. His arm still extended out to you. You move forward slowly reaching to grab the clothes from him.
“Move faster!”
Voice booming out, launching your body forward to grab the clothing. He lets out a deep breath. Running his hand threw his hair.
“I apologize for raising my voice. Please go bathe.”
Quickly snatching the clothes from him making your way to find the white bathroom door. The fear you feel in your bones is not normal. You felt fear with all of them but he is so different you are not sure if it’s his visual that makes him extra scary. He looks like he was an angel but you know he has to be a demon of sorts. Stumbling upon the white door finally letting the negative thoughts float out your head you try to feel excitement that for the first time since you’ve been down here you are going to bathe.
Opening the door to the cleanest bathroom you’ve ever seen. White and red painted the room. Everything was neat and in order. It smelled of crisp lemon zest. Laying the clothes Yeosang had given you on the counter. You were sure the clothes were going to drape off your figure. The clothes were all black. Consisting of black sweatpants, a black long sleeve, a pair of black shorts, and black socks. Very different from the room you were in. The clothes stuck out like a sore thumb. Stripping yourself of the wet dirty clothes you were folding them up, placing them on top of the opposite side of the counter. Wanting to keep the clean appearance up. Cutting on the shower water not even caring if it had warmed up, you step in. Clean water hitting your body for what felt like the first time in forever. No thoughts, just empty headed while you stood under the shower water. You refused to let any thoughts consume you in this moment just wanting this feeling of finally being clean permanently burned in your brain.
Stepping out of the now heavily steamed bathroom with your dirty clothes in hand. Not wanting to leave the mess for anyone to clean up. You make your way back towards where you last interacted with Yeosang. Floor creaking every couple of steps. Stepping in the room as quietly as possible he was hunched over his desk. Not too sure what he was doing you stood there silently not wanting to disrupt him.
“There is a white bucket by your feet, please drop your clothes in it.”
Taken back by him suddenly speaking. His deep timber voice always seemed to bounce off of the walls. You toss the clothes in the white bucket by your feet. Standing awkwardly not knowing exactly what to do. Many thoughts racking your brain. Should you stand here? Should you take a seat? Should you ask him what he is doing? What if he is going to dispose of you?
“Please be quiet!”
He yells…startling you out of your thoughts.
“I…I didn’t say anything…”
“No you didn’t but your thoughts are so damn loud. How do you even process anything with such an active mind?”
“…I’m not too sure.”
“Hmm..well just pick a seat and relax. Please quiet your mind.”
Looking around you decide to sit in the chair furthest away from him. Not fully trusting his intentions even though you are not too sure what exactly he has intended for you.
“What do you want to know? I know you have questions…I’m not one for going into someone’s mind but your thoughts are so loud they are suffocating my concentration in this room.”
He slightly pushes away from the table he is currently working at. Turning around..locking eye contact with you.
“You just get straight to the point huh? No gimmicks? No riddles?”
His hands come up to rub his temples to soothe himself. He was not a very jokey person. He was very straightforward, cut throat you have noticed.
“Do I look like the fucking riddler? Start asking!”
Raising his voice loudly. He inhaled deeply, hands running through his hair. Clearly annoyed at you. Trying not to set him off anymore than you already have.
“Sorry sorry…umm.. I’m not too sure where to start. I’ve had so many questions for so long…Now that I’m going to get answers it seems like my mind is blanking. Sorry.”
You let a timid smile creep on your face to show you are sorry. Trying your best not to waste his time.
“Do you want to know what I am?”
“I know who you are, I heard Wooyoung call you by your name...Yeosang right?”
“Yeosang is who I am. It’s not what I am. Who any of us are… is not important. What’s important is what we are…what we are capable of. What I am capable of.”
Anxiety drips down your spine…trickling ever so slowly. You had been undermining every single one of them. Too busy trying to find out who they are you never thought to think what exactly they are or what they can do. He continues to stare at you with a blank expression.
“A glass of water will help relax you.”
Timid smile graces your face. Nodding your head yes. He snaps his fingers, a glass is right by the side of your chair. Chilled with ice. You gawk at the glass in amazement. Picking it up…sipping the cool water slowly. When it hits the back of your throat you let out a small groan of enjoyment. It tastes nothing like you’ve ever tasted. Trying your best not to let greed take over and down all the water you continue to sip it. Briefly wiping your mouth, deciding to hold the glass instead of placing it back down. Your mind settles slowly. Liquid courage taking over.
“…What are you…?”
“I am Wrath.”
Eyes growing thrice in size. He’s wrath?!
“You don’t seem like Wrath…aren’t you supposed to be constantly upset, throwing things?”
“I can if you prefer that. Would you like me to toss you?”
Biting your lip to stifle a small laugh of nerves. You look into your glass of water trying your best to build courage to continue your questions. Chugging the rest of your water. Tapping the side of the glass, lifting your eyes to look at him.
“Can I get a refill please? Before we cont-.”
Cutting you off with a snap of his fingers, your glass is refilled.
You sip it trying to think of all the things you want to ask him.
“Are you a sin?”
“In the biblical sense yes, in reality no, I’m a thought.”
Nodding your head.
“Are the others your lovers…? Like Jongho, San, Wooyoung, Mingi? Are there any others of you? Why did you willingly tell me what you are? Didn’t you want me to work for it?”
If you were paying attention to him instead of waving your hands around while you were talking you would’ve seen the small smile that cracked onto his face before he settled on returning to his joyless face.
“What does this all mean? Why am I even down here? What could I have done so bad to end up in hell? Why are all of you so attractive? Aren’t you all supposed to be ugly? This is hell after all! That’s what is said the most… that demons are hideous! Are you a demon or the devil? If you are Wrath, why the hell are you so calm? How did you end up with this position? Is it like a job you apply to? How is this all possible? Also how long have you had this job? If I fail all of these, what happens?
Taking in a big gasp of air, shooting down the rest of your water in one big gulp. Winded by the speed round of questions you just shot him. He runs a hand through his hair truly looking like God has crafted him. He clicks his tongue trying to pick where to start on the speed round of questions. He snaps his fingers refilling your glass before speaking.
“First of all…No we are not lovers. We are a family more like brothers, not lovers. Yes there are more of us, not many though. I lack patience. It's better to get it done and over with in my opinion. Although from time to time I enjoy a nice game.”
You nod your head listening closely to what the man is saying.
“You were not deemed heaven worthy that’s why you are down here. As for our looks…temptation is what lures people in. You know various amounts of that don’t you? I’m not a demon nor the devil. I’m a thought as I stated earlier. There is a leader but he is not the devil nor a demon. There is no such thing as a devil, just one ruler/leader. I am Wrath. Wrath is what I am. I don’t have to physically move to strike up what I am. I do not let what I am consume who I am.”
Your grip on the glass tightens. Shocked by his words…there is so much information he is spilling at once you are not sure what to process first.
“It is not a job you apply to. We are assigned these roles for as long as time exists. We were here before time so…technically we’ve been here longer than your human brain would be able to process. If you fail then you are left down here, you will be given your own personal punishment to bear for as long as time exists.”
You grip the glass tight at hearing that you would possibly be stuck down here for eternity.
“Why don’t you want to go into my thoughts? Everyone else does it…was Mingi really responsible for that..? He just seems so…I don’t know…innocent?”
“I don’t want to enter your head because I have no need to, you’ve been running your mouth without me having to do anything. As long as you keep drinking that water at least.”
He ends his sentence with a shrug…Not even caring if he spiked it with a drug or whatever could potentially be in it.
“It’s not drugged. The water calms your mind…our eldest brother makes it in house. As for your other questions…Mingi is responsible for that, yes. He is not as innocent as he seems. None of us are..so get that potential thought out of your head. You are just gullible. Everyone preys on the weak and gullible.”
“But you haven’t preyed on me…?”
Looking straight into his eyes. Hoping that he would say no. Hoping that there was some type of good down here. A small smile cracks on his face a wrathful grimace. Cocking his head slightly to the right.
“Do you think I’ve preyed on you?
You start to get slightly annoyed, anger weeping into your soul…or what is left of it. Maybe the water was making you react, maybe he was playing tricks on you, maybe he was trying to have your best interest.. or maybe he was right…you are weak and gullible.
Your eye twitches in annoyance. The air gets still. He is playing chess not checkers, you feel like you are just a helpless pawn on his board. Biting your lip trying to fight off a smart remark.
“What happened to you being honest with me?”
“No matter what I say, you can choose to believe it or not. I’m giving you the free will to go ahead and choose whatever path you think you want to head on.”
You are biting your lip so hard you taste blood. Hand gripping tighter on the glass. You shoot down the rest of the water fully standing up from the chair. Gripping the glass that was once full of water. He doesn’t even move an inch like he was expecting you to make that move. It’s like he’s three steps ahead of you.
“I thought you said you weren’t the riddler! You are talking to me in circles here!”
“I’ve not done even close to such a thing. You are upset because you’ve realized none of us are here to benefit you. You are a casual piece in a game way bigger than what you intended on playing.”
Rage fills you because he is right. The mere thought of admitting to him that he’s right angers you even more. How can he be so calm? That’s what gets under your skin the most.
That smile doesn’t wipe from his face. This is it he has you right where he wants you, he does it in such a vulnerable way it’s hard to believe he’s got you there. In the palm of his hand. Snapping his fingers another glass of water appears on the side of you.
He says in a cocky tone. Irritating you even more. Trying your best not to chuck the glass and throw it at him. You are clenching your jaw so tight it feels like you are close to breaking your teeth.
“Stop playing me Yeosang.”
You spit out through clenched teeth. With a shrug of his shoulders he turns his back on you. Deciding that the conversation was over with, continuing to do whatever he was occupied with earlier at his desk. Him turning his back on you…lights the match on fire in your body. He turned his back on you? You’ve come this far and this is how you get treated? Not on your watch. Throwing the empty glass cup towards where he was seated, missing him by an inch. Shockingly he didn’t even flinch, no move was made. He continued what he was doing.
“Don’t turn your back on me Yeosang!”
Stomping over to him furiously. Stopping just a foot away from him you shove his back. Angry at him, angry at everything, angry at yourself.
“You don’t get to turn your fucking back on me!”
Shoving him once more but no reaction. Who was who at this rate? Have you been tempted so much you forgot who you truly were? What your morals truly were?
“You are Wrath huh? How disappointing…I know the leader regrets making you in charge of such a sin.”
Shoving him out of the way of the desk you notice he is piecing together a drone. Anger getting the best of you…you slam your hand down on the project. Breaking it into a bunch of small pieces. Pieces of it flying everywhere. You are still in such a rage, destroying the drone does nothing for you, Yeosangs reaction does nothing for you. You want him to react, to get upset, to feel what he is supposed to be.
He looks at your face, not moving an inch. Still upset that he’s giving you no response, no feedback, no nothing. How could this be? You spin his chair around. Hands landing on both of his shoulders. You lower your face down to his. If physically you couldn’t hurt him…verbally you wanted to try.
“You are pathetic…you are a sorry excuse for Wrath. What you are and who you are…are absolutely nothing. You are nothing.”
His face doesn’t flinch at all. Still joyless, still lifeless. He politely removes your hands off of his shoulders. Standing up right out of his seat, easily towering over you.
He turns his back on you again. Walking to the other side of the room to pick up the glass of water he placed beside you earlier before you started throwing your tantrum. Your anger was fueling him. Just not in the ways you could see or know. Your anger calmed him. The more you reacted the more he was at ease. Your body is licked in emotions. It feels like your body is on fire. Like you are trapped in a burning building and if you don’t escape now you will burn to a crisp.
“You always lacked self control which is why you are where you are now. Everything I am…You are tempted to be. Does it anger you that I’m right? Does it anger you that you are just as gullible now as you’ve always been?”
He says in such a monotone voice. Sipping the water with his back facing you. Turning around with the water in hand he walks towards you his stride is slow but cautious. He’s moving like he’s going to pounce on his prey. He’s got you right where he wants you in the middle of his palm.
His red eyes bore into your skull. He can hear and see every thought you have but all your mind is screaming is anger/rage. Stopping short before you, looking down upon you.
His fingers snap a full body mirror appearing to the right of you. Your eyes don’t even hesitate to turn your head to get a glance at yourself. Yeosang stands behind you. You can feel heat radiating off of him. His gaze on you is so intense it could melt you to the floor.
“Do you still feel high and mighty? Coming in here and damaging my things like some sort of baby?”
With every word he’s stepping closer to you resulting in you taking a step backwards closer to the mirror.
“Get a good glance at yourself. You are nothing. You will always be nothing, you will forever remain nothing. You are so low you can’t even be deemed as a failure because you are nothing.”
It feels like water splashes over your body…snapping you out of your trance-like state. Snapping you back into reality. Your eyes go wide looking at him, your backside now fully pressed against the mirror. His chest is crushing you against the mirror. You don’t dare to look him in the eyes. You are too scared, too ashamed, too intimidated. He brings his lips down to your ear, his cool lips briefly swiping over your earlobe.
He whispers out. Shoving you hard through the mirror. Instead of glass shattering you fall right through it. The last glimpse you catch of him is him sipping the water before turning his back on you… walking back towards his desk.
Authors Note: Okay okay…so what are our thoughts? What do we think so far?👀👀 we are now officially three members away from finishing the series! Ahhh! So my reason for choosing our beloved Yeosang as Wrath for me was pretty simple. He’s the member from Ateez we’ve seen rarely get mad. I feel like it’s always the nice, calm, quiet ones that are the most likely to be a ticking time bomb/scary. Yeo makes a great Wrath cause while he does get upset in the glimpses we see.. he’s also smart enough to know he doesn’t need to do much to get a reaction out of the reader. I wanted certain specific characteristics to be shown in Yeosang were it seems like he’s being the “bigger person” when in reality he’s really antagonizing the reader. All the members have emotional intelligence to a certain extent. They all are red flags through out this series😵‍💫.
👉👉👉👉👉👉👉Part 6👈👈👈👈👈👈👈
92 notes · View notes
written-in-flowers · 3 months
Her Pretty Lords: Sanhwajoong x Fem!Reader
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Pairing: incubi!demonline x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, fluff
Word Count: 18k
Summary: A summons from a princess has the demons of Black Keep shaking in their boots. A person from the past comes back into YN's life, and she wonders if she'd truly lived in the living world.
Tags: dominate/submissive themes, polyamorous relationship, mentions of abuse/rape/domestic violence/illness, talks about misogyny and misandry, lost families, carriage sex, exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, nipple play, breast play, foursome (m/m/m/f), oral sex, rough oral sex, vaginal fingering, pussy slapping, dirty talk, pet names (bitch, slut, whore, kitten, darling, pet), light degradation, fingers in mouth, light spanking, creampie, unprotected sex, overstimulation, some squirting, facials, cumming in mouth, choking, biting,
Pretty Lady Masterlist
Previously on Pretty Lady
“It’s a beautiful day here in His Majesty’s city. This is your host, Beezee, bringing you the greatest hits this morning! Totally wicked news just came into the Hot Spot, and it is piping hot! A few little Imps have been talking and they say a new cambion has entered our massive royal family! We here at The Hot Spot want to personally welcome lovely Lady YN, Marchioness of the Trees and a Lady of Eden! Princess Lilith must be thrilled to hav-”
It was not her mother’s voice that stunned Andromeda into silence. It was the name. Your name. The vision of a little girl with dirt on her hands and under her fingernails came to mind. Her heart tore itself to pieces at the memories: baking cupcakes after school, snuggling on the couch during prime-time television, singing in the garden and dancing in the living room. Her pride. Her joy. The sole reason she’d stayed in the living world made her way to the burning city of Inferno. Andromeda did not know whether to be weeping from joy or sorrow. She knew this day might’ve come, but not like this. 
Her mother’s shrill cry cut through the garden walls. Long gone were the days she feared Lilith’s wrath. Andromeda, in her dress of pale pink muslin, left her garden patch for the pebbled paths of Lilith’s Garden. She passed several of her “sisters”, who gave her cautious glances before turning away. Andromeda knew better than to keep a child secret from her mother. She knew no matter what transpired between them, her mother would welcome any child of hers with open arms. But, she did not want this life for you. She wanted you to be free and untethered from traditions or expectations. Even when you severed yourself from her, she let you live as you wanted. It broke her heart, but at least you were free. 
Andromeda appeared in the archway to her mother’s private garden. In an enclosed circular space, her mother sat playing cards with her sisters, Gaia and Rhea. All three women wore the flowing gowns and floral headpieces typical of Ladies of Eden, but Lilith stood out. Long black hair tumbling down her back, her curved horns reached far behind her and her piercing crimson eyes set her apart from the glowing beauties she’d birthed. Daughters of Lilith did not resemble the common demons in the city and circles: a warm glow radiated around them, bringing life rather than death, and were the finest creatures in existence. Andromeda knew you’d be as beautiful as her when she had you, and she’d been right. 
“Yes, Mother?” Andromeda said, standing there looking strong and firm. 
“Do you care to explain this?” 
In her hand, Andromeda saw an official paper. Her stomach flopped over and over seeing it. She moved forward and read it herself, her suspicions proven true. Yes, you had come to Inferno. Yes, someone did discover who and what you were. Hot tears stuck in her lashes as she reread your name. Her special girl. Her honey cake. 
“Andromeda, explain yourself, now.” 
“What is there to explain, Mother?” she asked, reading your death date. “I had a child and didn’t tell you.”
She remembered that day with a heavy heart. She’d gotten the call from a nurse in the hospital, telling her you'd been admitted. Being your mother, she rushed right there with hopes of saving you, but she came too late. Never did the world feel so cold or be so dark as it did then. With her precious girl gone, Andromeda saw no reason to remain in the living world. She came back home where she made amends with her family. She hoped you never came to Inferno. She hoped you managed to turn your life around, become a good person, and be accepted into Paradise. Big dreams, she knew, but she dreamed them. 
“Tell me why,” her mother demanded coldly. “Why would you keep such a thing from your family? From me? I thought we had moved past childish secrets.”
“I kept her a secret for the same reason I left to begin with.”
Lilith scoffed, “I learned my lesson with you, Andromeda. I would have let your little cambion roam free beyond Eden. I wouldn't want to lose another daughter.” 
Her sisters told her about their mother’s anguish. They told her Her Highness cried for months after she left. Lilith received very few things when Inferno was first founded. She was Lucifer’s only true-born daughter; a sister to The Seven Princes. Her future lay in marrying one of them and producing children for the circles. But, when she took over Eden, slaying Adam and corrupting Eve, she made her own path. Lucifer let her keep her garden, where she grew her daughters from the flowers around her. Andromeda, she knew, came from a peony. Gaia, the eldest from gentle primroses, and Rhea from beautiful hydrangeas. Lilith birthed all her children through the flowers; they followed suit to have their own daughters. She liked to think of you in a bed of freesias, a flower symbolizing freedom. 
“Sister,” Gaia spoke softly. Her hair in soft yellow curls, her solemn brown eyes looked at her with concern, “You know you could have told us.”
“If you had told us, the poor child wouldn't have suffered in the circles,” said Rhea sternly, square-jawed and dark-haired. “I can’t imagine the pain she’s endured since her death. The circles are so unkind and horrific. Why would you rather she go undiscovered and suffer than be acknowledged and accepted?”
“I didn’t want this for her,” she said, still reading the letter. “I wanted her to forge her own path as our mother did once. Being a Lady of Eden, she would have been stuck here forever. She wouldn’t have space to grow or explore herself. I didn’t want her to feel as trapped as I once did.” 
“I have changed since then, Andromeda,” her mother said, standing from her seat. “I thought I would’ve proven that to you by now.”
“You have, Mother,” Andromeda saw her sad eyes and went to her. “I know you made many changes on my behalf. I know they were hard for you,” she continued, holding her mother’s hands gently. “I am forever grateful for them. The precautions I made with YN were long before our reconciliation. I’m sorry,” she said with all the honesty behind it, “I’m sorry I kept this from you; that I kept her from all of you. But, I was only doing what I believed was right at the time.”
“Enduring pain at the hands of a man-thing just to keep your daughter from demons?” her mother said sadly. “Andromeda, you might be a free spirit, but you are also a blind spirit. Your hesitancy and pride caused your only child to be thrusted into a world of pain and loneliness. I spoke with Wooyoung today-”
“-Ugh, not Wooyoung-”
“-And he told me that YN is living with Asmodeus’s heir, Seonghwa.”
Andromeda vaguely remembered her cousin. Handsome, brooding, and bookish, her mother liked to call him ‘The Brain’. Hongjoong was ‘The Beauty’ and San was ‘The Brawn’. She wondered how you ended up there. A shot of fear struck her. 
“She was their pleasure slave, wasn't she?”
Lilith paused, but eventually blurted out, “Yes.” 
No. This was all her fault. Her stubbornness led to your enslavement. The thought of her daughter in rags, chained and abused night and day made her collapse into a seat. What had those man-things done to you? A slew of lewd, obscene images crossed her mind. Hongjoong’s insatiable, broad appetite became common knowledge amongst the elite. Stories of Seonghwa’s cruelty made the strongest of demons shudder. San might be the sweetheart, but he could be deadly when crossed. More tears rushed down her cheeks thinking about it. She knew with a single retort or disobedience, those men would crush you. Andromeda could not let it go on any longer. She needed to save you. She needed to bring you home.
“I must go to her,” Andromeda said shakily, putting the letter on the table. “I must go to their keep and get my daughter. Mother, I promise I will present her to you soon, but I need to get her before they do-”
“-That will not be necessary, my sweet peony.” Her mother embraced her warmly, putting Andromeda’s head on her shoulder as she sobbed. She felt a hand soothingly rubbing her back, a gentle hum playing in her ear. “I already sent word to The Black Keep. She will be brought here this afternoon.”
“Mother, I must see her,” Andromeda emphasized through thick tears. “I have to talk to her. I have to tell her I’m sorry for all of it; I need to make this right.”
She knew you resented her. It did not take a genius to see what you thought of her, but she never stopped trying. Despite being an adult already, she could not help worrying for you. A demon might’ve found you and dragged you to your grandmother. They’d clamp their invisible chains, and you’d never be free. It appeared the inevitable finally happened, and in the worst way. 
“You will see her,” her mother assured her. “Our YN will come home. I promise.”
Regardless of who their father is, Asmodeus’s boys could not ignore a Princess’s summons. 
“Just focus. Keep your eyes on your target and focus.”
Seonghwa stood by the work table in Octavius’s lair, watching you from afar. On the table, he’d placed a flower pot. After filling it with soil and fertilizer, he wanted to experiment with your abilities. He deduced you could manipulate, grow and speak to plants, but he sensed you could do more. Seeing whether you could create plants from nothing was the first test. Firmly standing at the table, you pressed your hands to the ceramic pot and closed your eyes. 
“Envision the type of flower you want, and see if it comes up,” he directed. His eyes remained trained on you, and you could feel them studying you. 
A sunflower. You hadn’t seen sunflowers in ages. Picturing their pointed petals, a vivid yellow surrounding a fuzzy center, you imagined it sprouting from deep in the soil. It’d break through the dark dirt, absorbing the nutrients needed to accelerate its growth. You saw it unfurling from the thin roots extending to plant itself in the very center. A distinct tingling started in your shoulders before vibrating down your arms to your fingertips. You shuddered from the tickling shivers up your spine. You kept yourself focused on your goal. You had been at this for an hour, and you hadn’t grown anything. Maybe growth isn’t in your skill set; you might only be able to rejuvenate plants, not grow them from nothingness. Once you felt the weakness starting to come over you, you stopped.
Opening your eyes, you saw an empty pot.
“I suck at this,” you complained, kicking the wooden table leg. “What’s the point in a plant ability if I can’t grow them? I was able to do it the day I met Octavius. Why can’t I do it now?”
“Perhaps because the plants you controlled flourished in the ground,” he suggested, arms crossed. “Whereas this soil isn’t being touched by you,” you heard the realization come to him as he stared at the rich dirt.
You did it before he asked. Sliding your cold fingertips into the soft earth, you reimagined your sunflower. You kept yourself focused on the image in your head, and you gasped once something smooth touched your fingers. What felt like thin strings extended into the pot, bringing on a twinge of excitement. The feeling passed by, you opened your eyes and expected a flourishing sunflower. Instead, you stared at the bare soil again. You squeezed your eyes closed, pushing your head forehead to try capturing that feeling again. This produced nothing again. You continued this with no success. You’d done it before. Why could you not do it again?
“Damnit,” you hissed, removing your hands from the pot. “Why isn’t it working?”
“It might be too advanced for you,” Seonghwa guessed out loud. “We should’ve started with something simpler?” He searched the work table, pushing aside tools and papers before finding a seed packet. “Simple basil seeds,” he said, sprinkling some in the small pot. “Let’s see what you can do with these.”
“It’s not going to work,” you frowned.
“Yes, it will. If you can heal them, you can grow them. Go ahead and see.”
“Can’t we take a break? Go do something fun?”
“This is fun.”
“No, it’s frustrating.”
“Science isn’t always going to be a fun time-”
“-Science is dumb, and so are these experiments,” you lashed out. One of Octavius’s offspring hissed at Seonghwa, and you saw him regard the reaction.
“You’re only saying that because it’s not going your way,” he pointed out. “Just do it one more time,” he moved behind you, long arms wrapping around your waist, “Then we can do something else.”
“I promise,” he said, kissing beneath your ear. “We can do whatever you want,” he said, putting stress on ‘whatever’ which made you grin.
“We can always test other abilities too,” you suggested as he guided your hands back into the pot. “I’d love to see the side effects of my kisses.”
“An interesting suggestion, Kitten,” he said. “Come on, let's do this one more time.”
Planting your feet firmly on the ground, you sink the seeds into the pot. Their smooth shells pressed against your fingertips, and you imagined them cracking open to reveal their roots. Soon, the thin veins traced over and around your fingers. You opened your eyes to see sprouts gradually lift from the bottom to the surface. The pointed leaves with their soft ridges sprung from thin stems. Blooming a bright green, they grew until they reached over the edges of the pot. You beamed, a giggle coming through as you removed your hands from the dirt. Gently touching their leaves, Seonghwa placed his hand over yours. His touch felt so different from San or Hongjoong. They worked with their hands. Seonghwa worked with his mind, leaving his hands smooth and soft. He put his other arm over yours to hold you close.
“It’s beautiful,” he said softly.
“Thanks,” you replied.
“You’ve done great work here,” he said, “Overall, I mean. Everything in here looks so healthy and lively again. I don’t think I’ve seen cognizant ones like this in a long time.”
“Because you created them, then left them to rot when they no longer served a purpose or amused you.”
“I know,” he brought your other hand to your chest, holding you tightly, “I’ll admit I’m guilty of neglect. Dennis’s-”
“-Octavius’s appetite became too much for any normal demon to handle alone. I thought the slaves or the servants who came in here might satisfy them, but I was wrong. But, they’re lucky they have you now,” he kissed the curve of your neck, “To care for them. Most of the demons here would’ve passed out after being with Octavius so long, but not you. You kept going.”
“It felt good,” you said, eyeing the herb leaves. “The best sex I ever had in my life.”
“Oh really?”
“What about with me?” he said, pouting comically. “You cum so much with me, Kitten. I go for as long as you want,” he kissed the spot again before kissing further up. “I’ll prove it to you right now, if you want. We haven’t done it in a while.”
“A while? We had sex a few days ago when you came back home.”
“That’s too long for us,” he slid his hands from you to trail up your stomach. “Kiss me,” he whispered in your ear, “I want to know what you did to Mingi that made him fuck your cunt without permission. Sweet Jongho pumped out nothing by the time your toxins wore off. I won't even tell you what I heard from Yunho. Your kisses sound deliciously toxic.”
“You want to experience it yourself, Master Seonghwa?” you turned around to face him, hands wandering up his chest. “Is that it?”
“Yes,” he whispered, drawing closer to your lips. “I want to be consumed by you too.”
“Then come closer.”
Right before your lips could touch, an offspring hissed. You turned your head to see Yunho coming through the lair’s entryway. Any heat in your cheeks cooled down at the sight of the house manager. He stood by the arch, a silver tray with an envelope on it in his hands.
“Master, Mistress,” he inclined his head to each of you, “A letter has arrived for you, Master Seonghwa.”
“Just put it over there, Yunho,” he nodded to the other end of the long worktable. He turned his attention back to you, eyes filling with lust again, “I’ll get to it later.”
“Forgive me, sir,” Yunho intervened, “But I highly suggest you read this now.”
“I’m busy, Yunho,” he said, nuzzling your nose before pecking your lips, “Later.”
“It’s from Eden, sir.”
The both of you froze. A week has passed since your official identification card arrived in the mail, making you a real citizen of Inferno. Since they said visiting Eden is voluntary, you’d decided to put it off as long as possible. The mere possibility of seeing your mother in the flesh scared you. Late at night, whether alone or in somebody’s arms, you pictured various scenarios. In some, she wept and embraced you. In others, she smacked and insulted you. Those hurt the most because you deserved that.
Yunho brought the letter over to Seonghwa, who took it. Breaking a green wax seal, he left you by the table. He moved about the room as his brain worked the words, comprehending and considering them before speaking or taking action. The prolonged silence twisted your anxious insides. You exchanged a glance with Yunho, who appeared as concerned as you.
“Well?” you finally said. “What does it say?”
“‘Dear Lord Seonghwa,” he read out loud, venom in his voice, “It has come to my attention that one of my granddaughters is living in your house. As she is a Lady of Eden and no longer a plaything, you will present her to me as is customary for new cambions. If you do not comply, I will have no choice but to take this to your father, Prince Asmodeus-Oh give me a fucking break!”
Seonghwa balled up the letter and tossed it away. You saw him fix his waistband as he paced back and forth. “She talks about it as if we knew the whole time!” he snapped, eyes concentrated on the ground. “She acts like we kidnapped you! We didn’t know until a month ago! That bitch…”
“Seonghwa,” you walked over to him, intent on soothing him, but he raised a hand to stop you.
“It’s not as if we have you tied up in here,” he continued his tirade. “We’ve treated you well, right? We’ve fed you, clothed you, pampered and cared for you. You could ask for anything, and we’d give it to you. All you have to do is bat those pretty lashes and I crumble like a damn cracker!” He ran his hands through his hair, “Doesn’t she know the effect you have on me? Doesn’t she know that I, Park Seonghwa, a Duke of Lust, has been weakened by the most beautiful cambion to ever walk into Inferno? In all of Hell, as a matter of fact?”
“I guess not.” His words touched a sweet spot inside you. “Have I really done that?”
“Yes, obviously! If I didn’t want you, YN, I would’ve tossed you in here and forgotten you existed,” he said, stopping only to speak before ranting further.  “I would have taken you to her if you'd wanted me to. I would have no objections to you seeing your family. You simply never asked, and I wasn't going to pressu-”
“-Seonghwa?” you carefully walked over to him, sliding your arms around him from the side. Instantly, he wrapped one around your waist and took the other hand. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Putting it off,” you said. “I know I should have gone to her sooner, but I kept procrastinating because, well…” you hated saying it out loud. If any time was good for a mind drill, it was then. “I’m scared she’s there.”
“Your mother?”
“Yes.” He turned in your arms and you rested your head on his chest. Seonghwa smelled like roses. A lovely bed of fresh roses clung to his body, not just his clothes. You buried your nose in him, wanting to get lost in his scent. “It might sound stupid to you,” you finally said, “But I…I’m scared to see her.”
“Because I was awful to her. I said terrible things, and pushed her away from me when she needed me.” Your throat dried up at the words. “She kept coming back to me, and I kept moving further. What if she hates me?”
“I doubt that,” he said. “If she kept trying to contact you even when you pulled away, then I don’t think she’d hate you.” 
“I’d hate me.”
“You’re you, so yes, you would.”
You smacked his arm as he laughed. “I mean it,” you said, burying your face in his shoulder, “I can’t go there.”
“That letter says you have to.”
“Can’t we pretend we never got it?”
“No,” he scoffed. “Don’t think too much about it right now. We have important things to go over.”
“Like what?”
“What you’re going to wear, for one thing. Your outfits are cute and casual, which is fine any other time, but not for this.” He sighed, hands on your biceps, “There’s not enough time for Wooyoung to make anything new, so we’ll have to find something in the closet. You need to look like a proper lady.”
“I can be a lady.”
“I’m not denying you can’t be,” he said, “But if you want to continue living here, we need to convince Lilith that you’re not being forced to stay here.” He paused, “You do know that, right?”
“I do,” you said, hugging him again. “I like it here actually. The food’s great, the greenhouse is lovely, the staff is more than helpful and you…” you smiled up as you pulled him to you by his shirt collar, “Have been so good to me.”
Seonghwa’s hands ended up on your hips, “I wouldn’t be anything else. Even with your freedom, you’re still my special Kitten. All I want to do is take care of you.” He played with the end of your hair, focused on the way it felt between his fingers, “I knew you were special when we met-”
“-Spare me the ‘I-knew-you-were-special’ pitch,” you said, giving a disarming smile, “Jongho and Yunho already used it.”
“Ugh,” he grunted, “That was going to be my line.” The two of you chuckled softly, then he said, “But they're right. I couldn’t place my finger on it at the time, but the first whiff of your scent threw me off. Not because you were a human dressed as succubus, but because humans typically didn’t have specific scents. The brothel girls often smell like a mix of every demon they’ve been humped by; they smell like flesh and blood. You didn’t. You smelled-”
“-Like honey?” you guessed, remembering what he’d told you. 
“Yes,” he admitted. “It was electrifying. I never experienced anything like that before you. It didn’t feel like a normal fuck for me. It felt intimate. It felt real. Every time feels like the first time with you. Rolling around in the sheets with you and my brothers,” he caressed your cheek with the back of his fingers, “Is encapsulating. For those few moments-”
“-It’s like nobody exists but us?” you interrupted, taking his hands in yours. 
“Exactly. I get so wrapped up in you, in them, that I don’t notice anything around me. I only think and care about you, Kitten,” he pecked your lips softly, “And how my butterflies dusted off their wings when we first kissed. They haven't flown in centuries.”
“Let’s get them some exercise then,” you grinned, arms sliding around his neck. 
Seonghwa’s arms went around you: one hand slid up your back to your neck while the other went the opposite direction. Your fingers tangled in the ends of his black hair, feeling the silky curls on your fingertips up to the roots in his scalp. For that brief moment, Seonghwa drowned every sense. He became another world to get lost inside of. Neither of you noticed loyal servant, Yunho, standing nearby still until he coughed for attention. 
“Sorry, sir,” he said, nodding curtly, “But the messenger is outside waiting for a response.”
“Tell them she’ll be there soon,” he replied, only focusing on you. “Right now, she’s mine. All mine.” 
“As you wish, sir.” 
Yunho walked away, and Seonghwa took you over to the work table again. This time, neither of you concerned yourself with the plant and instead worked on removing each other’s clothes. 
All other worries went out the window right then. 
‘Curtsy like Yunho showed you. Only speak when spoken to. Don’t make direct eye contact with her unless told to do so. Give the brothers glowing reviews on their treatment of you. Don’t mention anything that can possibly cast a negative light on your situation. Lie, if you must. Downplay the sex. Tell her it doesn’t happen as often, and that you’re mainly their female companion, nothing more.’
They gave you so much to remember you thought your head might pop. The ruffled ends of your dress rubbed between your nervous fingers. Off your shoulders, the pale pink chiffon dress came with embroidered pink freesias and leaves. Seonghwa thought covering you in florals might endear your grandmother to you more. You hoped that it’d work because otherwise you’d be at a disadvantage. In a white and gold carriage, the four of you sat together against the comfortable seats as it went through town. 
“Do you remember what we told you to say?” Seonghwa asked. 
The brothers wore fine tailored suits for the occasion. Seonghwa wore a black and white suit, sleek with clean silhouettes; Hongjoong added a bit more color with the crimson serpent and rose pattern shimmering faintly on the jacket. San kept himself modest and simple with a 3-buttoned blue suit, which you couldn’t get enough of. You rarely saw the three of them wearing similar outfits before. Apparently, meeting royalty canceled out personal tastes. You noticed right away your pink dress would make you stand out amongst them even more. 
“Yes,” you nodded. The serpent-rose brooch on his breast gleamed in the sunlight, and you realized San and Hongjoong wore a similar one but in gold. Sons of Asmodeus making themselves known in Eden.  
“Don’t be nervous.” San sat beside you, his fingers sliding between yours to give a comforting squeeze. “Lilith will love you. Firstly, you’re her granddaughter and also you’re a woman, so you’re immediately in her good books.”
“Yeah, it’s us she’s going to bear her fangs at,” said Hongjoong, slumped in his seat and gazing out the window. “She hates men.”
“She likes to say it’s because she believes the female spirit should be celebrated and how womanhood is under constant threat of the patriarchy,” he said in a bored tone, “But everyone knows it’s because of Adam.”
“Adam? Like, ‘Adam and Eve’? That Adam?”
“Yup. Word was that they were madly in love, but when she disobeyed God, God created Eve to replace her,” he said. “And Adam then fell in love with Eve. I don’t remember the full story, but apparently Lilith managed to corrupt Eve, kill Adam and then claimed Eden as her own. She brought it down here, and started planting her Garden of Daughters.”
“Garden of Daughters?”
“She created her children from plants,” explained San, “So then she could control the sex of the babies. She only wanted girls.”
“Eden is a paradise,” Hongjoong smirked to himself. “The most beautiful women in all of Hell live there. God, I would’ve given anything to have my pick of them once.”
“What changed your mind?”
“You,” he smiled over at you, giving a subtle wink that warmed your cheeks. “Here, let me fix this.”
He reached over to straighten the pink diamonds hanging from your neck. He did nothing to hide his leering. His eyes stayed directly on your bosom, gently brushing it. When he settled it properly, he traced the back of his finger down to the tiny bit of cleavage. You already saw all the dirty thoughts running through his mind, creating a sly smirk. 
“You look beautiful like this,” he pondered, finger tracing over the tops of your breasts. His light touch spread warmth that had nothing to do with the sun. “I personally prefer you naked, but this is a good substitute.” 
“Seonghwa told me walking around Eden fully nude isn’t ‘acceptable behavior’.”
“Ah, what does he know? He always pisses on everyone’s parade-”
“-You two do know I’m right here?-”
“-Come here,” Hongjoong beckoned you closer, “Give me a kiss.”
“No kisses,” Seonghwa pulled him back into his seat. “We don’t have any cold serum on us, and if she walked up to Lilith stinking of your cum, it might deflect from the picture we’re trying to paint.” 
“A little one won’t hurt,” he insisted, puckering his lips at you, but you shook your head and laughed. 
“Seonghwa’s right,” you said. “There’s plenty of time for kisses later.” 
“Promise?” he pouted like a kid being refused candy. 
“I promise.” 
“What about me?” San’s hand smoothed over your lap to grab your inner thigh, “Do I get kisses later too?”
“As many as you like,” you told him, “And maybe some special ones too?” 
“My favorite,” he smiled, leaning close but forcing himself away in a deep breath. “Gosh, I wish I wasn’t so damn weak.”
“Me too,” Seonghwa agreed. 
Your devilish giggle amused the men. Demons didn’t differ from humans at all. A little glimpse of your chest or whispered promise of a “special kiss” turned them into melted popsicles. Pride fluttered whenever you left one of them wanting more, knowing that even if they'd owned you, you held the power. Your grandmother might see this at work and decide not to hate you. 
“What do you plan to do?” Hongjoong’s question cuts across your thoughts.
“About what?”
“Your mom. She's likely there. What are you going to do if you see her?”
“I don't know,” you said, playing with the ribbon bracelet on your wrist. “I haven't seen her in such a long time.”
You really wouldn't know until you saw her yourself. You pictured the last time you’d seen your mother. It’d been after graduation when you told her you’d be moving in with your friend, Kelly. She begged you to stay; she said she’d leave your father, and you’d move in together. You didn’t believe her. Maybe if you’d agreed to that, you wouldn’t have died in a club bathroom, alone and stinking of booze and sweat. You’re awful. You’re cruel. You deserved to be in Hell, not her.
“I don't think she'd turn you away,” Seonghwa repeated his words from the greenhouse. “She loved you, and likely still does.”
“If she did, she would have known I was here.” It occurred to you that your death preceded hers. She might know you came to Inferno, and doesn't want to see you. You'd understand that, if it were true. “I wouldn't blame her if she didn't.”
“We'll be right next to you the whole time,” San assured you. “If she doesn't want you around, then you know you have us.”
The words comforted you regardless of how small. You wondered what Demon Andi looked like. She must be an imposing figure, since she is Lilith’s daughter. You wouldn't care. Seeing her would be enough. 
The Gardens of Eden laid on the far outskirts of Hell. You knew it when you spotted thirty-foot tall hedges encompassing the land. Women in gold breastplate armor and leather walked along the battlements of the gates, keeping eye for visitors. Mingi, the driver for today, pulled up right to the iron gates where two more female guards stood. You only heard bits and pieces of Mingi’s conversation with the guard. The nerves swirling your guts made it difficult to care. You knew nothing about Lilith. She might be a horrid mistress of darkness who’d punish you for what you’d done. She might be so offended she’d strip you of everything. You saw yourself not putting up a fight this time.
Mingi drove through Eden, and you saw the quaint shops and houses lining the stone streets. Everything had some kind of vegetation growing around or on it. From bus benches to official looking buildings, Eden truly looked like Heaven in Hell. The air did not feel so hot, and the sun shined even with thin clouds covering the sky. It was when you arrived at the main “palace” that you paid real attention. Reaching up into the sky, the palace sat on a high hill with three walls descending in size circling the place. Flowers you'd never seen before you poked out of the cracks and overran the gates. It looked magnificent. It reminded you of fairytale castles in picture books. Beautiful. Ethereal. 
“Mingi! Dude, what’s up?” a female guard beamed brightly at him as he pulled up. “What brings you to this side of Inferno?”
“I have a new Sister,” he answered, nodding to the carriage. “She’s come to see her grandmother.”
The guard brightened at this and peeked into the carriage. Your eyes met hers, and she smiled. “Holy shit,” she laughed, pleased to see you, “Well met, Sister. We’ve been expecting you. Drive on through, Mingi".”
“Thanks, Diana.”
Mingi drove into the palace entrance and parked near a horse stable. More people wearing white and gold went to and fro, focused on their daily tasks than the new ‘Sister’ coming into town. Anxiety doubled when Mingi opened your door. You froze in place, body getting covered in a cold-sweat. You can't do this. You shouldn't do this. 
“Don't be scared,” San said, offering you his hand to help you out. “I'm right here.”
But, you’d passed the point of no return. You’d decided you’d go through with this, and you would, no matter what happened. Stepping down from the carriage, you walked with them towards the stone steps leading into the castle.
“Relax,” San said, reassuringly. “Lilith is wonderful really. She might have a bad rep, but she’s very fond of women. She won’t hurt you.”
“She’s a demon princess who feels she’s been lied to,” you noted. “She has every reason to turn me into a frog or a flower or whatever.”
“Not with me around,” he said, kissing your hand. “As long as I’m alive, you’re safe, Darling.”
A bundle of peonies on a wall followed you with their “heads”. Mama. She loved them. 
Reaching the tall open doors, more guards stood beside security sensors. Instructed to remove any jewelry or metal items, you did it without thinking. All the castle windows had no glass. Only more plant life. You could feel them feeding off the sun and carbon dioxide in the air, returning it with their own oxygen. Tiny bumblebees floated around flowers on the wall, and butterflies flew near the ceiling. You tried finding comfort in the environment, but it only reminded you of her again. You wished she’d leave you alone, but also remain in your spirit at the same time. She might not even be here. You might be freaking out for nothing. Passing through security, Mingi’s weapons and a blade San kept hidden were turned into an armory window.
“My lords!” a female voice chimed. 
You looked up to see a young woman coming down the steps. In a gown of white muslin, she bowed and greeted the four of you. She wore a tiara of daisies atop her dark hair, and painted the same ones around her thin eyes. Unlike succubi, this woman glowed faintly. Something about her radiated warmth and gentleness. You weren't sure how, but a connection happened between you. This intensified when she locked eyes with you and smiled brightly. You felt as if you knew her, though you’d never met.
“Welcome Sister YN,” she said. “Her Highness has been eagerly waiting for you. We are so glad you've arrived at last. I'm Artemis, Daughter to Lady Rhea. We’re cousins!” she nearly leapt as she hugged you tightly, giggling with delight.
“A cousin?” you never thought about your extended family. Your mother never mentioned them. She always steered away from the conversation whenever you’d asked. “Um, wow. Nice to meet you.”
“Where is Her Highness?” Seonghwa asked, searching for her in the large hall. 
“In the citrus groves,” Artemis answered, her eyes surveying him. “She is taking tea there right now. She wishes to see you and your brothers as well.”
“Lead on, then.”
Artemis linked her arm with yours to guide you ahead of the men. “I can't believe she invited them here,” she huffed irritably. “Men in Eden. It’s not right.”
“Men don’t live here?”
“No,” she shook her head. “Before your mother left us, we weren’t allowed to leave Eden. Grandmother said that our walls and gardens are meant to protect us from those who would hurt us.” 
“They’re not like that,” you told her, recalling how the masters treated you before you gained freedom. “They might not be Prince Charming, but they’re good ones.” 
“Psh, there’s no such thing. You’ll see that with time, Sister.”
“Maybe that’s why they’re so worried about meeting her,” you said. 
“They should be,” she replied. “Princess Lilith is the Guardian of Eden, the Queen of Flowers, and Mother of Womankind. She protects all women, and celebrates their femininity. Were it not for her, many of us would be pleasure slaves in the slums or working in the circles.”
You tried hiding your face, shame coming over you. You'd made that choice: escaping one evil to end up in another. For a brief moment, you imagined a life where you knew the truth. But, this thought was interrupted by music.  
A tranquil melody came from somewhere nearby. In a courtyard of flowers, you saw three women sitting on stone benches. They all wore long thin dresses they kept belted at their waists. Hair falling down their backs, they might’ve been mistaken for angels if it weren’t for the curled horns and tails poking through their gowns. One woman sat playing a lyre lightly, while the other two harmonized in song. You recognized the language as Latin, or at least you thought so. The women must’ve felt your stare since they gazed up as you walked by. They smiled and waved, and you did the same. Comforting. This castle felt comforting and safe. 
“Good morrow, Sister,” one passing woman said to you and Artemis. 
“Um, morning?”
“Morning Sister Calypso.”
��Is everyone here related?” you asked Artemis. 
“Sister is the general term,” she explained. “Ladies of Eden see all women as sisters and Princess Lilith is our mother. She birthed most of us in her gardens, while some are granddaughters of different generations.”
“They mentioned I'm a first-generation granddaughter?”
“You're one of the first granddaughters.”
“There are others?”
“Oh yes. Princess Lilith had twelve daughters. For instance, I’m a first generation too because my mother, Rhea, is Lilith’s third daughter.” Artemis then looked at you curiously, “Did you not know that?”
You had twelve aunts? Twelve? “No. My mother never mentioned them to me.”
“Then this will truly be a grand homecoming!” she beamed, unbothered by your ignorance. “Everyone’s here! Everyone! Oh, I just know the other girls will be excited to meet you. You’re all they’ve talked about since this morning. I know I’ve been elated. It’s always wonderful when a new Sister comes to Eden.” 
Artemis then led you into a citrus grove. The fragrant smell of oranges, peaches, lemons, grapefruits and other citrus fruits wafted between the trees. You imagined they stayed ripe and growing regardless of season. Mama had a mango tree once, and she’d let you pick them when they became ripe. She’d love it here, you knew that much. 
The sound of laughter carried through the trees from up ahead. Your feet turned cold and numb in your sandals, and your sweaty hands skidded on the smooth fabric. The row of trees ended in an archway leading into a small enclosure of more flowers and fruits. At a stone table, three women sat chattering over a game of cards. Two of them wore the white flowing garb of Ladies, while a third wore a peach colored one. She had a golden circlet in her black hair, several purple orchids molded into the band. Her otherworldly appearance intimidated and fascinated you. Her long horns stretched behind her, and she'd put gold bands around her short tail. This was Lilith, your grandmother. 
“Grandmother,” Artemis brought you through the archway, “Our new Sister has arrived.”
All three women turned when you approached. Lilith gazed upon you, studying from afar. For a moment, you worried she’d transform you into a plant or bug to stomp on you, but no. Instead, the Queen of Flowers smiled fondly. All three women stood up from the table, and she walked over to you. Crimson eyes scanned over your face many times, as if examining a beautiful painting.
“Well, look at you,” she finally said, lifting your chin to turn your face side to side. “Oh,” she sighed, “Such a gorgeous flower. You really do look like Andromeda. If you’d come to me from the beginning, you would’ve flourished so well here.”
“Thank you, Your Highness?”
She laughed, a chime in the wind, “Call me ‘Grandmother’, darling. Every Sister here does.” 
Her warmth turned icy as she gazed upon Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and San behind you. “My lords,” she said coldly, hands clasped in front of her, “Welcome to Eden.”
“Thank you for inviting us, Your Highness,” Seonghwa said with a curt bow. “It's a pleasure to see you again, Auntie.”
“It'd be a merrier occasion if it weren't marred by current events. Tell me,” she stepped forward, “When did you plan on informing me of my granddaughter?” 
“As soon as her paperwork went through,” Seonghwa answered. “I swear, Your Highness, we didn't know she was a cambion. We were equally surprised when her powers began flourishing. I suspect being in a demonic environment triggered her dormant abilities. We, of course, would have told you once we had confirmation of who and what she was. YN wanted to visit right away, but we told her we should wait. This delay wasn’t her fault at all.”
“And how long had she been your pleasure slave?” This question stunned the men, so she continued, “Demons such as yourselves would not take up a beauty like YN because she's a good servant. I am more than aware of a man's appetites and inability for self-control. How long?”
“Three months or so,” he answered honestly. 
Her disapproval came out in a soft grunt. 
“We never did anything Lady YN didn't already want,” he continued. “We would never do anything to hurt YN.”
“As far as you know, boy,” she said spitefully. “YN?” her tone suddenly turned soft again as she turned to you. “Is this true?”
“Yes,” you admitted, looking into her eyes. “You might look down on that-I don't know- but I have enjoyed living with them. They treat me well there, and even more so now that I'm no longer a slave.”
She considered this. Like with Seonghwa, you felt her surveying you. “Is that so?” you saw a teasing smirk cross face, “You're a true Lady of Eden then. I only ask because men can be aggressive when they want something a woman won't give them,” she told you gently. “You were a slave for so long. Imagining what men put you through sickens me. If I knew about you earlier, you'd be living here where you're safe.” 
“She's perfectly safe with us, Auntie,” San said. “I'd never let anyone or anything harm YN. She has become very special to all of us.”
“She also has a bodyguard who watches over her day and night,” Seonghwa added. 
“With those plants of hers, she's not exactly a helpless kitten anymore,” Hongjoong said. “Her blood is poisonous and her pets are very protective of her.”
“The plants in my greenhouse,” you told her. “Seonghwa's experiments. They went a long time without being taken care of, so I have been watching over them. They’re pretty attached to me, I think.”
“How intriguing,” she said, as if the plants weren't Seonghwa’s idea. She wrapped her arm around yours, “I will take YN from here. You three can wait in the parlor. I think you’ll find it satisfactory.”
“Thank you, Your Highness.” 
Seonghwa lightly kissed your cheek, “See you soon, love.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” teased Hongjoong before he kissed you, “Or anything that I would.”
“I’ll be counting the minutes until I see you again, Darling,” San said in his crooning tone that made you laugh. You laughed in his gentle kiss, shaking your head. 
“Ugh, just go,” you said, pushing gently. You watched them leave, putting them to memory before turning to your grandmother. Her confused expression worried you. “Sorry,” you said quickly, “It’s how we, uh, you know, say goodbye.” 
She nodded, wrapped her arm around yours and started walking. “How long have you been in Inferno, sweetling?” she asked, not going to touch the romantic display of affection. 
“About eight or nine years now,” you admitted, wondering if you should have kissed them in front of her. 
“Where did you end up when you arrived?”
“Circle of Lust.”
“As expected,” she snorted, leading you out of the enclosure and through the grove. “A woman as beautiful as you no doubt had plenty of lovers in her lifetime.”
“I might have had a few.”
“How did you pass?”
Shame suddenly came over you. You felt cold as you said, “I overdosed in a bathroom.”
Lilith remained silent a minute, mulling over the information. “How tragic,” she finally said, “That must’ve been terrible for you.”
“I guess. I don’t remember much of it, to be honest. I remember getting super dizzy, and throwing up in the toilet. There was this terrible pain in my chest, so I was breathing hard and choking on the vomit. I sort of, I guess, knew I was dying? I started panicking which made everything worse. When I got here, I was in this big forest for a super long time. I didn’t even know what I was looking for to be honest.”
“Nobody does. That is the purpose of the forest, but you found it eventually. Oh,” she frowned, “I can’t imagine how terrified you’d been. The circles are not gentle places. I understand why you might have chosen to be a pleasure slave.”
“I wanted to escape the circle, and that was the only way.”
Her face soured at that. No doubt hearing about her granddaughter working in a brothel upset her deeply. “How disgusting,” she said, “Those pigs in the slums peddling my daughters and granddaughters to the highest bidders. I’ve seen the conditions those women live in, and it’s despicable. I’d burn the whole damn brothel district to the ground if I could. But, as that’s Asmodeus’s territory, I have no authority there.”
“But, I bet any man who lingers around here ends up in worse shape than if he’d stayed away?”
She smirked, “It’s happened quite a lot. Those demons in the city like sneaking in here to try getting at my girls. The last time one of them did that, I had the scum broken on the wheel. Nobody touches my girls. Nobody.” You heard the bite in her voice as she brought you out of the citrus groves and through a garden path. “Every woman ever born is a giver of life. We take care of the home and hearth; we endure and persevere against the men who do us harm; we fight and stand up for ourselves and our sisters. Our plants,” she stopped by a flower wall, “Our special Eden are our children and our protectors.” She cradled one blossom in her hand, brushing the supple petals with her thumb. “Nature is strong. I’ve seen tornadoes level out entire towns in a single night. I have witnessed the oceans rise and drown thousands of people. I wanted all my daughters to be nature personified, strong and resilient against the odds.”
“That’s admirable,” you stood beside her, taking in the floral wall. “I don’t know if your ideals got through to all your daughters.”
She paused, sadness in her eyes, “Andromeda.”
“Andromeda. She let my father abuse her for years. She took every hit and insult instead of fighting back. If she was a demon, why did she let that happen?”
“Not all strength is physical,” she explained. “It takes lots of endurance and courage to remain in a relationship like that one. I imagine she put up with it for you.”
“For me?”
“If your father hadn’t beat your mother, he certainly would’ve turned on you. Andromeda would take a hundred punches for you. I know she’d jump in front of a knife or a bullet for you.” 
Deep down, you knew she spoke the truth. You couldn’t count the amount of times your mother got between you and your father. She’d find a way to redirect his anger to her, so his fists landed on her face instead of yours. 
And you abandoned her. 
“Is she here?”
“She is. Where did you think I was taking you?”
You left the flowers behind and she brought you into another part of the massive castle gardens.
‘…He’s got something that I can’t resist, but he doesn’t even know that I-I-I exist.”
You heard her before you saw her. Her soft voice moved through towards you like a lighthouse in a bay. Lilith let you go ahead of her while she hung back by the entrance. Surrounded by all varieties of flora, you gulped down the ball in your throat. In a thin dress of pale blue, Lady Andromeda looked different from Andi YLN. Cream-colored horns stuck upwards in waves, with a short matching tail. She wore a headscarf to keep her hair out of her face like at home. Tears burned your eyes looking at her. Every terrible thing you ever said filled your ears and made the feeling worse.
“Other fellas, call me up for a date, but I just sit and wait. I’d rather concentrate on Johnny Angel…"‘
Her voice sounded exactly the same. It washed over you like a cool breeze on a hot day. With her hair held back, you saw her profile. The shape of her nose matched yours, but her jawline came out sharper. Soft lips curled into a smile as she tended to the garden bed. You recognized tomato plants by the ripe fruits hanging off the vines. She’d wept when you walked out of the house, duffle bag over your shoulder and anger in your chest. She begged you to come back. She pleaded for you to stay with her; she said you’d be safer with her. You never wondered what she meant by that. You watched her withered hands work the soil gently, pulling weeds from the bottom. Her singing brought the old favorite back to you, and it came out as easily as breathing.
“And pray that someday he’ll love me, and together we will see how lovely heaven will be…”
The lyrics stamped into your memory flowed out shakily. They came through your thick tears, which flowed freely down your cheeks to your jaw. She stopped singing right away. Her hands stayed in the dirt, staring at the plants. Slowly, your mother turned her head to look at you. Regret brought forth more tears as you stepped into the sunshine. Her eyes, a similar shade to yours, stared at you in shock and disbelief.
“YN?” she whispered your name, hands curling into her dress. “Is that…”
“Hi Mama.”
Andromeda carefully stood up and faced you. She nervously walked towards you, drinking in the vision of you. You looked over her face again, remembering every smile. Any moment, you expected claws to sink into your shoulders to drag you from her. They’ll pierce your skin, whispering the hurtful things you said and claimed. You weren’t worthy of this reunion. You should never have dared show your face to her. The closer she came, the more tears she shed. She hates you.
“Little Andi…” she said, “My honey cake…Look at you,” she exhaled through her chest, “You’re so beautiful; so much more than I ever imagined.”
“I’m sorry, Mama.”
You sobbed, and there she came. She wrapped her arms around you, the scent of peonies in her skin and hair. Each sob wracked through your body, uncontrollable in every breath. The trembling went from shoulders to hands; you thought you might get weak knees from it. Every argument. Every disparaging remark. Every time you ever told yourself you hated her rushed back. She'd done so much for you, and you'd kicked her to the curb. 
“I left you alone,” you cried. “I left you alone. I’m sorry, Mama. I’m so sorry.”
“Hush now, sweet baby,” she cooed, stroking your hair and pecking your temple. “I expected it to happen, if I’m honest. Daughters of Lilith are hard to keep locked up forever.” She finally lifted your head from her shoulder and cupped your head in her hands. “The only one I couldn’t forgive was myself.”
“For what?” you asked through your tears.
“For not telling you things in the first place,” she said. “I should have. Maybe if I'd been honest, things may have turned out differently. Look,” she released you, though still holding your hands, “Let’s have some tea and we can talk about whatever you want.”
You nodded, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand before she withdrew her handkerchief.
She wiped your cheeks for you, studying your face again. “I bet you were a maneater up there,” she smirked knowingly. “I used to laugh at any boy who ended up infatuated with you. They had no idea who they were getting into.”
“I know. I remember.”
“Lucas,” she called out into the air, “Lucas!”
“Your Highness?” a young boy materialized from the thick hedges, dressed in an outfit made of leaves like Peter Pan. Only difference was his scarlet eyes and the tiny horns sticking out of his head. An Imp. 
“We’ll take afternoon tea in the west gazebo today.”
“Right away, my lady.”
She guided you out of her plot and towards the western side of the garden. “What have you learned about yourself so far?” she asked on the way there.
“That I can regrow plants and talk to them,” you said.
“That’s all? Hm, we’ll have to fix that.”
You couldn’t take your eyes off her. You worried if you did, she’d disappear. 
“Mama,” you said, “What happened after I left?”
“Not now, YN.”
“Did he get better? Worse?”
“I want to know, Mama,” you told her. “I left you behind. I want to know what ended up happening. He couldn’t have been happy about it.”
She sighed, “He wasn't. He saw it as another servant walking out on him. He didn't even change after I gave him pestilence.”
“Sickness curse. It can take any form of illness, and your father's turned into cirrhosis of the liver,” she said. “The doctors told us it was too advanced and irreversible. They could've done a transplant, but he’d be on a waiting list for a while. He ended up dying before then.” You caught a shadow of a smile on her face, “He was told to stop drinking, and you knew your dad. He always did whatever he wanted; he never listened to anyone, no matter how good the advice. I woke up one day and found him throwing up everywhere. He died at the hospital.”
“You called me,” you said guiltily, “And I ignored your call.”
“I know.”
“I shouldn’t have. I should have gone home for the funeral at least.”
“I wouldn’t have wanted you to.”
She brought you to a wooden gazebo in the middle of a circular garden. Two small children had set up a spread for tea time. At least, they looked like children. You learned a long time ago demon imps often resembled children. The sole difference between an Imp and demon offspring were the eyes: Imps had dark glowing eyes, while demon children only had crimson rings. She brought you over to the table, where they’d set up an afternoon tea setting with tea, finger sandwiches, scones and small tartlets and cakes. You had no appetite. The sadness sitting inside you took up too much space. 
“Why would you not want me to come home?” you asked her, watching her prepare a cup of tea. You almost did not want to know the answer, but asked. 
“They would have found you.”
You paused, not noticing the Imp placing a finger sandwich on your plate. “Who?”
“Demons.” She paused for a moment, eating her sandwich then said, “I didn’t want you to end up here, YN. It’s why I did not register you. It’s why I tolerated and endured your father. His wickedness kept away any demons who might’ve tried sneaking into our home. If they discovered you, they would’ve taken you away from me. I…” she let a small dandelion wrap around her finger, watching it coil like a snake until it sprouted past her fingertip, “I told myself when I left home that I’d follow my own path. I told myself that just because I was a demon did not mean I must live like them. I knew if I had any children, my mother would send demons to bring them here. I didn’t want that. I wanted you to grow up away from this, but it seems it found you anyways.”
“I don’t know, Ma,” you said, “This place is pretty awesome. Where I’m living right now is pretty bitchin’ too.”
She snorted, “Why am I not surprised? My mother will never admit that Asmodeus’s boys always come out so handsome. I just hope they didn't force themselves upon you.”
“Not at all. I like them.”
“Only like?”
“I haven't lived with them very long,” you said. 
You took her in as she ate and drank tea. She couldn't be there. This wasn't real. Any second this dream would turn dark and bleak, with its claws forcing you away again. Ever since you arrived at the Black Keep, Mama came to you more and more. You found yourself thinking of sunny days and fresh lemonade. The sight of her sitting so near felt unreal to you; another daydream brought to life to torment you. 
“Why did you leave here in the first place?” you asked her. “Seonghwa mentioned something about not being able to leave here?”
“He's right,” she nodded. “Before my return, Ladies of Eden were forbidden to leave the city. My mother claimed it was to keep us safe, but that never sat right with me. I shared the same sentiments as you: I wanted to break free. Eden might be heaven in hell, but it felt so suffocating. Instead of cherishing my darling plants, I felt restrained by their vines. There was a whole world beyond this garden city waiting to be explored. So, one night, when everyone slept, I dug a tunnel and escaped,” she shrugged. “I went to the living world and decided to make a new life there.”
“Didn't you miss it here?”
“I did. I thought about going back several times,” she admitted, eating a finger sandwich. “But then I met your father and things changed.”
“They did?” 
“Yes,” she nodded. “He wasn't the way you remember him.” She smiled softly, “He was charismatic and charming. He liked flowers, poetry and music. We used to go to dances and dance the night away, drinking and kissing. I never felt that way for anyone before. I'd never fallen for a man. I'd been taught they were violent, evil beings, but your father didn't seem that way.”
“Then he became a drunken asshole.”
“Your father went through a lot during the war, honey,” she said. “A lot of men did back then. I tried getting through to him, but nothing I said worked. Your father….A part of him died on the battlefield, I think.”
“Is he…” you felt afraid to ask, “Is he here? In Hell?”
“No,” she shook her head, “He went to Purgatory when he died.”
“He hadn't sinned enough to end up here but wasn't good enough for Paradise,” she said. “In Purgatory, he can repent and earn his way there. Kind of like how people here can fight in the arena to win their ticket to Purgatory.”
“Have you seen him?”
“Would you ever want to?”
She hesitated, sipping from her tea cup. “Yes.”
“Really? Why?”
“I don't know. To slap him? To kiss him? To tell him that I hated him, loved him, missed him, wanted him dead, wanted him alive? I don't know, darling.” You watched her grow a daffodil from out of her palm. She looked at it with forlorn eyes, “We had our first kiss in this meadow outside of town. He blew on a daffodil, and when I asked him what he wished for, he said he wished for me to kiss him.” She laughed softly, “I loved him so much back then. I thought he was the love of my life.”
“You thought?”
“Yes, until I met someone else.” She looked over at you, tears in her eyes and daffodils spiraling around her fingers. “You were the most precious being I'd ever seen. I realized I hadn't known true love until you came. I held you in my arms that night in complete disbelief. I couldn't believe a creature like me created something so pure and innocent. I never loved anything as wonderful as-YN?”
And you hated her. You, her true love, hated and ignored her. She loved you beyond all reason, never giving up on you once, and there you'd been: in your designer outfits scowling as you held the phone to your ear. You couldn't imagine the heartache you'd caused. Tears stung around your sinuses, and you sniffled them away until they poured back out. Your head fell into your hands, body shaking in each hard sob. The day you died must have been the worst day of her entire life. When her gentle hands touched your arm, you knew she'd comfort you like she always did. 
“Come here,” she said, gradually pulling you to face her. With your body turned to her, your mother tenderly removed your hands from your face. 
“Why don't you hate me?” you asked her thickly. 
“I'm incapable of hating you,” she answered, tears starting to form in her eyes. “Even when you walked out of my life, I loved you. You might understand that some day, but I couldn't hate you ever.” She wiped your tears with her handkerchief again, “I do wish you'd stayed with me, but I knew you had to go. I knew you had to spread your wings and fly away from home, even if that leaving me-”
“-I was so mean to you,” you rasped. “I never called or wrote to you. I told people I either didn't have a mom or that we don't talk anymore. Mama,” you took both her hands, “I used to like telling myself I lived with no regrets. But, I've realized that isn't true. I regret cheating people out of their money. I regret getting high in the bathroom. I regret being cruel to you, Mama,” you said in a breath. “I regret drifting away and never looking back. Maybe if I had-”
“-Let's not live with ‘Maybe’,” she interrupted. “She's a bitch and says mean things.” She tucked hair from your face and said, “I don’t hold it against you, love. It must’ve seemed that way to you because you didn’t know the truth. I should have told you. There’d been so many times where I considered it, but by the time I decided, you’d already gone. The past is the past, sweetheart. The best thing the two of us can do is move forward from it.” She kissed your cheek, and you basked in the comfort of her kiss. “Eat something. You must be so hungry.”
The two of you sat there for what felt like hours. You learned everything about her then: her birth, her escape, and her life in the living world until she met your father and had you. You told her about your flashy, living fast life before your death. Lovers, enemies and friends all sprung back to you as you talked. You wondered, as you told her a story about a night at a club, if you lived a fulfilling life. It sounded so shallow out loud. You never made lasting connections, never settled down or stopped to relax. Everything was money, sex and power. Nothing meaningful remained to you. 
“Think of it like this,” she said when you told her this, “You're getting a second chance.”
“A second chance?”
“You're not a prisoner here anymore,” she said. “You're getting a second life down here; you can make those connections and have that meaningful feeling, whatever they might be.” She hesitated before saying, “You can start with those handsome men who adore you already.”
“They just like screwing me,” you scoffed. 
“It doesn’t seem that way to me.”
“You’ve only seen me with them for a few minutes, and we weren’t really talking to one another.”
She laughed at your words. “I don’t need to see it to feel it. I saw the four of you together, and I immediately sensed their protectiveness over you. How Seonghwa was quick to tell your grandmother that none of it was your fault; San holding your hand so comfortingly, telling you it would be okay-”
“The flowers, Darling,” she said, the daffodil sprouted brand new as her words. “Sons of Lust do not attach to partners very easily. Most of them never marry or take up personal slaves. Yet, here are three of them being more than fond of a single person.” She let the flower swirl around her hand, “When you can see through your flowers, you’ll be able to watch them as much as they watch over you.” 
“My flowers…When can I learn how to do that?”
“With time and practice.” She then said, “I can teach you. If anyone should be showing you how to hone your talents, it should be another botanical sorceress, not a bunch of horny incubi.” 
“You’d do that?”
“Of course I would,” she smiled. “Why would I not? I would’ve been your teacher if you’d known sooner. You could also learn from your aunts, your cousins, your nieces-”
“-I have nieces?!-”
“-And your grandmother, of course, will insist on teaching you. They’re all masters in various aspects of our kind, so you wouldn’t be missing out on anything.”
“We’d love to teach you!”
You and your mother turned to see two women standing a few feet away. The blond wore a soft yellow gown while the brunette wore a lavender dress with floral borders. When they smiled at you, a special kind of warmth surged in your chest. You had never seen these women in your life, yet you felt as if you knew them. The same feeling you had with Artemis.
“YN,” your mother stood up and you copied her, “These are two of your aunts: Gaia,” the blond curtsied, “And Rhea.”
“Hello,” you smiled at them. 
“You really do look like Andromeda,” Rhea said in a low voice, marveling over you as they approached. “I always wondered what natural born daughters might look like. My own girls hardly look anything like me.”
“Neither do mine.”
“Your daughters? You mean, my cousins, right?”
“Yes,” Gaia giggled. “If a certain someone,” she shot a look to your mother, “Had told us about you in the beginning, you would’ve known all of us. Oh,” she hugged you tightly, which made you laugh, “How we’re so glad you’re here! We’re always happy to welcome a new daughter!”
“You had your turn, Sister,” Rhea told your mother, “We’re taking her to the rose gardens now.”
“No, Sisters, I think that’s too soon.”
“Too soon for a girl to meet the rest of her family?” she questioned, already taking your hand in hers. “Mother insists on it.” 
“My girls are going to love you!” Gaia beamed. 
The rose gardens must've been an Eden daughter hangout. Several poofs, pillows and blankets scattered around like picnic spots with a pavilion in the center. Underneath it sat a group of girls in the flowing dressdz and floral crowns of Eden Ladies. They appeared to be chatting together with a spread of food and drinks in front of them. All of them looked like the epitome of beauty. You understood what Hongjoong meant by wishing he could stay. You would too, if you were him. 
“Ladies!” Gaia clapped her hands for attention, “Ladies!”
The girls all turned to look at her. “Your cousin is here,” Rhea said with a smile. “Lady YN, Marchioness of the Trees and a Lady of Eden. She’s your Aunt Andromeda’s daughter, so she's your first gen-”
“-Cousin!” The group cried in unison, rushing down the steps to you. 
You didn't have a moment to breathe before they were on you. Kisses, tight hugs and excited squeals surrounded you. Somehow, the group guided you over to the pillows and blankets in the pavilion without you realizing. You finally got a look at all four of them: you recognized Artemis, but you didn't know the other three. They all wore different flowers in their hair, likely signifying something about them. 
“Um, uh, hi?” you began with uncertainty. 
“YN,” Artemis began, “Allow me to introduce our first cousins: This is Kali, Aunt Rhea's daughter,” the brunette with the button nose and square jaw waved, “This is Hera, Aunt Aurora's daughter,” the freckled red haired girl smiled, “Aurora's your mother's sister; you haven't met her yet.”
“Okay, cool.”
“And I'm Hestia!” the youngest of them chimed in. She had lilies weaved into her long, coarse braid, and large almond eyes. “Sister Freya’s my mother. You haven't met her either but she's going to be thrilled when you do. We heard about you this morning, and we've gotten a bunch of stuff ready for you.”
“Like what?”
“Your garden patch for one,” said Hera. “We put all the tools you might need, if you're the kind to tend the plants by hand. I personally prefer using magic, but everyone's different.”
“There's also your room,” Kali said. “Grandmother said you can sleep in the room next to Andromeda’s, so you guys are together.”
“How was your talk with her?” asked Artemis curiously. “My mother said she'd kept you a big secret from us. You guys must have had fun catching up.”
“It was…special, for sure. I never thought I'd see her again,” you said. “I didn't know I was part demon until Seonghwa and his brothers bought me. Well,” you thought for a moment, “They technically stole me since San killed my previous owner-”
“-You were a slave?” asked Hestia, her eyes wide. “How terrible!”
“Yeah, for a while. But, it's how I found out who and what I am.”
“Wait, you mentioned Seonghwa,” said Kali. “Asmodeus’s son?”
“Yeah.” You saw their unsettled glances, “Why? What's wrong with that?”
“It's not that it's…” she exchanged a glance with Hera, who hid a giggle behind her hand. She then blurted out, “Oh my god, what are they like?!”
“Are they romantic? Passionate?”
“What stuff do they like?!”
“They’re so dreamy,” Hestia swooned. “Seonghwa’s eyes are like deep pools I could stare in forever. He’s so sophisticated and smart.” 
“Hongjoong’s such a rebel,” said Hera, the tips of her ears turning pink. “He never does anything people tell him; he doesn’t act like the other men that come here. They’re all so boring.”
“And he’s so exciting!” beamed Kali. “I heard he used to go to the brothels in the city and buy the whole house for himself. One girl said he could go for hours.” 
“Ugh, gross,” said Aretmis with her arms crossed. “I can't believe you three. Daughters of Lilith fawning over useless man-things. It's shameful.”
“It's okay to look, Sister,” Hera reasoned. “We like men but we don't like them,” she explained to you. “They like seeing us women as playthings, so why shouldn't we see them the same way?” 
“I get that,” you nodded. “I used to be the same way. Men liked to use me, so I used them back. It definitely got me farther than it did for them.”
“Ooh, tell us more!”
You spent some time telling the girls about your experiences with men. From high school athletes to hot shot business guys, every man you’d slept with gained you something in return. Whether it be popularity, a higher status or money, you never hooked up with someone unless it benefitted you. The meaningful relationships you could have built really turned into stepping stones to something better. Once a guy began boring you or lost his purpose in your life, you found another. The men in clubs or bars were the morsels you devoured in between. Some treated you well, others not so much. By the time you entered enslavement, you’d learned how men think and act.
“They don’t act any differently down here,” you shrugged, picking at a grape from the spread. “It was rough at first, but once I figured out my place in the world, I adapted to it.”
“That must have been difficult still,” Artemis frowned. “Having men abuse you night after night, being demeaned and having your dignity stripped off you little by little…I’m surprised you’re not sick or pregnant from being in those places.”
“I guess I was lucky,” you shrugged. 
“Then you were bought by our uncles,” said Kali. 
“In a way. They’re saints compared to the way some men before have treated me.”
“What I can't get over is how you disrespected so many of your fellow women,” Artemis said. “Women are blood through our feminine spirit. You went around sleeping with other womens’ husbands and boyfriends to satisfy and secure your own needs. You speak about ruining people's relationships as if it doesn't matter to you. Didn't that bother you?”
“It does now, I suppose. I never thought of it like that. Breaking people up wasn't my intention.”
“Only an unexpected result,” she drawled. 
“But, they weren't the only casualties in your search for power and money,” Hera noted, sipping from a wine cup. “You were hurt as well. You might have not known it at the time, but those fleeting relationships left you empty inside. I know they must have. None of your lovers stayed, did they? They always picked their wives or girlfriends over you, didn't they?”
“Funny you mentioned that,” you said, finding the irony humorous. “I told my mother the same thing. I spent so much of my life floating around that I didn't make anything lasting. The friendships I had were shallow and self-serving. The romantic relationships I built could be torn down in minutes. I thought I was living at the time, and in a way I did, but was I really?” 
You heard the hedge nearby shift slightly, and every nerve in you stiffened. As the girls discussed their opinions on men, you took a whiff of the downwind scent. Cinnamon. Candy. Roses. Your boyfriends clearly hadn't gone to the men's quarters as directed. 
“Getting married and having children isn’t a marker of having lived well,” said Hestia. “That’s what my mother says. It can be for some people, but not everyone.”
“Being charitable, loving with your heart and building a home and community of people you care about,” said Artemis. “Scheming, cheating, lying, and ruining others' lives in pursuit of your own desires doesn’t sound meaningful to me. It sounds exhausting. It sounds lonely and sad at the end. Burning so many bridges leads to loneliness. I’m not saying you need to be best friends with everyone, but having people who love you isn’t bad.”
“My mother loved me,” you said out loud, though you hadn’t thought about it. “She loved me regardless of what I did or said. I…” you stopped eating the grapes. That sinking guilt weighed down your stomach, “I never met anyone who loved me so unconditionally.”
“As it should be.”
Their scent came to you once more. You turned your head to the bushes and called out. 
“I know you guys are there!”
“Huh?” Artemis looked in their direction, “Who's here?”
“Seonghwa, Hongjoong and San.”
“Where?” asked Hestia hopefully. 
“Behind the bushes,” you nodded toward the tall hedges lining the garden. “We know you’re there!”
“They're not allowed here,” the eldest said, crossing her arms. She stood up as she said, “Come out of the bushes, you! My grandmother is going to be livid when she finds out you're not in the men's area.”
“We come in peace, oh Divine One,” Hongjoong broke through the hedge first, hands up in surrender. “We wanted to make sure our beloved wasn't upset. She was nervous about coming, and we got worried.”
“As you can see, she's fine,” she replied. “You can leave.”
“Last time I checked,” Seonghwa and San appeared next, “You were a rank below us, so you can't tell us what to do, Marchioness.”
Artemis scowled, unable to refute this. “Let them stay, Cousin,” Kali said. “They obviously aren't here to hurt any of us.”
“Hm, yes,” she said spitefully, “They’re here to collect their plaything. YN’S a free woman now, and she doesn't need your permission or supervision to be here. So, go.”
“How was your visit, Darling?” San asked, ignoring her as he approached you. “I hope it didn't go too badly.”
“‘Darling’?” Artemis scoffed. “You even call her by demeaning nicknames?”
“It's not demeaning,” you told her. “I let them call me by their little pet names. It's cute,” you grinned back at San. “It went better than I thought. We sat and talked over tea for a while. I didn't realize exactly how much I missed her until then.”
“Grandmother will be furious if she finds out you're here.”
“But you ladies are so much more fun than that boring room,” said Seonghwa sitting between you and Hestia. “There isn't anything for me to do in there,” he told her, letting the suggestion linger to make the young woman giggle and blush. “What's your name, beautiful one?”
“Hestia,” she said shyly. 
“That's a beautiful name. You're one of Aurora's daughters, right?”
“No, Freya’s,” she shook her head. 
“Ah, yes, of course,” he said in fake realization. “You know, she's my favorite cousin.”
“Yes, and you're just as lovely as her.”. 
“Hi Hongjoong,” Hera said timidly, playing with her hair as he sat with her and Kali.
“Hello Hera,” he replied kindly. “Hello Kali.”
“You remember us?” Hera asked with a sweet smile. 
“How could I forget you two? The dance you both did at the Hallow’s Eve festival was…inspiring,” he smirked at their bashful faces. 
You couldn't help the stab of jealousy seeing the flirtation. San caught onto this right away, “It gets us to stay here,” he explained. “We wanted to see you. It really is boring in the men’s quarters. It's literally just a room with a table and a chair.”
“I still don't like it.”
“Flirting doesn't mean they love you less, Darling,” he said, brushing hair from your shoulder. “It's a bit of fun, that's all. You can have fun with us too,” he pecked your lips, “Lots of it.”
You chuckled softly, “Is this all I do for you? Turn you on?”
“You actually make me incredibly soft,” he admitted. “I used to think I had no weaknesses; I thought I was unstoppable, invincible. But then one night this human slave dressed as a succubus came into my life, looked at me with innocent eyes and became my everything. I only think of you. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, you're in the back of my mind. I know they feel the same way,” he nodded over to his brothers. “It's just in us to do this. We thought flirting with some of them might get us a ticket out of that stupid room. And, I don't know about you, it seems like it's working.”
“They need to go,” Artemis said once more.
“Artemis, they're not hurting anyone,” Kali said, smiling at Hongjoong. He relished in the attention from the two women, whispering to Hera who giggled. “That men's room really gets boring, and there's no food there.”
“You must be hungry, my lord,” said Hera. 
“Famished,” Hongjoong replied. They both chuckled when she fed him s strawberry.
“Me too,” said Seonghwa. “But, I think a kiss might stave off my hunger. Don't you think so, Hestia?”
“A kiss? Oh my…” she said, tucking hair behind her ear. “My grandmother would be upset if she heard I'd kissed you.”
“Which is why no kissing is happening,” snapped Artemis. “Can't you see what they're doing? You girls should be ashamed of giving into their charms so easily. Ladies of Eden don't conduct themselves like pleasure slaves. Grandmother will be furious when she finds out.”
“I can kiss more than one of you,” said Hongjoong, turning to her. “I've heard your kisses are quite sweet, Lady Artemis.”
“So did I,” Seonghwa grinned. “Kissing doesn't hurt. We can show you, if you'd like.”
“No, because I'm not that kind of woman,” she said crossly. “I'm getting Diana.”
“Come on, Artemis,” you spoke up. “They're only talking. Okay, flirting too,” you said distastefully, “But it's not like they're trying to hurt them.”
“You don't understand, YN. Men aren't allowed in Eden in the first place. Their intentions are never good, ever.”
“Hello, Lady Artemis.” Mingi’s deep voice came from behind her. Your bodyguard stood at the top step, hands in his pockets and a soft smile on his face. “It's nice to see you again.”
“Hello, Mingi,” she faced him, irritated by the men’s sudden appearance. “I was just telling your masters that they can't be here and neither can you.”
“I'm only a servant. I have no power over my masters, as you well know.” He took a step to her, “I thought we could go to your archery range? I saw you had a new bow and quiver, and I wondered if I could try it out.”
“Really?” she said, unconvinced. “So your masters can defile my sisters?”
“Defile is a harsh word. My masters never take a woman against her wishes, and you have my word on that.”
You saw him go closer to her, and by his soft eyes and smile, he worked his own incubus magic on her. San turned your head to him, and he kissed the corner of your mouth. His fingers trailed from the nape of your neck to your collarbone. You shuddered when he reached the neckline of your dress. 
“Can I see them?” he asked, kissing your neck. “I haven't seen them in so long. I need to touch them or I'll go insane.”
“Here? In the place you're not supposed to be that hates men who objectify women?” you laughed, amused by his eagerness.
“I'll risk it.”
“She broke a man on the wheel. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds awful.”
“Again,” he kissed your neckline, “I'll risk it. Besides, look at them.”
You turned to see Seonghwa giving flustered Hestia gentle kisses that slowly grew deeper. Hera and Kali took turns kissing Hongjoong, who rested against a pillar as both women felt up his chest. Mingi managed to lure Artemis away from the pavilion, leaving all of you alone. You thought your cousins might eventually snap out of it, and slap your boyfriends. However, things only became more heated, especially when Kali slipped her gown off her shoulders to show Hongjoong her breasts. He sighed when Hera did the same, groping one from each of them. 
“Would you like me to touch you?” you heard Seonghwa whisper to Hestia, “Or do you want to keep kissing a bit more?”
“Can we kiss a bit more?”
“Of course. Whatever you want to do, my lady.” 
He laid her down against the pillows, resting at her side as he continued kissing her. San’s lips distracted you once again, and you looked at him. “I suppose you can have a little peek,” you said, pushing down the top half of your dress and showing him the matching pink bra. 
You put his hands on them, inhaling when he squeezed them softly. San rested you on the cushions behind you as he started kissing down to your cleavage. He lifted your dress over your thighs, settling between them and tugging your bra under your tits. San let out a soft moan once he revealed them, then bent to kiss each of them. Your hands slid from the back of his neck into his hair, gripping the short strands to guide him over them. You could hear distant muffled moaning and soft kisses from nearby, but you became too entranced by San’s mouth on your nipples. Your brain connected each spark of pleasure to the spots his tongue hit, whimpering when he rapidly flicked one of them. A part of you knew how bad this might look. You knew you should stop, go home, and continue there. But, San’s cock brushed your naked core, and you slowly floated off. 
“You’re not wearing panties,” he whispered, kissing your lips softly. 
“They show through the dress layers,” you said. “Might be why everyone around here wears them. I think I might adopt the style.”
“Just to torture me, right?” he said, cupping your tits to suck your hard nipples. 
“No,” you shook your head, “To tease you all so much you bend me over the nearest surface and pound my pussy hard and fast.”
“You wouldn’t need to with those lips.” 
“It’s not as fun if I’m only kissing you to get dick,” you replied. You reached down to his groin where you felt his bulge. “I like getting it the old fashioned way.”
“Then I’ll give it to you the old fashioned way.” 
He’d started unbuckling his pants when a pale pink blur brushed near you. “What the hell is going on here?”
Your mother stood in the middle of the pavilion, hands on hips and outrage on her face. Her ‘scary mom’ face. Even years later in Hell, that face still struck fear in you. Quickly, you and your cousins covered yourselves up, while the men appeared annoyed at the sight of her. 
“We’re only having a bit of fun, Andromeda,” said Seonghwa, not moving from his spot with Hestia. You noticed her out of breath with swollen lips, with her hand on top of his where her breasts were. “No harm being done here.”
“Do you three have a death wish?” she hissed. “If anyone else finds you like this, they’ll have you strung up by your balls for sure.”
“Nobody would have if you hadn’t shown up,” Hongjoong said, clearly irritated at being interrupted. 
“Shut it, boy,” your mother spat. “Girls, I am very surprised and ashamed of you. If your grandmother heard about this, she’d have a fit. You know how she feels about you coupling with man-things, so imagine how she’d feel if she found out you were doing it in her gardens.”
“We’re sorry, Auntie,” said Hera, pushing hair from her face. 
“Yes, very,” added Kali. 
“Get yourselves together and go to your rooms,” she nodded towards the palace. “You’re lucky I’m not telling your mothers about this. I don’t care if you do it, just don’t do it here, got it?”
“Yes, Aunt Andromeda,” the three said together before getting up together. 
She then turned her attention to you, “YN, really? Is this the impression you want to give?”
“It sort of happened,” you said sheepishly. 
“Which is exactly what you said whenever I found your hand down a boys’ pants,” she spat. “Baby, if you didn’t want to live in the Black Keep anymore, you could say so. You don’t have to get your boyfriends tortured and killed to do it.”
“I would prefer to stay in tact, thanks,” said Seonghwa, standing up. “We only did it so we could see YN,” he told your mother. 
“Oh, please. You three just didn’t want to be stuck in the men’s quarters all day,” she accused them.
“That’s just an added bonus.” 
“Do you blame us though?” asked Hongjoong. “The men’s quarters are more like a prison cell than an actual room. Besides, we weren’t hurting anyone. We only intended to have a bit of consensual fun, that’s all.”
“You know how Lilith feels about men being in her garden and touching the ladies,” she scoffed. “You are fools for escaping. What if the guard went by and noticed you’re not there? You’d be hunted down just for that.” She took a deep breath, “You boys take YN home before the guards find you here.” She ran a hand through her hair, “I swear, you three…There’s certainly no dispute over whose children you are, that’s for sure. Only Asmodeus’s children would risk their necks for some tail.” She shook her head and took your hands, “Come here tomorrow and we can start your training. There’s so much you need to catch up on.”
“Hold on,” Seonghwa said, “YN’s being trained by myself and her head of house.”
“Not anymore,” she replied coolly. “If anyone should be teaching her, it is those who know her talents best. Besides, it gets you three out of her hair for a few hours.”
“It’s not like I do anything at home anyways,” you told him. “It’d be good for me to get out of the house and do something productive with my time. My closet is only so big.” You hugged your mother again, holding onto the memory of her a moment before letting go. “I'm….Mama….” you couldn't find the right parting words. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she repeated warmly, kissing your cheek. “Get sleep,” she peeked a glance at the men behind you, “Or as much as you can with them around.”
You laughed together before embracing again. Your inner child didn’t want to let her go. She wanted to hold onto her forever, clinging to the person she’d once loved the most. Your mother sensed this and hugged you tighter, her hand stroking your hair. When you forced yourself to release her, she kissed your cheek again. That surreal dread of a dream came back when you looked in her eyes. Apart from the scarlet ring around her irises, they matched yours. Except, yours always carried a look of disdain, while hers showed nothing but love. How could you do that to her? 
“Bye, honey cake,” she whispered, pecking your other cheek before stepping away. “Go, before Diana shows up.”
“Yeah, let’s get going,” agreed Hongjoong. 
“Go back the way you came, I’ll keep the guards away.” 
You hugged her one more time, letting her scent cleave to your nose, then left the garden. In the semi-darkness, the four of you snuck through the garden hedges and walls before coming upon a plain dirt path. In the distance, you heard people shouting to one another as they searched the grounds. You knew you’d need to be quick. Nerves began shooting up your body in each step, and the adrenaline started running down to your feet. You didn’t want to think what might happen if someone discovered you before you reached the castle again. Your first time in Eden and you’d broken a rule already. A warm hand stretched for yours, and you recognized San’s touch right away. He moved ahead of you, walking behind Seonghwa while Hongjoong remained at the rear. 
“There it is,” Seonghwa whispered when you all reached the staircase leading back up into the castle. 
“You!” a guard dressed in gold and white marched over to him, “Men are not allowed in Eden at dusk. What is your business here?”
“They’re with me,” you said before Seonghwa could speak. “I went to get them from the men’s room-place-thing and we got lost in the garden. It’s my first time here, so I don’t really know my way around yet.” 
The woman stared you up and down suspiciously. You thought she’d catch the lie, but instead she said, “I’ll escort you out, my lady. The gates close in a few minutes.”
“Yes, please. Lead the way.”
You followed the guard out to the front entrance where you’d met Artemis that afternoon. The women posted there bowed as you passed. It made you feel important for a second as you reached the carriage nearby. Mingi sat in the driver’s perch, his blond hair slightly tousled and lips a warm pink. He’d clearly found a way to distract Artemis. You all climbed into the carriage quickly, and Mingi cracked the reins. 
“I’m glad we made it out,” Hongjoong said, turning to peek into the window, “With our bones still in the right places.”
“Psh, you’re telling me…”
“Speaking of the right places,” San whispered, turning your head by the chin, “Where were we?”
A small chuckle came from your throat as your mouths came together in light kisses. Turning in your seat to face him, San immediately grabbed your breasts and his lips fell down your neck. The familiar hardness in your clit returned at the sudden stimulation. Fingers brushing over your nipples stirred the pot even more, his mouth reaching the neckline of your dress. You let your hands go through his dark hair to keep him close, occasionally feeling down the back of his neck and into his jacket before coming back up.
“Pull the top down,” Seonghwa ordered from nearby, and you turned to see him focusing on you and San. Hongjoong sat beside him, watching as intently. “We want to see them too.”
You lifted your back from the cushions to let San unclip the top part of your dress, then pull the zipper. Your arousal rose when he finally pulled the top half of your dress just beneath your breasts. They all moaned at the sight of your pink satin bra; their jaws dropped when San put them underneath to expose your breasts entirely. The brushing breeze from outside came in through the open windows, going over your nipples and making them cold. San remedied this with his hands and mouth: he scooped them in his palms and tenderly sucked one of them. He shifted around so your legs went over his lap, and immediately started caressing your thighs and legs. Fully on your back, you laid there enjoying his tender touches. Every brush against your skin sparked goosebumps up and down your arms; your soft whimpers became the only sound in the carriage. San eventually lifted up your dress, showing his brothers your bare sex. The three of them groaned. Seonghwa and Hongjoong rubbed their crotches while San squeezed your inner thighs.
“Sannie…” you whined, his thumb dangerously close to your pussy now.
“Give me a hand and touch yourself for me, hm?” he asked, licking your nipple in circles. “Open your legs a bit and let them see you get wet. You know how much we like that.”
They liked it a lot. Moving around until you sat on San’s lap, your back pressed to his chest, you let your legs fall on either side of his open knees. Your sex throbbed at the hands groping your chest, and the lips kissing up your neck and shoulder. You pointedly sucked and wet your fingers, keeping your eyes on the two men in front of you. Your middle and ring finger dragged down your tongue as a real cock might, and then went back up to the last knuckle. The outlines of their dicks started pressing into the pants as they watched your fuck your own mouth. They followed your fingers then down to your damp sex, mouths falling open when you lightly slid them up and down your opening. You went with the natural motions: stroking yourself as you sunk into your pussy little by little. Once past the outer folds, you circled your hard clit on top. Small shocks of pleasure came each time you ran over the center, pushing underneath and back to the hood. In the dimness of the carriage, both of them could see your pussy growing wetter. San tweaking your nipples at the same time added more coal to the fire. As much as you wanted to, you didn’t speed up. You kept the same gradual pace, even spreading your pussy open for them to see your hardening clitoris and empty hole.
“Let me have a little lick,” Hongjoong said, his high voice strangely low as he leaned forward. You trembled at the few swats of his tongue, keeping it open with both hands for him. “Fuck, you taste so good,” he groaned, idly moving the tip of his tongue over your clit. “I can eat this forever.”
“Move over,” scolded Seonghwa, pulling Hongjoong away. “I want a taste too.”
Using the flat of his tongue, Seonghwa shook his head to brush over your clit. Then, he took it in his mouth to suck the juices leaking from you. You whined when he withdrew, but San’s fingers fixed that soon enough. He took your clit between index and ring finger and stroked it. You grinded into his hand when you felt his middle finger dip towards your entrance each time, wanting to be filled with it. Your hands gripped the ends of his jacket behind you, trying to keep still as he rubbed your pussy side to side in light, rapid brushes. When he pulled away, his brothers each took a turn doing the same. The brief pauses in between kept you dangling on the edge. You yelped when Hongjoong started tapping and slapping your aching pussy, occasionally shoving fingers inside before pulling them out to smack it again. The twinges of pain only aroused you further. San and Seonghwa followed suit, also smacking and partially fingering you. When both Seonghwa and Hongjoong pushed a finger inside, San continued spanking your pussy.
“It’s been a while since we’ve fucked her together,” said Hongjoong, watching your reactions to his fingers curling alongside his brother’s. “That’s why she’s not wearing panties.” He pushed right to that squishy, soft spot that drove you wild, “You wanted to fuck us in that garden, didn’t you? You were hoping we’d all take a turn in your slutty cunt?”
“Yes,” you whimpered. “I love it when you all fuck me at the same time. It feels so good. I love getting treated like your fuck toy.”
“Then that’s what our little lady will get,” Seonghwa smirked, pushing his fingers faster. “Good thing I told Mingi to take the long way home.”
San rested you on the seat again, lifting one leg over his shoulder to keep you displayed for the others. Anticipation bubbled in your stomach, lowering the further you saw San move. Holding onto the end, San slowly slid the tip up and down the slit to only bring on more torture for you. Nails embedding themselves into the smooth fabric, you grinded to it in hopes of getting him inside you. 
“You're so needy,” he growled, smirking down at you before finally pushing the tip. “My pretty Darling always gets so wet,” he withdrew just to rub until a slick sound came out, “You hear that?” he asked, tapping your clit, “That's how wet you are. I love getting you like this,” he breathed finally putting the head inside again, “I love seeing my girl desperately wriggling around to get my dick.” 
“She's so cute when she does it,” said Hongjoong. “It's even cuter when she's tied up with no way to get what she wants.”
“I like it when she pretends she's a virgin,” Seonghwa said in a raspy voice. “When she gets on her back,” he started stroking faster, “And tells me she's never done it. It's so cute.”
“Corruption kink to the max,” Hongjokng chuckled. 
“Do you like it when we do this?” San asked you, languidly rocking his hips to yours. “Do you like us treating you like a little cock sleeve?”
“Yes,” you gasped, holding onto his shoulders. The slight stretch made you see stars. “Yes, I do. Just like when we did it the first time,” you said, head sinking to the pillow behind you as he rolled his rips. “When you all fucked me as long as you wanted…”
“You want us to do that again, Kitten?” asked Seonghwa. 
“Please…” A whimper came through when San shoved himself particularly deep, holding onto his forearm as he did it. 
“How's her hole today?” asked Hongjoong, eyes heavy with lust and arousal. 
“Tight,” San said, starting to go faster, “And warm. I could fuck this forever.”
“Look how easy she takes it,” Seonghwa moaned. “Even after all this time, her holes are perfect.”
“You mean ‘our holes’,” Hongjoong said. “Because this,” he knelt beside you, still stroking with one hand while shoving fingers into your mouth, “And that belongs to us. I don't care if you don't wear a collar anymore. We still own your slutty holes,” he groaned when you sucked his fingers, letting him push them further. 
“That's right,” Seonghwa said, reaching over to your swollen clit. “This pussy is ours. We get to fuck it whenever we want.”
“Not like she says no,” San said, grunting as he kept his strokes hard and deep. “She loves dick too much to not pass it up. Look at her right now,” he made a few quick pumps to hear you moan around Hongjoong’s fingers. “She pratically begged me to fuck her.”
“Because she's a whore,” said Seonghwa. He gave your clit a few sharp smacks before rubbing it again, “You can take the whore out of the brothel, but you can't take the brothel out of the whore. Isn't that right, Kitten? Are you a filthy whore?”
“Mmhmph,” you nodded. 
They all laughed, jeering at your answer. When your moans grew louder, they taunted you further. The moment you clenched around San, he moved faster straight into the knot driving you wild. 
“Oh, she's gonna cum,” he announced, “I can feel that hole getting tighter.”
“Is that true, slut?” Hongjoong asked you, removing his fingers to slather around your lips. “Are you going to cum?”
“Yes! Yes, oh my god, yes!” 
“Then go ahead,” he said.
“Go on,” gibed Seonghwa, spitting on your sex, “Cum.”
They continued goding you until you finally came. Hard hitting, all the muscles in your body stiffened. San came right after, pumping into you wildly as his orgasm took over. The feeling of his squirting inside prolonged your climax. The hands and cock keeping you going played with the sensitivity causing you to move away. 
“No, no, no,” said Seonghwa, “You're gonna take that no matter how sensitive it gets.” 
“That’s right,” said San, teasing you with his wet tip, “You stay there.”
“Rock, paper, scissors for next turn?” Hongjoong suggested to Seonghwa once San finished. 
“Sure. Best two out of three.”
You watched through heavy eyes as they played the game. San, meanwhile, continued pushing his cum back into you. You could do this forever in this carriage. 
“Yes!” Hongjoong cheered when he won the third round. “Turn her around. I'm going to fuck her like the bitch she is, he said, fixing his pants at his thighs as San and him switched positions. Seonghwa and San flipped you over, giving the eldest a space in front of you. 
“Whores always like having more than one cock at a time,” he said, forcing your head into his lap. His length went all the way to the back of your throat, and you swore you might come again even sooner. “Don’t you dare stop sucking,” he warned, slapping your ass harshly. “Don't miss a fucking beat. I want that mouth on me the entire time. You got that, bitch?”
You nodded, and your obedience amused them. He held onto your hair while Hongjoong shoved himself inside. All the pent up arousal from earlier unleashed itself in his hips. Hands grabbing your ass, Hongjoong did not take the gradual pace like San. You felt every push from entry to end just like Seonghwa did. The feeling of them both abusing you had you shaking in their grasp. No matter how much saliva and precum leaked from your mouth, you did not withdraw. Even when Hongjoong started hitting a different angle, making you shudder and moan around him, you didn't stop. Your pussy tightened when Seonghwa held your head against his groin for several seconds, laughing at your choking, before lifting you to the head where you drew a few breaths. 
“You fucking love that,” Seonghwa groaned, pushing you back down. “I'm glad because I like shoving my dick down pretty throats like yours.”
“And I love fucking their pussies right after,” Hongjoong breathed, a whimper coming right after. “Oh fuck, I'm going to fucking cum. Stay right there.”
You came right as he withdrew, bursting with nothing inside you to coat. Hot streams fell onto your lower back and ass cheeks, leaking down between them where Hongjoong rolled it again. Neither brother gave you time to breathe as Seonghwa pulled you onto his lap.
“Fuck me,” he ordered, smacking your ass, “I'm not pushing into you. You're doing the work, not me.”
You held onto the back of the seat, pulling at the decorative drapes, as you started bouncing on him. “Don't stop,” he said, watching you ride him, “If you stop, I swear…”
Even with the burning sensation in your thighs, causing you to shake and tremble, you didn't stop. Whenever he sensed you slowing down, he'd slap your ass to keep you going. But, the strain began weighing you down. You tried pushing yourself by your legs instead, though this position made that hard to do. Eventually, you made the mistake of stopping to catch your breath and ease your aching thighs. 
“Did I say you could stop?” asked Seonghwa harshly. “Huh?” a light tap to your face excites you, “Why did you stop?”
“It….It hurts.”
“Do I look like I care?” he grunted, smacking your ass even harder, sending more pleasure through your body. “Do I?”
“No, sir,” you whimpered. 
“I have to do everything around here,” he lifted you up to put you on your back again. “What's the point in a whore if she doesn't fuck the way I like?”
Raising your legs over your head, Seonghwa dove right back into you. He wasn't the gentle dominant partner you were used to. Something primal came over him as he pounded you into the seat. It delighted and aroused you. 
“Master,” you said, surprised by his roughness, “You're being so rough with me.”
“You're a whore,” he gritted, “Why should I care about being gentle?” Yet, for the briefest moment he stopped, “Am I going too hard? I'm not hurting you too much?”
“I love it,” you assured him, pushing hair from his face, “So much.”
“Of course, you do.”
He kept the same speed until he had you squirting around him. Seeing the squirt come out of you caused Seonghwa’s own orgasm. He withdrew the second he reached the edge, and began jerking himself over you. He pinched your nose to force your mouth open, and made you take the cum shooting from his tip. His load splattered your chin and mouth, droplets falling on your outstretched tongue until he finished completely. 
“How was that?” he asked, fingers pushing hair away from your face.
“So good,” you smiled, cleaning the dick with your tongue. “I can't get enough.”
“You can have more when we get home, baby,” Hongjoong insisted, wiping cum from your chin to slide into your mouth. “As much as you want.”
“Of course,” he said, kissing you softly. “We'll even do it in my room so we can play with all your favorite toys too.”
“I personally love watching you cum all over toys,” said San. “That way you're already nice and wet when I fuck you.”
“I just like watching you cry when I overstimulate you,” shrugged Hongjoong. 
You all laughed right as the carriage stopped right in front of the house. You knew you wouldn't be sleeping tonight and you didn't mind at all. 
A/N: awww see? everything worked out in the end. I'm not sure when I'll be posting another one of these, but I will be posting for this one still lol Thanks so much for reading, and please don't forget to reblog and like <3
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roncheg · 5 months
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i NEED to post smth, i work on so many pics simultaneously, it's absurd
(it's for my friend's demon vs exorcists AU;
demons - Hwa (as a demon king), San (as his right hand), Jongho (as a devilish accountant probably))), Mingi (as an ice princess))) and Yunho (but he is an undercover spy in a human world);
exorcists - The Captain, Woo, Yeosang)
I WILL be drawing more of this!!
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tyudeongi · 11 months
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#how is this the same person ?!
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nateezfics · 11 months
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thought about this hongjoong from the m countdown paris, and how hot he looked in this fit with the glasses…and immediately thought of that one kdrama kiss scene —
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