comicsatlasrp-blog · 7 years
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Hey everyone !! Your Admin Team here to address a few things and let you know of a slight change we've made to our rules !! If you've read this please like the post !!
As you know we have a rule in the FAQ that states:
"You are invited to choose a faceclaim you feel fits the character. However we will not allow the whitewashing of canonically POC characters. Furthermore, if a character has an iteration where they’re a POC, we will only be accepting POC faceclaims for them." -- FAQ 12
This rule was originally created with characters like Iris West, Wally West and Nick Fury in mind. You may notice that the one commonality between these characters is that they've all been represented as white in most comics. However, they have all have been POC in their cinematic iterations. We felt it would be wrong to allow that representation to be erased.
We then quickly realized that the rule encompassed much more than what we had initially thought, extending to include characters such as Mary-Jane Watson (who appears as both incredibly white and as a WOC in the Marvel movies). To be entirely honest we appreciate the particular nuances afforded by the iteration-rule and feel that we must now expound precisely what we meant by the rule and how we intend for it to be interpreted.
The goal of this rule is to help provide good representation, regardless of whether in the comics a character is portrayed as white. By good representation, we mean representation which is devoid of negative harmful stereotyping and appropriation whether this be cultural or linguistic.
It's important to recognize that stereotyping frequently leads to prejudice and often racism and in addition that it's important to look at things from a contextual standpoint.
Context is everything within the realm of representation. For instance, speaking as a Vietnamese person, it's okay to have a Vietnamese person know martial arts of it's culturally accurate and relevant to plot. If you're writing a Vietnamese person who knows Kung Fu or karate, that's not really a Vietnamese martial art and if you're doing it to make the character more 'authentic', that's racist. Moreover, that's cultural appropriation as it's taking a cultural aspect out of it's historical or traditional purpose. An example of linguistic appropriation would be if your character was Southern Vietnamese and you used words from Google translate that were only Northen dialect Vietnamese.
We understand this is a difficult and sensitive topic to handle but it's important that we try our best to do so, as our goal here is not to promote representation regardless of it being poor or good representation; our goal here is to promote good representation without the appropriation of marginalised culture.
For instance;
You may have noticed that Zatanna Zatara's faceclaim was changed from Priyanka Chopra to Katie McGrath. The Admins are human, we make mistakes, we were genuinely unaware that as of issue #5 of DC Bombshells Zatanna had been portrayed as a Jewish-Romani woman. And while I attempted to find a suitable faceclaim for her, I realised something very important. DC Bombshells is essentially a WWII AU entirely separate from DC continuity and while none of the admins are current on the comic we can only assume the majority of her history has not been revealed.
Within the context of the main canon of DC comics, and by extension the canon I am playing Zatanna from, if I were to place Zatanna as being Romani, what I would end up with here is a significant plethora of ethnic stereotyping. To explain: Zatanna's canon, regardless of what that canon is, heavily features:
Fortune telling/palm reading/tarot
Performance artistry
Animal cruelty
The hypersexualisation of Zatanna by others
Substance abuse
All of these are pervasive and negative stereotypes of the Romani people. Let’s explain.
Magic/mysticism & Fortune Telling: ties to the occult or magic as well as fortune telling (which later ties into criminality) have long been used against the Romani historically to keep them oppressed and abused by the general population. And while Zatanna being magical alone is not necessarily horrible within context we have to remember that this does not stand alone. Please keep this in mind while we highlight the other points.
Criminality: this has been used as propaganda to imply that Romani people are immoral and can not or will not make 'honest' livings and has been once again, used against them. Now within the context of Zatanna, magic/mysticism/fortune telling are generally seen as con-artistry, despite the fact that some of her magic is real. She still makes a living through illusion work as a magician.
Performance Art as a career: it is a well known fact that many Romani people have made a career of the performing arts, and while it's not necessarily racist, it's still a pervasive stereotype and combined with the rest of this list it does not paint a flattering picture for representation.
Fear of animals/animal cruelty: the Romani have been known to have a history in the performing arts as mentioned. You may not even be aware of this stereotype, but the idea that Romani people fear dogs or mistreat pets or performing animals comes from two places. Dogs have been historically and frequently used to attack or frighten Romani and that some Romani communities equate pets in the home to a lack of cleanliness. As for animal abuse, it comes from a history of having performance animals which is unethical and usually abusive and while that may have happened it does not mean that it is pervasive or even happening now. However once again due to her profession as a magician/stage performer she's been known in even recent canon to have performance animals.
Sexualization of Romani Women: this is a really sensitive subject both personally for many as well as culturally. The long and short of it is simply that Zatanna has been known to be promiscuous and have multiple partners and while that is perfectly fine, in the context of Romani culture it is not my place as a Non-Roma to broach a subject that has lead to sexual assault, abuse and even sex trafficking. This is a narrative that belongs to Romani women and should be voiced by them.
Domestic Abuse/Spousal Abuse: This is a sensitive topic no matter which ethnicity or culture we are discussing. However, it is also a very racist stereotype that has been used by various governments to strip away the parental rights of Romani people. On context Sindella, Zatanna's mother who is Romani would have faked death during child birth and abandoned her child to 'rejoin her people'. And to a lesser extent Zatanna's father also abandons her though at a much older age, which, while Zatara is not Romani still perpetuates a Romani person being the victim of abuse.
Substance abuse: Much like what was just discussed substance abuse is also a harmful stereotype and while Zatanna deals with addiction of magic, it still depicts a Romani person dealing with addiction and watching a parental figure i.e. her father struggle with addiction.
Once again one or two of these stereotypes, if handled with the correct mindset and due respect, would not be horrible. It’s the combination of all of these stereotypes that have historically helped to oppress the Romani that causes this to be racist. Regardless of intent or caution in writing, there is simply no way to depict this as anything other than a racist caricature.
To put it simply, Zatanna Zatara would be a sexualized, mystical, Romani performance artist with performance animals who steals and has reoccurring history with substance abuse and child abandonment. This is an inaccurate and racist representation of the Romani people, and as such, the iteration rule should not apply. Zatanna Zatara being represented as a Romani woman would be a prime example of poor representation which we are trying to avoid, and I would be forced to play a (based on her preexisting background, appropriation-free) character as a caricature of a culture that is not mine. Zatanna Zatara is not a racist caricature until you turn her into one.
In order to improve on clarity and further explain the iteration rule, and on the subject of a previous anon (regarding our choice of Enchantress' faceclaim), we would like to reiterate once again that while we understand the choice of actress in the film was white, the entity of Enchantress was strongly implied to have pre-Columbus South American roots. While an entity can not have a race, it does embody specific cultural magics and practices solely from and specific to pre-Columbus South America. As such, we consider this to be a POC iteration of Enchantress, despite her being portrayed by a white woman, considering this a show of cultural appropriation. Therefore, regardless of comic or cinematic canon we will only accept a POC faceclaim for June Moone.
Nothing is being removed culturally from the character of June Moone or Enchantress by having June be latinx/first nations. As stated, the entity itself has no race, and while it does embody specific cultural magics, there is nothing to say that a latinx/first nations 'host' can't exist in Europe or be culturally European. The reverse (a white woman being overtaken by the afore-described entity) would be appropriation. This is the poor representation which we choose to avoid in having Zatanna not be Romani, and in having Enchantress be Latinx/First Nations.
So, to summarise, we’ve updated the rules in line with a more coherent and clear phrasing of our character iteration rule:
You are invited to choose a faceclaim you feel fits the character. If a character has a playable iteration wherein they’re a POC, and the establishment of the character as a POC does not cause the character to become a poor representation of a group of people ( be this in the form of becoming a caricature or reinforcement of negative stereotypes ) then we will only be accepting POC faceclaims for them. It is our goal to boost respectful representation. Not poor representation.
We’re so so sorry for how long this post is, oh sweet lord above, it’s so long, but it was something that needed to be addressed and explained as thoroughly and clearly as we’re capable of doing. Still, we appreciate your patience and understanding, and would like to thank you for the absolutely ridiculous amount of time that you must have spent reading this. Once again, thank you so much for your time and for reading this, please like this post so we know that you’ve done so, and if you need any clarification or a tl;dr, please don’t hesitate to ask.
xoxo gossip admins
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comicsatlasrp-blog · 7 years
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With the final acceptances we are very proud to say that ComicsAtlas is now open !! Please don’t forget to: 
Make sure your ask and submit are open. Follow everyone on the follow list. Track the necessary tags. Make sure your character’s bio is easily accessible on their page ( this includes readability , we ask all fonts be minimum 11 px ). Read this information on secret identities.
Without further ado !! 
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Matt Murdock / Daredevil
Zatanna Zatara
Kate Bishop / Hawkeye
John Constantine / Constantine
Jane Foster / Thor
Emma Frost / The White Queen
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Welcome to the family, and happy rping !!
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EVENT #8: I Love New York
The event has now concluded. 
This means that no new starters regarding the initial bombing should be posted. But feel free to mention the events in any posts / wrap up / continue any threads. 
Characters can now focus on recovery efforts, finding the Joker, etc.  
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Hello darlings! Please remember that time is malleable in-game. If you’re not interested in participating in the event, that’s totally cool! You can still post other things that are completely unrelated. You can skip ahead until after this mess has been cleaned up (you might want to be sort of vague if you’re going to mention things that actually happened during this event, but if you’re not interested in mentioning it at all, that’s fine too!) Just give an OOC indicator that your post takes place before or after the event. 
I expect this event, like most events, to last about a week. 
If you have other concerns or questions, feel free to drop them in the main or message me privately on Skype. 
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EVENT #8: I Love New York
ATTN: Hells Kitchen Team
We’re moving the second bomb from Hell’s Kitchen to the Bronx. Please update posts accordingly. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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EVENT #8: I Love New York
The Joker hits New York. 
A quick rundown:
He’s broken out of Arkham Aslyum and wants to find Harley Quinn
He’s captured a few of the men who have a hit out on Harley, and has killed one on air.
To throw off superheroes and the police from tracking Harley or himself, he sets two bombs off: one on the Brooklyn Bridge, and one in The Bronx
….and his henchmen are waiting to harm evacuees.
Read more [ here ]. Trigger warnings abound and covered in the preamble. 
As mentioned in [ my previous post ], the teams tackling the bombs can be aware of each other if they’re in the same area. Same goes for people dealing with the henchmen. 
As always the event is optional! Let me know if you have questions. 
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EVENT #8: I love New York
ATTN: Brooklyn Bridge Team (Currently: Zinda, Steve, Zach, Spidey). 
It’s alright for everyone on the bridge to be aware of other people on the bridge, even if you’re not threading together. (i.e. Steve probably dove past cars Peter had webbed up, and Peter and Zach probably saw Steve dive). As threads progress, there may even be room for crossing over (if people want to). 
Same goes for anyone who might join in on the bridge, or the group who tackles the bomb in The Bronx. 
Have fun???
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As some of you know, Hil has designed an awesome mini-game that should make the Quidditch match way more interesting than some coin flips. In order to play the mini-game, stats have to be collected from each of the players on the Gryffindor and Slytherin house teams. Some stats have already been collected. Below you will find a list of people who have yet to turn in their stats, and instructions how to generate your stats. Please submit your player’s stats to the main, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!
Anya Corazon. 
Cassie Lang. 
Pietro Maximoff. 
Eddie Thawne. 
Roy Harper. 
You get 8 points to assign to your base stats. Base stats cannot be zero or exceed 3.
Speed is how fast your character can fly Dexterity is how well your character aims Power is force Distance is how far the thing can be flung
After base stats have been determined, extra points are added to the character’s stats based upon their position.
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Whoops, should have been more clear: only non-anonymous votes will be accepted for Quidditch captain. 
Edit: and the team listing has been updated to include Eddie Thawne on the Slytherin team. 
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Merry Christmas, everyone! <3333333333
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