#atleast I have a cover image so better than nnothing lol
not-souleaterpost · 1 month
About this blog / UPDATE
So I decided, again, that in the end I think I will try to stop posting on this blog. There are many reasons, but I think the main one is just my bad impulse control. It's fun to mess around and interacte with intersting things and I appreciated the likes and stuff, but its just to easy for me to waste my time and mind on some weird social media spiral, refreshing likes and tags and shit lol. Ofcourse, I tried to "abstaine" before, be it a month, a week, a couple days, hours, minutes - but in the spirit of these manga that we all still love even if we shit on them, gotta try again, not give up, nomatter how much it takes. So yeah, thanks for all, and sorry if this sounds dramatic or worrying, it just is what it is. I will try to only log in to post new chapters, promo art, iceberg videos and etc on the other blog, leaving this as an archive (cause I hate when people delete their stuff lol) Also not sure about the screencap blog, will try to quee up something once a week but I will see how tempting it will be to just go back into full freak obssessive addict mode lol.
(like I hope that making it so official and dramatic will for once shame me to not go back on my commintments and promises, man I'm really starting to relate to Spirit lol)
Anyways, if I dont respond to you or something like that, thats why, worst case you can write to me at [email protected] , even with a throwaway email.
Anyways, don't know how to end this, so I guess I just say... God Bless and Good Luck (and if you expected a "yeah...sorry" you just got one)
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