#attention to come and send your puritism-army after me. you dont care about me actually Being Better- you care about trying
snekdood · 8 months
ok, well, i've given everyone on here with any issues with me a chance to share their issues for years now at this point, and so far i've seen maybe 2 or 3 people and they usually block me before i can even send a response bc they're utter cowards. i am often left like this
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waiting for the "Valid Criticisms" to pour in, and theres never any, ever. they hide and cower and talk shit behind my back bc they know if they ever said any of their Very Real Concerns to my face that i'd actually counter them with the reality of my thoughts/feelings/actions/etc. and they dont want that. better to spread rumors than to confront the person you're spreading rumors about and get embarrassed bc you were wrong and built up all this energy around hating me for literally no fucking reason.
so now, the time is up, i've given you your chance. ive given you the chance to tell me why i need to change and how i need to change etc. but none of you actually like coming up with solutions to problems, you just like labeling things bad or good and then call it a day at the factory. as if thats your only obligation to humanity. lmao.
so im no longer taking requests, im no longer taking criticisms from random people on here seriously, because its all just highschool bullshit of spreading rumors for shits and giggles and not actually bc any of you have any real convictions nor do any of you actually give a deep fuck about any of "your" politics at all.
so if after this point, you try and say some shit to me? i'm going to ignore you. you had your chance. you never took advantage of it. not even to tell me how lame i am or whatever either- thats how much of cowardly ass bitches all of you are. i hope you take your political purism and shove it up your ass.
im no longer playing this game where i pretend i dont know anything and need to be taught by yall bc thats the role you want to fulfill so so badly in spite of being shit-horrible at it. im no longer letting other people tell me im this or that when i know who tf i am and wtf im about. im no longer humoring you and letting you think you're the smartest person in the room bc i feign being a dumbass to test if you can even actually teach anyone or not, and clearly as we've learned, you can't. you just guilt trip people to believing what you do and threaten them when they dont- yeah i dont think you'd be a teacher that sticks around very long if this were a school. you dont know shit, all of your politics are based on what you think is intuitively correct and not based on fact, its all based on vibes, and im tired of humoring larping-ass, wannabe, shut in, leftists. i dont need you to teach me anything, i've been knew for a long as time and istg every time someone thinks they're actually teaching me some shit its shit i've learned years ago and understand better than them anyways.
so with all that said, go fuck yourselves, grow a pair, and stop being a blood thirsty tankie larping pos, for humanities sake. you're not the main character, you're not the superhero of reality. otherwise you woulda said something to me if you actually had an issue. hope you get well soon bitches xoxoxo <3
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