#attraction beyond Hawke generally - generally - and Isabella flirts with everyone and everything that moves
kyliafanfiction · 3 months
So, like, I agree playersexuality in RPGs can be limiting from a storytelling/character depth/character agency/etc standpoint, and that is very true.
But also, I don't want to have to be a guy to romance the characters I want to romance.
I mean, thankfully mods for Bastila and Handmaiden and Morrigan and Cassandra exist, but honestly, if it's a choice between the most appealing lady being straight or being playersexual, I'd take playersexual every goddamn time.
This does not mean playersexuality is a superior choice from a writing or game design standpoint, far from it.
But if it means I get romance the female character that I like the most for that, I prefer it personally, in the games I play.
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