#atz feederism
gyuluttony · 6 months
So, that Ateez feederism bug has certainly taken root and I couldn't tell you why exactly. (It's because I finally am getting a feel for how many people like it as much as I do 👀)
And with that being said, I want to write about another one of my ults, being San... it's not going to have a fixed pair... but that doesn't mean he can't play around hehe
This is a feederism fic and features weight gain, weight gain denial, breaking of clothes, and smut. Don't like, don't read.
Finishing his set in the gym, the sound of the weights clanging on the machine as it settles. He's panting as he looks at himself in the mirror. He's come a long way since he started working out. He remembers the first time that he set foot in the gym and how just about everything intimidated him. Flexing his figure, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as a result of just how far he's come. It wasn't something that he achieved overnight after all. Lots of effort had to be made to get his body to the level that it was currently at.
While he washed up, some things came to mind. Like there were people who might have struggled with the idea of going to the gym for the first time and plenty of questions that they had. As he lathered up his firm pecs and broad shoulders, it was properly occurring to him that he had a rather amazing set up. The gym was owned by his friend, Yeosang, which meant it would be fairly easy to set up a camera and record beginner guides to helping out those who needed the advice. While he rinsed off, his mind was already buzzing with ideas as to what he'd need to mention with Yeosang if he wanted to get the go-ahead on this idea.
In his mind, as long as he delivered his advice to a level that was befitting of the audience, it shouldn't be too hard to get the information out to everyone who needed it. He arrived at his apartment as he announced, "I have the best idea ever."
Wooyoung had flopped his head over on the couch to look at him, an eyebrow raised curiously while Seonghwa paused the game that he was playing to look at him. "Oh, how was the gym, Sannie?"
He simply gave a thumbs up before he sat on the coffee table in front of them to look at them eye to eye, almost like he needed to be at that level to brace them before his idea properly blew them away. "You're not ready for this."
Seonghwa kept his encouraging smile on his face while Wooyoung looked at him, a little exasperated, "What is it? You've hyped it up but haven't said it yet."
San paused for dramatic effect for a moment before he stated, "I'm gonna start a channel to promote fitness for first timers because they don't know what they're doing and Yeosang already gave me the go ahead."
There was a pause in the air before Wooyoung just sighed as Seonghwa politely began to play his game again, ready to listen as background noise, almost like his interest had pulled away.
"What?" San looked genuinely puzzled as to why the attention had waned.
"No offense, San, but I think I've seen about a thousand channels like that where they all advertise their advice. It's just oversaturated and almost everyone does it." Wooyoung rips the bandaid off rather easily and it's hard not to deflate a little.
He pouted rather easily, "It's a great idea! I didn't get like this without knowing my way around the gym so I think I'm pretty trustworthy!" The way that he flexes while having a cute expression flusters both of his roommates as Wooyoung openly gawks the muscles on display while Seonghwa pays closer attention to the game that's on the screen before pausing it when San seems to wait for them to comment again.
"Wooyoung does have a point, Sannie." It's hard not to coo at the sight of San being more pouty than expected as his plans are stepped on but Seonghwa continues, "But, I think you'd be able to carve a niche as you are. You do a pretty good job of that." He can't help but smile as he blushes at the kind words of the older one at that.
A pat on the shoulder comes from Wooyoung, "If you need someone to film, I'll be happy to help. I feel like you'd be bad at setting up shots." He raises a fist, threatening to hit his friend before muttering that he'd appreciate the help.
After a little bit more planning, the first video goes without a hitch and he can't help but feel a pit in his stomach as he watches the video process before it slowly uploads on their shared Internet. Both Wooyoung and Seonghwa are in the room as moral support when it finally finishes and he can't help but stew.
A couple of minutes go by and San whines, "I really put a lot of time into this introduction! Even Hongjoong helped me with editing everything in a nice way!" The video looked rather professional and not amateur at all thanks to the older man's touch that San promised to repay him for at dinner one day.
Wooyoung patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, "You can't expect everything on day one, San. It'll take some time." He left him in the room with Seonghwa who seemed to smile encouragingly, "Yeah, it already has about fifteen views now so that's more than just our friend group. Give it some time to settle!"
Even if he was going to heed their advice, it didn't mean he wasn't going to bed sulking... but when he woke up that morning, the fact that his phone was warm and currently buzzing with notifications was a cause for alarm. Looking at it in shock, all of his friends were sending him various links of different edits of him in the video that went viral.
He knew that he looked good but seeing people editing him to shreds while basically making thirst traps of what he had said was incredibly kind to his ego. He felt himself blush while reading the various comments that were left. Was there such a thing as digital footprint with what some of these people were saying? Either way, it didn't take long for his channel to blow up and thanks to his work with Hongjoong, he didn't need to completely rely on him for editing and knew how to do it for himself.
Everything was panning out. He received sponsorship and just about everything under the sun that came with being a successful content creator and it wasn't hard at all for him to stick out in the crowd. A few lingering shots on his body here and there and it would inspire someone to make another edit that would go viral. Even if a lot of people weren't there for advice, it was the views and fans that made him go viral which he vastly appreciated.
Before long, brands were starting to sponsor him. Athleisure clothing brands, various different services and he took a good majority of them. San hadn't had this much money forever even working full time. But, then, he received his largest sponsorship deal yet. It was a formal process. Signing with Fever Supplements, he would have an exclusive deal that would pay more than enough for him to cover his rent on his apartment alone for each month.
All he had to do was take their products and be causal about mentioning it. And considering he was already in the stage to start taking protein again to bulk for the winter, it wouldn't be hard. Plus, their pre workout had tasted amazing from his experience.
At the stage that he was at, he was starting to workout with guests because he knew that the edits seemed to get a lot more traction when one of his friends was in the gym with him. So far, Jongho, Mingi and Yunho had accompanied him before. Today, Mingi had come with him.
Watching San shake his drink shaker made him raise an eyebrow curiously, "What's that? It looks different than what you usually drink." The camera wasn't recording while they were still in the middle of warming up. San liked to record during stretches so that they could have more to capture. Mingi raised an eyebrow as San offered it.
Watching him take a sip and recoil, Mingi looked at the drink in surprise, "Woah... that's really sweet. Are you sure it's pre?" San shrugged, "It says it's pre workout on the container and I think it's their new flavour. It's pretty good though. It's been energizing me for a couple of weeks now before my workouts." Mingi looked at it rather suspiciously before he added, "Damn, I can see why. It wakes you up."
They usually assist each other in stretching and when it comes time to work with each other, San feels his waist intruded on by Mingi, large hands resting on his sides and for some reason, sinking in slightly as San yelps. "Isn't it early for bulking season?" Mingi snickers as San raises a fist, "Like you're one to talk." He pokes Mingi's softened middle who covers his stomach shyly before they continue.
It makes a sort of tension that persists through the video as San noticed how his friend had put on. It's not like he put that much on though. The fabric of his shirt was clinging to him but that's how most compression shirts fit. On Mingi, it was bulging a little at the stomach and he couldn't help but find himself staring.
While they were in the shower, Mingi's voice was clear through the constant stream of water, "Uh, San. Would you be able to hook me up with some of that pre? It really worked and I just had a sip." Blinking a couple of times in surprise, he looked at Mingi, "Really? All you had was a sip." Mingi shrugged nonchalantly before he added, "That's the best I've worked out in a while... but I still have some energy. How about you?"
The words hung in the air for a moment, the tension only growing more intense before San added, "Yeah. I could do some more." He wandered over to the other man before he saw the way that he moved his neck downward and pressed their lips together. Naked bodies were pressed into each other as the water continued to clean them of everything but their desires.
The perks of the semi-private gym were making their way to the surface now as they stroked each other. Doing anything else was a little riskier even if they knew they had the space to themselves because the staff needed to clean soon for the actual hours of the place. What San was noticing was the fact that Mingi's stomach which had been flat the last time he appeared in a video seemed to protrude and inflate when he breathed out in pleasure at San's touch that was threatening to make him come undone. Had he put on weight since then? Maybe his next video needed to be something about weight loss. But, his thoughts were wiped clean as Mingi moved down and began to suck him off. Clutching the railing, his fingers curled in his friend's hair while he made sure to show attention to just about every inch of his length. As much as Mingi ran his mouth, he always knew how to use it just as well which is why they hooked up as often as they did.
As they both helped each other wipe off the mess after experiencing a release, San's stomach growled. "Damn, you're that hungry?" Mingi slaps his friend on the ass, who yelps before he says, "If you want, we can grab some food with Yunho. He wanted to eat with me today anyways."
Another thing that he didn't realize following his sponsorship with Fever was the fact that he was hungry a lot more often. He didn't really notice it because most of the time, he did his own meal prep. But, San seemed blissfully unaware of how the portions of these preps had slowly been increasing everytime. Where it used to be properly be one portion, it was getting to the point where he would eat portions of three for just about every meal.
Whenever he ate out with friends, it was more absurd that he ever would have noticed. Yunho had noticed that Mingi was eating a fair bit as well but San's order nearly filled up the table. He looked curiously as the two stuffed their faces with everything that was bought. "Good workout?"
The pair nodded before going back to stuffing their faces as Yunho watched, feeling his face heat up as he watched Mingi beside him belch before he continued to eat his own food.
From this point forward, just about all of his friends were noticing the amount that San was eating as he continued to increase the portion sizes slowly but surely. Seonghwa noted that he was cooking just about every other second when he was at home and the planned meals were filling the fridge. Wooyoung had tried some of the protein shake that he mixed but felt full a quarter of the way through while San had started to drink two per day. Mingi was starting to become a regular on the channel and those little meals where they would spend nearly two hours eating were becoming a near daily occurrence that San could afford with no difficulty thanks to his income.
However, the strangest part to just about everyone that knew San was the fact that he didn't even notice what all this food was doing to his body. He was under the impression that with Fever Supplements, he was going to bulk. But, following the winter, what he hadn't done was bulk. He had grown beyond the word bulking.
What Mingi was after the influence that San had on him was chubby and even that was being nice. He was definitely lingering closer to fat these days. But San? San had gotten properly fat and was starting to border on obese.
Gone were the broad and defined shoulders that he had launched the channel with as they were replaced with rolls on his back and flabby moobs that were starting to hang with how much fat that they had blown up with. His stomach protruded out so far and his roommates could hardly believe he poured himself into skin tight clothes without breaking them.
Although, Seonghwa remembers one day where he had checked in on San because he had stated that he was going out to eat with Mingi, not even going to the gym this time. Wandering in his room after hearing some noises, Seonghwa gaped at the sight. San was hopping and just that alone was shaking the floor as the massive amount of fat he put on was jiggling as he tried to get himself into a pair of jeans that didn't even make it halfway up his thighs.
San turned his head, panting as Seonghwa noticed more closely that even his jawline that was sharp had blurred and was even starting to develop a double chin just naturally. He couldn't figure out why it was exciting him to this degree. "Ah... hyung, perfect. Can... you help me close these? I think I bulked up too much."
Seonghwa felt a shiver run down his spine as he moved to San. Placing his fingers on the sides of the pants, he gulped feeling his hands press into the soft cellulite on his thighs. Pulling it up was a lot of effort and even more difficult at the fact that San didn't realize how much he was jiggling at just about every desperate movement. They managed to make it up to where they should rest but were presented with the next problem.
The button.
Now, Seonghwa was seriously going to overload at the feeling of his knuckles pressing into the underbelly of San's fat gut while he tried to make the two ends reach. He had tried lying down and sucking in. "Is it easier now?" He wheezed out the question while Seonghwa was praying for how aroused this was making him. His hands brushed San's crotch a couple of times and he heard a couple of whimpers from his fat roommate before he made his advances less coy, placing a hand on the area. It had gotten fatter too given how he knew San's length was a lot more plentiful the last time they hooked up.
San mewled in pleasure when Seonghwa's hand slipped into his pants, starting to please him before he realized that with just about every pump that caused San to move his hips, his gut would move too and make it more difficult to stroke him between the pressure of the tight underwear and his belly moving into his erection. San was losing himself to the pleasure of the feeling but still so horribly unaware of the point that he's blown up to.
They continue on before San releases, soiling his underwear as they both try to catch their breath. The last thing Seonghwa says before he leaves was that he should just wear something comfortable if he's going to out to eat with Mingi.
He does listen and when Seonghwa leaves the room, he's pulled into Wooyoung's room. On his computer screen, he sees orders for clothes identical to what San has in his wardrobe, just to replace everything with proper size ups. Seonghwa can't help but blush when Wooyoung reveals that this isn't the first time that he's done this before but he has San's card and he's gotten enough funding to the point he can pay it off without glancing at what's being bought.
It became an experiment basically. Just how massive could San get without noticing just how much these supplements were doing. Yunho had looked at the label and saw appetite stimulant and bulking formula on just about every product and weight gain enhancers in nearly everything that San mixed into his drinks. Mingi had grown at a slower pace but because he was with San so often, the damage had been done to the other gym goer as well.
The thirst edits of San hadn't changed. In fact, they had only steamrolled alongside his weight. Now, instead of focusing on his muscles, they focused on how strong his arms still were while they jiggled with fat when in between sets. How his belly spilled out of various workout shirts and how plump his ass was when he turned around while doing something. The fans were just about as ravenous as the one they were making these edits for and he didn't pay it any mind because it was still about his body.
In his eyes, he just viewed it as light pudge... even if he was getting to the point where his fattened form was knocking things over with either his belly or ass whenever he was at home.
He had reached a large milestone after almost a year. Over five million subscribers to the channel. In this time, he put on more than double his weight and didn't even bat an eye to the changes, which is still what shocked the other men the most. Didn't even think about how he couldn't fit in booths at restaurants or how difficult it was to do his stretches with Mingi when they were both of massive proportions. Their shower room hook ups had gotten a lot less subtle with all the bulk and San being teased about how much he had put on.
But, that wasn't the focus. He was finally treating Hongjoong to a meal that he promised. He had started to do a lot of the editing himself, so in the groove that he didn't even bat an eye at the way his sides were pressed against the arm rests of his desk chair most of the time. The editing style was retained and Hongjoong was rather proud of the younger man.
He hadn't expected the shorter man to choose an all you can eat restaurant as their destination. "Ah, hyung~ If you eat here, you'll get bigger~" San teased rather easily as Hongjoong's eyes scanned the massive man as if he could talk. He wasn't the slimmest person, carrying a small belly but it's not like he had grown to the size that Mingi had gotten to and San was an entirely different beast. He heard from the rest of their friends that he was unaware but he didn't think it was this crazy.
The two sat down at the booth as Hongjoong said, "Sannie, just let me grab what you want. You might be treating me today, but we're celebrating you too! You're probably the most popular fitness creator out there." It took a lot to not laugh at the sight when he said that. The most popular fitness creator being the largest person in the room, who's gut was pressing into the table and even resting on it where it protruded.
San smiled, "If that's what you say, hyung. I'll be sure to eat well." He had no doubts that the younger had been doing that for months at this point but today would be a proper test. Plate after plate was brought to the growing influencer as he stuffed his face just as well as he promised.
The clothes that his roommates bought for him could only do so well after the third upsize and around the seventh plate, San felt a relief in pressure as his gut expanded and pushed the table off balance for a moment. Hongjoong grabbed it in a panic as he heard the button rattling on the floor.
San looked flustered as he finally took in his body and how everything had settled on him. This wasn't just winter weight. In fact, it was the middle of the next fall. He had gotten so fat that he had broke his clothes. His fattened hands found his gut as he rubbed it, a small groan leaving him as he belched loudly, feeling his face flush from the people around staring at the gluttonous display he had put on.
He squirmed in his seat as he realized his ass needed two chairs to properly rest in them. Looking at Hongjoong who was equally as flustered by the sight, San whined, "Hyung, can we go to your place? I didn't mean to make a mess like this..." There was embarrassment bubbling up in his tone but all of his friends knew that was something that he enjoyed. He just didn't ever expect it to be in this way.
Even in Hongjoong's car, he was more aware of how it dipped and groaned when he sat in it, his belly filling up the space between him and the dashboard as he tried to relieve the pressure that had built up within it. Once they arrived at Hongjoong's apartment, Hongjoong pressed against him into the wall as San groaned while a burp bubbled up. "Oh, Sannie. How did you just realize this now?"
San felt his face flush while Hongjoong's hands explored his ample body, squeezing his moobs and getting a whimper from the younger. "You keep working out but when you're stuffing your face like that everyday, it's just barely keeping you strong." He still had muscles but the chub all over his body was more overwhelming than anything else. Each inch that Hongjoong pinched was a reminder of how he had let the supplement properly take effect and blow him up.
"I still am strong... I thought it was just bulking and-" He groaned when he felt Hongjoong's hands cup his ass and lift it, feeling the heft to him while he relished in the feeling. "This is more than bulking, Sannie. You're fat."
Hearing it plainly made a shiver run down his spine. Was that why he was having so much trouble to do certain things? Was that why people were referring to him as big guy? Was that why when Wooyoung rode him the other week, he only got his hands on his belly and he couldn't even see his own dick when looked down?
Hongjoong squeezed his crotch as they moved to his room, a mix of fat, desire, and pleasure to describe their bodies while they made out. A couple of times where Hongjoong leaned on his gut and got a burp out of the younger to his embarrassment before they continued, stripping each ill fitting layer away from San before he ended up with his ass pointed and his gut pressed into the mattress.
It oozed in just about every direction as Hongjoong inserted a finger, prepping San to take him. He had gotten so massive that Hongjoong, even with his chubby form, felt so much smaller. He was feeling his thighs mashing his fat pad into his underbelly as he rocked back and forth with Hongjoong's preparation of him.
He moaned when feeling Hongjoong enter him, his small belly resting on San's overly softened back as he pumped back and forth, sending ripples into his overfed body. San might have had all these fitness sponsorships but he had grown to a size where he was getting off better from his body humping his fat than properly being fucked and it was only skyrocketing his enjoyment.
It didn't take long for him to finish with how much his dick pressed into his underbelly as he released with a shout and panting to catch his breath while Hongjoong thrusted deep into him, clutching him by the love handles to get a better grip and reached his own ending soon after.
San lied down, flopping onto his back, watching his belly expand and eliminate the view of anything past it feeling himself grow harder again. Hongjoong admired the sight while he lied down next to him, rubbing his belly to help the younger digest after both the food and the pleasure that had just run through him.
A single question filled the air.
"Hyung, what if I put on weight intentionally?"
Insatiable for more was a good way to describe him but he liked himself getting this fat... and it would only get better if he did it on purpose.
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mingi-bubu · 2 years
1. "Good Morning" Kiss
Day 1 of 76 Kisses to Valentine's Day! The inaugural scenario! I'm so excited~ Seonghwa x reader, part of my atz beachverse, early relationship fluff, 744 words
You're woken up by the feeling of tiny little paws walking all over you. You don't really mind at first, until someone steps on your throat, and you sputter then wheeze as you're used as a springboard from the sudden loud noises. You glare in the direction of your door as you see two of your three cats, Li and Zhe, quickly padding out. Their white and mottled brown tails flicking behind them.
Once they leave, you lay back down, sinking into your still-warm pillows. For a blissful moment, everything was quiet in your bedroom. The still morning air, bright with the first rays of sunlight of the day, filter through your partially open curtains. You sigh, sleep once again plucking at your mind, and your eyes drift shut. The final strings of consciousness are losing their grip on you, when the sound of your apartment door opens and a rustle of bags follows after.
Without even getting up, you turn, so your back is to the door, and pull the blankets over your head. "Wooyoung!" You shout, so you'll be heard from your room. "What did we say about coming here before ten in the morning?"
The nearing rustle of bags lets you know he's walking towards your bedroom. They bump the door, and you hear him clear his throat awkwardly. "It's, uhm, not Wooyoung."
Your eyelids shoot open, and you stare at the blanket inches from your face in mortification. With how you were still half-asleep, you forgot that Wooyoung was no longer the only one who had a key to your apartment. "I… Um, good morning, Hwa." You sit up slowly, blankets still over your head. You didn't particularly feel like you could look at him at this moment.
"Good morning, sleepy head," you can hear Seonghwa holding back his laughter. "I brought breakfast and coffee for whenever you get up. I'll be in the kitchen."
You shove your hand through the blankets to give him a thumbs-up. He closes the door, light laughter fading away as he leaves.  Despite Seonghwa’s reassurance that you don’t need to get up right away, you feel guilty about leaving him alone with your cats.  Especially because Quan, despite the automated feeders that the cats have, is always hungry in the mornings and makes it very well-known.  You take a breath and brace yourself for the cool morning air, throwing the blankets off.  Shoving your feet blindly into your slippers next to your bed, you only make it a few steps before you realize that they’re on the wrong feet.
“Of course,” you sigh, hopping around and switching them off.  You open your closet and grab your favorite purple sweater, pulling it over your head.  Life would be so much easier if you could just magic your clothes onto you, so you didn’t have to get out of bed to do it.  You grab your phone and stick it into the pocket of your pajama pants, and head towards the bathroom.
By the time you finish your morning routine, you can smell pancakes and coffee drifting through the apartment.  You walk into the kitchen and see the food sitting out on plates, including a small cup of fresh fruit, and Seonghwa nowhere to be seen.  Slightly confused, you walk around the little counter that separates your kitchen from the living room, and see your boyfriend crouching down.  All three cats are pushing each other to be petted and scratched by him.
When you see what he’s wearing, you can’t help but laugh.  “So both of us said today was a Sehun “Love Shot” kind of day, huh?”  You ask, referencing the matching purple sweaters the two of you are wearing.
Seonghwa chuckles and stands up.  ““It’s the love shot, na na na na,”” he sings, doing the infamous choreography.
“You’re such a dork, Hwa,” you say, when he finishes the chorus.
He takes your hand and pulls you to him.  “Your dork,” he smiles down at you.  He leans down and kisses you.  “Good morning,” he says softly when you part.
“Good morning,” you say back, equally quiet.
He straightens up, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head, and then starts Mother Henning you into eating breakfast.  “I was thinking today we could just stay in and watch movies?”
Your heart warms at the thought of snuggling under blankets with him and watching holiday movies all day.  “Yeah, Hwa, I would love that.”
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gyuluttony · 6 months
would love something mingi x yunho 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 maybe something christmas coded like the two of them having matching sweaters every year, but mingi realizes he can’t fit into his by the time christmas comes around because yunho has been spoiling him so well 🤭🤭🤭
oooh i've been waiting for ateez reqs highkey... i love most pairings in this group soooo bad. these two tall boys are like the cutest people ever so i'm always ready to give stuff for them. gave my bias a cameo because he's an ult (i'm so insane for him) i'm also speedrunning this story because it's christmas eve and i desire to be timely.
What Love Does
This is a feederism fic and features weight gain, breaking of clothes and stuffing. Don't like, don't read.
This year, the holidays crept up on Mingi. He was always usually ready to celebrate, but this time, it came as something a little more out of left field. It might have had something to do with the fact that the holiday season was going to be the first time he spent it with Yunho as his lover and not his best friend.
The pair had spent over half a decade of harbouring innocent feelings for the other before Mingi had confessed his feelings earlier this year. Pretty much all their friends were celebrating the fact that they managed to get this far after witnessing their pining for as long as they did so the transition to couple went pretty smoothly in that department as well.
He knew that Yunho was perfect considering the reason why he harboured these feelings for as long as he did but it was another thing to experience them firsthand. Romantic picnics on the weekends, candlelit dinners when he had a long day at work - there was no area that his boyfriend lacked for romanticism, leaving Mingi a flustered mess whenever he would be subject to it.
Returning these grand gestures back for him was always something that he did. Making songs for Yunho, massaging him when he was tense or just feeling sore from working out or dancing, notes for everyday. They were just the picture perfect fairy tale couple that people were always rooting for.
That brought them to Christmas season. Usually, the two were known as the pair who were not pushovers when it came to the season. Even before they got together, it was a no-brainer that Christmas celebrations would be done at their apartment since they always decorated it festively and were trying new recipes constantly. The amount of practice baking that Yunho did during November astounded Mingi, their place becoming a shared housing for just about thousands of gingerbread families that Mingi would happily munch on in between actual meals. The light displays that they had were always state of the art thanks to Mingi's ability to find the best deals possible to make sure the celebrations were as cool as he wanted them to be in his head.
Everyone was surprised it wasn't Christmas season when they got together but love has people work in mysterious ways. They even had a tradition of wearing matching Christmas sweaters and they had giggled about being able to wear the couple ones openly this year. Mingi had placed the order and on the first day of December, they had arrived and the pair was ready to wear them.
Yunho had exited the room with his 'Christmas Cookie baker' sweater as Mingi looked at the 'Christmas Cookie tester' one with a smile on his face. They always had fun looking for the corniest ones and he had placed this one after a long night of clearing the kitchen of any remnants of Yunho's baking extravaganza one day.
Slipping on the sweater, he looks a little puzzled as it bunches up near his chest, which... now that he's looking at it, is a lot rounder than it used to be. He was used to having pecs but with how much they were protruding and how soft they were, it was a lot more similar to moobs. It was probably just a little bit of relationship weight... he couldn't have put on that much.
The thought came in went as he tried to get the sweater to cover his massive belly that he hadn't even noticed most of the time, which said a lot considering as his hand brushed over it, it felt soft and jiggly, meaning that Santa probably had a lot of competition if they were ever in the same room. As he walked over to a mirror, he felt himself jiggling as he blushed. Where had all this weight come from?
It's not like he stopped going to the gym. Granted, his cardio time got cut in half and he wasn't exactly sure as to what caused it. In the washroom, he lifted his gut up before letting it down, a shiver running down his spine as he felt it rest against the cool bathroom counter and watched as it started to threaten to spill into the sink. What on earth made him think that he could wear the same size as last year... and how did he not notice this sooner?
Grabbing his phone from the bed, he grunts as he bends a little to grab it, feeling his gut hang while he does it before he shoots a message to his friend.
"yo, you and woo wore matching sweaters last year for christmas right? can we borrow them lol"
He wasn't really expecting a response right away considering it was the middle of the day during the week but San got back rather quickly.
"😏 did someone realize how much relationship weight he put on?"
Mingi felt his face flush. Had other people noticed it too? That probably meant Yunho noticed it but why wouldn't he? As he gave it some more thought, times where Yunho was rubbing his enlarged thighs and playing with his belly came to memory. Oh wow, he really hadn't noticed anything because whenever he felt too full and complained like he usually did, Yunho always told him to come over and rest against him while he rubbed his tummy. The way his hands moved on Mingi's fattened body were always enough to lull him to sleep, which likely added to how he managed to get this fat so quickly.
San's next message snaps him out of his stupor.
"fs bro. i don't think i even fit in mine this year lolol woo's might be a little tight on yunho but it should work out regardless."
San had steadily gotten larger during his relationship with Wooyoung but to think that he had put on enough weight to need hand-me-downs from him was making him feel hot in his stomach that was still hanging out of the sweater that he had bought.
Yunho had reentered the room and Mingi turned to look at him. He was biting his lip and making no effort to hide how he was ogling his boyfriend's widened form in the tight clothes as he looked at him. It's not like Yunho had completely escaped the relationship weight, the sweater that same size that he had gotten the year prior was rather tight on his frame and he couldn't help but wonder if that's what San was alluding to as well.
"Are we going to talk about it?" Yunho looked hesitant, not sure as to what his boyfriend was thinking.
"We can..." Mingi began and he watched Yunho tense up before he smiled, "...over the batch of cookies you made. This doesn't fit anyways so maybe I can be the Santa for the party this year instead of San." Before, he would have never thought of fat on his body. Not that he didn't like it but he wasn't ever going to think about it.
Now that he sees his boyfriend scurrying off to get some more cookies to fill him up and just fatten him more, the fat is less about his body and just showing evidence of how much Yunho loved to spoil him... and he loved to be spoiled so he wanted to see how many more pant sizes it would get him to size up.
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gyuluttony · 6 months
my brain rot just got diagnosed as terminal …
anyways so, for my request i was inspired by this recent live 😍😋 seonghwa talks about how he had gained weight lately on live and mingi reassures him, telling him he looks cute. after the live, mingi asks seonghwa if he wants to eat dinner together and basically it turns into mingi stuffing seonghwa 🥶
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oh my god i completely had forgotten about this little thing... seonghwa is like my wrecker so i tapped out when i saw this but thank you for bringing it back to my brain...
Because of You
This is a feederism fic and features weight gain, stuffing, breaking of clothes and smut. Don't like, don't read.
A large belch sounded through the dorms before a groan followed. Seonghwa looked exhausted as his eyes moved from the table that was now devoid of food to the way that he needed to undo the button of the pants that were digging into his overstuffed tummy.
He covered his mouth with a fist as he burped again, feeling too packed to do anything other than release the tension by belching as Mingi shushed him, a smile on his face as he looked down at his bloated hyung, teasingly.
"Ah, hyung. You'll wake everyone up if you're too loud." He couldn't help the whimper that left him when Mingi's large hand moved onto his stomach, pressing the overtaxed organ curiously, almost like a cat prodding into a mattress.
He hadn't realized what that broadcast had meant for the both of them but he didn't really mind the nightly stuffings that they had engaged in from that point onwards. Mingi found him cute with the weight that he put on and with each pound of excess that he found on himself, he just found him cuter and cuter.
Even as his chest started to expand, becoming more like moobs than the pecs that he had worked on for so long and even with the way his flat stomach went from having no ab definition to bloating out and straining each pair of pants that he wore. Mingi found all of it cute and he found his hyung cutest when he was stuffed to the brim, barely even able to breathe with everything that he had eaten.
Letting go in their field was practically forbidden but the sweet words of Mingi in his ear were enough to coax him into eating one extra portion of kimbap that was ordered. Soon, one portion became two and two became four and suddenly, Seonghwa couldn't even remember how many portions that Mingi pushed into his lips these days. Just that he was willing to eat.
The rest of the members know to steer clear of the kitchen after a certain point in the day. Most of them weren't bothered by it other than Jongho who had the unfortunate timing of seeing Seonghwa clinging to Mingi as he was being helped back to his room while trying to get Mingi to relieve him. He sent them the nastiest glare, which only served to embarrass Mingi as Seonghwa was too stuffed to care.
This time, they made it back to Mingi's room with less eyes on them and Seonghwa felt himself collapse onto the bed, cringing at the sound of the bed creaking underneath all the weight that he's gained. "Hyung, you've gotten so heavy. It takes a lot to support you now."
Moving himself over Seonghwa, his hand caresses his belly as it shows off just how rotund his gut is. Mingi's hand paws at it, feeling the taut flesh and prodding, seeing where the fat yields and how far he'd need to press to elicit something from Seonghwa. Sometimes, he gets a burp, sometimes, he get a moan of pleasure at the feeling of Mingi pushing his stomach when the organ was already pushing out because of his gluttony.
A swift hand comes down as he slaps the belly, watching the fat jiggle causing Seonghwa to moan in pleasure at the feeling. "So cute..." Mingi muttered before he made Seonghwa sit against the bed frame. He feels his pants cutting into his gut as he closes his eyes. Everything felt like he was going to burst. They had been pushing his limits as much as possible with how much he tended to eat but this was just on another level today.
Mingi continued to massage his overly packed gut before a loud belch sounded again. He was relaxing in the relief before he heard the sound of something snapping as his belly expanded forward, propelling the button of his pants past Mingi who was sitting on his lap, his excitement flush to his gut now. He had put on enough weight to break his pants and now, his indulgence was pressing into Mingi and pushed the zipper of his pants fly down.
Both of the men looked at each other while his gut was pressing against Mingi and his own excitement as he watched Mingi move his hips forward, pressing his erection into his gut and pulling a moan from both of their mouths. It was like the usual massages but Mingi was well endowed enough that it was giving a similar prod to him. He saw the way Mingi's face contorted in pleasure while Seonghwa held his stuffed gut, "Let hyung help."
The bed creaked while Seonghwa held his gut in place as Mingi moved his hips against him, rubbing his erection on the vessel he helped grow in the past couple of months. His hands were all over Seonghwa's fattened body, eager to see just how cute and fat his hyung had gotten since the first time that he pointed it out.
"Your tits are bigger than anyone else's, hyung. You must love my help." Seonghwa whimpered before his hands trailed downwards, resting on his own as he shook his belly up and down against his cock, "Hyung, your belly feels good almost as hard as me. But, you're just going to keep getting bigger if you eat like this all the time."
He continued to tease and encourage Seonghwa who's own excitement was getting smothered by the way he was bouncing his gut up and down and it was only serving him to think of how much bigger he'd get before he'd need to stop. Doubling his weight was what came across his mind as he and Mingi reached their climax, soiling their underwear as they tried to catch their breath.
Mingi lied down on top of Seonghwa, feeling the way his body curved to match just how much his gut protruded as he groaned at the additional weight that he was supporting. Mingi's deep voice and panting breaths were right into his ear as he asked, "So, same time tomorrow?"
Seonghwa would have been stupid to say no.
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