#au where iggy saves luna from ardyn and she doesn't die
sylleblosscm · 1 year
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Luna’s eyes open into a blueish blur. It is instinct alone that drives her to pick herself up from the ground, but she cannot manage anything more than a twitch of the fingers. 
 Leviathan is awoken and Noctis has doubtlessly received her blessing by now. But something...something went horribly wrong; that much, Luna can remember. Everything beyond that remains lost to her. She hasn’t any idea where she is - only that the ground is cold and hard; she hasn’t any idea what is happening to her - and nor does she wish to wonder. She should have met her end at Leviathan. Her flesh was failing, her duty to remain unfulfilled in life. Yet she can hardly imagine death to be quite so uncomfortable. 
 A reflection of light calls to her the image of a knife. The Chancellor - he was here too, right? The Empire had meant to disrupt the Blessing, but he’d had motivations all his own. And Noctis...Noctis was...
 ❝Noctis.❞ She must get the Ring to him, or all this will be for naught. Luna tries again to move, this time managing nominal success. She lifts a shaking hand, blinking several times, only now conscious enough to see the form standing over her. It is a silhouette she doesn’t recognise at first, but something in her heart of hearts tells her this person is a friend. She reaches out, not getting far before her hand drops again. 
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