#au. miraculous ; simply the best ; up to the test when things go wrong.  /  miraculous ladybug.
dawnled · 8 months
tag post #6 ( au verses #3 ) !
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arlakos · 5 years
The Master Fu rewrite: From a Miraculous Themed Pez Dispenser to an Actual Mentor
Ok, let's get this show on the road. Its gonna be a while and a lot of salt/
Master Fu is a character I have grown to dislike. A lot
While I initially did not feel this way at first (at worst finding him to be boring) thanks to some interesting discord discussions, as well as discussing with my internet best friend @twin-books​, I have slowly come to see the character in a negative light in many different aspects, ranging from the characterization of Fu to the plot choices Fu makes that are in many ways stupid as hell. However, unlike some who I have talked, I believe that Fu in many ways can still be salvaged as a character. He’s not a bad character himself, just that the way the show (and by extension Thomas ASS-truc, aka THAT GUY) treats him is the issue. 
In this post I am going to tackle the key issues with Fu, explain them and what i would do to personally make his character better. I am not gonna lie, this post is going to have a moderate amount of salt, so if you arent interested in a salty blog post, TURN BACK.
So, assuming that you have accepted the salt by continuing to read, let's get started.
There are a few key pointers to the issues I have with Fu.
1. His character
2. Show, don't tell
3. Fu’s weird choices
4. The bad Origin Episode of Fu (not to be confused with the actual origins episode.
So let's go over the first topic.
1. Master Fu’s character (or why he’s a glorified PEZ dispenser)
A lot of people may find this part to be surprising. After all, Master Fu shows himself in canon to be kind and helpful towards Marinette, developing new powers for her and Chat Noir to use and has helped the heroes in stopping some of their adversaries. Right?
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See, the only actual characterization that Fu has is well... his passiveness.
See Master Fu, for the most part, does nothing to actually help the heroes in their struggles against Hawkmoth. For most of season 2 and 3, he remains inside his home and pretty much does nothing, doing nothing to help track down hawkmoth or aide the heroes himself, and then for the second half of season 3, runs around in a van. He gives the miraculous to Ladybug and Chat Noir to have them stop hawkmoth, then watches from the sidelines while drinking tea.
The only time he really did anything developed the potions that give the powerups (and based off what we saw, are huge gimmicks), and even then, it was simply used as another way to show how awesome Marinette is by her being the one to solve the potion.
Sure, some people may point out that it was used to show how Marinette is a capable Guardian, but aside from the fact that I think Marinette is not a capable Guardian (which is my opinion), it really doesn't help the fact that it makes Fu seem incompetent.
Slight Rant time: The secret to one of the potions was an actual tear of joy?! What kind of stupid ingredient is that? It would have made much more sense for writers to make the ingredient to be some sort of plant because of the whole ‘natural energy’ in plants, but no its an actual tear of joy, what did the guardians do to learn that, cry in a pot?! Also, For someone who is supposed to be a wise Guardian, you sure can’t seem to find out the last ingredient like its impossible. But a prepubescent girl who can't talk to a boy is totally smarter than you and can figure it out?! Yeah right.
And people are going to bring up the fact that Fu helps by granting the miraculous... but that really doesn’t help the argument against him. In fact its one of the main reasons why I think Fu is so passive. Rather than go out and give the miraculous to allies in the same manner as he did with Ladybug and Chat Noir, Fu just gives them to Marinette to just choose whoever she wants and expects them to be returned! 
Not only is that irresponsible of any sort of mentor to allow a novice to choose a hero, but what if Marinette chose wrong or allowed the Miraculous to fall into the wrong hands because she lost it?! Because of surprise, THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED IN STYLE QUEEN when she lost the bee miraculous! 
Despite the fact that I love the idea of Chloe being a hero, I think the introduction to how she got a miraculous was largely Fu’s fault. Had Fu decided to have a look at Chloe (assuming he ever would have) and introduced Chloe to Pollen in a safe manner (and not while she was upset and visibly stressed/angry), she would have learned that keeping a secret identity was important and would likely go on to become an actual hero like Ladybug and Chat Noir.
A lot of people would assume she would do the same thing again regardless, but Chloe at the time was flat out rejected by her mother, who was a rather huge Bee-word (Pun intended). It would make sense that she would do whatever it takes to prove to her mother she is worthy of respect, and that would include exposing her identity just to show off to her mother.
Despite all of the hardships both Ladybug and Chat Noir go through, Fu does nothing to remedy or help the situation. This can even be seen in Season 1, where the only reason Fu reveals himself was because Marinette discovered the Miraculous Book, and Fu (and even Marinette for that matter) didn't even tell Chat until season 2 because ‘he wasn't ready’, whatever reason that is.
Rant: What the hell do you mean he wasn't ready?! He literally became a hero the same time as Ladybug and he it’s not like he hasn’t proven himself! Why the hell should he be left in the dark?!
Now, a lot of people could attribute all these moments to both his responsibility as a Guardian or his isolation at being the Last Guardian so to speak. He has to make sure the Box is safe and make sure the knowledge is passed on to his successor without it being lost. His recessive behavior is due to his isolation and duty to keep the miraculous safe.
If that was the case, why does he do nothing to aid the heroes in finding Hawkmoth or his lair so that the miraculous doesn't remain in Gabriel’s hands? That way he can move on and keep the miraculous safe away from others. We know he is supposed to be smart, so why doesn't he just attempt to find the place the butterflies are coming from and tell Ladybug and Chat Noir via a message so they can ambush him?
So...what would i do to fix his Character?
Well for starters, I would actually have him be a bit more proactive. 
Considering that Fu would recognize the threat Hawkmoth poses, he would work down to track Hawkmoth and prevent him from getting anymore stronger. It would also be likely that he would choose which people should get a miraculous, regardless of whether it is temporary or not, so this would likely mean that Alya, Nino, and Chloe would not likely get their respective miraculi, even if Fu deems them worthy of one.
Note: This would actually make a cool AU. Imagine if Fu chose other people in the class to be heroes, like Nathaniel to be the fox and Luka to say, the turtle. Perhaps Sabrina would be the Bee hero?
Also, perhaps if you really wanted to keep the Queen Bee Trilogy, have Ladybug finally choose a hero as part of her first test, but have it go wrong for her.
Also, If anyone has seen the series on AO3 called Miraculous Tales by JED1, one of the things introduced in the sort of AU was that Fu worked behind the scenes for a majority of season 1, helping the heroes by sending them anonymous letters to aid them in their heroics. So that could be another way Fu could be more of an active mentor instead of just doing nothing except dispensing Miraculous.
Also, I know the whole thing about Fu being too old to be a hero, but what If Fu transformed to help the heroes in one of their early adventures.
Say... instead of Volpina being the season 1 finale, it is instead an early encounter with Hawkmoth, who comes to fight the heroes himself. The two heroes have been weakened thanks to the effect of an Akuma Hawkmoth has with him. He is so close to beating them...
When a shield of green energy blocks an attack from the Akuma.
Together, the three heroes managed to stop Hawkmoth and his Akuma, but unfortunately, he escapes. Before the two heroes can talk to the newcomer, he vanishes. 
The next day, Marinette goes to see the person Tikki mentioned, and she meets her savior (and soon to be teacher).
A few days later Adrien meets his new Chinese teacher.
That Could be a great way for him to actually be a Guardian and a mentor for the two heroes! As well as for Adrien to actually be part of the Miraculous team instead of as a sidekick!
Still, some people may say that Fu helps Marinette and Adrien, it's just not shown on screen. This, of course, brings me to my second problem...
2. Show, Don't Tell
Now, this a problem that the show has a and isn't solely based on Fu alone, and is mostly due to THAT GUY and his stupid writing. Anyone who has seen my previous mega-post knows about THAT GUY and his ludicrous idea of a perfect show. I could go on and on about why THAT GUY can go eat a stale Baguette, but I'm going to stick on track.
See, when a large part of the show is about heroics and being mentored on the art of heroics, it makes sense that you would show the heroes learning how to be actual good heroes. Maybe teach them martial arts, train them in the use of their powers and help them unlock new ones, all that usual superhero stuff.
But thanks to both the structure of the show and the impossible writing of THAT GUY (which concists of writing each episode to be single story and out of order insead of each episode following the last), we don't get to see any of it at all. The show rather would want to focus on setting up the next akuma rather than explore the world of the show, so it means that a lot of the stuff in show is just presumed. 
This can also go for simple lore stuff as well. For example, Adrien joined Kitty Section in the Captain Hardrock episode, yet he isn't in Silencer. Nobody would know what had happened until you had the mistake of seeing Astruc's twitter...
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So yeah, its not the first time it has happened, but it shouldn't have to be this way in the first place! If you have to go to someones twitter to find the knowledge from a show that should have been there in the actual episode, then its not the fans fault for ‘oBvIOUSly’ not knowing, its THAT GUY’S fault for not making sure that bit of information was in the episode in the first place! Perhaps just a small scene explaining it instead of being passive agressive on twitter because you were too dumb to remember your own canon?
...Dammit i got off track. Back to Fu.
So yeah, in Miraculous, they dont actually show Fu teaching Marinette how to be a guardian. He does mention in Feast that he has chosen Marinette to be the next Guardian and that he will teach her (after basically insulting the traditions of his order), but considering that he goes off in his truck and stays on the move, its likely that he doesnt get the chance to teach her at all. Of course, Miracle Queen has him declare Marinette to be the new Guardian, but it feels rather jarring, as we never really feel that Marinette learned anything or she has proven her worth. All they really showed on the show was Marinette getting miraculi from Fu and that one episode with the potions, so we really never really think that she is ready. Sure we can assume that Ladybug is capable of choosing the right people to be heroes, but that doesn't mean she meets the other criteria because of that specific category.
Honestly its very simple how to fix this issue:
Have some episodes be about Fu teaching Marinette and Adrien. That way it makes sense when Ladybug is made the new Guardian. Perhaps have an episode revolve around a particular new thing about the book the heroes are learning from and have the akuma not be related to the episode theme for once, just have them there as an excuse to show off a new power, even if it is a gimmick.
Speaking of the book, the book seems like its never been fully explored or explained, or perhaps that it really doesn't seem to contain much.
Throught the entire 3 seasons, all that we have learned about the book is:
That it contains the list of all miraculous heroes
It shows how to make the power up potions
It shows how to combine the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous
It shows how to repair a miraculous
It would be nice for the book to be used to explain the background of the order, or perhaps it shows a way to grant Ladybug and Chat Noir new powers for their miraculous, and have them learn about the guardians for the plot and themselves so we can have a ‘moral of the story’ for the episode.
3. Fu’s weird Choices
Fu makes a lot of dumb choices in Miraculous Ladybug. I’ll make this one quick but i will explain a few new ones in more detail
Fu doesnt help Ladybug and Chat Noir until season 2. Sure it makes sense to wait until they both prove themselves trustworthy, but he leaves no advice for them, not even with their kwamis for safety reasons.
Fu doesnt tell Chat Noir the truth until Syren for no actual reason (thats 14 canonical episodes!)
Fu lets Marinette choose the miraculous despite her lack of training (yes, even if she does choose well in canon.)
Fu lets Marinette return the Miraculous book despite how important it is to the order (even if he did take pictures). Marinette doing it to let Adrien come back to school is still wrong, even if it is to help her friend.
Now for the actual big mistake of Fu.
In feast, the order of the Miraculous has been restored, and so have the people inside it. His master and all the people he knows is there. With Hawkmoth knowing his identity, it would make sense for Fu to travel back to China and back to the temple with the Miraculous Book to be deciphered by the other Guardians, using the Horse Miraculous to transport Miraculi to the wielders when necessary.
...Nah that’s dumb (saying this sarcastically)
Instead, he stays in Paris, hiding in a truck, and basically gets himself kidnapped and the box stolen, resulting in him having to give up his memories to protect the heroes because he decided a truck was a better idea than keeping the box out of Hawkmoth’s grasp.
How would I fix it? It’s obvious, just have Fu be smart and not make any of the listed bad decisions. With the power of an entire miracle box in his hands, he could have just used the powers to keep himself out of Hawkmoth’s grip and give the miraculi when necassary, even if he decided not to go back to the temple.
And finally we come to the big bad, the main offender, the reason why I think Fu is a badly written character...
4. The bad Origin Episode of Fu (not to be confused with the actual origins episode.
Going back to the start of season 2, i actually like how Fu is introduced. From the initial start he shows himself as a wise and caring mentor for Ladybug (and Chat Noir) and actually sounds confident. When I hear him talk about the Order of the Guardians, and his own backstory, it sounds both intriguing yet tragic. 
The fall of the Order was Fu’s fault, but how could this be? Was it because Fu was betrayed by someone he chose as a hero, perhaps a Butterfly wielder? Were they attacked and Fu blames himself due to survivors guilt? Did fu touch an artifact that released an ancient evil?I didn’t know, but i was curious and wanted to know more. 
For that first initial introduction, I could imagine that the season was going to be great. I hadn’t learned the revelation that Gabe was Hawkmoth and seen the rest of the ep at the time (which was boring in comparison and just like season 1 but WORSE), so I was still excited for this season That we as an audience would finally learn more about the world of miraculous and explore this new chapter in the show while seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir fight new villains along the way.
Obviously, that didnt last with Miraculous being Miraculous, and it was around that time i learned about how THAT GUY was an asshole, and the discord server that i joined showed the shortcoming with the show, but even looking back on it now, i could imagine that season 2 could have been amazing.
Seriously just look at the video above, its a downright amazing intro to Fu.
So finally season 3 comes around, and the episode Feast is released. So how did the temple fall? What is this secret that Fu kept hidden from us? Surely after a season of buildup that the BACK STORY WAS GOING TO BE AMAZING-
So, the whole reason the order fell was becasue Fu was hangry and he dabbled with magic so he could sneek off to grab a bit and not do his job?
░U░N░H░O░L░Y░ ░S░C░R░E░E░C░H░I░N░G░
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This is it, all this buildup and this is the reason that an entire order Fell! Are you kidding me!?
Not only was this one of the worst writing decisions that has ever been made, but it also made Fu look like a complete and utter moron! I get that this show is mainly used by THAT GUY to make Marinette look better than everyone else, but COME ON!!! WHAT WAS THAT?! WHY WAS THAT?! HOW DID ANYONE ON THE MIRACULOUS TEAM THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA. DOES EVERYONE JUST  LET ASS-TRUC DO WHAT HE WANTS BECAUSE NO ONE CAN TELL HIM HIS IDEAS ARE DUMB?!
Ok, calm down. Calm down...
Well, aside from that really stupid decisionholycrap- the sentimonster itself wasnt that bad. The idea of it is rather terrifying and explains why Fu needs to always keep moving and is so passive for fear of the monster finding him and chasing him. But the whole origin story for Fu is a bunch of crap. Not only does it waste the buildup of that moment, but it also makes Fu seem so incompetent. It’s obvious that THAT GUY used this as to show why Marinette is a better Guardian than Fu, but as someone that actually likes good writing, i choose to reject that idea. Just because Astruc messes up the ideas of the show, it doesnt mean that the concepts are bad, and i’ll be damned if I let that affect me or my own canon!
So how would I rewrite this monstrosity of an origin?
Literally replace it with anything of the backstories i mentioned. Have Fu been betrayed by a Butterfly wielder, have the temple be attacked, anything that what we have been given. I’d make a joke about a funny idea for the fall of the order, but the origin of Fu in Feast is already a joke. A bad one
And with that, here’s how I would rewrite Fu to be a better character. 
With these changes, I feel he would be a much competent and interesting character and a better mentor for our heroes. If you guys feel some other changes would be needed for Fu, or if you think I'm wrong about something because either i missed something important or you think that Fu being incompetent is a great way to show girl power for Marinette (Lots of sarcasm at that last part), feel free to send me an ask about what I would do about this part and that part for Fu or another character, or just tell me that I’m wrong.
Can’t wait for Season 4! Let's see if Zag can fix the mess Astruc made.
Also, please for the love of god go read Miraculous Tales by JED1, they are amazing. And follow @twin-books​, they helped me so much with rewriting Fu.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 4 years
Cheerleader by Rachaelwrites ao3
Marinette has done cheerleading all her life. When she gets the chance of a life time to try out on Team Miraculous, Marinette takes her chance! But this means many obstacles will come at her, including the devils who go by Chloe and Lila. Will Marinette give up or will she get back up?
A/N: I don't own MIRACULOUS. All credits go to Zagtoon! Characters I own will be listed here as this book continues.
Ps. This story is available on Wattpad, here's the link - https://ift.tt/2G8Eybj
Characters I own - •
Words: 1196, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: all the characters, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste, Chloe Bougois, Sabrina, Plagg, Tikki
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Plagg & Tikki
Additional Tags: cheerleading, Older AU, ideas, miraculous - Freeform, simply, the, Best, up - Freeform, to, THE., test, when, things, go, Wrong
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27258829
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nomolosk · 4 years
Snapshots (AU Yeah August 2020)
read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25655623/chapters/63298387
Day 20- Fairytale
Universal had been darting all over Paris, following the pulses put off by various soulmates finding each other. There weren’t all that many- only eight- but none of them matched the general description of Ladybug or Chat Noir, and now her time was running out. Try as she would, she couldn’t make any particular reality last for very long. Hopefully, after she delivered their Miraculouses to Hawkmoth, he would fix her power so that she could enjoy her alternate universes as long as she wanted to.
Growling to herself, she tried to think what kind of universe would help her find them next. Fun was still possible, but she really needed something geared toward finding out who they were, or stealing their Miraculouses. 
Making a decision, she forced the new reality on top of the present soulmate universe, watching as the changes expanded outward from her, and wondering if the heroes would think to try locating her that way.
Ladybug made her way to the Eiffel Tower to meet up with Chat. Apparently, they’d both had the same idea of transforming to avoid a possible identity reveal through a soulmate mark, because Chat had tried calling her right after she and Tikki decided transforming would be best. Now she was hoping they could come up with a workable plan for confronting this akuma. 
Tikki could apparently remember everything- possibly because she was a kwami and the akuma didn’t take non-human brains into account when she was rewriting memories. 
And Marinette could remember bits and pieces of what happened since the first time she and Chat had gotten caught in the change while transformed. Not everything, but enough to know that she’d been separated from both her Miraculous and Tikki during at least one of the universes.
That… was worrying. What if the akuma decided to do something similar in the middle of the fight, once they finally found her? Speaking of, how could they find her if she continued to be so circumspect?
She already knew this akuma wasn’t the flashy type, otherwise she and Chat would have been on top of her after the first reality change. It was possible to see the effect whenever she changed reality again, but the memory rewrite negated most of the advantage of that, since it was possible neither she nor Chat would be able to remember to go after her, or even get to the center of the change before the akuma had moved on.
This is really annoying, she thought. We can’t wait for her to come to us, but we also don’t want to draw her to us in case she tries to figure out our identities, and it’s dangerous to take her on in the first place because she could change reality and strip us of our powers!
Speaking of… 
Ladybug watched with dread as a ripple in the air moved steadily towards her, changing everything in its wake.
Ladybug, the Luck Knight, charged towards danger on her trusty mount, Tikki. She was on a quest. Well… perhaps “quest” was the wrong word. More like a challenge. A contest, even. With a prize beyond measure if she managed to pass all the tests. 
Off to the side, she caught sight of an oven with smoke issuing from it’s chimney. Considering she was riding through a deserted patch of wood, an oven in use struck her as… suspect. There were several things it could be, but most of the signs pointed to ‘witch.’ Whether it was a white witch or a black witch remained to be seen. 
Ladybug reigned in and dismounted, approaching the oven obliquely and with her sword out. It was too bad Chat Noir, Knight of Destruction and her partner in arms, couldn’t join her on this journey- she could have used his help, if only to watch her back. But he’d been called home in order to wed, and while she missed him, she was happy he would finally have someone else to try and romance. Something within her screamed at her with the thought, but she ignored it in favor of trying to watch her own back.
As she got closer to the oven she began to hear something. A faint call for help. She edged closer, activating her lucky charm just in case. She checked the area around the oven again to see if illusions would now fall away… but there was nothing. 
“Out! Out!” she heard again, still faint, but echoing a little, as if the sound came from the bottom of a well. “Take us out before we burn!”
Ladybug held her lucky charm in one hand and checked the area once more before picking up the hook to open the metal door. Praying her luck would hold (and she wouldn’t see a child in there) she peered in. All that met her gaze was half a dozen loaves of bread. Letting out her breath, she relaxed a little.
“Take us out! Our crust is crisp and our insides tender. Please take us out before we are ruined!” the bread pleaded- though how it could speak without a mouth was beyond her. Ladybug tended to chalk these things up to magic and go on with her day. Now she looked around and found a bread peel lying a table beside the oven. Ignoring the fact that the table hadn’t been there a moment ago, she took up the peel and shoved it quickly under the bread, smiling as she managed to get all six loaves on the peel at the same time. Being raised in a bakery sometimes came in handy.
With a practiced motion, she pulled the bread out and deposited it on the table. 
“Thank you, thank you!” the bread said, and Ladybug smiled at it. 
“You’re quite welcome,” she said. “It would truly be a shame to let good bread burn.”
“Yes, yes! Please, take one of us with you! It will give you energy when you need it.”
Ladybug quirked an eyebrow under her helmet and bowed to the bread- however strange that felt. She wasn’t likely to turn down an offer of magical provisions, so she carefully said, “Thank you very much. Would any of you like to volunteer?”
Incredibly, one of the loaves on the table twitched, and she picked that one up, calling Tikki over so she could stow it in her saddlebag, carefully wrapped. Turning back to the table, she was about to ask if there was anything else she should do for the bread… but the oven, table, and bread had vanished. She put her hand on the saddlebag, comforted by the warmth she felt radiating from the loaf that still remained.
Shaking her head slightly, she remounted and continued on her way.
Chat Noir, Knight of Destruction, sat in the window of the impossible tower on the impossible hill, and tried very hard not to curse his own father. Right now being Chat Noir was easier than being Prince Adrien. At least if this whole thing collapsed underneath him, Chat Noir was more likely to survive than Prince Adrien would. 
He’d always known King Gabriel had standards that reached the moon, but he’d never imagined that he would renege- oh wait, not renege, oh no, not that- on a marriage contract. And all because once the Princess had arrived, she’d apparently been very annoying.
King Gabriel had decided that he did not in fact want this woman for a daughter-in-law, but since going back on the arrangement entirely would most likely mean war, he had decided to throw the field open in a contest. Whoever passed all the trials and succeeded in bringing Prince Adrien down from his tower would be allowed to wed him. Of course, the last and most hazardous trial of all was conquering the glass mountain.
It had to be magic, of course. There was no earthly way for a mountain- more of a small hill, actually- to be made of glass, have a regular stone tower built on top of it, and not shatter into a thousand pieces. For one thing, there wasn’t enough glass in the world. 
Still, Chat felt ridiculous. He’d always hated being the one everyone admired and envied. It was the reason he’d become Chat Noir in the first place. People treated Chat Noir with respect (and fear, in the case of criminals and evil-doers), but they still treated him as a person. Prince Adrien never got to experience that. And now here he was, once again reduced to the status of a prize.
Granted, having now met with Princess Chloe, Chat could understand his father’s concerns. She was both vain and self-serving- a dangerous combination. And he had already heard servants gossiping about how impossible it was to serve her. A Queen like that would be a bad bargain for the Kingdom, and he didn’t relish the idea of her as a wife, either. 
Now, if only Ladybug would enter the contest…
He had no way of knowing who had entered, but he could see some of what went on from his window. He’d been in the tower for nearly a whole month, and in that time, only three had come close enough to attempt the mountain.
Surprisingly, Princess Chloe- he would recognize that shrill voice anywhere- was the first to get past all the other obstacles and attempt the mountain. Unsurprisingly, she hadn’t gotten far before giving up, complaining loudly about the ruined state of her hair.
The second attempt was made by a seemingly resourceful woman with brown hair. She had caught his interest, since she’d brought a retinue with her. They’d begun building a large crane, but when they’d hoisted her up to the top of the crane, the top of the mountain was narrower- and thus farther away- than the bottom, and she couldn’t swing across the gap.
The third was a fierce looking woman who had made it halfway up the mountain using something attached to her hands and feet. But then it had started to rain, and she had lost her grip on the now-wet glass, sliding back down to the bottom. 
After that, no one else had gotten far enough in the contests to make the attempt. Chat frequently thought about simply cataclysming the whole thing, faking his death, and rejoining Ladybug to have adventures for the rest of his life.
And that, of course, is when Ladybug showed up. 
Universal watched from the sidelines, carefully disguised with all the other ‘nobles of the land,’ and watched as this reality’s version of Ladybug- this time a knight in red and black armor- made her attempt. Once she got to the top, Universal was planning to change realities again, this time to something that would strip them of their superpowers again. Hopefully, she’d be able to learn their identities as their masks melted away.
Ladybug felt the eyes on her back as she readied Tikki for the climb, but she didn’t let them bother her. She unpacked the golden armor that was the third gift and put it on the horse, clutching her lucky charm tight. Once the horse was ready, she unwrapped the loaf of bread- the first gift- and quickly ate it, feeling a surge of energy both magical and mundane.
Whispering spells under her breath, she mounted, and rode straight at the glass mountain, determined to free the poor soul at the top. When she’d heard that King Gabriel, instead of outright honoring the marriage contract with the Kingdom of Bourgeois, had decided on a contest for his son’s hand in marriage, she knew she had to do something. She had seen many a noble sacrifice their own wishes for the sake of lands or gold- she had even assisted in that sacrifice- but she’d known the Prince as a child and decided then and there that he should be allowed to make his own choice.
So she would complete the course and rescue him from the tower, and then… then she would set him free. She stubbornly squashed the hope that always rose in her heart when she considered what he might choose to do with that choice. He didn’t know her anymore- to him, she was nothing but yet another heroic knight, questing for adventure and fame (also money, but it was considered gauche to mention that). To him, his rescue would seem merely another attempt to gain favor and fame.
Tikki slowed as they approached the foot of the mountain. At her rider’s urging, she placed one tentative foot on the slippery glass, and when it didn’t slip off as expected, took another tentative step. Soon, Ladybug had her trotting around the mountain in an ever tightening spiral until finally… they reached the top.
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demonkillee · 6 years
RWBY Miraculous ladybug (AU)
In the daytime, I'm Blake
Just a normal girl with a normal life
But there's something about me that no one knows yet
Cause I have a secret
[Verse 1: Blake ]
Another day, I'm back at school
I think about him, he's so cool
He looks at me, I look away
But does he see me anyway?
[Pre-Chorus 1: Blake ]
He´s got me spinning around
My feet are off the ground
And when the sun goes down
That's when I become
[Chorus: Blake ]
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous, the luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
[Verse 2: Sun ]
I am a cat, just chilling out
But in the night, she's all I think about
I feel so strong when she's around
She picks me up when I am down
[Pre-Chorus: Sun and Blake ]
Oh no, you'll never know
My love can only grow
And when I see her smile
That's when she becomes
[Chorus: Blake ]
Miraculous, simply the best
Up to the test when things go wrong
Miraculous, the luckiest
The power of love, always so strong!
[Chorus: sun and Blake ]
Miraculous! Simply the best! (Oh oh)
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous, the luckiest! (Miraculous)
The power of love, always so strong
Miraculous! Simply the best! (Miraculous, you are the best)
Up to the test when things go wrong (Woah)
Miraculous, the luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
[Outro: sun and Blake ]
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU Theme Song
These are lyrics to the BMC Miraculous Ladybug AU! ( @pika-ace )
(The song)
In the day time, i'm Jeremy! Just a normal kid with a normal life!
[Mr. Williams]
In the day time, i'm Mr. Williams. Just a teacher doing his job.
But there's something about me that no one knows yet, cause i have a secret!
[Jeremy/Will Connolly]
I live a life, that's full of fun It keeps me sharp and on the run When evil comes, i find a way To use my force and save the day!
(Oh oh oh)
Life keeps me on my toes!
(Oh oh oh!)
What happens? No one knows!
(Oh oh oh!)
And when the sun goes down, you better hang around!
[Jeremy/Will Connolly and Mr. Williams/Eric William Morris]
Miraculous! Simply the best! Up to the test when things go wrong! Miraculous! The wise and strong! The power of love will never die!
[Mr. William/Eric William Morris]
I stand tall, show them some respect. I'm Cyber Shock, that's what i expect. My body's charged with energy The lights are on, just watch and see!
(Oh oh oh)
Oh no you'll never know.
(Oh oh oh)
My power can only grow!
(Oh oh oh)
And when the moon is out, you better hang around!
[Jeremy/Will Connolly and Mr. Williams/Eric William Morris]
Miraculous! Simply the best! Up to the test when things go wrong! Miraculous! The wise and strong! The power of love will never die!
[Jeremy/Will Connolly]
Another day, i'm back at school Tryin to survive a place so cruel But he's the saving grace that i need And i wonder, do i take heed?
(Oh oh oh)
He's on the standing grounds
(Oh oh oh)
Need someone to turn this around
(Oh oh oh)
And when the sun goes down, that's when i become....
[Jeremy/Will Connolly and Mr. Williams/Eric William Morris]
Miraculous! Simply the best! Up to the test when things go wrong! Miraculous! The wise and strong! The power of love will never die!
[Mr. Williams/Eric William Morris]
I'm just a guy keeping things in line But every night, he's always on my mind So reckless but strong as well He's the one who breaks my shell
(Oh oh oh)
Oh no, you'll never know!
(Oh oh oh)
He's a kid, so he might grow!
(Oh oh oh)
And when the moon comes out, that's when i become....
[Jeremy/Will Connolly and Mr. Williams/Eric William Morris]
Miraculous! Simply the best! Up to the test when things go wrong! Miraculous! The wise and strong! The power of love will never die!
Miraculous! Simply the best! Up to the test when things go wrong! Miraculous! The wise and strong! The power of love will never die!
Miraculous! Simply the best! (Miraculous! You are the best!) Up to the test when things go wrong! (Oh!) Miraculous! The wise and strong! (Wise and strong!) The power of love will never die!
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fairwindcosplay · 7 years
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Happy Birthday, Aurelian Cosplay! <3 She really is a superhero in every sense of the word: she’s brave, smart, strong, kind, and incredibly funny. I know it was just National Sibling Day on Monday, but I can’t gush about her enough! I hope 22 is good to you, since you deserve simply the best (especially because you’re up to the test when things go wrong). <3 <3 <3
Miraculous Moves Marinette: @aureliancosplay (Design based on starrycove’s Miraculous Moves AU) PC: @fairwindcosplay
#cosplay #sisters #happybirthday #miraculousladybug #marinette #miraculousmoves #dancer #miraculousladybugcosplay #ardawigs #ardastyle #miraculousmovescosplay #marinettecosplay #marinettedupaincheng #ladybug #ladybugcosplay #starrycove #dancershot #superhero #sisters #jumpshot #cosplayer #womenofcosplay #badassladies #badasscosplay
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