chryzuree · 8 months
anyway, i figured out why chrysi keeps it a secret that she also remembers her shared dreams with jacks in my dreamology au :) it’s because she moved on account of her mental health (delusions seeping into her day to day life, on account of the fact her shared dreams with jacks are getting unstable due to their physical distance, which… has complications) & when she saw dream boy in her new class, she jst went “hmmm. these hallucinations aren’t messing around anymore. guess i’ll have to ignore him.” meanwhile jacks is staring at her w scary blue eyes like HELLO?????????? HELLO??????????????????????
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chryzuree · 7 months
chrysi well & truly believing that she’s hallucinated so hard she’s seeing her dream boy at her new school, up until lala greets jacks in the hallway and chrysi’s beside her like 😌……..😨?!!
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chryzuree · 8 months
chrysijacks dreaming together while also being curled up together and holding hands 🥰🥺🫶🏻 & then consider that this habit goes back to when they were KIDS 😭🤧
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chryzuree · 9 months
like, at some point, chrysi’s so good at being stone-faced and acting like she’s never once had a dream with jacks in it that jacks thinks his mind jst somehow managed to go through a crazy jungle tangle of synapses or whatever and created the exact same girl as the new girl from salem & that he’s the crazy one for thinking shared dreams could be a reality. then chrysi cracks after he accidentally hurt himself + bandages him up and references one of their dreams (fucked up vampire notre dame woods car chase) and jacks is like “YOU FUCKING KNEW, I GODDAMN KNEW IT”
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chryzuree · 9 months
btw jacks only ever told castor abt his “dream girl”, so when castor saw a girl that vaguely resembled jacks’s desc of her, he walked right over to jacks and said, “so how do i manifest my own dream girl into the world. tell me right now, right this fucking second.”
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chryzuree · 9 months
jacks spends a lot of his time trying to get chrysi to at least hint at the fact that she remembers their dreams together, while also desperately trying not to seem insane to all his friends. he SWEARS he’s not stalking chrysi or anything, she rlly told him that she’s scared of cranberry bogs and spiders once!!! yea, he got this information from a dream, but it’s REAL!!! IT’STHE TRUTH!!!!!!!
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chryzuree · 9 months
chrysijacks dreamology au where they were jst two little kids that had a fucked up sleep study / experiment done on them that gave them linked dreams for the rest of their lives, then chrysi moved away and they both forgot abt it. jacks truly thought chrysi was, like, jst his dream girl or whatever, until she moved back and now she’s in his high school class. who was going to tell him his dream girlfriend is an actual person ?!!!!!!!))) also why doesn’t she recognize him from their dreams :( they went to a magic aquarium and kissed w tongue in front of the jellyfish exhibit, and yet she acts like she’s never met him before :(((
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