aubigney · 1 year
the only place you'll be able to find my books is on my gumroad.
draft2digital has terminated my account for tax reasons, which i'm guessing is because i didn't fill out the tax form correctly but i honestly am not sure. it may be because i used my preferred name and not my legal name, which they took as illegal. at this point, i don't care.
at least for now, i will only be publishing my ebooks on my gumroad. the whole process of having them put out to distributors is exhausting. i'm sad i won't be able to get them into libraries but i'm sure i could figure out how to get them there myself. it will involve getting an isbn, which is a process i haven't gone through before and i don't have the energy to go through it right now.
another change: i'm back on centrelink / jobseeker. it was too much for me working two jobs as well as trying to keep up a youtube channel, so i've taken a break from one job and my youtube channel to figure out where i want to go from here. originally my youtube channel was just a way to get eyes on my books, but it's quickly evolving into something more, so we'll see where it goes.
you can still get my books here!
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aubigney · 1 year
an anecdote.
i have this one student (i'll call him jeff) who, at first, i thought was going to be a bit of a problem for me. i thought jeff was going to be belligerent and willingly obtuse, and honestly that's my horrible problem, and it's something i'm really ashamed of. but as we've had about 4 or 5 lessons now, i've come to get to know him better and i've noticed some things. first, even though he is falling behind in english, he is incredibly bright. we have some of the best chats i've had with students -- the last lesson we had, we ended up talking about ecofascism, which led to fascism, which led to terfs (trans exterminatory radical fascists as i like to call them). second, he is incredibly curious about the world. i always encourage my students to google/search online for things that they're not sure of, and he does it! he asked me the question of why students still study shakespeare when it's so inaccessible, and i went on this whole thing about how that at the centre of every literary text is a universal truth that transcends space, time and culture. i also introduced jeff to beowulf and the works of sappho, and he was like, why aren't we learning about these writers??? the best answer i could come up with is because a) the school system is based on standardised testing and if everyone is graded on the same scale the government can see how each school compares and allocates money accordingly (wrongly) and b) teachers get into teaching with very lofty ideas about changing lives and helping students reach their potential but in actual fact they are given very little control over what they teach and how they can actually help students because, again, school is built on standardised testing and rote learning. and now my lessons with jeff have become some of my favourite because he is so curious and interested in literature. it's so obvious to me now that he's so much smarter than the shit he's forced to go through at school, and honestly? most of my students are. all of my students have the same problem: in a system based on standardised testing and rote learning, people who can't keep up or can't slow down fall through the cracks. all of my students are incredibly bright and lovely kids and it's an absolute shame that the system inflicted on them makes them think they're too stupid to pass classes that don't matter and reduces them to a statistic. this might be talking myself up a little but the lessons i've had with my students have helped them so much more than any class they've had with 30 other kids who don't get the attention they all deserve. these one-on-one sessions have allowed me to see the future and who's going to be leading it, and it's these kids who have been told again and again they're too stupid to matter. it's so important to me to make sure my students know they matter and that school is just one part of their life, not the be all and end all of it. days like these i'm so glad i'm a tutor and not a teacher because i can do so much more good with my 30 or so students than i could as an authority figure in front of 30 students every period five periods a day five days a week. the advice i would give to anyone seeking to be a teacher, if you have these lofty ideas of changing minds and hearts, which you should if you want to be a teacher: be a tutor first. understand students one on one before you tackle them 30 on one. the school system will change, and if you want to be a part of overhauling it then it starts from the ground up. learn how to help individuals before you can help groups. i unfortunately don't have the contacts, reputation or skills to overhaul a system i'm on the periphery of, but teachers do. teachers have the chance to make school better for every student they teach. and they have the opportunity to meet some really cool kids in the process.
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aubigney · 1 year
by the time i reset my tumblr password and logged in, i forgot what i was supposed to say.
i've been doing a lot of thinking. thinking a lot of thots. doing some thinky thinks. i'm strongly considering going back to university to either get a new degree (masters) or finish a previous one (undergraduate). i know how to study now and i feel i can do a lot better, understand a lot more, and be a better human in general. plus, i really love studying. i love learning for learning's sake but i also love achieving things and stacking degrees. sue me, i like fighting my little battles (classes) and winning wars (graduating). maybe i'll actually go to my graduation this time!
learning to learn and learning how much i don't know is a powerful thing. i've started listening to audiobooks again, but making sure to listen at at least 1.5x speed to get the information into my brain as quickly as possible. my brain moves too fast to listen at normal speed, unless i'm writing and listening at the same time, like i'm doing right now.
how about that youtube channel, tho. i'm transitioning back to video essays, ones that i deeply care about, ones that mean something to me. my current video that i'm almost finished writing is on unlikeable characters. i didn't mean for it to have a deep underlying message, but it came through anyway. three cheers for sweet guessing what it is.
i have more and more ideas. that's the great thing about writing: i get more ideas the more i write. i get ideas from watching video essays, like drew monsen's one about being a drug addict, or tirrrb's newest one on depression. i've been into the leftist cooks and contrapoints recently, watching one of each today. (well, finishing one and starting another.) this is why i started my youtube channel: i have a lot to say about shows and movies. they are my first love, my parents, my girlfriends, my silly rabbits. they raised me, they nurtured me, they protected me--they still do all these things.
tonight lulu and i watched pearl (2022), a stunner of a film. mia goth is one of the greatest actors of her generation (coincidentally my generation also) and a true embedded warrior in the art of cinema. ti west did a great job with the directing and editing, eliot rockett with the cinematography, and mia and ti with the co-writing. could not fault this film at all. as the adage goes, never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or a pearl what's wrong with her.
(it's a good time for me personally to mention that a main character in my novel Daughter Of The Valley is named Pearl, and she's a real sweetheart, just like the other pearl. my pearl was here first, though.)
speaking of my books, for some reason they were pulled back from stores and i'm still waiting on them to be re-published. the first book in JUNK! should have been out by now but for some reason it isn't. i was expecting smooth sailing and i was dashed upon the rocks of my warship's foolishness! all i wanted was to return from the battlefield.
i'll let you know when The Choice (JUNK! #1) is out. i'll most likely post a video about it. until then, sayonara suckers.
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aubigney · 1 year
it's getting pretty dire.
i'm taking a break from one of my jobs (the ghostwriting one, not the tutoring one) so i can not slip into burnout as much. having two part time jobs and a youtube channel which is like a part time job is exhausting. so i'm going to go back on centrelink to pick up the slack. having more than one obligation is wearing me out so badly. i just need to not think about things for a while.
and on the subject of youtube, i'm once again reevaluating my entire channel. when i think about what lasting impact i want to leave, it's akin to lily simpson's (check out our interview here) - the media analysis beast in me wants everyone to know i have hours worth of thoughts about dean winchester.
i have a video for tuesday and then MAYBE a video for friday if i can get it edited in time. it's a long one, and it requires a voice over, which is difficult to do because i can't do that in the living room while the aircon is running. and babes, it's still fucking hot. it'll be hot for at least another 5 days before the temperature dips, like it always does, right around my birthday.
oh yeah, i'm 31 this month. what a wild wackadoo series of events that has led me to this point in my life. i'm grateful i even have a youtube channel AND that there are people who want to watch it. i'm grateful for so much else, as well.
it's also easter, ramadan and passover all in one day. usually on easter sundays, my family gathers to have a huge lunch and enjoy each other's company. despite how i used to look forward to these lunches, which would happen every month or so, i have never enjoyed any of them. it's wild to think i didn't know i was in an abusive situation for all those years. i didn't know that my stepfather getting drunk and yelling at me, in between bouts of not talking to me and refusing to acknowledge my presence. i didn't know my mother's oscillation between loving me from a distance and giving me advice that kept me in painful situations that made me want to kill myself was abuse. i didn't know that my family lying to me and keeping me in the dark about so many things was abuse. i didn't know that them making me feel bad and eroding my self esteem with nasty comments and always putting me last and never giving an actual shit about my wellbeing or mental health was what was actually going on. i just thought it was normal. i thought wanting to die everyday because i was miserable was just normal. i thought having an eating disorder was okay because i was worthless if i wasn't skinny. i thought no one caring about me was okay because they had bigger things to think about. all of it tormented me my entire life and none of them ever even tried to alleviate my pain. they only made it worse.
so good fucking riddance to them. happy ramadan, happy passover, get fucked margaret thatcher, and cheers to better days.
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aubigney · 1 year
i'm going to get more personal on here.
[posted 14 days ago]
my problem is not that i’m a jack of all trades and a master of none, but that i can never ever decide what i want to do on any given day—except for the day i decided i’m pivoting my business. it’s official. instead of Theirwulf Media it’s going to be Theirwulf Consulting. i’m so passionate about educating people—whether that’s through my youtube channel, tutoring high school students, or helping people with their businesses. i just love it.
so i’m going to stop with the preachy bullshit “how to write” stuff. every single author wants to teach people how to write and it was too clickbaity anyway. what i want to focus on here on substack is longer-form posts about my life and my work. one thing alex hormozi talks about is how cool it would be if business giants like [puke] jeff bezos and [double puke] elon musk had documented their business adventures. don’t get me wrong, i hate these stupid bitches, but alex hormozi is, for me, on the money about 97 per cent of the time. he has such insightful advice—not all the time, but most of it.
hearing that made me want to do it. i want to post on my youtube and on here about what i’m doing with my business. the first thing: teaching people how to educate. when i was explaining this it sounded like a multi-level marketing scheme, honestly. but the thing i’m passionate about is teaching and there just aren’t enough good educators out there. so teaching teachers to teach is somewhere i want to explore.
another idea i have is curriculum overhaul. i’m probably not the best person to do this though seeing as i have zero contacts in the education sector. but week after week i get complaints from my students about the bullshit they have to do at school, and my biggest gripe is that school (barely) prepares them to pass tests instead of teaching them the skills they need to become lifelong learners. i’m not teaching my students how to analyse a text for class, i’m teaching them the media literacy skills they need to sift through information to figure out what’s good, what’s shit, and what’s worth taking note of—a skill they need when faced with shit like the propaganda hate machine of terfery or the feces that comes out of right wingers’ mouths. school kids just aren’t taught how to differentiate that shit and then the teachers wonder why neo nazis are gathering with terfs as an act of genocide against trans people. well, they probably don’t. so many teachers just grab the bag and piss the holidays away.
(i’m usually working during the holidays. i can’t remember the last time i took a week off because i can’t afford to. tutoring is like being part of a wait staff, which i’ve also done for many years: you get treated like shit by the public because they think your job isn’t important enough, you do the work that people in positions of actual power should be doing, and you get paid shit money by people earning over 6 figures a year who haven’t done half as much work as you since they got the job. can you tell i’m salty about it.)
another thing i want to teach people is finance and poverty literacy. according to ACOSS, over 3 million people in australia (almost 15 per cent of our population) live in poverty. 19 per cent of children in australia live in poverty. i’ve lived in poverty for most of my life. i lived with my abusive, alcoholic, bipolar father for the first 14 years of my life in poverty, then with my abusive, uncaring mother who married rich for 10, and since 2016 i’ve been juggling poverty with jobs that give me enough money to get by. i’m finally in a position where my wife and i can breathe, but it is fucking hard work. i work at least 10 hours a day juggling youtube, tutoring and ghostwriting, as outlined in this video. i just released a video on practical tips for escaping poverty, financial survival mode, and the poverty mindset here. if you want to give that a look and tell me what you think, go ahead, make me a samwedge.
wow, this got long. i guess i’ll leave it there. that’s all i wanted to say for now. i’m struggling this month because i haven’t yet reached the 25,000 word minimum i need for my ghostwriting gig to get paid in april, and i need to get paid in april so that we can get our car. it’s also my birthday in april so it would be nice to take my wife’s family out to dinner or maybe even host a birthday party. i love entertaining and haven’t been able to do it for years. so i’ll hit that minimum, prommy, and i’ll have a nice birthday. here’s to shit-kickin’ it for another year. seeya later, dummies.
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aubigney · 1 year
are you optimising your unique potential as a humanoid to acquire vocabulary insistent on making change and prioritising wellbeing for your employees? you're a perfect fit for LinkedIn.
[posted 12 days ago]
everyone on linkedin talks in word salad. what’s wrong with them. why are they like this.
copy+pasted linkedin profile:
High-impact senior digital executive leading transformative growth & change. Redefining customer experiences using digital, technology, strategy, data and insights. Customer innovation leader focused on strategy that drives business certainty and simplifies complexity, from start to scale. Able to influence positive change in highly matrixed environments.
what the fuck does any of this mean? is there a word for the forced optimisation of the human potential to sound like a fuckhead? these people are so weird. they’re worse than cryptoheads whose identity is so fundamentally tied to a language that no one outside of cryptoheads can possibly understand. this is giving me a headache. but i stay silly.
okay this has given me an idea. keep your eyes peeled on my youtube channel.
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aubigney · 1 year
every single day reinforces how no one else gives a single shit about trans people.
[posted 12 days ago]
i talk about ali adbaal a lot because he’s something of a personal hero of mine. i watch his youtube channel, listen to his podcast, and rec his advice, because i believe in him. so when he says shit like he’d love to have jk rowling on his podcast, i do die a little inside.
i’m trying not to cry right now. i’m exhausted, always, and sad, always, and we might not have enough money to get our car next month, and we are barely scraping through, always. imagine if ali abdaal gave that kind of opportunity to someone like me, who has no following and twice the work ethic of jkr. i’m a better writer, a nicer person, and i’ve got a huge rack. i also am not advocating for the extermination of an entire group of people.
but what the fuck else should you expect from cis people. they simply don’t care about trans people. they never have and they never will. i should not be surprised, and honestly i don’t think i am. what i am is hurt that yet again this is shoved in my face. yet again it’s made clear to me just how little me and people like me matter in the world. people with millions of dollars only care about making millions of dollars. they only care about what’s going to build their brand. they don’t care about us. it’s so exhausting.
i’m reaching out to some youtubers now to ask if they want to be on my channel. i had a big day and i should be sleeping because it’s 5am but i hate sleeping. i just keep opening up new youtube tabs and playing videos at 1.75x speed. getting so much info into my overworked brain. yeh. k. bye.
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aubigney · 1 year
desperately seeking financial freedom.
[posted 10 days ago]
in my quest to do anything and everything to achieve financial freedom, i should add a caveat: until i grow bored.
two things i’ve done today in an attempt to make passive income: signed up to 2 affiliate marketing programs and tried to make videos i can put on a secret channel to get views and potentially earn money from youtube.
the first two turned out: one says they’re deliberating, and the other allowed me a link right away. so click this link and buy something from fiverr and i get a kickback! trust me, i would not support something i haven’t used. i’ve used fiverr for a few services, mostly buying really, really good book covers. my Daughter Of The Valley book cover was designed by a fiverr artist!
the other was bluehost, which is the site i use to build my websites (when i have them. i usually lose interest in my websites very quickly and then never use them again and then they run out and i just don’t renew them). but i love bluehost: they are cheap and easy to use. best of all, they don’t rely on wordpress. i fucking hate wordpress because it’s too difficult to use despite being everywhere and used by everyone. i was helping someone fix their wordpress site and it was so fucking confusing after not using wordpress for years. wordpress is shit and i’m not here for it.
the second way i tried was by making a video of a waterfall, looped for two hours, with a soundtrack of waterfall sounds over it. i finished it and tried twice to upload it, but it failed both times, and since i was tired and hungry and coming out of hyperfocus, i gave up. maybe i’ll finish it tomorrow. the next video that i didn’t finish was a dark academia playlist over a picture of a museum found on canva. why did i do these. things? i have no idea anymore. i just get an idea in my head and run with it, a proverbial dog chasing proverbial cars. if i could maximise my slay i’m sure i would eventually take over the world, but as of now, i have to lie down.
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aubigney · 1 year
whims. fancies. forget-me-nots.
[posted 8 days ago]
The thing about having ADHD is that I'll write down three items on my to-do list and not only get none of them done but also forget that I even have a to-do list. My phone auto capitalises and it's severely affecting my steeze.
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aubigney · 1 year
the age old question.
[posted 8 days ago]
a couple of days ago, i moved my desk out from the wall and set my chair behind it. this means there will be a new set up for my youtube videos. begone, couch that made my hips hurt so badly i couldn’t move for days! avast!
but as i sit here sobbing my eyes out, with a clear view of the kitchen where my wife makes coffee, i have to reflect on whether things really do ever change. i mean, have i changed? i made an error, and when someone called me out on it, i burst into tears and i’ve been crying for about 20 minutes. what the hell, dude.
i want to tell myself to grow up, because i should be over this shit by now, but it seems like my rejection-sensitive dysphoria loves acting a mess. i know logically it’s because i haven’t gone to therapy in a while and my old anxieties are creeping back in, but it doesn’t make the anger any less real. it doesn’t make the sadness go away.
i’ve been seeing therapists since 2013, so 10 years now. it will be my 10 year therapiversary in august. in 2014, i started on medication, which changed my life. my therapists all said the same thing: medication doesn’t fix your problems. you still need therapy. and it’s like, brah, i know, shut up, fuck. and i DO know. i know this. i know this so well. the irritation i feel at having to remind myself of this for the last 10 years compounds every year. and yet i never learn. i never remember until i’m bawling my eyes out and throwing things.
i feel like a failure. realistically i know i’m just, in the words of jason mendoza, pre-successful, but i feel like i’ve tried and failed at so many things that i should just give up completely. i feel like this with each one, but somehow i never do. i never give up completely. no matter how many mistakes i make i am never satisfied with living an ordinary life.
AND THAT’S THE POINT! it’s not about NOT making mistakes. it’s not about having an easy life. it’s about making mistakes and overcoming all the shit garbage stupid crap that you go through to become extraordinary. and i do believe i’m extraordinary. and i do believe it’s okay to cry every once in a while. and i do believe it’s important, necessary, and — i can’t think of another word, so insert one yourself — to make mistakes. but when i get like this, it’s so easy to beat myself up and say, “you’re an awful piece of shit and you should just kill yourself.” it’s so easy. but then i do something fun and get over and get on with my life.
while it would be easy to say my life is shit garbage and everything sucks and i should kill myself and nothing ever gets better, none of that is true.
i’m looking at my perfect beautiful hot wife who has THEE most perfect fat ass i’ve ever seen, and she’s washing dishes in the kitchen and making a nice home for us. i can’t possibly believe that my life hasn’t improved because she’s the proof! she’s right there! my gorgeous kitten! my lovely sweet cupcake! she’s right there! and she loves me! i’m the most special person in the whole fucking world BECAUSE SHE LOVES ME.
but i can’t stop crying. i have a lesson in half an hour and i need the money, especially since i was almost fired and my hours have been reduced because of… some reason? but i can’t possibly turn up to my lesson bawling my dick off. i don’t know what to do. another difficult choice i have to make in a long line of difficult choices. they never stop. but i stay silly :3
at the end of every email i want to include a tip for the people in poverty reading my newsletter and paying attention to my youtube channel. i don’t know if they will even be beneficial.
my tip today is: dealing with roaches using bug bombs. in the last apartment i rented before i met my wife, there was a roach infestation under the house. i had a back deck i could sit at and whenever i’d be out there i could see them under the house. i told the owner and the real estate about this constantly. i would get roaches in my apartment every night, around 11pm for some reason, attacking me every time i got of bed. it got so bad that i made myself go to sleep before 11pm just so i wouldn’t see them.
then the owner (who would illegally turn up at the house whenever he wanted) suggested bug bombs. he actually gave me one, which i left sitting on my counter for months because i was so angry that he refused to get rid of the roaches.
but then one day i thought, “fuck it.” this shit wasn’t getting any better. so i put on one of the bug bombs and went to the library. after that, i didn’t see a roach for three months. when they came back, i put another one on. this happened about 4 or 5 times, and it saved me during the heart of summer. granted, my place was disgusting because i never cleaned it, but also it was disgusting before i arrived.
renting is the most horrid experience i can imagine. everything that goes along with it, including dealing with agents, paying rent, and having to look after someone else’s property, is dehumanising and awful. i can’t wait to own my own house, hopefully in spain. i have all these ideas of where we could live and what places to visit, but i don’t know how many of them will come to fruition. we’ll see.
i forgot the question. it’s “am i helping people?” yet to be seen.
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aubigney · 1 year
it's hard not to starve when i play don't starve.
[posted 6 days ago]
don’t starve is my new favourite game. seeing as i’ve only played about 6 games in my life and right now i’m only playing 2, that doesn’t set the bar too high. regardless! it’s an amazing game. i haven’t made it past spring yet and i barely make it through winter in most of my games. still, i think i’m doing a great job. in this game, i’ve made a little camp with three jerky racks, two crockpots, two fridges, and a couple rows of trees, grass, twigs and berries each. i’m also binging salendrak’s don’t starve beginner’s guide, which is helping a lot. i love this game!!! the only problem is my executive dysfunction loves to act a mess, so i can play this game for hours on end in bed while my wife naps beside me, refusing to move to get food or pee or drink water. neglecting basic necessities. starving while i don’t starve. anyway that’s it, i’m just hungry.
here’s my povo tip of the day:
if you can’t afford to pay your bills, set up payment plans and, if you can, offer to pay some upfront. anything is better than nothing when money is concerned. i will talk more about this in a future episode of aubigney tv, so stay tuned!
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aubigney · 1 year
i'm starting to think this habit is a lifestyle.
[posted 3 days ago]
it used to be that every few months i would go a night of no sleep. it’s okay, i reasoned, because i would sleep enough the next night. it was usually on a friday or a saturday night, so i could sleep all of sunday and feel refreshed and ready for my students on monday.
i began to notice a pattern, though, a pattern which, of course, my adhd brain never fucking remembers. i would never sleep on the nights i film videos. last night i filmed two videos, because now i batch in order to blast content from my urethral tubes at the speed of light (2 videos a week). i’m so tired, my tits hurt for some reason, but i’m the happiest i think i’ve ever been since i met my wife. if it is possible to be even happier than the day i met her, than the day i realised i fell in love with her, than the day we decided to get married, then this is it. i’m the happiest i have ever been.
let’s keep it rolling, babes. if by some miracle you found me in the wild, check out my youtube videos @ aubigney tv, and if you came over from youtube, well. this is what you’re getting!
i think i’ve figured out some things to do with my business. the first is that i don’t want money from individual people. patreon is a no-go every time i try it, and some of my audience is people living in poverty and some of it is students who have no money. i don’t want money from those sides of my audience. your views, likes, and comments are enough.
the second thing is that what i want money from is companies. corporations. conglomerates. chaebols. other c words that we all know and love. corporatism is alive and well, babes, and i would be a fool not to milk it. of course, i have a very small audience and garner a small amount of views, so it would be ridiculous to expect a company, any company, to want to work with me. maybe when i’m a… sigh… microinfluencer of say a couple thousand subscribers. it’s something i could look into then.
i’m also interested in getting more involved with the poverty and disability sector in my local area. i’m ashamed to admit this but i haven’t given it much thought until a few weeks ago. a friend of mine mentioned that they work as a carer and i thought, “i’m good with people. i could do that job.” that, however, remains to be seen. i’m not sure what good i could do or what area i should go into—or even if anyone will have me. helping people is a tough gig to break into in that sense, but to be perfectly honest, i don’t think i’m going to be able to connect with people in a meaningful way if i don’t.
this life, this love, this joy, is all about making connections. it’s about meeting people and being charmed by them. and i’m so, so ready to charm.
p.s. i’m currently obsessed with the game don’t starve (did i mention that in my previous video?) and it’s cluttering my mind palace. i’m hungry now, which is what always happens when i play don’t starve for hours at a time.
p.p.s. i scrapped a video yesterday that had to do with critiquing a poem (“night walk” by franz wright). not because the video wasn’t good, it just wasn’t interesting. i am, as they say, following my bliss, aligning my chakras, and drinking the blood of the innocent like my personal friend gwyneth paltrow. (i swear i saw a business guru youtuber with an iv drip and all the comments were “bro are you okay?” yeah he’s just taking up vital fluids needed to give to sick people, don’t worry about it.) as much as i love media, i’m not in love with it anymore. i’m taking a turn. chucking a u-ey. doing burnouts in the macca’s parking lot. you know how it is.
p.p.p.s. the video coming out on tuesday is an interview with a fellow youtuber! exciting.
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aubigney · 1 year
life lessons from march, 2023.
[posted on my newsletter yesterday]
in my “roasting linked in word salad” video, i mentioned that when i start a new platform i watch a lot of “how to” videos to get a feel for how best to optimise it. most of this information is useless and not conducive to what i actually want to do. sure, i know that you should post 3 tiktoks a day, but since i don’t use tiktok and i don’t talk to anyone who does, why the fuck would i need that information?
over the past few years, even before i started my current youtube channel, i have been watching content like “how to grow on youtube,” “how to make the best thumbnail,” channels like Think Media and the other one with the bald scottish guy. my life cycles so wildly i go through and subscribe to these channels for about a week before i unsubscribe again because i’m so bored by their content. but the information stays. i know i should be catering to a viewership, not an algorithm. i know i should be paying attention to the watch time drop off curve. but what exactly am i doing with this information?
well, for one, i’m paying more attention to my audience. i posted a while back about doing some different stuff on my youtube channel, and people said that i should post it on my current channel instead of starting a new one. i didn’t do that. instead, i started a new channel and posted it there. now that channel has three videos and i don’t intend to post more at this time. i don’t think has necessarily hurt my channel, but it may have caused some people to unfollow since i didn’t do what they asked. they may have felt cheated out of my work. they may have felt that i wasn’t as committed to providing them with quality entertainment as i should have been. but who knows? this is pure conjecture.
this ties into something else: i am sticking to my word. not “i want to stick to my word.” not “i’ll try to stick to my word.” I Am Sticking To My Word. if i promise something from here on out, no matter how long it takes, i will do it. even if i forget for a whole year, that is no time at all. i have had this channel for almost 1.5 years now and the time has flown by. my wife and i were homeless for five months of that. i have had four jobs in that time, two of which i’m still doing.
so, going forward, if i ask whether i should post something to my main channel and someone says yes, i will do it. i have some don’t starve content in the works and one of my followers cared enough to reply to my post about it, so i will be editing that and posting it soon!
that’s the first, most obvious, and most important lesson i learned in march: stick to your word. that’s it for now. sayonara, you weeaboo shits.
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