posyhart · 1 year
Introducing...Posy Hart
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( mary elizabeth winstead, she/her, cis female ) i’m pretty sure i just ran into posy simmons AKA posy hart! you know them, they’re the 32 year old lead singer of cherry void that’s been here for 12 years. they can be pretty determined, but on the d.l., they’re also destructive. i have their ringtone set as celebrity skin by hole in my cell. next time you’re around manhattan, tell them to give me a call!
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D.O.B. May 27, 1972 (a gemini queen)
Born and raised in Springfield Massachussetts, Posy was the only and beloved child of a pretty middle class, fairly comfortable family. Summers she spent at her grandparents' home in Kentucky, a farm house bordering a vast apple orchard so adventure was always around the corner.
Academically Posy was strong, but the more she grew up the more she clashed with her disciplinarian mother, who had ideas for what she should do and what sort of career path she wanted Posy to go down. She had high aspirations for her only daughter: lawyer, politician, judge. Posy meanwhile, just wanted to write, or start a band, or do something creative.
She enrolled in The City College of New York, but as soon as her feet hit Manhattan pavement, she knew that wasn't where she was meant to be. Before her first year was out, she decided to put all those college fees to different uses and dropped out (much to the dismay of her parents).
A string of working minimum wage jobs followed while she figured out what she wanted to do, and with whom. Her roommate's brother was in a band, a very loud one that would play the Bowery on the weekends. Posy made up her mind in between crowd surfing and getting beer spilled all over her: she was going to start a fucking band.
Saving up for her first guitar was a slog, everything else was a breeze. She advertised in the local music papers for a drummer and a bassist, and before long, Cherry Void was born. A second guitarist would join a year later, once they started playing shows.
The two guy, two girl band was an instant hit, with Posy's penned songs about heartbreak, angst, and everything in between hitting the radio and making big waves. By 1994, they had released their debut album, Carry Yourself, and it was big in the rock and grunge/alt scene. Posy Hart (self styled, catchy last name) was on magazine covers, posters and newsstands.
By the mid 90's, she was one half of rock's most famous couple. She met Russell Vile of socially conscious, rap-metal band Rage Against the Machine Annihilator and the two had a torrid, on and off love affair.
Spur of the moment, they got married in Vegas by a Prince impersonator and the rest was history. They had a daughter, Gracie Jane, born in 1998.
As hated as she is loved, Posy is a controversial figure in rock. She says what's on her mind, has never been afraid to call out her male peers, and has often been labelled a bitch, difficult, or just plain psycho.
Of course, a growing substance abuse problem didn't help matters, or the fact she went on a drunken vitriol-filled tirade aimed at Britney Spears at the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards.
Then everything went sideways and hit a wall in 2001, when Cherry Vile's drummer Matt was found dead of an overdose. Posy's ever whirling world of sex, drugs, and rock and roll hit a wall, as did her marriage with Russell, the band, and everything else.
Character inspirations: Hole/Courtney Love, Jane Lane, Brody Dalle, Fleabag
Cherry Void is on a much-needed hiatus, her and Russell are divorced (acrimoniously, but still coparenting), and Posy is just trying to make it to 2 weeks sober. Easier said than done, when everybody needs her all of the time. Really she's just trying to get Gracie to school on time.
possible connections: (aka just feel free to assume the following, if you want)
fans of cherry vile / fans of Posy
haters! (yes plsss)
friends (bonus if they're connected to the music scene in any way)
unlikely friends
Gracie's nanny
exes (must discuss or plot beforehand!)
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celestiiialz · 1 year
( lizeth selene, they/them, genderfluid ) i’m pretty sure i just ran into celestina ramirez! you know them, they’re the 25year old bottle girl that’s been here for 22 years. they can be pretty witty, but on the d.l., they’re also distant. i have their ringtone set as lento by julieta venegas in my cell. next time you’re around the bronx, tell them to give me a call! ( penelope, 24, she/her, est )
full name: celestina marie ramirez.
birthdate & age: october 25th.
birthplace: el paso, texas.
pronouns & gender: they/them, genderfluid.
sexuality: pansexual. she likes what she likes.
relationship status: single.
occupation: bottle server at a club.
celestina, or celeste, as they likes to go by, was born in el paso, texas. their parents were two undocumented immigrants who were searching for a better life, but they were young also, just shy of 20 and 19 years old... but things seemed promising.
they were barely scraping by when their father's friend had offered him a job opportunity in the bustling city of manhattan with housing in the bronx, which he was glad to accept. they were excited about the possibilities at hand even though they knew that there were challenges up ahead.
when they finally arrived to new york, their father got to work and their mother also picked up a job to help out with expenses. the apartment was tight and so was money, but the landlord was more than happy to help the struggling family.
things were okay, at first, at least to celeste. they were young and couldn't really comprehend or process the things happening around. eventually, they got enrolled into a public school and they all had a routine. their dad wasn't as present since his job was more demanding of hs time, but he was there. he was there.
at one point their father began to have later nights, usually chalking it up to work, but it became apparent that it wasn't reason his time had been occupied when he continuously arrived to the apartment visibly drunk and not well. there started the arguments, the resentment, the change in dynamic and it became even worse when their mother was pregnant again which was discovered only a few days after their 12th birthday.
it seemed like those next nine months were a blur, celeste had to drop out of school to help their parents with all the bills once their little sister was born. they would usually lie about their age and do small jobs here and there. the arguments became louder and more relentless, usually leaving them to calm down the baby he was screaming at the top of her lungs because of the chaos that was constantly plaguing their home.
the turning point was their mom disappearing, yes, their mother had left one without a single remark. leaving the 17 year old to care for the infant since their father was now jobless due to his alcoholism. they had multiple jobs and usually searched for the help of their friends to take care of their sister while they worked.
fast-forward to the present, and they are essentially taking care of her father (who has also been kicked out multiple times) and their thirteen year old sister. they scored a gig as a 'bottle girl' for a club which brings in a good amount of money, but only just enough as they are the only breadwinner now. there's nothing more that they wants than to be able to escape their current situation with their sister but unfortunately there's not much that can be done beyond work through it and hope for the best.
* thank you for reading all of this! if you'd like to plot or fabricate a thread just give this post a like and i'll reach out. <3
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cerulli · 1 year
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i’m pretty sure i just ran into angelina 'angel' cerulli ! you know them, they’re the twenty four year old music teacher / musician that’s been here for two years. they can be pretty endearing, but on the d.l., they’re also flippant. i have their ringtone set as i miss you by blink-182 in my cell. next time you’re around brooklyn, tell them to give me a call ! 
full name: angelina marie cerulli
nickname(s): angel, lina, gia
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she / her
sexuality: she views herself as bisexual with a heavy preference towards women, but she’s actually a lesbian -she just hasn’t discovered that about herself yet.
sign: sagittarius sun, cancer moon, gemini rising
occupation: aspiring musician and part time guitar teacher
angel cerulli was born on the 8th of december, 1979, the only child of two lower to middle class parents who often struggled to make ends meet, but never let her want for anything. with both her parents working long hours, angel was often left to her own devices to do whatever she wanted. days were spent wandering around the brooklyn aimlessly. she was twelve when she first laid eyes on an electric guitar, in the window of a newly opened secondhand store. immediately smitten, she scrimped and saved for several months so she could buy it. time after school was no longer spent fluttering about, but instead on learning how to play the guitar by playing along to songs on MTV.
she started her first band at the age of fourteen, inspired heavily by then-popular grunge brands such as nirvana, pearl jam, and hole. they were about as good as you would expect a band full of middle schoolers to be, but the entire experience put stars in her eyes and made her all the more determined to actually make it. and so with a kiss and a hug goodbye, angel left new york city for los angeles on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, with the absolute bare bones of a plan beyond getting signed to a label — somehow.
it's really no surprise that things went pear shaped almost straight away. turns out that people rarely ever made it in los angeles without having connections or slogging for years. and it turns out the whole starving artist thing? it's stressful. so after four long, gruelling years of exhausting all her savings and getting absolutely nowhere, despite submitting demo after demo and performing show after show for pennies, angel moved back home to brooklyn.
you'd think the whole experience would have made her more cynical, but it's only made her all the more determined to work even harder and try again and again. writing songs and making demos still takes up the large majority of her time, although she's picked up a part time job as a guitar teacher for a couple of rich kids to help pay the bills around the house.
angel is a true optimist, a glass half full type of person through and through — it definitely tends to get more than a little annoying from time to time. she's a chatterbox who will absolutely talk your ear off if given the chance, loves making new friends and learning about people and what makes them click. she doesn't take life or herself too seriously, so can come off as facetious from time to time. will absolutely not give up on anything she's set her heart on — annoying but in a donkey from shrek (2001) kind of way <333
to be added !
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abbey-townsend · 1 year
( Younger Elisha Cuthbert, she/her, cis female ) i’m pretty sure i just ran into Abbey Townsend! you know them, they’re the 26 year old video store clerk that’s been here for seven years. they can be pretty generous, but on the d.l., they’re also gullible. i have their ringtone set as My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne in my cell. next time you’re around Brooklyn, tell them to give me a call! ( Georgia, 28, she/her, gmt )
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Was a cheerleader all throughout high school
Certified Prom Queen
Dropped out of university within a few months, not because she couldn't cut it but because she didn't enjoy it and figured any jobs she got after uni would leave her stuck behind a desk and she definitely didn't want that (and she didn't make the cheer team)
She thought she could model, be an air hostess, a music video girl, or the next MTV VJ
Moved across the country figuring her future lay in New York rather than in Winnipeg
Waitressed for a bit before getting a job as a video store clerk with the intention it would be temporary, but she's been at it for six years
Recently left her boyfriend after finding out he'd been cheating
Random bits & pieces
Intends to audition for the Knicks Dance Team next season
Will dance to Dirrty by Xtina no matter where or when it comes on
Bakes a lot, neighbours will receive random treats she can't finish off herself
Neighbours will also see her sitting on the fire escape late at night
Was in Love Actually for about a minute, is secretly thrilled when people rent the movie from her and will realise later that she served them
Video store girl in the sort of way of the copy shop girl from friends
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tomasdiaz · 1 year
( pedro pascal, he/him, male ) i’m pretty sure i just ran into tomas diaz! you know them, they’re the 45 year old bar owner that’s been here for 15 years. they can be pretty patient, but on the d.l., they’re also stoic. i have their ringtone set as hip to be square by huey lewis and the news in my cell. next time you’re around manhattan, tell them to give me a call! (kirby!)
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name: tomas vicente gutierrez diaz
d.o.b.: december 1, 1959
hometown: punta arenas, chile; albany, ny
current residence: manhattan, nyc
height: 5'11"
sexuality: homosexual
positive traits: patient, generous, careful
negative traits: stoic, closed off, stubborn
family: isidora diaz (50y/o, sister), dominga diaz (48y/o, sister) jj duval (24y/o, godson)
bio! (tw alcohol, drugs, overdose, addiction)
tomas was the third and final child born into his family, and the only boy in the bunch. his sisters preceded him by a few years a piece. just a few years after he was born, they packed up and moved across the world, from chile all the way to albany, new york, where his father worked on an assembly line and his mother ran a small daycare out of their quaint home. it wasn't a lavish life, but they got by just fine.
with their living situation, tomas was surrounded by kids pretty much always. his sisters as well as the kids his mother looked after. he always felt... out of place. not for any particular reason, he just tended to hide himself away in the corner of whatever room they were in, much preferring to keep to himself and do his own thing. his parents often tried to get him to mingle, to interact more with the other children and make friends, but it never quite stuck.
not until high school. through most of his life, he kept to himself and stayed quiet, but as a teenager he steadily started making friends. maybe not... the right friends. the crowd he started to run with were a little bit difficult. they skipped school, got high, caused trouble. tomas had always felt like an outcast, so befriending a small group of them finally gave him something he'd never really felt before. acceptance.
things just got rougher and rougher, though. in school it was weed and whatever drinks they could score either from their parents or the corner store. once they graduated, tomas and his friends turned to harder drugs. what had just been fun and carefree became an addiction. not a day went by that tomas didn't get drunk before 3pm, and most of his money was blown on whatever drugs he could get his hands on. and when you were working odd jobs here and there and renting out motel rooms a few times a week, money was not an easy thing to hold onto.
by the time he was twenty-five, tomas had been suffering with addiction for years. his parents were quietly supportive, trying desperately to offer help without offering it outright. they'd learned the hard way that tomas got extremely offended at the suggestion that he needed help. but eventually, after an altercation with a cop, he was forced into rehab, angering him and thrilling his family. thus began his complicated relationship with recovery.
rehab helped in spurts. sometimes he'd have a good therapist, someone that understood what it was like and would actually talk to them like adults, and sometimes the pitying sessions would piss him off. he made some friends that wanted to get better and encouraged him to do the same, and he made some friends that were waiting to get out for another high.
overdose tw! it took a near death experience for tomas to finally shape up. he overdosed - thankfully in a bar bathroom where people were able to get him medical attention immediately. he flatlined in the ambulance and had to be revived by paramedics.
ironically, the threat of eternal sleep was a wake up call. it wasn't easy by any means, but tomas put himself through rehab again, this time willingly, he went to support groups, he cut toxic people out of his life. by the time he was thirty, he was clean, and he has been for fifteen years now.
after getting clean, tomas moved from albany into the city. he found a job at a bar in manhattan, commuting on the train every day for a long time. first he was just cleaning and acting as a stand-in bouncer whenever people got too rowdy - as a former addict, he knew just how crazy things could get if not taken care of quickly. at first it was hard for him to be around, but as time went on, he felt immune to his surroundings. and he continued working at the bar for years.
it took a long time, but eventually, tomas saved up and purchased the bar from the retiring owner, just shy of his thirty-eighth birthday. the only business knowledge he had was from books, as he'd never even stepped foot on a college campus, but he figured it out and worked his ass off to do so. now, he owns two bars in manhattan, and lives in a much nicer place than he ever could have imagined for himself
headcanons + wanted connections!
tomas' high school best buddy had a kid, jj, when they were in their early 20s and named tomas his godfather, and tomas more or less adopted him when jj was 17. not legally or anything, but... jj has been living with him since then and they both very much consider each other the only close family they've got. that's tomas' kiddo right there.
both of tomas' parents have died since he moved to new york - his father about six years ago and his mother about two. it's just him and his sisters now
his relationship with them was weird for a while, but they're friendly now! tomas tries to drive out to see them a few times a year.
tomas is gay and has known that for a really, really long time. he doesn't "come out" formally very much anymore though, he just kind of. is gay and expects the people around him to figure it out. it's easier!
100% straight edge. tomas hasn't done any drugs or had a drink of alcohol in over 10 years. kinda judgey if other people indulge
kinda judgey period, tbh. like he's a nice guy, but he has opinions about everything.
i would love some regulars at his bars! i think he's there a lot bartending or just helping his staff out. or past/current employees maybe!
neighbors that he's friendly with would be nice! he lives in manhattan, but he lived in the bronx for a long long time so former ones would be fun too!
a fling or two? tomas hasn't been in many serious relationships, so i think he sticks to casual shit for the most part
anything honestly, im obsessed with all of you and want all the plots
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rileygibs · 1 year
( young aaron paul, he/him, cismale ) i’m pretty sure i just ran into riley gibson! you know them, they’re the 29 year old mechanic that’s been here for 6 years. they can be pretty laidback, but on the d.l., they’re also flippant. i have their ringtone set as clint eastwood by gorillaz in my cell. next time you’re around the bronx, tell them to give me a call! ( kirby, 24, she/her, cst )
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hey y'all, i'm kirby! thanks for joining our little group :') here's my little mid 2000s king
name: riley glenn gibson
d.o.b.: may 23rd, 1975
hometown: carson city, nv
current residence: brooklyn, nyc
height: 5'8" (5'10" according to him)
sexuality: heterosexual
positive traits: friendly, laidback, talkative, engaged
negative traits: flippant, spineless, dismissive, flaky
family: renee gibson (mother, 48yrs), joshua gibson (son, 5yrs)
about! (neglect tw)
riley was born to single mother renee gibson in carson city, nevada, midway through the 70s. she told him about a million things about his long-lost dad: he was a police officer killed in the line of duty, he was a famous musician that refused to settle down, he was away on a secret mission but he'd be back to meet his son one day. all lies. riley never knew him, and he was pretty sure renee hardly did either. it was just the two of them.
though it began to feel more and more like just him as time went on. renee worked a lot to afford the apartment they lived in, meaning her son was often left to his own devices. there were a lot of peanut butter sandwiches when he was growing up, and even more nights biking around their neighborhood and chatting with anyone he could. his life became a pretty lonely one the older he got, the more he craved any companionship.
school was a very comfortable place for him because of that. his grades were decent, not as good as they could be, but he never flunked a class. even the ones during which he spent more time talking than listening. he liked the company he had with his classmates and even the faculty. throughout his time as a student, he took up just about whatever extra curricular he found even mildly interesting: theater, baseball, student council. whatever kept him out of the house for longer.
after he graduated, riley enrolled in a local community college, not far away from where he grew up. but, now eighteen, renee pushed him to start working and contributing to the household funds. rent, groceries, utility bills. at first he was glad to help out. he lived there too after all. but his small portion grew and grew, until eventually he was paying almost all of their expenses. wherever his mother's paychecks were going was beyond him, because she seemed to stopped contributing altogether. he enjoyed college a lot, even if he was just taking some basic classes, but it got to a point where he couldn't afford it with the money he was making, and he just didn't have time for it with how much he was working. he had to drop out.
by the time he was twenty, riley had enough. he was worn out, he was overworked, and he was trapped in a box that had progressively gotten smaller. he wanted out. so he saved what money he could for a few months, piled into his 1988 ford taurus with a few suitcases and trash bags, and crossed the country to move to new york city. the first year or two was anything but easy. he floated around a lot, relying primarily on the kindness of strangers and cheap hotels, but he got himself an apartment in the bronx.
finding himself a job as a mechanic who knew very, very little about cars initially, riley worked as much as he could to afford to enroll himself back into school. he liked working on cars, and he eventually got half decent at it, but it wasn't what he wanted long term. he wanted to know how businesses worked, understand money a little better, try to give himself a stable future to make up for the unstable past he'd grown up in. it was a hard balance, but a nice one. he was happy.
but his plans got waylaid again. he'd met a girl, and their fling didn't last too terribly long, but the result of it would. they were surprised with a little boy, affectionately called joshua, in october of 1999 he was unexpected in every way but instantly consumed riley's life. once again, he put his education on hold, but with far less hesitation this time. he adored his son with every piece of himself, and his one and only goal was to give him a childhood that he'd envied so greatly when he was younger.
now 29, riley's life is still pretty consumed by his job and his son, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
headcanons + wanted connections!
absolutely 100% has undiagnosed adhd. textbook case of it if i can be honest with you
he lies about his height but it isn't because he has Little Man Syndrome. he just genuinely is convinced he's 5'10". happens to forget every time anyone corrects him
god awful at video games. tries his absolute best but he's been stuck on the same level of sonic adventure 2 for like a year and a half
lives in a little two bedroom apartment in the bronx that he struggles to afford sometimes, but he had to make sure josh had his own room even if they share custody. and yes it's sonic themed
can diagnose your car problems and will try his very best to fix them for free. maybe a part or two would mysteriously go missing from the shop in the process but... hey who's to say haha
slight abandonment issues bc yaknow. he's a clinger
i would l o v e to have his baby mama here! i imagine they coparent well and are friendly, but honestly i'm up for whatever
i'd also love some roomies that he might have had in the past. probably people that were nice enough to let the lil dude crash for extended periods of time when he was new to the city
also some neighbors! he's the kind of guy that wastes his and everyones time making small talk at the mailbox
anything honestly i'm just excited to be here :)
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sharkboy-jj · 1 year
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⋆ (matt cornett, he/him, male) i’m pretty sure i just ran into jeffery jay "jj" duval! you know him, he's the 24 year old bartender that’s been here for 7 years. he can be pretty compassionate, but on the d.l., he's also emotionally withdrawn. i have their ringtone set as bittersweet symphony by the verve in my cell. next time you’re around manhattan, tell them to give me a call! (bee, 23, kit/fae, cst)
full name: jj (jeffery jay) duval
date of birth: june 5th, 1980
age: twenty four
star sign: gemini
height: 6'0
face claim: matt cornett
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tw // depression, suicide, overdose, alcoholism, neglect
⋆ jj was born to two alcoholic parents who didn't even want to be parents. from the get go, he was a 'mistake', he was neglected, a bottle of liquor always being more important than his life.
⋆ jj learned how to fend for himself, despite having two adults in his life constantly tearing him down. he learned to hide his emotions expertly to avoid getting punished for feeling, something his dad never liked.
⋆ jj has always been a sweetheart since he was little, his creativity and imagination, writing and making music, being the only thing that helped to ground him in the midst of the constant chaos of his home life.
⋆ thankfully, jj's school life wasn't as terrible. he had friends to help keep his head up high, a music teacher who jj could take refuge in, a basketball team that was like a second family to him, and a basketball coach who treated jj like a son, atleast in certain aspects of jj's life.
⋆ because of the good people jj managed to find in his life, things weren't so bad... atleast not when he was away from home. which he tried to avoid doing most days anyways.
⋆ jj's dad had an old high school friend who he'd only ever seen maybe three or four times a year, someone who was basically like an uncle to him. tomas diaz.
⋆ tomas stayed in contact with jj from the time jj finally got a phone. he'd seen how neglected jj had been by his parents, so he made sure jj knew he wasn't totally alone.
⋆ jj's past, the abuse and neglect from his parents, had obviously built up into trauma. his mental health was never at an all-time high, but he'd become more and more depressed by the day.
tw // suicide, overdose
⋆ by the time jj was almost 18 years old, the weight of everything had gotten to him. he went to parties with some of his buddies, letting himself fall into a bad habit of alcohol and drug abuse. he was convinced he had it under control, but one night at a party, he overdosed in the bathroom in an attempt to end his life.
⋆ in a hazy and mumbling state of grief, jj tried to dial his parent's numbers on his phone, but unfortunately, neither of them would answer. without thinking, he decided to call up tomas. he told him what had happened and tomas didn't hesitate to come and get him.
⋆ tomas being about three hours away, jj was found on the bathroom floor by a friend and was rushed to the hospital long before tomas could arrived. he met up with jj at the hospital.
⋆ after making a full recovery, tomas took jj in. he called up jj's parents to let them know he'd be taking jj back home with him, and jj's parents didn't hesitate to shrug it off and hang up.
⋆ jj has been living with tomas for about 6, almost 7 years now and is really the only father figure jj ever truly had. jj bartends at tomas' bar and sometimes even convinces tomas to have karoke nights so jj can show off his music.
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rctrouvailles · 1 year
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( madelyn cline, she/her, ciswoman ) i’m pretty sure i just ran into amelie petit! you know them, they’re the 25 year old ballet dancer that’s been here for 25 years. they can be pretty witty, but on the d.l., they’re also indecisive. i have their ringtone set as rake by sufjan stevens in my cell. next time you’re around manhattan, tell them to give me a call! ( jennifer, 26, she/they, est )
born and raised in manhattan, it has always been amelie and her mother, camille. she never knew or met her father, and if she ever found the courage to ask about him, it would usually be met with hostility. he left-- that's all she could gather, maybe he was there for the first year or two,
back in the day, camille had aspirations to be a ballet dancer but due to lack of resources (money) and the fact that her pregnancy was unplanned, nothing really panned ou the way she wanted it to.
it was interesting growing up with her because if you'd ask amelie, she felt as if her own mother didn't like her. on her worst days, one could use the word 'hate', but that was for another conversation. while that was a growing suspicion, camille did see potential in her daughter to do what she couldn't. maybe that was the reason why.
amelie loved dancing, it was an escape for her. it came very naturally and when her mother had stated she was going to train her to be a ballet dancer, she was excited. it was easy to see it as camille finally trying to engage or spend time with her daughter, but it wasn't like that at all.
camille wanted amelie to be great, no matter what it took. she would take her to multiple studios and berate her daughter in front of man, many people and it wasn't any better at home. there was a lot of yelling, a lot of cussing, manipulation and if she was angry enough, throw something at her. intimidation was key and tenderness was just something amelie did not experience.
she booked her first gig after auditioning at 15, the same year her mother had taken her out of school without consulting her and she also couldn't tell you the last time she'd seen her friends from school. amelie had to guess it was for the best since her career had skyrocketed after her first show, but the more successful she was, the grueling her mother became. she could never be good enough, it was always do better.
then camille was diagnosed with als, a lot was a blur during that time. amelie helped as much as she could, there was a nurse to assist whenever she had a show to do but things didn't get any easier. they got worse, quick, it was 2003 and she was at her mother's wake and has been on a hiatus for about a year since then
she feels frozen, almost paralyzed. she doesn't know who she is or what to do, everything has taken a toll on her. there was no way to exist without her mother's voice ringing in her ear --- but she's going to try.
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kaiasms · 1 year
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(  diane  guerrero,  she/her,  cis  woman  )  i’m  pretty  sure  i  just  ran  into  kaia  vergara!  you  know  them,  they’re  the  37  year  old  zoologist  that’s  been  here  for  2  ½  years.  they  can  be  pretty  ardent,  but  on  the  d.l.,  they’re  also  fickle.  i  have  their  ringtone  set  as  hungry  like  the  wolf  by  duran  duran  in  my  cell.  next  time  you’re  around  queens,  tell  them  to  give  me  a  call!
full  name:  kaia elena vergara
title:  doctor
nicknames:  accepts kai
born:  boston, massachusetts
age:  thirty7
sexuality:  bisexual/biromantic
height:  5’3”
marital  status:  never married
occupation:  zoologist with a specialization in big cats
 born  unexpectedly  and  seen  as  the  answer  to  a  withering  marriage,  kaia  did  what  she  could  to  piece  her  family  together.  her  father  helped  her  gain  her  current  interest  in  animals  and  wildlife,  cultivating  a  loving  father-daughter  relationship  between  the  two  that  kaia  held  deeply  onto  once  it  was  revealed  her  mother  had  been  cheating  on  her  father.  cue  the  divorce  and  enter  kaia's  half-brother.  chasing  the  high  of  her  prime  and  seeing  her  beauty  in  her  daughter,  kaia's  mother  pushed  kaia  into  the  web  of  child  modeling  where  she  would  walk  designer  runways  and  grace  magazine  covers  until  she  was  eighteen.  once  gaining  autonomy  over  her  own  life,  kaia  put  an  end  to  modeling  and  pursued  an  education  in  wildlife  biology.  inspired  by  her  father,  kaia  went  on  to  gain  her  phd  with  a  specialization  in  big cats.  for  some  time  being  kaira  would  travel  with  fellow  biologists  and  study big cats at sanctuaries.  with  a  job  offer  to  care  for  the  big  cats  at  the  bronx  zoo,  kaia  now  finds  herself  finally  settling  in  one  place  for  the  foreseeable  future.  7/10  certainty  that  kaia  will  probably  prefer  the  company  of  her  cats  to  most  people.
FULL BIOGRAPHY (linked bc tumblr told me i talk too much)
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