azurezfiction · 3 months
Your Honest Opinion Ask: 5 Pink Ranges that get too MUCH hype, 5 Pink Rangers that need MORE hype, 5 Pink Rangers that would have been better with a different color
Honest Opinion on Power Rangers | @augment-techs
You are very evil you know that? But here we go!
Pink's that get *too* much hype: Kimberly Hart - Listen. I know she was first and lasted the longest tenure of being a Pink Ranger, but.... c'mon guys. She isn't 100% perfect. Calm down. Jen - This *pains* me to say because i LOVE Jen but.. the fandom does have a habit of hyping her up *way* too much and overshadowing the other Pink Rangers at times. Sydney Drew - More so on the fanfic side. She *definitely* ends up taking centre stage far more often than not in fics, and pushing other characters to the side. Shelby Watkins- Urgh, another one that I love. I LOVE Shelby okay? But... yeah she can get overhyped at times. Dana Mitchell - I love Dana but yeah... also the same, she gets very, very hyped up a lot by the fandom.
Pink's that NEED more Hype: Vida - I know, I know. Mystic Force. But c'mon guys, Vida's one of the saving graces of Mystic Force! She deserved SO much more. Katherine - She needed a chance to stand out from Kimberly's Shadow and be her own characters *without* being constantly compared to Kim at every chance and corner. Sarah Thompson - She deserved a better season to shine. Let's be honest. Karone - I would have LOVED to see Karone grow more in Lost Galaxy, and explore deeper with her transition from evil, working on her redemption and atonement to being a ranger and afterward. Rose - While she got a bit more focus compared to the rest of the Overdrive Rangers... she could have *definitely* been divulged into a bit more than what we got. Pinks that should have been a different colour: Rose should have been the Blue Ranger. Her knowledge of tech, computers and mechanic skills. I think it would have suited her more and having Dax being Pink perhaps? Katherine becoming a White Ranger. There always seems to be a connection with Evil Rangers and the White Ranger Colour or connections with Evil Rangers and White Rangers (Ex: Udonna from Mystc Force).
Jen would have made an excellent Red Ranger, but given the fact that the Chrono Morphers were DNA locked... she deserved to be a Red Ranger.
Cassie as a Black Ranger could have worked. A lot of Black Rangers seem to lean towards the arts, and given the fact that she held a desire to be a singer and be in a band. I think her being a Black Ranger would have definitely worked for her!
And because I'm bias... Karone could have been a Purple Ranger. For obvious reasons~
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strange-lace · 8 years
But What fandoms ARE you currently in?
Oh, sorry! 
Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015)
Legion of Super-Heroes
Miraculous Ladybug
Steven Universe
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azurezfiction · 3 months
Your Honest Opinion Ask: Which PR seasons deserved more than 1 season or at least a BETTER second season.
Honest Opinion on Power Rangers | @augment-techs
Absolutely 100% All of the Neo-Saban Power Rangers Seasons deserved better seasons. I think we can all agree with that.
For seasons that *deserved* a second season? Lost Galaxy. There is SO much that were never properly address or resolved; like the Quasar Sabers, where did they come from? Who forged them? Who placed them there? The Galaxy Book? How did it connect to the Sabers and the the Galactabeasts?
And because I'm so incredibly self-indulgent. Dino Thunder. Except hear me out for a moment; since *technically* there is a pause year from Dino Thunder to Mystic Force (since SPD is set in the future) that's 1 full year without rangers appearing. Sooo.... my indulging point of Conner, Ethan, Kira, Trent along with Devin and Cassidy becoming Rangers and fighting against either a brand new threat or an old threat that's re-surfaced. (Ex: Zealtrax surviving, Master Vile or Scorpina surviving the Z-Wave, etc... that type of thing). Conner as Red, Kira s Yellow, Ethan as Blue, Trent becoming White (A nod towards Tommy going from Green to White and Adam going from Black to Green), Devin becoming Black or another colour, and Cassidy as Pink. Tommy taking a step back and becoming a mentor *full* time and managing to avoid becoming a Ranger again (maybe).
But yeah that's my thoughts for that~
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Send a ship ask: Mystic Force; Udonna/Leanbow
Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it, regardless of my overall opinions of the ship: @augment-techs
That they never give up on each other. Udonna always knew he was out there somewhere, and never once gave up hope that they'd unite sometime in the future. Even after discovering Koragg was Leanbow, she knew deep down her husband was in there somewhere.
Their loyalty, faith and trust. Leanbow doesn't even question Udonna when they jumped on motorcycles together to go with Nick to visit his adopted parents and sister. They are the definition of: "Ride or Die together."
You cannot tell me that Leanbow and Udonna aren't the Morticia and Gomez of Mystic Force. They *LOVE* each other and express it without embarrassment or falter. They are so deeply in love its both sickening and something to aspire to.
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azurezfiction · 1 year
kissing under the covers + Ziggy/Dillon; Power Rangers RPM
Places for kissing | @augment-techs
"Your hogging the covers."
A gruff grumble echoed came from the side of the bed. Ziggy turned over with a pout. "Dillion."
"Am not."
"You are."
Dillion grumbled again and turned facing Ziggy. The blanket practically covering his features. "Am. Not."
"You are." Ziggy felt his lips spread to a smile unable to resist giggling at the sight of his beloved. It was adorable sometimes. Seeing Dillion act so openly and freely. Deciding to have fun, Ziggy sunk beneath the covers almost snaking against Dllion's chest.
His head popped out slightly, capturing Dillion's lips into a chaste, quick yet meaningful kiss.
Ziggy grins. "You are, but this is good too. Now if you'll excuse me~" He dove back underneath and snuggled snickering along the way as Dillion gaped, face reddened.
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Send a ship ask: World of the Coinless Drakkon/Jason
Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it, regardless of my overall opinions of the ship:
The intimacy between the would definitely be... something, that's for sure? Definitely battling it out every time when things get hot and heated.
They really don't like the idea of someone else kicking the other's ass and will pretty much jump into the fire and beat their asses.
They'll never admit that they worry about each other when they clean up each other's wounds, and have a silent but loving moment between them when no one else is insight.
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azurezfiction · 3 months
made-up fic title prompt:
beast morphers; Betty x Devon: "parsley, peppers, cabbages, celery, fiddle ferns, lettuce, watercress, and rampion"
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it | @augment-techs
Title: parsley, peppers, cabbages, celery, fiddle ferns, lettuce, watercress, and rampion Rating: T Ships: Betty x Devon Additional Tags: Betty and Ben becoming a Green (Betty) and Orange Ranger (Ben), Blaze and Roxy as Pink (Blaze) and Black (Roxy), Blaze and Devon friendship, gals being pals and supportive, guys being pals and supportive, Devon becoming naturally romantic, and Betty deserves happiness. Summary: In order to build morale after the events of S1 of Beast Morphers. A good contest is held. Betty and Devon end up being paired together, as the sparks of romance begin to form between them as both open up to each other leaning to work together.
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azurezfiction · 1 year
📂 + Dillon//RPM
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have | @augment-techs
Dillion may or may not have downloaded all of Lady Gaga's songs to his internal hardrive and puts it on whenever he doesn't feel like listening to anyone.
Usually whenever Scott, Summer or Dr K speaks.
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azurezfiction · 1 year
A kiss that shouldn’t have happened + Boom! Power Rangers; Lord Drakkon and literally anyone you might like--dealer's choice ^^
Places for kissing | @augment-techs
"Fuck you."
Drakkon turns and gives a harsh, almost empty laugh with a head tilt. "Please do." He remarks, words dripped with bemusement and excitement. As he kicks a Zedstrinal away wit his foot. "Surprised that fool Zedd got new foot soldiers."
Jason gave Drakkon a flat look. "Like you're any better?"
"I at least have some form of creativity and imagination!" Drakkon snarks with a squawk in his tone. Docking, turning his blade around in the palm and jabbed backwards slicing another in half. "And at least I gave my foot soldiers a pension and benefits!"
"Wow. Sounds like a dream," Jason counters dryly.
"I'm evil. But I'm not an asshole to the people who I employee," Drakkon comments.
Jason snorts. That was the biggest damned lie he'd ever heard.
"Watch it!"
Drakon lunged past him and skewering another soldier before Jason had even realized. The intensity of their argument distracted him from noticing the enemy approaching from behind, before anything could be said. Drakkon grabbed Jason by the collar pulling him into a fierce, deep kiss.
The kiss had been intense that Jason almost felt himself from melting into it.
As the kiss ended, Jason put his arm to his lips jerking back at the cocky smile on Drakkon's face.
"I might not be half a good a kisser as your Tommy," Drakkon sneers satisficed. "But you are mine. No one is allowed to kill you but me!"
Jason grimaces slightly with a dark look. "Sure." He remarks coldly. "Whatever you say." He was no one's but himself. For now, Jason planned on letting on Drakkon do what was needed to defeat Zedd.
For now.
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azurezfiction · 1 year
kissing in an abandoned building+ World of the Coinless Trini/Zack; boom! power rangers
Places for kissing | @augment-techs
It was strange… being back here.
Being back at Angel Grove High. Rather, what had been left of Angel Grove High. Ever since Drakon and Rita began their takeover of the planet, no place had been left untouched during battles. Not even schools. The one place that the Rangers had some form of normalcy away from being Rangers. That had been until Drakon decided to destroy it. Taking away a piece of their humanity alongside it.
Zack and Trini walked through the building, taking a look around. Looking for anything useful they could scavenge, and surveying around.
“I can’t believe it’s kinda still standing. You’d think it would have collapsed by now,” Zack remarks with a slight teasing smile.
Trini stops herself from snorting. “It must have been built of stronger stuff,” She comments non unkindly.
“You know…” Zack pauses and glances towards her. “We never really did get to go to Prom, dd we?”
A frown soon marred her features with narrowed eyes. Trini stopped mid-stride confusion settling in trying to decipher his words. Prom? That had been so long ago. She barely remembered it. Everything became hectic. Chaotic. Trying their best to survive and push through Drakkon’s ever growing army, none of them ever truly graduated from high school. Dedicated their life to the fight.
“Zack, I don’t….” Zack takes her hand gently, his gaze ever so soft. She had forgotten how gentle he could look. He carefully brushes his lips upon her hand.
“Shall we have our first dance while we have the chance?” “Zack I…” Trini felt her face burn and glanced away. Eyes sliding back. “I’m not sure…” “When will we ever get the chance?” Zack asks, his shoulder sagged. 
Trini finds himself smiling despite herself, catching the glimpse of mischief that danced within his eyes. “Okay,” She relents. “One dance. That’s it.”
“That’s all I need.” Zack says with a grin that reminded her of his younger self, and kissed her cheek.
Trini turned away attempting to hide the blush that grew. Perhaps coming here had been a blessing. And, a sign that they still carried hope inside.
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azurezfiction · 8 months
Biggest secret - everyone knows their soulmate’s biggest secret (even if it’s from the future) + Post-Charge to 100 Bulk x Jason
Soulmate AUs | @augment-techs
Bulk always felt that there had been something itching inside of his mind. Something that clawed and gwaned around, yet never really could ever actually touch. It had been brief moments that came and then went immediately afterwards as though walking within a day dream.
He knows that Skull's experienced the game, sharing the weird experience from time to time. At first believed that Rita and Zedd were messing with a new form or type of magic, or a monster that was doing something. Yet that never felt right. They've tried to figure out what was going on and to no avail, nothing seemed to work or let them remember.
"Guys!" Bulk heard Jason's voice briefly. Something stirred inside of hm watching as he and the others gathered together. "You ready?"
"It's Morphin Time!"
Bulk felt his eyes widened seeing the multi coloured lights shined brightly, brilliantly and strong. As his brain began flooded with a sensation.
Jason was the Red Ranger.
It made sense.
Of course he knew! Jason was his soul mate, h-how could he not have known?!
Fear. Panic. Worry. Fear.
It hit him all at once.
Bulk carefully followed after him. Staying a safe distance as not to distract Jason and the others from fighting the monster, not wanting to put them or himself in danger. Paying attention to the fight. Seeing the way Jason fought the Putties, the monster, and seeing him go one on one against Goldar.
It was a sight to be hold.
He knew Jason was strong... but this was out of this world! As the Megazord appeared and destroying the monster.
His brain tightened. A sharp pressure against his mind, grappling the side of his mind.
"Bulkie? You okay?"
Bulk felt his light headed. Unable to concentrate. "i..." His head shook. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"You sure? You look a little pale," Skull says concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Skull tilts his head. "So what are you doing out there?"
"Well of course I was..." Wait.... what was he doing? Bulk blinked and scoffed. "Never mind that. Let's go."
"Right behind you!"
... Why had he been out here anyway? And why did he feel like something important was missing?
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Danger alert - people can feel when their soulmate is in danger + Billy x Skull
Soulmate AUs | @augment-techs
Skull felt the pain surge in his chest. Head whipped around, the amount of Puttie Patrollers and Tengu that surrounded them, but that was not on his mind. He could feel it. Billy was in trouble! The burn continued to grow, and grow bigger and menacing with each second.
"SKULL!" Before his mind registered, a Putty Patroller disintrigrated immediately into dust.
Britt stood before him. Her head cocked, concern flashed. "Are you okay?"
"Y=Yeah," Skull chokes out.Trying to find his words. "B-but Billy! He-he's`" "I know." Britt's words were sharp yet gentle. "Zordon's found them. We need to get through these guys first, then we can go and find your boyfriend."
Skull flushed. Billy and him... they... well... it wasn't that they were hiding it. Had they been that obvious?
"Guess it's time?" Bulk asks looking at Britt.
She gives a nod taking a step forward. "Are you guys ready?"
Bulk and Skull looked at each other. And then glanced at the others. Violet. Richie. Curtis. Matt. And Britt's brother, Serge stood with them.
"We're ready." Bulk declares firmly.
Britt nods. "Then it's Morphin time!" She held her morpher out. "Red Thunder!"
"Yellow Thunder!"
"Pink Thunder!"
"Blue Thunder!"
"Black Thunder!"
"Green Thunder!"
Skull held out his morpher. "Orange Thunder!"
"Purple Thunder!" Bulk called out.
The power flowed through them, feeling it ran through his entire body enveloping him entirely. Skull stood in his Orange Ranger Suit immediately summoning his Thunder Deer Spear, and Bulk with this Thunder Fox Daggers.
"Thunder Legends Rangers!"
"Now," Britt says. "Let's go save your boyfriend."
Skull gives a ferocious grin tightening his hand upon his weapon. Goldar entering his line of sights.
"With. Pleasure."
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azurezfiction · 7 months
*Sees the mention of Phaedos and Dulcea*
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azurezfiction · 1 year
+ Lightspeed Rescue; Ryan & Carter
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have | @augment-techs
Ryan absolutely has a collection of self help books to help him understand humans more. It varies on the level of success.
Carter has a habit of destroying his parent's dancing, singing Santa Clause Decoration for Christmas. It's super annoying and loud. He and his siblings alternate who destroys it every year... yet somehow survives, and still works.
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Kisses because everything hurts right now including being loved by you but you’re also the only thing that makes it feel better + Boom! Power Rangers; Billy x Skull
Places for kissing | @augment-techs
“You were told it was dangerous!”
Skull wanted to yell. To scream at Billy for being so… so goddamn stubborn and idiotic! Conceding that because of Billy’s plan that they were able to survive, and get through the latest battle with no casualties, the fact that Skull also somehow managed to piss off Goldar of all people had definitely been a plus in his mind. 
He plopped himself into the chair, wrapping his hand around Billy’s. “You really scared me,” Skull whispers quietly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. But I knew that it was the only chance we could get in order to turn the advantage to our favour,” Billy said with a groan. Pushing himself upwards slightly from the bed. “I should have calculated better.”
“You think?!” Skull remarks sarcastically.
Billy winces. “I’m sorry. That was in poor taste.”
“A little.” Skull sighs, running his hand through his hair. “Try not doing that again, okay?”
"I'll try." Billy promises smiling weakly, coughing slightly. Skull lets out a quiet sigh before leaning over and brushing lips together in a gentle kiss, his Thunder Morpher reflected beneath the lights of the ceiling dancing brightly in colour with Billy's Morpher.
Orange and Blue. An unusual combination.
But one they made work.
"If not I'm sic'ing Kim on you," Skull promises.
Billy pouted in response.
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Sitting on the other’s lap, being hugged from behind + Boom!PR: World of the Coinless; Kim/Bulk
Twenty-Fourth Day of Gift-Giving
Twenty-Four Touches | @augment-techs
It never seemed to stop. The rain.
Kim gazed at the graveyard. The number of people buried spread far across than what she could see. Too many for her to count, even imagine. The rows went on and on, seemingly without end. Every day a new grave was made. A new grave being worked on.
She hated it.
The amount of damage that Drakkon brought to this world. That Rita had brought to the world.
It made her stomach twist in disgust.
Her eyes dodged to the side, an hand around an arm."...I'm okay," She says.
A lie.
Bulk's footsteps are heard. "You don't sound okay."
"I'm fine. Really." Kim reassures. It was sickening. How easy lying came to her. It shouldn't feel so easy. Taste so... normal. "You go on ahead."
"Sure. If that's what you want." Bulk concedes.
"...Thanks." Kim sniffs with a faint smile. Her attention drifted slightly away from the ground before she felt something. Her body went rigged briefly shock ran through her system before the warmth enveloped her. Her back pressed against Bulk's chest, arms wrapped around with a hug.
That embrace shook her to the core. No words were said, the implication was enough. Tears ran down her cheeks, sobbing while Bulk stood behind her allowing Kim to sob.
Here lies Mrs and Mr Hart A Mother and A Father They Loved and Fought Until the End.
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