#australian loans online
getloan · 1 year
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eftcapital01 · 1 year
8 Smart Ways to Make Use of an Online Personal Loan
Financial requirements can come suddenly in today's fast-paced environment. Applying for loans online has become popular since it is a quick and easy approach. Online personal loans are a realistic choice for those who need finances quickly but want to avoid dealing with the trouble of visiting a physical bank. 
Table of Content: 
Smart Ways to Make Use of an Online Personal Loan
Consolidate Debt
Cover Medical Expenses
Home Improvement
Fund Education
Starting a Business
Take a Vacation
Emergency Expenses
Consolidate student loans
EFT Capital - Simplifying Loan Application Processes for Consumers
Smart Ways to Make Use of an Online Personal Loan
Borrowers can apply for loans online and receive funds immediately into their bank accounts with only a few clicks. This article will discuss eight smart ways to use an online personal loan.
Consolidate Debt
One of the most common reasons people apply for online personal loans is to consolidate high-interest debts. The interest and fees on credit cards and other high-interest loans may add up fast. Consolidating your debts with a personal loan obtained online will help you save time and money.
When using an online personal loan for debt consolidation, comparing interest rates and terms from multiple lenders is important. To consolidate debts and save money, shop around for a loan with an interest rate lower than what you're paying now.
Cover Medical Expenses
Even for individuals with health insurance, the cost of medical care in the modern world can be prohibitive. An online personal loan may be worth looking into if you need money for emergency medical care but need more savings or insurance. 
You can get the money you need fast and without the hassle of the lengthy application process associated with more conventional loan types by applying for one of these unsecured loans.
It's crucial to shop around and compare interest rates and repayment terms among different lenders before committing to an online personal loan for medical bills. 
Ensure you can afford the monthly payments and fully comprehend the loan's conditions and fees. When used wisely, an online personal loan can help you handle medical costs without putting undue strain on your budget.
Home Improvement
Home improvement is making changes to one's dwelling to enhance its livability, efficiency, or visual appeal. 
Whether it's something as simple as a fresh coat of paint or as extensive as an entire kitchen overhaul, any improvement is fair game. Costing a lot of money, home improvement improvements can increase your home's worth and your quality of life.
There are several good reasons to consider getting a personal loan online for a home renovation project. It's a quick and easy way to get the money you need without having to dip into savings or incur expensive credit card debt. Second, you can pick the contractors and supplies you prefer without worrying about going over your budget.
Fund Education
Education expenses can be a significant burden for students and their families. Tuition, books, and basic living costs are all examples of what may fall into this category. 
Many students take out student loans to help defray their tuition expenses, but they sometimes come with high-interest rates and stringent repayment requirements. Many students benefit from a personal loan online to cover their educational costs.
The adaptability offered by an online personal loan is a major selling point when considering its use for funding higher education. A personal loan can be used for anything related to school, including tuition, books, and living costs, but most student loans have strict limitations on how they can be spent. 
Furthermore, some students may find personal loans to have lower interest rates than student loans. To receive the greatest deal on a personal loan to cover educational costs, apply with a reputed online lender after carefully considering the repayment terms.
Starting a Business
Starting a business is a risky but potentially lucrative venture that requires significant financial resources. Loans are a common source of capital for startups, but conventional bank loans can take time to secure. Many business owners can benefit from taking out a personal loan online.
The speed and ease of getting a personal loan online are two benefits that can help you get your business off the ground. Online lenders' application processes and funding times are often very swift, allowing business owners to launch their ventures quickly. 
Personal loans may be more accessible to start-up business entrepreneurs since they are simpler to secure than loans from more established financial institutions. 
To ensure that you are borrowing responsibly and establishing a stable financial footing for your business, you must have a thorough business plan before applying for a personal loan online.
Take a Vacation
Taking a vacation can be a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life. Travel, lodging, entertainment, and food can add up rapidly during a vacation. Getting a personal loan online may be a good option if you want to take a trip but need more money.
The cost of your holiday can be split up into monthly payments with an online personal loan. Because of this, you can enjoy the vacation of your dreams without completely draining your bank account. 
Personal loans are an attractive alternative to using credit cards to fund travel because of the potential for cheaper interest rates. You should only borrow what you can afford to repay when taking out a personal loan online to fund a holiday. This way, you won't have to worry about your financial situation while on vacation.
Emergency Expenses
Unanticipated emergency expenses can be a significant financial burden. These expenses can include, among others, medical bills, auto repairs, and home repairs. When faced with a financial emergency, an online personal loan can be a lifesaver, providing the necessary funds to cover expenses swiftly and easily.
The quickness with which funds can be accessed is an advantage of using an online personal loan to cover unexpected expenses. Typically, online lenders have rapid application processes and can provide quick funding, allowing you to address the emergency immediately. 
Moreover, personal loans can have lower interest rates than credit cards, making them a more cost-effective option for those needing money. Applying for loans online can provide a rapid, hassle-free solution for unexpected expenses.
Consolidate student loans
Consolidating student loans is an intelligent strategy for streamlining repayment and saving money on interest rates. 
By consolidating multiple student loans into a single loan, borrowers can optimise their monthly payments and potentially reduce their overall interest rate. This can facilitate debt management and expedite the repayment of student loans.
Borrowers can apply for a consolidation loan through a bank, credit union, or online lender to consolidate their student loans. The lender will repay the borrower's current loans, and the borrower will make a single monthly payment to the new lender. Before applying for a consolidation loan, borrowers should thoroughly consider the terms and interest rates.
EFT Capital - Simplifying Loan Application Processes for Consumers
EFT Capital is a market leader in the credit industry, offering a wide range of lending products to meet consumers' different demands. EFT Capital has many loan solutions, whether you need a consolidation loan, business financing, or a car loan.
Borrowers may expect a hassle-free and streamlined service with EFT Capital. One of the company's outstanding service offers is its cutting-edge application process. Thanks to the user-friendly online application process, customers can apply for loans from the comfort of their homes or offices.
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twoset-updates · 2 years
[041222 straits times article]
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read online (subscribers only, video interview in the article is viewable without subscription)
[EDIT 051222] video interview now also available on youtube:
text of the article below the cut:
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(typed by hand, there may be errors)
Practice makes perfect
Australian violinists Brett Yang and Eddy Chen tell Executive Editor Sumiko Tan that they set up TwoSet Violin to show how classical music can be fun, and to attract the young to it
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Violinists Brett Yang and Eddy Chen are joking that if they must name their least favourite composer, Johann Pachelbel would be up there.
“Sometimes, some pieces are really overplayed, they’re put out of context. That gets a bit annoying,” says Yang, referring to the German composer’s pervasive Canon In D.
So you won’t play Pachelbel at your wedding then, I ask.
“Nah,” Chen dismisses.
“No way,” protests Yang. “Maybe at my funeral, you can play that.”
“But it’ll make you so angry, you’ll come out of your grave,” comes Chen’s rejoinder.
They laugh their heads off at this.
I decide not to mention that Canon In D was in fact what I had chosen to play at my wedding, and one of the few pieces of classical music I enjoy.
The two guys behind TwoSet Violin aren’t music snobs, really. They are just very passionate about classical music and see it as their mission to educate people about that world.
In 2013, the Taiwan-born Australians decided to form TwoSet Violin to make funny videos about life as classical musicians, which they posted on social media.
Their YouTube channel now has nearly four million subscribers, and the 1,300 videos there have garnered more than 1.2 billion views. There are also videos on other platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.
Their live shows mixing comedy and violin recital have been seen in more than 20 cities, and they are planning another world tour.
There’s also TwoSet Apparel, a line of music-inspired T-shirts, hoodies and cardigans.
Their videos are both hilarious and educational. Often looking as if they had just tumbled out of bed, they discuss everything from violin hickeys (neck bruises due to prolonged violin playing; I see one on Yang but not on Chen) to misconceptions about musicians (”musical geniuses are born, not created” really riles them up.)
A video of them critiquing a Guinness World Record holder for world’s “fastest violinist” has drawn 9.5 million views. Their Pachelbel’s Chicken video, played with a squeaky rubber chicken, has 3.7 million views.
I’m interviewing the influencers ahead of their Nov 16 concert with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO).
This was a rather more serious performance. Yang played Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto, and then Bach’s Concerto For Two Violins with Chen. The latter performed the closing movement of Paganini’s Violin Concerto No. 2, better known as La Campanella, for an encore.
The SSO event was sold out within minutes and its livestream on YouTube amassed more than 986,000 views in two weeks.
Yang had asked over e-mail for restaurant suggestions. I give him four and he picks One-Ninety at the Four Seasons. The hotel says filming there would be difficult and suggests we eat at its quieter Jiang-Nan Chun Cantonese restaurant.
They are fine with Chinese food, and also agree to bring along their violins — in this case, two precious Stradivarius instruments on loan to them for the SSO concert.
In person, they come across as smart, decent and sincere. They also look as if they could do with more sleep.
Yang, 30, is the friendlier, chattier one. When he sees the camera crew milling around, he asks me: “Is everyone eating or is it just us?”
Just us, I say.
“Sorry, guys,” he waves to them.
With his floppy fringe and dark-framed glasses, his style is collegiate preppy.
Chen’s is more hip hop. He’s wearing trendy oversized wire-frame glasses, a big white T-shirt and a sprinkling of jewellery. He appears a little more distant at first, possibly due to a lack of caffeine.
You’re quieter than in your videos, I remark.
“Yeah, people say that a lot,” Chen, 29, says. “I am, actually. But I also think I just haven’t had my coffee today.”
Yang vouches for this. “There is Eddy pre-coffee and after,” he says, mimicking how a tortoise retracts its head in and out of its shell. It sets them off laughing again.
Over our two-hour set-menu lunch, they finish each other’s sentences and reaffirm the other’s opinion or observation, Chen warms up after his caffeine fix from the Chinese tea. They share the same humour and their affection for each other seems genuine.
Sharing similar backgrounds, they have been friends for more than half their lives.
Both were born in Taiwan. When they were four, their families moved to New Zealand before settling down in Brisbane, Australia.
Yang, whose Chinese name is Po-yao, adopted the name Brett in Taiwan when his parents asked his English teacher for Western names. She went down the alphabet in giving them suggestions. His older brother is Alan, he got Brett and his mother is Cathy. “We skipped D as we couldn’t find a good name. My dad’s Eric.”
Chen’s mother picked Michael for him when he started kindergarten in New Zealand, but there were three other Michaels in his class.
He asked her for a new name, and she told him to pick one himself. Chen, whose Chinese name is Wei-chen, decided on Eddy after a fighter character in Tekken, a PlayStation game.
They met when Yang was 14 and Chen 13, at a maths tutoring class in Brisbane attended by Asian students.
The next day, they ran into each other again at a youth orchestra rehearsal they had signed up for. They didn’t attend the same school, but the classical music world was so small that they stayed friends.
Chen’s father was a dentist and his mother a housewife. He and his sister, who’s five years older, learnt the violin and piano. When she was 18, she decided to focus on the piano. “My mum was like, ‘well, we have only one piano, so I’m not giving you piano lessons anymore.’” He did the violin.
As for Yang, his older brother played the cello for a while and is now a dentist — “he’s fulfilling that for my parents”. His father is a semi-retired architect and mother an artist and teacher.
Their childhood revolved around practice, performance and competitions. Both went to Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, one of Australia’s leading music and performing arts schools, and knew they would make a career in music.
Chen remembers what his father, who died in 2015, once told him.
“He said, ‘Look, I’ve done that whole make your Asian parents happy part, and it’s cool, but I’m staring at teeth every day from the moment I wake up till I go to sleep. So unless you’re really passionate about teeth, maybe think a bit about doing what you’re passionate about.’
“That stuck with me, which is why I chose to do music even though my mum was like ‘be a doctor, be a doctor’.”
Yang tells his friend: “Your dad’s the chillest dad.”
Did your father get to see your YouTube success before he died, I ask chen.
“We had just started. He saw a little bit, but he didn’t see our first world tour, unfortunately, which would have been cool,” he says, sounding wistful.
Yang adds comfortingly: “He left you with his blessing — and passion.”
Around the time they were in university, South Korean rapper Psy’s Gangnam Style video became a global hit. Inspired, they started to make videos.
There was then a popular duo called 2Cellos. Calling themselves TwoViolins would be lame, “like a copy-paste”, says Yang. “So our two set of violins? Okay, TwoSet Violin.”
They got jobs in orchestras after graduation — Yang with the Sydney Symphony and Chen with the Queensland Symphony.
The fanbase of their videos continued to grow. At the end of 2015, they left their jobs to do videos full time. Audiences lapped up content like 8 Most Epic Piano Performances Everyone Should Watch.
In 2017, they decided to raise funds for a world tour and, as they said at the time, “turn our viral classical comedy videos into one crazy recital”.
They busked and slept on the streets of Sydney, and hit their goal of A$50,000 (S$46,000) in five days. From 2017 to 2019, they performed in more than 20 cities, including Singapore.
As classical musicians, they saw how audiences were ageing. A key motivation behind TwoSet Violin has been to win over young fans.
“At concerts, it’s a sea of white hair,” says Yang. “You see a few young people in the front, which is usually us, the students, going to watch their favourite artists on student tickets.”
Adds Chen: “In 20 years, what’s going to happen?”
Yang replies: “We’re not going to have a job... It starts from the younger generation appreciating these things.”
I wonder if making videos has felt like they were dumbing down.
Yang points out that they do play the violin. “It’ll be a different story if we were faking it... But we still offer the integrity of classical music.”
Chen reminds me that his partner would be playing the full Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with the SSO. “No YouTube violinist I can think of could do that, right?”
They love it when people tell them how the videos have inspired them to pick up or relearn instruments.
They are brimming with “infinite” ideas on how to make classical music entertaining.
Anything, it seems, can be turned into content.
An idea like whether one can play the violin on the moon could lead to a discourse on how sound and frequency travel in space.
Some videos critique the treatment of classical music in popular culture. 
Their recent parody of the Korean group Blackpink’s use of Paganini’s La Campanella drew flak from K-pop fans for being disrespectful, which they have shrugged off.
Blackpink’s treatment of La Campanella was “pretty artistically uninspiring”, says Chen dryly.
“They turned such a great piece into one of the most monotonous-sounding loops. Like they tuned it down, they processed it to sound almost like a machine violin, and then it was just looping like half the sentence.”
Their critiques aren’t mean-spirited, they add.
“I don’t think we’ve ever insulted someone for the sake of insulting. When we’re making videos, we’re coming from a perspective of sharing the world of classical music,” Chen says.
“So it’s like we’re educating about classical music but in a fun and entertaining way. We add some comedy to it, and sometimes with comedy there’s a bit more spice to it, and we add a bit of roast occasionally.”
As performers, they have had their struggles with stress and exhaustion.
When Chen was about 20, he couldn’t play the violin for about eight months and was in a wheelchair for two. He was preparing for a performance when first his arms, then legs, became mysteriously wracked with pain.
Eventually, a doctor diagnosed it to be psychological, and he had to learn to push through the pain. He has since recovered.
In 2020, Yang took about three months off, suffering from exhaustion.
They have since tried to take more breaks. They manage themselves, with a team of about 12, half of whom work part-time. Big agencies have asked to represent them, but they prefer to be independent.
Covid-19 put a halt to touring, but they held a virtual tour in December 2021. The duo, who are single and semi-based in Singapore, have announced another world tour for 2023/2023.
They don’t have any significant sponsors or government funding, and get income from YouTube advertising, concerts and apparel. “We try to make it work from the resources we have,” says Yang. “It forces us to be super creative.”
They are certainly changing the way classical music is perceived. At their SSO concert at the Victoria Concert Hall, they tied up with Tiger Sugar to serve bubble tea. (They are big bubble tea fans.)
A lot of their success — as well as their future — hinges on them staying in sync with the other.
Chen says they are on the same wavelength in most things and have hardly ever fought. “We are very much on the same page in our bigger outlook on life. Obviously, there will be smaller decisions that we might disagree on, but we just discuss it.”
Yang echoes this. They approach situations not from a “me perspective” but seek to understand each other.
As we wrap up the meal, I ask what they like about each other.
Yang says: “Eddy’s a very open-minded person, and he also thinks really deep. So it’s not just one-dimensional. You think broadly, you also think depth.”
Chen says he appreciates his friend’s ability to be in touch with people’s feelings and be considerate in social situations.
“He knows how to bring uncomfortable conversations up in a non-confrontational way. You know how sometimes people just bottle things up and then over time it explodes, right? But with Brett, it never feels like it has to get to that.”
Yang says softly: “Thanks, bro.”
The lunch crowd has gone, and we take over the restaurant to film the video. They play for us a segment of Augustin Hadelich’s arrangement of Por Una Cabeza by Carlos Gardel.
Yang e-mails me later to ask if I’d like a ticket to their SSO concert. I ask for one to their open rehearsal.
There’s nary a head of white hair among the audience. The seats are occupied by happy young people — mostly women — clapping wildly when they walk on stage and soaking in the Mendelssohn and Bach that follow.
I’m not a classical music lover, but, I, too, enjoyed myself.
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f1 · 1 year
Daniel Ricciardo replaces Nick De Vries at AlphaTauri on loan for the remainder of the F1 season
Daniel Ricciardo is BACK! Red Bull confirm Australian will replace Nick De Vries at AlphaTauri as eight-time Grand Prix winner returns to the grid six months after being axed by McLaren By Dan Cancian For Daily Mail Australia Updated: 15:46, 11 July 2023 Daniel Ricciardo is back in Formula One after Red Bull confirmed the Australian will replace Nick De Vries at AlphaTauri. AlphaTauri, which is owned by Red Bull, parted ways with the Dutch rookie on Tuesday after failing to collect a single point in 10 races this season. Ricciardo will be driving for the team with immediate effect after joining on loan from Red Bull and will be on the grid at the Hungarian Grand Prix next week. Daniel Ricciardo is back in Formula One after Red Bull confirmed the Australian will replace Nick De Vries at AlphaTauri 'I am stoked to be back on track with the Red Bull family,' the Australian said. The eight-time Grand Prix winner served as Red Bull driver this season and was on track at Silverstone on Tuesday for a tyre test. 'His times during the tyre test were extremely competitive,' Red Bull team principal Christian Horner said. 'It was a very impressive drive and we are excited to see what the rest of the season brings for Daniel on loan at Scuderia AlphaTauri.  More to follow  Share or comment on this article: Daniel Ricciardo replaces Nick De Vries at AlphaTauri on loan for the remainder of the F1 season via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Here’s my submission to the Robodebt Royal Commission, might delete later, not bc I’m scared of any hoes doxxin me, but bc I can’t be having anyone think I got emotions:
Let me tell you the sordid tale of how the Robodebt Scheme destroyed a first class legal honours graduate who, once upon a time, had a bright future ahead of her. I remember very well the day on which I received that fateful email 'You have a new message in your MyGov inbox'. It was the day after my graduation ceremony. I'd spent several years studying a science/law dual degree while working casually. I'd achieved exemplary grades and had several offers for graduate programs at a variety of prestigious companies. Not bad for a country gal who was the first in her family to attend university. My parents travelled into the big smoke to see me graduate. When they returned home it was to a pile of threatening letters from Services Australia, all of them addressed to me. 
At this point I still had faith in the Australian legal system. Clearly there had been a mistake. I wasn't some no-good dole bludger trying to cheat the system. I was a recently graduated professional who had simply spent her free time in itinerant employment, so as not to be so much of a burden on the tax-payer while I studied. It was obvious to me at this point, in 2019, that Centrelink was averaging out data from my annual pay summary to come to a figure that would obviously be at odds with the fortnightly income reports I'd made. Nonetheless, I complied with the threatening letters and sent in the payslips and bank statements that I could get a hold of. This was a monumental feat in and of itself, since Centrelink had allowed several years of debt to accrue before saying anything to me about it. Some of my previous employers didn't exist anymore. Some of my previous banks simply didn't keep records that long. At the time Centrelink itself recommended that I keep payslips for only six months. Nonetheless I handed over the information I could find. I also spent several days working through a long and complicated online form checking and confirming the several years worth of fortnightly reports I'd made against my patchwork of payslips. This information was all promptly lost by Centrelink and I was sent a notice that I owed $17500. 
I had to turn down all my fantastic offers for employment at this time, since a government debt will prevent you from being admitted as a lawyer. Meanwhile I had to start paying back this 'debt' despite not one of the dozens of Centrelink workers I spoke with being able to substantiate it in any way. I continued to receive threatening letters, which I began to take more seriously. As a law graduate I was all too aware of Centrelink's near undefeated prosecutions record against so-called 'welfare cheats'. I started doing my own research and found many of these cases were just like my own, where the 'offender' had tried to do the right thing and had ended up punished regardless. The more I dug the more this all seemed like a joke, like a parody of a legal system. Nothing about Centrelink's conduct so far had been, in my humble opinion, reasonable. In fact, if they had been private debt collectors a lot of their behaviour and actions would have been flagrantly against debt collection laws. 
Out of fear of this unreasonable and formidable foe bearing down upon me I cancelled my Centrelink payments, not wanting to give Centrelink any further reason to foist a debt, or worse, on me. I kept my head down, I didn't formally dispute my debt and I just kept up with my repayments. I absolutely did not want to poke the sleeping dragon in the eye, so to speak. Without income from either work or welfare I lasted about two months on my savings before becoming homeless. 
As they say, when it rains, it pours, and I was beset by dental issues and cancer at this time. These medical issues were probably either caused or exacerbated by my homelessness. I had to take out a large loan to pay for surgeries and treatment. I recovered from these surgeries while living in an unreliable old car which leaked onto my pillow every time it rained. I hardly ever showered, I peed in a bucket, ate nothing but rice and continued to pay my Centrelink debt. Out of desperation I reapplied for Centrelink, figuring that at least if I wound up in jail I'd be assured a meal, a shower and a bed. Absolutely defeated at this point, I came to accept my lot in life would probably always be abject poverty. 
And then the Robodebt Scheme was blown open by The Guardian's coverage and the heroic efforts of Gordon Legal. Emboldened to know I was not alone I started asking questions again. I started calling Centrelink every week (when I had the time to wait on hold for a few hours) and I submitted FOI requests every month. As the class action drew on my FOI requests became increasingly redacted but at least one thing hadn't changed; the only answer I could get out of a Centrelink worker was 'I dunno'. I submitted my payslips over and over again. Via email, via the online form, I even took my hardcopy payslips (soggy from my leaking car roof) into the Centrelink office. Again and again they were 'lost' and subsequent calls to Centrelink would reveal they 'had no record of me making such a submission to them'. 
It was bittersweet to see the class action proceedings unfold and be classed as a Category 3. Seemed as though Centrelink were only too happy to suddenly acknowledge their receipt of my documentation when it suited them. I use the word 'documentation' lightly though, since subsequent FOI requests reveal they don't actually have copies of my payslips or bank statements, only the fact that I provided them. So I'm still not sure what they're going off to substantiate my 'debt'. In any case, the only difference between myself and the relinquished Cat 1s & 2s was that I'd complied with Centrelink's requests for documentation and the Cat 1s & 2s had not. I don't really view myself as anymore deserving of this 'debt' than someone who simply ignored Centrelink's correspondence. I received a further kick while I was down when everyone who was being investigated post-2020 was let off too. My debt was raised in 2019. 
And so, here we are, at the present day. I'm still homeless. I still have cancer. I still rely on welfare. What was the point of Centrelink paying me to study several years for a legal career, to just snatch it away from me? Ironically, if I were allowed to use the qualifications I studied so long for I would have no trouble paying this 'debt'. Alas, the five year time limit I'm under to be admitted as a lawyer after graduating is fast approaching. My immediate future is not particularly bright. I already use most of my welfare on repaying medical debts. I am already on several financial hardship arrangements however, upon the resumption of Centrelink's 'debt' collection next month (precisely on my 30th birthday no less), I will no longer be able to afford to pay my bills on time. During the imminent bankruptcy proceedings that will follow I'll likely lose the car that I sleep in (I'll probably get to keep my Centrelink debt though). But hey, it might not even get that far, since I have a few packets of sleeping pills waiting for me when Centrelink decides to put the final nail in my coffin. I'm sure they'll give just as much of a damn about my death as they do about the thousands of other deaths they've caused. Which is no damn at all. Just to be concise. 
In conclusion, I have no expectation that my submission here will mean much at all. I don't expect that my 'debt' will be waived. I don't expect to get my career and my life back. I don't expect to afford healthcare or food or rent anytime soon. I don't expect a mote of human decency. This has mostly just been an outlet for me to tell the story I've spent several years enduring public vitriol and government contempt over. So if you've gotten this far, thanks for reading. In another life I might have one day sat where you do now Catherine. That was the dream; to do what you do. And that's the saddest part, you know? I have so much anger for what the government has done to me, how my hopes have been raised so many times, and then everyone but me gets their just desserts. But the anger is better than the sadness of thinking about what could have been. I was so good at law. Initially, I had only taken it because it had come with my science degree, but I ended up absolutely adoring the subject. Even Constitutional Law and Torts! I don't think anything has really interested me so much since. I don't like to dream too much, because I feel like if the universe gets a whiff of it I'll get knocked down another peg, but wouldn't it be great if my debt was waived, I could get admitted as a lawyer and just have a normal life again? Yeah, that's the dream.
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umeloans · 1 day
How Does Linking My Bank Account Details Work?
These days, lenders will request to access to your online bank accounts as part of the loan assessment. With new technology, being able to access these details, it helps us as the lender to make better lending decisions for the customer based on real time banking data. This data listed on your bank statements allows us to look at things like, income deposits, withdrawals, payments of loans, cash flow for a business and other general transactions.
But Just How Safe Is This Permissioning?
Online bank account permissioning is usually done through the online application process, or on request by the lender. Here you will be asked to enter your username and password (your Credentials) in the same way that you would access your online bank accounts. This might seem uncomfortable, but the back-end processes are robust, and security measures are as strong as any Australian banking institution. In fact, the security measures that are taken to protect your information throughout the process is the same technology used by the big banks right here in Australia. This secure online process has passed the scrutiny of regulatory authorities and has been widely accepted across the finance industry as being best practice in Australia for many years.
Let’s Dig a Little Deeper
The main reasons for us wanting this access is to save you time and ensure the accuracy of our loan assessments. Once upon a time, getting a loan meant spending 6-8 weeks filling in forms and then waiting around for banks to approve you. New technologies have helped professional Lenders like UME Loans improve our processes, allowing us to deliver a fast and painless solution. This means that you don’t have to spend weeks drowning in paperwork in order to apply. When you give access to your bank data, we are able to take a quick snapshot of all the information required to provide a quick and efficient assessment meaning you get your pre-approval faster!
To put things in perspective, linking your bank transaction feed takes less than 15 seconds to complete, which is light years faster than you scanning bank statements or downloading PDF documents from your online banking portal. In addition, our assessment systems are now set up to read and analyse electronic bank transactions in a matter of seconds, helping us make a lending decision in a matter of minutes.
Alternatively, when you provide PDFs of bank statements, our system’s efficiency is substituted for human eyeballs which results in the decision-making process being drastically slowed down, plus it is then subject to human error and misunderstanding.
On top of this, due to new smart technologies hitting the market in recent years, we have seen an increase in the amount of fraud attempts by unscrupulous fraudsters who steal and edit PDF bank statements before trying to pose as someone else for the loan application. For this reason, and us wanting to protect Australian consumers, we have decided as a Lender that unless the applicant is willing to use our secure link to provide bank statements to us, we are not in a position to help as the risk of fraud is just too great.
What does providing you with my bank statements do?
It speeds up and streamlines the loan pre-approval process. This means less paperwork for you, less fuss, and a quicker loan decision. We do this using very secure technology that retrieves your bank statement data and sends it directly to us for fast and secure assessment.
Who needs the bank statements?
As part of duty of care and tighter government regulation for borrowing money, most consumer loans require bank statement data as part of the loan evaluation. As part of consumer law here in Australia, lenders are required to take reasonable steps to verify the applicant’s capacity and ability to pay back the loan. Bank statements are an important part of this process.
Why are bank statements important?
An example of something that we will see on your bank statements will be your income. This helps us prove that you are regularly paid wages. Another item we confirm is other loan commitments that you are making on a regular basis along with your general living expenses. These factors help determine serviceability, meaning that you can afford to pay back the new loan that you are applying for right now.
How many months of bank statements are required?
The most common requirement from us here at UME Loans is for 90 days or 3 months of bank statement data, this happens automatically when using our secure link. Sometimes we do require more, sometimes up to 6 months. We will advise you of this at the time of request.
Who authorises you to get my bank statements?
You do. We will not receive your bank statements without your permission. As part of this process, only you maintain access to your online bank account and login details. This is not shared with us, or even the company that helps the banks provide the bank statements securely to us. We are only receive a version of your bank statement data directly from the bank after you complete the secure 1-minute online process.
What do you do with my bank statements?
We use them for our assessment process in order to get your loan pre-approval. As part of this process, your statements are stored in highly secure online systems where only UME Loans can access them for your loan assessment purpose only.
How much does it cost?
For our customers, it is a completely free, convenient service to you if you are applying via our UME Loans link.
What security measures are in place?
Security is our highest priority. All data sent through their server is encrypted with 256-bit encryption, secured by 2048-bit keys. This is the same level of encryption that all banks are required to use.
If you have further questions, or would like to discuss your next bad credit loan, give us a call today on (07)5443 3863, or apply online.
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mortgagebroker218 · 6 days
Unlock a Lucrative Career: Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Mortgage Broker
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The mortgage industry offers a rewarding and lucrative career path for those interested in finance, client services, and real estate. Becoming a mortgage broker not only provides you with flexibility but also allows you to help individuals and families secure financing for one of their biggest investments — their homes. If you're considering making a career switch or are curious about the field, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of how to become a mortgage broker.
Understanding the Role of a Mortgage Broker
A mortgage broker acts as an intermediary between borrowers and lenders. They assess the financial situation of their clients and provide suitable loan options from a range of lenders. Their job is to simplify the loan application process by doing much of the legwork — from sourcing the best deals to managing paperwork and ensuring the process runs smoothly.
As a broker, you will need to:
Understand the financial products available in the market.
Build relationships with lenders.
Stay updated on regulatory changes.
Work closely with clients to find the right mortgage solution for their needs.
Step 1: Obtain the Required Qualifications
The first and most crucial step to become a mortgage broker is gaining the necessary education and qualifications. In Australia, you'll need to complete a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking. This course covers the essentials, including industry regulations, loan processes, and how to assess the needs of borrowers. After completing this, you can go on to earn a Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management, which further develops your skills and opens doors to advanced career opportunities.
Step 2: Meet Licensing Requirements
Once you've obtained the necessary qualifications, you'll need to apply for a licence to work as a mortgage broker. In Australia, mortgage brokers must hold an Australian Credit Licence (ACL) or operate under the licence of another party, such as an aggregator. To apply for an ACL, you’ll need to submit your qualifications, provide proof of experience, and show that you have the necessary insurance policies in place.
Step 3: Gain Industry Experience
Experience is key to becoming a successful mortgage broker. Many new brokers start their careers by working under a senior broker or as part of an established mortgage broking business. This not only allows you to gain valuable experience but also helps you to build a network of clients and lenders. During this time, you’ll learn the practical aspects of the role, including how to structure loan applications, liaise with clients, and build relationships with lenders.
Step 4: Build Your Client Base
To be a successful mortgage broker, you need to build and maintain a solid client base. Start by leveraging your personal network — let friends, family, and colleagues know about your services. As you gain experience, client referrals and word-of-mouth will play a crucial role in growing your business. Marketing your services online through social media, a professional website, or even local community events can also be effective in reaching potential clients.
Step 5: Continuing Professional Development
The mortgage industry is constantly evolving, with new products, interest rates, and regulations being introduced regularly. As a broker, it's essential to keep up with these changes. Many professional bodies require mortgage brokers to undertake ongoing training and professional development. This ensures that you're up to date with industry changes and can offer your clients the best advice possible.
Advantages of Becoming a Mortgage Broker
Flexible Working ConditionsOne of the significant advantages of being a mortgage broker is the flexibility it offers. You can choose to work for yourself, set your own hours, and even operate remotely. This flexibility allows for a better work-life balance, particularly if you decide to run your own business.
High Income PotentialMortgage brokers typically earn through commissions, which means the more clients you assist in securing loans, the higher your potential earnings. With hard work and a strong client base, a mortgage broking career can be highly profitable.
Rewarding CareerHelping people secure financing for their dream homes is incredibly rewarding. As a mortgage broker, you play a crucial role in making your clients' property goals a reality, offering financial solutions that fit their needs.
Challenges of Becoming a Mortgage Broker
Regulatory RequirementsThe mortgage industry is highly regulated. Mortgage brokers must comply with legal and ethical standards, which can require staying on top of complex regulations. Compliance failures can result in significant penalties, so attention to detail is essential.
Building a Client BaseStarting out as a mortgage broker can be tough. Building a strong client base takes time and effort. You’ll need to market yourself, form relationships with real estate agents, and rely on referrals to keep your pipeline full.
Conclusion: Is a Career in Mortgage Broking Right for You?
If you're passionate about finance, enjoy working with people, and are looking for a career that offers flexibility and high earning potential, then becoming a mortgage broker might be the perfect fit. This step-by-step guide outlines the essential steps to embark on this rewarding career path. With the right education, licensing, and industry experience, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in mortgage broking. Following these steps will help you become a mortgage broker and unlock a lucrative, satisfying profession that provides vital services to individuals and families across Australia.
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tkfinancegroup · 17 days
Why You Should Consult a Mortgage Professional
Mortgage professionals are critical to the home buying process. They can answer questions, guide borrowers through different loan programs and make sure that the mortgage closes on time. They can be either brokers or MLOs. If you want to become a mortgage professional, get licensed with a Morty platform that provides support and mentorship for mortgage brokers.
Loan officer
You wouldn’t buy stocks without talking to a stockbroker or invest in a home without consulting a real estate agent. Mortgages are no different, and you should consult a mortgage professional before making this major investment. These professionals understand how mortgages work and can help you choose the right one for your situation.
The loan officer is responsible for gathering the mortgage application and submitting it to an underwriter for approval. They also communicate with the various parties involved in the mortgage process, including the lender, title company, and escrow office. They may also have experience with non-QM loans, which are loans that would not be approved by traditional lenders.
When choosing a mortgage professional, look for someone who is honest about fees and commissions. They should return calls and emails promptly and be able to answer questions clearly. They should also be knowledgeable about the latest changes in mortgage regulations. This will allow them to offer the best options for their clients.
Mortgage broker
Mortgage brokers australian finance group act as go-betweens for homebuyers and lenders. They review a borrower’s financial status, including income and debt-to-income ratio to find the best loan options for them. They also work closely with all parties involved in the lending process, such as real estate agents and underwriters, to ensure a smooth mortgage transaction. They can offer borrowers access to a wide range of loan options and lenders that may not be available to the general public.
Choose a mortgage professional with whom you feel comfortable working. Ask for referrals from friends, family, or colleagues and check online reviews. A good mortgage professional should be able to answer all your questions and concerns.
You can also choose a mortgage broker who specializes in a specific type of loan, such as VA loans. This can help you get a better rate and avoid high interest rates. Additionally, you should be aware that mortgage brokers often charge more than MLOs and mortgage bankers, so you should carefully compare fees.
Real estate agent
Buying or selling a home can be complicated, and real estate agents can help. They can help you find the right property for your needs, make sure there are no permits or allocations for ongoing projects, and keep you informed of any potential problems with a home or its history. They can also help you negotiate a fair price for your new home.
A real estate agent’s job duties vary from one brokerage to the next. Some work for large brokerage firms, while others work independently or as part of a team. They may perform a variety of duties, including meeting with clients, networking with other professionals, updating their websites or blogs pokrivalo na lizhko, and entering expenses into accounting software.
A listing agent represents the seller of a property and tries to attract buyers by setting a reasonable price for the property. A buyer’s agent, on the other hand, works hard to find a property that meets the client’s needs and budget. Depending on the brokerage, an agent’s duties may also include negotiating with other brokers or lenders for the best mortgage rate.
Financial planner
You wouldn’t buy a home without talking to your real estate agent and you wouldn’t invest in stocks without consulting a financial planner. The same can be said for mortgages. Your mortgage professional is a key member of your home buying team, along with your real estate agent and title company. They are responsible for getting you financed and closing on your new house.
You should look for a mortgage professional who is transparent about fees and commissions. You also want to know that they’re keeping up with changes in the industry. This will help you get the best loan possible and avoid any pitfalls.
Lenders offer profession-specific mortgages to help young physicians, attorneys, and other professionals overcome hurdles like student debt and lower income. These loans often have flexible debt-to-income (DTI) requirements and do not include deferred student loan payments in the DTI ratio. In addition, these loans may also have a lower minimum down payment requirement.
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indexfinance · 20 days
Discovering the Best Mortgage Broker in Perth: Your Essential Guide
When it comes to securing a mortgage, finding the right guidance can be a game-changer. If you’re in Perth and on the hunt for a mortgage broker who can help you navigate the complexities of home financing, you’re in the right place. This guide is designed to help you understand how to find the best Mortgage Brokers in Perth, and how a skilled Mortgage Broker near you can make all the difference.
Why a Mortgage Broker is Your Best Ally
A mortgage broker is like a financial matchmaker, connecting you with lenders and helping you find the mortgage that fits your needs. Whether you’re buying your first home, upgrading to a new property, or refinancing your current loan, a knowledgeable broker can simplify the process and potentially save you money. In a city as dynamic as Perth, choosing the right mortgage broker is essential for achieving the best possible outcome.
Top Qualities to Look for in the Best Mortgage Brokers in Perth
In-Depth Local Knowledge Perth’s real estate market has its own quirks and trends. The best mortgage brokers in Perth are those who are well-versed in the local market. They understand the nuances of Perth’s property landscape and can offer advice that’s specific to your situation.
A Strong Track Record Reputation speaks volumes. Look for brokers with a proven track record of successful mortgage placements and satisfied clients. Reading reviews and asking for referrals can provide insight into a broker’s reliability and service quality.
Tailored Advice Everyone’s financial situation is different, and so are mortgage needs. The best brokers take a personalized approach, assessing your financial situation and goals to offer tailored mortgage solutions. This personalized service ensures that the recommendations you receive are aligned with your specific needs.
Extensive Lender Network A broad network of lenders gives brokers access to a wide range of mortgage products. This means they can shop around for the best deals and find a loan that suits your requirements. More options generally lead to better terms and conditions.
Clear and Open Communication Effective communication is crucial in the mortgage process. Top brokers are those who keep you informed at every stage, explaining your options clearly and ensuring you understand the details of your mortgage.
How to Find the Right Mortgage Broker Near Me in Perth
Finding a “Mortgage Broker Near Me” in Perth involves a few key steps:
Leverage Online Resources Start by exploring online resources. Websites like Index Finance offer valuable information about mortgage brokers in Perth, including reviews and ratings. This can help you identify reputable brokers and make an informed choice.
Seek Personal Recommendations Word of mouth can be incredibly useful. Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who have recently used a mortgage broker. Their personal experiences can guide you towards a trusted professional.
Verify Credentials Ensure that the mortgage broker you’re considering is properly licensed and accredited. In Australia, mortgage brokers should have an Australian Credit License (ACL) and be members of the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA).
Arrange Consultations Meeting with potential brokers allows you to gauge their expertise and approach. Use these consultations to discuss your needs, ask questions, and assess how well they understand your financial situation.
Compare Fees and Services Brokers may have different fee structures and services. Make sure you understand their fees and what’s included in their service. Comparing these aspects will help you find a broker who offers the best value.
Choosing the right Mortgage Broker in Perth can significantly impact your mortgage experience. By focusing on brokers with local expertise, a strong reputation, and a personalized approach, you’ll be in a better position to secure a mortgage that meets your needs. For more information and to connect with top mortgage brokers in Perth, visit Index Finance. With the right broker, navigating the mortgage process can be a smooth and successful journey.
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getloan · 2 years
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If your work areas are busting at the seams, and there is no room for your assistant then it’s time for you to shift to a better physical location. Just because you are ready to expand that does not mean you have the funds you need to make it happen. You may require a term loan or fast approval loans online to back your enormous move. Before falling into any commitment, find a way to measure the expected changes in income that could emerge out of growing space. Would you be able to take care of your loan costs and still be able to earn profit? Utilize a revenue forecast alongside your current asset to check how the move would affect your main concern.
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bbtfinance · 23 days
New Fintech Startups in Finance Company Sydney
Finance company Sydney industry has a rich and diverse range of businesses. Some are long-established institutions with a global footprint, while others are new fintech startups with ambitious goals.
Zip provides payment and credit solutions like Zip Pay and Pocketbook that simplify spending, budgeting, saving, and tracking. They also offer an online e-commerce platform for retailers.
Brighte offers a finance solution to Australian homeowners for energy-efficient upgrades, such as solar power systems and batteries. Its products and services include a buy now, pay later payment plan, a green loan program, and other finance options. It also has a marketplace where customers can find products and services from empanelled vendors.
The company recently closed a $195 million debt facility backed by green bonds. This financing is enabling Brighte to expand its financing operations, including supporting the ACT Sustainable Household Scheme and the Tasmanian EV Charger Grant scheme. The company has also simplified its pricing model, removing the application fee and fortnightly processing fees.
Waddle offers a digital cash flow solution for small businesses that uses outstanding invoices as security. The service is more flexible than a traditional bank loan and connects to business accounting software such as Xero. It also automates many of the manual processes involved in invoice finance.
The Stream Working Capital platform allows customers like Jarrod McGrath to bridge gaps in cash flow. The application process and in-life management of the facility are fast, simple and straightforward. The company is based in Sydney, Australia and has an experienced team of entrepreneurs.
Waddle was recently acquired by Commonwealth Bank through its venture-scaling arm x15ventures. The acquisition will enable the company to accelerate its growth and deliver innovative working capital solutions.
Xinja was Australia’s first app-based “neobank”, promising to shake up the banking industry with high interest deposit accounts targeting Millennial customers. Its popularity grew rapidly, with $200M invested in its savings accounts within months of launch.
The company then secured an ADI license, allowing it to offer transaction accounts and a Stash savings account. However, the company struggled to raise additional capital. Its directors blamed the COVID-19 pandemic and an increasingly difficult capital-raising environment for the bank’s decision to close its customer accounts, return their deposits, and hand back its licence.
Xinja’s team is made up of experts from around the world who work remotely to deliver products that help Australians take control of their money. It also offers state of the art security.
Marketlend is an online platform that facilitates prompt lending in a secure environment. The company offers supply chain finance, debtor finance and secured lines of credit for SMEs. It also provides investors with quality returns in a conservative secured investment regime.
Leo Tyndall, founder and CEO of Marketlend, believes that small businesses deserve access to capital that is fair and transparent. Marketlend charges a fee to process the transaction, but not an excessive amount of overhead or commissions.
The company recently closed a $1 million funding round led by Crayhill Capital Management, Jon Barlow, and Mati Szeszkowski, former head of KKR’s technology private equity practice. The money will be used to automate the platform’s systems and originate more loans.
Tyro Payments
Tyro Payments is a technology-focused and values-driven company that offers payments and value-adding business banking products to over 66,000 Australian merchants. Its solutions include credit, debit, EFTPOS card acquiring, Medicare and private health fund claiming, and unsecured business loans.
Customers can also save on fees with the country’s first least cost routing solution. They can also control who has access to their data and for how long. They can also choose to share their Tyro account details with accredited organisations for a limited time.
Tyro also provides 24/7 customer support, seamless reconciliation with integrated bank feeds into Xero and BPAY, plus intelligent notifications.
uno Home Loans
uno Home Loans offers a digital mortgage platform that lets consumers search, compare and acquire home loans from 22 brands. It also offers advice on home loan products, interest rates and credit policies. Its goal is to serve 10 percent of Australia’s mortgage customers by 2028.
The company has received multiple awards and accolades for its digital tools, including the Good Design Award. These achievements can help it attract clients who are seeking personalized and attentive financial services.
uno Home Loans has a number of strategic partnerships, including Velocity Frequent Flyer and Acacia Money. These partnerships can lead to cross-selling opportunities and expand its customer base.
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f1 · 1 year
Daniel Ricciardo finishes 13th on his return to Formula One at the Hungarian Grand Prix...while Oscar Piastri crosses the line fifth as young Australian narrowly misses on first podium of his career
Daniel Ricciardo finishes 13th on his return to Formula One at the Hungarian Grand Prix...while Oscar Piastri crosses the line fifth as young Australian narrowly misses on first podium of his career By Dan Cancian For Daily Mail Australia Updated: 10:48 EDT, 23 July 2023 Daniel Ricciardo finished 13th at the Hungarian Grand Prix on his return to Formula One, while Oscar Piastri narrowly missed out on his first podium by finishing In his first start since being axed by McLaren at the end of last season, Ricciardo started 13th, four spots ahead of teammate Yuki Tsunoda. The Australian fell to 18th at the first corner after Zhou Guanyu hit Tsunoda, causing a collision that forced the Alpine duo of Pierre Gasly and Esteban Ocon to retire. Ricciardo recovered well and despite running last for the opening spell of the race, he managed to climb back into midfield.  It is a positive start for the eight-time Grand Prix winner, who joined AlphaTauri for the remainder of the season on loan from Red Bull earlier this month after the team parted ways with rookie driver Nyck De Vries. Ricciardo's return has been welcomed by many in the paddock, with reigning world champion and former teammate Verstappen admitting he never wanted the Australian to leave Red Bull in 2018.  Daniel Ricciardo finished 13th on his return to Formula One with AlphaTauri on Sunday The Australian returned to the sport earlier this month after signing a short-term contract with AlphaTauri to replace Nyck De Vries 'I never actually wanted him to leave,' he said.  'It's great to have Daniel back on the grid and within the family. 'We know that we get on very well, and if Daniel does well where he is now, then of course you have the opportunity to go back up [to Red Bull], right? 'It's all open, to be honest. 'I spoke already quite a bit with Daniel last week. I could see he was very excited, also after driving our car [in a tyre test at Silverstone].'  Piastri, meanwhile, looked well poised to claim a maiden podium finish but had to settle for fifth place instead. The 21-year-old, who replaced Ricciardo at McLaren this season, started fourth and ran in second in the early stages of the race behind race winner Max Verstappen, who secured his seventh consecutive win. Oscar Piastri finished fifth, narrowly missing out on a first career podium But the Australian was overtaken by teammate Lando Norris after his first step, with the Briton making the most of McLaren's decision to pit him before Piastri. Norris eventually held on for second place, securing back-to-back podiums for the first time in his career after finishing second at Silverstone a fortnight ago. Sergio Perez finished third with Lewis Hamilton a disappointing fourth after starting from pole position. Verstappen's win means Red Bull have now won the last 12 races in a row, a new Formula One record. Share or comment on this article: Daniel Ricciardo finishes 13th on his return to Formula One at the Hungarian Grand Prix...while Oscar Piastri crosses the line fifth as young Australian narrowly misses on first podium of his career via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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boldcompanynews · 1 month
Leicester vs Tottenham: Preview, predictions and lineups - Journal Global Online - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/leicester-vs-tottenham-preview-predictions-and-lineups/?feed_id=170556&_unique_id=66c2ff0a560cf After a largely positive first season under Ange Postecoglou, Tottenham Hotspur kick off the Australian’s second campaign at the helm with a trip to Leicester City this Monday.Spurs’ 2024/25 Premier League opener sees them make the tricky trip to newly-promoted Leicester City, a fixture they lost 4-1 on their most recent journey to the King Power Stadium. Having just missed out on Champions League qualification last season, the Lilywhites will be desperate to breach the top four come the end of campaign.The acquisition of sharpshooter Dominic Solanke from Bournemouth will certainly help their chances. Spurs lacked an orthodox number nine last term but appear to have fixed that particular issue with the 26-year-old, who scored 19 Premier League goals in 2023/24.Despite winning the Championship title last season, Leicester’s return to the top flight comes with trepidation. The Foxes could yet face a points deduction, have had to replace Enzo Maresca with Steve Cooper and have been underwhelming in pre-season. They will be firmly in a relegation battle come May if they don’t make a fast start.Here is 90min’s guide to Leicester vs Tottenham this Monday.Leicester vs Tottenham H2H Record (Last Five Games)Current form (all competitions)LeicesterTottenhamLens 3-0 Leicester – 10/08/24Tottenham 2-3 Bayern Munich – 10/08/24Augsburg 1-0 Leicester – 03/08/24Bayern Munich 2-1 Tottenham – 03/08/24Leicester 0-1 Palermo – 26/07/24K-League All Stars 3-4 Tottenham – 31/07/24Shrewsbury 1-2 Leicester – 23/07/24Vissel Kobe 2-3 Tottenham – 27/07/24Villarreal 1-2 Leicester – 20/07/24QPR 0-2 Tottenham – 20/07/24CountryTV channel/live streamUnited KingdomSky Sports Main Event, Sky Sports Premier League, Sky Ultra HD, Sky GO, Sky GO ExtraUnited StatesfuboTV, nbcsports.com, NBC Sports App, UNIVERSO NOW, Telemundo Deportes En Vivo, USA Network, UNIVERSOCanadafuboTVVardy is unlikely to feature / Copa/GettyImagesLeicester are likely to be without four players for the visit of Spurs, including forward duo Jamie Vardy and Patson Daka. Both are doubtful with minor injuries, meaning there could be a surprise start for Tom Cannon on Monday evening.Backup goalkeeper Jakub Stolarczyk is out for the long term after undergoing surgery and centre-back Conor Coady is also missing for at least the next three or four weeks.Cooper will be tempted to hand competitive debuts to new signings Caleb Okoli, Bobby Decordova-Reid and Facundo Buonanotte, the latter having recently signed on loan from Brighton.Leicester predicted lineup vs Tottenham (4-2-3-1): Hermansen; Pereira, Faes, Vestergaard, Kristiansen; Ndidi, Winks; Fatawu, Buonanotte, Mavididi; Cannon.Solanke could start on Monday / Warren Little/GettyImagesTottenham don’t have many injury concerns heading into their opener but they could be short up top. Richarlison has missed pre-season through injury and may not be fit enough to feature against Leicester, while new signing Solanke is nursing a minor foot injury – although Postecoglou has hinted at him starting in the Midlands.If neither forward is available then Dejan Kulusevski will feature in a false nine role, as he has done in pre-season. James Maddison is likely to turn out against his former club for the first time, while new signing Archie Gray could get a debut against a team he knows well from his time at Leeds United.Yves Bissouma has been suspended by Spurs for Monday’s match following a video emerging of the midfielder using nitrous oxide.Tottenham predicted lineup vs Leicester (4-3-3): Vicario; Porro, Romero, Van de Ven, Udogie; Sarr, Gray; Kulusevski, Maddison, Son; Solanke.Leicester’s clashes with Tottenham tend to produce goals – 28 in the last five meetings to be precise – but Cooper will be desperate to make this game as tight and scrappy as possible.
With injuries up top and goalless outings in their last three pre-season friendlies, defence is likely to be prioritised against an attack-minded Spurs side.However, there is only so much that Leicester’s defence will be able to do and Tottenham should find a way to make their superior quality count. Son Heung-min has scored five times in his last three meetings with the Foxes and could be the difference-maker again for the north Londoners.Prediction: Leicester 1-2 TottenhamREAD THE LATEST PREMIER LEAGUE NEWS, RUMOURS & GOSSIP“Tottenham face Leicester in their Premier League opener this Monday. Preview includes team news, predicted lineups and more…”Source Link: https://www.90min.com/leicester-vs-tottenham-preview-predictions-lineups-19-8-24?utm_source=RSS #GLOBAL - BLOGGER After a largely positive first seas... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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getloan · 2 years
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efficientcapital · 2 months
How to Choose the Best Mortgage Broker in Sydney
How to Choose the Best Mortgage Broker in Sydney Selecting the right mortgage broker can make a significant difference in your home buying journey. With numerous mortgage brokers in Sydney, it’s essential to find one that best suits your needs. Here are some key tips to help you make an informed choice. Understand Their Role Mortgage brokers in Sydney act as intermediaries between you and lenders, helping you find the most suitable mortgage products. Unlike bank loan officers, they have access to a variety of lenders, which can help you secure competitive deals. Look for Experience and Reputation Experience is crucial. Choose mortgage brokers in Sydney with several years of experience and a solid track record. Check online reviews and ask for references to gauge their reputation and client satisfaction. Verify Credentials Ensure your broker is licensed. In Australia, they must hold an Australian Credit Licence (ACL) or be an authorized representative of an ACL holder. Verify their credentials through the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website. Assess Communication Skills Effective communication is essential. Your broker should be able to explain complex terms simply and keep you updated throughout the process. Good communication ensures you’re well-informed and comfortable with decisions. Compare Fees and Services Understand the fee structure. Some brokers receive a commission from lenders, while others charge you directly. Compare fees and services across different brokers to ensure you get value for your money. Evaluate Their Network The best mortgage brokers in Sydney have a wide network of lenders, including banks and credit unions. This diversity allows them to offer more loan options and better rates. Ask about their network during your consultation. Consider Specialization Some brokers specialize in specific loans like first-time homebuyer loans or refinancing. Choose a broker with expertise in your area of interest for better guidance and opportunities. Trust Your Instincts Finally, trust your instincts. You should feel confident and comfortable with your broker, as they will be your partner throughout the loan process. Choosing the right mortgage broker in Sydney can significantly impact your home buying experience. By considering experience, reputation, fees, communication skills, and their network of lenders, you can find a broker who meets your needs. At Efficient Capital, we are proud to be among the leading mortgage brokers in Sydney. Our extensive experience, broad lender network, and dedication to client satisfaction ensure we can help you secure the best home loan. Contact us today to see how we can assist you in achieving your homeownership goals.
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effiientcapital02 · 2 months
How to Choose the Best Mortgage Broker in Sydney
Selecting the right mortgage broker can make a significant difference in your home buying journey. With numerous mortgage brokers in Sydney, it’s essential to find one that best suits your needs. Here are some key tips to help you make an informed choice. Understand Their Role Mortgage brokers in Sydney act as intermediaries between you and lenders, helping you find the most suitable mortgage products. Unlike bank loan officers, they have access to a variety of lenders, which can help you secure competitive deals. Look for Experience and Reputation Experience is crucial. Choose mortgage brokers in Sydney with several years of experience and a solid track record. Check online reviews and ask for references to gauge their reputation and client satisfaction. Verify Credentials Ensure your broker is licensed. In Australia, they must hold an Australian Credit Licence (ACL) or be an authorized representative of an ACL holder. Verify their credentials through the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website. Assess Communication Skills Effective communication is essential. Your broker should be able to explain complex terms simply and keep you updated throughout the process. Good communication ensures you’re well-informed and comfortable with decisions. Compare Fees and Services Understand the fee structure. Some brokers receive a commission from lenders, while others charge you directly. Compare fees and services across different brokers to ensure you get value for your money. Evaluate Their Network The best mortgage brokers in Sydney have a wide network of lenders, including banks and credit unions. This diversity allows them to offer more loan options and better rates. Ask about their network during your consultation. Consider Specialization Some brokers specialize in specific loans like first-time homebuyer loans or refinancing. Choose a broker with expertise in your area of interest for better guidance and opportunities. Trust Your Instincts Finally, trust your instincts. You should feel confident and comfortable with your broker, as they will be your partner throughout the loan process. Choosing the right mortgage broker in Sydney can significantly impact your home buying experience. By considering experience, reputation, fees, communication skills, and their network of lenders, you can find a broker who meets your needs. At Efficient Capital, we are proud to be among the leading mortgage brokers in Sydney. Our extensive experience, broad lender network, and dedication to client satisfaction ensure we can help you secure the best home loan. Contact us today to see how we can assist you in achieving your homeownership goals.
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