library-of-ohara · 2 years
Pokemon AU Part 1 Ace
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Part one of the Pokemon AU for anon!
Request filled by @cyborg-franky and art by @donivanessdoodles
AN: I tried to smush in OP lore for some characters and mix it in a workable way for Pokemon but I'm not 100% in the know so I did my best.
Meeting The Team
Ace set out on his journey before any of his brothers, he always told them his first pokemon was going to be scary and powerful, he wanted to make Sabo and Luffy so jealous. His first pokemon was actually a Rattata.
He’d been taking a break on his journey, grabbed lunch out of his bag and saw the pokemon approach him with a wary look. He threw some food towards him, the little guy got closer. So close Ace was able to pet him.
The rattata seemed to enjoy his attention, showing signs of affection. Ace grinned, he always had a soft spot for the little purple pokemon that would run around the town at night and steal food, just like him with his dine and dashes.
He got out a pokeball and gently tapped the pokemon on the side with it, capturing him easily. It seemed like he just wanted to be with Ace. Rattata never spends much time in his ball, likes to sit on his shoulder or scamper around his feet as he walks.
Ace picked Charmander as his starter simply because he could relate to Charizard, like him it was so much more than people thought. Yes, the pokemon was powerful, unstoppable when trained by the right person.
Yet, the small helpless flame that flickered on the tail was what kept it alive, it wouldn’t take a lot to snuff it out, how strong, feral, powerful but also fragile the creature was. It was something he could relate to and had a soft spot for the starter straight away.
He lowkey hates how cliché his choice was but loves him, nonetheless.
Salazzle was an accident. He was travelling through the desert on an errand. The lizard stalked him for a few miles before deciding to get in his way, sizing him up and Ace was sure the pokemon was going to attack him.
He simply blasted the Salazzle with his Charmander and captured it, mostly out of spite and Ace’s stubborn nature. Salazzle has since grown very affectionate towards Ace, she is often hostile to Marco when he gets too close to him.
Also, very jealous of Ace’s rattata for getting the lion’s share of Ace’s love.
Darumaka was also a pokemon Ace found while travelling through the desert. He’d set up camp for the night, his rattata was playing with his Charmander around the fire when the pokemon decided to tuck in his limbs and roll down the slope.
Charmander and rattata were having a good time playing with the ‘ball’ while Ace cooked food for everyone over the open fire. Ace had no idea where his team had found the ‘ball’ until he realised it was a Darumaka. He didn’t see the harm in its presence since everyone was enjoying playing with him
It wasn’t till the red creature who was so full of energy just stopped and fell asleep suddenly. Ace laughed at the sudden falling asleep and simply said out loud “Me too, me too.” he liked the pokemon so much he caught him while he slept.
Lapras he came in contact with when he’d left the desert, he found the very injured Lapras who looked like they had taken damage from a battle. It seemed like someone had deemed the pokemon too weak, she was on the smaller side for a Lapras. He had his suspicions after beating the pokemon the person who caught her decided she wasn’t good enough for their purpose and left her here injured. He caught her just to take her to the nearest poke centre.
When the nurse was done, she handed the pokeball back saying that even if she was a rescue Ace should take her with him, give her a better chance at being happy, that Ace seemed like a kind soul who would help her.
So now he uses Lapras to travel, she’s small but fast and he crosses distance in no time at all.
Marowak was something that took Ace off guard. Ace and Marco went on a vacation together for their first anniversary as a couple and had been checking out caves and they came across a very angry Marowak in a form they’d never seen before.
Marco explained Cubones and Marowak’s reminded him of Ace, after knowing what Ace had been through, how he also had to evolve past anger and sadness to become the person he is today, it resonated with him.
Ace couldn’t help feeling a connection, that and the blue fire was captivating. It took Marowak a lot to warm up to Ace but now they have mutual respect for one another and an understanding.
Ace’s story
It didn’t take long before Ace decided he was ready to fight the Elite Four which is where he met Marco and Whitebeard. Whitebeard being one of the four, Ace was desperate to prove himself despite the friendly advice from Whitebeard.
That’s when Ace got his ass kicked. He was embarrassed and felt bad, but Marco told him he was still learning and growing, not to be so hard on himself. That’s when Ace wanted to join the Whitebeards under Pop’s and learn to be better, finding a found family and then finding love with Marco.
Ace likes to travel and explore; he wants to work up to being a gym leader in one of Whitebeard’s territories.
TAG LIST: @fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @santoru @mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu @useless-potatho
@iloveportgasdace @smoleeveewrites @strawhat-bast
@gonuclear @undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold
@sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings
@iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad @ace-no-isha
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