#autisic girl summer
~Story Time~
So a couple years ago I had this summer job. I worked at a camp and had to clean up after all the kids after they ate. There was about 20 other people (give or take a few) who worked with me.
One afternoon we were all sitting at the lunch table. I sat with the guys cause their conversations were way more interesting than the girls. On this particular day they were roasting each other, hard!
One kid chimed in and they ALL started roasted him, I felt so bad for him. My friend told him, "Look atchu wit dat autisic lookin' moustache" the kid went beet red so I piped up, without looking away from my phone, "At least he can grow one." In a split second everyone went silent, stared at me, then at him and busted out laughing. He turned so red and the roasting stopped. #storttime #dontmesswithme #igothimgood #goodtimes
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