#autism x adhd duo and it’s just firstprince
acesstark · 10 months
My favorite details and little moments in Red, White, and Royal Blue
I’ve been thoroughly annotating Red, White, and Royal Blue, and even though I’ve read it nearly a dozen times in the last few years, there’s so many things I didn’t fully appreciate and little details I didn’t notice until I took the time to read every single line (I read very fast. Somehow I retain the information. I don’t know either.)
So here is a list of some of my favorite little details and moments that I appreciate a lot more lately:
1. “Nobody needs to know how hard he’s kicking underwater”
2. Amy is Ellen’s favorite secret service agent
3. Growing up June and Alex were forced to talk about their feelings
4. Zahra is a Howard graduate + from New Orleans
5. The lists Alex hid under a cushion as a kid that he still creates to make things make sense in his too-fast mind
6. Alex being perpetually bitter over Henry being taller than him
7. Henry walks around barefoot at Kensington, which isn’t important but is something I find interesting for no reason other than the fact that being barefoot is a horrible experience for me personally
8. Henry and Alex are both insomniacs
9. Alex physically got into bed with all of the kids at the hospital to read to them
10. “Alex crosses his arms, a mirror to Henry’s tic…” They’re both so neurodivergent
11. Alex and Raf sharing tropical skittles
12. June eats Margherita pizza, Alex eats mushrooms on his, and Ellen very possibly eats hers crust first
13. Ellen made a PowerPoint when Alex got his first girlfriend
14. Shaan has a motorbike
15. Henry’s favorite food is cheap falafel
16. Henry infodumps about classical mythology, the stars, sailboats, and Lord Byron, and bonds over Pride and Prejudice with June
17. Nora caught Alex watching videos of Justin Trudeau speaking French on multiple occasions
18. Mr. Wobbles and David are mates :D
19. Great British Bake Off is Henry’s comfort show because the colors and music are soft and everyone is nice to each other
20. “Alex was student body president and lacrosse cocaptain and prom king and valedictorian” just so that he wouldn’t have to think about his home life
21. Alex was a Boy Scout
22. “Henry doesn’t want the spotlight, and Pez naturally absorbs what Henry deflects”
23. A girl from the MCU Spiderman movies tried to hit on Alex at the NYE party
24. Nora then proceeded to flirt with the Spiderman girl
25. “‘m not bored,” Henry mumbles.
26. Alex listens to Kid Cudi
27. Alex has the highest approval rating in his entire family.
28. Alex keeps Captain America bandaids in his bathroom
29. Nora’s apartment is full of books and plants
30. Nora has also witness Alex shotgun a bottle of bbq sauce
31. “Alejandro”
32. Alex ranted to Nora about going down on a girl
33. Henry showing up to Alex’s bedroom 6 minutes early
34. Henry knew Alex wanted him before Alex knew he wanted him.
35. “[Alex’s] primary turn-on has always been competence”
(An ever growing list as I continue my reread)
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acesstark · 10 months
henry fox mountchristen winsdor has autism because I have autism and I said so
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