#autocorrect woke up today and chose violence
liminalmemories21 · 1 year
(Not) Seven Sentence Sunday
Okay, so firstly, thanks to everyone who tagged me today.
Secondly, I have had a day that started with my computer blue screening, attempting to resurrect my old computer long enough to live with it until I can get the current computer fixed, and also so that I could peace out and do the crossword puzzle. Which, I did! Yay. But then I got a paper cut opening box using scissors that were oddly actually sharp? Which felt like adding insult to injury.
Thirdly, all y'all who woke up this morning and chose violence with some of the most beautifully depressing fics to land in my inbox this morning, I love you and I'm grateful, but also yeesh.
Fourthly, all I've done this weekend is edit, so I don't actually have any thing to share. But I have loved every single snippet I have read today - 100% made my day better. Thank you!
And now I'm going to find something alcoholic and go make popovers for dinner (which autocorrect would apparently like to change to poppers . . . which is, a choice).
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waltzofthewifi · 3 years
*writes the word kwami*
*gets distracted*
*looks back at my phone*
*is confused because I only have the word ‘Keanu’ written down*
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