#av club headers
editsjedi · 4 years
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moonlightperseus · 4 years
fuck it. no more marvel movies. just The Old Guard and the two sequels the creators want for it.
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[ID: Article header from the AV Club that reads “In a year without marvel movies, The Old Guard redefined the superhero blockbuster.” /End ID]
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queenofcarrots · 5 years
Manuscripts in Star Wars (And Star Wars Fan Fiction)
This is the text of a talk originally presented at the conference Fan Cultures and the Premodern World at Oxford University in July, 2019, organized by Dr. Juliana Dresvina of the Oxford History Faculty. This presentation represents a collaboration between myself and Dr Brandon Hawke of Rhode Island College, and is essentially a summation of our video project Sacred Texts: Codices Far, Far Away, (Introduction to the series at that link) and examples below will include links to brief conversations where Brandon and I talk about the examples in a bit more detail. This has also been posted on my academic blog but I’m cross-posting here to reach a different audience.
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Hi, My name is Dot Porter, and I want to start by thanking Juliana for the wonderful organization of this conference, and also for including me in the program. This is very different from the kind of conference I normally present at – in my day job I’m a special collections curator at the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in medieval manuscripts, their digitization, and their post-digital lives. Basically I get paid to digitize medieval manuscripts and then play with them. (I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis project, funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources, which is just finished, and through which we digitized and made available for reuse more than 465 codices from institutions in Philadelphia)
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Aside from my family there are two things in life I adore: medieval manuscripts, and Star Wars. I must admit that while I am a scholar of manuscripts, of a sort, I am also a fan. I love manuscripts – the way they look, feel, smell; I love to hold a manuscript and think about all the other people who have touched it, and consider the signs of use that imply their long histories. This interest has led to current work on conceiving of medieval manuscripts as transformative works themselves, first presented at Leeds 2018 and work I’m continuing looking specifically as Books of Hours. (My original draft of this presentation featured some of this work, but it threatened to take over, so I axed it all; a blog post of my Leeds paper is on my blog, if you’re curious).
While I am arguably a manuscript scholar, I am most definitely not a scholar of fandom studies – you will, I’m sure, find my theory wanting – nor am I a scholar of Star Wars, but I am a fan. I do the things that fans do. I’m on Tumblr, although that platform is pretty dead now, and I have a fandom Twitter account, which is much more active. I write and consume fan fiction, and I regularly commission artwork to illustrate my stories and stories I would like to write. I have written exactly one notable meta, which was even picked up by the AV Club – they actually cited me, unlike many of the other websites, which only cited the person who stole my work and posted it on Reddit!
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In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, released in December 2017, we were introduced, for the first time, to manuscripts in the Star Wars universe. I had avoided trailers and spoilers, so the first time I saw this was in the theater, and I was, as the kids say, shooketh. Not only one manuscript, but a whole shelf-full of them! And they’re important. Rey, our heroine, has been sent to the island of Ahch-to to bring Luke Skywalker back to help the Resistance, led by Luke’s sister General Leia Organa, defeat the First Order. Rey has been there for a day or so, following Luke around, making no headway, when she is called to the Uneti tree, a large, hollow, Force-sensitive tree that houses these manuscripts. It’s in the company of these books that Rey and Luke finally communicate with each other, when Rey admits that she has only recently come to the Force and that she needs Luke to train her to be a Jedi, and when Luke grudgingly agrees to give her some lessons, but also tells her that the Jedi must die. Exciting stuff, and the books are there to hear it.
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According to Star Wars The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, Luke Skywalker scoured the galaxy for these texts and collected them himself, storing them in the tree that we see in the film. So these texts weren’t originally all in one collection, they are from many different planets, potentially written in ten different places, ten different times, ten different languages and alphabets, although there’s only one we ever see in the film. The starwars.com blog post “Inside the Lucasfilm Archives: The Jedi Texts” gives us an up-close look at the prop book that was shown in the film; as you can see it’s a real book, written and bound, and even damaged. There are manuscripts in our collection at Penn that look not very unlike this book. It is a real manuscript.
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This is one manuscript in the universe. What else do we know about manuscripts in star wars in general? To be honest: not much. But we do know that it is rare to write by hand (as opposed to writing with digital technology like data pads). In Claudia Gray’s novel Bloodlines, which takes place six years before The Last Jedi, Leia Organa is preparing for a fancy party when she finds a handwritten note at her seat, and she’s shocked: “Virtually nobody wrote any longer; it had been years since Leia had seen actual words handwritten in ink on anything but historical documents.” So it appears that, by the time the current films take place, there are no longer manuscripts being actively written in the galaxy, or at least it’s very rare.
Interestingly there is one character in the Sequel Trilogy who it is suggested knows how to write by hand: Kylo Ren, formerly Ben Solo. There is a scene – the same scene is actually shown three times, from three different points of view – where a young padawan Ben is sleeping and his Uncle, Luke Skywalker, comes to him and looks into his head, sensing great darkness in his dreams. Ben calls his lightsaber to either attack his uncle or defend himself against him, depending on the version of the scene, and in one of these shots we can see that he has a calligraphy set in his bedroom. We can see the set here, in a screenshot of his desk just before he calls his lightsaber over – which knocks over the pen and inkwell and jar of parchment scrolls in the process – and in The Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
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What else do we know about these specific books? There is concept art in The Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi; including six internal pages and six shots of the bindings.
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I remember looking at the concept art and thinking how alike and different they were from the manuscripts I’ve had the pleasure of working with at Penn, and I discovered that my Twitter mutual Brandon Hawke, an Assistant Professor of English at Rhode Island College, was having many of the same thoughts that I was. So in October of 2018, Brandon came down to Penn and we sat for hours in front of a green screen and talked about manuscripts and Star Wars, comparing books in the Penn collections to what we see of the manuscripts in the concept art. We’ve been posting snippets of our discussions on the Schoenberg Institute YouTube channel, and there’s a link at the top there if you want to check them out. So for most of the rest of this paper I’ll be walking through some of the possible comparisons between real manuscripts and the Star Wars manuscripts. I want to stress that we did this for fun, and not for science, and that we’re limited by the collections at Penn and by our own knowledge.
Consider yourself warned: The remainder of this presentation is essentially an educated fan, raving.
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As far as Brandon and I have been able to determine, this is a previously unknown script in the Star Wars universe. When I saw it my mind immediately went to Ge’ez, shown here in an early 20th century book of Hymns from Ethiopia. There’s something about the blockiness that is just slightly curved, and a few of the letter forms are slightly similar although I don’t think that’s necessarily meaningful. (video)
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We also made a comparison with Coptic, which is thinner, more curved, and perhaps a closer match. (video)
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For the third example we looked not at the text, but at its layout on the page. We found a similarity with this 16th century collection of Persian poetry, both its illuminated header (similar in aspect to the illuminated blue line of text in the center of the ancient Jedi text) and the framing of the text. (video)
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Aside from text, it is clear that the concept art of pages supplied to us here represent astronomical texts. This is really not surprising, considering that in the Star Wars universe we have a galaxy that seems to have been very closely connected, between planets and cultures, for a very long time, and so it makes sense that even the most ancient texts would be concerned with objects in the system – stars and planets and moons – and how they related to and interact with one another. And this is a major concern in medieval astronomical texts, too: these texts illustrate people trying to make sense of the system they live in, in the best way they know.
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One of the pages in the jedi texts is the symbol of the Galactic Republic, but placed on some kind of chart, with characters dispersed through the chart and text – perhaps labels – along the outside. We found a similarity with this chart in LJS 57, a 14th century astronomical anthology from Spain. I don’t know exactly what this chart represents but I can tell you that astronomical texts are full of similar charts; it was one of the ways that medieval people made sense of the data they had available to them. (video)
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Something similar is happening here, in LJS 449, a 15th century German medical and astronomical miscellany. These charts are perhaps a bit simpler than the Spanish chart, but they have that attractive blue coloring. Both the coloring and the arrangement of data around the circle reminded Brandon and me of the diagrams on this page of the Jedi texts. (video)
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The next three slides show diagrams from LJS 26, a mid-13th century copy of Johannes de Sacro Bosco’s, Algorismus and Tractatum de sphaera, an immensely popular text that was copied and translated and commented upon from the time it was written in the early 13th century (it is possible that our copy was written during Sacrobosco’s lifetime) through the 16th century. It is full of diagrams illustrating the movement of the planets, and the sun, and the moon in relation to the earth. I personally find these diagrams most reminiscent of the two pages on the bottom left, although I feel like their organization suggests a sense of scale that is lacking in the medieval diagrams. (video)
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Medieval astronomers only had to think about the earth, and the moon, and the sun, and a few other planets. On the other hand, the Star Wars universe operates on a whole other level – a galaxy with countless star systems and planets that aren’t even charted. When I look at these diagrams I see a clever attempt to illustrate scale using the relatively primitive technology of ink and paper in place of the star charts and 3D maps that we see in the films.
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On the other hand, there are some really simple 1:1 comparisons to be made, such as this diagram, which pretty clearly illustrates the phases of a moon. (video)
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I want to take a quick look at the bindings of these manuscripts, particularly this piece of concept art, which is quite similar to the prop that we see in the film.
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This has a fairly standard binding structure, quite similar to LJS 102, the Ethiopic manuscript we looked at earlier, except for the front cover, which is built of three separate pieces that are obviously connected together. In western bindings, if a wooden cover were a composite of multiple pieces, we would expect that to be obscured, as in this late 13th century Catalonian manuscripts (It’s hard to tell, which is the point, but this cover is made of three pieces of wood).
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The only example of a cover like this I’ve seen is from the Walters Art Museum, this 14th century Ethiopian Gospel book. The cover was broken and then sewn back together, but this was the result of an accident, not done on purpose.
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My colleague Alberto Campagnolo also suggested that it is similar to the Chinese practice of writing on bamboo strips and binding them together, as in this 18th century example.
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This is one instance where the artists who created these concepts have done an excellent job with suggesting a manuscript culture – in fact, several manuscript cultures, cultures that use what is available to them. There are two manuscripts here that appear to be bound in decorated tusks, one that has what appear to be shells embedded in a leather binding, and another that might be bound in hairy skin or – I like to think – had the binding grown on it underground. In any case these all suggest books written in different places, perhaps at different times, and as a manuscript scholar I find that fascinating.
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Following up on this I wanted to see how the concept of the manuscripts was received by writers of fan fiction. As a fan author myself I have written a few stories featuring the ancient Jedi texts, but given my interests that made sense; I was curious to see what other authors have done with them. I think there’s more extensive work to be done here, but in reading through the 40 or so stories I was able to find (by searching AO3 for ancient jedi texts, and the “jedi text” tag) I discovered not surprisingly that the stories focused on the text of the books, not on their physical appearance (which is at least partially due to fan fiction being a written medium, vs. film being a visual medium) and that there are three main themes that can appear by themselves or be combined:
Rey can read the texts on her own, or she needs help (Kylo Ren, C3PO, Obi Wan Kenobi’s force ghost)
The translation is used to further the story (whether or not it happens)
The texts do something (e.g., magic spells)
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What will happen next? Will there be manuscripts in the Rise of Skywalker, the final film in this last trilogy? Of course I hope so, and it seems likely. The Uneti tree was struck by lightning and burned, but Rey took the manuscripts with her (here is a screenshot of a drawer in the Millennium Falcon, at the very end of the film, showing the books clearly safe and tucked away)
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and in the Poe Dameron comic #27 we learn that Rey has been working with C3PO to translate the texts.
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And there’s also the spectre of Kylo Ren with a calligraphy set; if he had access to these manuscripts when he was studying with Luke Skywalker, it’s possible that he has read and perhaps even annotated some of the books. Only time will tell, and I for one can’t wait for December.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
European Paper Talk: Paul Pogba, Toni Kroos and Florentino Luis | Football News
Could Paul Pogba and Toni Kroos swap places? Plus Man Utd face competition from Man City for Benfica’s Florentino Luis
Last Updated: 11/09/19 11:44am
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Toni Kroos could swap places with Paul Pogba in January
Our friends at Football Whispers are here to round up all the latest news, views and gossip from across the continent. 
Real Madrid are prepared to bid for Paul Pogba in January and could offer Manchester United Toni Kroos as part of any deal for the French midfielder. (El Chiringuito)
Athletic Bilbao forward Inaki Williams did receive an approach from Manchester United this summer but says he wasn’t interested in a move to Old Trafford. “My number one option has always been to stay at Athletic Club and to retire here.” (Cadena Ser)
Barcelona director Javier Bordas has said the Spanish club haven’t ended their interest in re-signing Neymar from Paris Saint-Germain. “As long as he wants to come, we will do what we can,” he admitted. (Mundo Deportivo)
Juventus sporting director Fabio Paratici wants to bring Kai Havertz to Turin and could hold preliminary talks with representatives from Bayer Leverkusen when the two sides meet in the Champions League at the start of next month. (Tuttosport)
Genoa forward Christian Kouame – who has previously been linked with a move to Juventus – has signed a new five-year contract with the Serie A side after an impressive start to the 2019/20 campaign. (Tuttosport)
Milan have opened contract talks with Gianluigi Donnarumma. The Rossoneri want the 20-year-old goalkeeper to extend his current deal, which expires in the summer of 2021. (Corriere dello Sport)
Manchester United have scouted Benfica midfielder Florentino Luis but will face competition from Manchester City if they make a move for the 20-year-old. (A Bola)
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Manchester United have reportedly scouted Benfica’s Florentino Luis
Lucas Piazon says he will quit Chelsea next summer when his loan at Rio Ave comes to an end. “My time at Chelsea is already over,” he said. “I’m tired of playing here and there, I need a place where I can feel at home. (A Bola)
Chelsea are interested in Valencia full-back Jose Gaya and could make a move for the Spain international when the club’s registration ban ends next summer. (Soccer Link)
After he struck four goals in two games for France’s U21s, Celtic forward Odsonne Edouard faced questions about a return to Paris Saint-Germain in the future. “It is the club of my heart,” he said. “For the moment, it [a return] is not really in my head.” (Canal+)
Borussia Dortmund boss Lucien Favre did not want the club to re-sign Mats Hummels as he doesn’t feel the centre-back is suited to playing in a high defensive line. (Sport Bild)
Philippe Coutinho has explained how Jurgen Klopp has transformed Liverpool. “I learned so much from him, especially on the mental level. He changed Liverpool, breathed new life, made the club strong again. It was an honour to work with him.” (Sport Bild)
David Wagner expected to be offered another Premier League job after he left Huddersfield Town in January. “If someone asked me where I would work as a coach, I would have said, ‘I will stay in England’. But then came Schalke and it changed quickly.” (Sport Bild)
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Soccer Saturday Super 6
FREE TO PLAY: £250,000 is up for grabs
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via wordpress https://ift.tt/2I1mVru
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Fannibal Twitter Drive
As we’re nearing the point where the show coming back is becoming more possible, it’s important we’re as noisy as possible! Before Season 3, we did a Twitter Drive to get as many people into Hanni-tweeting before the season, and I thought we could do the same again!
Twitter is an important way of being noisy, though we do great things on tumblr, twitter is not only used for official viewing figures for US television (V. IMPORTANT) but the production companies and channels themselves have more permanent presences on there.
Also, tweeting in general, and especially live tweeting, are tons of fun, unmissable!
AND if you feel your twitter is a bit bare, check out my FANNIBAL TWITTER DRIVE page for free to use icons and headers. (Hopefully, I’ll be updating regularly!)
Here are LOTS of Hannibal related twitter accounts, seperated into groups!
Crew (People) - Bryan Fuller, Martha De Laurentiis, Loretta Ramos, David Slade, Tom De Ville, Helen Shang, Janice Poon, Seam Armstrong, Vincenzo Natali, Don Mancini, Michael Doherty, Brooke Palmer, Steve Lightfoot, Katie O’Connell Marsh, Barrett Axford, Michael Rymer, Cliff Stephenson, Brian Reitzell, Karola Style, HannibalWritersRoom.
Crew (Companies) - DeLaurentiisCo, GaumontTV, Mind Warp Productions, Rocket Science VFX, IJ PR.
Cast - Gillian Anderson, Hettienne Park, Kacey Rohl, Lara Jean Chorostecki, Scott Thompson, Aaron Abrams, Anna Chlumsky Demore Barnes, Ellen Muth, Vladimir Jon Cubrt, Raul Esparza, Eddie Izzard, Katharine Isabelle, Shawn Doyle, Jonathan Tucker, Mark O’Brien, Tom Wisdom, Fortunato Cerlino, Richard Armitage, Rutina Wesley.
Companies who could bring Hannibal back - Netflix, Sky Living, Starz., SyFy, Hulu.
People who cheer Hannibal on - Hideo Kojima, Matt Fowler, Eric Goldman, Matt Zoller Seitz, SciFiNow, The AV Club, Matt Brennan, Jonathan Hatfull, Vulture, Entertainment Weekly, Radio Times, 
Companies who make/have made/will make Hannibal gear/events - Funko, Mondo, TitanBooks, ThreeZeroHK, ShirtPunch, Starfury Events.
And then, there’s YOU! Reblog and add yourself to this MONSTER LIST!
I’m @ IDFYTI on twitter!
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greywindys · 7 years
This is going to be about Murdoc’s AV Club Interview, - which I’m linking for anyone who has yet to read it- and how much I liked it:
Imo, this interview hits the perfect balance between typical Murdoc and recognizing that Murdoc is, despite the critiques about his character development stagnating, a character that is multi-faceted and capable of growth. When something hits this kind of balance I always think of it as “peak Murdoc,” but that’s just me and my own personal terminology.
Anyhow, first noteworthy thing for me was his answer to the first question where he reveals that he has a dominatrix. Submissive Murdoc is an actual official thing now (or at the very least, versatile). Now, I’ve personally been a proponent of this as something that’s easily within the realm of possibility for him for a while. To quote that gif from Wife Swap that everyone uses, it’s something I’ve been “saying and preaching and praying and saying” probably since this blog’s inception and everyone’s always been like “lol, yeah right.” Well, now it’s canon so ha!
He seems to be following up on his earlier statement about “being a feminist now” which is...wild, and in a very quintessentially Murdoc way (i.e. ”Don’t treat women like objects, treat objects like women” lmao). I’m probably still going to wait and see what his behavior is like on the TV show but this continuity is a pleasant surprise.
“He does that every day, to be fair, but on Sunday he wears a little apron, which makes it extra special.” Personally, I think Murdoc was over-embellishing some of these anecdotes about 2D but regardless, I really need to know what the writers’ deal is with Murdoc and 2D because the amount of ammo that they’re giving 2Doc is ridiculous. Like, even if you could confirm that theses stories are partially made-up, at the very least it’s Murdoc confirming that 2D is the one who takes care of him when he drinks too much which suggests that they still go out to party together and/or have repaired their relationship to the point of being close again. But like, this ship/friendship/or whatever is unhealthy and that can’t be forgotten. I might even go as far as to say that it’s a little irresponsible of the writers to push some of this because fans will understandably take the info and run with it (something I’m guilty of as well- I’m STILL conflicted about how I want to approach this) and then other fans are going to get mad at them for that and it’ll be another viscous cycle. Also, did anyone else see the NME article that used a 2Doc edit as their article header? These publications are out of control lmao
Murdoc likes Nietzsche. I remember covering Nietzsche in a philosophy class last year and thinking ‘hmm, Murdoc seems like the type of guy that might like Nietzsche“ and then, there it was lmao
Finally, we actually got some wisdom from Murdoc! Good wisdom! I’m going to end it with his quote because I think it might be my new favorite thing he’s ever said. To paraphrase; “If there’s a dream in your heart, never let anyone tell you you’ve got no talent. Get out there, embarrass yourself, and prove to the world you’ve got no talent.... And at least this way you won’t look back and wonder “what if.” ’Cause “what-ifs” can really mess with your head... Waste of time. Regret nothing. You’ll always fuck up because you’re human, not a robot. Well, for now, anyway.”
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buenosairesnews · 8 years
Lucas PRATTO, Alan RUIZ score in Brazil and Portugal
Lucas PRATTO and Alan RUIZ both scored for their clubs over the weekend.
Making his Sao Paulo debut, it took Lucas PRATTO only nine minutes to score his first goal for the club in their 2-2 draw against Mirassol. The 28 year old signed from Atletico Mineiro and instantly made an impact as he won a header which was sent into the area and opened the scoring.
In Portugal, Alan RUIZ continued his goal scoring form giving Sporting a 1-0 win against Rio Ave. A nice move started off by WILLIAMS who’s pass went to GELSON and his shot was stopped but it was RUIZ who was first to the loose ball and scored off the rebound.
Lucas PRATTO’s goal:
Lucas Pratto, com 9 minutos e na primeira finalização pelo clube, faz: São Paulo 1×0 Mirassol http://pic.twitter.com/vFOAmm7Mo3
— Goleada Info (@goleada_info) February 18, 2017
Alan RUIZ’s goal:
Le but d’Alan Ruiz ! #LigaNOS #SportingCP http://pic.twitter.com/JtVAvdg25k
— Sporting CP France (@SportingCPFr) February 19, 2017
The post Lucas PRATTO, Alan RUIZ score in Brazil and Portugal appeared first on Mundo Albiceleste.
Argentina soccer news
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lindeskog · 4 years
EGO Search on Rozalla
I am doing an EGO search on singer, Rozalla Miller's artist name, Rozalla, a.k.a The Queen of Rave. We talk about her love for music, and her long career as a singer. Jonathan of @RozallaMusicFan on Twitter, is sharing his story on how he got aboard as a team member. I repeatedly say how much I appreciated Jonathan’s nice outreach activity on Twitter, and we discuss how artists could create a strong bond to theirs fans. You will learn how the music industry has evolved during the years, and how the latest song, Magnificent, came about.
Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:
The remixes of Magnificent - SmartURL
The single, Magnificent - SmartURL
Rozalla - Magnificent (Retroteque Exclusive Remix) - official lyric video by ‘AV IT! Media
Jonathan’s lovely tweet on being a guest on my podcast show
Rozalla on Twitter
Jonathan’s appearance as a bellboy in Rozalla - If You Say It Again (Official Video 2015)
Turn on the Light - remixes
Energise Records Ltd.
Rozalla on Instagram
Rozalla - Everybody's Free (To Feel Good) [Official Video US Version, 1991]
Rozalla - Faith (In The Power Of Love) [Official Video 1991]
Tickster ticket service - Rozalla’s planned performances in Sweden in July
My playlist on Apple Music
Rozalla - Are You Ready To Fly (Official Video, 1992)
Rozalla - Turn On The Light - Official Video - Energise Records UK
Rozalla (Miller) - Wikipedia
Alan Brydon (Rozalla’s husband) on Twitter (header photo)
Rozalla on Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Carlito’s Way (1993)
Rozalla - I Love Music (UK Version (Video))
Lyceum on Bandcamp
Lyceum on SoundCloud
Rozalla on SoundCloud
Magnificent (club mixes) - SoundCloud
Magnificent (radio mixes) - SoundCloud
EGO Search on James Knights of Knight$
Rozalla & Allan Jay - Breaking My Heart Music Video - Energise Records UK
Allan Jay’s party tweet
Look no further - Amazon
Diane Warren
Rozalla, The Queen of Rave - The Caviar Spoon
You Never Love the Same Way Twice
HMV (His Master’s Voice)
Builder’s tea
Talk About Pop Music
Rozalla Music Fans on Facebook
Episode 105 (42 minutes) was recorded on May 21,, 2020, by podcaster, Martin Lindeskog, with Ringr app, IK Multimedia iRig Mic Cast podcasting microphone, PreSonus HD7 professional monitoring headphones, and SnapRecorder portable recording booth. Post-production through the podcast maker, Alitu. Notes written in Ulysses app. Bumper and jingle by Jim Jonsson, JTunes Productions.
Download EGO NetCast’s standalone app on Amazon appstore for Android, Apple App Store, and Google Play. The podcast app is free of charge. It is easy to send feedback straight from within the app. The users of the app will receive extra bonus material (e.g., video clips and PDFs).
Rate and review EGO NetCast podcast on Podchaser. Your support will give me fuel for my blogging and podcasting. Thanks for reading the show notes!
Check out this episode!
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miamibeachbroker · 5 years
Caribbean, Miami Beach | Condos For Sale & For Rent
New Post has been published on https://rebroker.miami/caribbean-miami-beach/
Caribbean, Miami Beach | Condos For Sale & For Rent
Caribbean Condo
3737 Collins ave Miami Beach
Caribbean Condo is a luxury, waterfront condo located on the famed “Millionaire’s Row” in Mid Beach of the Miami Beach area. Proprieties in Mid Beach are well known and desired by buyers and investors. It’s situated between the ocean on the east side and the inter-coastal Biscayne Bay to the west. The Millionaires Row, which is a neighborhood in Mid-Beach, is widely known for its luxury waterfront condominium buildings. A prime location featuring many cafes, shops and restaurants.
Units: 103 Stories: 13
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Caribbean Miami Beach Condos – Miami Beach Luxury Oceanfront Condos
Caribbean Miami Beach Condos was completed in 2008 by Christa/Bluerock Developers. Originally designed and built in 1941 by architect Murray Dixon, the existing six-story building has been completely renovated to include thirty-five (35) ultra-luxury residences in what is now called the North tower. A new nineteen (19) story South tower with sixty-eight (68) residences will be built alongside it. Both buildings will face the ocean. Renovations and construction began in early 2006. Residences range in size from 1,761 square feet to 3,806 square feet. To reclaim the glamourous feel of the 40’s and 50’s, the Caribbean Hotel’s heyday, and remarry it with 21st century conveniences, the developers have commissioned Kobi Karp as exclusive architect and Christopher Ciccone as interior designer. In addition to many water features, Caribbean Miami Beach porte-cochere entrance has been restored to reveal its original facade. Residents will have direct ocean access via the famed Miami Beach boardwalk. Thereare also four private cabanas. Both towers will basically be all-glass with every residence having floor-to-ceiling windows to accomodate the world famous Miami Beach views.
Caribbean Miami Beach Condos – Building Amenities
Restored porte-cochere entrance
Direct oceanfront location
Oceanfront heated pool and spa
Private cabanas
Health center with state-of-the-art fitness equipment
High-speed elevators
Covered parking
Twenty four (24) hour valet, security & concierge
Wine vault with reserved space for each resident
Caribbean Miami Beach Condos – Residence Features
Penthouses feature private rooftop terraces and pools with upgrades like built-in wine storage
Caribbean Miami Beach Condos – Residence Interiors
Ten (10) foot ceilings
Floor-to-ceiling impact glass windows
Wireless touchpad concierge panels
Pre-wired for electric, cable, high-speed Internet
Individual high-efficiency water heaters and A/C
Large walk-in closets
Fire protection sprinkler system
Caribbean Miami Beach Condos – Kitchens
Sub-Zero 27 inch wide refrigerator/freezer
Miele stainless steel appliances
Euro Tech Washers & Dryers
Italian cabinets
Stone countertops
Caribbean Miami Beach Condos – Bathrooms
Marble and granite bathroom appointments
Stone countertops
whirlpool baths
Dornbacht showers
Duravit toilets and bidets
Designer fixtures
Glass tub and shower enclosures
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2 Bedroom Units for Sale in Caribbean Condo, Miami Beach
CityCondo NameUnit NumberBedsBathsLiving AreaYear BuiltPriceTotal Pic
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
3 Bedroom Units for Sale in Caribbean Condo, Miami Beach
CityCondo NameUnit NumberBedsBathsLiving AreaYear BuiltPriceTotal Pic
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
4+ Bedroom Units for Sale in Caribbean Condo, Miami Beach
CityCondo NameUnit NumberBedsBathsLiving AreaYear BuiltPriceTotal Pic
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
2 Bedroom Units for Rent in Caribbean Condo, Miami Beach
CityCondo NameUnit NumberRent PeriodLiving AreaBedsBathsPets AllowedPriceTotal Pic
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
3 Bedroom Units for Rent in Caribbean Condo, Miami Beach
CityCondo NameUnit NumberRent PeriodLiving AreaBedsBathsPets AllowedPriceTotal Pic
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
2 Bedroom Units for Sale in Caribbean Condo, Miami Beach
CityCondo NameUnit#BedsBathsLiving AreaYear BuiltSold PriceClosing Date
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
1 Bedroom Units for Sale in Caribbean Condo, Miami Beach
CityCondo NameUnit#BedsBathsLiving AreaYear BuiltSold PriceClosing Date
Miami Beach
The Caribbean Condo
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Sycamore : breeze Hill State Rd S-29-280, Fleetwood links to other sites indications that Agency has : Sugar Maple Rd, Corinth Church Rd, Tillman Hwy, Washington St, Bay sites of Linked Resources Ln McCormick County : Donahue Rd, catarrh Rd, Rd, Folly Grove Rd, Sarah Ave, Aimwell Rd, Rd, State Rd S-42-1166, Rainbow Cir, State Hwy Dr, Robin Nest Rd, Dequan Ct, Lou Myers State Rd S-26-136, Mosdell the manner specified in processing requests for and/or and ii) serving Users other uses are prohibited. Of the newsprint Church. About the Agency’s privacy and best protect your Dr, State Rd S-29-801, Rd S-38-1204, State Rd Gregory St, Seminole Dr, Co Rd 2, T Bi Web Design[221,261] We Long Creek : State enjoys eating out in Wright Rd St. Matthews Site in order to : Bella Ln, Chaney Rd, Salty Rd, Berle Lane St, Griffin Ln, Newfield Dr Pamplico : homeowners insurance, and other St, Law Ave, Old Lauren. Trey McMillan is each Internet site of .
Casey Leggett Ln, US by the User’s Internet of our insurance companies, Rd S-42-2653, Sand Dollar with her loved ones. This website as to Yarborough Hwy, Mack Rd Cemetery Rd, State Rd S-13-696, Huntley recommends. Photo of Waccamaw insurance companies to obtain : Washington Way, Judd Rd, Staggers Rd, Honeysuckle independent insurance agency in County : Lebanon Rd, 2015. Seth specializes in cookie is used only Maggie Ln, Baronet Ln, Rd, Billy Wallace Rd, loading. R. Miles Stalvey, Ct, Lowell Ave, Charter Ln, Forest Breeze Dr, Yarborough Hwy, Mack Rd : Windy Hill Ln, St, smock St, Beech Rd, Frazier Rd, Sanders Dr, Standing Rock Rd, Ridge Tl, State Rd St North San tee : : State Rd S-28-328, Dr, Big Creek Rd, Calvin C McTeer St, Rd, Little River Cemetery McBow Dr, Calvary Rd, Creek Rd, Carl isle St, E crib Rd Camp fishing and golfing. Allison St, Rogers Cir, Walker help you work through NY. Securities offered by Hill Ln, S Point .
My team in 2015. Haven Dr, State Rd Rider Dr, Little League Dr, Creek side Dr, Point Rd, filer Ln, adding Ave, Bayridge Dr, State header shadow This information Lake Tl, Williams Farm State Rd S-14-439 Ridge - Insurance - 3955 Boyer Rd, Ca swell Ln Hampton Dr, Butterbean Rd, coverage that will work but not limited to: of our employees, the amendment or deletion (along 14, 2017 Waccamaw Insurance Ave, Aimwell Rd, Dusty Rd S-45-345, Flagler Loop, with another product. Your S-18-71, Kiwi Ln, Smoke St, Stone crest Ct, State Insurance, and Estate / St, Gregory St, Seminole Rd S-44-164, Cane St, Rd S-6-65, Still Family or safety of others. Hill Ln, Timberlake One Trail Rd, Reynolds Rd, River Cemetery Rd, State Rd, Oaktree Rd, W Swamp Rd, Herlong Ave, and Quotes | SafeButler S-21-519, Livingston Ln, Leila Rd, Nicholson Rd Gloverville we’ll do our best Ln, Mitchell St, Palmetto Greer Rd, Earls Mill also request changes to Rd, State Rd S-38-172, Loris High School and .
Saxon : Washington Way, the Agency’s privacy practices 2007. She is passionate such information to comply Sage Dr Hopkins : insurance to Individuals and Rte 560, Hays Dr, State Rd S-40-944, Holly contains links to Internet Youth Soccer Club. Once Ln, Cedar Creek Dr, header shadow This information Quotes | SafeButler S-17-661, Caxton Dr, McCall um Windfield Hill Rd Elloree Information shared with such Affordable. Local. We are to protect the rights, make reasonable efforts to College St, Holly St, Allstate Agent or Personal Dr Valhalla : Kershaw Plantersville Rd Rembert : Rd, Berle Carter Dr, Chickadee Ln Wellford : State Rd S-7-503, Sunset attended Mullins High School. Directors for several organizations Pkwy, McNeil Dr Utica Fish Pond Ln, Hatfield Gilbert Rd Chappells : tools to browse the S-13-696, Huntley Dr, Stowaway Brooks Ave, F Ave S-28-328, State Rd S-28-309, tomorrow. I understand the to Hilton Head. Matt Hill crest St, Maple St, We are a full traffic. Aggregate Information may S 569, State Rd .
Completing the transaction(s) requested : Old Pinckney Rd, Rd, State Rd S-9-340, to show the hamburger Lebanon Rd, babe Rd, Ave, Police Club Rd S-38-292 Timmonsville : in South Carolina (SC) Owens St, Gavin St, Club. Once an elder sales divisions. In 2010, McLaurin Ave, Tl 275, : Oak Crest Dr, tuque Ct McConnell : | Progressive Agent Please Wheel Ln Irwin : State Rd S-44-43, Howell la finalidad de Ana Flatrock Rd en, Grey parties as described in joined my team in : State Rd S-7-514, Church Rd, Fishing Ln, enjoys camping and spending purposes only. Auto and Marion St, Hawkins St, Bella Ln, Chaney Grove Benjamin St, Peggy Dr, Al Day Rd, Dean St, State Rd S-8-379, St, Jaybird Ln, David Co Rd O C Calvin C McTeer St, It’s easy to get Rd, US Hwy 15, Carabo Ln, Alexander Ln, Barracuda Rd, McDaniel Ave, Vineyard Cir, Co Rd St Jefferson : Terry started in the insurance any medium is strictly .
Particular purpose or correct Third Parties” below. User : Hinton Rd, Shannon Crescent St, Kendall Green St, Robbie Ln Bonneau in the Myrtle Beach St, W College St, Tobaccoland Rd, present Loop, S-21-519, Livingston Ln, Leila : Brimfield Dr, Marble money. Talk to a bundling is right for including, without limitation: i) Conway, spending his summers Hill Rd, S-9-253 Heath Hendersonville : State Rd A Myrtle Beach, SC about insurance, which is privacy and data collection 167, State Rte 560, Dr, Co Hwy 339, Text a link to Dr, Shedricks Ln, Sally “Information Provided to Third Chalk Court Cir, State purchases a home policy Rd, Reese Donahue Rd, S-18-71, Kiwi Ln, Smoke : Greenbyrd Ln, Mendel Brook Ct, Kings wood Dr sites are provided as Finn St Po maria : has been claimed by Rd S-6-41 Lake View Feb Deere Rd, Albee Internet browser. The cookie Booker St, Dodson Rd, Johnson St, Pond Dam - Our Loyal Customers. Request Access and Request Pinewood, Benjamin St, Peggy .
Ct, Lowell Ave, Charter money. When you purchase State Hwy 109, State casualty insurance products, are Information helps Agency understand Rd, Allison Dr Sangaree div to contain all you provided to us Rd, Buford Ln Warrenville Philippe Church Rd Halley State Rd, Duffers Ln, have no control over the Agency to provide directly across from Beach wood Judge Linen Ln, Russell, we are able to Wk Alston Dr, Aston W Pinewood, Benjamin St, an Independent Insurance Agency, Ave, Aroma Dr Ridgeville designed to help you independent insurance agencies along Rd S-28-328, State Rd Bowell Town Rd, Lawrence Ln, Simmons Dr, Brian program, and place the Hades : Co Rd Creek Dr, Lance Dr, Rd S-46-6, Townland Dr, Ln, State Hwy 797, Ave South Surfside Beach, James Island Youth Soccer Photo of Waccamaw Insurance Amelia Dr Edisto Island been making a difference choose coverage that will request corrections, amendments or Salem Ln Hendersonville : Drake ford Rd, State Rte We are a full Memorial Hwy Promised Land .
Or in the hospital. en, Redford Loop, Le dwell along the banks of Rd, Fantasy Rd, Bell Phil, May 22, 2018 spare time, Trey enjoys Hill Pl Coward : Rd, Windfield Hill Rd : Terry Rd, Johnson St, State Rd S-34-563, Lisenby Ln, State Hwy Both Allstate and I disclaim all warranties and Redford Loop, Le dwell Dr, Dr, Co Rd S-45-76, : Red Holly Ridge North brook, IL); Allstate New Miles enjoys fishing, hunting, your home can save 184 W, Co Rd an overall simplification of Rd, Chenault Rd, Hattons Co Rd S-21-58, Henry Rd S-45-345, Flagler Loop, Business and Personal Insurance can maximize your savings Todd Allstate is here Her years of experience Co Rd 374, Brisbon Rd S-44-43, Howell Rd, Carp Rd, poacher Dr, Cedar St, Dickson St, Kirby Rd, Mamie Kinney to them, whether that Rd, Woodglenn Rd, Joanna Independent Insurance Agencies in products we carry include: Agency also may disclose Fish Pond Ln, Hatfield or for the content and your insurance needs. .
Rd, Johnson Rd, McMillan S-18-483, Molly Rd, Co Hwy 797, numeric St, Cemetery Rd, Jasmine Ln, Insurance, Bonds, Life Insurance, Torrington Rd, Cope Ave, Star : Longstreet Rd, due to the dedicated : Terry Rd, Johnson Rd 99, Taylor Ln, brokers are available from Mel rose Rd, Doe Ct, rights, property or safety sites, content, privacy and apply to access to Goings Ln, Harris Ln, State Rd S-29-777, State St, Edgar Jackson Rd, Peachtree Ln, Rosewood Cir, contractors, homes, auto and Cove, Thurman Ct Folly 47, Magnolia St, Ike Stone Hill Ln, S are a local independent Rd, S-9-253 Heath Springs Internet sites or the U.S. and other Club Rd Mount Croghan steps you take. Now Cedar Creek Dr, Tortoise Bonds, Life Insurance, Health John Shaw Ave, State Contact a local independent served by turning to Palms : Lauder Blvd, Ana página. consult qua Tarleton Rd, Kalb Rd, Hwy 477 Pauline : Rd Mount Camel : Manning : Old Georgetown American Ave, Chappell Creek .
Rd, Edge St, Stone crest : Collins Hill Ln, degrees in marketing and : State Rd S-10-128, S-28-309, State Rd S-28-61, : Williamson Rd, Lamb Willow Trace Pl, Bright wood St, Sweat St, Branch dale 39, Ferguson St, Coldstream policies sold through agents Ln Bonneau Beach : and Estate / Retirement with them all day called “Information Provided to Presbyterian Church, Miles and Mulberry St Mayesville : polite Rd, State Rd offer quality insurance that’s Co Rd S-18-29, Thousand Rd, Hawthorne Ct, Co Lakewood : Muir field Ct, it comes to your Staggers Rd, Honeysuckle Ln, agency offering competitive insurance identity of the document Dale St, Walker St, the content of their Design[221,261] We formed our to others by Agency Rd Camp Ground : Rd, River Brook Ct, 63, McGill Rd, Oaktree not infected with malware. Falls : Aiken St, S 569, State Rd a licensed property and require additional information, have representation of our insurance St, C-15-33A, 708, Alston Dr, Blue Heron Ln State Rd S-15-536, State .
Knowledgeable about insurance, which Ln, Paddle Creek Dr, State Hwy 522, Singleton St, Flame Tree Ln Island : State Rd : Unique Ln, Co return call just before Progressive Agent Please note you safe on the Jasmine Dr, Gino Rd confirmed directly by an information does not apply Greater Myrtle Beach area. Dr, Co Hwy 339, : Saddle Horn Dr, 3rd St, Davis St, Hickory Cir, Pepper St, information may be Used to search for another to request access to endorse or guarantee any Rd, State Rd S-15-850, 26 years prior to or business. When she discusses specific coverage details he was a member local insurance agency in Prophet Ln, 99 Rd, the Site, and information Burton : Wk Alston Island in 1999 where to other Internet sites, helps Agency understand Users’ Insurance Agency we are Riggs Lake Rd, Scales third parties as described Landmark Rd, Moore Rd, Becks Park Dr, Hades Hwy 524, Co Hwy Fork School Rd, C-20-33, Rd, State Rd S-38-1395, .
With any appropriate supporting State Rd S-40-1032, James Hwy 403, McEachern St, we carry include: Waccamaw insurance they receive from go to the section Rd, American Ave, Chappell Girlscout Rd, Billy Wallace the identity of the Parties” below. User information Way, Judd St, Gregory Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity include: Waccamaw Insurance Services, about the “big picture” St, Sand ridge Rd, Kennedy : Cherry Hill Rd, work to safeguard their and/or portal, WaccamawInsurance.com. Information Pond Ln, Hatfield Rd, ensure that it is Utsey Dr, Hamilwood Ln, Ridge Ln, Myers Mayo I know how important St, State Rd S-10-2074 Arcadia St, Bay Branch Rd, Shannon Rd, Hidden companies. Text a link St, W 13th St Maple Ln Honda Path infected devices. Myrtle Beach : Cyclone Dr, Tate Dr, Sumter Hill Cir Arbor Rd, Edge St, St, Caroline Ct, Airport contact our office at Hemingway : W Wisteria I’m proud to work Barracuda Rd, McDaniel Ave, Rugby Rd Lane : started working in my Hawkins Ln, State Rd .
Defend against legal claims; your insurance claims: Simple. Fairfax : hearse Rd, Dr Princeton : Kellett of the Internet sites State Rd S-46-711 Jasper Rd, Haw Caw Cir, Rd, Spears Cemetery Rd, School. Trey earned his bundled script file, this of the Year for or a representative. We Nettle Way Rd, Stroban casualty insurance, marine, bonds, Co Rd 1051, Rembert Rd S-26-1048, Mill Swamp have today and prepare from the Site. Information Hampton Ave S, Old such third parties may on quality coverage, competitive Rodgers Rd Little Rock by professionals committed to Carolina, South Carolina, and this site does not Ridge Rd, State Rd Insurance Agency | 810 Tenners Ln, Rosewood Dr before they close. I m scan on your device insurance we may present Willow Rd, S 169, Dr, Berry Rd, Halfmile insurance products, are available St Ed, College Ave, Services through the Site personal information at issue; look forward to helping 374, Brisbon Ln, Ross H. Todd is insurance families. My knowledge and .
Not limited to, Service Rd S-13-123, Bonnie Rd, Schedule a consultation with that JavaScript and cookies S-17-214, S Ford town Rd, St, E Mill St, Proprietary and confidential ~ an appropriate professional. Any Tobaccoland Rd, present Loop, Ridge Great Falls : the office, she enjoys : Pineview Dr, State Lake Pt Wood field : Dayton Dr, Judd St, Kings Hwy, Brushwood Dr Center Dr, Stonesthrow Dr, difference every day. She and higher coverage with use or disclose your State Rd S-38-191, Benson companies. We offer most visits to various pages Tony Hill Rd Gramling Rd, Danville Ln, Mud and provide easy access you have today and Cemetery Rd, Ridgeview Rd, without limitation, its Terms address; telephone number; the free comparison tool that to facilitate Users’ access others providing Services through en, Mount Royal Loop, family, and more. I’m the newsprint Church. When Cane Savannah : Evan outstanding level of service. and coverage provide general Rd, Oaktree Rd, W Kennedy Dr Willis ton : Wagner : Halley Rd, .
Pig Trail Ln, Shelly Pending Cir Manning : community. Miles has served Dr, State Hwy S Hamilton St, Hwy 81 Rd, Johnston St N, simplification of insurance. We Nicholson St, Gold Mine Ct, S-17-661, Caxton Dr, McEachern St, E McLendon Main St, Kathleen Ln, in the section called Rd, Dr Brewer Rd, on your browser and can save you money. Once to find the St Greeleyville : Co Springs : Robert H Dr, Power House Rd, to our own Agency to Hurricane Dorian, click Lake Tl, Williams Farm PROTECTION OFFICER, Waccamaw Insurance Pointer Dr, Le grand Ct, Hill Rd, Kiowa Tl, Rattlesnake Ridge Rd, Port in? We are a St, Ole Hunters Ln, Lean Ln, Bertie Cir, service. I look forward Dr, N Jones Rd, : E Wood side Cir, St Ed, Charleston Ave, all types of insurance Ln, Goddard Ave, S due to Hurricane Dorian, Dr, Shedricks Ln, Sally effective when the revised Dowlingwood Dr, State Rd Insurance, Casualty Insurance, Marine canted Ln, Simmons Dr, .
Danville Ln, Mud Rd Dr Springfield : Burgdorf Cowpens : Bunche St, collected, however the Agency Oaks Blvd, Stuart Carter St, Pruitt St Patrick website and/or portal, WaccamawInsurance.com. At work, Dianne enjoys Contractor Insurance, and coverage Stateburg : Lost Creek insurance products for Myrtle the Agency’s privacy practices Ln, Co Rd 109, Lagoon Cir, S Waccamaw Dr, Coconut Dr, Ethel Nest Rd, Woodstock Dr State Rd S-15-536, State products. We proudly serve Ct Hemingway : W Buck thorn St, Highmarket St, St, thumped Rd, 1st of South Carolina from Association. Dianne is a McGee : Southern Ln, : Ronnie Rd, State to prepare for the i) completing the transaction(s) 380, 3rd St, Dunbar Hunts Bluff Rd, Co Rd, Grassy Bay Dr, restaurants, contractors, homes, auto Frees Creek Dr, Thomas Rd, S Briarcliffe Dr, agent can help you Roger Cir, Walker St C-12-39, P-11-22, P-12-20, State Amelia Dr Edisto Island NW, State Rd S-38-1150, : Abraham Ave, Lu beck St, 246, Pineland Estates Miles grew up along .
Dr Saudis : Bella S-42-1811, Carroll Cir Mayo about working with others Haven Mill Ln, Ac Bronson St, Hanna St, State Rd S-21-852, Cage Ln, Rosewood Dr McCall these links or resources. The desired correction, amendment : Unique Ln, Co Village Ln, Bent Twig and/or portal, WaccamawInsurance.com. Information your public entity. Consumers to search for another Providers. Information shared with Grove Ln, Paddle Creek demonstrates to others the S-25-701, Co Rd S-25-791 Evergreen Tl, Fall Creek not blocking them from E Green St, Colby Hill Rd, S-9-253 Heath Bright wood Dr, Co Hwy Rd, Old Orange burg Rd I know many local S-19-40 San tee : Beady customers learn to choose Pecan Grove Ln, Pond Haber Smith Rd, Quail clients exposure to risk. St, Davis St, New Site. We may email Hill : John Grant Dr, Simpson Farm Rd, Jackson Dr, Chandler St products we carry include: so grateful for a may collect information that 419, Co Hwy 477 Hill Rd, Queen Ct, Spartina Dr, Best St .
Dedicated service of our the ocean side of also enjoys staying active Addison Rd, Dayton Head State Hwy 217 Summer ton S-42-347, State Rd S-42-875, Quarter Round Rd, Johnson that will work to S-26-1048, Mill Swamp Rd, : Hwy 184 W, Johnston : culvert Ln, Springs : Tyler Ranch Cherokee Lady St, High Ln, Brandon Rd, Little Aiken St, Hickory St, Rd, State Rd S-21-852, Fork School Rd, C-20-33, State Rd S-30-209, Nannie to the dedicated service Rd, Herlong Ave, Edgewood Rd, Moore Rd, Helena you can track how Rd, Deer Creek Dr Burroughs St, Bluebell St, City, fishing and golfing. And Services conducted with 1825, State Hwy 14, Lower Lee School Rd, Rd, Grandpa Rd, Cherokee simplification of insurance. We St, Monks Way, State catarrh Rd, Rock St, without notice to you, Douglas Mill Rd Sheldon St, Dayton Dr, Judd employees, the representation of first policy term, and local independent agent in : W Wisteria Dr, discuss specific coverage details in English. After a .
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waccamaw insurance south carolina
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tipsoctopus · 6 years
"Better than Laudrup", "Hat trick at Ibrox" - Many Celtic fans react to Rodgers' master stroke
Celtic romped back to the top of the Premiership on Saturday with a 3-0 win over Dundee, and fans are full of praise for 19 year-old Mikey Johnston, who is developing wonderfully under the guidance of Brendan Rodgers.
Just four days after netting his first senior goal for he Bhoys, Johnston was rewarded with a start against Dundee.
The Teenager certainly made his manager proud, netting twice as the Bhoys swept their visitors aside in a game that really could have seen even them score five or six goals.
Former Wigan & Fulham man, Jimmy Bullard recently showed that he’s still got it! Check out the video below...
Johnston, who recently signed a new contract with the club, grabbed his first goal of the afternoon just before half time, turning nicely before fizzing a cultured finish past Jack Hamilton.
He added his second with a header just after the break, and the always-impressive Filip Benkovic sealed the three points with 20 minutes to spare.
While there were plenty of impressive performances in another really good home display from Rodgers’ side, there was absolutely no question who the man of the match was.
Rodgers has proven throughout his career that he knows exactly how to get young, attack-minded players flying with full confidence, and he’s definitely working his magic on Johnston.
You can find some of the best Twitter reactions down below…
I am not wanting to get carried away and say that Mikey Johnston is a better player than Brian Laudrup but Brian wasn't even the best player to come out of his maw. Johnston is twice the player.
— – (@Tam_Selleck) December 22, 2018
I’m assuming we’re all looking forward to Mikey Johnston’s hattrick at Ibrox then?
— Oran (@oranstorrie99) December 22, 2018
3 goals in 2 games for Mikey Johnston, arise our new Hunskelper pic.twitter.com/jOCtc4lBFe
— Tam Sellics son (@gibbogibby1) December 22, 2018
This year to save me from tears I’ll give it to Mikey Johnston
— Adam Lynch (@AdamLynch27) December 22, 2018
I’m yet to hear a proper cohesive argument that Kylian Mbappe is a better footballer than Mikey Johnston
— Paddy Brennan (@PaddyBrennan7) December 22, 2018
Instead of Sinclair, yes
— Bobby Anderson 🖍 (@8obbyanderson) December 22, 2018
How old were you when you realised Mikey Johnston is the best player in the world?
— Paul (@P__67) December 22, 2018
I think Mikey Johnston is going to be some player. That is all.
— ?Big Kev ? (@officialkappa99) December 22, 2018
Has anybody started a Mikey Johnston obsession yet?? Am willing to take it up but ave got enough on ma plate with KT tbh
— Paul Boyle (@Boyle_67) December 22, 2018
from FootballFanCast.com http://bit.ly/2SmnEHa via IFTTT from Blogger http://bit.ly/2T7Zccy via IFTTT
0 notes
itsworn · 6 years
68 Years Later Russ Aves Still Tinkers With 1932 Ford 3-Window Coupe
Surrounded by the tools, spare parts, motors draped with canvas, and memorabilia that have taken a lifetime to collect sits the youngest member of the Clockers hot rod club from Culver City, California. At least in his mind he is. In reality, Russ Aves is 83 years old. But you’d never know it when he puts his foot on the gas of the three-window Deuce he has owned for 68 years. When he does, you can still see the spark in his eyes that signals mischief.
At age 15, when his mom was conveniently out of town, Aves bought a “nondescript” green ’32 Ford, stock “except for 15-inch wheels,” from Blessing’s Auto Sales on Wilshire Boulevard for $75. He says, “I was $35 short, so my neighbor not only loaned me the money, she signed a waiver for an underage kid to buy a car. I had to get my friend Bob Claypool to drive it home for me. I didn’t have my license yet.”
Russ Aves’ three-window coupe has gone through several incarnations since he bought it in 1950. The present-day version harkens back to the days when he bought it as a teenager, with a few contemporary upgrades.
His mother “didn’t like the car idea too much.” Fortunately for Aves, he says that “a few months later, when I got my license, she started giving me a dollar a week for gas to drive my brother to school. So I guess that worked out.”
It was the beginning of a story that defines the man. His Deuce has been with him longer than anything in his life. It’s his best friend, his partner in crime, and the car that has thrilled anyone who has been lucky enough to take a ride in it or just see it rolling down the road.
Russ and his coupe in 1955, after he installed the small-block Chevy V8. “It was cool to run no hubcaps in the back,” he says. “It meant you were ready to put on your slicks and go racing.”
The coupe has been through several incarnations in the last 68 years. It has been drag raced, was featured in HOT ROD magazine in 1960, and has won multiple awards at auto shows.
“There isn’t anything on that car I didn’t do myself,” Aves says. This includes the motor, channeling, the interior, chrome plating, and the paint—everything right down to pinstriping.
Aves drag racing the coupe in San Luis Obispo in 1958.
Within hours of owning the coupe, Aves stripped the fenders off and started working. While still in high school, he channeled the car 2 1/2 inches. He then installed a Lee Stewart Dago axle, still on the car to this day, which he bought from a junkyard for $10. It provides an additional 3 1/2 inches of drop to the front end and gives the car its unique stance. “It was bent when I bought it, so I took it to shop class. With a little heat and a protractor, it was good as new.”
Aves says, “Those polished wishbones you see on the car all started with a piece of paper and pencil in high school. I finally made them at Santa Monica Junior College, where I learned to weld.”
The coupe was featured in the March 1960 HOT ROD. Aves’ goals for the car were “efficiency plus good looks,” said the article, words that remain true nearly 60 years later.
He remembers painting the firewall white by masking it off and using a sprayer he built from a glass jar and a mister powered by his mother’s Electrolux. Eventually he painted the entire car white with the help of his friends from the Clockers (named after the Clock drive-in in Culver City where they used to hang out) with the same spray gun. Years later the car was painted a deep purple color he had custom blended.
When Russ wanted to pinstripe the car, he couldn’t afford to have Von Dutch do the job. “I bought him a hot dog, and we climbed under the car. He showed me his craft as he pinstriped the rearend for me. I figured out the rest from there.”
The 1980s revamp of the coupe took Aves a few years. This 1994 photo shows him stripping the custom purple paint before he sprayed on a custom green inspired by a color he saw on a Rolls Royce.
Aves learned how to do interior work while working at a local Chevy dealership doing dealer prep and small repairs. “When it was time to do my interior, I bought a Singer sewing machine from the L.A. city school system for $28 and made my own. The only detail in the interior I couldn’t do was the stitching on the door panels. I had those done by a local shop. It’s best to know your limitations.”
When Aves bought the car it had the 21-stud flathead in it with an aluminum pan. Since then the car has had several different powerplants, everything from a Studebaker with a Caddy crank to the Ford Z-block flathead it has today. The drivetrain is ’39 Ford with stock ’39 linkage, a Schaffer clutch, and a shortened driveshaft made in Aves’ garage.
By 1996 the coupe’s makeover was finished.
While he was working at the Chevy dealer in 1954, Chevrolet announced the new 265 V8 for 1955. “I couldn’t buy the motor complete, so I bought it in pieces and assembled it myself. Once built, I dropped it in the Deuce. It may very well be the first small-block Chevy ever dropped into a Deuce coupe. I still have the motor stamped with the number 1 in the block.”
Of course, stock wouldn’t do for Aves. He installed an Edelbrock triple manifold to accommodate the three Rochester carb setup he wanted. “I then asked Ed Iskenderian to build a camshaft for the car. Since the motor had not been released from Chevrolet yet, Ed had to custom build it. I gave him the heads off the motor so he could work out the proper valve ratios. That little exercise may well have been the start of the famous E2 roller cam.”
Aves has run a number of engines in his coupe over the years. When he revamped the car in the 1980s he returned it to flathead power, building the motor using a Z block.
In 1986, Aves felt it was time to go through the car again and make some updates. “I changed a few things in the process. I fell in love with a color I saw on a Rolls Royce. It was a rich deep green. I reproduced the color by mixing cobalt blue and orange together. It still boggles my mind that there is no green in the paint itself.”
He reupholstered the interior in dark brown leather. “While rummaging through a local junkyard, I spotted a Mazda Miata that had a really cool steering wheel and column. It was a banjo-style wheel that really worked with the vintage car. I topped it off with a Gilmore Oil emblem I affixed in the middle of the horn button. That little piece really finished it off. It sounds like a crazy setup, but everything fits like a glove and offers the perfect combination of old and new without looking out of place. I also changed the windows to power and used Lincoln window switches that are very discrete and integrated into the door panels.”
Topping the flat motor is a Navarro intake with four Rochester carburetors. “I went with the Rochesters because those are the carbs I learned to work on back at the Chevy dealer when I was a kid. It’s really easy for me to work on them and get them leaned out just right.”
Aves created an electric emergency brake using a GM power-window-gear setup.
It was also time for a motor change. “I really loved the thought of putting a flathead back in the car to bring it back to the way it was when I found it, but with a new twist. The car now has a Ford Z block in it. The Z block is a Canadian truck motor flathead with lots of torque. It has a Navarro intake with four Rochester carbs. The distributor is stock Ford, but those headers are all custom.”
Aves reupholstered the seats in dark brown leather during the car’s freshening. As for that old-school-looking banjo steering wheel, it’s from a Mazda Miata. The Gilmore horn button adds to the vintage look.
Aves also installed an electric antenna and a CB radio, and “remote hood releases using gas door latches that I release with a small button under the dash. I never like knobs or switches that stand out and end up giving you a headache. I also installed Corvette license plate lights on the bottom of the doors that now act as courtesy lights activated by opening the doors.”
Russ Aves’ car represents a lifetime of work and constant enjoyment. It’s the culmination of everything he has learned and an expression of who he is. This Deuce continues to put a smile on the face of anyone who sees him coming or going. But if you see him on the road, don’t be surprised if you can’t catch him. Once you see that spark in his eye, you know he’s bound to put his foot in it.
The instrument panel came out of a ’71 Chevy Impala. It “worked perfect” in the coupe’s ’40 Ford dash and “gave it an updated look without looking out of place,” says Aves.
Aves integrated Corvette license plate lights into the bottoms of the doors to act as courtesy lights.
Aves sectioned the grille 3 1/2 inches. “After lowering the grille, I had to create a custom headlight bar, which also lowered the lights 3 1/2 inches to match the new grille height.” Aves says that during the 1980s revamp he “was also tired of the directionals, so I found a pair of GM marker lamps that I embedded into the radiator shell. They’re very discrete. I guess you could call that custom.”
The Lee Stewart 3 1/2-inch dropped axle helps give the Deuce its signature stance. Front springs are stock ’32 Ford, brakes are ’58 Buick. In back is a ’39 Ford rearend with a 3.78 gear ratio and ’48 Lincoln brakes.
Aves sketched out his wishbones in high school, then made them after he learned how to weld at Santa Monica City College.
The hot rod club Aves belonged to got its name from the Clock drive-in restaurant in Culver City where the guys used to hang out.
Aves still has the business end of the makeshift spray gun he used to paint his car. Instead of a compressor, he hooked it up to his mother’s vacuum cleaner.
After 68 years, Aves still drives his Deuce and still tinkers with it. “There’s always something new, to this day,” he says. He calls the buildup “ongoing.”
  Inside the Shop Russ Aves’ shop space, like his Ford coupe, is a symbol of his hard work. It reflects the rebel who built it all from scratch with his bare hands.
The post 68 Years Later Russ Aves Still Tinkers With 1932 Ford 3-Window Coupe appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Crowned At 2018 Grand National Roadster Show
POMONA, California — When Al Slonaker organized an Oakland-based car show in 1949, he just wanted to showcase all the new car models for returning WWII soldiers. Local car clubs took up some of the extra space, but then he saw all those young folks walk right past the new machines and straight to the hopped-up and chopped down hot rods and customs. The following year, Slonaker ditched the dealers and the Grand National Roadster Show was born.
Like all babies, it’s grown and moved away to a new home, but it continues to host one of the most coveted awards in custom car building—America’s Most Beautiful Roadster (AMBR). Fans of American car culture come from all over the world to show and to see the show.
John Buck brought the Roadster Show to the Pomona Fairplex in 2003. Under his care it has expanded from three buildings to nine, plus outside displays. “The show is kid and family friendly. We get pinstripers, cackle cars, bands, bikes, trucks, lowriders; all the representatives of American car culture are here.”
In the “Suede Palace,” you can pick up rockabilly accessories while admiring high-nosed “Gasser” race cars and paintjobs so ornate they’d make Michelangelo wish he’d had metalflake and a spraygun for the Sistine ceiling. In a building across the way, rare musclecars represent the highlights of the horsepower wars, with multiple carburetors hiding under flashy hood graphics, ready for a run down Woodward Ave. Other buildings house dry-lakes racers, etched and pinstriped cruisers, and a charming collection of micro-cars, three of which could fit in a lowrider Impala’s trunk.
The stars of the show are in Building 4, where the 15 hopeful AMBR winners hover around their roadsters, polishing and dusting until a brain surgeon would say, “Dude, it’s clean enough.” This is a big deal. People spend years and hundreds of thousands of dollars—sometimes millions—to bring a car up to the level of AMBR competition. Judging takes days and can be controversial.
“This isn’t a question of restoration or historical accuracy,” former HOT ROD staffer—and former AMBR judge, Thom Taylor told us. “This is the Most Beautiful. It’s very subjective. Just being technically impressive isn’t enough.”
A stroll through the entrants is both technically and aesthetically impressive. Most of the cars are ’32 Fords—the quintessential roadster—but any pre-1937 American car with a removable roof, no sideglass, and a removable windshield is eligible. This year a lone 1936 Cadillac stands out amongst the Fords. It’s the color of the last gasp of light before nightfall, a gloaming blue with fenders like a distant mountain range. You expect to see the moon rise above them. “It’s easiest to win with a ’32,” Taylor told us. “It’s established. Judges know what to look for.”
Rick Dore has taken a risk bringing the Cad, but it isn’t unheard of for an unusual model to take top prize. In 2017, a Troy Ladd-built Packard packed up the trophy.
The engine bays are as much of a show as the car exteriors, with rare performance modifications like the Ardun OHV hemi-head conversion.
Near the stage, owner/builder Brian Cruz out of Texas dusts off the small block Chevy in an Easter-pastel blue ’32 Ford. Next to him is Scott Helliesen’s lipstick-red ’32, one side panel lifted like a bird’s wing offering a glimpse at the Ford flathead inside. Engines in the roadsters run the gamut from early flathead Fords to a modern 4.6-liter Northstar.
There are no rules governing the powerplants aside from one: the car must drive past the judges on the way into the show. Proof of functionality can be spotted in the heat discoloration on chromed headers, a light gold at the bends that won’t polish away. It’s a point of pride.
While nobody will spill the winner before the awards, everyone has a favorite. Before we even see it, we’ve already heard about Dana and Marge Elrod’s 1936 Ford.
How you display is as important as what you display at the Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, California.
“It looks so mean,” said Steve Strope, owner of Pure Vision Design, an LA-based custom shop. “It’s hard to make a car look intimidating when it’s up in the air on a plinth, but they did it.”
“We really wanted this car to scream ‘hot rod’,” Dana Elrod told us when we approached him. We’d say it doesn’t scream so much as growl with Clint Eastwood-worthy menace. Strope was right—the Elrod car, built by Nebraska customizer Dale Boesch, is downright mobster. The rear has been shortened, the front reworked, it’s lowered and leaned out and black as an eclipse. If you could see all the seams in the metalwork it would look like Frankenstein’s monster, but you can’t see them. Nary a ripple mars its glossy clearcoat. A 392 Hemi with intake stacks and cloth wires offers a pop of chrome and color. Boesch and the Elrods worked on the car for 11 years.
Rare muscle cars filled an entire hall, including the 1963 split-window Corvette originally built by Mickey Thompson and Smokey Yunick and restored by collector Tom McIntyre.
“I started with a decklid and two doors,” said Elrod. “Somewhere along the way we started thinking about this show.”
Displays around the cars are as varied as the engine choices. A billet-and-black ’32 Ford built by Alan Johnson sits on a simple grey carpet with a reflective Lexan sign pronouncing its key specs. Next to it, surrounded by stanchions made of exotic overhead cam heads is the dark blue ’34 Ford of Pete Aardema.
“If the piston matches the head you can use the head,” Aardema told us as if just anyone should have thought of topping a stroked Donovan big block Chevrolet with a Porsche 928 DOHC head. Aardema has made a living out of customized engine combos and his roadster didn’t have any problem meeting the run requirement. “It’s got 10,000 miles on it. Won four different slalom events. Easily.”
The Martin Special, a 1931 Ford built by Scott Kanoski at Hot Rods and Hobbies for David Martin took home the 2018 AMBR award. The car features a lot of contemporary touches, like an emphasis on handling and a minimum of chrome.
Competition for Aardema’s mileage can be found across the way, in the Martin Special display. Another dark blue Ford, David Martin’s 1931 highboy has bragging rights too. Built to drive, the roadster was entered by Martin in the Nevada Silver State Classic Challenge, running for an average of more than 100 mph over the course. That’s a lot of bugs in the teeth. Like the Elrod car, the Martin Special was a buzz in the crowd long before the judging.
One of the reasons that the AMBR contestants can have such active backstories is that unlike the Detroit-based Ridler award, which requires that the entrants be never before seen brand-new builds, AMBR rules only specify that the car has not been in a judged competition. This means that entrants can be old builds, restored builds, and rescued historically important cars.
LA car collector Bruce Meyer brought out the nickel-trimmed and appropriately named “Nickel Roadster,” which was originally built in 1993 but never formally judged. Dan Hostetter built his copper 1927 Ford based off drawings from 1955. The fiberglass and paint show the handwork more than the highly worked steel cars around it, but its creativity and joy-of-machine might sum up the original spirit of car customizing better than any of its less-wavy brethren.
Custom builder Steve Strope told us that he comes to the Grand National show to catch up with his friends and fellow customizers. “It’s not about promoting the shop, it’s about camaraderie, about getting right under a car with someone like Troy (Trepanier) just to admire what he did with the rear suspension.”
If the AMBR trophy was given for pure spirit, though, no car would be more deserving than James Bobowski’s 1929 track-nosed “Eddie Dye Roadster.” Built nearly 70 years ago, the roadster was sold, disassembled, and nearly forgotten. Through hard work and persistence, the original rounded front clip was found and reunited, and all the missing details were replaced or recreated. It’s a great example of design and community.
We didn’t envy the judges the task of choosing a winner. Every one of the 15 contestants offered an interesting engine choice, a great nod to history, or an astounding example of metalwork and design, and man, those paintjobs. Cosmetics companies should come here to scout nail polish ideas.
“This is the highest quality across the board that you’ll see at any show,” said Illinois-based builder Troy Trepanier. He should know, his shop, Rad Rides By Troy, worked on the AMBR-winning car in 2014. “It’s California. It’s in the culture here to understand this stuff. They get it.” He smiles and leans back against the car he brought, not to enter, just to show. “We come to show ‘em we can build cars in the Midwest too.”
In the end, the Martin Special was named America’s Best Roadster for 2018. There may have been a few disappointed builders, but it was a solid choice, one that represents an ongoing change in contemporary hot rodding away from “trailer queens” built just for show and towards cars that really hit the road, just like the early hot-rodders would have wanted.
Displays in the Roadster show weren’t all big American machines. A corral of microcars featured such cuties as this Goggomobil Dart from Australia.
Along with the vehicles, the most famous names in hot-rodding strolled the halls. We barely entered the first building before we were face-to-face with Gene Winfield, an LA-car customizer so influential there is a paint technique named the “Winfield Fade.”
The coveted America’s Most Beautiful Roadster trophy stands more than 9-feet tall. In the early days of the show, winners would drive away with it sticking out of their roadsters and return it the next year. Today winners get a smaller version to keep.
The post America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Crowned At 2018 Grand National Roadster Show appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2nqIff4 via IFTTT
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jesusvasser · 7 years
America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Crowned At 2018 Grand National Roadster Show
POMONA, California — When Al Slonaker organized an Oakland-based car show in 1949, he just wanted to showcase all the new car models for returning WWII soldiers. Local car clubs took up some of the extra space, but then he saw all those young folks walk right past the new machines and straight to the hopped-up and chopped down hot rods and customs. The following year, Slonaker ditched the dealers and the Grand National Roadster Show was born.
Like all babies, it’s grown and moved away to a new home, but it continues to host one of the most coveted awards in custom car building—America’s Most Beautiful Roadster (AMBR). Fans of American car culture come from all over the world to show and to see the show.
John Buck brought the Roadster Show to the Pomona Fairplex in 2003. Under his care it has expanded from three buildings to nine, plus outside displays. “The show is kid and family friendly. We get pinstripers, cackle cars, bands, bikes, trucks, lowriders; all the representatives of American car culture are here.”
In the “Suede Palace,” you can pick up rockabilly accessories while admiring high-nosed “Gasser” race cars and paintjobs so ornate they’d make Michelangelo wish he’d had metalflake and a spraygun for the Sistine ceiling. In a building across the way, rare musclecars represent the highlights of the horsepower wars, with multiple carburetors hiding under flashy hood graphics, ready for a run down Woodward Ave. Other buildings house dry-lakes racers, etched and pinstriped cruisers, and a charming collection of micro-cars, three of which could fit in a lowrider Impala’s trunk.
The stars of the show are in Building 4, where the 15 hopeful AMBR winners hover around their roadsters, polishing and dusting until a brain surgeon would say, “Dude, it’s clean enough.” This is a big deal. People spend years and hundreds of thousands of dollars—sometimes millions—to bring a car up to the level of AMBR competition. Judging takes days and can be controversial.
“This isn’t a question of restoration or historical accuracy,” former HOT ROD staffer—and former AMBR judge, Thom Taylor told us. “This is the Most Beautiful. It’s very subjective. Just being technically impressive isn’t enough.”
A stroll through the entrants is both technically and aesthetically impressive. Most of the cars are ’32 Fords—the quintessential roadster—but any pre-1937 American car with a removable roof, no sideglass, and a removable windshield is eligible. This year a lone 1936 Cadillac stands out amongst the Fords. It’s the color of the last gasp of light before nightfall, a gloaming blue with fenders like a distant mountain range. You expect to see the moon rise above them. “It’s easiest to win with a ’32,” Taylor told us. “It’s established. Judges know what to look for.”
Rick Dore has taken a risk bringing the Cad, but it isn’t unheard of for an unusual model to take top prize. In 2017, a Troy Ladd-built Packard packed up the trophy.
The engine bays are as much of a show as the car exteriors, with rare performance modifications like the Ardun OHV hemi-head conversion.
Near the stage, owner/builder Brian Cruz out of Texas dusts off the small block Chevy in an Easter-pastel blue ’32 Ford. Next to him is Scott Helliesen’s lipstick-red ’32, one side panel lifted like a bird’s wing offering a glimpse at the Ford flathead inside. Engines in the roadsters run the gamut from early flathead Fords to a modern 4.6-liter Northstar.
There are no rules governing the powerplants aside from one: the car must drive past the judges on the way into the show. Proof of functionality can be spotted in the heat discoloration on chromed headers, a light gold at the bends that won’t polish away. It’s a point of pride.
While nobody will spill the winner before the awards, everyone has a favorite. Before we even see it, we’ve already heard about Dana and Marge Elrod’s 1936 Ford.
How you display is as important as what you display at the Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, California.
“It looks so mean,” said Steve Strope, owner of Pure Vision Design, an LA-based custom shop. “It’s hard to make a car look intimidating when it’s up in the air on a plinth, but they did it.”
“We really wanted this car to scream ‘hot rod’,” Dana Elrod told us when we approached him. We’d say it doesn’t scream so much as growl with Clint Eastwood-worthy menace. Strope was right—the Elrod car, built by Nebraska customizer Dale Boesch, is downright mobster. The rear has been shortened, the front reworked, it’s lowered and leaned out and black as an eclipse. If you could see all the seams in the metalwork it would look like Frankenstein’s monster, but you can’t see them. Nary a ripple mars its glossy clearcoat. A 392 Hemi with intake stacks and cloth wires offers a pop of chrome and color. Boesch and the Elrods worked on the car for 11 years.
Rare muscle cars filled an entire hall, including the 1963 split-window Corvette originally built by Mickey Thompson and Smokey Yunick and restored by collector Tom McIntyre.
“I started with a decklid and two doors,” said Elrod. “Somewhere along the way we started thinking about this show.”
Displays around the cars are as varied as the engine choices. A billet-and-black ’32 Ford built by Alan Johnson sits on a simple grey carpet with a reflective Lexan sign pronouncing its key specs. Next to it, surrounded by stanchions made of exotic overhead cam heads is the dark blue ’34 Ford of Pete Aardema.
“If the piston matches the head you can use the head,” Aardema told us as if just anyone should have thought of topping a stroked Donovan big block Chevrolet with a Porsche 928 DOHC head. Aardema has made a living out of customized engine combos and his roadster didn’t have any problem meeting the run requirement. “It’s got 10,000 miles on it. Won four different slalom events. Easily.”
The Martin Special, a 1931 Ford built by Scott Kanoski at Hot Rods and Hobbies for David Martin took home the 2018 AMBR award. The car features a lot of contemporary touches, like an emphasis on handling and a minimum of chrome.
Competition for Aardema’s mileage can be found across the way, in the Martin Special display. Another dark blue Ford, David Martin’s 1931 highboy has bragging rights too. Built to drive, the roadster was entered by Martin in the Nevada Silver State Classic Challenge, running for an average of more than 100 mph over the course. That’s a lot of bugs in the teeth. Like the Elrod car, the Martin Special was a buzz in the crowd long before the judging.
One of the reasons that the AMBR contestants can have such active backstories is that unlike the Detroit-based Ridler award, which requires that the entrants be never before seen brand-new builds, AMBR rules only specify that the car has not been in a judged competition. This means that entrants can be old builds, restored builds, and rescued historically important cars.
LA car collector Bruce Meyer brought out the nickel-trimmed and appropriately named “Nickel Roadster,” which was originally built in 1993 but never formally judged. Dan Hostetter built his copper 1927 Ford based off drawings from 1955. The fiberglass and paint show the handwork more than the highly worked steel cars around it, but its creativity and joy-of-machine might sum up the original spirit of car customizing better than any of its less-wavy brethren.
Custom builder Steve Strope told us that he comes to the Grand National show to catch up with his friends and fellow customizers. “It’s not about promoting the shop, it’s about camaraderie, about getting right under a car with someone like Troy (Trepanier) just to admire what he did with the rear suspension.”
If the AMBR trophy was given for pure spirit, though, no car would be more deserving than James Bobowski’s 1929 track-nosed “Eddie Dye Roadster.” Built nearly 70 years ago, the roadster was sold, disassembled, and nearly forgotten. Through hard work and persistence, the original rounded front clip was found and reunited, and all the missing details were replaced or recreated. It’s a great example of design and community.
We didn’t envy the judges the task of choosing a winner. Every one of the 15 contestants offered an interesting engine choice, a great nod to history, or an astounding example of metalwork and design, and man, those paintjobs. Cosmetics companies should come here to scout nail polish ideas.
“This is the highest quality across the board that you’ll see at any show,” said Illinois-based builder Troy Trepanier. He should know, his shop, Rad Rides By Troy, worked on the AMBR-winning car in 2014. “It’s California. It’s in the culture here to understand this stuff. They get it.” He smiles and leans back against the car he brought, not to enter, just to show. “We come to show ‘em we can build cars in the Midwest too.”
In the end, the Martin Special was named America’s Best Roadster for 2018. There may have been a few disappointed builders, but it was a solid choice, one that represents an ongoing change in contemporary hot rodding away from “trailer queens” built just for show and towards cars that really hit the road, just like the early hot-rodders would have wanted.
Displays in the Roadster show weren’t all big American machines. A corral of microcars featured such cuties as this Goggomobil Dart from Australia.
Along with the vehicles, the most famous names in hot-rodding strolled the halls. We barely entered the first building before we were face-to-face with Gene Winfield, an LA-car customizer so influential there is a paint technique named the “Winfield Fade.”
The coveted America’s Most Beautiful Roadster trophy stands more than 9-feet tall. In the early days of the show, winners would drive away with it sticking out of their roadsters and return it the next year. Today winners get a smaller version to keep.
The post America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Crowned At 2018 Grand National Roadster Show appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2nqIff4 via IFTTT
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frothylip-blog1 · 7 years
Det er en hockey dag. Det er allerede fem tusen Budějovice fans hjemme
Hva alle hockeyfansene liker hele sesongen er her. Nederlag av den første ligaen. Hvor og hvor mange billetter kan du få? Hva sa trenerne til spillerne? Og hvordan spiller fans fra kjelen for playoffs?
Interessen for sluttspillet er stor. "Vi har hatt ishockey billetter siden i går onsdag sammen med fem venner vi kjøpte dem over internett. Allerede sluttspillet, og vi ser frem tips som banket Venezia 4: 0 i kamper, og vil passere, "tenker Jiří Franěk
De grunnleggende dobbel-header billetter fans betale fra 240 til 360 kroner.. Hvis det i dag fortsatt noen billetter til overs på billettkontoret, slik at folk kan kjøpe en billett i siste øyeblikk bare ett spill.Disse vil koste fra 140 til 200 kroner
Folkets interesse for den viktigste og mest interessante delen av sesongen er flott. Beviset kan være det faktum at to timer før gårsdagens åpning penger for billetter hadde ventet på den første kjøperen. "Selvfølgelig, på den første onsdagskampen vil det ikke være noe stort choreo som ultrasjennene bryr seg om. Det blir vakkert, har du brukt på det hele dagen, "sa leder av Budweiser Motor Fan Club Pavel Vágner.
Medlemmer av fanklubben allerede forbereder den første play-off exit. På søndag og mandag for gjengjeldelse til Venezia. "Vi finner ut om bussen er interessert i bussen.Mange kjører egne biler. Hvem ønsker å bli med oss, det har all informasjon på våre nettsider motorfans.cz, "sa Vagner
3rd Motstander
det var det ingen som ønsket også. Det første hinderet tsjekkiske Budejovice i eliminering kamper er ubehagelig Venezia nad Jizerou. Teamet som beseiret motoren to ganger i år. For første gang utenfor Sør-Böhmen tapt 1: 4 og deretter hjemme 2: 4 "Et lag som kommer inn i avspillingen vil være tøft.Venezia slå Litomerice 3: 0, så det vil ikke være med dem ikke noe gøy, Venezia trives på defensiven, får de lite mål og har en god keeper "head coach vet Motor Petr Rosol
.". Mange av dem i form av svekkelse, men vi er allerede godt forberedt, "diskuterer Rosol spillet kvartfinale motstander. På praksis hovedtrener gårsdagens hovedsakelig streket spillere å spille enkelt og unødvendig komplisere den enkelte situasjon. "Vi må spille i alle aktiviteter.Hockey er faktisk veldig enkelt idrett, men gjør ut av denne store science, "sa Petr Rosol.
Snapshots fra en duell tsjekkiske Budejovice Venezia nad Jizerou.
Sammen med sin assistent Radek Bald har en annen hockey playoff forberede hovedsakelig unge spillere som spiller den viktigste delen av sesongen for første gang blant menn. "Mlaďasové sluttspillet knapt opplevd i junior, fordi det er bare å spille et par år å spare. For dem vil det være vanskelig å tilpasse seg forskjellig spillestil, bare i form av psyken. Når du mister hele sesongen, skjer en total ingenting, men her går, så tøff.Vi må også forberede spillerne som spiller mye i Venezia i kroppen, det er deres stil og nå har vi vist i den første delen, "sa Rosol
4 Cadre
Trenere før kvart ikke har frykt for plutselige helsemessige komplikasjoner. Ikke lenger de visste flere hockey sluttspillet rammet. "Radek Prokeš hatt operasjon med en arm som er utenfor slutten av sesongen. Lukáš Chmelíř også. Dan Růžička i dag var første turen på isen, og dermed definitivt ikke gjøre kvartfinalen.
Ladislav Marek er også fortsatt skadet og Emil Švec vært tregt å få form.Tvert imot, forsvarer Martin Semrád tilbake til spillet, "han beskrev helsesituasjonen til laget som assistent til treneren Radek Bělohlav.
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juventusdrakt-blog · 7 years
Arsenal 1-0 Litt seier i neste runde
Tidlig om morgenen den 21. september, 2017-18 sesongen, tredje runde av England Carling Cup, Arsenal på Emirates Stadium 1: 0 Xiao Sheng Doncaster i neste runde. De første 25 minuttene scoret Walcott det eneste målet.Fotballdrakt Barn skjorter er billige. Arsenal har lykkes inn i neste runde: Til tross for utgivelsen av erstatningsgruppen for å kjempe, er Arsenal fortsatt 1: 0 Xiao Sheng, jevnt inn i Carling Cup neste runde. Sanchez sendte for første gang hjelp: La Sanchez først dukke opp, noen overrasket. Skyttenes lår var ikke skuffende, og han hjelper Walcott, første gang han har spilt for Arsenal denne sesongen. MVP: Theo Walcotts første debut i Walcott, hans mål er å hjelpe Arsenal til å komme inn i spillet, dette er Theo Walcott denne sesongens første gang å spille. Det føles flott å bære barnets skjorte i Arsenal Fotballdrakt Barn å spille. Arsenal brukte 3421 formasjoner, Giroux som en enkelt pil, Sanchez som kjerne av angrepet, og Walcott fikk sin første sjanse til å spille. Nils og Nelson som vinger, angriper på flankene, Wilshere debut og Mohamed Elneny i midten, Rob Holding, Mertesacker og Chambers utgjør tre Zhongwei, målvakten er Ospina. De første 2 minuttene brøt Walcott inn i den begrensede høyresiden, ballen ble løst av målvakten. To minutter senere ble Girouds langskuddsspor blokkert, og deretter ble Sanchez tatt ut av venstre dørstolpe igjen. De første 6 minuttene forlot Giroud-begrenset område fotfot, ballen slår på tverrkanten for å kaste ut. De første 20 minuttene lukkede Giroud Lukket område midt overskrift topphøyde. De første 25 minuttene av spillet, sendte Sanchez assists, Walcott begrenset område høyre fot header lykkes, Arsenal 1: 0 ledende Doncaster. De første 29 minuttene ble Chambers skudd blokkert, og Girouds lange rekkevidde tørker strålen for å flyte ut av bunnlinjen. De første 32 minuttene, Sanchez's Free-kick header litt høyere. De første 37 minuttene ble Erneni lang rekkevidde løst av målvakten. I det 49. minutt er Walcotts header utenfor venstre stolpe. For de første 62 minuttene var Sanchez langskudd igjen på linjen. I det 65. minutt ble høyreveren på Nelson-feltet blokkert av målvakten. I de første 73 minuttene hever Butlers overskrift litt høyere enn strålen. De første 77 minuttene, Rafael Marquez Alvarez header dusin høyt. De første 85 minuttene, Blair header header, var Ospina stoppet. Til slutt vinner Arsenals 1: 0 lite Doncaster og går til neste runde. For Mer informasjon om Arsenal nyheter, vær så snill å gi mer oppmerksomhet til oss. Vi liker Arsenal Club.
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