churchfoundlinga · 3 months
@avalior / starter call.
❛ i just want to take it all back. ❜
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hraunwyf · 1 year
"Loki, I..." Uncertainty is rarely a known look upon the public face of the Thunderer, yet in Loki's presence it forever seems the first to hand; the first to crest his brow in this new and hesitant dance, learning and re-learning steps old and new to know his sister as he thought he had. As he never did. "...I am sorry. For the stag." The jar of his elbow, pounding childhood steps straight to their father, boyhood's eyes wet with tears. Open honesty, solemnity, crowds Thor then, the earnest look of a hand held out, an olive branch extended, where only had been a fist to strike, poison to fleck from the tongue. "Had I known what Father would do, I would not have told him." So he would like to believe.
it's an odd thing, the way the past and the present seem so intertwined, how something that happened so long ago can feel as fresh and stinging as the day itself. for a moment, she's wide-eyed, disbelieving—that he'd apologize, after all these years. that he'd give her a vulnerability she wouldn't dare require of him, because it had been her fault, hadn't it? all the aching envy of their childhood together, and she remembered how it had felt to draw the longbow, how excited she'd been to hit the makeshift target they'd set up.
she had only wanted to be better than him at something, just once. loki didn't mark the passing of the animal, would have never wanted to be responsible for the death of anything, much less put it in her brother's hands. it had upset him horribly. one of the only times she'd ever seen him cry as much as she did.
atta evened that score out for them, always did, made it impossible for them to reconcile themselves. but maybe now she can reach out and take the hand offered, even if it's timid and shame-faced, even if all at once the feeling comes up and consumes her and bends her down, down, down, her brow pressed across his knuckles. when was the last time she'd so much as touched him? he, whose presence she could scarcely breathe without? what right does she have to any of this?
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"thor." his name is like fresh water, but her shoulders slope and cave with the premonition of weeping. "it was my fault. forgive me. forgive me."
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
i am just a himbo, standing here, asking for avalior for the positivity meme pls pls pls 👉👈
Small Smiles Today || Always accepting
You may be a himbo but you're my himbo-friend and really what more can a girl ask for.
Leon, your passion for all of your characters shine through in everything that you do. From your gorgeous writing, to your extensive, creative and complex lore building between your characters (looking at Markus and Jesse here), the love and the care that you put into writing is something truly special. The context to each muse is complex, and you're fantastic at digging deep into the humanity of each character, picking apart the flaws and victories of each of them. These little aspects of lore and world building adds so much depth and creativity that it's an absolutely treat to read.
Plotting with you ooc has routinely left my heart crushed on the ground, so if you count that as a victory, then so be it. It's so clear the development that you have for them shines through in your messages, adding to that lore. You let me ramble, at length, about my girl and then come up with the most heartbreaking ways that the pieces fit together with Markus and I could myself lucky for being able to to plot with you on a lot of this stuff. Your writing is absolutely gorgeous, your characters amazing, and you're a great and valued writer here in the RPC.
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bledf1rst · 2 years
@avalior / cont.
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"   you   assume   too   much,   "   nyx's   lilt   was   cool   with   chiding,   a   tone   she   seemed   used     to.   perhaps   from   mothering   a   son,   "   my   thoughts   are   ruled   over   by   the     nighttide,     where   there   is   no   true     darkness   to   be   had.   mortals   have   been   gifted   the   sun,   the   moon.   here,   the   flames   of     tartarus   provide   warming   light.   true   darkness   does   not   exist   here,   not     truly,   and   hasn't   for   quite   some   time.   "
her amber gaze drifted to his restless grip. she barelled on.
" ... what is it that troubles you so, adonis? "
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Lyric Starter Post ⤷ Always Accepting!
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☽◯☾┄─ ❝ It's taken a lifetime to lose my way ❞
@avalior (for Dane) || 10 Years-Fix Me ✰
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immobiliter · 2 years
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       “ You don’t know how determined I can be. Once I’ve made my mind up, I’m a force to be reckoned with. ”
@avalior​  /  s.c.
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deadlockin · 2 years
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❝ I THINK YA GOT THE WRONG GIRL . ❞ hands up , painted nails wigglin' towards the sky . red lips curled is a casual smirk ---- nothin' too out there . don't wanna caught a problem .❝ i think i'm innocent . ❞
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aquicksojourn · 2 years
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ic interaction: @avalior || genji
WATCHPOINT: Gibraltar, Conference Room B, 1625 hours
Vivian clicks on the last slide, the hologram in the middle of the table shifting to display the objective map. ❝ If we keep our heads clear and eyes sharp, this will be a simple mission. Stick to the basics, and we can't lose. If there's no more questions, everyone dismissed. Genji--a word? ❞ Everyone else files out with the normal chatter--Oxton's voice raising over the rest. The veteran doesn't have to wait long for Genji to appear, silent as always. ❝ I need you to be careful on this one. The factory is loaded with emp weaponry. Try to stick close to the healers. Just in case. ❞
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luckheist · 1 year
@avalior continued from x
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                 she's built up walls miles high . brick by brick , they'd begun climbing the day her father died . well ... the day she'd been told that he'd died . when she'd studied every inch of her mother's face and taken in as she'd sat her down and told her that there had been an accident , that a plane had gone down and walter hardy had been onboard ... no survivors . that had been the day the first layer of bricks had been laid . and from there the walls had only gotten taller until she couldn't even see the light over them anymore . maybe she could have found a way to climb over them ... but the universe kept throwing more and more at her ... who could blame her for shutting down ?  ❝ i do believe it ... for some people . some people just have good handed to them . they don't have the bits and pieces of what's good taken away just as they get used to it . but some of us ? we just make the most out of the shit show we're handed . and some of us are just born into being bad . ❞
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                 she's making excuses and she knows it . she's leaning into what she knows , what's comfortable . if she keeps at the bad , she doesn't disappoint . if she does exactly what's expected of her , no one can say they wanted anything else , that she'd let them down . and if she tries to go straight , she's just setting herself up for failure and everyone knows that felicia hardy doesn't fail . ❝ going good wasn't enough , though ... was it ? ❞
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ofspvrta · 2 years
"Will you stop doing that?!" / Deimos!
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μ::|| meme:   🐝  *  ―  𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @avalior | for deimos
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"No, Alexios." She resisted her usual instinct to fold her arms across her chest. Deimos was unpredictable and she didn't want to be caught unprepared if he lashed out at the wrong word, much as it pained her to think that way. "I finally find you after all these years and you think you can push me away now?" Or kill her? There was a burning inside her, whether it was rage at the cult or a whole searing into her heart she couldn't tell. She couldn't save her baby brother that night on the mountain but by the gods, she wasn't going to fail him twice. "You are my brother. The cult can't change that, they can't erase who your family really is. Please, Alexios." She held out her hand. "We can end this. Together."
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chronal-anomaly · 2 years
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@avalior asked:
Embrace + reverse - might I humbly request Lena seeing Markus again post Recall to kick his bum into coming back? 👀|| Indulgences ( accepting! )
Lena was tired.
Her last meal and a shower was twenty-one hours ago, her last time in bed was longer, probably, she didn't remember. Launching the Recall had consumed her waking hours and some of her sleeping ones too, plans on bringing back whatever pieces of the team together, and blueprints on how to avoid the watchful eye of the United Nations, at least for now, had swallowed the hours away.
The past three days had been spent with Winston, wrangling bits and pieces of the old team back together. Lena had managed to get a message off to Cole - still waiting on a response - and Reinhardt had responded with his usual, intense enthusiasm. Travel had consumed her other waking hours, forced onto a commercial plane that made it impossible to sleep - they really just hired anyone to fly these days. But getting the Orcas back online was an endeavor she was putting off for another few weeks, so Swiss airlines would have to suffice for now.
So excuse her appearance as she sat against one of the benches in the refugee camp, watching a small crowd of children play idly in the dirt. Lena heard the whispers, the word "hero" like a stained phrase, tossed so casually among strangers that still she would defend with her life. One of the children eyed her, old enough to know the cartoons and the catchphrases, and the passion burned into his eyes stirred something in her. They needed Heroes.
And Lena played the part, sitting up straight and giving them the strong, two fingered salute. The comments eventually devolved into regaling the children with stories of omnic defeat, of the good guys winning and Null Sector being crushed into the dust. A twisted tale lay plain, one to rival the Grimms Brothers themselves, if only to make the kids feel better for a fleeting second. There was still hope, somewhere in the dredges of strung-out and exhausted heroes. Otherwise, why would she be there, recruiting one of the few lifesavers that still lived.
But for everyone else, time moved on. Someone called for chow, and the lines of children that had seen so much slowly filed in for their nightly rations. The camp grew quieter, people finding ways to busy themselves, while Lena remained on that bench, reserved, exhausted, ticking off the seconds that always seemed a little too fast in her head.
Finally, after the hourglass in her head flipped again, the tent slid open, revealing the ramshackle, exhausted prize she had travelled around the world for. Suddenly, the exhaustion melted from her figure, and the caged bird in her ribcage beat once again against her chest.
Energy restored and boots crunching against the dirt, Lena dashed, pushing herself into Markus' chest and knocking him back a step or two with the fury of her force. All other comments from the surrounding parties went unheeded as she pulled back, considered him, and hugged him tight once again.
The look of unfiltered emotional lit up the already drawn eyes and mused hair was enough to spark a sense of familiarity, of connection that only life at war would provide. There was another pause, Lena looking Markus up and down for any new, terrible injuries, before stumbling back onto her heels.
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"Heya, love. Good to see you. You look good - well, as good as anyone working in a dusty refugee camp would." Her tone was light, words kind, for she knew the immensity of the coming request would impact their friendship for a long time to come. "Do you have a minute to talk? I brought Snackajacks."
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herrage · 1 year
❝  a  heart’s  a  heavy  burden.❞ jesse for angela
THE HELICARRIER WAS SILENT SAVE FOR THE THRUMMING OF ITS ENGINE AND ANGELA'S STIFLED SOBS. The mission had gone disastrously—omnics overran them by the thousands, civilians ran terrified, shot down in droves, blood running down the streets like a crimson river.
Angela had perfected her technology. She could heal most anything, could even revive someone granted they were still warm. But she could not beat the odds: she was one woman, one set of wings, and over all, she would protect her friends and family. Jesse, Jack, Ana, Reinhardt, Genji. The others that made up their team. They came first.
The image of the helpless shook her mind. Crushed under debris, left to suffocate, Angela could only save one person at a time, what happened when the help needed help?
What happened when Angela wasn't good enough, smart enough, fast enough, strong enough?
They died.
She had used her blaster more times today than she cared to admit.
Jesse's voice was soft near her ear, that southern twang still discernable among the din. Angela covered her eyes, ashamed of the tears, wiped them away in frustration. She didn't care if she had a black eye, nor for the scratches on her face—they would heal within hours.
"This burden is too heavy for all of us," she replies bitterly. Once hunched, she now stretched out somewhat, leaning against the cold metal of the hull. "We nearly died out there. We are going to die out there—if not us, them. The civilians. I cannot be everywhere at once."
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@avalior inquired: "I'll never be enough." / Dane!
assorted   lyrics      ♡      sentence   starters. ⤷ Accepting!
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"According to whom? I think that you're more than enough, Dane." He was a hero in Wanda's eyes, he was still a bit of a rookie, but he was trying his best to get the job done. He was a brave and a strong man that she believe can truly be one of the greatest heroes ever. It made her wonder if it was imposter syndrome that had made Dane believe that he wasn’t worthy of being a superhero or be a part of the Avengers.
"You're just as important as Captain America and Iron Man, and you don't have to mold yourself to be just like them. You just be yourself and everything will fall into place, you'll see." Wanda didn't think she was the best at reassuring someone, but she would try her best for her friends. Dane is her friend, and if he needs her to lift him up, she will lift him up high.
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immobiliter · 3 months
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours
hiiiiii hi okay let's do this~
dane for jaheira or any combination of my muses with bg3 verses - i seeee you and your bg3 verse for dane and honestly the idea of jaheira hero of baldur's gate of all people seeing the black knight show up at last light inn with tav + party is so, so funny to me. i also have bg3 verses for varric & val too with the latter taking on the tav role in the narrative so !! i have options for him !
edward for flint/silver/giselle/charlotte - i love edward and i love pirates so i am offering you both all of my pirate and pirate-adjacent muses to plot things with !!
brian for villanelle - i'm not totally clued up on 616 but i know a lil about brian braddock and i'm not sure if you're familiar with killing eve, but him meeting this russian assassin operating across europe on behalf of this mysterious organisation called the twelve could be the set up for something fun i think !
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menzoberras · 5 months
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@spiderwarden / @bhaal1st, @avalior has donated to the cause
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avernusfuries · 4 months
@avalior (dane): what if she thinks I am my evil uncle under this mask karlach; why don't you take it off, you ugly or something (said jokingly) dane: new fear, what if barbie thinks I'm really a minger
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