starsburnt · 7 months
women that could beat him up ? nice.
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sgterso · 6 months
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" tell me, trilla suduri. were you ever going to let me in on your little secret ? " despite the accusing nature of her words, there's a hint of curiosity underlying jyn's question. as irritating as it may be to not see the full picture ( especially when it has to do with her current operation ), they're not officially allies. suduri has no ties to the alliance and jyn has no ties to her. " were you planning on telling me slowly, piece-by-piece ? or, if i had to guess, " she drums her fingertips against the table in a mockery of contemplation. " you weren't planning on telling me at all. "
@avengeus liked for a small starter !
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wornkindness · 6 months
🎁 = Does your muse become flattered to receive gifts?
depends on the gift and depends on the person giving the gift, but generally im going to say no, not really with a big astrict next to it. the obvious exception are gifts from those closest to her such as her parents, her brother, cousins, her ladies, she is always flattered to be given anything, no matter how big or small the gift. (also any gift from @dekariosa).
it also depends on the gift itself. most nobles or other royalty sending gifts tend to give things they think she will like or might impress, rather than doing their homework. but sometimes there's a rare moment where some does actually gift her something of meaning and value to her, and in those cases, yes she is also flattered.
the people tend to gift her flowers (but sometimes fabrics for dresses or baked goods, etc. etc) should they see her or their be some sort of official royal outing or gathering. and these are also an exception
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Headcanon Prompts ┊┊⋆˚ *❀‧₊˚. accepting
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writingpulsar · 10 months
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⸻ @avengeus said. you need some manners
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if there was a way for a droid, especially a good droid like himself mind you, to look offended, bd-1 definitely managed to pull that off. bd didn't know if trilla understood droidspeak, but that wasn't going to stop him from giving her a piece of his mind.
yes, the droid still clearly remembers almost being murdered several times when she had been with the inquisitors, but she isn't anymore.
the little droid made a series of beeps and whistle, clearly annoyed given the tone of said beeps and whistles. bd even made use of his boosters to get up to face-level with trilla, giving her one last set of boops and beeps before landing on the ground. with another beep that clearly sounded like a 'hmph', the droid scampered off to go find cal.
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braccarigger · 2 years
" you'll regret this. " ( from the first meme set i could find on your blog !! also -- hello !! )
@avengeus​ :\\ MEME; Welcome!
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             A feint chill lie restless in the air, though he assumed that was because of the planet that he was currently on. The force was still healing within him. Broken fractures mending back together after years of being shattered and pieces falling off. Now parts were fixing and holes filling in to fix themselves with imperfections as his journey continued. The betrayal from the clones was not as painful. It didn’t hurt as bad as it did before... He understood now that they were as much victims as the jedi. But now there were new trials to deal with. Inquisitors hunted the survivors... What upset him the most was they were survivors themselves.. twisted to do Vader’s purpose. There was a moment of hesitation before shoulders rolled forward and the small smirk made it to his face. “Maybe. Maybe not. I’ll deal with that when the problem surfaces later.” He had so far, why would now be any different?
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             He paused, glancing to the artifact in his hand before he shook his head and shifted to crouch on the ledge he stood on. “You were a jedi at one point... You don’t have to like Cere. But you don’t have to hold onto the hurt, either.” An attempt, at the very least. He wanted to give some attempt at talking to her. He knew the problem now. He knew why. He knew  it was used as an attempt to pull him away from the new home he had found... but even still. No one could possibly want to do as the inquisitors were doing. Not through their own will. How would they look back on this later? Would they be proud of themselves or would they regret everything? He couldn’t be the only one wondering.
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cyberpawn-arc · 2 years
Galatea: Have you ever felt yourself falling into a romance and behavior that was out of character for you?
Greek Mythos Headcanon Meme
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"Yeah, I guess I have. Whenever I first fall for someone, I get really concerned about my personality and that every part of me is embarrassing and stupid and needs fixing. People usually fall for V, not me. They fall for a dashing rogue with all the right skills and attitudes. They don't like a dweeb who panics when they have to call on the holo. I'm not as cool as people want, so I have to keep up that act all the time and it's exhausting."
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sgterso · 7 months
@avengeus : " you're set on being sad forever. "
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a bold observation from someone who broods more than most. all the same, the comment from the other woman comes seemingly out of nowhere, breaking the companionable silence that's settled over them. the fuck is that supposed to mean ? she's not sad –– and they're in the middle of a bloody war, for stars' sake. what is she supposed to be happy about ? the fact that the rebels are consistently and frequently being ground into dust by the empire's boot ? at the end of the day, how she feels doesn't factor into the daily life of a soldier. happy or sad ( or anything in between ), she still has a job to do.
jyn pauses in her reading, flicking her eyes up over the top of her data pad to glare at trilla for the interruption. at this rate, she'll never finish going over this briefing. " any particular reason you're suddenly so concerned with my feelings ? "
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moonofiego · 10 months
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her stance remained unchanged as she faced the inquisitor whose features did remember her of someone she knew. long long ago. like another life. ahsoka was aware that some of those she grew up with, padawans and knights, fell to the dark side following order 66. most didn't really have the choice when it was between life and death. in a way ... she understood. tough choice. one she never had to make.
facing one of them now did make her heart ache, but she remained as impassive as ever. she learned long ago not to show much emotions. because they could easily use them against you. ❝ or both of us could walk away. your choice. ❞ and she hoped the good decision would be taken. for once.
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@avengeus sent : one of us is gonna lose .
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pracses · 2 years
❝ Did I ever even have a choice? Did you? ❞ ( for starkiller / galen !! )
@avengeus :\\ Meme;
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             He would listen, of course he would. It meant that he could pay attention to his surroundings. If someone decided to speak to them.. he would listen. But his time was better spent hunting down the enemies of Vader as he was taught to do. As the others were taught to do. How odd it was that the Inquisitors were referred to as brothers and sisters, however, he knew that there was likely a reason that stemmed from their lord. Words rang and he tilted his helm, a design slightly different from the rest. Coppery gold tones shifting in the light as he turned to look at the sister speaking to him. Hands moved to each side of his helm, dark eyes glancing over her for a moment. He was very young when Vader took him. He knew that there were worse things that could have been done, however... What those worse he cared not test.
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            Helm tucked close to his side, a small look of distrust settled on his face. “No one has a choice. It’s survive with the Empire or die as scum.” But was there a choice? Was she second guessing her decision or had she simply decided to question his reason for being here. Either way, he was cautious to say the least. The others always had... something... ulterior to their motives that drove them to do whatever they wished. As long as it didn’t cross Vader, it didn’t seem to concern him. None the matter, the inquisitor now before him would be kept at arm’s length for now. At least until he could get a good read on him.
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darkestshadeofgrey · 2 years
The Fourth Brother begins to dig a trench in the rain soaked mud as he paces back and forth outside a building supposedly housing multiple fugitive Jedi. With a squad of stormtroopers armed and at the ready, the impatient Inquisitor wants nothing more than to decimate the lot of them. As he ruminates over this, he ceases his pacing and turns at the approach of the one person who could stay his hand.
“If you’d have let me go in, this would be over already, Second Sister.”
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cyberpawn-arc · 2 years
hc + food !!
Send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character
VALE LOVES FOOD. Vale has lots of snacks and will never pass up the opportunity to eat and try something new. Their apartment has plenty of junk food there, pizzas, chips, candy, cookie dough, jerky, burritos, whatever! Whenever they're chilling in their apartment, you will always find them with some form of snack or drink nearby!
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sgterso · 5 months
HEY HEY HEY YOU WERE BORN TODAY !! THIS IS WONDERFUL !! WE ARE SO VERY LUCKY !! have a whole cake today or something idk you deserve it ily libby !!
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THANK YOU ILY!! i ate 2 (two) cinnamon rolls my dad made me and i will CONTINUE to eat them until i've eaten a cake amount (and then some)
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dxrthvxdr · 2 years
’ i have failed you. ’ ( whoops :) ) @avengeus​
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He stood silent, staring, red lenses locked onto her form. His force presence coiled around them like a snake waiting to strike, constricting tighter and tighter as it spread out to fill the entire space. He did not tolerate incompetence or failure. The mere idea made anger and rage build within his chest. "Yes," his deep, modulated voice intoned, raising his hand in a physical simulation of how he wrapped his force presence around her throat like a garrote. "You did."
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kojiscorner · 10 months
As they step onto the surface, Elias keeps a close eye on Trilla. He knows what it means for her to set foot on this planet again, and can only imagine the confounding swirl of conflicting emotions she must be experiencing.
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"Ready to take in the sights this time?"
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mutatiio · 4 months
what kind of love are you ??
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love as a flaw. cowering, your love hides in the dark. in shadows and under cover of night, your love runs from corner to corner, afraid to linger, afraid to be caught. afraid, afraid, afraid of everything. when you fall in love, it is with alarm bells ringing. your love is a mistake, a flaw in the code, a purchase you don’t remember making and desperately want to return. you didn’t ask for this. you didn’t want this. it’s a problem–– your problem ––and you would do anything to pass it off, burn it away, scoop it out of you with bare hands, or carved out with hooked knives before it can destroy you. get it out, just get it out now. you don’t care who you hurt in the process, only that you can’t afford to be hurt first. being loved by you is to be loved by a figment of the imagination. it is to be loved in halves, or not at all.
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love as a force of nature. your love is like whiplash –– it comes in with the rain, it blows the doors wide open. when you fall in love, it is sudden and hard and immense. it is powerful. it is earth-shaking and world-ending. nature is a force, and that force can be destructive if you're not careful. see how the world is doused in gasoline and set on fire –– your love consumes, your love takes, your love burns. you're hot and cold all at once, a hurricane and a wildfire bound together in skin, and when you're in love, it can feel like it's eating you alive from the inside out. when you love, it is with everything you have because it is everything you have. be careful, darling, because not everyone survives the storm.
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love as religion. devotion, that is the name of your love. your love is an act of worship. your love is like witnessing the birth of venus, like seeing the sun come alive, or the stars fall. when you love, it is because you have found god in a lover. you have found the meaning of life itself in the heart of the one you adore. they are everything to you; they are your maker, and you are their lamb, their flock, their first and holiest worshipper. when you fall in love, it is as a baptism. you are born anew, made a believer in the divinity of the one you love most. being loved by you is an ascension; it is holy and golden. it is all-consuming, and all-faithful, loyal as the dog. you will never, ever bite back.
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love as a performance. your love is a masquerade, a dance, a work of art. you love with a veil across your face, unable to allow anyone to see the real you. can that be considered love, you wonder? as a performer, you have all your lines prepared, and you know exactly what to say and when to say it. you’re charismatic and bold, seductive and hypnotic. your love is a snake’s melody, the siren song of the sea. your love is enchanting. your love is melodic. your love is afraid and fearful and longing. you ache to tear the veil off, you ache to cast poetry aside for the sake of something real and gritty. you’re terrified of the very thought. being loved by you is to be loved by an artist; it is to be a muse. it reflects others beautifully, but never, ever yourself. not really. not truly.
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tagged by: @fcalty (thank yooooou) tagging: @jeditrash / @inarretable / @rottingkiss (luci or misa) / @alootus / @vivalavillain (xanatos) / @misfittcd (kian) / @mayxthexforce (obi-wan or raj or tayala or han) / @featherstcnes (ahsoka) / @avengeus
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