#aveyond winter exchange
iztopher 9 months
Aveyond Winter Exchange 2023-2024
Whoo! Figured I'd let everyone know I'm hosting the Aveyond Winter Exchange, an Secret Santa-inspired fanwork swap that runs through (northern hemisphere) winter, on Discord this year! Join here if you're interested!
Schedule will be as follows:
Sign-Ups: December 21, 2023 (winter solstice!) - December 31, 2023
Assignments: January 1, 2024
Check-Ins: March 1, 2024
Gifts Due: March 20, 2024
Gifts Revealed: March 21, 2024 (spring equinox!)
If you know you won't have time, but you'd like to follow along and lurk or offer help to participants, you are also welcome to join the discord regardless!
Update: The link expired, so here's a new one!
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ybkitten 6 months
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Part of my gift to @annelaurant for the Aveyond Winter Exchange! This was the greatest prompt I could have fulfilled. I did, in fact, go back and play all of AV1 again just so I could immerse myself in the game and its mechanics just for this bit.
tbh some of the best warmups I've ever done for a piece of art lol
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rhendarzon 1 month
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Aveyond 3-4: The Darkthrop Prophecy Cinematic Poster
This was honestly the most fun one for me yet. My first idea was to separate the party members, light vs darkness etc, since TDP was split between 2 parties. But then I realised it didn't fit into composition, since Nox AND Uma are in one party. This time I wanted more dynamic poses instead of just floating heads, hence Stella with the orb, Edward with his sword and Te'ijal. It took me awhile to get Te'ijal's archery pose right. It adds a little more oomph to the composition, I think. This time, I have recorded the entire process, 25+ hours worth of Photoshop chaos! Will be editing it into a timelapse later and will be uploading on YT. Meanwhile, below is the layer breakdown! Hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it! Fun fact, I had already created a TDP cinematic poster, for BlackPrincess, back in 2017 for the AV Winter Exchange. But it only had Uma and Nox on it, and 7 years later, with improved (I hope) skills, I wanted to do a proper one with all the party members. (As always, base characters generated by AI, the rest was Photoshop)
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heckosart 2 years
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My Aveyond Winter Exchange art for @maladaptivemischief <3 <3
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lastlace 5 years
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Here's the gift I made for the Aveyond Winter Exchange!! I was super excited to actually draw these characters, they aren't usually my go to's! 馃槉馃槉馃槉
(Click for better quality)
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sailingmeships 6 years
I love the Aveyond Secret Santa because it鈥檚 like the Aveyond fandom wakes up from the dead, hammers out a lot of R/L content and then goes to sleep again for another year
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aveyondwinterexchange 6 years
Doing the winter exchange on discord this year to avoid the nightmare (including that giant delay in posting and some of the gifts getting lost in transmission) that running cross-platform caused. If you want the link, message me!
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anusha52 6 years
Av2: Behind the Scenes
My gift for Scrivener of the Gods
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satohqbanana 3 years
Idea for Christmas fic: Rhen remembers how Lars doesn't really celebrate any sort of Yule Festivities (primarily because the Eastern Empire doesn't have winter*).
Two ways this could go:
Rhen goads Lars into celebrating some version of Yule with the AV1 party in their Sedona manor. This scenario is perfect for showing how the party sees/interacts with Lars.
Rhen shows Lars the Yule Festival of Clearwater. This scenario is perfect for worldbuilding and LOTS of fluffy moments.
*Edit: This follows the fanon/AU I have.
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harp-darkthrope 5 years
Trying to figure out how tumblr works again
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Aveyond Fanart
My Gift for the 2019-20 winter exchange
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iztopher 2 years
moonie memories, for anyone who wants to read them, since sheba was very sweet and said she'd love to hear any <3
we were only friends for a few years, actually, and every time i tell that to someone they're really surprised because it seems like we knew each other for longer. it really felt like we'd been friends forever so this is by no means exhaustive, how could it be, but just like. some thoughts
we actually interacted before meeting / becoming friends. i used to run the aveyond winter exchange on tumblr, then my tumblr presence fizzled out. she messaged me asking permission to take over and i said sure! then years later i rejoined the aveyond forums. i used a new name and wayyy new art and felt like i was being so sneaky and she Immediately replied with "are you iz from tumblr? i recognize your art style!"
she loved So Many Things So Much. we met through aveyond, but her interests ranged from the epic of gilgamesh to seinfeld to ice age. i associated her most with sitcoms and goofy animated movies and mushrooms but it'd be impossible to pin the things she liked into one niche
man she loved mushrooms. she loved those weird threatening existential tumblr posts about them. she loved the cutesy cartoony drawings of them. she loved cooking with them. when i texted her mom the other day, she texted back with a mushroom emoji the way you'd usually use a heart
she really liked escape rooms. we always meant to do one together but covid meant we didn't get the chance. instead i'd buy these timed puzzle games and she and her partner would come over and we'd try to solve them in under an hour like the box said. we always managed it, but often just barely. i still have the pieces for the knight-themed one we did, i wanted to keep it.
we finished zero time dilemma together on new year's eve of 2020, and midway through i got so tired i wanted to go to bed at 3am and this one scene that was supposed to be serious but absolutely failed made us both laugh so hard that it gave me a three hour long boost of energy
one day she came over. it was supposed to be a dinner hangout but one thing led to another and we found out about an erotic novella starring the actual arthurian galahad as a vampire and i checked out the digital copy from the library and we sat together on my couch reading it and drinking wine
she was scheduled to visit me just before covid lockdowns started. it was the weird awkward time when we weren't sure what was appropriate precautions yet, masks weren't yet recommended, etc., so we... did a lot of things we shouldn't have done, honestly. i went to a party with her and met a bunch of her friends. we got dinner from her favorite restaurant. it makes me wince to think about but in a lot of ways i wouldn't change it for the world.
i loved her. i still do
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queensgreekaveyond 7 years
Night Flower- Chapter One
Winter Solace
It was late morning in The Vale and the small village was bustling with elves going about their daily business. However, today was not a normal day. It was the first day of the winter solace, and even more importantly it was a birthday.
For two hundred years ago on that day the great goddess had blessed the god and goddess of the Vale by creating a new deity and giving the infant goddess to them to care for.
The elves of the Vale were excited to see their deities off to the solace celebration of the gods and goddesses...however, in the palace things were not so calm.
In an open room with delicate furnishings and lightly coloured paintings paced a young woman in a dressing gown, long black curls billowing out behind her as she moved.
"Why are you trying to dress me up like a doll to parade around for this! I care not of today being my two hundredth, I would bypass all existence of today if I could! Why did I have to come to you on the solace!"
A violet eyed woman shook her head in frustration and confusion, exchanging glances with her gentle husband.
"I don't understand what has gotten into you! Two hundred years is the milestone of a deities physical maturity! You are in every sense of the world a fully grown goddess, everything after this is just a number! You should be happy, and you have always loved your birthday falling on the solace before! Why is it different this time?!"
The dark haired goddess barked out a harsh laugh.
"Of course you wouldn't understand. My mother, Iya the goddess of music and my father Ean the god of life. Then there's me, I have no power! They expect this celebration to be a reveal of who I am at long last! But still I show no power, I am a goddess of nothing!"
"Oh sweetheart." Iya sighed, reaching out with a slender hand to cup her daughter's pale cheek with sadness in her violet eyes.
"Mel, you are not a goddess of nothing. You know that sometimes it can take a while to unlock your power. Look at Stella, it took till her hundredth and thirty fifth when she finally met Edward that she was exposed to the raw form of who she was and unlocked her power to become the full goddess of love. And Rhen, who was merely the goddess of compassion until her world needed protecting and she rose up to fight that she unlocked her full nature as the goddess of courage as well." Ean said gently, his gaze earnest.
"Yet both of them had come into who they were before one hundred and fifty!" Mel cried. "I have nothing! No matter what I try nothing seems to come!"
Iya and Ean exchanged pained looks before encircling their daughter in their arms, this conversation was one that had become increasingly more common over the years.
"We know, but I believe it'll happen soon. You just need to be personally exposed and invested into a representation of your power and it'll unlock that inside of you." Ean soothed.
Iya nodded, biting her lip slightly before taking the plunge and sharing her own thoughts.
"If you would perhaps start looking for a husb-"
Instantly Mel yanked out of her parents arms, dark blue eyes blazing with anger.
"I'm not the goddess of family mother, I hate children and I don't want to be tied down any further then I already am!"
Iya straightened, frustration clear in her features but before she could say a word in argument Ean stepped forward, placing a calming hand on his wives shoulder.
"Iya, Mel, please do not argue. This is a day to be celebrated, our friends are waiting for us. Please finish readying yourself my daughter and we will leave." He said, gently guiding his wife out of the room.
Once the door had closed softly behind them Mel sighed before moving over to her gown, taking down the flowing pale blue dress and sliding it on before putting on her gold belt and cuffs. Finally she was left staring at herself in the mirror, taking in the gentle and innocent looking goddess she had been made into. Shaking her head she turned away, putting on her golden sandals and slipping out of her room to join her parents.
"You look beautiful as always." Her mother encouraged, Mel giving a halfhearted nod as they hurried out of the palace and through the town to the forest.
They reached the elder oak quickly, her mother singing a portal open and the three of them stepping through into a courtyard of mist.
"Dreamland!" Mel exclaimed softly, eyes bright with excitement despite herself as she was able to be somewhere other then The Vale.
Soft clouds drifted over the vibrant purple landscape and her family began to cross the courtyard to the breathtaking palace before them. The doors opened magically for them as they neared the massive glass doors and Mel grinned, moving ahead of her parents to greet the various nymphs and Dream creatures that milled about the palace.
"Lady Iya! Lord Ean! Lady Mel!" One of the nymphs exclaimed in excitement, rushing over. "Almost all the other deities have arrived! There is only one more to come now! They're all waiting upstairs in the throne room."
"Thank you Cerci." Iya said with a warm smile, the three of the, continuing past and eagerly mounting the ornate and curving stairs.
As they reached the floor above and excited exclamation echoed around the throne hall, for it really could not be called a room. Mel's face lit up as from the far side of the room a familiar lilac haired woman called her name, chocolate skin nearly glowing in the light as her closest friend rushed to meet her.
"Stella! How are you? I'm so glad that you were able to leave things at Aveyond to be here." Mel exclaimed as the goddess of love embraced her with a delighted laugh.
"I am well! You look so beautiful as usual, I have been excited for months to finally see you again! The winter solace and the summer solace are just too far apart." Stella said with a beaming smile as she hooked her arm through Mel's and tugged her towards the two thrones at the far side of the hall.
"Mel, happy birthday." A warm voice greeted and Mel smiled up at the queen of the deities, the goddess Rhen.
"Thank you lady Rhen." Mel said with a nod as Stella pulled her to the queen goddess who stood with her husband and their son.
"We are including your birthday in this solace celebrations Mel, two hundred is a great milestone." The king of the gods informed her, Dameon smiling kindly down at her.
"Yeah Mel, all the best for your birthday!" Their son teased, Mel sticking her tongue out at the young man she had grown up with.
Edward, the god of youth only laughed and reached over to wrap an arm around Stella's waist to pull his wife to his side.
"Thank you Eddy, it is appreciated." Mel snickering when Edward rolled his eyes at the hated nickname she had bestowed upon him when they were children.
Rhen and Dameon left their small group to greet her parents, Mel scanning the room in interest to see all who had been able to make it that solace. One couple had joined her parents with Rhen and Dameon, Lars the god of magic and sorcery with his wife Elini the goddess of war.
"Te'ijal and Galahad are here as well! They were just taking their things to the spare room for feast week." Edward informed Mel, reaching over to tug a cur which earned the young god a slap over the head from his friend.
"Don't be a brat, and yeah I figured. Who's missing then, Lydia? Did the witch finally take a year off?" Mel asked eagerly, Edward cringing at her words before staring right behind her.
"Well isn't that a nice greeting."
Mel's face darkened and she turned to face the very goddess she had spoken of. Lydia stood behind her smirking, hands braced on her bare waist as she shifted in her absurdly revealing dress.
"Lydia." Mel spat, glaring at the green haired female. "How unfortunate."
The goddess of lies let out a sultry laugh, waving away Mel's words.
"I thought the exact same. Tell me Mel, have you unlocked your power yet? All of us our wondering how long before you actually...belong." She punctuated her words with a wicked smirk and Mel gritted her teeth, fists clenching at her sides.
"Belong better then you do Lydia. At least I was given to light deities, you've never been anything but a dark deity, and an unwanted one at that." Mel snorted, glaring at the girl. "And here I was hoping that you were the late goddess to the party, if I was lucky not coming at all."
Just like that a switch was flipped, Lydia's shoulders straightening as she leaned in conspiratorially.
"Well you are most unfortunate in your luck then, but that is a separate issue. I have most interesting news to share, it seems that after almost seventy years of ignoring the solace celebrations due to a falling out he had with your parents and the king and Queen from before Edward and Stella were on the deity council, the god of death is finally coming to a solace celebration!"
"What?" Mel said, startled.
"Really?! He accepted the invitation!" Stella exclaimed.
"Mother and father sent him one over a month ago, requesting that everything could be put behind him so that all the deities could start coming together once again. One of his darkling servants was sent to accept the invite but they're not sure if he'll really show." Edward explained in hushed tones.
Mel looked between the discussing deities in interest. She knew of the mysterious earth deity, but had never met him herself. Her parents feared and mistrusted the god and had alway kept her away when he did come to the occasional solace. She didn't even really remember what he looked like since her parents would often usher her from the room with the other younger deities until he was gone.
"It matters not whether he comes, he's a terrible bore at parties anyway." Lydia sniffed. "The appetizers and Dream servants are bringing about on the other hand is much more interesting. Have you tasted the juice? It's made of the dreamberries that queen Rhen grows here in her garden?"
All of them perked up with interest just as a server began to approach. When he offered the platter to them Mel reached out to take a glass, sipping carefully.
"Drinking already Mel? What would your mother say?" A low female voice commented from behind her, the goddess jumping before turning to grin at the newcomer.
"She would be positively distressed that I didn't get her a glass of the juice I'm sure."
The goddess of fire and hunting raised a brow, amused by Mel's words before glancing back over her shoulder at her husband Galahad who was just coming up.
"Hello Galahad, you look as grumpy as always." Mel greeted the god of justice cheerfully, laughing slightly at his sigh.
"Mel, sarcasm really does not become you."
"It is an amusing pastime though." Mel shot back at the stoic god, earning a huff of amusement. "When did you two arrive?"
"Less then an hour before you three did. Happy Birthday by the way, you must be delighted to finally be old enough to move freely through Aia." Te'ijal said, blinking when Mel's lips tightened.
"No. As long as I have not yet unlocked my power I will not be allowed to move freely." She said bitterly before giving her head a brisk shake. "It does not matter. I'm glad that things at Dragthor were calm enough that you could come."
As conversation moved onto events on Aia Mel fell silent. She had nothing to add to this, in all her years she had never even been to Aia. Then at the corner of her consciousness Mel began to feel something approaching. Her brows furrowed and she looked up, eyes meeting Lars who smiled at her before turning his attention to the door. A quick glance at the other deities revealed that her parents, Edward's parents, as well as Edward and Stella didn't seem to pick up on the strange magic.
"What is that strange magic?"
The others in their group looked at her in confusion, Stella and Edward staring at her blankly while Te'ijal, Lydia and Galahad looked startled.
"You are able to sense that?"
Mel nodded, brows furrowed.
The two female dark deities and Galahad who fell in the neutral category all exchanged looks.
"It must be because she has not gained her power yet. She neutral until she unlocks her power." Galahad murmured before quieting as Lydia took it upon herself to explain.
"You are sensing the power of the death god himself. It seems that he has finally arrived."
The magic became stronger and soon even the light deities could feel it as they turned in anticipation, all eyes on the doorway as a tall and commanding figure in blood red and black strode through into the throne hall. Rhen and Dameon stepped forward towards the deity carefully with courteous and hesitantly hopeful expressions.
"Gyendal. You came."
"I said I would, I do not break my word."
Mel's eyes widened at the sound of the death gods voice, terrifyingly dark and silky. Te'ijal pulled away from their group, crossing the room to stand before the death deity who turned a piercing gaze onto the goddess of fire and allowed the smallest of smiles.
"Hello sister."
They did the customary greeting between family, air kisses before stepping back.
"Thank you for joining us Gyendal." Rhen said, she and Dameon approaching the death god to greet him.
"I appreciate the invite." Gyendal said formally, Mel watching in interest as he dipped his head respectfully to the king and Queen.
"He is one of only three deities that are older the king and queen and thus don't have to be subservient." Stella said, voice hushed. "Him, your father, and Te'ijal."
Mel nodded, remembering her earliest lessons as a child. The deities had a higharchy based on the elder deities that were made first. The very first to be created were the god of death, the god of life, the god of the sun, and the goddess of fire. Soon after followed the god of sorcery and magic and his now wife the goddess of war. She and Edward were the only deities to be raised as children, everyone else had come before them.
The other older deities greeted Gyendal from their various places around the room, other then her parents who simply watched him mistrustfully. Finally Rhen and Dameon stepped away to speak with Lars and Elini, Te'ijal and her brother strolling away.
"You look well brother, how fare things in the underworld?..."
Mel turned back to her friends and Lydia then, listening absently to their conversations as she thought about what she had seen.
So that was the infamous god of death.
The feast that followed soon after everyone had arrived was filled with chatter, Mel sitting with Stella and Edward as they sang and joked. Once the main feast was finished all the nymphs and Dream beings that were capable of intelligent thought gathered with the deities, everyone and celebrating the solace together with laughter and dancing to the music her mother made with her magic.
"I'm going to go get something to drink!" Mel called, breathless with laughter as she left Edward and Stella to weave through the crowd of dancing duos.
"Lady Mel! Many birthday wishes!" One of the nymphs called out, Mel turning to walk backwards as she thanked the nymph.
"Thank you Ishtar- AH!"
So focused on her conversation Mel foolishly payed less attention to her movements and her flow skirts and as luck would have it stepped down on the bottom of her dress, letting out a yelp as she started to fall backwards.
She knocked into a tall form but before she could fall any further a large hand caught hold of her own smaller one to halt her movement.
"Oh I'm so sorry I-"
Her words cut off abruptly as she looked up and rather then finding herself face to face with any of the other deities she knew Mel found herself looking straight up into the dark green eyes of the god of death.
"I don't believe we've met yet." He said in amusement before pulling her upright with a soft tug and twirling her out into the group of dancers, hand settling on her waist as they instinctively fell into a dance. "I am Gyendal."
"Uh, I'm Mel." She said, her voice belaying how startled she was.
The god smirked slightly as they danced, the others closest to them had slowed to gape at the sight of the death deity dancing.
"Oh I know."
His tone was pleasant but Mel glanced around edgily, noting that more people were noticing what was happening. Te'ijal's brows were nearly in her hairline and the usually stoic Galahad looked mildly startled as well, Lars who was standing with his wife starting to laugh and Mel just knew that he was laughing at her discomfort.
"Er, thank you for catching me...?" Mel said, unsure of what else to say.
He only chuckled in response, and Mel glanced away. She had no idea what to do in this situation, she hated dancing and almost never did it at solaces. She was just about to try and find another topic for this truly awkward dance when there was a sudden call.
Her head shot up but before she could do a think she felt a hand grab her arm and yank her backwards away from the death deity who's expression quickly became icy.
Mel whipped to stare at her father only to find him and everyone nearby staring at her in shock, or rather staring at her waist. She looked down in puzzlement before letting out a startled cry at the sight of her dress. Right over where the god of death had been touching her waist there was a massive patch of black colour that had been expanding only a moment earlier on her dress, now that Gyendal was n longer in contact with her the blotch shrinking rapidly before vanishing altogether.
"What did you do to my daughter?!" Ean shouted, pushing Mel protectively behind him.
Gyendal's eyes were wide and startled and he shook his head.
"I did nothing, I do not know what that was. It was not my magic." He protested, sounding baffled.
"You lie." Ean accused lowly before turning and quickly herding Mel away.
"Father what-"
"I do not know." Ean said, cutting her off midword as they reached Iya who checked her dress fretfully before taking hold of Mel's hands tightly.
"Listen to me Mel, do not go anywhere near Gyendal again. He's dangerous, unpredictable and angry. He and your father do not get along, you need not deal with him."
Mel nodded wordlessly and her mother let out a relieved sigh, turning to talk to Ean. As her parents talked Mel stepped away and started back towards her parents, but not before risking a glance over her shoulder back at the god of death. She had anticipated a small glance but her steps faltered as her eyes locked onto his, Gyendal holding her gaze with intensity before blinking and dipping his head to her. Mel quickly whipped her had back around and strode over to her friends, unsettled.
"Hey Mel! We were just about to have an dancing contest, you will be our judge with Lydia!" Edward declared with a grin before pointing at Stella who shook her head with a giggle. "Prepare to lose sweetheart"
Mel sat in the back of the throne hall, watching everyone tiredly and irritably as the heat in the room zapped her energy. She just wanted to retreat off somewhere but her parents had been on high alert all day since the dancing incident.
"Mel, already tired of the celebrations for today?"
She looked up to see Lars leaning against the wall next to her. She shot him a strained smile, he was one of the only older deities that she felt perfectly at ease with. She had always appreciated his more laid back personality, even though it came with a large ego.
"Quite. I could do with some air." She sighed, glancing over at her parents who were chatting with their friends.
Lars followed her eyes before shooting her a sympathetic look. He was one of the few deities that understood her desire to get out from under her parents gaze at times. She knew they protected her out of love, but sometimes she would give anything for freedom.
"I'll create a double for you if you want to get out of the room and take a break." He offered quietly, Mel's eyes brightening.
He shot her a cocky grin.
"You doubt me? Go on, there's a large balcony at the end of the hallway right over there. I'll have everything handled here."
Mel let out a relieved sigh, shooting the god of magic a thankful look.
"I owe you."
Lars laughed and winked before sauntering towards his wife at the far end of the room who was talking with Te'ijal.
"I'll hold you to that."
Mel never waited a minute before rushing away and down the hall Lars had told her about. She ran soundlessly through the cavernous halls with the loose and decorative fabric that attached to her forearm cuffs billowed out behind her. Her expression was light and much more cheerful then ever before as she reached the entrance to the balcony and quietly stepped forward onto it.
That however, was where she halted. As in front of her leaning against the railing with his back to her was Gyendal, the loose blood red that attached to his black robes fluttering in the breeze. Her parents orders echoing in her mind, Mel hesitated. She knew she should be obeying, but curiosity and instinct held her in place as she stared at him for a moment.
"You know, I have yet to eat a goddess. There is more then enough room for us both on this balcony." Came the quiet statement, Gyendal never turning to face her as he spoke.
Mel snorted softly at his eating comment before carefully coming up to a comfortable distance away with a hesitant glance at the god.
"I didn't realize someone else would be out here."
He smirked slightly as he shifted to lean more comfortably against the railing.
"I can tell. Now, why would a young goddess like you abandon the party to stand alone on a balcony is my question."
Mel sighed, looking out over over dreamland.
"Not an appreciator of heat and noise I suppose. I can enjoy it for a small time before I need peace."
"You pick an interesting way to get it young goddess, talking with the god your father and mother are against." He raised a brow mockingly as he continued. "Tell me, what would your parents do if they found us alone out here speaking together?"
Mel's eyes narrowed at the patronizing way he spoke, her proud too roused for her to notice the curiosity hidden in his eyes nor the way his actions were meant to test her.
"It matters not what they would think, I do not need to live my every whim this week according to what they say, I grew past that years ago."
His eyes flashed triumphantly when he caught her slipped in statement of 'this week'
"Oh is that so... The caged bird, finally let outside of your gilded cage for a few days?" Gyendal purred, prowling towards her before halting a mere foot away.
The god towered above her, green eyes glittering and Mel instinctively flinched back. He smirked as if he was amused by her nervousness around him.
"What's it to you?" Mel snapped, crossing her arms defensively.
Amusement played across his lips at her reaction before he spoke.
"I just find it most entertaining. An adult still trapped in a wonderland of shallow happiness and held back from any chance of life and growth like a raven with clipped wings. I walk among these gods and goddesses and other then that wretched lies goddess and my sister they all exude that peace and innocence of the gods and goddesses of light. But you..." He paused then, chuckling and reaching out to hook one finger around a single lock of her midnight curls and lift it up. "There is a darkness in you and I wonder how long it'll be before you can't handle living up to the shallow expectations of the others."
Mel was frozen, staring wide eyed at the Death god before her as he brushed a thumb over the curl in his fingers before releasing her hair. In that space of silence there was the distant call of her name, Stella's voice echoing through the grand halls to the darkened balcony where Mel stood. Her heart stopped as she realized that somehow Stella knew that she had come here, and there was always the chance it hadn't been because of Lars pointing her in the right direction.
"I do believe that is my cue to leave, but this will not be the last time we see each other I'm sure."
"Are you jesting? My mother would have my head if I saw you again, and why on earth would I want too!" Mel hissed, glancing back worriedly towards the hall leading out to the balcony.
If Stella saw who she was talking to her well meaning friend would undoubtedly tell her parents and then Mel would lose what little freedom she had left, and knowing that had Mel turning to rush away. However before she could take a step, a hand grabbed onto hers, halting her movement. Mel let out a strangled yelp and whirled back to face him, watching in near disbelief as the God of death raised her hand to his lips and brushed a lingering kiss across her knuckles.
"Until next solace." He murmured before releasing her hand and stepping back to melt into the shadows and vanish altogether.
"Mel! There you are! Didn't you hear me calling?"
The black haired goddess whirled to face her friend, heart thumping in her chest a she gave a distracted nod.
"Sorry I was just-...focused."
Stella eyed her in concern and Mel forced a smile before hooking her arm through her best friends and starting down the hall.
"Is something the matter? You're acting strange." Stella prompted gently.
Mel shook her head with a light laugh.
"Not at all. I just needed some air and a break from the party. I'm more then ready to jump back now!"
Stella gave a slow nod, as if not entirely convinced but willing to drop it nonetheless. She engaged in light chatter as they headed back towards the main throne hall, laughing at all the right times.
Yet even with that, she just couldn't shake that rush of adrenaline. Perhaps her parents had been right, she should just steer clear of the death deity.
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@te-ijal 's gift for @maladaptivemischief !
do you ever draw someone鈥檚 favorite characters and it ends up looking like an ad for a sitcom
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heckosart 6 months
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Ean and Iya for this year's Aveyond Winter Exchange :)
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aveyondwinterexchange 6 years
Cross posting here, just realized I鈥檇 accidentally posted this as a draft? Whoops. Anyway some Rhen/Lars for BlackPrincess (and everyone else here who likes the pairing)
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iztopher 9 months
is it possible for a non aveyond discord member to participate in the winter exchange or is that a discord members only thing
non-discord members are absolutely welcome! the winter exchange has its own discord specifically for that purpose :D
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