#avillio bruno
internet--weirdo · 4 years
The Implied ending of 91 days
Spoilers of course
Discussion time
So the anime leaves it pretty open like we don’t see a body and we see a car driving their way. From the other mafia family. The anime leaves the chance for Angelo to be alive, he was either not shot or they retrieved the bleeding Angelo. 
But fun fact, the creators released two novels in Japanese and have an epilogue from Cerotto’s view. Implying that both Angelo and Nero are in “heaven”. It still isn’t confirmed but the book pushes that they are dead. Nero did drive away from the scene without Angelo. 
My thoughts on this are is that they left it open in case it got popular to continue the series like code geass. Since it never got popular, it’s still open but I presume that means Angelo is dead and will stay dead. Unless the series gets popular... 
What do you think? Is Angelo alive even tho the novel implies that he is “dead” and do you think they’d even continue it if the show got popular?
Also here is the epilogues I know a lot of fans don’t even know that they exist so enjoy the pain <3
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twistedtheories · 7 years
91 days ending theory and analysis.
Hello! So I’m new to this whole theory thing but I wanted to start off with one of my favourite recent anime that I’ve watched. 91 days is honestly one of my favourite anime and the main character and secondary characters had a huge impact on me. Although people might argue that not all secondary characters were well written, we can agree that some, like Corteo and Frate were.
So let’s get to it:
Theory number one: Angelo’s death
The ending scene starts of with Nero and Angelo walking down a beach. Nero says something like “you don’t need a reason to live, you just do”
Angelo then continues to walk infront of him and tells him that the reason he didn’t want to kill him was because he didn’t want to. Nero then proceeds to raise the gun and fires it, but whether he did or not is left ambiguous.
Now a number of points to why I think Nero and Angelo both died and that Angelo asked Nero to kill him:
• The main and most important point that I feel like lots of people have missed out was the fact in episode 5: Day 5 “Blood will have blood” Nero is seen saying "There's something wrong about you crossing the river of lamentation before me." This has a massive connection to Greek Mythology, as that the river of lamentation also known as the river Cocytus, is one of the five rivers that flow in the underworld. Yada yada yada, I wont go into too much detail about it, but the connection between this and what Nero says is complicated. The River of lamentation is known to be miserable, as you might have guessed from the word “lamentation” which means grief and sorrow. Now how does this connect to our fellow characters? As we can see from the ending, Angelo (if he got shot by Nero) dies before Nero does. This relates significantly to this phrase because Angelo passes the river of the dead before Nero does, symbolising that he dies and before Nero as well. Nero noting that in the anime is no coincidence at all. I have thought that it might be a mistake from the translators however earlier that episode, Angelo also says to Corteo: "Let's cross it... The river of lamentation into the underworld." I also don’t think it was a coincidence for him to say that to Corteo, who as we know dies in episode 10 :,)
And now to my second point:
• In the last episode, Angelo is seen to look at the Florida magazine, which has the words “PARADISE” written on it.
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The covers has a beach, which explains why Angelo wanted to go there in the first place, but why? Why did he want to go there. The word “PARADISE” being on there is no coincidence. As people might know, another word for heaven is always “paradise”. This is no surprise since heaven is seen as a paradise by most people, symbolising that Angelo probably saw the ocean as a paradise, as demonstrated by the magazine. If Angelo did see the ocean as a heaven, it would definitely explain why he wanted to go there in the first place, and possible why he died there too. This along with other points I shall give tells me that his death was probably planned by himself. Also, something worth noting here is that Angelo already felt like dying. His character is seen to be even more depressed and cold, like any person who does not see the point of living further on. This also supports my point that his death was probably his choice.
Third point:
• This one is a short theory to do with Corteo’s death. After Angelo shoots Corteo, he says something on the words of “I’ll see you soon”. Knowing that Corteo is dead this could only mean that Angelo meant that he would see him in the afterlife ( linking back to paradise= the sea)
Fourth point:
• In the last episode, when Nero and Angelo are sitting by a fire, they both have an argument and Nero screams at him for saying “it was all nothing in the end”. And there and then, we see Angelo breaking down as he screams at Nero saying he should have just killed him that night 7 years ago.
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Nero then seems to be taken aback and slowly lets go of Angelo in surprise, demonstrating that he possibly finally understood.
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Had he killed Angelo like his father told him to, all this would not have happened, and Angelo would not have spent the rest of his life grieving and planning to take revenge. If he had killed him back then, he’d had done a merciful thing. But now that Angelo stayed alive, all he got in return was pain and grief. This forms an understanding between Nero and Angelo, and portrays the unusual bond between them. Although Nero hated Angelo for what he did, he could not help but understand the reason behind his hatred. This is because after Angelo had found a way to take away everyone he loved in his life (except for fio, even though she left as well) Nero found himself in a similar position to Angelo’s. He was alone and grieving, just like Angelo, and so a mutual understanding was formed between them. So how does this scene link back to why Angelo decided that he wanted to die and that he really is dead? After Angelo succeeded in his revenge he states many times that he finds it useless and that as much as he thought that it would give him a reason to live, it ended up only making him feel empty. He found no reason to live, and having lost his best friend, the feeling of loss and hollowness only grew. Therefore, his only wish left was to die. He had no other reason to live and was plunged into darkness. Nero, upon hearing Angelo tell him that he should have killed him, understood this and so, he also comprehended that by killing him, he would do a good deed. This is another reason to why I think Angelo’s death was planned, and that really, it wasn’t murder but a merciful killing done by Nero to see Angelo at peace.
Fifth point:
•The final showdown. When Nero asks Angelo where he’d like to go in the last episode, it’s almost like him asking “Where do you want to die” this could be argued but of course, this is just an assumption on my part.
When they get there, they both walk on the beach and Nero is seen saying:
“You don’t need a reason to live, you just do”
This could be a final attempt of Nero trying to persuade Angelo not to let go of his life, to live on, but Angelo in response to that, walks infront of him and tells him that the reason why he didn’t kill him is because he didn’t want to. He continues to walk silently on, which could show that he was determined to die, determined to finally be at peace with his loved ones in his “paradise”.
Nero raises his gun and fires, and of course in this theory, I predict he didn’t miss. He finished the job he was never able to complete from 7 years ago, and finally did what was right and put Angelo at rest. However, a contridactary point to this would be that Nero might have also done it to take revenge. Something I love so much about this anime is how there are many scenes that could contain different meanings and different paths. Nero could have killed Angelo in mercy but could have also killed him to get his revenge, thus determining the phrase “blood only brings more blood”. How is that? Thats because there’s also a theory of Nero dying after shooting Angelo, because of one of Galassia’s men chasing him. Nero would have killed Angelo in revenge and the Galassia’s would have taken their revenge on Nero, getting him out of their way, and the cycle continues.
However, going back to the theory of it being a merciful killing, this would bring in that “forgiveness” theme. Nero accepted why it all happened, and although he might not fully forgive Angelo, he understood the reasons behind his actions and therefore wanted him to be at peace. This would explain the following scene of Nero in the car, looking over at the pineapple can and smiling. Many people have interpreted this as a sinister smile, but on the contrary, I think it’s a happy smile signaling that he’s happy that Angelo is finally at rest, and that a piece of their good, rebellious times together shall remain with him.
But the question remains: what did he do with his body?
Now, lots of people have mentioned that Angelo couldn’t be dead because there’s no blood or any evidence that a body has been there. But what I believe is that Nero could have just moved his body and buried him in the ocean, thus Angelo would be in the ocean, meaning in paradise. There’s also been a lot of talk about the footsteps being confusing, and that they both suddenly stop. I think this just means that this is where Nero stopped to bury Angelo, and later made his way back to his car only to be killed by the man the Galassia’s sent to kill Nero. There are a number or reasons why I think Nero died and this is why:
THEORY NUMBER 2: Nero’s death
There are a number of reasons to why I think Nero died.
• I already mentioned the point about the river of lamentation.
•the man the Galassia’s sent spotted Nero.
• this anime could be seen as a tragedy, meaning all the characters or almost all the characters have died. It would make sense why Nero died if this can be classed as a classic tragedy.
•another reason is one based on the 91 days novel series.
Thanks to @cryofblood for posting the translation! Here is an important part views from ceretos POV after the ending:
“While on the run, aimless and with no real plan in mind, he’d just happened to pass by this spot. It seemed that it was actually easier to hide right under your pursuers’ noses, by laying low in nearby places. Cities were the best place to lose yourself. Nero said all this with a smile.
But I couldn’t help but think - Could it be that this guy actually wants to die…?
Throughout the conversation, there was no mention of Avilio, who should have been traveling with him.
He wasn’t by Nero’s side. I also sensed that this was something which couldn’t be discussed.”
Of course the words: But I couldn’t help but think - Could it be that this guy actually wants to die…? Caught my attention. This took me by surprise because how can Nero, who’s cheerful and was just saying how one should live on, give off this impression? Well, it’s obvious that losing all his loved ones around him was not easy for him, and shooting Angelo (let’s say he did in this theory) just made it worse. Nero might have seen that dying was a better option if he could take it. His family name was no longer powerful and his pride was ruined. The Vanettis were crushed and Nero was just an ordinary man wandering the streets of Lawless. A man who had lost everyone dear to him and had no where else to go. So, when the Galassia’s assassin (let’s call him that) eventually catchs up to Nero, he might just stop running and accept his fate. There was nothing but ruins around him.
And now to my last theory: the end credits.
The end credits is an important factor to this theory. It displays a short scene of the ocean washing away Nero and Angelo’s footsteps.
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Now why is that significant? Mainly because of the metaphor being used here. It shows the meaning that Nero and Angelo have died, and just like their footsteps disappeared, so did they, with no one to remember them since most of them are gone. Their footsteps were washed away into the ocean and so were their souls, having gone to the paradise.
Annnnnnnd I think that’s it! Wow that took a while! I congratulate you for reaching this point and reading all this, honestly. I hope you have enjoyed this post! Please feel free to respond with your thoughts, I’d like to hear your opinion on this! And of course, let’s not forget that these are all just assumptions~~
I truly enjoyed writing this post and well, many hopes to my next one!
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sheryu · 8 years
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Quick fan art of Angelo Lagusa from 91 Days.
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starlit93supernova · 8 years
Heads up! Spoiler post
Me watching 91 Days: Oh, you nasty boy Avillio. I wish you die before getting your revenge. Me watching the ending of 91 Days: Did he....? Did Nero just? But whyyyyyyy??!!
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