#avocato needs to have breakdowns too you know?
Avocato use his influence and power to find all the information about Gary, when he finds out about Gary's parents he used that to his advantage.
He tries to act a little like Gary's father with little cato in front of his darling, and tries to act more sweet with Gary telling him that he would never leave him like his family did and ask him for facts about bugs, Gary isn't aware of what avocato's doing which makes it easier to fall for it.
Gary would eventually see through it but he so desperate for love or affection that he doesn't care
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metamorphicrocky · 5 years
is the little cato au still active? if so, could i get some more angsty headcanons?
baby cato au is ALWAYS active but I've just been busy with college lol. but yes you absolutely can get more angsty headcanons
Little Cato is still sort of traumatized from the time when his father almost killed him for the Lord Commander, and after the whole possession thing trusting his dad is hard for him. but he also loves Avocato so it's a difficult situation, but there are moments where he asks if his dad is gonna try to kill him again and it breaks Avocato's heart that he's messed up with his son so badly
being a little kid who's separated from his family for a year while being captured means the poor kid is severely touch starved. that's why he always clings to Gary, because he just wants to feel grounded and he needs the touch badly
sometimes after Gary calms down Little Cato after a breakdown or something, Gary sets him down to rest and then has his own because he feels like he's only making things worse for the kid, and bringing him into final space definitely isn't helping him feel like a better dad
Little Cato preferring Gary over Avocato makes both dads feel guilty, and Gary tries really hard to get Little Cato to trust Avo again because he really feels like he replaced his best friend and that wasn't what he wanted to do at all and he worries that it'll ruin his friendship with Avocato. but he also doesn't want Little Cato to think that he's trying to leave him or anything when he tries to get him to be with Avocato more
Gary and Sheryl have a rocky relationship to say the least. Sheryl watches Gary with the kid and kinda feels jealous and confused over how he does all of that with a kid that isn't his. so sometimes she says one-off comments to Gary like "you're being too soft on him" or "he's getting away with that?" and other things that are just jabs at how he's not doing a good job. it builds up and keeps happening until finally Gary just blows up on his mom saying that she has no right to judge his parenting decisions when she's never had a day of parenting in her life. but then when he's done yelling he just breaks down because he wonders if she's right and that he's a terrible parent and Sheryl is there for the whole thing
continuing that, Little Cato walks in during Gary's breakdown where he's crying and tries to comfort him. Gary keeps on trying to put on a strong face for the kid but then Little Cato is just like "you say it's okay to cry all the time to me, so you can cry too, dad." that's when Sheryl realizes she messed up, when the kid does something that she knows is a good thing and is a direct result of Gary being a good dad
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I can't believe my silly little au is getting so much attention Thank you all so much to ones how have liked reblogged and sent suggestions and headcanon thank you
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Yandere avocato part 2
Gary bakess sweets as stress relief but the catos fell in love with his bakeing
Avocato is a cuddler and he demands Gary cuddles with him
Gary finds biskit hurt and alone a takes him back with him this only proves avocato point of Gary being a motherly figure and lets him keep biskit
Lil Cato later accepts biskit as his little brother
Gary is not allowed the were pajama bottoms at night his allowed to were t shirts but otherwise he clad in boxer briefs with his legs shaved not that Avocato minds
"Theirs no need to embarrassed baby I sleep in just my boxers it's hot at night in here and if it gets cold I got you garebear"
Avocato has Gary chipped
even the lord commander is concerned for The Gary's safety
Avocato is constantly saying provocative things when lil cat and biskit are not in the room and hugging Gary and nuzzling his neck leaving (love bites as he calls it ) all over Gary's neck
Avocato has Quinn captured and plane to make her life hell for hurtling his Gary
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Avocato has cameras all around the house, so when he isn't home, he can watch his darling and make sure their ok and in place, maybe even have some microphone to speak to them and make them know that he is ALWAYS in control
He does and even when he trust Gary to leave the house and come Back he has gary chipped
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I love you papa
avocato pov
Looking up from my work on the couch I see Biskit clad in a red shirt and blue shorts . The tiger tiger looks nervous he approached me at a slow pace. He stopped in front of me looking up why biting his lip. "What's the matter bud you look lost.He began with a low mr Avocato I'm Sorry for what I said.At first I was confused by what he meant till I remember.
He and lil cato started roughhousing breaking a vase that belonged to my mother. I took both of them over my knee but before the little one decides to be bold a swear at me . I release a deep breath and pick him up a flinch breaking my heart.
Baby do you know why that vase was important He answer with a no so explain to him that was all I has left of my mother . At the mention of that he breaks down in tears clinging to me repeating I'm sorry over and over . Unknown to biskit avo was holding back tears as he recalls a distant but cruel memory
(Flash back)
The scent of alcohol rotten food and blood feels my nostrils as I'm transported to my child hood home as my abusive father stands over me his harsh blows mean nothing to the harsh words he sends my direction
Waste of space
I'm sorry daddy
(Flashback ends)
Honey look at me okay the Cub looks at me tears in his eyse. DO you know why I spanked you . Is it cause I broke you mama's vase and I said no no words . I also did it because I care about your safety giving him a muzzle like a good parent to their Cub. Dry your tears baby paws all is forgiven. He giggled as he drys his last tears
Why don't we go and find Gary to see if his making anything sweet . The next thing out of biskit mouth shocks me . Okay papa for the next few hours that repeated in my head when night time fell biskit lays between me and Gary who has a peaceful smile on his face . As I drift of into dreamland looking at my boyfriend and son (yes son) A final whisper breaks me . Goodnight love you papa I cried tears to the unknown of my precocious boys
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