#avon nylari
rhodebot-the-fruit · 1 year
Avon: 3, 6, 10, 24, 32, 34, 38, 43, F
Day 5!
Avon Nylari: 3: How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) -> Depends on the night. On a good night, Avon is probably sketching or engineering new stuff for his weapon, or updating his journal. On a bad night, spiraling about his guilt and all the ways he's screwed his life up. That part might start getting better soon, though, if he doesn't fuck it up.
6: Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? -> Avon considers laws and tradition very important. Or, at least, he did. He's starting to come around on that, since sticking to tradition too rigidly lost him everything. Since watching a Shogun wallow in indecisiveness showed him that maybe sources of law aren't as infallible or competent as he thought. He's not ready to give up on it just yet, but there are cracks in his Lawful Good™️ beliefs forming.
10: What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? -> Avon is a very honest person, a real goody two shoes. He doesn't really tell lies, and if he did they would be pretty obvious. The lies he tells frequently would have to be ones he tells himself, whether that be that he did the right thing every time he prioritized tradition over himself, or all the ways his anxiety leads him to spiral out of control.
24: Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?  -> I mean, he's fine talking to his wife about it, and he's sure at some point he'll have to give his son The Talk, but other than that he doesn't really see a need to? If he saw a reason to it wouldn't make him uncomfortable.
32: Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? -> For jokes, Avon's probably got some standard dad jokes that he keeps in his back pocket. Most of the stories that spring to his mind are too depressing (the explosion and trial) or traumatic (adventures with his wife Kelah) to go over. That's changing though, now that he has a cool story with his party and things are potentially looking positive with his wife.
34: How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? -> Very difficult. But he's starting to get there. He's starting to understand what wasnt his fault, and what was. Once he accepts that some things were out of his hands, he can start to process the guilt, and make right the things that were.
38: What memory do they revisit the most often?  -> The trial that resulted in his exile. All of the things he could have said, everything he could have done differently, where his life would be if he had stood up for himself, or just gave less of a shit about tradition. It's not the happiest, but it's what's on his mind most lately. Runners up include his wedding, the birth of his child, the explosion that lead to the trial, and he'll probably be revisiting that dance with his wife a lot in the future.
43: If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?  -> How would Avon describe his sexuality? Straight. I mean he's married to a woman he finds very attractive. How would I, the creator, describe his sexuality? I think there's some latent bicuriosity that he's never felt the need or desire to interrogate, there.
F: What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? -> I feel pretty proud of Avon. I feel like he's really coming together as a character, and I'm excited to see how things go for him. Will he ever get let inside The Circle?
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rhodebot-the-fruit · 1 year
8 for avon
jk, jk, how about 31 and 32 for avon and 24 and 25 for kestra?
24: How quick is [Kestra] to trust someone else? -> Depends how useful they would seem to be to her. Finding herself isekai'd to a strange, hostile land with a group of people who seem capable of defending themselves? Probably pretty quick to trust (and if it was misplaced it probably won't be her problem very soon). Paired with a stranger on an art assignment? She'd rather do the whole thing and throw the partner under the bus unless they beat her to it.
25: How quick is [Kestra] to suspect someone else? Does this change if she is close with that person? -> Kestra is not an inherently suspicious person. She feels like she knows how to suss out shady situations and people (she's wrong), and she's (arrogantly) confident in her skills to handle messy situations. It definitely takes something being off to rouse her suspicions, though.
31: Describe a scenario in which [Avon] feels most comfortable. -> Honestly, there's not much anymore. I guess the closest thing would be focusing on the task at hand, so in his current situation that's out drawing maps and exploring wilderness. Most other activities he enjoys tend to carry some kind of baggage, now. That might be getting better, though. He did just create a new gun.
32. Describe a scenario in which [Avon] feels most uncomfortable. -> Haha, imagine if you got whisked away to a party for the regent of the country you work for, in a strange, faraway city you left months ago, when suddenly from across the ballroom you see your (ex-?) wife with a party member's family. That would be pretty uncomfortable, right? But what are the odds of that happening?
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rhodebot-the-fruit · 1 year
2, 3, 5, 16, 17, 22, 23 for Avon
2/3. What is/was [Avon’s] relationship with his mother/father like? -> Avon was pretty close with his mother growing up. I think he was probably closer with his mom than his dad as a child, and as he aged into adolescence spent more time with his father. In the whole goings-on that led to Avon leaving his village, I imagine his mother saw things from his side better than his dad did, so he probably has a little more fondness there.
5. On an average day, what can be found in [Avon's] pockets? -> Bullets. Coins. Maybe a healing potion or 2. His wedding ring.
16. Which does [Avon] idealize most: happiness or success? -> If you had asked him this as recently as a month or 2 ago, Avon would say success. Now that he has had more time to process, and seen how short life can be, he just wants happiness. Especially now that it seems like he might be able to get a big part of his old life back.
17. What was [Avon’s] favorite toy as a child? -> Avon liked to play hunter with the other boys of the village. He liked playing with the toy trident, and had decent aim with a toy bow for his age.
22. What does [Avon] like in other people? -> Avon appreciates outgoing, decisive people. People who know what they want and will go to great lengths to achieve it. Very ironic given how can be about things. Explains his wife, though.
23. What does [Avon] dislike in other people? -> Avon dislikes braggarts, the arrogant, and those who are rude to children.
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rhodebot-the-fruit · 1 year
🌌🌳 for kestra
🤝 for avon
🥪 for tifanie
🌌 If [Kestra] has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about? -> If Kestra had a nightmare it would probably be one of 3 things: 1: Dying alone, penniless and unknown, having failed at her endeavors. 2: Her patron withdrawing his support, leaving her with her twisted mind and nothing to show for it. 3: Less of a nightmare for her, but she probably has dreams about her patron consuming the world.
🌳 Would [Kestra] survive for a week on her own in the wilderness? -> Probably? She isn't the greatest at hunting but she could probably find enough to survive. She wouldn't necessarily be comfortable, but she would probably enjoy the novelty of the experience if nothing else.
🤝 Does [Avon] have someone he wants at his side when he is scared? Who? -> I think it really depends on the kind of scare. In a physical altercation, Avon trusts his party to have his back; he thinks he works very well with his compatriots. On a more existential level... the person he would want most with him would probably be his (ex-?)wife, Kelah... if she'd have him.
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook? -> Probably somewhere on the level of "hamburger helper". Definitely not as competent in the kitchen as her wife. Growing up somewhat wealthy, she didn't have much need for learning how to cook, but she's tried to be at least somewhat self-sufficient since leaving home. She tries to help out where she can.
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rhodebot-the-fruit · 7 days
👮 and 🏥 for Avon
🛸 and 🏛️ for Kyra (and also 💍 for no reason lmaoo)
🧸 and 🫵 for Christel
👮 - Would Avon ever break the law? If so what and why? On his own? No, Avon's pretty goody-two-shoes about things. Maybe he would consider breaking a law he thinks is morally completely unjust. Maybe. With Kelah? They've probably committed trespassing, fraud, the like (mostly instigated by her, he's just along for the ride).
🏥 - How does Avon act when he's hurt/sick? Injured after a fight? Drink a potion or poke Maire for some heals. Sick? He makes a pot of hot soup and a nice herbal remedy tea. He's not the type to get "man-flu" or anything.
🛸 - Kyra has been abducted by aliens. What will she do? Friendly, scientifically curious aliens? Do science right back at them. There must be a lot to learn from them if they have such fancy ships. Unfriendly? She's got a decent right hook for how frail she seems, once she gets a laser gun it's all over for them.
🏛️ - Kyra's suddenly become President of the moon. What does she do? Take stock of the moon's denizens, draft up a plan for local, community-based governance, and then fuck off to whatever the moon equivalent of a quaint farm life is. She might have been raised to run a town but she'd rather just live in it if she had her way.
💍 - How would Kyra propose? Realistically, probably after drinking too much, while Declan is carrying her back to their room. More seriously, probably with some kind of ye-olde powerpoint presentation about how it's the optimal solution to achieve her goals.
🧸 - Does Christel have a special plushie? Not anymore. She used to have a small raccoon plushie that she made when she was younger, when her aunt Lisabeth was trying to teach her how to sew. It burned down with everything else. She prefers to stick to more durable comfort items, now.
🫵 - If you met Christel IRL what would you do? What would she say to you? Well, I think I would be pretty scared of her skeleton army, for one thing. I'd probably try to stay on her good side. I don't know that she'd have much to say to me other than, "Hey, can I have your skeleton?"
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rhodebot-the-fruit · 5 months
3, 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 30
3. How would he describe his love interest? A beautiful hurricane: awe-inspiring, devious and destructive or patient and kind on her whims, sweeping him off his feet.
6. Who will he take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won't he take advice from, no matter what it is? He trusts most of his party members pretty well, even if they are all fairly young. But really the answer is "his wife". He avoided her advice before, and look where it got him. As for who he won't... Well, taking his own advice is what got him into this mess, so he's trying not to.
7. Describe him in 3 words. Now let him describe himself in 3 words. Anxious sad dad. Loser sad dad.
13. Name one thing his parents taught him. Just one? They're the ones who instilled his strong beliefs in traditionalism and what "good" means. So that's something. He's trying to unlearn some of it. We'll see if he can carefully excise the less-healthy parts or if Kelah's going to pull him into full chaos gremlin territory.
14. Would he agree with the term 'guilty pleasure'? Does he have any? Well, Avon feels guilt about basically everything, so yeah he agrees with the term guilty pleasure. Does he have any? Yeah, basically everything enjoyable that he does.
20. What does he like that nobody else does? Firearms. That's the big one.
21. What would it take for him to break up with someone? What would be the last straw? Well, apparently all it would take is some messed up ideas of what "the right thing to do" is and the stubbornness to completely ignore every chance to avoid making a horrible mistake. So at this point I think he would literally die rather than break up with someone. I think Kelah could literally kill him and upon resurrection he would accept whatever rationalization she gave him.
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)? Avon feels like he's already used up his long lifetime's worth of grace, so he's very inclined to pay it forward and forgive. That's not to say there aren't unforgivable acts for him, but he's willing to give people space to redeem themselves.
30. What would he do if he knew it would be forgiven? Again, in his mind, Avon's already used up his forgiveness. He would probably just make a few "ends justify the means" things. Like maybe just making a decision for the shogun in Nagi and pulling down that damn statue. That or going home. Honestly I think even then he might be afraid of going home.
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rhodebot-the-fruit · 1 year
23, 35, 41, and A for Kestra
2, 31, 42, and D for Avon
Kestra: 23: How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?  -> Envy is one of those factors that would drive Kestra. She would offer her services, try to get a commission. After all, if someone so successful commissions her, that proves her worth. Envy of another's status just pushes her to exceed them, exceed them. Kestra won't be satisfied until there is no one left to envy.
35: How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? -> Despite (or perhaps because of) her charisma, Kestra doesn't really have true friends. Most people she interacts with are nobles (who she is convincing to spend money) or fellow painters (who she is competing with). That said, Kestra is no stranger to being excited about weird shit, so if one of her current compatriots came to her with something odd she'd probably get excited right with them.
41: How do they feel about children?  -> I think Kestra would have no idea what to do with a child who was placed in her care. Probably try to get 'em started young on Hadar. Children of her own? She doesn't really know how to get one, it's not really on her radar.
A: Why are you excited about this character? -> Ever since I first looked at the character options for 5e, I wanted to play a Great Old One Warlock with the Pact of the Tome. Kestra really came together when putting her background, this weird girl with her orb and a desire to experience all life has to offer. There's something profoundly fun about playing the party face while being a bizarre cultist whose mind may or may not be getting warped by the eldritch machinations of a dying star.
Avon: 2: How easy is it for your character to laugh? -> Fairly easy. Avon's sadness is pretty localized, only when he thinks about it. His anxiety is more debilitating in his day to day. He'll gladly laugh at jokes and silly situations.
31: Who are they the most glad to have met?  -> His wife, Kelah. Especially now. Or maybe his son, Djarek. Their absence has weighed on him, and now that he can see a future with them again, he realizes how stupid he was to prioritize tradition over family.
42: How badly do they want to reach their end goal?  -> More than anything in the world, especially now. He's so close to the first step, he can taste it. If he can keep this up, if he can make up with Kelah, he knows to aim higher: he wants to go home.
D: Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? -> He wears a shirt now. That's about it for changes to his appearance. Once I decided, it was pretty much set.
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rhodebot-the-fruit · 2 years
need, blood, and idol for kestra, spring, danger, and proof for avon
Okay, here we go…
For Kestra:
has your OC ever experienced desperation? how has it affected them? what do they do when something they need is out of their reach?
Kestra is the kind of person who always reaches higher and higher. Per aspera ad astra, quite literally. I would say that she hasn't really experienced true desperation, and that may have left her a bit overconfident. If something were to put her in that situation… who knows what might happen?
what would your OC would sacrifice everything for? what does “everything” entail—their life, or something else? how far would they go?
Kestra aims to be the best at everything she does. If she thought it would leave her with a legacy among the greats, she would absolutely lay down her life in the most dramatic fashion. If it would make her a better painter… she could give up quite a bit.
has your OC been in a position where a lot of people were looking down on (or up to) them? how do they handle the pressure of fame? of criticism?
Coming up in an artisans' guild, Kestra has absolutely been in positions of being scrutinized. She absolutely revels in the fruits of success, and criticism mostly just inspires her to reach higher and do better next time. She hasn't taken on any real high-stakes projects since acquiring her power though. No guarantees she wouldn't Eldritch Blast a critic.
For Avon:
what does your OC miss most? will they ever be reunited? how would they feel about that?
Ha. He misses his wife, Kelah, and son, Djarek, most. He thought he would never get to see them again, but since a certain someone joined the party it seems almost inevitable. If he's quite honest, he's not too sure how he feels about it. He misses them greatly, but the laws of his village say he needs to stay apart, but she doesn't seem to care (nobody does, really), so he'd love to see them again, but he also doesn't know if he should, after all, he's changed a lot, but what if he hasn't changed in the right way, and is there a right way to change, and besides if SOMEONE doesn't respect the laws, who will, and and and… This is what keeps him up during his turn on watch.
what’s one thing that makes your OC angry? what’s their temper like? how do they respond to people who make them mad?
As a father, seeing children mistreated or in danger really sets Avon off. Really, any kind of abject evil gets him riled up, but especially when children are involved. Luckily, he has this cool new invention that is pretty effective against evil of all types.
what is your OC looking forward to? what best moments in their life are yet to come?
Avon is cautiously looking forward to reuniting with his wife and son. He is also looking forward to shooting the leader of this cult and being able to see more than 60 feet ahead of him. Thirdly, he is looking forward to potentially finding someone to share his invention with, now that it seems to be working (read: not exploding) rather consistently.
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