kodakai727 · 6 months
Akum'eki Lore
This is going to be a HUGE read, so to avoid clogging people's dashes, I'll pop this under a readmore. For a basic idea of what you're getting into, here be free love psychic bugfish aliens.
The Axum’eki are an alien species, hailing from the planet Txed’umin. Upon cursory glance, they seem to be various crossbreeds between arthropods and marine animals. They are very relaxed beings, a culture of freedom and pleasures. They are well-attuned with one another and their planet, able to appreciate connections between others and nature more than nearly any other species.
The Planet of Txed’umin
Txed’umin is an astrological anomaly of a planet. Physically similar to a gas giant, the planet is entirely made of water, gravitating to a dense liquid core. There is a sun in their solar system, but their planet has no moon. There are a few landmasses here and there, outcroppings of porous floating stone similar to pumice. Trees root themselves through the stone, drinking up the planet’s water and producing delicious fruits analogous to peaches or oranges. There is no seasonal rotation, so fruit trees on Txed’umin are constantly producing; it’s just a matter of when everything is ripe. This makes up a significant portion of the main diet of the Axum’eki, in addition to a nonsapient fish species plus any imported delicacies. Txed’umin has no buildings or economy to speak of, so most imports come from off-world tourists bringing gifts to their favorite Axum’eki friends.
Axum’eki Biology
Axum’eki, as mentioned, are visually blends between arthropods and marine animals. This includes fish, marine mammals, and marine reptiles. The diversity between Axum’eki is off the charts, but they retain visual cohesion with their four eyes, four arms, tall height, and overall cooler color schemes. They all possess gills that can breathe air and water alike, and are quick to adapt to new circumstances. When in water, the cells of the Axum’eki experience accelerated growth, allowing those who venture off-planet to near-instantaneously adapt to new planets by submerging themselves in water. On average, the Axum’eki only live around 40-50 years, though other planets might cause that to fluctuate somewhat.
Axum’eki Culture
The Axum’eki live as Earthen hippie stereotypes. Most do not claim homes and sleep wherever, though a few have particular rocks or shady spots they have unofficially chosen as theirs. This is respected by other Axum’eki. They do not tend to keep time, with no real system beyond the general day and night cycle. They do not have holidays, but they will throw occasional parties and hold bonfires between themselves. During these bonfires, they hold song circles, where each individual adds their own element to a wholly unique sound. This can be rhythmic hum-like buzzing or percussive mandible clicks, and each one is unique to the specific Axum’eki. The tempo of each part aligns with the singer’s heartbeat, and is known as their heartsong, or their mont’xi. They carry their mont’xi with them through their whole lives, as a form of comfort and identity.
Axum’eki practice a form of free love, marked by deep interpersonal relationships regardless of species. Gender is not much of a concept in Axum’ekian language, with no personal pronouns existing to denote such. Sexual intimacy is a very important act for the Axum’eki, and they will share it with those they deem trustworthy as a symbol of a bond, viewing sex almost like a long hug. Sex is a constant across Txed’umin, driving tourism.  About four of every five Axum’eki are having sex at any given time. This also serves the purpose of breeding, of course, and any Axum’eki can breed with any other. The eggs laid are similar to clutches of frog eggs, hatching aquatically. Hatchlings mature quickly, in only around thirty days. Initial hatchings are celebrated, but birthdays are not kept track of.
The Axum’eki possess a slight empathetic form of telepathy. They can produce psychic signals similar to pheromones, carried and amplified across water. The outputted signals tend to indicate a desire for intimacy or company, though they could also carry the rhythms of a nearby song circle. Axum’eki tend to greet others for the first time by touching foreheads, or performing ak’alo, sharing names and basic overviews with one another in an instant and building a subtle psychic link that ensures the Axum’eki never forget anyone they’ve met. They also learn languages this way, though the learning is not perfect; Axum’ekian has very few nouns, so they may forget words frequently.
Interplanetary Relations
Visitors to Txed’umin are typically tourists seeking a paradise retreat. The whole planet is a warm climate perfect for mingling with the locals, whether to relax or ‘relieve stress.’ Either way, the water is always the perfect temperature, the fruit and fish are tasty, and the music is strangely harmonious to those who hear. Just make sure you’re a good swimmer, or know an Axum’eki who will romantically carry you through the waters. Even those from militant and imperial cultures can relax with the Axum’eki, as they’re simply too kind and loveable to not let yourself relax with. 
But what of the Axum’eki who venture off-world? They tend to leave with the tourists, wanting to experience other planets and cultures. Some are gifted cobbled-together travel pods from scraps of abandoned ships, and given the opportunity to find their own planets to call home. Overpopulation is quite a concern for Txed’umin, though not an immediate danger. With as many eggs laid as there are, it’s bound to become an issue at some point, so several choose to leave for new planets with less fertile inhabitants.
Can I make an Axum'eki character? Yes, please do! You're welcome to contact me for more information on specific style guides, or even commission me to draw one if you've got an idea! Just tag me and we're good!
Can I write about the Axum'eki and/or my character visiting Txed'umin? Absolutely! Again, you're free to message me if you need specifics. Also tag me if you don't mind!
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kodakai727 · 6 months
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Tx'ala is an Axum'eki from the planet Txed'umin! I'll be publishing more general Axum'eki and Txed'umin lore later, but for now, here's Tx'ala's information!
Tx'ala is a very sweet and bubbly sort. Physically, she's a cross between a dragonfly and a lionfish, hence the long limbs, frills, and fins. Her chitin is soft and smooth, ever-so-slightly pliable, and always shining. Her fur, meanwhile, is just a little rough to the touch, but not enough to be offputting.
She loves nothing more than interacting with people and exploring Earth. She's a very sexually open person, more than willing to get down with anyone who's willing. This extends to performing ak'alo with anybody she meets. She lives on the coast, feeling right at home where she can enjoy the sun and water while munching on the occasional fish. She doesn't have a traditional shelter at all, just spending her time wherever she likes and claiming no property whatsoever.
Overall, she's a real hippie like the rest of the Axum'eki, and believes in freedom above all else, though certainly won't begrudge anyone for falling in line with the system; if anything, she's someone to lean on when it gets to be too much. She'll happily perform her mont'xi to herself, and to help soothe others.
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