#ayahuasca ayacucho
andeanbeauties · 1 year
Hi! So, I have a friend who is writing a book (fantasy), and one of her (white) characters is supposed to have a necklace with stones that are (magically) infused with lavender, white sage and other plants for protection. But she is afraid to do that because she knows that smudging white sage and other plants is considered scared by many Native American/ Indigenous people. Besides, she's Eastern European, and she truly doesn't want to insult anyone's culture. There will be no smudging white sage in the book, but she's still afraid that people would find it insulting.
I don't find this offensive at all! I personally don't see an issue with it if that helps, maybe it's because my nation (Andean Ayacucho Quechua) do not have smudging in our culture (Ayahuasca and psychedelics are used for religous reasons). I do know that Wiccas and Pagans of Europe use herbs and plants so I think that should be okay!
Do not be afraid to offend, I believe you have good intentions and therefore it will translate on your writings as an authentic piece of work 🙂
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