#ayana spinel is a type of pink diamond gemstone for those who were wondering
ainanatsu · 1 year
アヤナスピネル Ayana Spinel - IDOLiSH7
Lyrics with English Translation under the cut*
*I am not a professional translator. I am just translating for fun. There may be mistakes in the transcription or translation.
どこから来たって 歩いてた道は
No matter where I came from
出逢ってみれば 些細な出来事で
As the path I walk intertwines, it becomes trivial
日が照った広場 陰ってかないで
The place where the sun once shined, don't let it become shadow
A wish towards a smile, a certain sunny day
君が自分より 大事なものがあると
There's something you value over yourself.
口癖のように 零すのは何故だろう
I wonder why it spills out like speaking habit.
ただそっと揺れてって きっとそれだけ 勝手に想ったよ
Swaying gently, and with just that, I selfishly thought
I wanted you to live like an arbitrary flower.
幸せって顔したって 抱いて真実って どっか切ないけど
Even if your expression seems happy, embracing truth is somehow painful
あ、咲いててよ 隠し果てない 色で
Please bloom with a hidden everlasting color.
甘い苦い 好き嫌い 揃わないでいいよ
Sweet or bitter, like or hate, it's okay not to match.
ほら、合わさって手だって 違うよ
Look, even the hands you put together are different.
束の間降って 消えってたのは かけら
Moments emerge and disappear, scattered pieces
日向に橋渡す 淡い勇気
Of the faint courage needed to cross a sunny spot.
誰に向かってる 形ない優しさ
The shapeless kindness directed towards someone
頬擦るように君は いつも手を伸ばすから
As if stroking my cheek, you always reach out your hand
その情を振り切って 擦過傷足掻いた 今日があったのなら
Shaking off emotions, struggling against abrasions, if that was your today
ね、神様 身代わりに 僕をしてよ
Please, make me into a replacement for god.
気にしないと混ぜ返す 目の真実は 多分違うんだろう
Your casual "don't worry," but the truth in your eyes says something different
Releasing bubbles
You were
ずっと探してたような 輝きを持った
Like someone I had always searched for
A ring of flowers with a brilliant shine.
僕はきっと 守るだろう 君のこと Whoa
I can't help but want to protect you.
今すぎる日常 それは桃源郷 眩しさを増して行くよ
The everyday passing by right now, that is a paradise, let's make this brilliance grow.
アヤナスピネル 隠し果てない 色で
Ayana spinel, a hidden everlasting color.
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