#ayca 001
lucreziasredwyne · 9 months
who: @ofsacredseas where: the celebration following the circumcision of lord arlo aymen redwyne florent. lucrezia and ayca are sat upon the a velvet recliner, whilst the others take to the dance floor and mingle. arlo is somewhere with one of the reach council members. what: an absolute bitch fest.
the sound of the flutes came loud from the corner of the kings landing in which the court of the reach were all gathered: the most powerful of all the kingdoms within the continent of westeros, who bordered on tearing themselves apart as a result of their own fortune and comfort. her legs remained propped up to the side upon the velvet recliner chair they were sat upon, her veil remaining around her dark cascading curls.
it were not often she wore the veil after having a difficult relationship with it in her youth, often wearing it and then taking it off; in the end, she chose to wear it when she were in lands she did not know, nor felt the best in.
and being in kings landing again, after so many years, only made her think of the last time she were in the city. nineteen, betrothed to the one eyed prince. as she looked upon the roofs of the city, she half expected to see the looming, overwhelming shadow of vhagar once again - and silently thanked the gods when she did not. the lady of seagard was sat beside her, eating from a platter of cheeses as lucrezia's own hazel hues scanned the crowds to locate her son. with his father, the king, and mathis rowan by the looks of it. lucrezia reached forwards to pop a grape into her mouth, holding a handful by the vine. she shifted slightly to ensure her caftan was not riding up to reveal her legs.
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there was an important matter they were discussing - all in the tongue of their ancestors, and those who came before them, and those who came before them. "wallah, ya ayca - it started months ago. our first meeting. first meeting. i told her that i understood the reaction to announcement of their betrothal. you would think i told her her mother was a whore. i do not know what she expected from people, to sing her praises or to kiss the ground she walks on, but then she began with her lecturing."
she sat up slightly, waving her hand. "la, her preaching. speaking to me of verses within scripture regarding kindness, and how a civilised society would not have such a reaction to news of a former fire worshipper becoming the lady of oldtown whilst the faithful are being sieged. civilised. the word she used." she spoke, knowing that those of the old way would understand them; she did not care if they did. it were the others she used this tongue for. "that was the beginning of it. let me not even start on why garland is not here, or that hmara of his wife. i sent her an invite for appearances, thank the gods she had the brain to reject it."
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ofsacredseas · 18 days
setting: lithia festival in the riverlands
context: normally ayca is quite to herself except for the usual niceties, often leaving events like these earlier than now, but shes recently attempted to change her outlook…mostly ; starter for @wintervsuns
the eldest lady of seagard sat at a table with a cup of warm whiskey in her hand, something of a tradition during these things or she would’ve preferred an arbor red. she’s observing the party goers in the room. it’s later in the night, normally a time where she would’ve long excused herself to her chambers, but after layat-al-ikhlas shes attempted to turn over a new leaf, as much as her stubborn nature can bear.
the lady sips her drink, observing just a seat over a man she does not recognize, who reminds her much of an eagle as upon her house’s sigil - watching over those around him. she was unsure how accurate her initial impression was.
“have you attended one of these before?” she questions, though it’s not her nature to make such small talk, but in the spirit of change, she extends a branch, anyways.
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wileyfoxwrites · 3 years
Who: Emanuel and Ayça Where: Palace Gardens
‘Breath through it.’ It was all Manny kept telling himself every time a tinge of pain would shoot through his ankle and up while he ran. The soccer ball wasn’t going far but the little sudden turns to practice his footwork was irritating his old injury. Despite the Duke knowing he should stop and rest he continued to put more strain on it, to push himself with no regard for his own well being. Manny had to be okay. He had to be ready for when he got to leave Thailand to go back home to be with his team and if that meant a little pain now and again then he was okay with that. But too much was too much and after a certain move that required some fancy footing his whole leg gave out after he was able to kick the ball, albeit a little harder than he’d meant to. Manny was on his knees, frustrated but worried about where the ball had landed, and he started looking around the gardens until his eyes landed on the ball right in front of another young royal. “Sorry!” The Croatian called out to her but he was slow to get up, limping slightly as he made his way to the woman. “I didn’t hit you, did I?”
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ofsacredseas · 9 months
setting : the first feast of yule, ayca mallister finds herself in the middle of a situation with lucius rivers. its his fault, she's certain. ;; starter for @lucius-rivers
long wooden tables once filled with roasted meats and spiced pies were not emptied of their contents as the feasters had their fill of the meal placed before them. house bracken had certainly outdone itself with their night of hosting. revelers clad in velvet gowns and furs now took to the dance floor, the musicians playing a lively jig, and the crowd suddenly growing bigger. ayca, who stood to the side of the room in observation of the dancing, realized she was slowly being moved backwards towards the wall - or what she believed was the wall.
she could not say if a dancer bumped her, the bastard bumped her, or perhaps simultaneously the two of them backed into the table containing a beautifully decorative seven-pointed star, but as she turns around to see what has happened, she watches wide eye as it falls, corners of the star breaking off as it collides with the floor. hand moves to her mouth to cover her gaping jaw and the look of shock now over her features.
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the loud music and merriment occurring in the room distract from the chaos happening just behind her. amber hues quickly dart to look at the tall man standing near her, and eyebrows furrow in anger at what has just happened. she wondered for a moment if it was on purpose.
"did you not see me standing here?" she questioned, tone very much accusatory.
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ofsacredseas · 1 year
setting : during the storm that came over highgarden, ayca is searching for her sister, emira, and get's caught up in the rain, forcing her to take shelter in the stables with other lords and ladies ; flashback thread with @garrick-cargyll
silks of blue fluttered down the halls of highgarden, her pace quicker than normal as she tried to locate emira. dark orbs scanned the many faces of those who passed her, honed in on any chesnut haired lady in front of her, but none were her little sister. footsteps led her out to the gardens, and though the sky had darkened, the eldest lady of seagard wasn’t quite prepared for what was to come of the black clouds that began to wash over formerly blue skies.
worry struck her more now, though she was told her sister had taken to the gardens, she hoped she was inside instead. thunder was only distant, and she had made her way to check the stables before trekking back inside when a downpour came. hands immediately came up to shield her hair, a pointless attempt as she scurried some paces away into the shelter, just as the world outside seemed to become a blur of torrential wind and rain.
a few servants; stableboys and maids, as well as a couple of other lords and ladies, seemed to also have be forced to take shelter. the storm had come swiftly, and hard. it seemed to have caught many by surprise. slender frame stood by the window, ringing out her once voluminous curls, that were now dripping wet and flattened. it was quiet, it didn't seem many knew one another, or they were all simply hoping the storm would pass quickly. ayca hoped emira was okay.
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above the sound of the downpour was the sound of metal sharpening, piercing to the ears, louder than raindrops pounding upon fertile lands, and ayca looked over at the culprit, unable to hide a face of agitation. "would you be so kind as to shield your sword in the presence of a lady, my lord?" she chose her words carefully, but her tone held the obvious notion that she was irritated, a foul mood partially caused by the inconvenience outside, no doubt.
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ofsacredseas · 1 year
setting : the two women sit within a sunroom, soon after returning to seagard from the reach, imane is staying with her cousins, the mallister's until it is safe to return home to white harbor ;; @imaneshahrazad
it was a particularly nice day out, the curtains pulled open to let in the fresh air and warmth of the sun's rays. while ayca preferred the light of the moon and the dark of the night, even she found some semblance of peace in the beautiful blue skies the gods had gifted them. though inwardly, even the lady of seagard felt the gloom that still hovered over them as the northern war raged on. the manderly's were not her kin, but they were of her way, and they were imane's family now, so a natural sense of worry came over her especially for them, but for all of those who had to endure another war so soon after the dance.
stoic features did not show such, though, and while the raven haired woman wanted to ask imane if she had heard any word from her husband, she believed the last thing the other needed to think of was that, as if it was not the thing that must constantly plague her mind, something ayca could, unfortunately, understand from her own experience.
figure sat lazily within the chaise lounge of the room, gaze settling on nothing in particular, but soon drifting to her cousin. ayca enjoyed imane's company. the other seemed to understand the lady of seagard more than most, not finding fault, but rather patience, in her quirks. the silence was comfortable, a rarity amongst many, ayca found, but lips parted to soon end it.
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"if the water was not freezing i would suggest a swim." she mused, looking to the table place before them, with bowls of fruits, cheese, and pastries for them to graze on should they wish. lithe fingers snagged a grape off of it's stem and she popped it in her mouth, savoring the sweet flavors, before continuing. "i suppose i could use this time to finally finish my embroidery for the little lord." it was what she referred the babe in imane's belly as, but in truth, she had hardly began her stitching, it was not necessarily ayca's forte.
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ofsacredseas · 1 year
setting : flashback to king's landing for the last grand gathering before the dance, ayca mallister enjoys some of the tournament events with a dear friend ;; @sanaiwebber
a cheerful aura emitted from the presence of the lady of seagard as she sat next to a dear friend during one of the many tournament games, by far some of the best entertainment she had witnessed in her life. it was not yet official, but ayca knew this would likely be her last outing as lady mallister, for soon she would bear the name lady crane, a thought that brought a smile to her face. when the joust had begun, and one opponent successfully knocked the other off his horse, ayca clapped along with the crowd. she leaned closer to her dear friend, sanai, to offer commentary. "i would never wish to be a man." she jested, making a face as the knight who had fallen upon the dirt composed himself.
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another round was beginning, and hues drifted to some ladies who called out from the railing, waving their handkerchiefs wildly in the air and her lips pressed together to keep from bursting into laughter at the sight. "i imagine one of them would leap upon the very horse itself if that would get the lord's attention. shall we take bets?"
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ofsacredseas · 3 months
setting: during the lann's day celebration, everyone is gathered for the feast in the evening, with dancing, music, and of course, the competition of unmasking one another ; starter for @jackarchibaldgrafton
context: jack and ayca were engaged some time ago and only until they met one another in person, then it was nearly immediately called off.
the eldest lady of house mallister stood to the side of the room, always having found herself slightly more comfortable outside of the circle than within. it were not that she were unable to hold a conversation should one come her way, but she did not exactly seek out socializing, either. for those who knew her well, it was probably a surprise that she were still in attendance at this point, at all. the midnight blue mask she had fixed upon her face managed to stay there, and she were unsure whether those who were still masked were too full of wine and ale to seek to snatch hers, or if she were simply...unapproachable.
she only wished the latter were true in this instance, for she looked to her left and caught sight of a familiar figure, even with the mask half-hanging off of his face, she could spot jack archibald grafton from across the hall, if she did not hear him first. she wondered if he had been unmasked and immediately took it back and placed it back on. he was a boisterous, unappealing man, and he was heading in her direction.
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ayca was unsure if he was even meaning to speak to her, or pass by, but the end of a song and some of the patrons exiting the dance floor blocked her path from escaping, otherwise, and in doing so blocked his path from moving past her at the moment. she caught his eye and did not think she would escape stating nothing. "good evening." she stated, hoping it would be a quick exchange and the crowd would soon disperse.
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ofsacredseas · 9 months
setting : a continuation of this thread, after zakariya departs leaving the lord and lady to get to know one another ;; @erenmarbrand
gaze stayed on her brother as he spoke, reading him for any concern or reservations he may have. from their own discussion, however, ayca knew very well he would take into consideration her opinions, but the trust she held in her brother's own would hold a great weight as well. the union was an ideal one, if she were to be completely honest, but since she was given the opportunity to discern the man for herself, she would take it.
"we will see you then." ayca responded, a soft smile upon her features. "including emira." she added with a small tone of jest, as she would ensure her sister was present when she was meant to be. amber hues looked out over the terrace at the ocean below, the sounds of waves crashing filling the room as zakariya departed it. she found comfort in the presence of the sea, if nothing else. form stood relaxed, however, giving no indication that there was a slight feeling of anxiousness welling within her. ayca mallister had always been known to be collected, firm, confident, and she would not stray from those things now.
"are you often able to travel as hand of the king, or do your duties keep you primarily in the west?” it was an easy enough start to the conversation, she supposed. though ayca partly was curious in just how ingrained into the western court house marbrand was, aside from the obvious. she had no qualms about being a lady within the court of lions, but she imagined, given the circumstances, she would have little feeling of belonging. she hadn’t a clue how meredyth rowan seemed to manage there, but at least there was another of their way.
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her body shifted to face him now, though figure was still poised as she continued the conversation, a more vain part of her gazing over his clothing, his presentation, his house was certainly wealthy as one of the west would be. “your brother resides with you as well? and your other sisters? i cannot recall how many others, but as you know i’m very fond of imane.”
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