#ayooooooooooooooooooooooooo am back
shushiyuii · 2 years
Adopt A Mortal (Part 2)
Notes: I promise that this is the actual part this time, no jokes or trolls. Its just crimeboy fluff that I didn’t think that i’d write much into but clearly my brain went brr on this part. (And this time I used the rule of thirds because I actually learnt something, Thank you Tinies ;-; )
(Also I’m tagging smogs because smog @smogs-0 )
Warnings: Soft vore, description of Injury  (I mean it this time), Negative thoughts, Blood, Mentions of fatal vore? And Zombies (Make sure you guys take care of yourselves!)
Words: 4.9K+
“Momma!”, the voice was faint yet familiar. It seemed so close yet so out of reach, all he could see was a black void seeing dragging him deeper and deeper as he fell into the endless abyss. And within a split second, it was a blinding light.
In the distance, there was a young boy with messy, bright blonde hair. His face was obscured as he faced away from Tommy, he could see the small spikes of grass at the boy’s muddy covered shoes. He could vaguely see bandages on the boy’s legs at a distance.
The boy was at a playground as the structural poles of swings, slides and many different strange objects with the usage of rope that would be used as a child’s mild entertainment. It was oddly familiar as if it were a memory.
“Momma!”, the boy cried out again, but this time much more clearly. It wasn’t a happy tone though; It was one of a child sobbing as tears poured down his face. Was the boy, okay? Why was he hurt? Did he need help?
He reached out a hand as he began to run towards the boy to aid him, only to be stopped at the sight of another figure that had seemingly appeared from nothing.
“What’s the matter, baby?”, her voice was like a lullaby, the voice so seemingly unreal that could draw in anyone to her side like a siren. Yet, Tommy didn’t move as she wasn’t fallen under her spell, but it was another thing.
He stopped running, falling to his knees in a moment of sudden shock. It had been so long since he had seen her that he had almost forgotten her face. He missed her so much. The boy wasn’t just any boy, it was him.
Why was this happening? It couldn’t be real, obviously because his parents were dead. It was a dream, despite the conclusion in his brain, he still wanted to reach out to her. That was his mom, family. He didn’t want to see her disappear again.
“Mom!”, he cried out. But the woman didn’t reach towards him, instead, it reached for his younger self. She was oblivious to the fact that another him was in this plane of existence with them as if it were the opposite of a dream. That they were real, and he was just a figment of imagination. He felt out of place.
“Oh my! It seems you’ve gotten yourself in quite the pickle! Haven’t you, sweetie?”. Her sweet voice cooed at him. He could feel his hand twitch at the sight, his body instinctively wanting to move but held in place by an unknown force, perhaps it was his reluctance?
“How about we get you patched up a bit?”, the boy reached out his arms for his mother, wanting comfort from her heavenly embrace. The mother smiled, happily picking up the child a placing him onto her lap while reaching into her handbag for something.
“I know things may seem a bit rough at the moment”, she stated as she continued to fumble through the handbag for the search of whatever object she was looking for. “But you’re a strong boy, Tommy, you can handle a lot of things.”.
She pulled out a plaster from within her handbag, smiling before turning to Tommy and placing the plaster onto a scratch he had on his knee. “There will always be a helping hand out there for you too, I promise! Whether it be me, your Daddy, or some random person!”.
She leaned in closer to Tommy and gave a kiss to his forehead, the sight made him feel sick to his stomach. He wanted to be in her arms again, he wanted to feel his mother’s embrace. He was almost jealous of the luxury of this child self. He was selfish.
It was almost as if his mind were playing tricks on him, it was oddly a convenient dream. A suppressed memory that just happened to come out at a good time. He hated this, he wanted to wake up. Though, his mother’s words repeated within his mind.
“So, don’t be afraid to reach out, okay? I love you, Tommy!”. Her tone was cheerful, full of life as if she had never died. He could feel his heart sting, pumping with grief as it threatened to jump out of his chest in heartache.
His mother soon stood up, wiping his eyes from his younger self’s eyes. They both began to walk away in ignorant bliss. And as if his mind hadn’t already played with him, his mother turned her head curiously. Noticing his actual self. She only smiled as she finally faded away, the dream along with it.
He awoke in a sweat, sitting up within a moment of shock. Only to be met with pain in his side as the moments of the previous day played out to him like an action-packed movie. Right, this was not another dream yet reality.
He moved a hand to his side as he hissed in pain, it appeared that the re-opened wound was still aching although being treated with aid. Perhaps it was karma for all the torment he had laid upon his body like a desperate hope for survival.
Why was he even alive right now? He should’ve died a long time ago in the car crash, perhaps even yesterday as he had been calling dead-weight and thrown into a horde of zombies. He deserved it, after all, he was-
A strange sound snapped him out of his thoughts, it sounded like a strange growl, but it wasn’t malicious or threatening.  He shook his head to focus on reality, he had met some bitch named Wilbur. Although friendly was a fucking zombie.
And if that wasn’t enough to comprehend, they had somehow taken a gamble within Tommy’s shocked and exhausted state of the time and now he was held within a fleshy prison that was a giant zombie’s stomach.
How was this even fucking possible at the moment? There had to be some clear fucked up science or something because this was fucking impossible. But he was right now alive in a zombie’s stomach and spent the entire night within it.
And it was all because of a hunch that the zombie had. Fuck you biology, you make no fucking sense! Unless if he tried to explain it, it would only be possible that the bitch’s digestive system was jacked up in a way he could control it. Making it safe for any occupant inside.
This was okay…
He flinched slightly at his thought process, reality settling into his brain as he concluded that he was indeed alive from yesterday’s events, it’s as if his dream was hinting towards his strange bond with the fleshy walls surrounding him.
He did have to admit one thing though, one he’d never admit out loud though was the fact that it was oddly comfortable within the chamber. Wilbur had no intention of hurting him and instead he kept Tommy safe within the confines of himself.
Yes, it was odd. But it was definitely effective. And the words shared yesterday lulled into his head. Despite having known each other for about 2 days, it appeared that the situation caused them to bond as Wilbur had been concerned about his wellbeing like an older sibling.
Tommy held a small smirk onto his face, his other hand moving to the fleshy wall he laid against. It was covered in some sort of liquid, he couldn’t determine what, but it wasn’t hurting him. Everything around him was safe.
The wall was an odd texture, to say the least, it felt silky for some strange reason, but it wasn’t unwelcomed. This was a strange scenario to be in, Tommy wasn’t sure why he was here in the first place, but he felt hopeful for some reason.
He still felt tired, and since he was still within a safe and comfortable place. Perhaps he could fall asleep again? Wilbur didn’t appear to be awake nor stopping him therefore it would be okay, right? And as it turns out, fate had other plans apparently.
The chamber began to wobble ever so slightly, and sleepy half-assed growls turned to humanoid mumblings. Either the big man was waking up or he was a fucking sleep talker, and he doubt that’d be the case because if Wilbur were to slur in his sleep. No doubt Tommy would’ve awoken because of it.
The wobbling was almost like an earthquake as Wilbur let out a very loud yawn, signalling that he was indeed awake at the point. Great, there goes the plan for more sleep. The walls of the stomach then began to push onto him, a force from the outside forcing them to collide.
It was crushing as the walls were pushed together to a point that Tommy didn’t find very comforting with the lack of space, being in the stomach itself was enough but not this. The walls felt like a rubbing sensation, weirdly enough.
Was Wilbur rubbing his fucking stomach?
“Fuck off”, his hoarse voice let out without hesitation. He pushed back against the pressure, trying to get the walls to ease from cramping him. And then, the walls eased back to their original position, Tommy could slump on the stomach walls as he had barely awoken himself.
Tommy himself let out a yawn, stretching out his aching arms as they had been used without their momentary stretch of his muscles. He looked to the surrounding walls, listening to the sound of gurgles and the occasional sound of lungs breathing.
“You awake, Gremlin?”, he finally spoke. His voice was low and quiet, gentle even. It seemed like Wilbur feared awakening him despite him already being awake, perhaps he suspected that Tommy desired more sleep? Which would definitely be the case.
“I was already awake, dumbass”, he adjusted his legs slightly to tuck his chin on top of his knees. It brought Tommy ease as he could rest his head against his aching neck. His whole body felt as if it were on fire, which wouldn’t be surprising due to the previous day’s events.
“Sorry, are you okay though? It hasn’t been all that long since you passed out. It’s still night.”. Is that why he still felt tired? Because it hadn’t even passed night yet? He knew he had struggled to sleep since to apocalypse, but this was strange.
He knew he had learnt to awaken at moment’s notice because of the apocalypse but he had been exhausted from all the events that had happened yesterday. He suspected that he would at least sleep soundly the entire night because of the safety of the stomach.
The only reason he could think of was why he was awake in the first place, the dream that also felt like a nightmare. He groaned in frustration at the thought of a stupid dream that had shaken him up, especially in front of somebody that he barely knew.
“I’m fine! Just let me out, already!”, he made a tone of anger clear in his voice, although he intended to stay. Wilbur was still yet a stranger and not only that but in the middle of the apocalypse, you would always have to keep running. That was one of the rules.
“No, I’m not letting you out until there’s clear day. It’s reckless to wander the streets in the middle of the night, especially when the streetlights don’t even work. That’s asking for a death sentence, Tommy.”.
He only huffed in return, turning his head as if it would do anything to help twist the events. But clearly, it would do nothing as Wilbur added onto whatever he was saying, the logical words made him want to yell. He didn’t want to listen; he ignored the gigantic voice.
“Tommy are you even listening in there?”.
The walls were once again pushed against him, pulling him from whatever thoughts he had been thinking of. He squirmed against them, trying to push them off as if it would do anything, but the pressure of the walls never eased.
“Listen to me! I get that you’re in the fucking apocalypse, child! But you’re completely safe now! What’s gotten you so worked up?”. Welp, it appears that Wilbur was fucking smart, perhaps he was a little too obvious with his frustration? He wasn’t just about to go out and tell Wilbur everything.
In an attempt to stop the walls, he tried kicking at the walls. But that seemed to be a bad idea as his side hurt like multiple pin needles, causing him to let out a yelp of pain. Immediately the walls eased as Wilbur let out a panicked voice.
“Oh god! I’m so sorry, Toms- Are you okay?”, he could hear the breathing of Wilbur’s lungs quicken, panicking. If he were to have a beating heart, no doubt it’d be pumping much faster than normal but now it was simply a dead organ.
He laid against the stomach floor again, only sighing as the pain in his side subsided. If anytime were now, he just wanted to curl in on himself and forget the world around him. All he ever did was cause problems, is that why the group had kicked him out?
“I’m fine, I- I just”, he decided to answer, his voice was quiet unlike the usual loud tone that always escaped his mouth and pissed off the next person. He just couldn’t bring himself to flat out express his emotions, not that he was any good of it.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to Tommy, I can guess it was a nightmare or something.”, he only hummed whilst nodding his head. The walls moved once again, but not in the same way as before. The pressure was much gentler, the rubbing barely fazing the wall yet still comforting, nonetheless.
Tommy found himself falling back asleep.
The next time he woke up, he remained in the same place as before. The difference was that he could feel the room shifting from side to side and the normal pacing of lungs. Wilbur was indeed awake and moving, and he had slept through the entire sequence.
He sat up and looked around, seemingly trying to find something that ultimately was not there. He wasn’t even sure why he had even taken such an action as the walls were the same. And shortly, a voice spoke.
“You’re awake?”, it sounded pleased and relieved. Weird, why would Wilbur be relieved at him waking up? Did he need Tommy to do something for him? He suspected that would be the case at such a gigantic size, it wouldn’t be easy for Wilbur. He shifted slightly in response.
“Good, as much as I hate to disturb you. You can’t stay in there forever, and you’re going to need food and such eventually. I’ve tried to get as close as I can towards my apartment but being this size isn’t exactly, reasonable to get through the streets?”.
Tommy could almost laugh at Wilbur’s situation, but the act of sympathy saved him from the hilarious wrath of his laughing against Wilbur. Though he couldn’t help but giggle at the uncertainty in Wilbur’s voice, you’d guess he’d be used to this kind of thing, but Tommy doubted that was really the case.
“Don’t laugh at me! You fucking gremlin!”, he burst out laughing as he was caught. He couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“Stop it!”, he didn’t stop. The laughter only grew ever so louder as he found the situation hilarious. He wasn’t sure when the last time he had laughed like this was, perhaps it was before the entirety of the apocalypse?
“That’s it!”, the chamber began to jump up and down, the sides of the stomach beginning to push against him. But this time it was with a goal, the goal of getting him out of the stomach. He was soon pushed into a tight squeeze, but soon ease as he finally entered somewhere more spacious.
Despite it being covered in saliva, it didn’t last long either as a bright light shone through as the teeth parted, fingers entered the mouth and searched for Tommy, in which he was found and brought out of the mouth.
He rubbed his eyes in the change in lighting, finally waking up as he had exited the darkroom. He could finally see a close-up of Wilbur himself. The man had an exposed part of his skull on the right side of his head, his skin a deadly pale.
And without his trench coat (That Tommy was still wearing), he could see the many wounds that were presented by the holes of his dirty yellow sweater. Clearly, Wilbur had been through quite a lot as a zombie, but the wounds didn’t appear to be affecting him in any way. They looked healed for some reason.
He was then moved to a palm on Wilbur’s other hand, he could see the annoyed glance of Wilbur, but it was more of a playful glare if anything. The thought once again crossed his mind that he could trust Wilbur.
He smiled at Wilbur, but he was only met with a titan sized sleeve as it wiped at his face and body. An attempt to cleanse him of the saliva he had accumulated during the period of spending the night within Wilbur’s stomach.
But when the sleeve was gone, he was then met with Wilbur’s own smile. His eyes scanned the surrounding area for any zombies before allowing Tommy to gently slide from his hand. With some struggle as the injury was still as bad as ever.
Surely Tommy would be limping for a while, and there was no time to recover. The giant knelt towards him at some distance, he looked at Wilbur curiously as the giant zombie made no move, only staring down at the floor in concentration.
A low growl of pain was let out from the zombie as he held his head, his mouth shivering as he held back any more growls. He seemed to be in pain, Tommy could only feel sorry for him. It must not have been easy for the zombie to transform.
The smile faded, he felt it was Tommy’s fault this was happening to Wilbur. He looked towards the floor in thought. Wilbur was hurting because of him, if he hadn’t met Wilbur, then none of this would have-
Tommy jumped as he turned to the hand on his shoulder, the once gigantic zombie was now normal height again. He was happily smiling at Tommy as if it hadn’t happened, Tommy could only sigh as he shook off the thoughts in his head. Stupid brain…
“Why the long face, Gremlin?”, he remarked with a teasing tone that held gentleness. A strange combination of expressing affection but one that Tommy would because used to thanks to the awkwardness of his father at times.
“Oh, stupid things. No worries”, he gave a reassuring smirk. Wilbur didn’t seem too convinced but enough so that Tommy was allowed to wander. Wilbur led Tommy towards multiple apartment buildings that lined the streets.
He walked with a slight limp, mainly relying on Wilbur for support whose face turned to a worried stern expression, his eyes were glued to Tommy’s hip. No doubt thinking about the injuries he had seen the day previous.
“I’m fine”, he reassured sternly. His face turned to one of annoyance as Tommy didn’t really appreciate sympathy from others, often seeing it as pity or patronising. He could put up with it but when it came to his health, he often kept it as an off subject.
But with a limp, it didn’t really make the entire process of Tommy’s arrogance easy, he wouldn’t even be able to pretend he was fine like he did with the group. It was obvious that Wilbur would be concerned either way.
The two then walked in awkward silence, neither of them bringing up the subject of Tommy’s injuries. And eventually, they stopped in front of a building. And Wilbur dragged him inside, it was a run-down apartment building.
The walls were covered in dirt as furniture had been thrown recklessly around the lobby, it had been abandoned much like many other places. Wilbur only ignored the sight, walking towards a flight of stairs with Tommy beside him.
The sight of stairs made Tommy winch, the thought of going up the stairs would no doubt be painful, especially with no elevator available due to the lack of power. And it appeared that Wilbur had already thought of that because he picked up Tommy without even batting an eye.
Well, he was definitely strong without being a giant. Tommy knew he was lightweight, but this was uncanny. And definitely explained the strong grip from yesterday, Wilbur could easily beat shit up if he wanted to. He wasn’t even going to question it at this point.
Wilbur walked up multiple flights of stairs before eventually walking into a hallway and turning to a specific door. Tommy made sure to memorise it, as Wilbur entered the apartment. Wilbur then placed Tommy onto a bed that was not too far from the door.
And the feeling of soft blankets made him fall back in a comforting bliss. The feeling of soft sheets and many fluffy and soft blankets were a perfect combination for a good sleep. Tommy could fall asleep right then and there.
“Don’t go to sleep yet, we’ve still got to tend to your injuries”, Wilbur called out from the other side of the apartment which was surprisingly decent sized. A size that another would have to raise their voice to speak.
Tommy only groaned in annoyance as he sat back up. Now that he thought about it, he felt strangely dizzy, and it wasn’t because of his injuries. And he was answered by the growls of his own stomach, rather loudly than he’d like to admit.
He could hear Wilbur laugh, as he spoke. “We’ll get you some food too, then.”.
Eventually, Wilbur came back with a smile that had now reappeared on his face as he held a first aid kit and what seemed to be a tin of soup on top of it, accompanied by a spoon. No doubt that the smile would last long as Tommy would most likely be crying in pain in 5 minutes.
The soup was placed on the bedside table and Wilbur opened the first-aid kit. His smile turned to one of confusion as he had no idea what to do with the objects inside. Tommy could only sigh as he was the only one with medical knowledge.
“Where’s the bathroom? I can take care of it myself.”, he stood up with slight pain. He turned to reach for the box only to be met with a cringed expression of concern from Wilbur, he appeared reluctant to even give Tommy the first-aid kit but complied.
He began to limp towards what seemed to be another room within the apartment but stopped as Wilbur got up to follow him at his side. He gave an annoyed glance to the man as he didn’t seem to want to leave him alone. Clingy ass.
“Leave me alone, Bitch. I can handle this myself.”, Wilbur cringed yet again and slowed his pacing, although it didn’t really do much due to his limping.
“But- Fine, but if I hear too many cries though I’m going to come in. Don’t lock the door.”, and with that Wilbur sat back onto the bed. Staring at Tommy as he finally found the bathroom, Wilbur really didn’t want to leave him alone, did he? Privacy is a thing.
He could only huff as he finally looked at his reflection in what really seemed like forever. Tommy was no longer the innocent ignorant teenager he once was, he was much more aware and had matured rather quickly over the months. He almost felt like a completely different person.
His hair hadn’t been cut for months, causing it to grow to a point where’d he preferably has to put it into a ponytail if it weren’t possible to cut it. His signature red and white basketball shirt was covered in blood and dirt from the amount of time he’d been wearing it.
A clear rip was on his side of the shirt, which exposed his badly done t-shirt bandage from the days previous. If he was honest with himself, he looked like shit. The only good thing in the condition was Wilbur’s trench coat which still had its fair share of holes in it.
He filled the sink with water, which was strangely still running and splashed it against his face, using a towel to clean up the dirt off his face. It made him feel a bit better at least, and if it weren’t for Wilbur. He’d definitely be a lot dirtier at the moment.
He looked to the first-aid kit he had placed onto the floor, he mentally prepared himself to face the impending pain that he would soon face.
He screamed in pain and sobbed in agony as he leaned against the bathtub, the procedure had been complete with well... A lot of pain. Wilbur came rushing in after he had heard the scream, kneeling beside him as he tried to speak to Tommy.
But he couldn’t hear a thing as his head buzzed and tears flooded his eyes. He had yet to bandage the wound, which he hated to do. He really didn’t want to put any more pressure onto his wound. Wilbur stood up again and left the room, returning with a cup of water for Tommy’s aching throat.
He drank what he could as the cup was forced against his lip; he could only mumble in pain as he waited for the pain to subside. He could feel Wilbur shift him from the bathtub to his shoulder, which was a much more comfortable place to be.
And after a couple more moments of cries, his hearing became clearer and wiped at his eyes. But the eyes didn’t exactly stop as the pain continued to edge. He looked to Wilbur with pleading eyes, which led him to suspect that Tommy was asking something of him.
“Bandages.”, was the only word that left his mouth as he pointed towards the object in the box. Wilbur picked up cautiously and looked to Tommy with confusion on what to do with the bandages. He could only huff.
With a lack of strength, he took the bandages from Wilbur’s hand and unfolded them and wrapped them a couple of times around his torso. He looked to Wilbur to see if he picked up the hint, luckily, he nodded and gently took the bandages from his hands and began to wrap his bandages.
Soon, it was done, and Tommy tied the bandages together tightly. His injury was tended to and would recover properly. He forgot how much the thing had hurt in the first place, it almost seemed like a memory fading back to him.
He wiped his eyes again and reached out towards the comforting figure in front of him, who gently cradled him as they sat against the floor. Wilbur gave Tommy a moment to rest, his aches didn’t really ease, he looked to Wilbur.
“Paracetamol? Pain killers?”, Wilbur looked back towards the box, looking for the objects Tommy had named and eventually pulled out a box of tablets. He read the instructions and handed 2 of the tablets to Tommy, who swallowed them dryly.
And a few more moments passed as the pain somewhat subsided, allowing Tommy to think much more clearly. But in his weakened state, he could only instinctively cling to the figure next to him, who hushed and cradled him ever so gently.
Wilbur eventually picked up Tommy and brought him towards the bed, he could almost fall asleep at moment’s notice, but the sound of Wilbur’s voice stopped him from doing so.
“Not yet, eat some food first.”. Tommy leaned against the pillow to help him sit upwards as waited for the soup. He could see Wilbur pick up the food and open it with his bare hands, only to almost drop it from using too much pressure.
And instead of allowing Tommy to feed himself, he spoon-fed him. Although it hurt his ego, there was no point in arguing at a time like this. He was hurt and couldn’t exactly do think about it, he could only furrow his eyebrows at Wilbur’s pity.
He hated the taste of cold soup on his tongue, the once typically delicious tomato soup was a chilling cold on his mouth. He doubted that Wilbur knew how to cook, no less microwave. Why did he even have human food in the first place?
Wilbur soon decided that he had enough food and placed the tin back onto the bedside table for later and helped Tommy tuck into bed. He didn’t leave his side as he fell into a daze.
Tommy clung to him like a baby, refusing to let him leave the bed. Wilbur didn’t refuse the offer though as he carefully climbed into bed beside him, adjusting Tommy gently so that he leaned against his chest.
He’d definitely get some complaints in the morning but at least the boy was getting better with everything if he were honest. He was going to care for this human as much as possible, Tommy was definitely an oddball, an angry, energetic soul.
Yeah, definitely an attachment. This was his now.
 And he was never gonna give him up.
(You’re welcome).
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