#ayurvedic doctor in coimbatore
indianvaidyas · 5 months
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects people with ovaries, typically during their reproductive years. It's characterized by an imbalance in reproductive hormones, leading to various symptoms. If looking to reverse this hormonal condition holistically, book a consultation with a good ayurvedic doctor for pcos in Coimbatore
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Tailored Ayurvedic treatments in Coimbatore at Coimbatore Ayush Medical Center cater to diverse skin concerns like acne, eczema and rosacea. Our holistic approach, blending traditional therapies and herbal remedies, focuses on balancing doshas for radiant skin. Experience the healing touch of Ayurveda for skin health and vitality.
Contact Us : 9942322222
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tech-network · 2 years
Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles
Ayurveda is a type of conventional Hindu medicine. Despite having its roots in India, yoga is now practised all over the world. In the West, ayurveda is frequently acknowledged as an alternative or complementary medicine. Ayurvedic medicine is holistic in nature and treats mental, physical, and spiritual ailments. It focuses on restoring the body’s equilibrium in order to lessen illness-related discomfort.
In Ayurveda, piles are known as ARSHA. “arivat pranan shrinoti hinasti iti arshah” is how it is defined. Arsha is a condition when the patient’s life power (prana) is tormented by an enemy. Neglecting a healthy diet and lifestyle leads to a decrease in digestive fire (Agni) or an abnormality known as mandagni. It refers to the failure to digest food at the right rate and duration, which results in the buildup or stasis of partially digested food (Aama) within as stools or the premature elimination of it in a watery or semisolid state, which upsets the doshas in the anorectal area.
Ayurvedic remedies for piles
Some methods to prevent and treat haemorrhoids are pretty straightforward and lifestyle-related because Ayurvedic therapy calls for significant dietary and lifestyle modifications. Here is a list of some popular ayurveda treatments for haemorrhoids.
Medication, or bhaishajya chikitsa: The majority of small haemorrhoids can only be managed medically. Unless haemorrhoids are more serious, no more operations are required. In more serious situations, medication may be added to treatment options. Your dosha will be taken into consideration when your Ayurvedic doctor chooses your medications and when they advise you to adjust your diet or lifestyle to avoid recurrence. Consider your dosha before taking any medications, and heed your doctor’s advice.
Touch-me-not plant: The herb touch-me-not has long been recognised for its ability to treat bleeding piles. The plant also has an alkaloid called mimosine, which can reduce inflammation and help with pain management. Touch-me-not plants have been recommended for piles by Ayurvedic practitioners and Vaidyas for ages. Applying a paste made from touch-me-not leaves externally to the affected area will yield the best results. India’s Ayurveda The goodness of touch-me-not and other herbs is found in Pilogest capsules, which not only provide relief but also works to prevent the emergence of such issues.
Turmeric: The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, or curcuma, aid in reducing hemorrhoid haemorrhage. Hemorrhoids also get smaller and anal irritation gets lessened. Turmeric is said to help balance the doshas and strengthen the digestive fire in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda has proven to be safe for bleeding piles, but there is also a potential for risks. if you are looking for best piles treatment hospital, I suggest Sharada Surgery & Cryo Sugery Centre, Pilesfissure is the top Piles Treatment Hospital In Bangalore. for Best cryo surgical treatment, ambulatory surgery, Fissure-in-ano treatment in Mysore, Bangalore. They provide best Fissure-in-ano treatment in Banglore : The Piles & Proctology Clinic, Mysore was started in 1991 with the aim to provide simple, outpatient surgical treatment for common anorectal diseases like Piles or Hemorrhoids and Fissure-in-ano. Later we expanded to the cities of Bangalore and Coimbatore and we are now one of the most trusted piles & proctology clinics in Bangalore.
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poornaayur-blog · 5 years
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How Shirodhara can enhance an Abhyangam Experience
Abhyangam Massage, as you know, induces muscle relaxation and has a calming effect. Shirodhara, the pouring of a liquid over the forehead, induces a deep relaxation on the level of the mind. When shirodhara is done after Ayurvedic massage or abhyangam there is a deep enhancement of the relaxing effects which occurs due to the sequential use of both these body therapies ayurvedic massage in coimbatore.
 Shirodhara Therapy Relaxes + Strengthens The Mind
 The head is the substratum for life (Prana). All the sense organs (Indriyas) are situated on the head. The head occupies the first place amongst the vital organs of the body.
 The process of shirodhara provides strength to one’s vitality (Prana) and all the sense organs (Indriyas). The sense organs are in close contact with the mind so when they remain healthy, the mind automatically remains healthy. In this way shirodhara keeps the body and mind healthy.
 Shirodhara Massage Purifies The Mind
 Shirodhara mainly works on the mental sheath (manomaya kosha). It effectively purifies the mental sheath, where patterns of behavior (vasanas) and emotional traumas can distract the mind from its role in supporting good health and spiritual growth.
 Once the mental sheath is cleared, the individual mind can choose, without distraction, to move into the bliss sheath (anandamaya kosha). Once the bliss sheath is activated, the flow of energy (Shakti) and consciousness can freely move through each and every sheath (kosha) creating better health, peace of mind, and spiritual progress through one’s life.
 If the subtle bodies, doshas, Vata, energy channels (nadis), center of activity (chakras), and channels (srotas) are blocked, then there is physical imbalance, emotional disturbance, and mental unrest which is very prevalent in our current society.
Shirodhara Massage Encourages Bliss
 During the shirodhara procedure, after the Ayurvedic massage, the goal is to have a pure experience of consciousness in every cell of the body, from the bliss sheath (anandamaya kosha) to the physical sheath (annamaya kosha). When this happens, the center of activity receives, assimilates and expresses prana or life force energy (chakras).
 The subtle energy channels of the body (nadis) then carry the cosmic life force that keeps us alive (kundalini shakti) up to the spine to its goal, the seventh chakra. Sahaswara which is the highest point on the body, located at the crown of the head, is your source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to your higher self.
 Shirodhara Massage Regulates All The Chakras
 Between both eyebrows is one of the seven chakras, the third eye chakra or Anja chakra. It controls the function of the other chakras. When the client receives shirodhara and meditates on the Dhara, the point where the oil meets the forehead, it enhances the power of the Ajna chakra and thereby regulates the function of the other chakras.
 The brain is considered the seat of consciousness (Chetana) which is vitiated by the Raja Tama Guna, the qualities of rajas and tamas. Shirodhara restores consciousness (Chetana) by giving strength to the brain.
 Shirodhara Induces Rest + Sleep
 Shirodhara brings the sense organs into a peaceful state of rest which helps in inducing sleep. It produces almost similar effects as that of Yoga Nidra.
 How Shirodhara Works
 Shirodhara is administered by gently and methodically pouring warm herbal oil over the forehead. Focusing on Ajna chakra with closed eyes during meditation leads to psychosomatic harmony. As the oil drips onto the Ajna chakra, it is proposed that the meditation-like effect is a consequence of stilling the mind leading to adaptive response to basal stress.
 During shirodhara the metabolic rate drops, and the brain waves become slow and coherent. The process brings the nervous system into the depths of inner silence and calms the mind, body, and spirit.
 The neurophysiological mechanism of the effects of shirodhara on the psycho-physiological changes may be related to the tactile stimulation of the skin or hair follicles innervated by the first branch of the trigeminal nerves (ophthalmic nerve). The impulses are being transmitted to the thalamus through the principal nucleus and forward to the cerebral cortex (somatosensory field) or limbic system.
 Shirodhara Has Amazing, Unique Benefits
 The effects of Shirodhara in reducing anxiety could be attributed to the somato-autonomic reflex through thermo sensors or pressure sensors in the skin or hair follicles via the trigeminal cranial nerve ayurvedic massage in race course coimbatore.
 In this procedure, pressure and vibration is created on the forehead. The vibration is amplified by the hollow sinus present in the frontal bone. The vibration is then transmitted inwards through the fluid medium of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This vibration along with little temperature may activate the functions of thalamus and the basal fore brain which then brings the amount of serotonin and catecholamine to the normal stage inducing sleep.
 Shirodhara stimulates the pineal gland which produces the hormone melatonin. Melatonin regulates the wake sleep cycles of the body.
 Shirodhara is becoming increasingly popular in day spas where it is used to relieve fatigue and promote relaxation.  As oil is poured onto the forehead, the nervous system is deeply stilled. The brain waves slow down and become coherent. Once the brain is free, the channels of life (pranavaha and manovaha srotas) begin to transport life (prana), oxygen, and other necessary nutrients to the brain ayurvedic massage in coimbatore.
 When the brain is free and the channels (srotas) are activated, the cerebral circulation is greatly improved, and access to these mood stabilizing receptors is enhanced. Furthermore, it may open new paradigms for exploring what we refer to as spiritual biotechnology.
 In India, Shirodhara is a common and age-old Ayurvedic practice, and the clinical benefits are being observed by Ayurvedic practitioners in thousands of clients.
 The Effects Of Shirodhara
 During Shirodhara, amplification of vibrations on the intracranial sinus has several results.
 a. Constant soothing pressure on the forehead.
b. Activation of certain areas… the frontal lobe, limbic system, brain stem, and autonomic nervous system.
c. Stimulation of tactile and thermoreceptors.
 It lowers sympathetic tone and releases endorphins and serotonin. As a result, there is a reduction in heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, rate of breathing and in the level of plasma noradrenaline and urinary serotonin excretion. Alpha rhythm in EEG is increased. It has an anxiolytic effect.
 In Shirodhara therapy, prolonged and intermittent stimulation by the dripping oil provides afferent inputs to the cerebral cortex, leading to a tranquilizing effect. By having an effect on the hypothalamus, Shirodhara results in improvement of most of the psychic and somatic disorders.
Shirodhara is an amazing, unique body therapy from the ancient natural medical system Ayurveda. It enhances the quality and benefits of massage (Abhyangam) as it directly and immediately calms, relaxes and has a cleansing effect on the mind, nerves and body.
 Find out how Ayurveda is beneficial for your body type. Call us today for a FREE  consultation at 0422-4212142 (Dr.Sajitha, Ayurveda Doctor in Coimbatore) or 04259-229418 (Dr.Ranjith David, Ayurveda Doctor in Pollachi)
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An Ayurvedic Sleep Cognizance For Night Owls And Day sleepers!
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One of the most fundamental elements of human physiology is Nidra (sleep). Along with Ahara (food) and Brahmacharya (celibacy), it is regarded as one of the three foundations of wellness. Getting enough sleep is necessary for good health and longevity. According to Acharya Charaka, the individual sleeps, when the Manas (mind), including the Indriyas (sense organs), are weary and dissociated. According to the Sushruta Samhita, getting enough sleep improves complexion, vigor, enthusiasm, digestive fire, and overall dhatus balance. Sleep deprivation causes the opposite effect. Sleeping at an inconvenient time, or sleeping too much or too little, is not recommended. Sleeping during the day elevates Vata, whereas staying up at night elevates Kapha.
Sleep disturbances can be caused by a poor lifestyle, mental strain, altered eating habits, and stress, all of which disrupt the quality of sleep. Nidranasha (sleeplessness) is described in Ayurveda as a symptom, a disorder, and even an aggravator of certain ailments. Body soreness, heaviness in the head, yawning, dullness, lethargy, and giddiness are all associated with the Vata derangement which is caused due to the lack of sleep. According to Ayurveda Journal, one should sleep at the right time for the right duration at night.
Sleeping during the day in any season other than summer is not recommended since it induces Kapha and Pitta vitiation. Anorexia, indigestion or reduction in digestive power, stiffness, anemia, itching, burning sensation, vomiting, impairment of cardiac functions, stiffness, drowsiness or sleepiness, the appearance of nodules, weakness, the reddish coloration of urine and eyes, and a coating over the palate are all complications which arise due to sleeping in the day. According to Ayurveda Journal,  Kapha dominates during one's childhood and Vata prevails in old age, which explains why sleeping becomes more difficult as you get older.
Ayurveda Journal is acknowledged as being the first adaptor of 'bio time' and its significance in promoting quality sleep with personalized medicine.
Most of us divide our days into three components: work, personal time, and sleep, with work taking up the most time, and hence a quality sleep is essential to maintain the balance of the three components.
The day is divided into six zones of four hours each in Ayurveda Journal, with one of the three doshas predominate in each zone; one day zone, and one night zone for each of the three doshas. We need to maintain our daily rhythms tuned to the age-old ayurvedic clock to live a balanced life—and enjoy the wonderful health benefits that come with it.
Are you mentally/physically stressed and as a result finding it hard to sleep at night? Well, it is time for you to consult AVPRF Ayurveda Speciality Clinics then, one of the leading Ayurveda Journal speciality clinics in Coimbatore. The doctors at AVPRF will help you to align yourself to the basic ayurvedic sleep clock which will ultimately improve your quality of mental and physical health.
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Ayurveda Immunity boosting measures during COVID 19 crisis
Ministry of AYUSH Ayurveda’s immunity boosting measures for self care during COVID 19 crisis In the wake of the Covid 19 outbreak, entire mankind across the globe is suffering. Enhancing the body’s natural defence system (immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimum health.   We all know that prevention is better than cure. While there is no medicine for COVID-19 as of now, it will be good to take preventive measures which boost our immunity in these times. Ayurveda, being the science of life, propagates the gifts of nature in maintaining healthy and happy living. Ayurveda’s extensive knowledge base on preventive care, derives from the concepts of “Dinacharya” - daily regimes and “Ritucharya” - seasonal regimes to maintain healthy life. It is a plant-based science. The simplicity of awareness about oneself and the harmony each individual can achieve by uplifting and maintaining his or her immunity is emphasized across Ayurveda’s classical scriptures.   Ministry of AYUSH recommends the following self-care guidelines for preventive health measures and boosting immunity with special reference to respiratory health. These are supported by Ayurvedic literature and scientific publications. Recommended Measures I General Measures 1. Drink warm water throughout the day.
2. Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation for at least 30 minutes as advised by Ministry of AYUSH (#YOGAatHome #StayHome #StaySafe) 3. Spices like Haldi (Turmeric), Jeera (Cumin), Dhaniya (Coriander) and Lahsun (Garlic) are recommended in cooking.   II Ayurvedic Immunity Promoting Measures 1. Take Chyavanprash 10gm (1tsf) in the morning. Diabetics should take sugar free Chyavanprash. 2. Drink herbal tea / decoction (Kadha) made from Tulsi (Basil), Dalchini (Cinnamon), Kalimirch (Black pepper), Shunthi (Dry Ginger) and Munakka (Raisin) - once or twice a day. Add jaggery (natural sugar) and / or fresh lemon juice to your taste, if needed. 3. Golden Milk- Half tea spoon Haldi (turmeric) powder in 150 ml hot milk - once or twice a day. III Simple Ayurvedic Procedures 1. Nasal application - Apply sesame oil / coconut oil or Ghee in both the nostrils (Pratimarsh Nasya) in morning and evening. 2. Oil pulling therapy- Take 1 table spoon sesame or coconut oil in mouth. Do not drink, Swish in the mouth for 2 to 3 minutes and spit it off followed by warm water rinse. This can be done once or twice a day. IV  During dry cough / sore throat 1. Steam inhalation with fresh Pudina (Mint) leaves or Ajwain (Caraway seeds) can be practiced once in a day.
2. Lavang (Clove) powder mixed with natural sugar / honey can be taken 2-3 times a day in case of cough or throat irritation. 3. These measures generally treat normal dry cough and sore throat. However, it is best to consult doctors if these symptoms persist. 1 The above measures can be followed to the extent possible as per an individual’s convenience. 2 These measures are recommended by following eminent Vaidyas from across the Country as they may possibly boost an individual’s immunity against infections.
1. Padma Shri Vaidya P R Krishnakumar, Coimbatore 2. Padma Bhushan Vaidya Devendra Triguna, Delhi 3. Vaidya P M Varier, Kottakkal 4. Vaidya Jayant Devpujari, Nagpur 5. Vaidya Vinay Velankar, Thane 6. Vaidya B S Prasad, Belgaum 7. Padma Shri Vaidya Gurdeep Singh, Jamnagar 8. Acharya Balkrishna ji, Haridwar 9. Vaidya M S Baghel, Jaipur 10. Vaidya R B Dwivedi, Hardoi UP 11. Vaidya K N Dwivedi, Varanasi
12. Vaidya Rakesh Sharma, Chandigarh 13. Vaidya Abichal Chattopadhyay, Kolkata 14. Vaidya Tanuja Nesari, Delhi 15. Vaidya Sanjeev Sharma, Jaipur 16. Vaidya Anup Thakar, Jamnagar   Disclaimer: The above advisory does not claim to be treatment for COVID 19.
Ref:- Ministry of Ayush  
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thevueindiatours · 5 years
Top Wellness Retreats in India
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All thanks to the ancient spiritual practices that originated in India as a means to enlightenment, the country is one of the most desired destinations for healing and wellness, second to none. It is a heavenly abode for people traveling in pursuit of rejuvenation and spiritual awakening. Ensuring the finest experience of a lifetime, the Wellness Retreats of India helps you to indulge into the ethereal odyssey amidst the beautiful concoction of tranquility and opulence. Here, we present to you some of the most prominent wellness retreats of the nation, assuring a perennial experience to invigorate your soul.
 To Get a best package: Wellness Tour.
 1. Ananda Spa, Uttaranchal
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An award winning luxury bliss situated in the Himalayan foothills, the Ananda Spa is surrounded by the exotic Sal forests. The retreat will not only sweep you off your feet with its beauteous surroundings but will also redefine your lifestyle by providing the traditional premium practices of Ayurveda, Vedanta and Yoga mingled with the best International experiences of wellbeing. Lying in the serenity of the Himalayas, it offers myriads of therapies and healing programs to tranquilize your body and mind.
Specializations: There are specialized treatments to cure blood pressure, eliminate toxins and treat insomnia, depression, gynecological issues, neurological disorders, rheumatism, arthritis, stiffness and sports injuries.
How to Reach: You can opt for either of the following ways to reach Ananda in the Himalayas:
Take a flight from Delhi Airport to Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradaun. The retreat is a 40 minutes captivating drive from the Airport. Take a train from Delhi to Haridwar, followed by a 90 minutes drive to reach the place.
2. Somatheeram Health Resort, Kerala:
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Set on the tropical gardens of South India, Somatheeram is known to be the world’s first Ayurveda Hospital set in a resort ambience. Providing the best of traditional Ayurvedic therapies and yoga, it is one amongst the most popular wellness retreats of the nation. The Ayurveda packages here include the Rejuvenation therapy, Detoxification, Slimming, Anti Ageing, Beauty Care and treatment for Stress Management. Amidst the copious healing programs that it offers, Somatheeram also provides for abounding activities like cultural programs, indoor games, boating, mehndi designing and phenomenal elephant rides. Aimed at providing the perfect concoction of health and good times, a visit to the resort is the best way to rejoice your holidays in Kerala.
Specializations: Specialized Ayurveda and Yoga treatments to heal variegated ailments and a number of tours to let you explore the marvels of Kerala.
How to Reach: Fly to Trivandrum Airport in Kerala. Your transfer from the airport to the resort is arranged by their personnel. On an average, it takes about 30 minutes to reach the place by taxi.  
Spiritual & Wellness: A Tour to the Birth Place of Yoga, Meditation & Spirituality.
 3. Shreyas Yoga Retreat, Bangalore
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Nestled in the lap of exotic frangipani gardens and other fascinating landscapes, the Shreyas Yoga Retreat in Bangalore is one of the top wellness retreats in India. With a wide range of rejuvenating therapies including the Panchakarma, the silent retreat, the yoga retreat, weight loss packages, detoxifying packages and the exquisite culinary experience, the resort is dedicated to promote the authentic tradition of Yoga, thus, enabling the guests to integrate the abounding facets and benefits of yoga into their daily lives.
Specializations: Yoga and meditation sessions to cleanse your body and mind, the best spa treatment and the organic vegetarian food to detoxify the body are all a part of the resort’s forte.
How to Reach:
You can fly to the Bangalore Airport and thereafter hire a bus or a taxi to make your way to the resort, which is approximately 45 kms from the Airport.
4. Isha Yoga Centre, Tamil Nadu
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Aimed at fostering the state of well being in individuals, the Isha Yoga Centre is situated amidst the foothills of Velliangiri Mountains in South India. Established by Sadhguru, the centre is a home to countless individuals who visit the centre in quest of inner peace and well being. As part of your daily regime, you need to dip into the sacred waters of the teerthakunds, followed by yoga and meditation. There are umpteen therapies and Ayurvedic treatments for successfully treating ailments of all kinds.
Specializations: Yoga and Meditation
How to Reach:
Take a flight to Coimbatore after which you can drive past the Irutupallam junction. The centre is another 8 kms from this junction
5. Carnoustie- Ayurveda & Wellness Resort, Kerala
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Set on the shores of Arabian Sea, 12 kms away from the backwaters of Alappuzha, the Carnoustie Ayurveda Resort is an opulent abode that provides you a perfect reinvigorating escapade. With abounding miraculous activities including Ayurveda, naturopathy, acupressure, yoga, pranic healing, meditation and diet, the resort offers a wide range of wellness programs to exhilarate your soul. These include: the Panchakarma-detoxification, Rejuvenation, weight loss, anti ageing and stress management programs. The plush villas at the resort with the amenities of a private pool provide an extravagant feel amidst the nature.
Specializations: Ayurveda, naturopathy and yoga to achieve enduring health and happiness; Rejuvenating massages and therapies along with several other activities to enrapture your stay.
How to Reach:
Fly into the Cochin International Airport. The resort is approximately 65 kms away from the airport. It is on an average 17 kms from the Alleppey Railway Station
6. Devaaya, Ayurveda & Nature Cure Centre, Goa
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Just 10 kms away from Panaji-the capital city of Goa, Devaaya is one of the most prominent Ayurveda and Nature cure centre that provides all the comforts of a five star resort and the extensive treatments of a therapy centre. Nestled on the Divar Island and featuring the traditional Goan style cottages, the Devaaya resort is a perfect place to unwind in the lap of nature.
Specializations: Ayurvedic treatments including Panchakarma and naturopathy to heal ailments like joint pains, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, asthma and obesity; Packages to detoxify and rejuvenate your mind and body.
How to Reach:
Fly into the Goa Dabolim Airport. The resort is approximately 35 kms away from the airport and around 45 kms from the Vasco Railway Station.
7. SwaSwara, Karnataka:
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True to its name, the SwaSwara located on the west coast of India is truly a haven for those in pursuit of peace. Inspired by the word OM-the first sound of creation, the resort is known to provide a rejuvenating escapade from the commotion of life. There are programs starting from 5 nights onwards to help you transform yourself for better. The treatments here are tailored to meet the individual requirements and a colossal team of chefs, doctors, therapists and artists guide you throughout your journey of transformation.
Specializations: Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, art yoga, spa etiquettes and medication along with proper diet are all the important facets of this resort.
How to Reach:
Fly into the Goa Dabolim Airport. The resort is approximately 3.5 hours away from the airport.
Looking for a rejuvenating holiday in India ? Luxuriate in the tranquility of the best wellness resorts here. Call VUE INDIA NOW for any further queries.
To know more about the best available wellness packages, click here !
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astangayurveda · 5 years
Get the best Ayurveda treatment in India
People have started understanding and acceptive the importance and richness of the 5,000 years previous system of Indian medicine- Ayurveda. With its increasing quality, a lot of best Ayurvedic hospitals in India arising to treat individuals and abroad.
People from global approach India for Ayurveda  treatments. Indian Ayurveda hospitals provide glorious Ayurvedic  treatments as they need gifted and toughened Ayurveda  Doctors (Vaidyas) UN agency strictly follows ancient strategies and systems to cure patients. Ayurveda, which accurately means that the science of life (Ayur = Life, Vedic literature = Science). Ayurveda is associate degree ancient life science that was developed in India thousands of years past, thus individuals from everywhere the globe take into account in India for Ayurvedic treatments. Now, individuals from across the globe visit to India for the treatment.
Ayurveda in India employs a pranic system of healing, that aims at correcting the doshas during a body by equalisation its life energy. Our partner centers square measure situated everywhere the country. We tend to advise treatment of a personal as per his needs. The treatment of Ayurveda involves differing kinds of massages betting on the complaint. Usually, they use flavorer oils and liquids on the body; typical massage techniques like uzhichil and pizhichil; covering the body with herbs, leaves; and differing kinds of flavorer powders.
There advantages several blessings of Ayurvedic treatments in India. The most advantage of Ayurveda  is that it uses natural components for treatment functions and also the solutions provided ideal to specifically address associate degree individual’s drawback. Ayurvedic treatment India needs time to indicate results. It for good cures severe ailments. The treatment course of the severe ailments sometimes stretches to a minimum of period before the results will be seen.
 This article provides you with the list of most celebrated and trustworthy Ayurvedic hospitals in Republic of India that have excelled in giving authentic and result-oriented medical services to patients from completely different elements of the globe. Thus here you go…
Best Ayurvedic Hospital in India
Fancy a massage? Escape to those Ayurvedic hospital in India to calm your senses and have a rejuvenating expertise.
Here, I mention you the best Ayurveda hospital in India.
So, I little bit more discussion about top rated “Google My Business” according to best Ayurvedic treatment in India.
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Here, you can see the best finding results according to the keyword.
You could find the best results according to “Alternative Medicine Practitioner” top rated in the list.
1.      Astang Ayurveda Hospital :: Ayurvedic Clinic in Bhubaneswar || Odisha || India
"Atithi devo Bhavah". "The guest is The God". We believe it. We at Astang Ayurveda are thankful to you that you opted and gave us a chance to serve you. we try our best to give you the state of art cleanliness, treatment, hospitality and service.
Dr. Ambika Prasad Nayak does the practice of Ayurveda Panchakarma treatment at Astang Ayurveda since 2000. He is a leading Ayurvedic Doctor in Bhubaneswar. He is the best for joint care, skin care and Neuro care.
Opening hours
Astang Ayurveda's Opening hours for both IPD and OPD.
·         IPD (24 Hours * 7 Days)
·         OPD (7 am to 1 pm every day)
Google find in the top listed according to the behalf of “Alternative Medicine Practitioner”, when I want to searching for best Ayurveda Hospital in India.
 2.       Krishnendu Ayurveda Hospital
 Dr. Suresh Babu , Dr. Mohan Babu and Dr. Sandeep are the chief Physicians at Chingoli ayurveda hospital, who are the descendants of  Chingoli ayurveda family of physicians  which hails from 19th century.
Krishnendu Ayurvedic Hospital is a one of its kind premier facility nestled at picturesque Chingoli, a quiet village in Alappuzha District, Kerala. This pioneering hospital, established by Late M.C.Kunjuraman Vaidyan and further developed by Vaidya Kala Nidhi. R. Krishnan Vaidyan, is a repository of rich wisdom in ayurveda and holistic medicines accumulated over four generations.
 3.       Shanta Ayurveda Hospital
The hospital is headed by Prof. Dr. K.T .Jayakrishnan, Chief Medical Officer, Former Medical Superintendent of Ayurveda College, Coimbatore and Sri Jayandra Saraswathi Ayurveda College, Chennai. He is well supported by competent and well-trained Ayurveda physicians and therapeutic assistants providing personal care to the patients.
 Here, you can find the top 3 Ayurveda hospital according to the suggestion of “Google My Business”.
It is the best proof of finding best Ayurveda hospital in India for the foreign patients or intelligence customers.
If you have any suggestion, please comment below.
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spine-surgeon · 5 years
Strength is an essential key to physical freedom, allowing an individual to function efficiently. Noteworthy health benefits like increased muscle mass and intricate muscular support offer an individual a better and healthier approach to life, but a good posture is identified as the core element of such benefits. However, with the transforming lifestyle, our bodies also go through n number of changes leading to negative impacts on bones and especially affecting back and neck. But Sattvik Spine & Scoliosis Center, with their excellent contributions to the medical field, provides the best solutions and sees more than what meets the eyes. This dedicated unit providing the treatment of all kinds of spinal disorders aims at leaving no stone unturned alleviate the suffering of patients.
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 What Makes Them Unique?
l  Staff - Centre offers its patients a passionate and trustworthy faculty dedicated to the same motto.
l  Facilities - Facilities including X-ray, Operating/ Surgical and Other diagnostic services are made available.
l  Mission - Offering the best possible treatments and services.
l  Awards&Achievements - The doctors have won numerous awards and conducted conferences due to their excellence in the field.
 Different Treatments They Offer
To help optimize care for patients with spine problems, the Center has a unique combination of a Best Spine Surgeons in India as well as an ayurvedic physician offering appropriate care to spine patients. It provides sevral treatments for spinal tumors, Scheuermann’s disease, Osteoporosis, cervical spondylosis, Scoliosis and many more problems.
The Doctors
l  Dr. Yogesh K Pithwa
Honored as the first Indian super specialist in Best Spine Surgery in Bangalore, dr Yogesh has won accolades for scientific paper presentations along with the acclaimed academic record earning the prestigious “Dr. AK Talwalkar Gold Medal”.
 l  Dr. Deepa Y Pithwa
An ideal doctor for natural treatments, Dr. Deepa Y. Pithwa has graduated in Ayurveda in Mumbai, Dr. Deepa Y. Pithwa is an expert in the field of ‘panchakarma’, learned at the famed Arya Vaidya Pharmacy of Coimbatore, India.
 Sattvik Spine& Scoliosis Center has helped transform the lives of thousands of patients in the last few years. Utilizing the most scientific, researched, and results-oriented techniques, the dedicated doctors of the center are able to realign the spines back to health and make the world a better living space.
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indianvaidyas · 7 months
When searching for Ayurvedic experts for kidney disease, consider looking for practitioners who are certified, have relevant experience, and preferably come recommended by trusted sources. If you want to find the best Ayurvedic doctor for kidney disease, Coimbatore
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Coimbatore Ayush Medical Center, where Dr. Eswar Iyappan, an Ayurvedic specialist in Coimbatore, offers personalized care for Jaundice treatment. With natural remedies and time-tested treatments, experience rejuvenation and relief from ailments. Trust in our expertise for your well-being journey.
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ijtsrd · 5 years
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Ayurvedic Medical Destination Selection Criterion Preference of Coimbatore City
by Sr. Kritikaa "Ayurvedic Medical Destination - Selection Criterion (Preference of Coimbatore City)" 
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-3 , April 2019, 
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd23176.pdf
Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/medicine/ayurvedic/23176/ayurvedic-medical-destination---selection-criterion-preference-of-coimbatore-city/sr-kritikaa
call for paper Ayurvedic, international journal Ayurvedic, ugc approved journals Ayurvedic
Primary reasons for the growth of ayurvedic medical tourism in India, is the very effective treatments, faith of the foreigners and domestic patient on the Indian's age old techniques of treatments. Moreover, numbers of ayurvedic centers are functioning in various Indian states owned by both State Government agencies and the private entrepreneurs, which are world renowned center. This study aim to identify the primary reasons stated by the tourist for selection of Coimbatore for medical tourist. The study declared that Coimbatore is considered as mostly reliable ayurvedic medical tourist destination. The city also offers very cost economic medical tourism center, the doctors and therapists, who are also considered as well trained and knowledgeable. The authors suggested the private ayurvedic medical institutions to pay more attention in promoting Coimbatore as the more reliable hub for ayurvedic treatments, rejuvenation and metal cum physical relaxation. 
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poornaayur-blog · 5 years
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Experience Ayurveda at rock bottom prices celebrating our 2nd Anniversary at Poorna Ayur, Race Course Coimbatore.
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Pre Book your slots : https://goo.gl/gH2geh
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Kerala may tweak healthcare administration to link modern and traditional medicine systems
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/kerala-may-tweak-healthcare-administration-to-link-modern-and-traditional-medicine-systems/
Kerala may tweak healthcare administration to link modern and traditional medicine systems
The southern state of Kerala, whose astute management of the Covid-19 pandemic has won global acclaim, is interlinking the administrative framework of traditional medicine systems in the state with its public health administrative system to aggressively combat the virus. The government has approved the recommendations of a task force constituted on leveraging the traditional Ayurvedic medicine system. It had suggested cross linkages to be established at the local self-government departments and associates for the effective delivery of Covid-19 fighting strategies.
The report of the task force comprising leading experts such as Dr PR Krishnakumar, CMD, Aryavaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore, J Hareendran Nair, founder and managing director of Pankaja Kasthuri Group and Dr PM Varier, managing trustee and chief physician of Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, envisaged grassroots public health components comprising ASHA workers and health inspectors to be enjoined in speeding up Ayurvedic strategies as well. The task force has proposed to rename dispensaries of Indian systems of medicines as Ayur Raksha Clinics (ASCs) which would be the basic units responsible for grassroots implementation. They would operate in tandem with private practitioners, professional organisations and local governments.
The report has also suggested a virtual outpatient platform called Niramaya for tertiary services that were offered by Ayurvedic college hospitals. At the top of the administrative structure would be the State Level Ayurveda Covid-19 Response Cell (SACRC), below which would be the regional cell (RACRC) and district cells (DACRC).
Kerala State Planning Board member, B Ekbal, had earlier told ET that one of the biggest worries was the ageing population and comorbidity of the population. About 60% of Keralites suffer from some other, mostly lifestyle related, disease, he had said. The state, at 12.5%, also has the highest geriatric population in the country.
Nationally, the AYUSH ministry has issued guidelines and traditional remedies to bolster the anti-Covid-19 fight. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his televised address on April 13 had pointed out that sipping warm water and increasing the intake of turmeric in food (part of the AYUSH guidelines) would help improve immunity.
The Kerala task force report points out how China effectively used traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in tandem with modern medicine to prevent the spread of Covid-19 outside its Wuhan province, the epicentre of the global pandemic. The country used TCM components in 23 out of 31 provinces for managing Covid-19 infections. It was found that TCM helped decrease hospital stay of Covid-19 positive patients by 22%, the report said. “There was a significant reduction in the rate of mild to severe cases by 27.4% and the clinical cure rate in laboratory diagnosed cases of COVID 19 was 90%,’’ it said.
KV Uthaman, managing director of the state-owned The Pharmaceutical (Indian Medicines) Corporation, better known by the brand name Oushadhi, told ET that the immediate focus would be improving the immunity levels of the geriatric population which is most vulnerable to Covid-19. Uthaman said the state was also exploring remedies in Sidha medicine which was earlier effectively used in Tamil Nadu for managing Chikunguniya.
Over the past two decades, Kerala has emerged as a globally famous centre for Ayurvedic treatment systems. It is not only one of the biggest exports from the state but also a major draw for wellness tourists. The Covid-19 scare is a big blow to the Ayurveda industry whose mainstay was treatments such as oil massages and baths. However, the wellness and preventive medicine based on herbs could get a boost in the wake of the pandemic.
Ayurveda infrastructure in Kerala
Public Total beds: 3,121 Reserved for Covid: 501 Doctors: 1,957 PG Scholars: 454 House surgeons: 341
Private Hospitals 303 Beds: 5,234
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Important Measures Recommended By ‘The Ministry of AYUSH’ to Fight COVID-19
Medically reviewed by Dr. Shunmukha Priya, Ph.D. in Food Science and Nutrition
A lot of silence around and the reason being COVID-19, the cases are increasing by the day in India. We have already completed 21 days of lockdown since last month. With no vaccines yet, all we can do is try more harder and stay home safe
It is the last day of the lockdown ‘Phase-01’. The ‘Phase-02’ of the lockdown is to be till the 3rd of May. Some of us are still not understanding how serious the situation is outside and ignoring most of the concerns given out by the government. It is time you wake up and do your bit.
Although the Phase-01 hasn’t been a great success, let us not ruin the Phase-02. If we get together today, we will see our tomorrow. Also, the future of our younger ones.
With an intention of protecting people from the pandemic ‘The Ministry of AYUSH’ has come up with 4 useful measures. Each one of you can protect yourself and your family practising the same.
As per ‘The Ministry of AYUSH’…
Ayurveda’s Immunity Boosting Measures For Self Care During COVID 19 Crisis
In the wake of the Covid 19 outbreak, entire mankind across the globe is suffering. Enhancing the body’s natural defence system (immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimum health. 
We all know that prevention is better than cure. While there is no medicine for COVID-19 as of now, it will be good to take preventive measures which boost our immunity in these times.
Ayurveda, being the science of life, propagates the gifts of nature in maintaining healthy and happy living. Ayurveda’s extensive knowledge base on preventive care, derives from the concepts of “Dinacharya” – daily regimes and “Ritucharya” – seasonal regimes to maintain healthy life.
It is a plant-based science. The simplicity of awareness about oneself and the harmony everyone can achieve by uplifting and maintaining his or her immunity is emphasized across Ayurveda’s classical scriptures. 
The Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy) recommends the following self-care guidelines for preventive health measures and boosting immunity with special reference to respiratory health. These are supported by Ayurvedic literature and scientific publications.
Recommended Measures
1. General Measures
Drink warm water throughout the day.
Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation for at least 30 minutes as advised by Ministry of AYUSH
Spices like Haldi (Turmeric), Jeera (Cumin), Dhaniya (Coriander) and Lahsun (Garlic) are recommended in cooking.
2. Ayurvedic Immunity Promoting Measures
Take Chyavanprash 10gm (1tsf) in the morning. Diabetics should take sugar free Chyavanprash.
Drink herbal tea / decoction (Kadha) made from Tulsi (Basil), Dalchini (Cinnamon), Kalimirch (Black pepper), Shunthi (Dry Ginger) and Munakka (Raisin) – once or twice a day. Add jaggery (natural sugar) and / or fresh lemon juice to your taste, if needed.
Golden Milk- Half teaspoon Haldi (turmeric) powder in 150 ml hot milk – once or twice a day.
3. Simple Ayurvedic Procedures:
Nasal application – Apply sesame oil / coconut oil or Ghee in both the nostrils (Pratimarsh Nasya) in morning and evening.
Oil pulling therapy- Take 1 tablespoon sesame or coconut oil in mouth. Do not drink, Swish in the mouth for 2 to 3 minutes and spit it off followed by warm water rinse. This can be done once or twice a day.
4. During dry cough / sore throat:
Steam inhalation with fresh Pudina (Mint) leaves or Ajwain (Caraway seeds) can be practiced once in a day. 
Lavang (Clove) powder mixed with natural sugar / honey can be taken 2-3 times a day in case of cough or throat irritation.
These measures generally treat normal dry cough and sore throat. However, it is best to consult doctors if these symptoms persist.
The above measures can be followed to the extent possible as per an individual’s convenience.
These measures are recommended by following eminent Vaidyas from across the Country as they may possibly boost an individual’s immunity against infections.
Padma Shri Vaidya P R Krishnakumar, Coimbatore
Padma Bhushan Vaidya Devendra Triguna, Delhi
Vaidya P M Varier, Kottakkal
Vaidya Jayant Devpujari, Nagpur
Vaidya Vinay Velankar, Thane
Vaidya B S Prasad, Belgaum
Padma Shri Vaidya Gurdeep Singh, Jamnagar
Acharya Balkrishna ji, Haridwar
Vaidya M S Baghel, Jaipur
Vaidya R B Dwivedi, Hardoi UP
Vaidya K N Dwivedi, Varanasi 
Vaidya Rakesh Sharma, Chandigarh
Vaidya Abichal Chattopadhyay, Kolkata
Vaidya Tanuja Nesari, Delhi
Vaidya Sanjeev Sharma, Jaipur
Vaidya Anup Thakar, Jamnagar 
Disclaimer: The above advisory does not claim to be treatment for COVID 19. 
The current pandemic is largest of all and the whole world is affected to an unimaginable extent. Not just ours but even the most developed nations are affected, in fact, even more than us.
Lakhs of people have lost their lives in the past few months due to the COVID-19. Let us not be among that count, nor our loved ones. Be the soldier staying home, be the fighter following the health advisory.  We shall overcome!
The post Important Measures Recommended By ‘The Ministry of AYUSH’ to Fight COVID-19 appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Important Measures Recommended By ‘The Ministry of AYUSH’ to Fight COVID-19 published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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