azusaluvclub · 11 months
Request: Dongha's reaction to seeing Donald, in his home, totally uninvited, having tea with his grandma in front of the fireplace.
LMAOOOO this is a fun ask, thx anon !
honestly, i think dongha would shit himself- would be going through a mix of emotions. confusion, because why the actual fuck is donald na at HIS house, and how could his grandma let someone this scary in; frustration, because he knows he can't kick him out; and fear, because... well, donald's fuckin' scary !
wants to lock himself up in the bathroom until he leaves, but the look donald gives him when he walks in says he probably shouldn't- so he tries to be as quiet as possible and pray it'll be over quick — or that donald isn't gonna say something to get him in trouble... or try and beat him up when his grandma isn't around... or kill them... or something worse... but really, his imagination is running like crazy the whole time poorthing :,) has the biggest sigh of relief whenever donald finally leaves loll
except he's got a new problem: now donald knows where he lives-
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azusaluvclub · 11 months
Who had/has the best mullet: Jake, Gray, or Ben?
if i had to give a ranking, i'd say:
3. gray, because his mullet gives me more angsty, emo side-hair vibes than anything
2. ben, because i like his short hair much better (sorry yall)
and 1. jake, because it suits him the best :,)
but if you want my REAL answer, the best mullet in wh is obviously hwangmo's-
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azusaluvclub · 11 months
hi I saw your ask box is open again and I'm curious to know if there are any ships u like in weak hero, if not what's the best bromance in ur opinion?
helloooo !!! theres a lot of ships in wh i like !
graywolf will always be my favorite but i also like some more underrated (? are some of these even known well enough to be underrated???) ones like jake x gerard, dean x eugene, jimmy x alex, etc... im a big fan of rarepairs even if it means having to get creative with them :,)
best bromance is obviously ben and alex, cause nobody cares about each more than those losers-
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azusaluvclub · 11 months
The Eunjang kids: kiss, marry, kill?
kiss on the cheek for all of them duh; ig platonically marry ben or gerard, only because i think they'd be good husband material (they both seem like the family-oriented, homemaker types- lol); and kill none of them, unless you count phillip + colton in this... in which case, they should probably start writing their wills :)
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azusaluvclub · 11 months
What's your favorite WH ship, crack or not?
is it lame of me to say gray x wolf ... LMAOO
i think i started shipping them like welllll after their fight, but honestly i cant remember what got me to ?? there were a couple rlly good fics i read for them, so that might've done it :))
but idk, i just rlly love their dynamic !! even outside of shipping, i feel like they would have an interesting friendship, because they're both stark personalities, but i think they could find some common ground even in those differences (and i think gray would definitely mellow wolf out a bit lol)
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azusaluvclub · 2 years
I follow you because I absolutely LOVE your writing!!! It's soo entertaining that I can literally reread it 10 times and not get bored with it <3
I also love your random two liner posts, they're fun!!
this is so sweet omg !! :((((((( thank you so much for the kind words, its much appreciated <333
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azusaluvclub · 2 years
hi 💙 i love your posts! hope everything's going well for you ❣️
awhhh thank you, thats so sweet !!! i hope everything is going well for you too + ur having a great day/night !! :))
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