#azushin merman au
cryptid-pet · 4 months
For My Sake
Week 1 Day 4 >>> Caruki Month
Caruki Merman Au
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Only I can do this So better not to try For the second time I won't say
-Rajan Manandhar
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cryptid-pet · 8 months
Azushin Mermaid AU Headcanons II Created at the Bottom of the Ocean
After months being under the power of Carla, Ruki just learned how to give in to humans. Sure, he hates them, wishes they were better to their own species, but in a case with being hostaged to one, you need to know when to act
Unlike Shin making exceptions with Azusa, Carla refuses- Keeping pretty strict at first
The closest Carla and Ruki have been is only when Carla is getting lab work done off of Ruki directly, meaning taking him out of the tank to get physical data
The lab work began to appear as a problem since Ruki didn't have time himself to recover or heal with whatever he was put through, and Carla didn't like the slow process of waiting. Carla makes the choice to tend to Ruki, even though Ruki pushes it away
There was a time where scales on Ruki's tail fin had to be removed and compared to scales on other parts of his body that was VERY painful, so Carla tried everything to heal him (Whether it was giving him a bath or bandaging said tail)
The times Azusa IS allowed to see Ruki, he asks how Carla is treating him and Ruki always doesn't know how to properly answer
Ruki ponders if all humans are like the Founder Brothers, if they have a limit when treating others poorly (It's really an excuse for Ruki to think about Carla when the guy is absent)
Homesickness does get the best of Ruki one day, and even Carla acknowledges this too
Carla learns how to be nicer to mermaids//mermens >>> Now making exceptions the way his brother does with Azusa
Ruki didn't understand the first night he slept in the same bed with Carla, it was weird being under the covers of a warm bed and not picturing yourself being part of a fish wrap
Despite small gestures and moments of kindness Carla gives to Ruki, business IS business
With letting Ruki sleep in his bed, Carla does spend the first few nights on the couch before being provoked by Ruki that he's "afraid" to share a bed with him (But he isn't afraid to rip Ruki and his brother out of their home by force)
They way Ruki teases Carla after opening up even more to the man is just asking for an ass whooping sometimes, and he knows it
Carla, coming back from being out on the water late at night, rarely brings back stuff from his findings to give to Ruki (But it's really junk and small objects, nothing worth anything to be sold to the community)
sorry that i forgot all about this, so ty to the anon that reminded me about! I apologize for this being rushed//sloppy
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cryptid-pet · 8 months
Tending To Stiched Scales
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Azushin Merman AU Caruki Short Story
Ruki slips a sigh out towards the warmth of the water. The reeking scent of roses and lilacs tinting the large bathroom was paradies not even Kim K could earn herself easily. It had to been two hours in this water basking under dimmed lights and aura of a candles' flickering flame.
This was a first from Carla, probably the nicest he's been to this merman within four weeks. The harsh tips of blades and marks from being cuffed in a chair with no legs to kick with was horrible, the scratches and bruises are what remain to show Ruki's survival through them. Even though this bath was granted, it wasn't as a reward- Like that would ever happen.
Because of how sensitive and fragile mystical creatures of the sea can be, Carla took the time to make sure Ruki would heal faster than normal, which seemed to be working accordingly. Splashing gently and toying with the petals that floated on the surface, how blind could this male be? Nothing felt like home just because Ruki was out of water in a damn tank, he's well aware of that nothing given can be taken as a replacement.
Considering the freedom being provided one day at a time, barely, he's not a free man at the surface like he is in the waters. Shin and Carla still were the dominant figures, nothing more nor less would change. Huffing at the thought left alone, Ruki sinks further in the tub with a head tilting back.
As the door opened, it's only Carla who peeks in. "Are you feeling better?" He asked, straigthfowardly.
"Barely," Ruki replied, purposely splashing water onto the floor knowing he won't be the one cleaning it. "You think pampering me will get me to cooperate with you?"
"Do not make it as more challenging than it must be, you're lucky your probability of death is slim."
Ruki smirks at that, interested. "You know if you killed me you'd me filthy rich, why not go for it?"
Carla didn't have time to talk, he had more lab work to do with Ruki so he didn't want this creature stinking the bathroom any further. Coming over, he casually scans and eyes Ruki.
"You're enjoying yourself too much, Mukami."
"So stop me, I won't get mad."
Only golden eye squint, staring a bit too much at the merman's tail. "You have scars and tears along that thing, submerge it underwater immediately."
"Hooh?" Ruki cocks. "Is that why you added pink salt to the water? For me to burn away my destroyed flesh and scales?"
"Unless you want to be under medication again to numb you up, then you shall listen to what I'm demanding from you."
It's really funny, it is the joke of the hour. Ruki stares with a smug look, it's making Carla want to kill himself already. As expected, a man has to do the labor himself, even when not instructed to.
With now ten minutes further into the bath, Carla wasn't expecting to be washing Ruki's tail fin for a good while, by force thanks to himself. Now he understands why these creatures are a pain to capture, the sass is high on the raidar. The change in who had control was impressive, since Ruki didn't have to do anything major to make Carla sit in a stool with his tail in his lap.
"Are those probability changes increasing?" Ruki taunts.
Silent, Carla makes eye contact, "Perhaps."
Child's fucking play. This is just mocking Carla at this point, liking getting a black women on her knees to scrub the floor queen. This is very insulting. The water was still clear, though would fog as time passed.
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cryptid-pet · 1 year
Killing stalking is a much more fucked up Shin x merman Azusa, they both can’t walk and fell in love with their captor, and will probably be skinned Alive
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cryptid-pet · 1 year
Azusa Cut in half hanging out with his eaten up bf :3- Diaboys killer
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cryptid-pet · 10 months
Blood for Treasure
Caruki >>> Azushin Merman Au >>>
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The water kept in a tank will never be compared to water in the ocean. Nothing vast and full of life compares to plastic and fake stones, the dyed fake plants that give the tacky look like in a dentist office. It’s already been painful with the separation of family, no exact contact being at aid. Considering the blessing of not being captured by a butcher, which wouldn’t be pleasant, being under the eyes of the Hunter Brother’s was the second worst.
Check it off the list, maybe the hope will sink in, but the list has been empty with no method to escape the surface. Like a broken ark, there’s no overzone. Just hearing the conversations among Shin and Carla was enough to add to Ruki’s awareness that the slim chance of getting to the ocean alive might be impossible. It’s been two weeks since he and Azusa got separated after the capture, leading to unnecessary worries sinking in. Even if there wouldn’t be a physical encounter, a visual for the brothers to see one another would be great nonetheless, a gift.
The couple tries to break the glass and almost got Ruki killed as many death threats were sent to him. He needs to get out of here, him and Azusa. Of course, he’s worried for Kou and Yuma, who barely can keep civil without a fight breaking out over a clam. Stress and unwanted thoughts kept slipping through the cracks. 
Nighttime came and Shin was granted permission to take the boat on his own, whereas Carla would keep in his study. The goal of Carla is to cure his illness, past attempts and visits from differ places diagnosed with the disease he had to be untreatable. Same with Yuma and Kou, Shin wouldn’t know what to do if Carla wasn’t around, only knowing what he’d want to see or expect from his younger brother; Carla is what keeps Shin going.
For once, Ruki was able to sleep, relying on the mini updates about Azusa as his medication to knock him out peacefully. For the first time within a couple weeks, he hasn’t seen Carla within the twenty four hour day.
Deep in a slumber, nothing, yet something, could disturb the merman. The time changed to two in the morning the following day, and Carla was still doing his research at the moment.
No way he was ready to rest, he never dared to bat an exhausted eye.This illness of his was killing him, mentally and physically. He’s desperate at this point, going for the past five years to make no progress. The research finding was more brutal compared to the poison flowing through the veins. Nothing was wrong with coming up with new solutions and ideas, and Carla went with that. He absolutely took the bullet, and dodged it too.
Meanwhile, back in the closed, secured room, Ruki slowly woke up to the sound of someone entering the room. He’s grateful enough that the tank he was casually dropped into was able to hold his long, silky body.
Such a metal and solid material door slams with an echo as Carla appears in the room, the braid once in his hair taken out and splayed smoothly down along his dorsal.
“Are you awake?” He asked, taking a glance over at the filled tank.
Ruki squints with the broad lighting from above flickering on, “Are you asking me if I’m ready for you to harass me once more?” He sassed, tapping a sharpened nail at the glass with a sway to the tail, “No, I am not awake.”
“Do not get on my nerves, Mukami.” Carla states, approaching. “I am at my limit where you simply lie around dainty and still to sleep, whereas I must keep going for a profit.”
“A profit you get paid for taking my brother and I from our homes, indeed, you are getting paid good.”
It’s true, Carla was ready to snap like he hasn’t already. His composure doesn’t faltar, nor do his reactions to Ruki’s smartass mouth.
“You ARE aware of what time it is? You WILL cooperate with me without further notice, WITHOUT hesitation.”
“Haven’t we given you and Shin enough?” Ruki questioned, being genuine. “You took blood samples, scale samples, and even chipped off one of our teeths for testing, what else could you possibly require?”
“A cure,” Carla spoke, getting up on the step stool beside the tank to open it from above, “I am taking you out, do not resist me.”
“And where are you planning to keep me? In a museum?”
“Do not make this more difficult than it has to be.” With that, Carla found himself literally dragging Ruki by an arm to lift from the water.
He’s strong, but Ruki is stronger thanks to his canal fin thrashing around. After a few minutes of struggle, Carla carried Ruki out of the room and into the lab-like room the merman disliked very much. Like earning lethal injection for a death sentence, Ruki was sat uncomfortably and strapped in a chair, swaying his tail in a brief attempt to grow adjusted.
Carla already started getting himself situated, the elastic on his wrist being used to put his hair up so it wouldn’t get in his face. He notices how Ruki stares intensely at him, like a predator watching over its prey.
“You stare with no fear, are you used to this treatment?”
“What is the valid point of expressing fear?” Ruki tilted his head, “I already know you and your brother get a kick from it.”
“Please,” Carla went through a drawer to find gloves, “Understandable on Shin’s behalf, but do not group me with him.”
“But he is your brother, correct?”
“Yes, but we’re not alike under some sections.” Carla ended up clarifying, shortly returning to stand in front of Ruki. He eyes him, examining; “Your stitches haven’t healed fully, so doing any further cutting along a strong tail would be absurd.”
“You never specified what you needed EXACTLY from my body,” Ruki mentioned, huffing, “You want something such as a urine sample?”
“Your urine is the last thing that will ever become an interest, even though it would be worth money.”
“Then what is it?”
“I want more blood samples,” Carla came beside Ruki this time and started gingerly keading and poking at his upper arm. Ruki doesn’t flinch or resist. “Unlike the four tubes we took from your brother, I’ll be taking triple the amount from you.”
“Twelve tubes of blood?” Ruki asked, “You want TWELVE tubes of MY blood? For what type of documents is this required for?”
“None of your business, the most I shall tell you is it’s for me, only me.”
Creepy enough for those having a fear of getting their blood drawn, imagine twelve tubes. Once the needle is in, surely nobody can feel it outside of the tiny pinch. These needles, unlike in a doctor's office or hospital, were bigger with longer tips. Easily, the nerves would feel every ounce of said needle sinking through the flesh, it kills.
Before Ruki could say another word to form another question, his head was turned to one side forcefully, his teeth gritting. Unlike trying to find a vein along a limb, Carla was trying to go for the neck, where blood isn’t normally drawn from.
“Loosen yourself up,” Carla demanded, extending an arm to the trey nearby on the counter to reach a syringe, “It’ll be painless if you cooperate with me.”
“I refuse, ESPECIALLY with the lack of information you won’t give to me,” Ruki tried to resist against a compelling force, though Carla has more upper body strength than him.
No fear shows by any means, mentally? Of course, the merman indeed has fear mentally for his santiy. It would be an overload of feelings, and that would begin to tank on someone’s health in every catergory. Without realizing at first, an echo of a grunt, a yell in addition, echoed through the hall from the lab. 
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cryptid-pet · 3 months
Reverse Swimming
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Week 2 Day 2 >>> Caruki Month
Swapped >>> Merman AU
To think being in the place of captured fish would be far worse than being butchered and sold for a profit was a joke. A bad joke. Roles switched, no longer a man that attacks the sea with ships not close in style like the Royal Navy branches. The tank Carla was held in was unbearable, and only can imagine how Shin’s taking it in a different room. Not having legs to kick and rather a fused lower body was weird, uncomfortable too. It almost seems too good of a reality for Carla, now playing the merman role, to be the entertainment Ruki needed.
As a drink was poured further off in the room, Ruki hummed softly as golden daggers stared at him from a safe distance. Just as much disbelief swelled in Carla, Ruki takes this more than a grain of salt. He’s freed, sorta. The tainted utensils that stood on the counter that belong into a laboratory room somewhere else in the building reeked like blood. Ruki, coming over to Carla’s tank, takes a sip of a pure clear beverage in a skinny, tall glass. 
“What have you done?” Carla asked, both hands palming the glass itself. He’s not used to the webbing between every digit.
Ruki tilts his head, smirking, “Whatever are you talking about?”
“You know well what is being asked here.”
“I suppose I do,” Ruki answered, grinding the gears. “But I’m not the one at fault.”
Carla stares more intensely, “Who is?” He quizzed.
Ruki shrugs. Either way, he’s happy he’s not the one in that box with fake plants and only eating leftovers rats and racoons would feast upon. Not needing to suffer being poked and cut open for the sake of a damn illness, it was a dream that certainly came true. Whereabouts for Azusa, understanding that Shin is also a merman, is unknown- However is doing the same treatment Ruki is doing to the other Tsukinami.
Get him out. GET Carla OUT of here. It’s enough to put up with the illness slowly killing and rotting his insides, but this? Being treated so poorly? It’s deserved, taking the perspective of both Azusa and Ruki: Being taken from their homes, their family too. No mercy. None. By the time Ruki finished his drink, he already had ideas in mind.
“You know,” He started, curling the rim of the glass. “I still have those scars from where you’d peel scales off my body, where you’d cut and slice through me.”
Carla squirms despite his long dark crimson tail being in the way to find any comfort in the tank. He squints, “What are you plotting, Mukami? Degrading me, perhaps?”
“No, not necessarily.” 
It only takes a head nod directed to the science material that laid around the room from Ruki for the other to get the gist.
Punishment, payback, all the above. It’ll be the same treatment Carla gave to Ruki. Hell, beyond that event. He’s going to make Carla suffer more, mentally and physically.
When Carla wakes up, he doesn’t jolt into a sitting position on the bed. He’s aware of the heavy breathing and pounding heart asking to be freed from the rib cage. His chest aches, his head aches. It was a nightmare, none of it was real. Easing at the realization that such a thing can transpire in slumber, Carla looks beside him. It’s been five weeks he and Shin took Ruki and Azusa from the ocean, and opened up acceptances. Ruki, being granted the permission to sleep alongside the human, was still sleeping despite the faint commotion. 
Carla may have a fear now, and it isn’t just the disease he obtained. No, it’s more than that, much more. He honestly can’t tell whether to be relieved or not. It’s all fake, clearly. There’s no way that would happen: Switching roles with his own cash cow. He shivers at the thought, the aftershock fading with the night sky. It’s a cold breeze, a nice one, but it feels like the Arctic to Carla. It’s impressive to see Ruki not wake up from the brief shakes to the mattress. Staring at the slumbering one, the thought of being in Ruki’s position never fails to distract the human.
Strange, isn’t it?
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cryptid-pet · 1 year
Subaru could bribe kou with a strand of his hair cause that siren is obviously obsessed with him and he knows it
“You’re the only person who probably can help”
“Neehh~? What’s in it for m-“
*Insert Subaru cutting a bit of his hair right in front of Kou*
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cryptid-pet · 1 year
“Oi siren, heal my wound”
“I’ll give you this gold necklace”
*intense water splashing*
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cryptid-pet · 1 year
An Alluring Song
Kou Mukami Moodboard >>> Merman AU
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“Bring your body unto me. Let your graveyard be the sea…”
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cryptid-pet · 11 months
Hihihi just a little update w//the second caruki short story based on the azushin merman au
I’m not going to post it until tomorrow OR Monday, I haven’t been feeling good (just got a Covid vaccine and this shit the following day sucks ass) and I’m having so family situations at the moment, so PLEASE bear with me! I’ll try to get it uploaded asap
Thank you ~~~
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cryptid-pet · 8 months
YOU—girl, let’s calm down, basically, Shin finds out that Ruki merman carries the antidote to Carla’s condition. He’s not gifting RUKI as a MERMAN ITSELF, he’s gifting Carla the antidote to his condition which has been killing him, and he’s calling this gift as a repayment to the protection Carla has been giving him as his brother, but that’s not the only reason why but Shin makes it be. Carla being a bitch himself will use Ruki the same way he is in this Hunter AU. He will probably abuse him and experiment on him, the only difference is that he’s the rich man and only Shin is a hunter. So there are gonna be cases of other rich men wanting Ruki for other antidotes or to simply abuse or to sell of to a museum and make more money
no I’m being serious too bc school has been up my ass and I haven’t had a lot of free time on my own (but that’s not really considered much of an excuse lmao)
no it makes sense now, gifting Ruki since he’s a source for a cure for Carla
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cryptid-pet · 8 months
well i dont think ruki being considere a "gift" is needed if Shin is trying to "repay" Carla for protecting him
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cryptid-pet · 8 months
Geya Nixxio here to remind you,
You need to post a new chapter of Incubus Azusa.
And you still need to do part 2 and 3 of the merman Caruki nsfw AU headcons that u started 💀
Okay, I’ve been doing chapter 28 of the incubus au (I plan to continue working on it tomorrow in a free period so don’t worry 😉)
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cryptid-pet · 10 months
Do you think that in the merman AU whilst the hunters might fall in love with the mermen, Azusa would be too terrified of Shin to ever think of him as a “Lover” and Ruki might despite Carla for trapping/ taking them away from family/ blackmailing him with Azusa
Slight mention of murder and shootings just for a tw))
Oh absolutely I think that
If it was you in that position, I’m sure you wouldn’t express any love towards those who kidnapped you for THEIR personal reasons
If we compare to how Ruki despise humans in DL overall, it would be the same in the Merman AU, we are cruel to our own kind w//murders, shootings, and whatsoever
And whereas Azusa in this AU doesn’t fully understand how humans work in all aspects pects of mentally AND emotionally, it can be confusing for himself to comprehend those feelings on his end too
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cryptid-pet · 10 months
So, IF in the merman AU the Hunter brothers did accept an proposal from another known and famous Hunter, well let’s say he’s a fine man and not really a hunter, he doesn’t hunt mermaids but he had studied merman languages and body behavior more than anyone in the town, and he was more experienced in getting on the “good side” of a merman rather then the Hunter brothers who mainly used force and violence against them. Through him taking blood samples became easier however, this relationship between him and the eldest merman had gotten quite close. Will Carla began to get jealous? How will he take his jealousy on Ruki?
I feel like it would depend on the other Hunter and how they overall interact with Carla. If they already got on Carla’s bad side, then you can easily add on with him being jealous relating to Ruki
I think we all agreed Reiji was from the other town divided by the water who does lab work or whatever (legit can process wtf I was typing here I redid it three times) SO you can make this person BE Reiji himself
But as of talking about Ruki’s involvement >>> He still can’t do much about it, he’s the one just “going along” with the Hunter Brothers, it’s not like he can run anywhere or his words will reach Carla or Shin
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