#b/c apparently ppl arent teaching their kids it anymore in ghana and are emphasising twi instead
spaciebabie · 2 years
i wish my family actually spoke ga ta me and my brother when we were younger instead of just speaking it around us b/c i am existing in this weird middle ground between bilingual and monolingual where i can understand most of what they're saying but i cant speak it back ta them and its frustrating
like i know why they didn't wanna teach me and my bro it, when my family first moved ta america my mother had a hard time in school growing up b/c she didnt speak english so she couldnt talk ta any of the kids and she was lonely for awhile and they didn't want that ta happen ta us but. we were born here sjkfdskf we would've learned english anyway
idc if it would've been hard i already feel disconnected from my culture as it is, i just want this small part of it yk? its such a cool language too!!!!!!!!!!!! its so expressive and dramatic its literally perfect for me!!!!!!!!!!!!
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