#b) they're running on a long queue which is easy enough to check if every post on their blog is posted at exact intervals
septimus-heap · 2 years
Okay wait I made this very long and ranty post and said I wasn't going to link the post I saw bc I didn't want to get harassed but it's so hard to explain what im trying to say without linking it so here it is. Anyway. This specific bit is part of what drives me insane:
so your goal isn't for more people to delight in your content; it's for more people to see your content, and for each of them then to make even more people see your content in turn. and so on. infinitely. just sharing. just exposure.
Like. They were so close. They were so, so close to understanding why we beg for reblogs,, I WANT more people to delight in my art (not content, get fucked) and yes I WANT more people to see it as well??? Because if no one reblogs it it stays with the followers I have and no one else ever gets a chance to enjoy it. And also I think it's partly bc they r misunderstanding who is begging for rbs. No one is saying u look rude if u don't reblog shitposts. The people who r trying to "control the way you use this site" (<-not smth this person specifically said I don't think but a very common phrase I see used by ppl who act like there's a gun to their head to rb things) r the artists and the writers and the other creatives that use this site like. Idk. I'm not in the wrong for getting upset abt the like/reblog ratio on my art. You're not in the wrong for not reblogging, but I reserve the right to block you for contributing nothing to my blog. You're no better than a bot if u don't reblog my art
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