fluffypuppychan · 8 years
sandeul giving me a heart after i gave him one 😭💖
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
i’ll find you - cnu focus 💖
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
drunk on you 💖 (channie, jinyoung, and cnu focus)
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
jinyoung teasing us with a water bottle!
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
b1a4 in chicago!!!
wahhh okay i’m gonna try and write as much of this as i can remember. i’m gonna skip all of the “we had to wait in line forever” stuff b/c that’s boring and who cares lol
since i’m on my ipad (didn’t wanna carry computer w/me all the way to chicago) it’s hard to insert videos and pics and stuff so i’ll upload some of those moments separately and tag everything related to the concert under “b1a4chicago2k17”
one of my favorite things right off from the beginning is that the stage just consisted of the boys. it made the concert feel more intimate without all of the backup dancers and stage props. and they really knew how to work the stage i was so impressed by how much energy they had coming out c’:
and this might sound like a pretty obvious thing but oh my god they’re so SEXY!!! like i nearly passed out from watching them perform “oh my god” esp cnu he was always so extra with the body rolls i just really couldn’t with him even sandeul was really getting into it it was !!! so much fun to watch lol someone said to me while i was in line that after seeing a group live it’s possible for your bias to change...my bias hasn’t changed (i think lol) but omg i need a second to talk about baro
the king of fanservice and just being an overall sweetheart omg i don’t know what it was….maybe he could sense all of the baro stans were in our section (i think baro was the bias for at least 4 or 5 girls in my row lol) but he kept coming over to our section and staying for long periods of time and throwing us lots of hearts and waving and posing for the camera! the girl standing right next to me was a baro fan and i was screaming for her because he stopped in front of her camera SO MANY TIMES it was like they were silently communicating?? she didn’t even have a sign up with his name or anything like that idk it was just beautiful tbh baro really blew me away with how attentive he was with us i couldn’t handle it and gongchan too! gongchan came to our section a lot as well and he even stopped in front of my camera when he saw i was trying to take a picture and posed for me but the picture ended up grainy :cccc i’m so sad i didn’t act quick enough. he was so cute the entire time though, he really reminds me of a puppy in person and he was making me question my bias list lmao (i’m not gonna lie ok, i love all of the boys but channie…) jinyoung omg lol like...jinyoung was like so...mischievous? lol he was always pulling the weirdest expressions...lots of smug grins and questioning eyebrows raised at banas in this really “you’re being super cute but i’m also judging you rn” kinda way. i thought it was very fitting for his personality haha and he LOVED teasing us especially near the end with the bottles of water. he seriously got a kick out of it and it was the cutest thing to watch him really enjoy himself. also he DABBED and had the most smug grin afterwards and if anyone recorded this moment please send it to me b/c I NEED IT sandeul came over to our section a few times (AND EVEN GAVE ME A HEART) but he mostly stayed in the middle or off to the other side of the stage so i didn’t get many close ups of him unfortunately. there was a lot of back and forth between him and cnu (be still my shindeul bias heart) and as expected his vocals were AMAZING cnu was so cute okay he confused the heck out of me though like one second he was being really adorable and throwing us hearts and being a squishy lil thing and then he’d move his hips and i’d be like ???? then scream “SHIN DONGWOO!!!” (i screamed a lot...like a lot. the girls standing next to me would occasionally give me a look like they couldn’t believe i was screaming that loud lol and i screamed super loud whenever cnu was being RUDE (95% of the time) ) i screamed jinyoung’s name a lot too esp when he was looking in our direction and he’d wave (i was such a mess, most of the time it didn’t dawn on me to have my phone out while doing these things -.- i want to shake myself lol) also there were a couple of times when the boys asked us what our favorite songs off of good timing were and i kept screaming “together” and istg baro and cnu heard me a few times but they pretended they didn’t lol probably b/c they didn’t want to perform the song (idk why tho :ccc) other random things… i got to meet @sassy-lady-of-ithilien and she was so sweet and lovely it sucks we weren’t in the same section but i’m so happy i got to meet her and cry over cnu c’: there were a few times i met eyes w/jinyoung, cnu, and baro and i just didn’t know what to do with myself so i’d just wave and squeal like i didn’t know how to function lol the girl sitting next to me was a pro, every time they looked at her she threw them a heart and then they'd wave and throw one back lol (that’s where i got the idea to quickly throw one at sandeul c’:) did i mention baro ??? the time machine segment was a lot of fun and a lot of the crowd seemed to know those lyrics which i think energized the boys c: even though they only did parts of the songs it felt like “what’s happening” was a little longer than some of the others and people were REALLY loud during that, it was so great to hear!! i tried to capture most of that part on camera but then i got too into the music so i put my phone away lol i’ll upload w/e i have though “nightmare” was one of my favorite performances b/c the choreo is so sexy and cnu was REALLY feeling himself (which i love omg) and of course “good timing” was amazing b/c they closed with that song and everyone was so hype and the boys were teasing us and throwing water and it was wonderful close to the end baro was saying one of the things they love about chicago is the pizza and he was really sad b/c they didn’t have time to eat any and it was so cute b/c one of the girls behind me screamed “you can take my credit card!” lol 
and when he said it was time for she show to end and that they’d have to go back to korea soon to end everyone shouted “no!” and i told them not to go back to korea b/c we’ll miss them too much and they all looked so amused c’:
baro made us all put up our fingers and pinky swear we’d wait for them to come back again :c (ugh he’s so cute) also it was really cute when baro was teasing us behind stage before they came back for the encore. he’s sooooo…!!!
OKAY HI TOUCH imma be honest i don’t remember a whole lot but b/c it was so fast i mean their hands were so soft and they all looked so sweet i wanted to hug them :c BUT two things did stand out to me first, was BARO again, he was the first person in the line for hi touch and when i told him i loved him a lot he told me loved me so much. i know he says stuff like that to fans all the time but maybe because i saw him in my section a lot i felt this personal connection with him c’: cnu and sandeul were next i think (i really can’t remember omg) but i remember GONGCHAN b/c when i told him thank you and that i really loved him he genuinely looked touched my chest started hurting b/c of that expression on his face OH AND JINYOUNG freaking jinyoung had his hair pushed back and up into this suave looking style (very fitting for him) and i wanted to scream omg he looked so hot like that (sorry that’s 3 things) it all felt so surreal and i didn’t actually start crying until i was outside and on my way back, everything finally hit me :cccc then i ate a huge brownie sundae while sorting through my videos and photos and trying to type as much as i could remember before falling asleep lol i’ll probably add more once I actually upload the vids and remember things but for now I think that’s it c’: i hope b1a4 comes back soon, i love them even more than i did before and hopefully it won’t be as long of a wait next time!! if you have any questions about any specific thing let me know c’:
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
shindeul! 🐻🐤💖
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
cnu + "if..." part 2!
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
gongchannie 💖✨
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
jinyoung teasing us w/a water bottle AGAIN (feat. channie 💕)
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fluffypuppychan · 8 years
fluffy bear getting close to fans 🐻💘
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