musingsofazumbamind · 5 years
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Two compliments today that made me think. 1. “I’m 70 and I loved it!” And 2. “Your cues are the best! I followed everything you did, you inspired me to move!” I am always surprised when folks say their instructors don’t cue, or cue verbally, or don’t somehow welcome every age and every body in the room. Don’t we all learn the plan in our #b1training? We have a job to do. Bring a party where everyone is welcome, layer and modify and cue your moves for every body, so that our “exercise in disguise” keeps folks coming back. Period. It’s our job. Joy, and fun, and fitness are our JOB. #joy #zumba #zumbafitness #nonverbalcueing #proskills #fitness #nonverbal #ameliazumba #ameliabedeliafitness @zumba (at Princeton Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBViGApsbF/?igshid=8m8fmwtq46p3
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