#baahubali question meme
avani008 · 7 years
Baahubali Question Meme
1. Which language do you prefer to watch the movies in and why? If you've watched multiple versions, are there any translation choices in one version that you prefer?
2. Your favorite song picturization.
3. Devasena or Sivagami?
4. It's not a fandom without shipping. Share a headcanon about your OTP, or your NoTP, or that one non-canon ship that is intriguing, or all three!
5. Kuntala or Mahishmati?
6. The scene(s) you could watch over and over again.
7. Like it or not, get in touch with your inner Bijjaladeva: think of your favorite character, and tell us one thing that annoys you about him/her.
8. Kattappa or Bhalladeva?
9. Time to channel Amarendra instead: think of your least favorite character, and do your best to come up with one positive thing about him/her.
10. Everyone's got an unpopular/controversial opinion, no matter what the fandom. Let's hear yours!
11. Choose your favorite fandom sorting mechanism (i.e. Hogwarts houses, daemons, Game of Thrones houses) or more than one if you're really feeling adventurous. Tell us what results you think the main Baahubali characters would have.
12. Let's pretend Rajamouli has decided to make a oneshot film about any period of time not covered by the films, whether before, after, or during the events we see--but only one. What would you want it to be about?
13. Avantika or Mahendra/Shivu(du)?
14. What three movies/books/TV shows would you recommend to fellow fans suffering Baahubali withdrawal?
15. Tag any of your friends that you think might be interested!
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queenofmahishmati · 7 years
Baahubali Question Meme
Brainchild of the awesome @avani008 ( I drafted this before you tagged me in your reply LOL ). So I’m putting it under readmore after the first answer cause they’re all really long…
1. Which language do you prefer to watch the movies in and why? If you’ve watched multiple versions, are there any translation choices in one version that you prefer?
Both the movies, I watched them first in Tamil. And then in Telugu. Those two are my only preferred versions cause I love hearing the original voice of the actors as I’m more used to it ( I grew up watching movies from these two film industries ). Also, very recently I came to know that though the story was written in Telugu, the script was written entirely in Tamil and then translated to Telugu ( just few parts were done the other way around ), so most of the Tamil dialogues from both the movies hits straight home with me. My two ever favourites would be, 
இக்கணம் முதல் மரணம் அணைக்கும் வரை நான் உன்னுடையவன் தேவசேனா.  I’m yours till death embraces me, Devasena ( Amarendra )
இந்த பிரபஞ்சத்தில் நீ விரும்ப வேண்டுமானாலும் வெறுக்க வேண்டுமானாலும் நான் மட்டும் தான் இருப்பேன் தேவசேனா. You have only me to love or hate in this world henceforth, Devasena ( Bhalla )   
2. Your favourite song picturization.
Tough!! Its a close call between Irul Konda Vaanil ( Mamatala Talli ) and Vandhai Ayya ( Dandalayya ). I low-key love Shivam ( title cards track ) and Manohari. I love the waterfalls alone in Dheerane ( Dhivara ). 
3. Devasena or Sivagami?
If you knew me, you wouldn’t ask me that question. Both had their best qualities and their fatal flaws. I can’t choose. But I’ll put them in this order, Sivagami And Devasena. 
4. It’s not a fandom without shipping. Share a headcanon about your OTP, or your NoTP, or that one non-canon ship that is intriguing, or all three!
OTP of all otps: Amarsena — Every time Amarendra excuses someone mocking him ( I’m imagining there would be plenty times in the one year they stayed as a couple within the castle ), I can’t help but picture Devasena giving a hard nudge to his side or challenging him and everyone present openly like she did at her baby shower ceremony to do something about it.
BONUS— a cute headcanon:
A: Why am I the only one unable to feel her move? D: HE won’t respond until you address your son properly!
( a girl can dream… ) 
5. Kuntala or Mahishmati?
Mahishmati, my url says it all!! Mahishmati endured while Kuntala burnt ( all thanks to my King, don’t hate me ).
6. The scene(s) you could watch over and over again.
That one iconic scene: When Deva walks over Amarendra’s shoulders ( I’m Kattappa in that scene ). Second best: When Sivagami power walks into the throne room with the baby in her hand and kills Martanda saying “Raja Thandhiram!!”  Third best ( and also the one I melt with ): When Bhalla talks to the crown flexing those abs and muscles, glinting like a dream in gold in that fire light… 
7. Like it or not, get in touch with your inner Bijjaladeva: think of your favourite character, and tell us one thing that annoys you about him/her.
Looks at Amarendra during Dandalayya: How the hell is he always so popular despite being the pauper?? 
8. Kattappa or Bhalladeva?
BHALLALADEVA. He did what he wanted to do or constantly found a twisted way to do it. To be honest, Kattappa should’ve take a few lessons from him cause I’m thinking Bhalla had that attitude ever since he was a kid…
9. Time to channel Amarendra instead: think of your least favourite character, and do your best to come up with one positive thing about him/her.
Dandanayakka: He is loyal to his friendship with Bhalla and thus would prove to be loyal to the throne (??)
10. Everyone’s got an unpopular/controversial opinion, no matter what the fandom. Let’s hear yours!
Bhalla who killed his own mother should’ve killed the mother of his son too just because she wasn’t Devasena ( or she might have died too but honestly no, Bhadra couldn’t have been adopted but could definitely be a surrogate son ). 
Being a vassal kingdom to Mahishmati, maybe if Devasena and her brother had remembered to turn down the marriage offer in a little more respectable way or had even mentioned that Deva was interested in someone else or something along the lines— the entire catastrophe that happened after Deva’s arrival in Mahishmati could’ve been prevented. And also, I’m sorry to say this, no matter how much of an ideal and exemplary woman Devasena is, I couldn’t help but cringe at the less than respectable way she treated Sivagami ( Bhalla & Bijju don’t matter honestly ). A woman of her wisdom and who possesses so much clarity, could’ve handled it all more tactfully rather than erupting like an impatient volcano. The one year in exile is what made her perfect. And sadly, we could see the same problem reflected in Mahendra. He may look like his father but is carbon copy of his mother.
11. Choose your favourite fandom sorting mechanism (i.e. Hogwarts houses, daemons, Game of Thrones houses) or more than one if you’re really feeling adventurous. Tell us what results you think the main Baahubali characters would have.
Hogwarts houses would be my obvious choice. Sivagami would be in Ravenclaw. Amarendra would be a Hufflepuff. Devasena is undoubtedly Gryffindor. Bhalladeva is a complex puzzle who could fit in both gryff and slyth, but would be a Slytherin because of his slyness and thirst for power that you cannot see in a gryffindor. Kattappa is Gryffindor. Bijjala and Bhadra, again Slytherin. Avantika and Mahendra are Gryffindor. 
12. Let’s pretend Rajamouli has decided to make a oneshot film about any period of time not covered by the films, whether before, after, or during the events we see–but only one. What would you want it to be about?
I don’t know if this opinion exists, but I want to see the childhood days of Amarendra and Bhalla because no child is born evil. I need to see what changed Bhalla to the way he is ( there needs to be a bigger force than his father’s temper tantrums cause he obviously knows that, to be in power he needs to be like his mum and not Bijju. He knows for his word to be law, he cannot simply throw them around. ) 
I also want to see the one year that Amarsena lived within the palace after the wedding which I’m sure most of you wish for as well. 
13. Avantika or Mahendra/Shivu(du)?
I would honestly pass them both but since I don’t have another option, I would choose Avantika. She has her head screwed on right ( well, better than Mahendra I mean ).
14. What three movies/books/TV shows would you recommend to fellow fans suffering Baahubali withdrawal?
God, this is gonna be awfully hard cause I’m not yet suffering from any withdrawal symptoms. My mind is still roaming somewhere in Mahishmati and refuses to come back.
So Movies, I would suggest you to look forward to Nene Raju Nene Mantri cause I see so many parallels between those two characters of Rana ( I may very well be talking to all the Bhalla fans in here ).  Mirchi is a roller-coaster. If you need more of Rajamouli’s magic in a historical setting, try Magadheera. For Books, you can try the Rise of Sivagami. Also The Shiva Trilogy, you will love it trust me. Or any versions of Mahabharatha, my favourite is Palace of Illusions which is the entire story from Draupadi’s perspective. An immensely satisfying read it was. I don’t have time for TV shows really but Game of Thrones anyone?? ( gosh I still got one whole season to catch up to before the recent season ) 
15. Tag any of your friends that you think might be interested!
Okay, I’m tagging only those I know are as mad as me about Baahubali or I might have discussed this movie franchise with them at some point. @forestpenguin, @adiyaathi, @myluckyerror, @sakhiya,​ @kollyreign & @puppyloveblog24​
The rest of my amazing followers are welcome to do this if you find it interesting, just tag it “baahubali question meme” and we would love to read all of your opinions. 
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livinthefandommlife · 7 years
Baahubali Question Meme
I was tagged by @avani008, and because she took time to answer all of the question, lemme be nice and do the same. THanks, Avani! (btw, loved your answers!) This is pretty long, so, please keep reading if you’d like to!
1. Which language do you prefer to watch the movies in and why? If you’ve watched multiple versions, are there any translation choices in one version that you prefer? I first watched it in Tamil, and then in Telugu. Problem is, I love both equally? I love the voice modulations that were given by dubbing artistes in the Tamil version. But I also love Prabhas’ (his promise to Deva on the bridge in his voice KILLED me, okay), and Rana’s (if i could just record his voice and hear it forever, I would. Plus, his voice modulations right after Amara’s death scene was A-MA-ZING) voices in the movies. If I HAVE to choose - Tamil. I can watch it without subtitles.
2. Your favorite song picturization. Oru Yaagam/Oka Praanam. What a brilliant way to recall the first movie’s key points! The deep percussion (sort of reminiscent of a heartbeat), with the strings, and the voice, completely blending and elevating the absolutely brilliant VFX work -- fascinating would be an understatement. I still get goosebumps when I watch it.
3. Devasena or Sivagami? Devasena. Sivagami is a well-written character, a strong female with her own flaws and faults. But Deva is just on a whole other level. When she goes “antha ingitham kooda illaiya?!”(”Don’t you even have that much of sense?!”) I pretty much lost it. She stole my heart right from the get-go. 
4. It’s not a fandom without shipping. Share a headcanon about your OTP, or your NoTP, or that one non-canon ship that is intriguing, or all three! OTP is AmarSena forevereverever and ever. Headcanon that Amara was with Deva in the 25 years in spirit, and only she could see him. He sings her to sleep, distracts her from the discomfort, ‘travels’ around Mahishmati and tells her all that he sees, and just perhaps, he tells her of Mahendra growing up. Maybe that’s why she was so sure her son would come for her even though he was believed to be dead, because Amara assured her of his existence. He finally vanishes for good after Bhalla is defeated, his soul is finally ‘at peace’. Deva doesn’t see him again, not till she passes on. A little cartoonish, maybe, but I needed to imagine this to soothe my ravaged heart. 
5. Kuntala or Mahishmati? Kuntala. Such a visual treat that kingdom was! <3 
6. The scene(s) you could watch over and over again. AmarSena fighting the Pindaris together. Eeeps. I still cannot get over the perfection that the scene was. Also, the interval scene. Once again, goosebumps!
7. Like it or not, get in touch with your inner Bijjaladeva: think of your favorite character, and tell us one thing that annoys you about him/her. Devasena. Hmm. I guess the girl could try to know when to speak? I love how she keep nothing bottled up, and I loved it when she kept lashing out at Rajamata. But, I feel like she could’ve done it in private?
8. Kattappa or Bhalladeva? Bhallaladeva. Kattappa is great, no doubt, but I am bitter about him killing Amara. Besides, Bhalla is one villain I actually admire. So cunning. I hate him, but I low-key like how his brain works.
9. Time to channel Amarendra instead: think of your least favorite character, and do your best to come up with one positive thing about him/her. Bijjaladeva. Erm. This is hard. It’s nice that...actually survived the battle and made it to Mahendra’s coronation? And handed Deva the crown himself? Though I suspect he was made to do it. He could’ve attempted to do some shady shit and kill someone, but he didn’t so...that’s one good thing. 
10. Everyone’s got an unpopular/controversial opinion, no matter what the fandom. Let’s hear yours! Don’t know if this is unpopular or not, but I didn’t like Mahendra taking Avantika’s mission from her. Story-wise, that’s an important point, yes. He needed to get to Mahishmati himself and rescue his mother. But...I wish it was written better. Avantika could’ve gone with him? Maybe? I don’t know. That part still doesn’t sit with me...
11. Choose your favorite fandom sorting mechanism (i.e. Hogwarts houses, daemons, Game of Thrones houses) or more than one if you’re really feeling adventurous. Tell us what results you think the main Baahubali characters would have. Because I sort practically everyone I know (in real life and in fiction) into Hogwarts Houses, I am gonna be very unoriginal and do just that. 
Amarendra - Ravenclaw. Brave, sure, but his wit finishes half the battle before his bravery does. To me, at least. 
Devasena - Um, I feel like if there ever were a crossover, she’d be the founder of Gryffindor, and not Godric? 
Mahendra - Gryffindor, no two ways about that.
Avatika - Eh....Either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff? I’m gonna go with Gryffindor.
Sivagami - Either Slytherin or Gryffindor...Gonna go with the latter.
Bijjala - SQUID. BYE BRO. 
Bhallaladeva - Slytherin. He could fit into Gryffindor, he is brave, but nah. Bhalla’s basically the poster child for Slytherin.
Kattappa - Hufflepuff. 
12. Let’s pretend Rajamouli has decided to make a oneshot film about any period of time not covered by the films, whether before, after, or during the events we see–but only one. What would you want it to be about? Devasena, Mahendra and Avantika ruling Mahismati together. I needed more mother-son moments, as well as more depth to Avantika’s character and Mahendra-Avantika relationship. I’d love to see a post-Baahubali take on that.
13. Avantika or Mahendra/Shivu(du)?  I love Mahendra’s child-like curiosity and nature. But I like Avantika, too? :( Gonna go with Mahendra.
14. What three movies/books/TV shows would you recommend to fellow fans suffering Baahubali withdrawal? I shall attempt to recommend on all three.
TV Show - Game of Thrones. How original, right? I know :)
Book - Rise of Sivagami. We get more of this world we have grown to love. Though I haven’t read it myself, so I can’t say much about it. But it’s definitely something I’d read to battle withdrawal symptoms.
Movies - Mirchi. Prabhas/Anushka pair once again and I LOVE them to bits. And (spoiler alert) no one gets killed there so I don’t have to cry buckets.
15. Tag any of your friends that you think might be interested! I have just started following a few Indian cinema - related blogs, so I am going to wing it and tag some of you hoping you like Baahubali.  @mirchmasalaaa, @tollywoodprema and @weeguttersnipe. You can answer all the questions, or, if you’d prefer, questions 1, 2 and 8.
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paneerlajwanti · 3 years
@rosadiaz-givesme-bipanic thanks for the tag and im also sorry chain posts and tag mail kinda make me a little uhm i dont know but there were a few questions right wait lemme just yeah, i am bored and will do my assignments later so i guess this is storytime bestie
why did you choose your url?
i was feeling a little uncomfortable with my earlier (folkwh0res) and wanted a change so my brain randomly went paneer lajawab and im like hmm not bad and then one bad pun and one tinkle reference later, paneerlajwanti
any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
ah yes lets go. fuck. this one's my main. @paavam is my aesthetic side blog for art and history and poetry. @hoeticulture is my blog for ocs and resources and similar stuff. i have 2 random unused private blogs, then uhm there’s one for bucky that I just saved the url and uhm I don’t know I don’t keep track lmao oh and idk why I forgot @sebsax a blog i had once created solely for writing my “thoughts”
how long have you been on tumblr?
technically, six years. but i started using it in later 2018 and i got popular and made friends and social circles in 2019 and 2020.
do you have a queue tag?
yeah, bestie i do, but i also randomly pour a million reblogs at a time. my current tag is called “#queue main teri arti utaru?”
why did you start your blog in the first place?
my loyalties will always lie with starplus mahabharat and the baahubali fandom and cringey indian television that are now my comfort shows
why did you choose your icon/ pfp?
sleepy loki in the tva while working supremacy
why did you choose your header?
i made the header while watching the second episode of loki and used the colours in the palette of the show and wanted to make something that fit
what’s your post with most notes
brown light under sunlight supremacy (872 notes)
existential dard - pt one (771 notes)
thread of sanghana ranaut’s worst behaviours (860 notes)
“yo a ti cas" a very bad meme that i made before entering the fandom somewhere around november 2020 (743 notes)
unofficial indian pride flag (622 notes)
my most detailed mandala (511 notes)
how many followers do you have?
how many people do you follow?
900-1200? i think i’m not sure cant switch tabs
have you made shitposts?
oh they’re very on brand for me. i do make shitposts. they’re mainly stupid and yearny and huh. i think that’s my entire personality in three words huh.
did you have a fight/ argument with a blog once?
i don’t remember tho but i don’t think so but the most i think i can jog my memory is an angry rant to anon hate for my friend
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
oh dude i didn’t even know that was an anxiety i had until i used tumblr. the compulsion and my adhd guilt brain feels bad for not doing or doing anything. initially i would reblog it because my guilt for scrolling over something that i am not the target audience for didn’t sit right with me and i would reblog every chain post and took me a while to work out the balance and tell myself that these reblog and something will/ won’t happen is not how life works so don’t let that hover in your brain and make you feel bad and idk dude lmao
do you like tag games?
i like them, i get to know my friends because of them, but i also get overwhelmed and a lot of times mentally answer them and forget to actually respond and then feel guilty days if not weeks later that they waited for me to talk or interact and then i didn’t. oh and the very long tag games like you know mutual to mutual and tag mutuals i don’t know something like that happens and i freeze in my tracks lmao
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i think a lot of them, if not most of them.
do you have a crush on a mutual?
platonically, yes. real strong.
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wantedplantlife · 4 years
tagged by @jesusbuchananbarnes
social distancing meme
Are you staying home from work/school?
i’m still working. my boss is a nurse so she’s still working (for now), which means i’m still needed (for now) to transport the kid. mostly we’re inside playing games or hanging out with the various pets they have. on wednesdays we go to the cat lounge to feed the cats and keep them company.
Who would be your ideal quarantine mate?
uhhh idk
Are you a homebody?
totally. i’m content to stay inside and play video games (and bother my friends to join me and not take naps at 6pm) and read books. maybe do some knitting or drawing if i feel up to it. 
An event you were looking forward to that got canceled?
i was working backstage for a play that got canceled/possibly just very postponed. also a trip to ocracoke with one of my best friends and her family :C
What movies have you watched recently?
yaya got us (nora and me) to watch baahubali and it was fun as hell to watch. would definitely recommend it. oh and the kid and i watched starkid’s trail to oregon last week.
What shows are you watching?
i kinda got back into hunter x hunter. also sort of watching a couple things on netflix, but not consistently (diablero, carole & tuesday, altered carbon, and call the midwife). oh and trying to stay caught up with one piece.
What music are you listening to?
i’ve just been putting my ipod on shuffle, but i could really use some new music recs if anyone has some
What podcasts are you listening to?
taz: grad! i think i’m one episode behind, though. also lore. i need to catch up with sawbones and the second season of fantasy high.
What are you reading?
pfft nora was talking about getting one of her students to read artemis fowl so i thought i’d reread it. i think i have the second book somewhere around here, so i might read that, too. i finally finished monstrous affections: an anthology of beastly tales, and i’m kind of craving more of the same. also been working through how long ‘til black future month. but mostly i’ve been reading webcomics (i’ll put some names in the tags).
What are you doing for self-care?
uhhhhhhh... that’s a very good question. i think partly the game time is self-care, but partly it’s just a bad coping habit so :/  i did take a walk last week and spend a little time in the sun every weekday though
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mahishmatikathakar · 6 years
Baahubali Movie Marathon and Live Blog
Hey Guys,
A storytelling party is never complete without prompts, re-reading of the original text, and a generous dollop of fanly goodness (or madness, depending upon how you see it.)
Unfortunately, we feel our party is starting to lose momentum and that can’t be allowed to happen. So, we are doing a 24-hour Baahubali movie marathon and liveblog starting tomorrow at 1 pm EST. I will explain the details first and then give you an idea of what the timezone situation looks like for your location.
Movie Marathon and Liveblogging 
This is what you will do. Watch the films on Netflix/YouTube/Amazon Prime/CD/pirated version.  And while you watch it, come up with 1-3 Tumblr posts (memes, short drabbles, gif sets, edits, quotes, observations, character studies, headcannon memes etc.) and submit it to Mahishmati Kathakar. Also tell us what scene you are referring to in your post (or give us the timestamp as shown at the bottom of the movie screen). And we will post it. 
All day, we want to receive your stuff as all of us watch the films in our separate timezones. We hope to imbue our fandom with a new lease of life. But of course, if you guys don’t participate actively, it won’t happen. Tomorrow is Saturday/Sunday so it is a holiday for most of us. Please, do try and take part. 
Here is when the marathon officially starts for North America, the UAE, and India. 
1 pm EST (US and Canada- East Coast)
10 am PST (US and Canada- West Coast)
10 pm UAE
11:30 pm India
If your location is different than these, go to this timezone converter. It will take you 30 seconds to figure out what the correct time is for you. 
Obviously, it might be too late for folks in the Middle East and South Asia so you can possibly watch the films on Sunday morning/afternoon (your time) and submit us your posts then. 
This is why it is going to be a 24-hour liveblog. Of course, you are free to keep submitting posts for 4 hours past that and 4 hours before the beginning of the marathon too if you’d like. But the 24-hour window is really the best time to do this. 
We Love Prompts
Also, while you are watching, if you come up with a nice prompt for a story you’d like to read, submit it to us and tag it as a prompt. At the end of the final 32-hour period (the 24 hours + the 4 hours before and after it), We will publish the list of prompts and writers will be free to pick the ones they like. 
Let us know if you have any questions. 
Bring out the popcorn and don’t forget the butter. 
Happy viewing!!! Jai Mahishmati. 
Tumblr media
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carminavulcana · 6 years
Headcanon Meme Fills
For @mayavanavihariniharini
Vaidehi (Bhallaladeva’s Wife in the Silences and Insanities Universe)
8- Sex Headcanon
Maharani Vaidehi did not remember her wedding night. She did have a faint memory of the ceremony itself but even that wasn’t particularly pleasant. How could it be when it was marked by the deafening thunder of her world coming to an end?
Her father and brothers had been killed in battle by Bhallaladeva. Her mother, Queen Sarada had been captured. And two choices had been put forth before her. 
She could either give up Naveenapuram and all the vassal kingdoms under the Hurana dynasty over to Mahishmati or she could choose death and allow the rest of the kingdom to meet the fate of Kuntala.
The first option had been demeaning but it had been their only one. They couldn’t have allowed their people to burn. It was their duty to ensure the safety of their subjects even in the face of absolute defeat and humiliation.
This tainted salvation would take the sacrifice of Princess Vaidehi. And that’s how she had come to be the Maharani of Mahishmati, also the personal sex slave of Bhallaladeva. 
As a young maiden, she had often wondered about her husband and what it would be like to be married. She had even glanced through a copy of Vatsyayana’s Kama Sutra found only in the library of the royal courtesans’ palace. 
But nothing could have prepared her for the devastation she experienced as she was dressed in red and gold for her extremely short wedding ceremony and the unending wedding night of which she had no recollection-- except for the blood on her thighs the next morning, the hand-shaped bruises on her hips, the bloody scratches on her chest, and the severe pain in her intimate areas that made it excruciating to sit for several days. 
And even when she was taken after that, the experience remained painful, degrading, and soul crushing. He often hit her during their violent couplings and for some strange reason, chose to call her ‘Devasena.’ One time, she dared to correct him. “My name is Vaidehi,” she had snapped. And he had responded by backhanding her hard enough to split her lip. 
Eventually though, she got used to it. Her personal attendants knew better than to ask questions but they always added neem extract and aloe juice to her bath water. And they left several towels and a bottle of turmeric-infused almond oil for her in the bedroom, knowing that she would need those after spending a night with the king. 
In the first few months of her marriage, Vaidehi saw how her husband treated his imprisoned brother and how the guards treated the common people. She just assumed that Bhallaladeva was incapable of tenderness or love or kindness. But then she got pregnant with his child.
And during the months of her pregnancy, she saw a different side of him. He did not look at her. He did not touch her even. But for hours together, he watched her belly. He often talked to the child growing within her. But even as he did so, he refused to look at her face. And when his lust struck, he called one of the courtesans to their bedroom and satiated his appetite right in front of her.
Mercifully, it was always quick. He did not hit the courtesans, he never verbally abused them. He did what he had to and they did what they had to. 
Mount. Thrust. Release. Unmount. Leave. 
After Bhadra’s birth, Vaidehi’s life went back to how it used to be. Bhallaladeva went back to his old ways and she got used to being addressed as Devasena. 
She got pregnant thrice more in the next four years but she miscarried the first two times and the last time, she gave birth to a stillborn baby girl. No funeral was conducted for her but in her mind, Vaidehi named her Princess Aamuktha, the liberated one-- because she had been saved from being born to Bhallaladeva, saved from being turned into a vessel of hatred and anger like her brother Bhadra. 
Now, Bhallaladeva was dead. Baahubali had been freed from his cage. His wife and son were alive. 
But what did Vaidehi have? 
Nothing. Her lot in life always had nothing. But she would endure. After all, she was still here and her once-formidable tormenter’s corpse would burn on a pyre come morning. 
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herawell · 6 years
For the Baahubali Question Meme, any/all that you want to do! *is unjustly curious*
1. I don’t speak any Indian languages, so honestly it’s all the same to me since I depend on subtitles, but I really love the Telugu version because it’s the original one and the dialogue & intonation sounds the best in that one.
2. Dandalayya!
3. Sivagami! Devasena is obviously badass (perhaps more so than Sivagami), has a kinder streak, and has the moral high ground in their feud, but there’s something about the Greek tragediness of Sivagami’s character that draws me to her. Plus “That is my word, and my word is the law!” How do you not get shivers at that part?
6. Sivagami’s entrance! Kattappa facepalming at Baahu’s antics in Devasena’s entrance! Sivagami drowning! Devasena’s seemantham/courtroom speeches!
7. My favorite character is Sivagami, so not very hard…
9. Bhalla and Bijjala have been done, so I’m going to try Bhadra. And tbh, can’t really think of anything positive. He doesn’t have Bijjala’s persistence or Bhalla’s bravery, and he’s not particularly smart. I guess a non-negative thing is he was clearly raised by an asshole father and grandfather, and though he’s guilty, he was a victim of the feud continuing into another generation.
10. Perhaps my preference for Sivagami over Devasena is enough, as Devasena is definitely the fandom darling.
11. Something about Sivagami’s reign and Bhalla & Baahu’s childhood. So. Many. Questions! What was Sivagami & Bijjala’s relationship like, because despite their hatred, it’s clear Sivagami listens to him at a few points, so there must have some been some basic trust between them. What was Sivagami’s day-to-day life like? What were some small crises she managed? What was her relationship with Bhalla like? Between Bhalla & Baahu? Was Bhalla always rotten from childhood, or was there a turning point? Was it all his father’s influence or was he just born not right in the head?
14. The Tudors, Indian mythology (Ramayana/Mahabharata), and Jodhaa Akbar!
15. I… think everyone’s been tagged already?
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“Layers” character meme
name:  Yazata Arya Akhtar (Just call him Izad) eye color:  hazel (dominant drygrass green) hair style/color:  tame until it reaches chin length, then curls and waves height:  6.3 or so clothing style: colours and shining valuables tend to win, tunics and riding wear a must best physical feature:  ..... .... ..... (looks him up and down) well shoulder to toe hes covered in cloth, you tell me
your fears: being a disappointing legacy your guilty pleasure: running out to some bygone place and not telling anyone  your biggest pet peeve: Defiled history your ambitions for the future: become a little more reliable
your first thoughts waking up: “God? I'm still on Earth right?” what you think about most: Finding peace and ambition and putting it in as much activity as possible what you think about before bed: candle flames and horses (shh) you think your best quality is: all them cute kids
single or group dates: to be loved or respected:  difference? ˚v˚ beauty or brains:  a hard choice, though intellect can win and thus crafts beauty dogs or cats: cats
lie: His ability to lie may as well ask a three-year-old the same question believe in yourself: wat too much believe in love: love is eternal and should be put in all you do want someone: I could use the company, though right now I really need a nap
been on stage:  not a drama stage bu the throne rooms require presentations  done drugs:  uuh...is a hooka a drug? also alcohol is a weakness  at the best of times (his daughter is more into poppies) changed who you were to fit in: would not call it to fit in, more to add to himself and advance for survival and presentation.
favourite colour:  fiery red favourite animal:  Lions favourite movie:  (sorry but isnt going to get over Baahubali for a while) favourite game: The game of 20 squares.
day your next birthday will be:  March 21st how old will you be:  Mmmmm Younger than Zaryab age you lost your virginity: o-o does age matter: it's nice to take into account yes
best personality: prideful, honest, kind, good words, good thoughts, good deeds best eye color: known good people from lilac to gold best hair color: I feel like someone would smite me for answering that best thing to do with a partner: flaunt all your generosity on them? Well, finding out what makes then joyful works too, like garden gazing or taking the horses to the waterside
i love: with my soul i feel: cold facing the darkness. i hide: not even scars i miss: my days of absolute i wish:  for them to know a living peace
tagged by:  @aristotle-s-lover i tag: (Zar)  @ask-little-egypt @pokemonbreederfrancis
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tollywoodprema · 7 years
Baahubali Question Meme
Thanks for tagging me in this @livinthefandommlife​ :) I great way for me to think about this amazing movie again!
1. Which language do you prefer to watch the movies in and why? If you’ve watched multiple versions, are there any translation choices in one version that you prefer? 
I’m Telugu so that is the language I prefer to watch the movie in. I’ve seen the Hindi version and so much emotion seemed to get lost in the dubbing that was originally there because of the actors and their original voices. The modulation of their pitch and tone were leaps and bounds ahead in the Telugu version for obvious reasons. I HIGHLY recommend watching it in Telugu for anyone who hasn’t. 
2. Your favorite song picturization. 
Dandaalayya. I get goosebumps and emotional every time I listen to that song. And don’t even get me started on how much of a mess I was in the theater when I saw the movie the first time... the love everyone showed him and Amarendra showed them made my heart feel like it would burst. 
3. Devasena or Sivagami? 
Tough one, both of them are such powerhouses (kudos to Rajamouli for pitting them against each other with making it seem like a petty fight) but I have to go with Devasena. She’s unwavering, knows what she’s worth, and stands for what’s right regardless of who is against her. I want to be her. 
4. It’s not a fandom without shipping. Share a headcanon about your OTP, or your NoTP, or that one non-canon ship that is intriguing, or all three! 
OTP- On my honor, AmarSena. Literally nothing better than those to together. My headcanon for these two love birds is that when Devasena was pregnant Amarendra could not fall asleep until he knew that she was sleeping peacefully. Then he would place a small kiss on her belly and then her forehead before sleeping himself (I’m a cheeseball, ignore me). 
5. Kuntala or Mahishmati? 
Kuntala. I felt like I belonged there I moment I saw it on screen. It looked so peaceful, beautiful, and welcoming.
6. The scene(s) you could watch over and over again. 
Amarendra’s entrance, literally any scene that has Amarendra and Devasena together, the interval scene no doubt, and the confrontation between Bhalla and Mahendra (specfically when Bhalla’s statue falls and Devasena walks over his face- I wanted to yell in the theater when it happened). 
7. Like it or not, get in touch with your inner Bijjaladeva: think of your favorite character, and tell us one thing that annoys you about him/her. 
Amarendra Baahubali. He exists. 
8. Kattappa or Bhalladeva? 
Kattappa. This poor man endured too much and he had to kill the person he practically raised. My heart aches for him. 
9. Time to channel Amarendra instead: think of your least favorite character, and do your best to come up with one positive thing about him/her.
Bijjaladeva. He wants the best for his son, Bhalladeva and there is nothing more admirable about a father (even though the way he goes about it is messed up).
10. Everyone’s got an unpopular/controversial opinion, no matter what the fandom. Let’s hear yours! 
I’m not sure if it’s unpopular but I don’t think Avanthika’s character even needed to exist. I 100% believe Rajamouli could have found a way to get Mahendra to Mahismati without Avanthika. 
11. Choose your favorite fandom sorting mechanism (i.e. Hogwarts houses, daemons, Game of Thrones houses) or more than one if you’re really feeling adventurous. Tell us what results you think the main Baahubali characters would have. 
I’ll be the Sorting Hat for a little bit then :)
Amarendra - Can’t decide between Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. It is ridiculously obvious that he’s intelligent, but he’s very loyal and seems to believe that everyone can be good. So Hufflepuff. His loyalty stands out more to me than his intelligence. 
Devasena - Gryffindor. Does this really need an explanation...
Mahendra - He’s a Gryffindor like is mom with a mix of Ravenclaw level intelligence courtesy of his lovely father :)
Avanthika - Honestly... I have no idea. Probably Hufflepuff? She’s really loyal to her rebel group and her trust and faith in Mahendra is also remarkable even though she literally just met him. 
Sivagami - I believe she can be in Gryffindor, Slytherin, or Ravenclaw. She has to be intelligent, cunning, and incredibly brave to run a kingdom as a woman and pull power plays to keep the power she has. It’ll have to be Gryffindor!
Bijjala - He’s in Slytherin but no one in his own house likes him. 
Bhallaladeva - Slytherin. His cunningness got him the throne did it not?
Kattappa - Hufflepuff. Hands Down. 
12. Let’s pretend Rajamouli has decided to make a oneshot film about any period of time not covered by the films, whether before, after, or during the events we see–but only one. What would you want it to be about? 
Oh wow... This is a tough one cause there is sooo much I want to see. I would love to see more of the journey that Kattappa and Amarendra went on together when he was told to go explore the kingdom. Their interaction is precious and I strongly believe that they got into a lot of mischief intentionally and unintentionally. 
13. Avantika or Mahendra/Shivu(du)? 
I wish I knew more about Avanthika cause I started to love her character in the first one. If I did it would be her, but since I don’t I have to go with Mahendra. 
14. What three movies/books/TV shows would you recommend to fellow fans suffering Baahubali withdrawal? 
Absolutely no idea of TV shows but I plan to read The Rise of Shivagami soon so maybe that’ll be recommended!
But for movies lets go with these:
Magadheera, Yamadonga, and lets go a little old school with Daana Veera Soora Karna :)
15. Tag any of your friends that you think might be interested! 
I hope you guys are interested in doing this! @sakhiya @iwearplaids @boxofcookies and @midukki @anandamayenu 
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avani008 · 7 years
Question 11 of the Baahubali Question Meme (Redux)
It was only a silly suggestion, but somehow that morphed into me putting thought into what daemons the Baahubali characters would have, which I then couldn’t help but want to share with all of you. Under a Read More cut to spare everyone’s dash:
1. Swan (Cygnus olor)
Bibhatsu lands at her feet with a final furious flap of snow-white wings, and Devasena laughs with satisfaction. "That was further apart than we've ever managed before," she says. "Anni would say it was impossible."
For that matter, Sumitra also worries that Bibhatsu settled at so early an age, but all the court physicians remained unconcerned. The rajmantri theorizes that it signifies that Devasena knew herself sooner than most. Devasena suspects Bibhatsu, having found the form that would suit him best, felt no need to experiment further. 
Bibhatsu snorts, an incongruous sound given his pristine appearance. "The more skills we master, the better - no use looking to this lot for protection. Now," he shakes out his wings and prepares to vault into the sky once more, "send an arrow my way this time and we'll see what I can do with it."
He soars once more. Devasena raises her bow. 
2. Lioness (Panthera leo persica)
Chanda doses in the sunlight, and Bhalla explains: "She's resting, to prepare for the responsibilities of the coronation." Did Mother know that lionesses sleep in preparation for the hunt? It is so; Chanda slept for a full day before the Kalakeya invasion, to ensure her strength would be adequate to cut down the invaders to their homeland, to sink her claws into the neck of their leader: that prize that should have decided a king but didn't. But leaving that aside: once well-rested, lionesses take up the scent of their prey once more, the promise of blood already thick on their tongues, their movements precisely planned to plant their prey in a trap of their own making. Chanda follows her fellows in this --Mother should not mistake her lack of activity for indolence. 
Chanda doses in the sunlight, and only in the infrequent twitch of her tail is her anger apparent.
3. Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
Urvi spends the last week before she settles as a mare whose coat shines like bronze, and Kattappa lets himself dream. It would be practical, after all, in that the state would not have to arrange for his transportation afterwards when he could ride Urvi instead. What a thing for Mahishmati to boast: that even their slaves manifested such brilliant forms that the world should envy them. 
His father says nothing in response, only looks at him with the weight of generations of servitude behind him: Kattappa can see a genealogy written in daemons that vary from dholes to jackals to the occasional wolf. None of his ancestors have escaped their curse. There is no reason Kattappa should be the first. 
Urvi shifts into the form of a sway-backed mongrel of uncertain breed and unenviable color; with it comes the weight of finality. Kattappa tells himself he expected nothing different.
4. Krait (Bungarus fasciatus)
There was a time when Kamna hid away beneath Bijjaladeva's shawl, concealed along with his crippled arm. Certainly his father had hated the sight of either, and once the old fool's opinion had mattered enough to him that such secrecy had felt absolutely necessary.  Now he is tired of the ruse, and shows both snake and arm equally: so what if one or both had lost him the throne? 
But years of rejection have taken a toll on Kamna. Where she once reared up proudly, she lolls in his lap weakly; her fangs run dry and useless; and her voice, once high and piercing, is reduced to the barest whisper. He chuckles without mirth: two of a kind, both of them. 
Snake, arm, or both had cost Bijjaladeva the throne. He swears to himself that his son will never fear rejection for either--and have the throne to show for it.
5. Eagle (Clanga hastata)
When the last of the spectators disappear, Sivagami holds out her arm and Kshitij descends from his roost. His talons flex around the golden work of her throne; his presence is a comfort. After so many years, Kshitij does not ask questions, only bends down to rub his beak against her forehead to soothe the ache starting there. 
"Will they hate me?" she asks, now that they are alone. 
Kshitij does not pause. "Of course not," he says. "There was no other choice. We see more than others do, don't we, from where we sit? But in the end, they will agree with us." He slides his beak against her hair affectionately. "Bhalladeva will do well enough as king. The citizens will understand."
Sivagami closes her eyes, tries her best to believe him, and bites back the correction that the citizens had not been the "they" to whom she'd referred.
6. Monkey (Semnopithecus dussumieri)
Shivudu sits on the ledge to one side of the waterfall, letting his legs swing over the edge. "Mother says there are demons at the top of the waterfall," he reminds Arushi.
She doesn't stop throwing twigs towards the ledge on the other side, the one goal that had thwarted them utterly throughout his young life. Every one falls short. "So?"
"I don't think she'd like it if we tried again," Shivudu says, uncomfortably aware of how dull he sounds. He expects an argument, but Arushi only sighs and sits down next to him. He runs his fingers through her fur as an apology. 
They share an unhappy silence, until Arushi ventures: "But if there were demons--"
"Really ferocious demons, the worst kind--"
"They might even attack the village some day!"
"Unless someone traveled there to defeat them all before then."  
They smile at each other. They jump as one. 
7.Hummingbird (Anthracothorax nigricollis)
"What are you?" Avantika shrieks, vaguely aware she's behaving in the most undignified manner possible but too distraught to care.
"I don't know!" Madhu shrieks back, except now his words emerge as an odd buzz. His wings work up and down even more rapidly due to his agitation, but that makes everything worse, because the sun hits them in exactly the wrong way, revealing new colors every time. 
"An enemy will see you," she says miserably. "A half-blind, eighty-year-old enemy will see you from a thousand paces away! The chief will never forgive us. He'll send us packing. He'll tell us we're a disgrace to Queen Devasena. He'll--what are you doing?"
Madhu drops the corpse of the bee he speared out of thin air. "It made me feel better," he says, sounding ashamed, but she hadn't even seen the bee before Madhu attacked it. 
"Maybe he won't," says Avantika slowly.
8. Smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata)
 Baahubali thanks the guardsmen who help carry him home through an affected stammer, a process complicated by the fact that Dharini has been chuckling to herself for the last hour. "Stop that," he says exasperatedly when they're alone. "You'll give us away."
"As though I could!" Dharini gasps. "Kings must be accompanied by mighty beasts, after all." Her voice is a perfect mimic of Bijjaladeva's, her mockery the balm for a thousand childhood slights. 
"An elephant, at least," he agrees, and that sends Dharini into new paroxysms of laughter. 
"Could you imagine? We couldn't go anywhere. You'd have to take up residence outside the palace because I wouldn't fit inside."
"The Crown Princess suspects something," he warns, or tries to; his voice is entirely too tender when speaking about Devasena.
"Then you'd best clutch your shoulder again, and soon,"she retorts, a wicked gleam in her eyes. "Here she is."  
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queenofmahishmati · 7 years
So that’s 55 questions answered below, ((its soooper long and contains every single truth about my dorkery and pagan ritual and what not.. I'm not a cool person, nope, see for yourself))
Questions from @iwearplaids
Rain or snow ?
Rain, hands down. Snow is just pretty, covers the ground beautifully in white and then melts away. But Rain, rain enhances that smell of earth I love so much and brings forth memories of the time I used to sit on my balcony with a cup of tea, hot bajjis and my friends from college days.
What is/was your favourite subject at school ?
History. I used to finish reading each lesson as if I was reading a story book before our teacher was even half way through it. I used to be the cause of her headache, she almost always took my book away each time so I won’t do it. And Art, we had an art professor who was the first one to take notice of my sketching talents and helped me improve it. In one way or the other, its because of them that I am a Conservation Architect today!!
How would you rate your own blog ?
11/10. It needs a little more organizing and I will give it a fifteen :P 
What is the most comforting smell for you ?
Smell of well washed pure cotton fabrics... reminds me of my mumma. 
Top 3 fears 
Darkness. Dark deep waterbodies. Losing a loved one without a proper goodbye.
Tell an embarrassing story.
Happens on a daily basis really... do you want to hear about the time I almost sat on Rana’s lap and scared him enough that he chose to sit on top of the armrest of the couch instead; or when I got locked out in the utility room of my house by my own silliness, without my mobile on me and had to wait till my flatmate (and the rest of my friends) came home and opened the door while I smiled at them like a dork from the other side of the glass door; or that one time I was standing on my terrace watching a meteor shower and my mum thought I was doing some kind of pagan ritual and took a video of it cause I was dancing around with a long stick in my hand facing up at the sky, while I was actually hopping in circles and spinning the stick around myself to escape mosquitoes... 
Last book that you read and fell in love with.
The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh. Its the first of his non-fiction works I read and wow, it made me think deep and agree with his point that future history will call our period the most deranged of all times. Its about climate disaster and a must read in my opinion, I’m glad I picked it up at the airport while I was bored. With that said, his The Hungry Tide is one of my favourite books. 
Your all time favourite movie ?
Kannathil Muthamittal (A Peck on The Cheek)
Would you say that you’re popular in real life ?
Yep, yes. People find my (child like) enthusiasm contagious and I can listen better than I talk (that’s what my friends say). So yeah, I’m kind of always surrounded by people mostly... unless I push them away myself to breathe.
Favourite accessory ?
Um... anklets? Oh no, I love bangles. Although, I barely wear any accessories. Its a surprise if I wear anything more than my usual earrings. 
Flats or heels ?
Shoes or boots with heels. I’m short. I need that extra boost to bounce around on my happy feet.
Questions from @ruminationsofaraven
Coffee or Tea?
Tea. Always. 
All time favourite book and T.V show.
Harry Potter series and Scooby Doo.
What would you rather choose to write about - Smut or Fluff?
Fluffy fluff that will soon turn angsty.
Spookiest story you’ve heard when you were a kid.
I have lived through three spooky experiences. I don’t need a story to top them. *shudders*
If you get a chance to change three things you regret doing in your life with a time-turner, what’d you choose to do?
Go back in time to when I met Rana and make sure I proposed to him rather than chickening out I guess?? Other than that, there isn’t anything I regret much except maybe knock my second boyfriend down in one clean punch before he even asked me out. 
Have you ever dreamt about getting interviewed on the Ellen show?
Oh yes. Many many times!! 
Fuck/Marry/Kill (Marvel Special) - Loki, Captain America & Bucky
Fuck Loki, Marry Captain America... and kill Bucky (yikes sorry)
Ever embarrassed yourself in front of a crush?
A lot. There was this one time in school where I was gushing about my crush to my friend and he was... well, sitting right behind me and heard the entire thing. Funny story, he’s my best ever friend right now and knows me better than my mum and I’m the Best Woman (maapillai thozhi) for his upcoming wedding!!
One Disney character who you can relate with irl.
Merida from Brave. You have no idea how much similar that movie is to my life LMAO
Have you ever stalked an ex?
Nope, I don’t dwell in the past. And except one asshat, the rest of my exes are still my friends (acquaintance). 
Swap yourself with a character on a T.V show and that would be? Also, do you think you’ll survive in that universe.
Arya from Game of Thrones maybe. Oh yes, I would be a savage and kill everyone and win the iron throne for myself before dying at the white walkers’ hands, stabbed in the back cause I most probably was running away screaming bloody murder upon seeing them...
Questions from @fierarain
If you were given a chance to play God for a day, what would you do?
Kill off everyone I think that don’t deserve to live (you know who, mostly all those politicians). Save every child from disease and dying. Change people’s mindset and make them think about saving the Earth instead of destroying it. Make Harry Potter world exist for real. Read every book in the world if it was possible... and wish all of this could happen with a single snap of my fingers. 
What’s your favorite quote?
“What you seek is seeking you.” and  “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” - both by Rumi
What disgusts you the most?
Worms. And people who lack common sense.
What motivates you to get out of bed everyday?
Food. And the possibility of some unexpected unknown happening. 
Describe any custom/ritual/tradition unique to your family/region/community.
My family is from the Chettinad region of Tamil Nadu and during weddings which mostly happens in our ancestral houses, the groom ties three different thaalis (mangal sutras) around the bride’s neck. And its like small, medium and large in size - like the cups we request at Starbucks... I find that extremely funny by the way!!
What part of the day do you look forward to and why?
Night. I love the stars. They make me wonder how much of a lie time is. The one twinkling cheerfully at me, does it still brighten up the galaxy or has it faded long back and I’m just seeing the ghost of its life standing this far away... 
If given a chance to swap lives with someone, whom would you choose?
No one. I love my life, I’d pass that chance on. 
Who/What is the center of your universe?
Rana?? Kidding... I am the center of my universe (and sometimes my family too).
What’s your happiest memory?
Picking Bakula flowers from the ground around a hundred year old tree with my cousins in the house back in our village... and then playing with them in the courtyard while it rained. I had a blessed childhood!!
Which fictional universe would you want to be a part of?
Harry Potter. (Or Star Wars)
Since everyone I know is in the Baahubali fandom….Devasena or Sivagami?
Sivagami. And Devasena. xP
Questions from @avani008
If you could know the answer to one unsolved mystery, what would it be and why?
I would like to know my purpose in this world maybe… But a mystery that already exists and I want answer to– How the ducking heck did they build the Kailasa temple of Ellora?? LIKE HOW??
Favorite myth?
Every time it thunders scarily, Arjuna is mad and stomping around the heavens like a crazy elephant. And wishes made upon shooting stars do come true!!
The main characters of the last two movies/TV shows you watched have switched places. What madness ensues?
Oh my god, the last two movies I watched was Aramm and Nene Raju Nene Mantri (re watch). Nayanthara and Rana’s roles swapped would be epic on one hand but also disastrous?? Like the corrupt Jogendra in Aramm scenario might have not done anything about the child, or that child could have been his redemption and he might have turned out to be better, I honestly don’t know... Now Madhivadhani in NRNM, I think we will get to see that madness for real in Aramm 2 when it releases. Although, she is a no-shit no-nonsense person and has her heart and mind in the right place (unlike Jogendra) !!!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Anywhere with my family around. Actually, some place that’s cold enough and has a beach. And of course, my family!!
Who would be the worst person to be stuck in an elevator with? How about the best person to be stuck in an elevator with?
The worst person to be stuck in an elevator with would be my brother, we would probably murder each other before help arrives. Best person would be… *drum rolls* RANA!!
If you could make a movie/TV series out of any book (or remake one if it exists already), what would it be?
There’s a book called “ஏழு தலை நகரம்” (ezhu thalai nagaram - seven headed city) in Tamil by S. Ramakrishnan. I would make that into a film for children.
What would be the title of your autobiography?
Stardust in search of her Star… Or Remembrall… or something decidedly more whacky depending upon the way I plan to write it.
Favorite poem?
This poem by Bharathiyar,
“ அக்கினி குஞ்சொன்று கண்டேன்-அதை ஆங்கொரு காட்டி லொர் பொந்திடை வைத்தேன் வெந்து தணிந்தது காடு-தழல் வீரத்தில் குஞ்சென்றும் மூப்பென்றும் உண்டோ?”
Translation: I found a small spark of fire and Placed it inside a burrow in a forest;The entire forest was burnt down to ashes; An ember is mighty enough regardless of it’s size!
Least favorite cliche/trope in fic or literature?
Love triangles. Or squares. Or Hexagon… its just over overused!!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Be in places I want to be in the blink of my eye. I’m a lazy person in general, so that would help me get to places on time!!
If you could have dinner with any three fictional characters, who would they be and why?
Bhallaladeva, I would probably be next on his to-be-killed list for all the questions I ask over dinner. Baahubali, he’s gonna be a sweetheart really, but I would probably be ruthless and pry off his rose tinted glasses to make him see people for what they really are. Panchali, I know she’s not fictional but ever since I read Palace of Illusions, I have been wanting to know the real story from her perspective.
Questions from @sleepiszindagi
What is your best childhood memory?
My happiest memory above is also my best childhood memory.
Most recent movie watched?
Aramm, I watched it on Saturday. I loved it!!
What do you feel most proud of?
My mother. And my achievements because of her.
If you could only keep 5 possessions, what would it be and why?
A magical pot that could make food any time, my bed to sleep in, my phone to keep in touch with everyone and everything, extra clothes and MY BOOKS.
How do you spend your free time?
Plotting world domination. No really, I would be sitting at one of the windows and cooking up some crazy story in my head as I day dream about ruling the world.
What are your three favorite movies and why?
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban cause that’s the first one I watched in the series (until then I was like, movies don’t do justice to the books). Kannathil Muthamittal cause it hits me emotionally on so many levels. Baahubali right now because you know why…
What is your strongest personal quality?
I’m Realistic. Of course I babble a lot and dream more than that but in the end of the day, I’m probably one of the most grounded person you will meet.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
Again, answered up above somewhere.
What age do you feel right now and why?
I feel like I’m 26 going on 6 most of the times cause I have the temperament of a toddler. I try to act my age though, mostly…
What is a skill you would like to learn and why?
Um, different ways to do my hair maybe on top of learning how to toss pancakes and omlettes.
Which movie are you most awaiting for and why?
Right now, The Last Jedi. Cause STAR WARS really, what more reason could be there??
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livinthefandommlife · 7 years
otp question meme, amarendra/devasena, 3, 28 (you can go either canon or AU with that!), and 30! :D
Heyyy Avani! Amarendra/Devasena
3. Most common argument? Who’s the better archer. Huehuehue. Amara would remind her that he taught her the three-arrow trick, but she would argue that she had learned it within seconds, how long must he have taken to master the skill? And it goes on and on and on...
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other? When Amara goes travelling for a few days at a time back when they were both living at the palace, every time Amara thinks of Devasena or misses her, he collects her favourite flower or fruit (or it could be anything that reminds him of her). Same goes for Devasena, she collects his favourites. When he comes back, they present each other with a horde of gifts they had personally collected/made for each other in one another’s absence. 
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it. I think I mentioned this in the Baahubali question meme, and this still remains to be my one solid headcanon: Amara was with Devasena in spirit for 25 years, making the imprisonment endurable; he tells her of all that she cannot see, including Mahendra’s growth. And both of them take comfort in the fact that their son is all safe and happy and would come for his mother one day.
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celebsrumorblog · 6 years
Baahubali 2 Movie Review: Has Better Special Effects, Bigger Battle Sequences; It's Hard Not To Submit
Baahubali 2 Movie Review: Has Better Special Effects, Bigger Battle Sequences; It’s Hard Not To Submit
Director: SS Rajamouli Cast: Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty, Ramya Krishnan, Tamannaah Bhatia, Sathyaraj, Nassar
The answer to that burning question – you know which one; the one that has spawned innumerable spoofs, memes and gifs – comes nearly an hour and forty-five minutes into Baahubali 2: The Conclusion. To be honest, you can spot it from a mile away. But it’s a testament to…
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avani008 · 7 years
Baahubali Question Meme! 3, 6 and 14.
*blush* So….I got a little excited and wound up answering all the questions? If that’s ok? Sorry for so long-winded!
1. My preferred version is the Tamil one, just because it was the one I watched first, but the Hindi version is definitely more accessible and I’m also familiar with it. (I don’t understand Telugu, unfortunately.) But in terms of translation choices I was thinking of, my favorite one is of course the “yuvarani” vs “rajkumari” distinction between the Telugu/Tamil and Hindi versions. 
2. Dhivara! I love all the BB2 songs to bits and was intrigued by Sivuni Aana, but Dhivara was what really drew me in to the enchantment and beauty of this fictional world, and so I feel like I have to choose it due to sheer nostalgia. But from the BB2 options, probably Dandalayya because I love (and have probably over-analyzed) each and every one  of the tiny character moments we see in the short duration of that song.
3. Devasena, always. Not that I don’t like Sivagami–obviously I do, and I can see where she is coming from more easily than I can see some other characters’ perspectives–but I really, really adore Devasena’s kindness, inner strength, and self-confidence. We don’t often see a lot of female characters who are confident and secure in themselves and their relationships, but I wish we did!
4. Well, most of my fic is headcanons about my OTP (Amarendra/Devasena, naturally), so….have my NoTP instead? Which is Bijjaladeva/Sivagami, because absolutely she deserves better (I’d ship Sivagami/Awesome Female Bodyguard instead, or actually just plain Sivagami/Awesomeness) but my headcanon for them, contrary to RoS, is that Sivagami was married to Bijjaladeva just for her family’s wealth, and Bijjala always perceived his marriage to a commoner instead of a princess as yet another insult he had to face because of his status as lesser prince. There were certainly a few discreet attempts on her life before she took the throne, in hopes that his father would let him marry someone of higher status, but once Sivagami proved clever enough to avoid these, Bijjaladeva gave up, largely because he realized she was also clever enough to help him survive the court as well. It wasn’t until he identified a new protector in his son that he came back to the idea of murdering his wife.
5. This is embarrassingly obvious but: Kuntala, of course. Who wouldn’t want to live there? At least until Bhalla destroys it, of course.
6. I could watch the whole Kuntala adventure as its own movie and love it, but in terms of specific scenes: the hallway archery scene during the Pindari attack is probably my number one favorite. My second favorite is probably the boar hunt (I know, it’s an odd choice); the facial expressions of everyone concerned never fail to make me laugh and cheer me up!
7. Um….Devasena, though justified in her argument that he would make the better king, was kind of stupid to challenge Amarendra to take the throne in public at her baby shower? It absolutely made both of them look like they were guilty of treason, and it’s one of the few showdowns that Bhalla doesn’t subtly manipulate into occurring (or does he, in some Bhalla + Devasena deleted scene we just don’t see?)
8. I don’t know if anyone else will find this a hard question, but it certainly was for me. Kattappa is sweet but lacks Bhalla’s firmness of purpose; while Bhalla is heartless but knows what he wants and how to get it. I guess I have to go with Bhalla, just from residual “"Kattappa WHY?” anger, though.
9. Bijjaladeva is very good at surviving, even in the face of universal hatred. (And that really is about all I can come up with.)
10. I read Amarendra as having given up on his relationship with Bhalla by Devasena’s baby shower, and after his exile, having given up on reconciling with Sivagami unless she took the first step. I also see him as privately agreeing with Devasena’s scorn for the way his family treated him, while still feeling guilty about it. (I don’t think not-quite-a-saint Amarendra is exactly an unpopular opinion, but I can’t think of any other out there opinions that I have. Even my other option, “"I blame Kattappa more than Sivagami for Amarendra's death” seems to be more widespread than I thought!)
11. Can I take the cliche option and go with Hogwarts? The Sorting Hat deliberates between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for a while with Amarendra but ultimately goes with Gryffindor. Devasena’s a Gryffindor ten seconds after the Hat lands on her head. Sivagami is a Ravenclaw, and Kattappa is obviously a Hufflepuff. Bhalladeva is an interesting case: he’s offered both Gryffindor and Slytherin and ultimately chooses Slytherin like his dad Bijjaladeva. Mahendra is a no-question-about-it Gryffindor like his parents. Kumar Varma is a Hufflepuff who asks to be Sorted into Gryffindor and never quite feels he belongs; conversely, Avantika chooses to be Sorted into Hufflepuff out of a sense of duty but probably would have thrived in Gryffindor instead.
12. Amarendra and Devasena in the time between their wedding and the baby shower, without a doubt. There’s so much I want to know about their relationships with Sivagami and Bhalla during that time period, if there were any political repercussions, and just what Devasena did all day because I can’t see her just sitting around. (My headcanon has Amarendra volunteering to go on a campaign on the border and taking Devasena with him to escape the awkwardness, but we have no canon evidence either way.) Plus, getting to see them find out about the pregnancy and just being cute together otherwise would be a bonus!
13. Avantika, I guess, even though I wish we knew more about her. But her character arc is a little more interesting to me, and I enjoy speculating about her background.
14. I’ll stick to South Indian movies, even though most people have seen these already (1) Magadheera - Rajamouli does epic fantasy as a warm-up for BB. Feisty heroine, larger than life hero. Villain ridiculously creepy instead of a credible threat though. (2) Mirchi - a super fun watch, especially when you consider how many actors show up in both BB and this movie; it’s pretty much everyone except Rana Dugubatti, Ramya Krishnan, Nasser, and Tamannah. (3) Two options, based on which movie you liked best! If you liked BB2, with political scheming, an ancient history setting , and an amazing Anushka Shetty, Rudramadevi. The plotting is erratic and the main romance lukewarm, but also involves more delightful gender role inversions than you might expect. If you preferred BB1, with the long lost but happily adopted orphan discovering super powers, the legacy of an identical father, and an evil uncle, watch 24! All of the above, with a fun steampunky ambiance. The heroine’s role is not terribly interesting, however.
15. And now I have to tag people! I choose @livinthefandommlife, @queenofmahishmati, and @perspicaciouslynameless to do uh, either this whole long mess or just 4, 11, and 14, whichever you would prefer!
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avani008 · 6 years
@nitajaye requested the AU where Sivagami and Mama Baahu both have girls. I know @puppyloveblog24 has a fluffy happy verse, so that, I reckon, leaves me free to explore the implications of Mahishmati’s sexism!
1. Vikramadeva’s wife proves no more capable than her sister-in-law of providing a son, and promptly dies—probably of shame, the royal court speculates unkindly. It is left to the Queen Mother Sivagami to provide a solution, and so she does: the princesses of Mahishmati will grow to maidenhood together, and whosoever finds the more fitting mate shall bring him the throne as her dowry.
2. It takes no more than two kidnapping attempts for Sivagami to decide her daughters must learn to defend themselves. Both Bala and Ambika take to it well, but it’s Ambika who spends more time than she should on the practice fields in the presence of Kattappa, Ambika who Sivagami worries for.
”I know it brings you joy,” she says gently, “but you must have a care how people think of you. We are civilized here, after all, not like those in Kuntala.”
“Kuntala,” Ambika repeats thoughtfully, but, to Sivagami’s relief, says nothing more of the subject.
3. When the Kalakeyas attack, they demand one of the princesses be sent as hostage with the party meant to offer parlay; Bala, as the oldest, is chosen. Sivagami protests, but she cannot stand alone against an assembly of nobles aligned against her: she gives in.
Ambika watches Bala and her retinue leave, her face drawn: then she rises, hides her long hair under a helmet, and slips on armor that is bulky enough to conceal her identity. She may only be a woman, but she will die for Mahishmati, one way or another.
4. All the world knows of how the disguised Ambika led the forces of her country to victory, and how she was revealed at her mother’s feet. Sivagami raises her to her feet, singing her praises, and the soldiers chant and cheer for their valiant princess.
In all the commotion, hardly anyone notices Bala’s arrival, nor the brittle expression on her face as she flings Unkoshi’s severed head to the floor.
5. The princesses set out at last to find their grooms. Bala travels in grand style—“not that it makes any difference,” Kattappa confides, “they’ll still look at her askance.” Ambika wonders why it is that the deaths at her hands, in emulation of a man’s duty, are so celebrated, when her sister’s service is shunned; but she has no time to mull over this. She is free to see all of the world that she wishes, and she wants it all.
At last they come to Kuntala, site of so many girlhood fantasies. A finely dressed man leads a procession—“The hero of your dreams, my dear” Kattappa teases, and Ambika makes a face before bursting into helpless laughter.
All mirth is lost minutes later, however, when bandits attack and the most beautiful woman Ambika has ever seen bursts out of the palanquin to defend them; and try as she might to remember her mother’s decree, Ambika knows her search for a husband will go no further.
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