#babby ochako is the best babby in the world
junionigiri · 6 years
chapter 212 ramble
this is late! because it’s the holidays! and also more rambly than usual because! im hungover!
- Oh... baby Ochako and the Urarakas. Just as I was writing about them in my fic hahaha!!! so cute!!!
- round face... so... round... chubby cheeks... pink... want to squeeze... want to cry T_T so cute
- i want a lil babby girl who looks like her omg she is so precious she should model for all the nice babby clothes and get everything she wants pls omgggg
- I wonder who the gladiator-like hero she was imagining is.
- I like that her motivations for doing what she’s doing seems to be evolving--which is a very good thing, given that she chose her career so early on in her life, and her motives will understandably change along the way. it’s good that they’re becoming more altruistic. her friends and her past experiences really have a good influence on her
- Who helps the helpers? Who watches the watchman? I suppose its Uraraka effin’ Ochako.
- still... I love her, and this kind of development makes me a lil nervous idk. Is she... going to dedicate herself as a support character forever? for Deku? is she gonna go “im gonna be the type of hero who can help you when you need me Deku” after this?
- but... i want her to be her own hero too... I know that this is the most pessimistic interpretation of her development but i kinda don’t trust Hori with her character development? lololol!
- still. she’s so strong and brave and most importantly she did what many fans are clamoring for since the beginning of the fight, which is to get Shinsou to brainwash Deku askjf;lsakjfaslkfj;asl
- Please let this be the beginning of a canon friendship between Uraraka and Shinsou. Pls. pls. Im beggin’
- Oh. Shinsou. My Baby Boy. My Precious. My Diligent Son.
- He is freaked out in the previous chapter and we see that at some parts here. understandably of course because Deku looks like he’s exploding
- oh. The Shinsou Smile that stopped many hearts. So... bige and toothy. so full of hope and learnings
- i feel like... even though im sick as a dog right now i can survive 2019 with a can-do attitude
- just seeing that smile pls let me see that in the next chapters
- who would have thought, though, that the reason why he was looking at midoriya’s direction in those previous chapters is because he’s just really stoked to have a good match with him???
- and to prove, in the best way, how his so-called villainous quirk can be used to help people?
- what a Good Boye!!! Aizawa your son!!! are u crying right now???
- ahhhh the contrast between him and Monoma tho! Monoma, for all his pomp and smiles and laughter, is unexpectedly the pessimistic one between this power couple. who’da thunk
- speaking of which, hori... where is my other baby son :( did he get buried in rubble somewhere? is he okay? are the other kids okay? yui and reiko and shoda especially, theyre in the fight too but missing in action for a Long While now whut
- so we see one of the previous OFA users in the dream like haze that Deku has been brainwashed to. people have been calling him HellBoy... and yeahhhh his look really... is risky copyright wise
- hori is this rly okay?
- he gives Deku a weird ass peptalk. Deku is all. please can u be more specific
- i don’t have a mouth Hellboy please be clearer T_T
- so... i don’t rly know what to expect at this point because the dream of seeing Shinsou and Monoma cooperating seems to be just that: a dream. for how. hehe
- but its good developments for Deku’s story, which is what BNHA is all about really. so i will suspend my disappointments for now!
- i just. want everyone to be okay at this point.
- and just want Shinsou to PLEASE BE PROMOTED TO THE HERO COURSE because HE IS A HERO
- thank you and good night! Happy New Year folks
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