#baby girl baby girl shes my little goirl
mrkanman · 1 year
so scout, being a norwegian forest cat and therefore about 80% fluff, needs constant brushies for how much she sheds. but now whenever im brushing her i keep having the girlwiththedogs voice just run in my head like.
"today we're grooming scout the norwegian forest cat, but more importantly, she's a fussy little princess."
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cosmik-koto · 1 year
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It is time for me to start screaming about my daughter!
🌠PROPAGANDA TIME!!🌠 (All in fair sport, of course! Just having some fun. Best of luck to my opponent, they’re very cool. .D.)
Lemme tell you about my beautiful baby girl Amber, and why you should vote for her in the @original-character-championship !
- Friend shaped, inside and out. 
- Gives the best, most warm hugs.
- If you were to give her one (1) single piece of candy she would love you forever.
- Even if you didn’t give her candy she’d probably try adopting you into her circle of friends anyway.
- When she’s on the villain team during one point of her story she acts like a hekkin goblin.
- That little yellow heart on the back of her hand is more than just decoration! She can use it to summon magic that can heal people and give her allies stat boosts!
- Did I mention she also wields claw gauntlets a la Wolverine?
- AND that she’s ✨Nobility?✨
- AND that she’s technically a spiritual criminal ‘cause she kinda wasn’t supposed to have that aforementioned magic in the first place?!
- Also just... look at her. Babey. Babby goirl.
- She also likes dressing up in cute costumes on occasion, so long as they come with some kind of accessory to hold back her hair. (She definitely prefers bows.)
#VoteforAmber ! >D<💛💙
(Edit - I posted this yesterday but the “@” didn’t work so I had to edit it! Weh! :’D)
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iamconstantine · 4 years
RWBY V3E2: New Challengers
* Obligatory “It took a pandemic for me to stop procrastinating on watching this series” * So right off the bat I’ll just say once more that the designs of the other team are a little lacking but that’s not a huge issue. I can totally swallow it, it’s just a bit strange to see high-fantasy outfits mixed in with hoodies and shorts. * If every weapon in RWBY is a gun does that mean that gun weapons are just...Extra Gun? * Retrea--? Jaune this isn’t a war front it’s a team-on-team battle?? * I will say I’m actually happy that Jaune’s team leadership skills are developing. I was worried it was going to go from very bad to PERFECT offscreen so I’m happy we still see him struggling * Random team member: *hits Ren* Nora: So you have chosen death * I figured Nora was going to have electrical powers. I’m assuming they require a charge and she can’t do it willy nilly though. It seems so far that every semblancce has its pros and cons, like Ruby not being able to speedbullet forever * Has there been mention of Jaune’s semblance yet? I don’t think there’s been a mention so far
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* I see Jaune and Pyrrha watched Wonder Woman together! * oh no * oh its all falling apart * oh honey babies * “Jaune explains ship names to Pyrrha for three minutes” * “Jaune ain’t got nothing on Pyrrha,” Yang says, unaware that the entirety of Team JNPR share one brain cell * I would’ve thought this was going to cost them but I’m happy to know that between A Full Team of Capable Fighters and One Goirl wit Hammer, the latter wins
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* New character who dis
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* I dont know how many brain cells Team SSSN has but none of them belong to Neptune * So does this confirm Weisstune or...? * Love how only one of the girls is like :) and the others are >:( * Her name is Nebula judging by subtitles. The girl to her right seems to have an aquatic theme so I’m going to GUEEESSSS shes the little mermaid? Dont know about the others tho
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* I’m sorry * Neptune whats wrong?
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* Boy how tf you going to be named after the Roman god of the sea and be afraid of water honey what is you doing * Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised I mean we have characters named Emerald and Mercury but they ain’t worth shit * I mean...I guess Neptune could potentially work as a sniper? Thats what the other team did * So since we have a pirate thing going maybe Nebula is Bluebeard but what about Red Guy * “Nuts” they really just... * So girl on a skateboard lands on her butt and Blake is like “oh no!!!” but Scarlet David gets his balls eviscerated and Sun is just like
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* I feel like SSSN and JNPR are going to have big talks about teamwork * I think a very chill “What you said is stupid” is going to be my go to response for bad puns now * Okay so I dont know what was up with that guy or the ship in the background buutt im guessing hes a villain?? * The Blacksun cannon...it’s loading * “She’s here” I am filled with excitement and dread but AAAHHHH that was such a cute delivery!!!!!!!!!!
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xavierscos · 8 years
Not depicted: Any side characters for stories (example: Alejandro’s family, Traci’s family, Garrett’s old bff, Oscar’s pals) bc they don’t get any development, any fandom ocs (so, warrior cats and gem ocs), and co-owned ocs (Mattie+Mako’s kids, Sikey+Grey’s kids, and Ziker+Grey’s kids)
Here’s a small blurb about each one but if u want 2 kno more abt any of em, hmu! I love talking abt my ocs :”) ((not all at once tho u gotta specify who u wanna hear more abt))
Sikey – My oldest and FAVORITE oc! She’s the most developed tbh. She’s married to Grey (Moe’s OC); her age depends on the artwork (because sometimes I’ll draw stuff abt her from her past or even like future au’s so yeah. Typically in the late 20s – early 30s age).
Ziker – He was actually originally Sikey’s “”genderbender”” (yikes lmao). But his personality was like 10x more different and I decided “hey u kno what. He’s his own guy”. He’s a trans boy whose two years older than Sikey, and he’s married to Grey’s brother Gery (Moe’s OC).
Carrie – Sikey + Ziker’s mom! She got out of an abusive relationship after Sikey was born (like, a year or so after. The boyfriend abandoned her + her kids) but she’s been a HELLA RAD mom. She moved from Italy when Sikey/Ziker were around 2-3 and 4-5 (trying 2 give her kids enough time to learn English as well as Italian). Never really hooked up with anyone else but in a certain verse/au monster version of carrie ends up dating alejandro’s mom, Rosita ! idk if it’s the same for human verse (which, probably is I mean. They all have human versions idk why I drew alejandro/garrett/traci and banner/Oscar/Vicky/Adelaide as their monster/anthro uehguh versions when htye have canon human designs and actually kinda take place verse??? Idk I guess its bc I introduced alejandro/garrett/traci as those designs). She’s in her 40’s-50s depending on sikey’s age
Mac – another old oc! He’s mute and really friendly and loves jokes. Mainly sex jokes. Fucking shameful boy. Age typically in late teens, like 18+
Rachel – yet another old oc! She was actually just sikey’s friend and mac’s friend but ive changed it now so that Rachel is mac’s older sister! She’s around the same age as sikey
Opal – she has vitiligo and DID. She’s nicky’s bff and she’s not exactly that developed : (….she does have cameos w/ Nicky in a few of my works such as FNJB. Like I said not much of her is developed! Idk how many alters she has but 2 of them include a nervous jittery boy in his teens, paranoid of work and shit; another is an aspiring actress and loves being dramatic for literally no reason. Stubs her toe? Flings herself onto the table and wails a monologue.
Nicky – asHFDUF I had a lot of stuff abt them but I forgot bc I never wrote it down so they’re still in rough development. They’re a few years younger than opal, and agender. They also may either have autism or OCD (or both). I do know they like to collect items such as shells and caps and shit, and they associate specific moods + feelings with said items so if they’re feeling a certain way towards someone they give them the items
Mattie – another old oc asufdshf. He’s one of the most developed and he’s a BASIC BITCH I hate him. Ugh. Fucker. He’s boyfriends w/ Moe’s oc Mako and they have like 80 kids pls chill n slow tf down
Atticus – mattie’s bff. He’s bi and chill and a BIG BARA BOY. Trying 2 hook up n date moe’s oc alec. Cuties…. He used 2 have a giant crush on mattie but its passing now bc hey matties in love w mako (they’re.. pretty close 2 getting engaged I mean,,)
Sandra – another friend of matties squad! She’s like, the mom figure and codie’s girlfriend. She also has a younger brother ronny whose a PIECE OF SHIT its unbelievable they’re related. I love sandra
Codie – super chill trans gal. she loves to lounge around and helps Sandra babysit sometimes; she has an odd love for board games. What the heckie. Also dyes her hair pink bc. Pretty. Also she has a younger brother named tye whose the youngest of the squad
Reese – a new oc! He’s p chill. Screen gets stabbed by todd and bb keeps almost getting him killed. Let this kid rest he’s so tired.
Todd – FUCKING. MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!! He has a chest mouth and HES MEAN.
BB – a little SHIT BAG. Literally a walking and talking tablet who makes sexual innuendos and jokes abt porn. Fucking . aisdfudfsd
Adrien – adventurous trans boy made of slime! Said slime is flavored chocolate strawberries. He likes to go on adventures and has ,, cat ears + tail made of a more gummy material idk. anyways he likes to adventure and calls his grappling hook his baby
Tally – a sweet goirl. Probably trans I haven’t developed her a whole lot either. Used 2 date Sparta but they broke if off bc “eh we’re better as friends”. Makes a few cameos in other works such as FNJB. Bffs w Sparta and emmelie (chey’s oc)
Sparta – originally a tiger kid but, eh. Not anymore. genderfluid and LOVES TO FUCKING PRANK ANYTHING THAT MOVES, PLEASE CHILL TF OUT. Bffs w/ tally and also dating emmelie (chey’s oc). Fun fact I call these three the “Greek Squad” bc sparta’s named after an ancient Greece city, tally’s middle name is Athens, and emmelie is greek!!
Marlene – a luna moth trans girl!! Not very developed bc shes relatively new (as are poodle, Julia, bb, reese, and todd). She’s the Mom Friend of her squad and an elegant beauty
Poodle – a poodle moth trans girl. She loves wearing wooly and cotton-y stuff and her wardrobe is just. fluff. She’s really cute and a social sweetheart and is gay 4 the punk goirl Julia.
Julia – a rosy maple moth (originally based on skull’s head moth but, changed). She’s a kickass punk (also she’s a DFAB agender person who uses they/them or she/her!). dating poodle and ghost written by henna
Oscar – a trans demiboy deer guy. He goes on adventures with banner and loves nature and cute aesthetics and shit. Probably runs an aesthetic blog. Travels through space w/ banner + Vicky/Adelaide. Oscar’s best friend (also may be dating them idk ?)
Banner – agender badass alien. Literally made of stars and shit. Travels space w their best buddy Oscar and eventually picks up Vicky and Adelaide. It’s a fun time yo.
Vicky – is a trans girl and has DID. Big, buff, and loves 2 snack and eat. Adelaide’s best friend and also super menacing (despite actually being. Really sweet and gentle. A placid pal). I haven’t developed much on her alters yet. One of them is mean and insults everybody’s fashion sense.
Adelaide – WILL SHOOT ANYTHING THAT MOVES IF SHE’S GOT HER ARROWS. MADE OF ANGER AND SPITE. LOVES TO GET INTO FIST FIGHTS. U were scared of Vicky? Think again fuckers adelaide’s the real menace. Another trans goirl
Garrett – oh man please let him rest why is he always getting stabbed
Alejandro – oh man please stop this kid why r they always getting garrett hurt
Traci – oh man give her a BREAK PLEASE SHE’S TIRED.
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