#baby grill there are no gds here ( ooc. )
fiirecracker · 1 year
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drifter ...
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fiirecracker · 1 year
On mobile, but I wanna send memes. Like this and imma send a muse into your box. Do it, coward. Maybe a new muse even.
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fiirecracker · 1 year
genuinely wonder if i can go full sad with my andal lives au bc i have the normal Andal Lives and i have the Holy Fuck Andal au
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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callsign ; firecracker species ; half second generation awoken; earthborn pronouns ; she/her/hers gender ; trans woman sexuality ; demiromantic, demisexual class & subclass ; titan, sunbreaker, code of the fire-forged ghost ; istus, tropicausal shell
physical description ; 5'3", with blue-green skin dotted with star-white freckles. her hair is a pop of red with 3c curls, which she has shaved and shaped into a mohawk. her eyes are a brilliant sun orange-yellow with black sclera, though they lack pupils. they seem to shift in shades with the sun, and can be seen even in the darkest room. it does make midnight trips to the fridge terrifying for anyone who stumbles upon her. like most titans, julia is muscular, and holds a strength often unmeasured beneath her skin. those muscles are hidden and protected beneath a layer of fat, which mostly gathers in her stomach, hips, and thighs. her body shape is closer to a plus-sized hourglass than the triangle of most guardians. she prefers to dress in bright yellows and oranges. sometimes she can be seen without shoes.
light abilities; every inch of julia is a true sunbreaker. unlike most guardians, the titan is bound to the sunbreaker class, and cannot use any other source of light. this restriction only amplifies her connection with the sun, and leaves her burning hotter than most who wield its flare. her solar abilities bleed into her everyday life, with her hair often manifesting itself as her emotional state (smoking when upset, bursting into flames when exciting, etc).
personality ; to call julia "the sun" is simplistic and clichéd, but no less true. despite all she's been through, julia struggles to maintain an upbeat and loving attitude to all those around her. she extends a hand to the helpless, protects both the lightless and her fireteam, and refuses to back down when those need her. she is a sheltering warmth and a guiding light. with every inch of her, she is a titan who swears that she will be the wall. but every wall crumbles, and slowly julia is being worn away. one cannot pour from an empty cup, as it is, and she has been empty for so, so long. she peels away parts of herself to give others room. she chokes back smoke and burns herself at both ends just to ensure the vanguard are safe. she sees her brother's selfishness as something she wishes she could have, and fights to ensure that he can be loved and happy, even as she burns.
related canon events ; theo vesh is julia's twin brother, and the most important person in her life. she would sacrifice her light & life for him. for the purpose of interacting with @exilegend, julia is one of those who answered ikora's call and helped with the events of curse of osiris. generally, julia is part of the events of the rise of iron, the solo hero of the red war, one of those who fought to avenge cayde in forsaken, and came to osiris' aid in lightfall. for seasons, she dealt with calus' bullshit during season of opulence, learned to trust in the drifter in his titular season, joined hands with her brother to rescue saint during season of dawn, defended zavala during season of chosen, and settled into running comms/liaison with the cabal during season of the risen. finally, for raids, julia ran through several attempts at the leviathan, from where she stole her war pups.
tags ; | gen tag | musings | aesthetics | info | ic |
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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zavala has such kind eyes
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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hi did you know um
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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i'm going to break raph over my fucking knee
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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maybe i'll do an open starter tomorrow. maybe i'll send memes. who knows.
i have headache now and its bebtime. goodnight
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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puts andal in my mouth and thinks ab him
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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thinks ab julia's little gap tooth...
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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fuck it we're gunna pump out some one liners or short starters based off quotes from my favorite books just so i can get my blood flowing
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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due to having written spider pre-plunder, there are some headcanons for him that i've just incorporated into my portrayal that will not be going anywhere.
(some of these weren't/aren't proven false by the narrative, but i just want a place to shove my headcanons in this exact moment before i lose myself in The Deep.)
Spider is wheelchair bound.
during the scuffle with misraaks and their subsequent marooning, rakis was heavily injured via the now-kell's swords. his chair (both the one at the tangled shore, and the one has brought/rebuilt here in the city) allow for movement via the legs, and he is steadily working on upgrading it with its own defenses.
this does not mean spider is helpless, as we know that he is incredibly strong, even for an eliksni. he is noted as being capable of ripping humans into literal pieces with his bare hands. he has kept up his strength, and he won't hesitate to kill you himself if you dare make yourself a threat.
2. Spider is gay.
sorry ladies he's a man & nonbinary's man.
he'll still be a guardian's sugar daddy, of course, but there won't be anything romantic or sexual with those guardians. he can treat you right; it just won't be anything more than glimmer and platonic dinners and plotting.
3. Rakis has chronic health problems/pain.
Most likely due to the way he grew up + the marooning + the stabbing and subpar ether, his lungs (or rather, the eliksni equivalent of it) are not the best. Though he does not let his guard down around others, those who are able to get close when he is relaxed or asleep can note the wheezing and coughing. Extreme bursts of adrenaline (fighting, fleeing, etc) will leave him exhausted once the adrenaline is gone.
The chronic pain is more like fibro flare ups, and on those days he is visibly grumpier/quicker to snap. Rakis really doesn't know how to process his emotions outside of the pirate way, you see. Piracy and mobhood have only done to make him more closed off.
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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bobbin and weaving like that gif of gandalf bc nothing can get me down tonight we got dnd and i've been going ham w/some partners in discord threads and im like WHOOOO
feeling them creative juices flowing with my buddies. best vibes.
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fiirecracker · 1 year
hey!! what's your hc regarding how rakis came to love human culture (art especially!!). i honestly don't know if bungie's ever gonna clarify where that came from (prayer circle that they do), but it is SO special and important to me and i wanna hear what u think!!!
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i think...
now, this is going to be partially headcanon based obviously, but i think the spider is a man who endured a lot of harships in his life. i know, i know, that's... that's really obvious, but stick with me here.
rakis and siviks were born in the cold, dead, vastness of space. they lived for a short time on their parents' ship, and then were traded by eramis to misraaks' mother. same life, same emptiness; just a different cold, dead, metal ship. they grew up with misraaks. they grew up protecting him, and making the only kind of life they could in this wasteland through violence.
they did all this as the first generation of eliksni born outside of riis. their parents, eramis, variks-- all the eliksni who were even slightly older than them had seen riis. they saw the beauty it held. they saw what it was, and undoubtedly the elder eliksni passed those stories onto the younger. so rakis grew up knowing there was beauty out there, but had literally nothing to show for it. no saved artworks, no photos; even their gentle way of life was destroyed by a desperate need to survive.
fast forward just a bit, and rakis becomes the spider. a baron, for the first time in his life. he has power and glimmer, vandals and dregs who quake at the sight of him. respect. but he is still living on this traveler-forsaken empty rock hell that is the tangled shore. he's dealt with humans before. he's been dealing with them since he was part of wolves. but now he has money and power, and now he has time to actually enjoy things, and give into that sense of hedonism that's been building ever since he could want.
he now has the ability to have something beautiful in his life. but it's more than that. because if it was just about beauty, it wouldn't include things like an ipad or books. it would solely be their paintings. what spider collects is pieces of human culture. and that's the important distinction.
we know what happened to humanity. they endured something similar to the whirlwind. a collapse, followed by the dark ages. things were lost; people scattered. but they remained here, on earth, and so things began to pop up. things that spoke of a colorful life before. things that spoke of humanity, and what they had, and what they fought for. a past they could claim.
the eliksni people lost so much when they left riis. they stripped their society and their culture away to survive. variks talks about it. misraaks' mother makes mention of it; losing the gentle weavers to become wolves. the eliksni are rebuilding a culture now, but it is not the same culture their previous generations knew.
rakis grew up without a culture. he grew up knowing he was eliksni, but not knowing what that meant. hearing stories of the past from the elders, but understanding that is not his life. it will never be his life. riis is gone, and, with it, the eliksni way of life. and that's so, so terribly hard for not just rakis, but people in general.
the want for culture is, yes, a very basic human need, and i think that would extend to other forms of sentient life. rakis desperately wants what he was could not have growing up. there is a void in him. combine that with humanity's refusal to break or retreat, and, well... it's a kinship, too, i think.
so my answer is "yes."
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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behold, an old man
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fiirecracker · 1 year
cant comment bc tumblr technically doesnt consider us mutuals but. i love the andal fit. tevis brings up his fashion choices and promptly gets into an argument with cayde, who thinks it's great, every. single. meeting, without fail
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andal showing up to the consensus meeting in his jammies and cayde just has his chin in his hands, so in love, while tevis is choking on his cig
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