#baby’s first gundam fanart
luckydomino · 8 months
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darlingpoppet · 1 year
✨ Get to know me ✨
I was tagged by @alibonbonn a while back (thank you so much!) sorry for the late response but I suppose this is a good way to reintroduce myself to my tumblr followers (hey y’all!)
Current Wallpaper: I don’t wanna take a screenshot of it since it’s someone else’s fanart but it’s this Hades Patrochilles piece by Zeyan. (are they on tumblr? Idk lemme know and I’ll reblog it!) my home screen is a much older eruri fanart whose artist I can’t even remember anymore :’) hopefully they’re out there thriving!
Three Ships: Patrochilles, Eruri, ummmm FrodoSam (idk I’ve been emotional about them again recently) also I feel like this shouldn’t be allowed to count since I haven’t played the game but I’ve been mega eyes emoji over FFXVI ever since I heard about Dion & Terence because I’m SO WEAK for any and all king & lionheart ships (these are all king & lionheart ships!!!!)
First ship: OH GOD it was probably 1x2, Heero Yuy x Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing aka the millennial baby’s first bl amirite folks? Wolfstar was also an early formative ship, from a book series whose name I can’t seem to remember now… hmm weird!
Fave color: mint green! I love wearing it and I love home aesthetics using it as an accent color
Last song: Mr. Kitty - After Dark
Last movie in theatres: ATSV babyyy!! I have half of that soundtrack stuck in my head 24/7 so any of those songs would also easily apply to the previous question
Last show: tv? I don’t know her (I’m pretty sure the last series I actually finished was OFMD but that was over a year ago and I still haven’t finished IWTV orz)
Currently reading: The Priory Of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (the real answer is “the Iliad for the 84847384th time”. I also just finished reading Plato’s Symposium)
Current obsession: Everyone who knows me knows this by now but I’ve been deep in a Greek mythology rabbit role for about a year & a half now with no hope of escape. Particularly anything Iliad/Trojan War/Achilles/Patrochilles related. I’m sorry for the person I’m about to become when Dr. Emily Wilson’s Iliad translation is released this September 😔
Unrelated obsession: I love watching ASMR videos, especially ones with massages, hair brushing, or 1st person POV where they do your makeup or give you a spa treatment or whatever lol. Also wood soup asmr! I also recently got into keyboard asmr and bought myself some wireless keyboards for my birthday which make nice thocky/clacky noises 🤤
Currently working on: a lot of fic writing for zines, djs, and ao3, but my main WIP is Where The Dead Forget, a memory loss AU Patrochilles fic set in the Hades game universe, which also has a lot of my own retellings of the Achilles & Patroclus myths woven in. The updates have been slow in the last few months but I’m finally close to publishing a new chapter. We’re still in the early game so come join me! ✨
Tagging: @cosmicvoidance @cottonomz-again @johaerys-writes @lostcauses-noregrets @zorthania @erwinsalive, and anyone else who wants to do it! (sorry if you’ve already been tagged or did this I haven’t been around lol)
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This Week in Gundam Wing (January 23-29, 2022)
Hey fandom!  Some good stuff below the cut for everyone.  Show some love to your fellow fans.
--Mod LAM
Duo Maxwell by @myshipsareproblematic
Quatre x Trowa by @kyorokyoro34
Other Fanwork
Headcanons and Discussion
Accents in AC with @ziggystarsandmars and @lemontrash / @travellemon (sidebar with @tziganecaffiends)
Other Fun Stuff
@janaverse continues to post screencaps of their GW Sims, so be sure to check them out!
@utamonogatari continues to share some awesome screenshots from the show. Be sure to check out their tag.
@incorrectgundamwingquotes making us laugh (Example: overkill)
Memes and Edits by @the-reanimated-bhg
Heart-eyes Duo
Trowa’s a Millenial
Don’t Cut Your Own Bangs
Epyon Test Drive
Duo is Baby
Blushy Wufei
Calendar Events
The so-called “Big Gundam Server” is hosting the year’s first server meet-up this weekend (Jan 29-30).  Be sure to hop in to join fellow fans for good times chatting!
@gwcocktailfriday is welcoming the new year with this week’s prompt.  Post your responses on Friday (February 4) between 3-5PM EST!
Church of Lemons 2022 has sign-ups open with @church-of-lemons! Sign up for a date between February 14 and March 6, so be on the lookout for a veritable avalanche of citrusy fics during that window.
Sign-Ups are open for the 2022 Lemony Shenanigans Event with @gwlemonyshenanigans.  Sign-ups will close on March 1, and then posting will begin DAILY May 1-31.
Sign-ups have just closed for the 2022 Valinetine’s Event with @thisweekingundamevents.  If you missed sign-ups, shoot @helmistress a note!  Posting will run February 14-18.
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enberlight · 5 years
What was your previous Ladybug(tm)? (You know, the show you devoted most of your energy, before you switched over to ladybug)
Good question! I've actually never been this active in a fandom before. I almost never even ship characters for most shows! But I adore the potential shenanigans for the Love Square, so Miraculous Ladybug (particularly the fanfics and fanart) have stolen my brain and inspired me.
Fandoms I have previously cared deeply about and shipped casually for include InuYasha, Ranma 1/2, ATLA, LOK, and Sailor Moon (original, manga, and reboot), plus Gundam Wing and Ronin Warriors ( Yoroiden Samurai Troopers).
I probably shipped Zutara hardest and am still a lil sour on that. No offense to Aang, he's a great kid. But given my age when I saw it he was WAY too baby for me to ship at all and ??? Besides, Zuko had amazing plot development and the whole enemies to allies to prancing around each other... yes. That.
Sigh. My first noncanon ship didn't sail well.
I didn't ship as much in Sailor Moon (I don't much like the Fated Pairs trope and OG anime SM had a rather blah Mamoru. Seiusa seemed far more tantalizing oops.) But I was ADDICTED to the show and the soundtrack in 1999 and thanks to Ethernet at my dorm? And 15 minutes per episode half download time? MUCH BINGING. (Trust me that was LIGHTSPEED then.)
It's tangentally how I met my husband.
I was into Gundam and Gundam OCs and AUs (didn't write em down though) and REALLY into the soundtrack. I still have some models :)
I did start writing an OC Insert fanfic for YST and hopefully it died with Geocities XD
I do wish I had my Sailor Moon fanpages though, I built a massive site around that.
Most of my fandom time in those was browsing webcircles and forums (and later dA), I didn't really make any personal connections back then. It was nothing like social media is now.
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scacao-blog · 6 years
30 days of Gundam Wing Challenge
Catching up on 12 days here (!!!) Ooops! @gundamwing30daychallenge 
Day 6 - Who is your least favorite Gundam Wing character? Why?
Sorry, y’all, it’s Wufei. He’s a little sexist twerp and the only reason he ends up respecting Meiran is because she’s not like other girls. I think the fandom pulled a Draco on him (is that a verb?) and made him more palatable, but his canon personality is total ass. His gundam cool af tho.
Close second is Lady Une. Also sorry!! She’s a psychopath!! 
Day 7 - Which is your favorite Gundam? Why?
Deathscythe can get it.
Day 8 - What scene in GW the series / Endless Waltz / manga serializations do you consider the most ‘epic’?
The scene with Quatre under the Zero system’s power and Trowa sacrificing himself. My babies, my feelings ;_;
Day 9 -  What scene in GW the series / Endless Waltz / manga serializations do you consider the saddest?
Episode Zero Duo’s entire backstory, which is why I’m obsessed with it and never stop writing fic about it. 
Day 10 - Which is your favorite OZ / Alliance mobile suit? Why?
For sure Epyon!
Day 11 - Do you have a Gundam Wing fanart or fanwork that most inspires you?
It’s probably impossible for me to pick a favorite single fanfic, but the works of Maldoror, Becca Abbott, Keelywolfe, and Lorena Manuel have had the biggest impacts on me and my own writing.
Day 12 – If you had a Preventer codename, what would it be?
Let’s go with raccoon, LOL.
Day 13 - Which is your favorite series uniform or outfit? Why?
Favorite? Probably the OZ outfits? Least favorite? The ridiculous Mariemeia boy scout shorts and tie combo. 
Day 14 - Post your favorite character quote.
There’s some really choice quotes from the dub, like “This is such a lame way to die!” But the winner is probably “They’re violent and dangerous but they’re all nice guys.”
Day 15 - Post your favorite screenshot.
I tried and failed to find a screenshot from episode 19 where Heero busts Duo out of prison, so instead here’s a screenshot of my other OTP (the imagery of Trowa surrendering to Quatre when it was Quatre who leaves his cockpit first is like, my fucking favorite thing, y’all :3 )
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Day 16 - Who is your favorite female character? Why?
I love me some Noin in all respects except her following Zechs around regardless of how she feels about the crazy shit he gets up to. Sally is also a BAMF. I like Relena, but only really after the first arc, once she gets away from her sycophant friends, lol.
Day 17 - Is Treize Khushrenada really dead? Why?
He dead.
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incorrectmidc · 7 years
50 Questions! Yaayyy~
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
Tagged by @theempresskaizer and since I can’t sleep (and I really love tagging games), here I am. Thank you, Ythmir! :) I feel you about your favourite pens btw. The only store that sells my favourite pen closed down recently here and the other store that sells it is in Manila. ;^;
1. What kind of food can’t you stand? AMPALAYA (bitter gourd). It was a traumatic experience. D:
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? if my laptop would just stop malfunctioning every 2 weeks, it would be nice.
3. Have you got any useless talents? i play three different instruments, and it’s not useful now... i think. i really wanted to be either an astronaut or a musician when i was a kid. dad refused to let me enroll at a music school in favour of a “more prestigious” university (parents’ words) so i feel it’s kinda useless now.
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be? ha! i’m an awesome procrastinator. is there even a word? lol. but srsly, i could be a good musician. if i just put effort into it. XD
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking - well, the concept of beauty is relative. my preferences are kuroba mario, cosplayers hikarin and syo seunghyo, kimura tatsunari, matt bomer
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? my sister and i used to sneak into our parents’ room and play with our mom’s beauty kit, like we would mix the lotions, alcohols, colognes, powders and stuff while pretending to be scientists and whatnots. we even tried to eat our concoction, to see what it tastes like. xD good thing someone saw us. lol.
7. What is something you’re proud of? i can learn anything if i just put my mind into it. i’m good at studying (my dad made sure of it lol).
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? nosy. i don’t like nosy people. i’m more of a keep-to-myself person so i really loathe these kind of people.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? both. tho i really don’t like to lead that much since it’s too much work. the laziest person i know is me btw. but i can be a leader when i absolutely have to.
10. What kind of student are/were you? high school, both the teacher’s pet and the kind they hate since i tend to speak my mind. college, i am the ordinary student who doesn’t have any clubs since it’s too troublesome.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? yepppp!
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion clowns. i don’t like clowns. i hate mcdonald’s mascot.
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? yes. kei tsukishima of haikyuu!! especially. :P
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? i don’t like parties. i never go to parties if i don’t have to. i hate large celebrations (birthdays, family and school reunions). i prefer the company of my closest friends and immediate family over parties. i only have 4 friends irl that i still keep in touch with tbh. on the other hand, drinking. i have yet to get drunk. lol. but when i have enough alcohol in me, i tend to become the philosopher. like, why do we even exist? are our existence significant or are we just a mere speck in this vast universe? yeah, that kind. oh, my friends and i usually go to karaoke when we get buzzed.
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? i’m not even sure i have fallen in love yet. i get long-time crushes tho. in fact, i still like this certain guy since i was in 1st year college. XD
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? the former. please refer to question 14 for the explanation lol
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? my dad tells me i have a landfill for a room. lol. i don’t mind. it’s organised chaos. XD
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy my room, on a rainy day with no one else at home and i have unlimited internet connection and books and coffee. and did i just mention i’m alone?
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? i don’t have one. not seeing myself getting married or having a child. i’m having another baby sister/brother soon tho so i think it’s enough. :D
20. What was your favorite book as a child? the two-can first encyclopedia series. i love the one that features the solar system.
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES A FIDGET SPINNER DO
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated fanfiction writers. i have nothing against fanarts but i would appreciate it if the same attention is given to fanfiction writers.
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? kimura tatsunari hehehe
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? have the time, and the money, to visit japan and prague. and then go to russia. oh, travel the world. alone. XD
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? depends on my mood. sometimes i just want to see the world burn.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? what’s a fad?
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? telenovelas. i wanna live like the heroine back then and now i try to forget all about it. XDD
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? kindness is something i admire and at the same time so foreign to me. sure, i can be nice but i’m never kind. i will never be kind. i know this person who’s so kind to everyone and i wonder what it’s like to be like that.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) i’m a hoarder of cute/pretty notebooks and pens so every year, during my birthday, my family and friends always have a new notebook/pen for me. i even got a fountain pen for my birthday last year which i haven’t used until now. XD
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? yep. filipino/tagalog, english. this native dialect called cebuano and a little bit of ilonggo. i’m currently studying japanese (self-study cos paying for lessons is expensive). i’m shit at kanji tho.
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? in the city tho not at the center of it.
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? HAIKYUU!! my online bff has been convincing me to watch haikyuu!! for 4 years now and i was adamant at refusing cos i’m sure i’d hate it. i don’t even like volleyball. but when i watched it last year, i got hooked. now my main fandom is haikyuu!! //facepalm
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? noooo. i don’t like being put on spotlight. lemme work quietly in the background.
34. Favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS! i love seeing the decorations and the lights. i even go to malls just to stare at the decors and listen to christmas songs. i even have my own christmas tree in my room. it’s a small one tho. with christmas lights and all. hihihi. and also my birthday. i can do whatever i want on my birthday. nyahahaha
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? i only have a plan when i’m writing. i don’t even know what i’m going to do with my life. orz.
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) yes, there is, but i’d rather not forget it and experience it all over again. i’m content with the fuzzy feeling i get whenever i remember it. ^^
37. What hobbies do you have? playing games, going to cons, sleeping a lot, reading, and writing. my only extreme hobby is going mountain climbing. we even went once without any gears. it was fun but i’d rather not do something that unsafe again. o3o
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? the ability to learn different languages easily. wait, how can this be mildly useful? or maybe change my hairstyle at will? lol
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you that i’m 26. srsly, when i go to transact with government offices in behalf of the company i’m working for, they always think i’m an intern. wth.
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out this sounds silly, but putting back the chiller part of the fridge. i dislodged it once and i spent almost half an hour trying to put it back. XD
41. Worst injury you’ve had? i never had one. not a broken bone or anything. i only got hospitalized 2 times - when i was 2 and 9, respectively. and both because of dengue.
42. Any morbid fascinations? i like skulls and blowing zombies heads off. my most favourite game of all time is left 4 dead.
43. Describe your sense of humor corny and dry. sarcastic even.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? in the gundam universe, like Cosmic Era, where people can live on another planet. i would relocate to saturn in a heartbeat.
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at being patient. patience is not my virtue.
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through an hour of jogging for a whole month to prepare myself (and increase the stamina) for a mountain climbing activity 2 years ago
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) the ugly one. i don’t really like markings on my face.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? for a pessimist, i’m pretty optimistic. (wait, is that a song? lol)
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? tbh, compliments about writing and work are the ones i’m usually flattered with. tho i suck at accepting compliments.
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you this is a fact. i have a resting bitch face so people often feel i’m always irritated/annoyed by them. 
you don’t have to do it if you don’t want tbh, but i’m tagging @lustfullyleocrawford @kakihoden @passengersaraht @emigotchi @leorysxi @oh-my-otome @spyroeden @acrispyapple @devanofficial @astridapples
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This Week in Gundam Wing (January 24-30, 2021)
Hey everyone!  We’re nearly through with the first month of the year!  We made it!!  Below are your Gundam Wing goodies for the week - be sure to show your creators and fellow fans some love!
--Mod LAM
The End by @bobo-is-tha-bomb
Characters: Heero, Reader
Pairings: Heero x Reader
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: reader insert, romance, drama, angst, AU
Summary:  The door slammed shut behind you and you took a deep gulp of the evening air to calm the sudden nerves and the terror that creeped up on you. You couldn’t go through this a second time.
Ticket to Freedom (Ch.10/45) by @bobo-is-tha-bomb
Characters:  5 pilots and supporting cast
Pairings:  Heero x Reader, Duo x Hilde, Trowa x Midii Une, Quatre x Catherine, Wufei x Meilan, past Heero x Relena
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings:  reader insert, rockband AU, romance, drama, fluff, lemon, lime, slight Relena bashing
Summary:  hey were your ticket out of the sheltered and married life your parents had planned for you. And to be honest, you had always had a rebellious streak. You needed the freedom they offered, needed to taste life, live a little. But when they ask you to sing in their band, you are not so sure. How would a neatly brought up lady survive with a couple of wannabe rock stars? You’re about to find out.
LAM!verse Snippet by @lifeaftermeteor
Characters: Relena, Mareen Darlian
Pairings: Wufei x Relena
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: slice of life, post-canon, pregnancy fic 
Summary: Relena puts her feet up in the Darlian country home and chats with her mother about their inbound new addition
Duo’s Secret by @idrawprettyboys
Characters: Duo, Quatre
Pairings: N/A
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: crossdressing
Summary:  Quatre walks in on Duo and learns something new about him.
Sticky Notes by @idrawprettyboys
Characters: Heero, Trowa
Pairings: N/A
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort,  suicide attempt, self-harm, self-care, depression, recovery, friendship
Summary:  Heero wakes up after self-detonating to discover that Trowa shares his suffering.
Looking for authors and fic from (usually) the 3rd person POV with multiple ships at the ready?  CHECK THIS LIST OUT.
Several by @idrawprettyboys
Heero and Relena
Heero and Duo
Duo gaining some weight
Duo and Wufei in cuffs
Blushy Heero by @alphaikaros
Three by @duointherain
Were!possum Duo 
Duo and his possums
Baby Duo WIP
Throwback: “Girly” Sandrock and reflections by @why-its-kai
The Kiss (Duo and Heero) by @bettertasting
Other Fanwork
Gunpla and Cosplay
Wing Zero by @phoenixbrightheart
Headcanons and Discussion
Rewatch in Quarantine, thoughts from @merlinistheredheadedstepchild
Gundam Wing Essay by @hacknslashprettyboys
Other Fun Stuff
Add this to your reaction images, courtesy @1-9-9-x
@incorrectgundamwingquotes continues to delight. Some examples:
Gundam pilots are pack animals
Meilan and Wufei arm wrestling
A friendly game of "never have I ever”
The floor is lava
GW Sims: Heero and Trowa became good friends by @janaverse
Calendar Events
Cocktail Friday prompts continue over with @gwcocktailfriday
Post your response on Fridays between 3-5PM EST
This week’s prompt is over here.
One day left in Month of Heero!  Final prompt (Wings) closes out today, January 31, 2021.
The 2021 Rhythm Generation zine theme will be posted on Monday (February 1) over at @gundamzine​!
Be sure to follow the zine account for more important info.   
Applications will be open March 1-31!
Gundam Wing Discord Server Pruning (February 1)!
That’s right - if you haven’t gotten wind of it yet, the Gundam Wing Server is set to do a final prune on Monday (February 1).
Be sure to review and acknowledge the new rules so you don’t get inadvertently purged!
Get ready for the Valentine’s Day Event over at @thisweekingundamevents​
No formal sign-ups, but be sure to check out the link to vote for this year’s prompts
Lemony Shenanigans sign-ups are on-going through March 1.
This NSFW event will be hosted over at @gwlemonyshenanigans​ and posting will run May 1-31, 2021.
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This Week in Gundam Wing 5-11 April 2020
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel Sorry it’s a bit late!
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Every Moment (Ch. 4) https://archiveofourown.org/works/23153275/chapters/56342722
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader
Heero Yuy, Reader, Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, OC - Character, Lady Une, Relena Peacecraft
Romance, Drama, Angst, Lemon, Lime, Violence, Reader Insert
You really didn’t want to go on a mission with Heero Yuy. In your opinion, he was a robot, an iceberg, and as cold as the North Pole. And you really hated the fact that people started spreading rumors about you. Now, you have two weeks to get to know him better, get comfortable with the idea of playing his wife, and keep from getting into a catfight with Wufei’s secretary (who has quite a crush on Mister Yuy herself). You thought you would be able to handle the mission, but a couple of alcohol influenced kisses really send your world spinning. And it would only get worse during the mission… And really… your careless actions do have very big consequences.
Best Easter Yet https://archiveofourown.org/works/23600803
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader, Relena Peacecraft/Quatre Raberba Winner
Heero Yuy, Reader, Relena Peacecraft, Quatre Raberba Winner
Romance, Drama, Angst, Holiday, Reader Insert
“How are you holding up?”
You gave him a dire look and showed him your shaking hands. “Just so.”
He gave you a warm look and reached out, trailing the callused pad of his forefinger along your cheek. “We’ll be okay. She won’t be mad.”
Your Body’s Poetry (Ch. 13) https://archiveofourown.org/works/20438891/chapters/56441821
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s), Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Relena Peacecraft & Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell/Original Male Character(s)
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Sally Po, Relena Peacecraft, Lucrezia Noin, Zechs Merquise, Hilde Schbeiker
Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), Slice of Life, Post-Break Up, Slow Burn, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence
Summary: Long after the wars, long after peace is established the Gundam Pilots discover one immovable fact: Relationships are hard work.
Stickies form Heero (Ch. 42) https://archiveofourown.org/works/19796581/chapters/56347720
Heero Yuy & Duo Maxwell, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, 1+2+1, 1x2x1 - Relationship
Get Together, Friendship, Eventual Sap, Eventual Implied Sexual Content, Mentions of Trowa ⋆ Quatre ⋆ Wufei ⋆ Relena ⋆ Sally - for now, Angst
heero and duo are in their mid-20's and are sharing a house. they are both working as preventers, but are not on the same work schedule.
duo initiated this unique form of communication and heero has fully embraced it.
Fanart/Gunpla/Photo Manips:
WuFei, Heero, & Trowa
Leo, gunpla
Wing Zero
25th Anniversary babies! (or oldies in this case <3)
25th Anniversary boys!
Zine Works - All the cuties.
Zine Works
Zine Works
Relena Darlian/Peacecraft, manip
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Grocery Shopping with the G-Boys - Heero Yuy, Attempt 1
Wing Zero, Epyon, Tallgeese - gunpla
Duo Maxwell
Zine Work
Gundam, manips
Zine Works
25th Anniversary boys, wip
Zine Work
Zine Work
Trowa, Quatre, & Cathy - Tro’s NB adventures.
25th Anniversary boys!
Zine Works - the G-boys bein’ awesome.
25th Anniversary - Operation Meteor
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Quatre ‘space heart’s Heero.
Head Canons:
Noir Detective Quatre
Mandalorian Crossover
Fandom Discourse:
Writing advice - Epithets
Heero & Duo
Quatre, Zayeed, & Iria
Trowa, WuFei, & Duo
Calendar Events:
Rhythm Generation: Shooting Stars, Celebrating 25 Years of Gundam Wing
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, April 17th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/615108959259492352/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-april
If anyone has ideas for prompts, PLEASE send them in! Our ask box is always open.
In need of SPRING prompts!
With the tumblr queue not working correctly... these may run out at the end of the month...
30 Day Challenge!
Day 5 Prompt https://memoriesofgundamwing.tumblr.com/post/614558663429996544/30-day-gundam-wing-challenge-day-5
Day 6 Prompt https://memoriesofgundamwing.tumblr.com/post/614647672163483648/30-day-gundam-wing-challenge-day-6
Day 7 Prompt https://memoriesofgundamwing.tumblr.com/post/614754284780814336/30-day-gundam-wing-challenge-day-7
Day 8 Prompt https://memoriesofgundamwing.tumblr.com/post/614824886163079168/30-day-gundam-wing-challenge-day-8
Day 9 Prompt https://memoriesofgundamwing.tumblr.com/post/614909458720669696/30-day-gundam-wing-challenge-day-9
Day 10 Prompt https://memoriesofgundamwing.tumblr.com/post/615021784539021312/30-day-gundam-wing-challenge-day-10
Day 11 Prompt https://memoriesofgundamwing.tumblr.com/post/615114288958406656/30-day-gundam-wing-challenge-day-11
V_V I’m sorry, y’all had to see that. Lol https://thisweekingundamwing.tumblr.com/post/615214648773558272/thisweekingundamwing-motherfuckingchrist-it-says
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This Week in Gundam Wing 23-29 June 2019
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Burn to a Cinder (Ch. 6) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18781273/chapters/46012186
Zechs Merquise/Reader, Treize Khushrenada/Reader
Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Lady Une, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei
Romance, Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Reader-Insert
Your path had been laid out for you from an early age, allowing you to move into the higher circles of society and catch the attention of one of the most powerful men in the Earth Sphere. As Treize’s mistress, you watch his rise to power and the disastrous war breaking out on Earth and in Space, putting your loyalty to the test. You are torn between your duty to His Excellency, and your unquellable lust for one of the top soldiers under his command. And when he rises to power in Outer Space, there is nothing you can do but stand back and watch them tear each other apart. This is no game of hearts, but yours is at stake, and the consequences can be felt for years to come. Labeled as OZ’s whore, you struggle to find your way, only for things to fall apart around you again. But then there is still Zechs, and the undeniable way he makes you feel…
Come Find me (Ch. 22) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18775792/chapters/46143193
Chang Wufei/Reader
Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner
Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff, Mild Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Reader-Insert
In a last, desperate attempt to fix your broken marriage, you agree to a road trip through Southern Europe. Just the two of you, trying to find back what is lost. But with so much anger and pain between you, is it even possible? There is only so much a broken heart can take...
Paradise on Earth https://archiveofourown.org/works/19410745
Quatre Raberba Winner/Reader
Romance, Fluff, Reader Insert
Maybe paradise on Earth did exist, here on the Grecian Islands. Meeting a handsome man is the start of a Summer Romance.
Fifteen Years After https://archiveofourown.org/works/19409629/chapters/46190347
Wufei/Relena, Heero/Duo
WuFei Chang, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Relena Darlian, Hilde Schbeiker
Rating: Teen and Up
Post-Canon, Post-Series, Post-Endless Waltz, Preventers (Gundam Wing), BROTPs abound
Summary: Continuing with established tradition, the pilots, Hilde, and now Relena gather together for the Christmas and New Year holidays. This time, it’s Quatre’s turn to host.
Disruptive Munsense (Episode 7) X-Over https://terrablaze514.tumblr.com/post/185807044997/disruptive-munsense-episode-7-x-over
Since Trowa and Quatre refuse to cooperate with a fellow writer, I've placed them in a complicated scenario... Disruptive Munsense 7.
Shampoo & Conditioner (Part 2) https://terrablaze514.tumblr.com/post/185919227632/disclaimer-i-dont-own-gundam-wing-no-money-is
Part 2 is up! This took an angsty turn, and some may notice one character is not his usual self. I'll let readers figure out who until the ext Episode. Rated T, brief mentions of pineapples, Heero is still knocked out. Grab your tissues.
Wolves and Lambs (Ch. 9) https://archiveofourown.org/works/13351587/chapters/46122862
Gundam Wing, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell/Harry Potter, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, maybe Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell/Harry Potter
Duo Maxwell, Remus Lupin, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Harry Potter, Sirius Black
Family Reconstruction Act, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Politics, Wizarding Politics, War, Disturbing Themes, Technomagic/Technomancy, Gundam Newtypes are Space Wizards, Family Feels
On the cusp of war, Remus Lupin discovers he has a son. Facing a prejudiced wizarding world unwilling to believe Voldemort has returned, Remus must now navigate his duties as both a member of the Order and as a father to one Duo Maxwell. Duo doesn't know a lot about families, but he knows war.HP Fifth Year, Post-GW main series
Fanart/Gunpla/Photo Manips:
Gunpla Master
Duo & a baby.
Deathscythe, mini model
Zero System Comic
Black Outfit Comic
New System Comic
Altron, model
Fandom Discourse:
Trowa & Heero
Trowa & Quatre
WuFei, Heero, Quatre, Duo, & Trowa
WuFei & Trowa
Duo & Heero
Quatre & Duo
Duo & Trowa
Comments by @terrablaze514, @gundayum, @incorrectgundamwingquotes, @tritonbloomakatrowabarton, @lemontrash, @bluesquishylemon, @milk-motto
Heero & Trowa
Heero & Quatre
Duo & WuFei
Gundam Wing + Text Posts Vol. 6
WuFei, Heero, Quatre, Trowa, and Duo
Duo, WuFei, & Quatre
Duo, WuFei, & Quatre
Trowa & Catherine
Duo, Quatre, & Trowa
The boys and ‘queer’ sitting.
WuFei, Duo, Heero, Quatre, and Trowa
Hilde & Duo
Sally, Relena, & Hilde
Heero & WuFei
WuFei, Trowa, Duo, Heero, & Quatre
WuFei & Duo
Quatre Raberba Winner
Calendar Events:
Gundam Wingo is a go!
Come and sign up for a card here: https://gundam-wing-bingo.tumblr.com/post/185466400076/gundam-wing-bingo
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, July 5th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/185931246562/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-july
For those going to Pillowfort, find us here.
If anyone has ideas for prompts, PLEASE send them in! Our ask box is always open.
In Need of Summer Prompts
Summer of Zechs 2019 https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/185300480931/summer-of-zechs-2019
Will be taking place July 7th - 20th!
Images: https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/185301190971/summer-of-zechs-2019-promptsthemes
Others: https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/185301477691/summer-of-zechs-2019-promptsthemes-2
Here’s the Pillowfort discussion.
Gundam Wing Unorthodox Undercover Work Mini Bang
Sign-ups will open Tomorrow!!! So keep a lookout!
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TWIGW RoundUp (April 28 - May 4)
Here's your roundup from this week’s contributors. Check out their stuff and show them some love!💚💙💜💗
This fandom is 50 times bigger than I thought, and that’s a great thing. Nothing but the latest under the cut. Enjoy!
~Mod TB
ammiehawk, Rescue Me (Ch. 2)
Rated T. Harry x Wufei (M/M). Preventers. 
Creator chose not to archive warnings.
Harry Potter x Gundam Wing crossover.
Starring Harry Potter, Wufei Chang, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Severus Snape, Lady Une, Trowa Barton and Duo Maxwell.
Mention of Regulus Black and family ties.
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Burn to a Cinder (Ch. 5)
Rated M. Zechs x Reader, Treize x Reader. (F/M)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Angst, Coarse Language, Death, Emotional Abuse, Mild Adult Situations, Mild Violence, Sexual dialogue, Sexual Situations, Violence
Characters: You (Reader), Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada
Summary: Your path had been laid out for you from an early age, allowing you to move into the higher circles of society and catch the attention of one of the most powerful men in the Earth Sphere. As Treize’s mistress, you watch his rise to power and the disastrous war breaking out on Earth and in Space, putting your loyalty to the test. You are torn between your duty to His Excellency, and your unquellable lust for one of the top soldiers under his command. And when he rises to power in Outer Space, there is nothing you can do but stand back and watch them tear each other apart. This is no game of hearts, but yours is at stake, and the consequences can be felt for years to come…
@doctormegalomania, Eldritch Holiday (Creature of the Night) (Ch. 18)
Rated E. Heero x Duo, Trowa x Quatre, Wufei x OC. (F/M, M/M) 
Creator chose not to archive warnings.
Additional Tags: Horror, Body Horror, Occult, Comedy, Eventual Romance, Post-Break Up
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner and Wufei Chang.
Summary: Heero is always prepared. Wufei gets a message.
@from-zero-to-my-own-heero, John’s Widow
Rated M. Post-canon. Relena x Heero, Duo x OC (M/M, F/M, Multi). 
Creator chose not to archive warnings.
Additional Tags: Somewhat Graphic Violence, Blood and Violence, Original Character Death, Near Death Experiences, Angst and Feels, Everything Hurts, Everything goes wrong, Heero and Duo can be romantic in their own way. The Author Regrets Everything.
Part 1 of Operation: Parenting series
Characters: Relena Peacecraft, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell and Original Character.
Summary: Team Bravo was supposed to have Team Alpha's six o'clock. Unfortunately Team Bravo didn't come, and the enemy decided on an ambush. Heero's quick thinking managed to spare just one of his fellow agents, while putting his own life in danger. When they manage to wake up alive, albeit severely injured, in a hospital, Heero has to grapple with the lives lost and, as their commanding officer, inform their families about what happened, all while grappling with his own feelings about how he nearly put his Partner in All Things, his wife, and unborn child in the same position.
kracken, Black Dog Blues (Ch. 4)
Not Rated. Duo x Heero. (M/M) 
Creator chose not to archive warnings.
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Guy, Heero Yuy (politician), Zechs Merquise, Quatre Raberba Winner, Wufei Chang, and Trowa Barton.
Additional Tags: Yaoi
Summary: Duo is a troubled detective who solves cases with the help of visions of the supernatural. Unfortunately, those visions are driving him slowly insane. Can his new partner Heero Yuy save his soul and his sanity?
@ladyunebarton, The Fundamentals of Caring. (Ch. 8)
Rated M. Heero x Duo (M/M) 
No archive warnings apply.
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Relena Peacecraft and OC.
Additional Tags: Hurt/comfort, Fluff, Parenting, Adoption, Children, Childhood memories, Friends to lovers, Slow burn, First time.
Summary: After a fire on an Orphanage left three kids without a home. Heero and Duo decide to take them into their own for the meantime. But this decision will make them reconsider where they are and what they want from life.
@lemontrash, The Result
Duo x Hilde
Duo can't stay separated from their baby for longer than five minutes. Also starring Heero Yuy and Trowa Barton.
Inspired by @gundayum 
Muses: @noirangetrois @lbro009 @angelsmystique @offspringchick29 @woahthisguy @doctormegalomania 
luvsanime02, Expectations
Rated G. Wufei x Relena x Hilde. (Multi). AU. Written for Cocktail Friday. 
No archive warnings apply.
Eighth installment of, Never, Maybe, Sometimes, Always.
Characters: Wufei Chang, Relena Peacecraft and Hilde Schbeiker
Additional Tags: Family drama, Mild language and Humor.
Summary: Wufei's not sure what to expect from today, but he knows that, whatever happens, they'll still be fine.
Rated G. AU. (Gen). Written for Cocktail Friday. 
No archive warnings apply.
Characters: Sally Po and Lucrezia Noin.
Additional Tags: Mild language, Friendship, and Light angst.
Summary: Sally gives Noin some advice, and some wine.
sageof6way, The Gundam Pilot (Ch. 5)
Rated T. Gundam Wing x Naruto crossover. Catherine Bloom x Naruto, past Naruto x Hinata. (F/M) Also starring Relena Peacecraft.
Summary: Naruto was mortally injured in his fight with Madara. The alliance decided to seal him for him to recover. The year is After Colony 194 Naruto takes on the name Darlian and fight OZ.
Shirakaba, Hall of Cranes (Ch. 8)
Rated M. Trowa x Quatre, Wufei x Duo. (M/M) AU.
No archive warnings apply.
Additional Tags: Palace drama.
Characters: Wufei Chang, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell
Summary: In which we find out what happened to Duo while he was in palace jail.
Skarla, Send in the Clowns (Ch. 3)
Rated G. The Avengers x Gundam Wing crossover. Parallel Universe. Post-CATWS. Written for a fan (birthday present). 
No archive warnings apply.
Starring Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Duo Maxwell, and Trowa Barton
Summary: Clint Barton had a secret, one that he had been carrying for so long that it didn’t even really seem like a secret anymore. It was just another thing in the long list of things that he didn’t talk about, along with his time in Korea or that mission in Budapest. The trouble was, now that Shield was in tatters with every third agent loyal to Hydra and being hunted like the rats that they were, his helpful support system had evaporated along with his second favourite bow and his salary.
tb_ll57, Whiten Out (Ch. 37)
Rated E. Treize x Zechs, Treize x Duo, Zechs x Duo, Zechs x Heero, Quatre x Trowa, Duo x Heero (M/M) AU. Preventers.
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-con
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Treize Khushrenada, Zechs Merquise, Leia Barton, Mariemaia Khushrenada and Relena Peacecraft
Additional Tags: Future fic, Politics, Rape/Non-con elements, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Coercion, Prisoner of war, Grooming, Forced separation, Established relationship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Mental health issues, PTSD, Gundams, Resistance, Angst, Eventual happy ending
Summary: Zechs Merquise never left OZ to become the leader of White Fang. The Gundam Pilots never banded together at Libra to emerge victorious. Treize Khushrenada never died. There is peace-- of a kind-- but how will a new world order shape itself?
TrenchcoatMan, The Heir of House Black (Ch. 35)
Rated T. Contains family and friendship. Trowa x Quatre (mild shonen-ai warning). Also starring Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. (Harry Potter x Gundam Wing crossover)
Summary: Harry attends Sirius's will reading and learns that there was more to the black family than anyone expected.
@tumbledrylemur, Killdeer
Rated G. Wufei x Duo. (M/M) Written for 2x5x2 Day. Preventers. 
No archive warnings apply.
Additional Tags: Fluff, Bureaucracy.
Summary: Duo can't unleash Deathscythe on Preventers bureaucracy but he can leave the parking lot a little better than he found it.
@wingslanding, Perfect 
Rated M. Heero x Relena. (F/M) 
Creator chose not to archive warnings.
@ziggystarsandmars, Salt (Complete - 8 Chapters)
Rated M. Wufei x Duo, Heero x Relena. Wufei’s POV. (M/M)
No archive warnings apply.
Additional Tags: Unhealthy relationships, Post War trauma, Suicidal thoughts, Explicit language, Sex, Bad decisions, No EW, Minor/Background relationships, Post-War
Everyone is broken, but maybe trying to get better?
Characters: Wufei Chang, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Relena Peacecraft
2nd installment of Chemical Reactions
Summary: Three months after the events of Like Oxygen, Duo shows up on Wufei's doorstep. As familiar, dangerous patterns assert themselves, Wufei's left wondering if there is, or could be, anything between them beyond self-destructive desire.
((Mod’s note: Promoting this fanfic again because May 2nd was 2x5x2 Day. So if you’ve missed out on the celebration, don’t fret. Check out this fic!))
@babygray-dam, Rough Sketch
Duo Maxwell. Line work, coloured.
@bluesquishylemon, Title: GW Colors 3 of 3 - Quatre Winner
Source: Gundam Wing; character Quatre Winner
Media: Marker on 11x14 Bristol; January 6, 2012
Please do not repost nor remove artist credit.
ChaoticAngelKitten, Kaito Barton - Cheetah Wolf Hawk Form
OC (Kaito Barton). Interesting mentions of Dorothy x Trowa, and the pilots. Based on an upcoming fanfic project.
Please do not remove artist credit.
Carol-aredesu, Join the braid troop
Starring Duo Maxwell and three more characters.
Please do not remove artist credit.
@cosycrow, Wufei Chang
Just a sketch.
@deathscythe-demiguy, Trowa x Quatre
^ Just a quick painting of cute.
Heero Yuy striptease (Rated E)
Duo Maxwell, with his scythe. Painted on iPad.
@gundayum, “Dude, you alright?”
Duo cries over a newborn baby. Duo x Hilde.
Bend it like Trowa (Rated M)
Ishida1694, Sparking Gundam
An interesting mix of Shenlong (Gundam Wing) and Shining (Mobile Fighter). Check out this Gundam's specialties!
Please do not remove artist credit.
@sobachalatte (via Twitter)
Just in time for 2x5x2 Day!
Wufei and Duo in Preventers uniform.
Forwarded by @lemontrash 
Rough translation: “Today is the day without acid! ! Moth Even if you forgot about your work, you may not get drunk but ...”
Please do not remove artist credit.
Yuuma Kamibata, C94新刊Realize表紙
Forwarded by @animethingsandstuff.
Permission to upload was given by the artist. Please do not remove credit.
Duo in a spacesuit, sipping his drink.
@christianmswanson, Wing Zero
Posed a question about the Gundam's feet.
@clair-audients, Trowa Barton
In his spacesuit.
“My heart’s been completely void of feelings for a long time.”
@disturbed02girl, Heero Yuy operating a mobile suit.
Taken from Glory of the Losers.
“Sorry, but I'm used to fighting myself.”
@moonlightsdreaming, Endless Favorite Manga
A nice shot of Relena Peacecraft. Taken from Glory of the Losers.
More GoL shots, featuring the Gundam pilots, Sally Po, Lucrezia Noin and Hilde Schbeiker.
Photo Prompts/Prompts: 
Rambo x My Little Pony crossover.
Idea/prompt by @elfbingo
Photo manipulation by @incorrectgundamwingquotes
Starring Quatre Raberba Winner.
@gundayum, Doodle Comic
Inspired by @incorrectgundamwingquotes
Muses: @gwkimmy @deejayers @noirangetrois
@lemontrash, Share a Ship; Pitch a Pairing
Fandom chat about “selling a ship” to prospective fans. Think of it as a marketing strategy.
Brief mention of 2x5, Wufei x Hilde, and Winterhawk (Marvel fans are familiar with that one).
Mod's note: I'll participate in this thread later. The questions are very engaging. I'd encourage others to take part of they’re interested.
Participants: @seitou
Reply to Anon
A remarkable response to a question about faux English, colonies and Japanese.
@terrablaze514, Throwback-post-1
Villains debate
Mention of crack pairing
Participants: @noelleian, @softnocturne
What we'd like to see if the series were redone.
Trowa and Heero
Relena gets pulled over
Noin and the Gundam pilots
Heero and Relena
Quatre and Duo
He Willingly Suffers For Fashion (Quatre, Duo and Trowa)
Rich Circles (Duo and Quatre)
Duo, recovering and high on pain meds
Wufei and Quatre 
Catherine and the Circus Owner
Tea versus Coffee (Trowa and Wufei)
On a mission… (Duo, Heero and Trowa)
Problem-solving techniques (Gundam pilots)
Rulers (Wufei and Sally)
Stop leaving the kitchen unsupervised! (Wufei, Duo and Heero)
When Autocorrect ruins things… (Duo and Heero)
Duo and Hilde
Heero and Zechs ((Mod’s note: This reminds me of a funny scene from TeamFourStar's DBZ Abridged.))
Poor Wufei!
Frustrated Heero, 1xR, 3x4x3
Wedding dresses (Noin and Sally)
Undivided attention (Wufei and Trowa)
Call it (Zechs and Heero)
Truth or Dare? (Duo and Wufei)
Duo’s complaint 
Duo likes food? (Zechs + Quatre and Wufei)
If half of 5 is 2.5... (Heero, Duo and Quatre)
Mistakes (Heero Yuy)
Smile (3x4x3)
A Favor (1x2 (+3))
A kawaii pic of Quatre with Sandrock's swords. (via Twitter)
Heero Yuy is in the Top 20! (via DA)
Calendar Events: 
Cocktail Friday Announcement, @gwcocktailfriday 
Post responses on Friday, May 10th, between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone. Don’t forget to @ us!
“Rhythm Generation” goes LIVE! @acworldbuildingzine 
The RHYTHM GENERATION After Colony worldbuilding zine is out!!!  To receive your FREE PDF copy, ping @acworldbuildingzine and/or @lifeaftermeteor 
Special thanks to our zine contributors: @amyole, @angelsmystique, @burningwreckage, Cirno Avery, @clair-audients, @fadedsepiascribbles, @from-zero-to-my-own-heero, @greenriderglen, @incorrectgundamwingquotes, @lemontrash, @lifeaftermeteor, @noirangetrois, @offspringchick29, @seitou, @spelon-berry, and @terrablaze514. Without your efforts and dedication, this wouldn't be possible - but you did it! Treat yourselves to something special.♥️
@gundam-wing-bingo, Trope/Kink Masterlist
Our Master List is at 100! The questionnaire for choosing your cards will be completed before long, and then we’ll get these prompt shindigs going!
You can see some card examples here. Note however, that they are NOT entirely correct.
Theme Selection (Mini Bang) @thisweekingundamevents 
It seems we have a winner! The theme for our soon-to-be Mini Bang will be Unorthodox Undercover Work!
Mini Bang Dates (poll) < Please cast your vote if you haven't done so already. (Google Form included)
Mini Bang Rules
Animated Music Videos:
Quatre Raberba Winner, My Love by @clore1411
        * Via AdminRen on this Gundam Wing Facebook group.
Gundam Pilots as Aliens by @seitoushin
Duo is the Duolingo owl by @theresareasonforthiswritingblog
Refer to the tags.
GW Characters as Animals 
Pet Names 
The Gundam Boys Go To Therapy 
Memes (hehehe!):
No one vs author by @janaverse 
Children yelling, “McDonald's!” by @gundaaamn
Quatre as Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons 
@christianmswanson, Wing Zero
Brass cooperates
Brass attempt #2
Progress report
@hcgunpla, Velcro patches 
Etsy shop with embroidery is now open!
Radio Meteor - Chapter 6 - Odamaki 
The transcripts for Radio Meteor episodes 6 and 7 by the smooth and savvy @noirangetrois are now up and live on AO3, and the radio meteor website in due course. Go check em out!!
Episode 12 - Bewildered Warriors - Radio Meteor 
A podcast on Anchor. Check it out!
@terrablaze514 - GW Masterlist Page 
@theresareasonforthiswritingblog - GW Writing Collection 
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This Week in Gundam Wing (October 7-13)
GW Tumblr Fandom,
Here’s your weekly round-up from the folks at TWIGW!  Be sure to show your creators some love.  <333
--Mod LAM
Texts from the Gundam Kids by @skullqueensart
Pairings: N/A (Pilot / original female characters)
Characters: Adrian Yuy (OC), Riki Maxwell (OC), Fuujo Chang (OC)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tag / Warnings: N/A
Summary:  Reasons why these three can't be left alone. For @gwoc-october
Tell Me Again by @helmistress
Pairings: N/A
Characters: Wufei Chang, Krysta Yuy (OC)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tag / Warnings: N/A
Summary: WuFei retells a tale for his 'niece'. Older work for @gwoc-october prompt, “Stories from your OC’s Childhood”
Kinktober 2018 by @luvsanime02
Pairings: Multiple (M/M, F/F, M/F)
Characters: Multiple
Rating: Explicit
Tag / Warnings: Link above directs to AO3 series page where you can review specific details - including tags and warnings - for individual installments
Summary: 2018 Kinktober collection 
Ghost Hunt WIP Preview #1 by @lifeaftermeteor / @gw-horror
Pairings: General (Heero/Duo and Wufei/Relena for story)
Characters: Trowa, Quatre, Relena, Wufei, Hilde
Rating: Teen and Up
Tag / Warnings: N/A
Summary: LAM!verse-compliant pseudo-sidefic, in AC 210 the group convenes in the Appalachian back country to do a ghost hunt in an abandoned hospital.  They quickly discover they may have bitten off more than they can chew.
Ghost Hunt WIP Preview #2 by @lifeaftermeteor / @gw-horror
Pairings: N/A
Characters: Trowa Barton, Wufei Chang
Rating: Teen and Up
Tag / Warnings: N/A
Summary: Trowa is not helping
LAM!verse Snippet Saturday by @lifeaftermeteor
Pairings: General (Heero/Duo)
Characters: Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton
Rating: Teen and Up
Tag / Warnings: N/A
Summary: Heero has decided he’s going to get a tattoo
Dorothy by @risingwinter
Two by @lemontrash
Trowa Troll 
Inktober Prompt 11 (Dorothy)
Gundam Illustration by @blondehare
Lia Maxwell by @liaamari17 for @gwoc-october
Several by @gundam-wing-crossovers
Heero and Relena as the Black Paladin and Princess Allura
Galra Wufei
Trowa as the Blue Paladin
Two by @duointherain
Duo Bites a Fist 
Duo Maxwell ​
Leave You Here (Wufei) by @pazsune
Mod Note: this one’s not technically from this week - or even this month - but we missed it the first go-round.  Wanted to include it!
Other Fandom Works (Cosplay, Gunpla, Scans, etc.)
Duo Maxwell Cosplay by @duosnackwell
Nataku Gundam EW Gunpla by @glxyranger
HG Leo Gunpla by @waywarddoodles
Gundam Wing / Akira Comparison by @the-ephemeral-bhg
GOL Deathscythe Scan by @ransomedbard
Coffee Mug Thread started by @peachandbetty​
Quattrino Ribena by @operaofthewasteland​ courtesy @official-char-aznable​
Halloween Headcanons by @robo-rad
Heero is Banned from Office Pranks by @peachandbetty
Other OC October Prompt Responses
Childhood Stories by @graydama
Childhood Stories by @lifeaftermeteor
Heero and Duo (1x2) by @incorrectgwquotes​
By @incorrectgundamwingquotes
Heero and Duo on dates, hurt/comfort, at McD’s drive-thru, frowns, dirty pictures, annoyance, status report, getting married, in comparison (1x2, 3x4), rescue from drowning, paper cuts, and descriptions
Heero and Trowa on swear words, like the ocean, sports, coffee
Heero and Quatre on splitting up, ideal hugs, feelings (with Trowa), and skipping stones
Heero and Wufei on control, bickering (with Quatre), and it was a bet
Heero on life thus far, Quatre’s qualifications, and Relena’s crush
Heero and Dorothy on Relena
Duo and Trowa on Heero, ghost broccoli, sarcasm, life direction, dumpster diving, and going to the hospital
Duo and Quatre on tea, texting (with Trowa), well-equipped, leather jackets, friendship, swearing, dueling biotics, childhood fantasies, spa days, and shopping for chips
Duo and Wufei on hurt/comfort, hot chocolate musings, Christmas gifts, and casting blame
Duo the escapee, life mottos (with Hilde and Howard), deals with Trowa, baby oil, judgment calls (with Quatre and Heero), personal space (with Wufei), being bisexual, life advice (with Mariemaia), utility of an alias
Duo and Hilde on moral support and squid wrestling
Trowa and Quatre on friends and husbands, marriage, with Rashid, and card games
Trowa and Wufei on being perceptive
Trowa on insomnia and prisoners
Quatre on synchronizing watches, best qualities, Trowa, stolen pens (with the others), and Duo
Quatre and Wufei on Zechs
Quatre and Dorothy on good jobs and hurt feelings
Wufei and Sally on being rude, stupid debates, anger issues, and personal space
Wufei on the blade, fighting in a dress (with Noin and Heero), motivational speaker, friendship, and jellyfish stings
Relena on the pilots
Relena and Heero on clear communication and on Zechs
Relena and Noin on Heero and naming conventions
Relena and Duo on prom invitations
Relena and Dorothy on being liked, having a permit, and killers
Relena and Zechs on Heero (1xR) and raising siblings
Cathy on Trowa
Sally with Noin on knowing, with Duo and Wufei on Cheerios, with Wufei on height, and with Heero on garbage day
Zechs on Noin and pilots’ orientations
Une with Duo on cake, with Wufei on history lessons, with Heero on maintaining control, with the others regarding a broken coffee pot, and with Zechs on Heero
Calendar Events
Cocktail Fridays with @gwcocktailfriday
Post responses on Friday between 3-5PM
You can get the prompt for October 19 over here
OC October is ongoing with @gwoc-october
Responses referenced above, but you can check out the prompt calendar over here.
Current Prompt: OC’s family (or lack thereof)
A month of spooky shenanigans is ongoing at @gw-horror
The next Meet Up on the GW Discord Server is tentatively planned for November.  
Dates TBD.  More details to follow over at @lifeaftermeteor​
Heero Yuy Month is slated for January 2019 again this year! 
Stay tuned for more details
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